the acton fvee press oaswrta ttn miiimiimr mn iiiin zanl woi ibtmimni v mcchitaan asfanor- off b4w bm mud jwwfit joifftr airiaia aat teaa brtnr b ikewtctmnattf 431 wa saamwal taaar ii iihmj tn rqcvtiiuai tfta- art ctaa aavfl wflw- 9 ann aaadl ipjaa and ami jmfl -u- aftuw bale blu owoi land aifac rauoib xftianll aaabl jwaa i jmiif butasjhro bun tkarav ma- 1 undnd tar uaovataia oinswir sat ttmuftlt wuda sana aa in ntt 2jmi lie a fattgallqe jmoku raae mr aa hn ijnr mai um mr aa mm frem bsea- id n a bua i li saeaat mr mm wajaer ni mdl beef mr mv kiuvaan mr jara crmaall mr aa4 mr jaa llamran mr aad mjn a jwae mum aad blm first elwlion urn since- 19s9 s- for council mlwrituauatid ffraaa fapt oael aartuan rand can eavt itamiirj ban ml m tartar a wwwteultc 2w pair of jrjlj 3t dour of aaracs 4 ftufoftav bctf laa4s mskd 31 1b ehriatfi thr rtrturaa off the futlk viirtar laaai tfce otatnastwj tlafhltr ajlvcw boatiiaciw boaladcs an j what isidck that jakotyp lajra ifta a wafa law cvaanav tasmi first onrwu ofaffarfma truuvs b nvfa oar dnl from apta- feo swsrodbjonrr liar tai4 ha hf baonrtinfc tanc flta fum taunt- tirc- uluwt 9uim9 lvptto sjg ablfa th ihauflnt tor- and iietnd ammanfe rjvant 1r mncmtt bhat oqju b3j3j of dopm of tko fte pcxac lass wril cud not teac the draund boil ration jquwt osl a limitd famaalnr of cviira c4g4fll mr juan ps4cv tarld a borthday hs h ganonj w cutiarn taf artaol hbw kotjibjwi of al miltvtts in wuhb m gvkdbml ir hivttvx teilb axl bmuiamliikliuai totf fnaahib of mr vxwou nr llr trffl ibm- kmputtulaibil of o4f ooobbtuii wwmtl ulr ijfb rsw hand mjnnta o llm- ooaulr- it- rusiuirb bakd pjlmndl km hum for taan tulklibtl of ihr ioic ktonr imul ii- tekmbc nsfal km hjhonrb iumi in but avfmiuf earnl ibw bdl ba 0 tusarrkl aw4 of term kiduwmkl ondl sfl bv4 orf kbea djnkin lud an tavtl at 12 k5 ibr ooofmnatlton of ckminrml iuki of- hwnai kn like iotk of hxi dkrfskrimmll c c kulomiii mpgiwhuldl ihh uaf ka laaninalwa kuul bwiwmmind hi iilluiortai lo otmalnut ik offftrw takd of ibr oli tdhxhr bit alv towo i tutd and lahl and rottipli- tau- couarrilkar oojlkcai on ww thoea oi niaiuiac famt a council wial iscian and itaod be teould br woud lo br bralra b n of lbr couliil kotf ibr ooior a dglb chiuiun of dbr shhaol leoavl c3ir an oulliimt of ibr rok aoraeuplubrd a the srnool dunnf ibr ipatu iwo il tlmw had brwn kv toaora and kmprouvnkrnl of lb building r ha uta wwfc 4 i in ji r mnrarljbkir aff ibr pamkr uibkb- mitw clmlinaa mi tatftalf f cfct- jajai c hajajam gnw bitawwal m nh mar itjfena aawl waawwaatcb dktt- aolunrafta lie tm af atilrx ww f rmtwn car bar ti at law wartt plwi- an tar taw fftwar airahaj btr llaa at tw aflawjl aaaaor la br anciattaa ibr ilnll laaaaklal nist meeting of knox tjp heu this wkcsi vmxtx t off h- falferr mr ilorj j lauil 11 uujor r v of the work win door nm- vr pracv af ibr boeor of mr and ir john vi illuumon on tu yus lwrhda rndaj lnoivmbrr mui it took tbr ifonn of a fowl nips-ra- and 3 cursas i- powtftrnl front toaonto olrnanl- baiml bawnafvt ocprinc- silvrr ovk and actoat complimrolar further lmprov mrots w ronlrmplaird hut kam- rrrj b imrnl rrdrton like olh- r ipralmx he teas teilhof to tnsurr anj qumjions posublr about achoul mallrr llr apptveutrd thr co-otm-r- aiion of the board irwmbn officials tw itral rrewftar aariac nt knox v r s maw ku an hi aiaj lac gwnabrr 3sik aulh ibr aikdral boils bouuhmrann ba mtmukor mr tfconi koau naaiattird a dimrawuiaai on ibr banntaam of a vouag iviagaw vao- a tnririwiciit v tpiadr tean nfr- atalaxl tbr latiriittac kfurd teklb a bubtkr iniif and can- ukfjtast icp- nuanal vtr sriwv sauai vftraiuajc a wtalir temlr tank la bruffanl townd fwur imaw and ixl tmaadai f a ftn 3i toe averrelcnahlb wedding at bkidcs home neak bockkood a prett tetnter tetddinc rauund at thr horor of the bridrc juuvntx mr and mr arch mcmabb rockwootl ahra imnorc jratt br- camr thr bndr of ivrcj annrttr of ourlph or lfclor officiated at the crrmoa and mr charle urather- ston nepbm of thr bxidr plavd the j ardcunc musac amid a arttin of unk chran thrtnums and pwn frrn thr bndr u iirn in marrta- b hrr fallur irrtl in a frock of ire blur ctvm- vtilh rnibroidrivd snrrr nrckjhnr inmmrd uith lin rkvt bow chr orr a small oourtrd nal in malth- inc ahadr and a corsage of taksman xost miss emd mcnabb twin sistrr of thr bride was hrr onl attendant in j romance blue cwpe ualh lac trim she wore a lin hat similar to thr bride s and a contace of bouvardia- air ross ualtb of woodstock at tended the croom the reception ixnmediatel follow ed in the home of the bride a parents the bride a mother choce to wear a black crepe ensemble with blue trim and a corsaee of talisman rosea and bouvardia mr and mrs percy annette left on their wedding trip to toronto and woodstock and on the return will reside in the fountain apart agents guelph- for travelling the bride chose a cold wool suit with hat aad purse to match over which he donned black chesterfield coat the bride and groom visited the brides c in georgetown on their trip and presented them with her bouquet help wanted malt- or frinalr wliftlt or purl tiiiir ivviieruiiwd or iiicymriim4l tor eiilial work in woollen mill- on esrnlial wtmllon rlunkrl good wagt and condition national seubcnve sehvick rruanlon ontario returns lo pinal mollirr itliiidtd ter wlrm rvflty okmjkwv llaaimmil oi lalbn w i1 ij ii n ikr ila hw i lk ihrar wi bw k w itfl ilk im9l femrr mmd an mi ft- a lit ttrnmu l wai im uiaud nwi ska a fcfc k a goaa aa nil ka im ul la urf aa aaralab a mmmt traa ur is tlllltsjlav luxkmrlkll 907 ciuu into mnn ciomp aaai i im aaama awa cat i aaal 3j ln roar ba cflr aataal ltv hav awa alaaml a aailai f yau faal iailiillinl rt-a- bl xi wats to save one tom h w aa latajatrw halton farmers what about your 1944 seed grain drop in and look over ihe samples thc are orth ol our inspection act at once this is your opportunity alsopotatoes and amles milton district cooperative tadia nimsekies uondon cp florence horv- brugh paxluunentary secretary to the ministry of health said there are nea rly 1900 n a l in britain cuing for from 9qjd0o to ttuooo children un- phone 127 royal palace now playing at the qdelph theatres today and fumy donald oconnor susanafa foster in -topman- satvbdat to tuesday louise rainer in -hostages- biu bendia paul lukas tuussoay to 8atvbdav chas boyer barbara stan wyck edw g robinson in flesh and fantasy aaaiaabaai monday and tve8day ginger rogers in bachelor mother added feature cary grant in my favorite wife give rooks op theatbe tickets this cbbisnfas on sate at both theatres ttw ideal gift banktqf montreal fuuftuvd in ibi7 yt presentation in easily understandable form of the hanks annual statement 3hh october 1943 resources cash in m vjnhs anj money oo orposai wsali bank of cuuda 1 2277 j0 70 jnkkfck of atnj oicnich no otbrr banas 3o3o9oi2jd3 money on urpuuf attb other lunls a a 4tju7tullll aiimiau jumsjmi nw a dtt m4d gcntfinatm ami other bomi and drbcnrures 19946209 w s djtmt mjmt4i -jaw- taw mnm0 pmwtf laailifr af fxwmma gimbwm mj auraeuar ttrntrnfj mj fit mm it tfirni nvmmmm aiava auaavar iwjr jlaci stocks 3a5ntx79 fajaajmjf waaf ojw jmtfl kot tbtawcfag asarlnt swlaa call lom 22jd3wi99 in cuxsos 1 330133 bicwkwc- v a 18s2fl4fi afaaur jfuaj amj 4ymmmj 1 immjt itmvlt mmi sjlt total of oiiicaxv avaluulll resources l316lo17ll8 ftfa a s3j1 o mlmtitus to ibr rvalar l to ivuvincul ami muiuopal cruvcrnnicnts inciwluic school dntfim 17 conioictulandotlmaloans 2269j132 in cuuli 2i5445v7 05 rutcwimc f 105425427 tw muajit j mmtrdkmtl atmj otjkm a vaaaimau 4ximm4ml tat lib j ijmltmjz kinlc premises 154oojooooo taoi paptmsi w imtmtj tm tit mtmet f louimg co- uuari i jlfv akaf au- o jawi if tail u mij ly its bmi jijjujmui ioilisi 00 lavav fjla j iav- iaf bumlj pnwmtt h vuj4t aalf ltlj xijt 5i5400juoooo y tmtlajthmmi flat jutim real estate and mortgages on real estate sold by ttweunk 353727fi5 of cr ujlij tom j v cuitomcrt liability kinder acceptances and letters of crcdu 17jwshj84405 ttdpniwttt lukihtm4t of tmitami a muiommi of jltutvl of cwdmtdf ill- sj dciitf hjj xaw la or la hommt other assets not included in the iwegotng but includ ing refundable portion of dcmninion governnietit taxes 19547275 2487ox99 tasling total rcsonrces of 1313j064654ti9 uab1uties due to thr public jdrposits m05jb7479146 incuuda a l04dh57927s4 elsewhere 15901632 ivm tf jimumjl or fttr mtotu notes of die bank in circulation 9790i4000 fjyju om jdmutmj acceptances and letters of credit outstanding 17jo6bjri44jo hixjtittj v4iqmihilttet umjmwtjkm em bthaf of tuitomntrm ld otf selling amount mm rciotorcmj other liabilities 2jb97045b2 htmi ttot tmdmjtj mjr to fortgoimr 4ittt i otxal ijbbthtics to the public 123563132133 to nitet u bub the bant txds rtsoatrcts as ttidtcaied aboie amounting lo fl313064654j69 mtrmrimg m execu of resources over uubttiius tvbub represeuli the shareholders imlmrmst over which ltmbthlta lo the public tke precedence capital 3600000000 reserve fund profit loss account and reserves for dividends 4l433333 36 7743333336 profit and loss account profits lor the year coded 30th october 1943 after nuluas appropria tions to contingent reserve fund out of which fund full piovusoa for bad and doubtful debts has been made and after deducting pom tn ton govenunemtaxes anountioa to 2913 194q4 of which 16358 92 a refundable under the provisions of the eaccss profits tax act dividends pud or parable to shareholden 216000000 written off bank premises 500000 0o 330233419 2s6d00q0o balance of profit and loss account 31st october 1942 ufa- of rvofit and loss earned forwanl 64233419 jl23u8o94 187912 1 1 cfobge w spinney presutmt b c gardner gmnera mmmmew i the strength of a bank is determined by its history its its management and the extent of its resources for 126 years ii bank of montreal bos been in lie forefront of canadian finance business directory dr w g c kenney isa lo im j a mrnlarat mtw la sjana block mill stram ilk wat o cullen lmcc rmjorlaa pal tatraaw mhra lloursxt aad 7- am kac wii and sunday hill him aoar frederick stram rapnb a ocntab uk t ii wvlie taaaaj cfcaraa of ur backaaaaa practlca far laa imualloa rar taa fi atmn hani aja a a ol htk to kjuioni 148 ilk hugh t austin mill sliwl corner fjilck ailua flflke lluure axl am lo 230 pm r vnlnk by alfootnlraeiil ci- ii atiii hiani ha j harrmar aaj hatmlar nalary tws4i f ikvauar tf uarrlaje ijrnm tlcvkutrar f itirltut uatrtnka alha atov mlfcra xx atiail ummummwm lltl kl nni til m i amcaimin f ttmswhrntmr hurttar ntklaxy rttrlltt office ea- 1 irny kalrr ilulw aio kvrr r sriukar ir a ieliitiimiila 11 u acli4 i5 ttf rrollnwii hm iitti lliue a loii luivlny and ihutwuy i tn lu iu ia 1- vfliliij tat lturl vtrrrjuvaftv 11 o young vs rvsc erriaary nuraeaa olllr ilikville ontario iih m1ii01 iwrl i- o oakis vs u vsc rterlaary hura tuu mu ltkllfn klimn av hub a ion i iil- 1 ui kkai ktatk mil loljrhhv iahm al ncv lttw t imj olih kl aicni y in canada ii l olli kil lllli loiunlo jtrm luwn it prmnlalive ttuu iimeom lbmmi ororuwn ssi time tables casaihan national 1 railways ola unl 1 uutl nit sunday 0 01 a m isulurduy only idpm 1 ilully xitt suniiuy 7 18 p m mtmil y only lmjw am i daily ai1 sumluy i 14 a m j 1- ly r ut rvontelown uuily i xc it sat und sun t fipra hir ut iurlih dully x- rpt sut and sun 7 1 j v 1 joins ent dall ixwpt sunday i49am dally ixiipt sunday am 1 dally xcipt sunday 6 lo p m sunda nly hvj pin hi r dally ttru town j 3 p m jhr dally ut ujh h 5 p n fkay coach links 1 coaciiks 1 lavf acivjs i rjuttmund i ub u n dlfiom 2 0t p n fa pm olii pm ii5i pm wtb4und vios1 am yjlh pni u5 0b pm l7 li p m bh ih p m xll m p m a to iindon i b sunday a and holidays only x to luelph dally to kitchener sunday and holldaya 1 vto kitchener j a lo stratford w t paherson bo hpereallat la eya namlaallna las wtntmiam st ovelth raaa sim completely equipped oflleae balow haher shoe stora test qitaavtz cbvstaui nairobi cp search for quartz cryitala for vital electrical work li being continued in eut africa and samples from tanganyika kenya and uganda have been aent to britain for tetts