thursday august 1943 the acton free press paobskvatn mjuibb i hi town na am from may be very toot acfaool may not be reckoned with tbe great 8m you can stul to u d prove state ill to up untold the at every call value to your awmniwc itnsras aald of one of old from whence la he of nazareth oh my can anything thats worth a mite of cbme out of nasareth peoples cry whence has he letter from what school u he we havent seen him on our cam pus grounds yet none excelled him in nobility none spoke a language that was more profound tla not where you were born or schoold my friend that really matters when the trumpet sounds but this that you attained a worth while end and glorious rest within em manuels ground rev w j mark dd hanover twenty years ago fretn the issue f the ftee frews of latiraday anpttt icth iks a new fruit store u to be opened this week in the storkman block last week the town hall flew at half mast a flag out of respect to the memory of the late president hard ing georgetown heads the ii nit on unm- ball league they defeated uionte on saturday by score of 31 acton lost two game at milton on satur day the acton hansen football team played their becond game for the walker cup at cheltenham and came home with a score of 8 to 0 mr and mrs f m him arrived in georgetown from lou angeles cal after motoring 4100 miles in 21 days horn creelman at guelph general hospital on sunday august 5 1023 to mr and mrs c creelmun a son married smithharrison at the manse kitchener on tuesday july 31 1923 by rev j c lynn l clny- ton smith to frances mary harri son daughter of h l harrison acton died sinclair at barrle on saturday august 11th 1923 sarah sinclair late of acton in her 63rd year china russia in fall styles of north america the sunday school lesson foat sunday august ib god provides for his people golden text give us this day our dally bread matt 611 lesson text ex 161118 1736 exposition i i have heard the murrauringm of the children of is rael 1118 as soon aut moses and the children of israel saw the overthrowing of the egyptians in the red sea they sang a song of victory and praise they attributed all the victory to god ch 13 i21 but israels gratitude and songful spirit lasted only three days ch 152224 god delivered them again ch 1525 but at the first new trouble they began to murmur again ch 16 1 2 human nature among the israelites was exactly the mime as human nature is today men of all i nations and tnaligeneratton aro i far more disposed to murmur at the i substitute for beverage rooms an editorial in the midland free pieas herald liquor in ontario seems to be al most out of hand said a travelling man the other day t have just re turned from a trip which took me from coast to coast and in no other provinces have i seen anything to compare with ontarios drinking habits i stayed three weeks in a saskatchewan hotel and 1 never saw a drunken woman here you see them everywhere ontario has gone the limit in making drink attractive to women and we are beginning to pay for it n a big way it is time we did something about it the sneaker was of the opinion that womens beverage rooms should be closed many a hotelkeeper will agree with him on that for hosts of them do not enjoy having women as customer one can pos sibly laugh at n drunken mans fool ishnes hut when a woman becomes a fcot it rather disgust molmen they still like to think of uomen folk n something n little ttettur than hradshlp that god permit to come to them tfor their own highest good l t fi i themselves than to be grateful for the benefit rf il i j i l traveller was also of the iuli with which he dally leads us all ion that it would be u forward step the israelites were much niore dlw- to tvnmvi lhl tah fth frrtm poted to complain at the privations m there would met in the path in which cod led u tmptiitum for customers to them than at the hardships endured l armum nm l themwlv in pharaoh service just ns many lr to wlllmi lm to io lt today complain more nt the prlvn- wt are inclined to agree hut for one tlons of god kervuv than at tin hardshliuf of satans bondage isruel wished themselves back in egypt v j 3 when people wish t bemud vets hock in egypt n lire of worldll- nvus and sin they forgot both the bitterness of the old lire nhd the hies- j sing of the hew they think only of the fleshpots and bread to the full israel exaggerated the enjoy- i ments of egypt they had not had bread to the full the man down in egypt 1 never full jno 411 eecl lh it was just a month since they left egypt num 133 cf v iv they had already forgotten all it miseries the murmurlngs were unanimous the whole congregation v 2 god mnnlfestiy imlme to ehforce pro hlmsr heard tho murmuring of lubmon nl trniont the cbllilren of israel ho nlwoyu ia no hopo b the bears ours i tnn beverage room for in response to their murmur ngs booi unt u 0midib o put god bent them the bread they desired j htuer m u pmco tu our ihliu so tmmy vaouidii cuutomer have now iwen createl that it would in intivosslhle to kin them out of huih imrtoontit mid if they had tq ituhd up to ii bar along with men cus tomer there might he mriny very unty kevae it would im had enough even with table and chnlr the language of the barroom 1 geneially not fit for feminine ear but when a woman get that far nhe in not easily offended the mot p4rltent of wo men fuhtmnenf would not bo deterreil hut there would probably le fewer new one now ub to a posulhle way of com- tint ting the liquor evil since it ik to the full and fed 4hem with flesh as well cf ps 10340 but though he gave them their request he sent leannesslntothelr woul pa 10t15 ttie following day the manna appeared upon which they were to feed during their wilderness opinion is tho main reason why nil attempts nt wiping out the liquor traffic have failed to date the bev erage room apart entirely from its drinking facilities fill n genuine woclnl need it u a place where men nn meet nnd chit with friends un straight and narrow is trend in autumn fashions shown in canada and u for duration clothes by dorothy roe af fashion editor new york cp wltlv all the fanfare of prewar paris canadian and american style centres hive an nounced their duration tidlioiictte straight narrow and kucnmllned the body basic styles for tall no the fashion industry answer o mw threat of clothes rationing by ttlm- mlng every nonessential inch from the silhouette astute designers have effected such vast savings of fabric that thereprobahly wijl be no neces sity for further government restric tions lets hope there is a rectangular look to the hew silhouette achieved through high xylde shoulders and pencil slim skirts one of new yorks key designers calls it the spy glass silhouette shows clothes that form a narrow rectangle from shoulder to waist a narrower rectangle below caemtse dreasee a hint of the postwar style of 1020 is evident in some of the collec tions such as that which uhowa belt- less chemise dresses as simple as those schiaparelu designed for jazz- age belles but there is an important difference todays chemise dres u carefully fitted to the figure accent the waistline with or without belt broad shoulders serve to minimize the htpllnc and the final effect i slender and flattering a state of af fairs definitely not true of the shape less potatosack styles that followed the first great war the russian and chinese influences he morning v 21 cf are important in all the big collec- matt 6331 the one lions there are tsrany high collarle ct his dally portion m the morning necklines and slanting closings such u not likely to get it that day as distinguish the clothes of hue i n water trom the ltock 36 chiang kaishek there are kusslan the people had already mutinied blouses and cossack turbans and twice ch 152327 16l3 journeying god gave them better f when conducted for pri vate profit a ut present there la every temptation to drink to exceas it would scarcely be wise for the government to embark on ualo by the gins even government commliuilnuk ure not immune from n desire to make a uood flnunclnl showing and there would still be it temptation to puli tutle rnther if pnlhle mhould than they ever had bread from heaven and he gnve it in abund ance the mnnnn was n type of christ jno 63133 35 it was a kupernnturnl gift it was from heaven a gift sustaining life but there wnu a difference between the type and the antitype the mnnnn nustnlnlng life for n time jfcsut eu tninlng uf forever jno 6k enchl placed on the quantity u one wn obligated to gather for him- nmn ro consume nt one time pos- self and for hu family what god gave m u m of rationing might be and we must each appropriate to our- y which would allow a man the selves the hrend of life jesus whom privilege of drinking liquor- but deny god bus given to the world jno 6 him enough to get drunk after all 33v1s r0 51 nhd for our fnmllle ac 1631 they were to gather n dny portion each day v 4 so we must feed each day anew on jesus matt 611 tho purpose in giving each day only for that day j was to test them whether they would obey him v 4 some of them failed at the very flrt tent v 19 ho that kept over bred worhui and stank tv 10 we must get our spiritual food fresh each day iloarded wenlth spoils both temporal and spiritual distrust of god lies at the bottom of gathering and hoarding today for to morrow vs 15 16 30 33 34 the mighty god of today will le jut as mighty tomorrow by tho gttt of the manna coil would teach them a man does not live by bread alone but by every word that pro- ceedeth out of the mouth of the lord tkut h2 3 visible nnd ordinary supplies may fail but gods word ahldeth sure what the manna was like we learn in veresi43i nnd numbers 117 h the people were not satisfied with the bread of heaven 4 num 215 and many who profess to be christian today are not satis fied with christ they want the leeks and the onions and the garlic and other stinking stuff of egypt num 115 6 in order to get the manna the israelites had to get up early in iwi 55 6 ho does not it 1 the mun who gets drunk loses control of his kotueu and wastes his money who it the worst propagandist for the liquor traffic tho making of had cltlona is what brings it into disrepute emphnhlu uhould be placed on con trol rather than sale it uhould im conuldercd u black murk agulnut an nd mini stmt ton when liquor profits go up rnther than down the govern ment should also undertake a very definite educational temperance pro gram in the schools and through regular advertising channels profits from liquor sale might well he used for this purpose since the beveruge room i likely to persist for wome time then some uttempt should be made to raise the utundurds of hotels which operate them there are plenty of cheap one which are nothing hut drinking hotels ami their llcens should he cancelled other hotel- might well receive a rating a b or c according to the quality of service provided for the public the rating should depend in the main on uccommodntlon and meakthough method and control of beverage handling would also count where temperance reforms nav fallen down in their effort to either abolish or control tbe trade is that they have devoted their whole effort to taking something nwoy nnd have substituted nothing scattered attempts have been made by churches and by groups of reform er at opening coffee taverns but these have alwny been handicapped mutorientarhead embroidery on they turn on moses ready to mob by the fact that they were more or both coatt and dresses him as author and instigator of alt j less under religious auspices fr- sureflre hits of the coming season their troubled it was none of moses gome reason liquor drinkers do not are a seoulntrlmmeil tweed suplt doing he had but acted r under ordjcare to have much to do with church llth matching bowtie a furlined ers from jehovah but it wasusetpeople and organizations opening of trench coat and a hugmetlght less to reason with the rioters thev public house which would provide an jacket in brilliant jockey silks woven were ready to stone him would be large and small rooms for meetings and conversational pur poses bowling alleys billiards pool checkers chess card and other games might be provided and in the summer time quoit pitches and perhaps bowl ing on the green there would be lunch counters and drinks but the latter would not be intoxicating there are plenty of suchsome of the light nonintoxicating wines and beers which are so popular in europe might also be served these answer the re quirements of the europeans who cannot understand why anglosaxons go in so- strongly for liquors which quickly make them drunk once these public houses were well established the next natural step would be the abolition of beverage rooms and a return to sale from gov ernment liquor stores under a system kurh as that which prevailed under tbe ijquor control act there art many objections to any such plan of course vested private interests which sell soft drinks run hllllayd room and bowling alleys etc would object to government competi tion there is no reason however why ln government owned buildings such concession should not be pri vately operated if such undertak ing are for the public good then private interest must not complain too much it would cost a lot of money of course but if there i one thing that is coming to the fore in nil talk of post war planning it u that government are to ho much more interested in the social nnd spiritual welfare of the people than ever before any scheme which will kuhtltute for the leverage room n useful institution providing innocent and healthful amusement and a gath ering place in which men can meet for an evening and go home sober would surely lie worth all it cost the canadian people there would lie an infinite numlcr of detail to be worked out nnd there would be much bitter opposition from liquor interests the day has to come in canada however when our gov ernment must tell the brewvry baron4 that they no longer have the right to dictate what the representa tives of the people shall or shall not do the right and welfare of all must come itefore those of the pow erful and wealthy few over a basic black wool dress fatebitten kamily pershoue england tcpffcnte has been bltterjothe amphlett family of this vofcetershlre vll- n the mother ann tmeochlldten have been pombed out of five homes the father is in hospital in north africa afteriloslng an arm while fight ing with tho coldstream guards mrs amphlett and one daughter were in jured when bombed from their fourth home the day after learning of am- phletta injury- s mev punuc nouses wnicti wouia proviae an i in his alternative meeting place to the hev- j perplexity and danger moses did the erage room cannot therefor well be only sensible and right things h took it to the lord in prayer ps 3j5 5522 he laid the whole situa tion before god and in answer god gave the people such a demonstration bf his power that one would sup pose no matter what the pinch of circumstance might he never again would they murmur god might have used natural means to satisfy their thirst but instead he per formed a mighty miracle ine very rock became a foundation of llfeglv ing water so from christ our rockq 1 cor 104 smitten on calvary handled under the nuspices of the church rather should they be gov ernment enterprises whether they j paid dividends or not in actual cah they would if properly operated pay hugely in happier human lives fmch public houses would provide rooms in which men might gather for all sorts of social purposes there blitzed babies find new lives in old britain with foster homed in country they have taken war in their stride and are turning- out hotter children kkoilothy roe atuumlated pre writer more than 400000 british children who lived through the london blitz have a lesson to teach tn canada and the united state on tho anniversary of the allout homlmrdment of london which tte- gan aug h 1010 most of these chil dren are still happily esconced in nurseries and foster home through out the brit luh countryside have taken the terror of total war fn stride and will return to their home after the war in most cntic as nor mal happy and welladjusted a they were before credit for the seemingly mlrnculou salvation of children who might bo expected to hear the scars of shock throughout their liven goes to the 1 km wartime nurseries of britain where nurse teachers doctors and psychologist have worked together to erase the horrors of war from chlkluh minds i war nurseries among the most successful of the group are the three hnmpstead nurs eries opernted under the foster par ents plan for war children by anna freud daughter of tho late slgmund freud and dorothy tiffany burlingham american psychologist from 20000 case histories of chil dren under their care the two wo men have written a book war and children which presents some slg- nlglcnfit finding from which ameri can parents nnd teochers can lenrn much the greatest shock to children in wartime ray the authors comes not from the actual horrors of air raids and the sight of death and suffering hut from the breaking up of normal fnmlly life children forget easily and quickly the catastrophes they have seen but it i a more berlous matter for them to readjust their lives to unfamiliar surroundings away from their mothers and father mother vu1u much of the success of the foster parents plnn has resulted from the practice of encouraging frequent and regular visits from the mothers of evacuated children say the misses freud ond burlingham nnd in creat ing small substitute family groups within the nurserleswlth one teacher serving as substitute mother to not more than four children streams forth the water of life jno 1934 that pentecostal river jna 73739 poured forth for the healing of nations woriivs ijtrgest bakery teheran iran cp allied na tions officials in french north africa studying mass feeding problems are looking into teherans central bak ery perhaps the largest such enter prise in the world employing 2000 men and turning out 300000 loaves dally if johnny conies home on leave be ready for him and dm leave it all tu the last by retty clark what are you going to look like when johnny comes marching home on an unexpected leave or furlought are you waiting until tomorrow to have that permanent manicure facial and pedicure to celebrate your big night outt or are you keeping your shoes pol ished your clothes cleaned regular ly and yourself generally trimt all those pretty photographs youve been sending him arent going to bo worth a whoop if you dont live up to the lovely vision he expects to aee when he arrives it will really be no effort to pretty yourself when you finally get that telegram or phone call that hes on his way home if youve kept your self well groomed pity the poor weary lass who la go ing to depend on that last hour to get herself in shape now is the tune to take inventory of yourself london cp the victory in north africa has helped british ag riculture by providing fairly good cargoes of phosphate agriculture minister hudson said he described phosphate as almost the touchstone of britains agriculture production 225000 new ones 1 1 5000 gone it is estimated thai in canada a new customer is horn every three minutes and an old customer dies every five minutes canadian industry loses 1 15000 custom ers a year and it gains 255000 new ones who have to learn about new products and new services many industries and retailers fail to realize what this constantly changing of new and old customers means to the future of their business during the boom times of war when all commodities are scarce there may he a tendency to ride along on the tide of easy turnover of all the goods procurable but new customers have to he kept informed of the goods and services avail able if these goods are to hold the lead in the market and get a fair percentage of the new customers for canadian goods every year no better way c theres no better way of keeping your goods or services before these new customers than by steady and help ful information about your goods or store in the weekly newspaper sixtyeight years of service for and with acton and district and its everchanging population have proven the acton free press to be the place that new customers look not only for community news but the places in winch to shopt every week new folks to the town and district buy the local paper in the local news stands as a guide to this community in news and where to shop the sales message in the free press is the way to establish a firm acquaintanceship regu lar messages every week retain that friendship meet your share of the new customers every week