the acton free press jthumoay july zhkt 1m iieatt0ii3frrellrebb r llll taiaar a qaarle aa4 aav ailiifl aaaaul ita aab aaa art raquaaiad la oaa say tail to mamit balai wail selt ara uu aaaael lh lb ck glla la ilitrrllr advkbitsing htts- aavatkai aaj u six cm u aay rro a aolwl i al owcl r mu li uabuiir aliall j ik ill i uuliaa i lb c atu plad bv taa kui1 nor b to lb nul apm atm4e w uca a4f itmaml i auulf d111k ejil telethon es- kduorul a4 iuiwh ohlo ratldaaca vote anyway ontario will have an election in les than two weeks australia will also have ono next month in spito of war the democratic way of choosing govern ments must continue but in view of the war and the rapid developments these days the elections either in ontario or in australia are bound to lack the interest that they had when they were the sole headline attraction it is no prophecy to say that the vote will be one of the smallest seen in some time the election comes at a busy time for farmers and many who holiday will bo away from their usual place of residence then again there is not likely to bo transportation furnished for those not interested enough to go to the polls without u car ride gasoline coupons are too scarce for that in the last provincial election in hulton there were 14057 votes cast perhaps the centres from which the candidate comes have a local appeal but in this northern end of halton uny of that interest is lacking because all the candidates have only un election time acquaintanceship while the issues seem to bo sufficient if counted one by one they have failed to develop enthusiasm and are looked upon mostly as voto catchers the news that seems uppermost in the public mi nil arc the fronts in sicily and russia these are the headlines and these are the centres of interest it behooves every citizen however to cast a vote only in that tfav can your opinion be expressed according to our present arrangements ontario must have a gov crnment it is to be hoped that the election gives us one with sufficient majority to carry on and do its share in bringing unity of purpose of all can ada toward victory i a sport the leaven a touch of aport makes the whole world kin on that basis at least britain the dominions and the jjnitcd states should be drawn closer together after the war trevor wignall london sports columnist well- known on this side of the ocean recently called at tention to the interest being shown by british sports fans in baseball and hockey games played overseas by canadian and american soldiers who in turn arc rapidly acquiring a knowledge of the fine points of soccer rugger and cricket and on this side of the atlantic in a lesser degree the same is true with british lads undergoing training in various parts of the united states and canada there is nothing fanciful in the belief that dom inion relations would be given a real lift if canada got on the international sport bandwagon before the war cricket ami rugger were the sports that made for a real bond between britain australia new zea land south africa india and the west indies the day may be near when hockey and baseball enter the realm of dominion competition particularly with the facilities to be provided by air transportation an international hockey match between canada and scotland at toronto or glasgow would do more to foster good relations than a score of goodwill tours an international soccer match at winnipeg melbourne or cape town would have the same ef fect don bradataa and other australian cricket stars and down under knowledge of english players was just as wide it doesnt require a big stretch of imagination to think that before many years have passed some budding eddie shore or syl appa might be as weltknown in britain as uradrnan or that some welsh youngateroow just learning to skater might be in the running for a place on an international all- star hockey team v aa out old cock cruua lie yuunjc one lieaian politicians seem to develop a alike as two peas weve heard a good deal about plalfdnna and points and what new parties are going to do if the reins of power are just given over to thcui for lie neat few years docsut matter so much how its going to bo done but the folks are ckptcicd tu believe the election promises will lie fulfilled down at milton last week a lady of tin audicinu uikcvl e ii julliffo this question i would like to know how the ccf stands on the liquor question it seemed a simple enough question and surely any platform with so niuili reform as the cch would have an answer for such a question here is the answer uiven by this leader as re ported in the daily press our pcescnt system is not so much controlled us it is a sales organization mr jolliffe explained we believe the manufacture of liquor should be socialized i do not think it should bo prohibited unless askdj for by the people there should also be constructive scientific educational work instituted in connection with alcohol we didnt think a party and u leader so fresh and pure would have developed such an evasive policy so soon perhaps the leader elaborated more lully than the report shows but failing any other ex planation what policy docs mr jolliffes answer con vey for a parly that sets out to clean up the tjr ible old parties the answer to a fair question is cer tainly pretty well camouflaged to catch all votes its the same platform for the other parties we presume only we havent heard of uny of the other leaders being put on the spot as mr jolliffe was ut milton we agree that this answer has made the cck platform on the liquor question just us clear us mud the manufacture is partly socialized now would mr joliffe if elected give people u chance to express their opinion on needed changes in the dis tribution of iutoxicuting beverages would he take purt of the revenue und curry on the scientific edu cational work he says should he instituted and what effect is sclcntitic educational work going to have among folks whoso common cnsc doesnt tell them that iutoxicuting liquor in excess is liurm- lul to their health v out of season a ycur ugo it wus the owners of oil burning equipment who were perturbed by the fuel situation this year it is thut lurger section who depend on coal td provide heat for winter who arc- troubled there ure some things that the public can do ut this time of year thut will be helpful in securing supplies next winter acton it uppeurs hus always been in the habit of taking in u good supply of fuel in the summer this year some alternate fuol will have to be tuken to se cure the supply plan to accept delivery and have your bin ready it is also well to arrange before fall that a driveway to your coal bin will bo acces sible all winter of course any ono who can secure a supply of luel wood and has equipment suitable for this fuel would be well advised to make this their fuel and idepend as little as possible on coal deliveries we realize full well that these summer days one is not in the proper frame of mind to discuss problems of winter boating but it seems that in canada winter is just as sure to follow as summer and whether we enjoy it or not it is necessary to provide heat during the winter for our buildings v editorial notes govt to coorcrate to make feed grains available fanqera tu kastora canada wlio uiay tht mhtimid atmhit ttm kmf4 fur feed uralna for live stork next winter in vtow of im tatiimwa of flu hilling- ami omv fart utat in iieftalu itiutfiiia sptxllnit uf ttw uaual acreaifm ihiarai ftraiua eoud t lm eoni- lutl mi tun am aasuiwd by tlun jaiiiiu 2 mthmr tliat tlti aiw alii4n aumov of foiil grui in lall- hd anil lliat tli tioveiulmnt will xlojmlt wlttl uuttm wl mtv ill mm lb- ttliu iii smi ttult ilium fottflh slit luadc jivluu4ti ollliu uii on imla imily uilll- faimla und ivmiin nlul iiiim tciu will l iiuiliitalimxl for tlw fixitira timlion tuiltl mr ouiitliwr t lovi rnlim nt will iimluiuo to ay fmlllt ttmuklmiiilt irtl wtalui fiiil uovod limn blrt wilutnii i ul to ii- llimtloi- iii tuaatiru cjitmula and from ulii ytolntonliil wit to iehtliiu- lloii in llilllult foltnullu tllw slioulil luttvtnt rust of fiitl from llhlnif uitdti luivtt now ihi n nrovltuml to ovr tint iiirrylitit ituiili on u liuu lolun of fitx rulim wm- it it in ttom1 nil im novf into ttorui nt kjitttirn imtlnts during tint ttliitim i to ml na un imiiiiiiiry ivwivo to ro- vldtt sonif illf in ii is nt of lil- ultlllty of truntttortutl u mrvii to inovit r ifiuluy lulitr uu fatt us inuy tttt lulnt iralumm howv r would i wl udvimtd to liny fs dutlni tint mummir so tlmt ttiy ntuy itroliit tin ir own tntulloii llxt win ter iiommiih ucttiully throughout tutttiiu cuuuitn ur for u koimi inly irop mr tirlliir tolhtl out liny lii of itsnnudoum vnluit to kunloi fuiunrn unit with lint fnritaolni ur- vuiiuiiiifiits ulrindy iirovbhil for in iouinm tlnn with fwl urulna thut inn im nsild hy lmtt m furmitm to i-uii- tlt mt ut thitlr own honutfjtowit uut- lihitc fiirtiim mit uruttl to ionsltlt lawfully iwrort u4 miiiu on uny ro- strltllmin iturth ulnrly hi tin ir hou- rulnlni ptmikruiii 1ms uumt of ftttl proti ultm all llhlinlhitd ilitlnulltl oxutu ut pli u- iut for ull tint nittit dairy und mul- tiy tirotluitu thut furnutrti inn pro- ilius ills luritl mr omlliur in protllit uiti thfut to tint limit at thtlr lalior und otlnr fu thiy ini tiil thut tluty uiit iiluyliik uu imiuirt nut mlit in cuniulirs war iffnrt carrolls a i romar offec 35 c i to 11 ajai ukf m 19 hiaaimiltlruli fiitttitrm who litivo lu dii uu uhlom- til l luivliiu an uiitiloiml ntilmiil hliiihtnfl tor hitin ut iilmttolrri or ttlur iiochmmi uliiiikhttihoum u uu a hurro of infill tjiipply tor thflr own liftiikilmtltlff may ontma to do tu at cortliiii o an uiiiioutunk ut of tin frtoiln adiuliilttlrallon iiiim at lion wam iralouhly rolilhlltl in the oii- tlltloiim iiovjitilnu tin- ulauuittorltik of ltvo hi oik for any uikon who not tho holtkr of a uiniu notliliiu lu mt ult out hh himthtu an nothing m untlo ay tonl htruut li st friiiicls of saum mwn tea 44c tc 12c jaiaaa taa batu jul tvapau itha im4 mr ii ur wuot ckadi clteameji v butter c coupons i to 12 valid july 22 suoar w yallow lb lvi jars xos p c wulm hapklka soaf 14 httlsh httmk fatown iikiris 2 13c jiiky vaijcncia ohant- si- zhh op ihurn new ifltatfleis 10 wnd no frak aatj f miaa moil satwraviy aoaa aly ufjkoay soaf 17 jar mnos jo xse wucni ur rubbers daase unm pactia certo fcd xc malaa seals ioc 3vay pectin x pi zsc 8heixtox victory fly swats cotcitt4j bovril 34c 5c 9c crplnla4a flakes jz cull spacfaettl i- cowai cocoa t carralla bua powder u nuulaa bat cereal fir bc pspv4hi mustard clll mujr soup 7 oc x4c 19c x9c buaineas directory mbdtcai dk w o c kfnnev tuooeaaur lo ir j a mrlvant offlh in byroon lllajc ultl ttltmt ariim mflna riunaa f lliiataau is dh v culipn lmcjc jfcrti1aa azul tturaaaa riftlra lloura- 2i and 70 iu iktt werfniiadiiy uitd hunoay mill ull i near kiatlarlrk traat riknk iii iikntai uu t if wvii1 luuutii r iuiu7rr lit- lint italian a irmllto ti ii lumllto im umi frmtnt lfn lluun- a j to a pjn ky tnuraday ihiikv au4 hatiirday h wl i iii likil i1h i llbbys evaporated milk dk iiikill s allsfin llracaj huwtu mill mint i uir lii ii k air ijffltm lloiiiri j 10 u iii tti jo orn iviilitum hy aiittliitnlit tkututi tjuim c v iiiaihkkiani ha luurrblar and huuvlur mufauy inujo luunr of murrluutt llrniim ililflktrur ut lllrlld muiiluud iaatlia kvuth tirtuna tt riuiimia luaidawa 101 kknnbth m ianodon harrlafer salirttor nauury foulu olll- tornntowii ilrttkory mi ulru liulmg aciynovr t stynlli kb ofo ror amiliiluiituu 1lioiit at ion os or o ollown h4 olrttt houru at ion 111 iiny und ihuibriny 1 vi pin lo 4 j n ra kv ulnub tii ititu 1 vrtiriuvabv h i vounfj vs bvsc vrtrrlfiary hunrwii orrit llimkvlllti onliilii iikiihi mllltii 1 111 r i i f i flakis v b bv sc vtrrhmry kurhim orrit intl it ulti nn knox avmue at ion iliinit i l aijriionkrus 1 ikank pkicii i allrtliinrmtr mini autprrarnuttua cum- ulttrruil ijtit amurunin ro ilioiu 1ji larlr ktrant trorittowll come an effective advertising medium there is hardly boy or man in either england australia or south africa who is not cricketconscious english people in 1038 knew all there was to know about oranceviue is putting a gurbuge collection plan into effect citizens in acton were among the first of the smaller oemmunities to enjoy this conven ence it has operated here for over two years v the frik phkss gives another new feature this week it is headed a weekly editor looks at ot tawa and is written by jim greenblat of swift current it gives news from the capital in a way that youll like with raspberries at thirty cents and over for a pint many folks have sought out the wild berry patches and found they could secure as good a sun- tan as at any beach and at the same time make a profitable picking for winter use these liberal policies which advance agri culture benefit every town and village with the opening of the battle for europe the task of the royal navy is staggering it is a pleas ant fact that today despite casualties it has more during the past 30 years empire cricket has be- ships than it had when the war began thanks to the fifendous speedup of britains shipyards which built 800 warships during the first threeand a half years of the war and these shipyards are working at an increased tempo this year on august 4th to iifvr poilwor progrmu for your community and your own proipmrity 70 1u t te toteel keep ontario prosperous over 7000000 in honuu u to ontario furmtrt to tncourjgt the t reduction of pork jnd chttu n cooperation with the ftdtrjl government a bonu- of 4- per pound is ltihg paid for ckui wool a subsidy of v p- ton lo tuir beef grorvtr a subsidy on wtirn grjin fed in the province marketing legislation has tnjbled fruit and vegetable grower to get higher prices for thur produce the liberal government in ontario reduced interest rates on farm loans from 1 to 4 provides loans on flax and other farm cooperatives including cold storage plants reopened demonstration farms at new liitcid and heaitt instituted county agricultural war committees reduced interest rates on drainage loans from vc to 5 dispensed with collection of tax on gas for tractor use doubled rural hydro lines reduced rural hydro rates by sl5o000 per year and bonused rural hydro lines by 10400000 kussell johnson ijjiami auctlonmtr fur thu hurlrt ic it z acion ukal khxatfc willoughby farm agency iritruittt und odnt auenty in 6uruua hval office knt bw toronto georgetown ufprw lativ turn ibwttois lhon oorttowa 8sz elect the liberal candidate thos a bl akelock for halton tjme tables canadian national railways uointf waat dully uxtujil sunday suturduy only t dully irxiopt suruluy 7ihpm monday only lw a in dally ontil sunday 1 u a m kly r ut ai uptown dally miopt sal and sun ii in klytr al gui iph dally ux- ill sal and sun flj i m tiulnif kaat dally extul sunday i u a m dally excupt sunday j wj n m dally oxtept sunday v n- sunday only 4 1 p flyer dally loormlown j 5 p m flyer dally l flulph pm gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaatbound 646 an 916 am 206 pm 62 p m 9 16 p m bio 41 p m v waatbouod yl0 53 am y218 pm a508 pm 17 33 pro b9 28 pm x1153 pm a to london b sunday and holiday only x to guelph dally to kltchanar sunday and holidays y to kitchener z to stratford eur eojuut fan rut pip j old chum pit run mt cwumup i 1 a uuimusiitdlbiiil fflwftjmw