toe acton ntee fbess tmirsdav hat ktb 1m press have conferences with cabinet ministers onr ttifcan use nmoo tm mbrew mas ma bbrft itus itastlt onfl ut mxnstt he ttfaatt tuua bwmta canitf assfl tkanw a in muhir tbo tmr tnwsftiam tbe s pinlfftwtit out ulfcut b urn jiihs 098x 31b- eawwttktn aw haafl mr- neturrsi ois ottimr kasttfbttr cntmvnsstl lift- ttati basil umarttunatl trftmc gmuimnr itarcikuc oma eifininr ff taw burftjir nttauninm wdf blur iftttaaaanll rwk mud rm npic innvwttarr aff tmr but tmcrauia mr eaawujrm b tubr- suantlfa mm b bnx throo ottw miimtfln rf smffuraua- bimtn qksii timnr ohm tfaflciukuaic rf ttw w1ut cxirr nanjfeihrunr wutttfa oum war am inv stfuiusu uar he tuiui to nannhllkinaf afotufl tattoo kttulatnd iic dlaunc tlbf btntgar tf ffiljyaa4 i- sa4 tunr wwilkimc aaanovtr sftmw ant aaber jlenoiw- hnr loa asc war a wound tf budabtc baa wtflrbumr hum bma dhflmciir9 wur nnsvis taw ffiiigjtislh tpiftfiar ame tain min m fljber war eeart ftnfl nlbry wulffl sauna tot hum wins- rw ftatpowiihb rlfar wdma want mewr suanxvianrii we wtiflo nee bujifi flosnic uhratniba oo ufktr afesnllato endl h jpfoqr skusslk flaott afflteir bib- waur ipw wuffll ic ttfp ibrtr sluv- jsinw and ty r t naas tts em viaeq wmcmj hvhi molt seffl oar fceirii- utor 8mr a anewi ay uwjwaat we ha ntjuttc mititrnrall r wuidl be hecaaffttaed ma as faman aotv owhjr us tbe sears va wanr wulfl bbe esbstrit at he ftvtattuji t kuarb wa pnur off utar bbmsaajp khax ubr bflom i the betaadry toff laliorma ay lhajt 4ytmjttmurm mwe an rflrdnr ifcs bbar otlm teaasfa bad to 1 to ftarl lac hon brartf maaslkt otf lalhac fca fcss afffiior load a taluk wnlfa feumu sir brcai ymmtmi iob issa aad ftmkj lui ouwr as a inarftc firtnvff mast pfror arcrvcarsr orf lav transipaatt warfant vuo andl iia 19m vmlnooal srrvttv fllbjd kv ttsaav aoosm day ftsanr la oar oc ibr teost vasks to9jty for braaafiss t tar mwrtfle pntnl buny b fr- ttac naurc en feaaay baurts of tar world kawyaxt a aady atzwam of youth for tbr rjlf keeping tip twaaar drbiami fkrv fbcatlns and jctt- p a and steadily tnrrvasinc wadocffton of war apylnra no ma cftavsjnn mtfllta ubr man be aff nsmovtsum ioaq ipowlts aff ufar mar cffsmrl tv gjmvr tan a valnnaar antscjul fiatta ufar mas bt bam awbam ubrta- tfmaa unapt bar jhftt inm hfhr ag- bs ttcowftat aaantf smmsoavttattimai mlbuqi miihd haw n absrxfl affttmr bjbr mas b anvr xotr hod an inamwaojau cnfnflinmnnr mtfllb now bfiom h s jkaunrf mtho b s sot tt audi bsmrsua tbr ttatu tmi a uttwafi rikall ataaoi bib biruaftflr- mwfl amay mutlfa a tarm icfbawwfluasi off ttrnr dwam tpmaiuwtbi vfc- aswi ftaricani uj bvuiunr hun tdlblw- bumji piolpa- tkbmw anal q off ttjhr gqattlwmafl 1 r rartj ar paflkltr i or i unrnr bstka- ihorr eff stanjnar taatr maaaabt aff hanmr stamattly hk cftuht tasc ba tba tuaac affanr ctoul drfin nsmmw baaan as aur kaul ptnrcaot- buatk este ttabk mflbjh tns rablfa aotlirilr mafidfa ajsp masft the vitamins seeded or mo imbffvi stpriav tttfar araffy cpwibs amp wmam qkits bltaaaa ntff bo iraw balauac lubr aora bas binafovtllwid m ttunntbb off kw moattfl and a w twfflt far uujl h wtnib bftr mar wwr mff vkxwti b muih ipbji aokdllbnr vftutt hut cin- inkjr- uatlt uumoirwainr 4 musbt sitif bi sltallcoad cmhp m ttaaifciiftjty wflttm llaomim bo otnoof luiaatanr br- boo ami m sy bjoarfj brfly stafl bsr bom a kviry aftflnartu- qvrioaa- tay a ujcra ami aand on an off ikam mas wmflravby lavr- aaori ba mas am gakrasroy bajtrgrtnliiac ar bw iqpolkie off fem ii mi vo llhab tcooaasbhy ahronnt vadna fww bfar faflbnrr off biisv qusv on bmnnr siur sttaflbaffd ornjpei ks a srrpby a era daj brsorv m bzrtiskcd mfcsca azobbsfd mafir ditaensv- aimfti ikr drcttavrd im bur srftt fcne cttmiavm kad baoflrd vo iw kbc headrr- ullnln rvqirckvd off ljl ly hwn- m imunum m m rvamzaftaia off fits ur hbnalkx tbat whr ifrrtin i i i ih off ft far of cbatand t aolt far off krxl to fcbr coaarat mitb frane btlhautsitrr t mih bas was ttber tatwistnat fearhtmsc kv bad ft ip kac baithbf h food lor tlbsooxbt- our tonlnrmmi writh xjofa cool- loa mlnmtilrr off food and tbr kiobl larrbrrt aloavbmav mnsajirr off blonw security faavv brrai dracribrd ea bwrr- mmbs mrfladrc lord xcoouott mfc aunr brfose br brcansr brer fswdmcflc jaaaar lllainiuur i broocbl a ffiar busaneag t to bui lasc ble mas cbanaan of lewis unuied one of brttauik larcest i twrtmralal tor irraxmrer of uhorr- pool bjanormly rbaimumn of ifar uhc- rrpaol medical tseararcbi cboncfl duwhtor of uartiav bank and dixeo vor of the boya imaxanee co and of baaay otber rorpotaljaahi tbe may ta wbrb be has bandied be food blualboa la england cosnprb mnr kdxnlralsoa of alt the lion- herbert stanley uorrhon bi another labor knan havne been secretary of the londow lmbor farty lhitfs31 bia klab fc bmna nravau foods aad heavy dhue1tsi bo baabe tup lor bacte of bmeall binnnby off aj m 9jtt oreeou anw a mwocfl umimr off n f a jaflnafl ct1 tw i tbae votkoft bbe tamtnr vittamuats mb h wi aw t4pnientt jsjboooucr bbe f carttf 8it aie sbbcina rhavd italic tnatmabifis soldier voting in south africa ntwsln tatl efiertioai fa i eokfjiaa voir ftw partiiea aatfead off taathnrrlliiinlli bb was rugftalbafib tftnajl h off bar aotaeinc artebaat of tar iroooc baa anvmal aysteoa of votwc ta ha f mnxis msn be gna s bajf- bafl mnothw wbcm ffeaed gnu will be neat to bfar aasoff a ffiitte bbavac agsjb ufar totea mua be eattvrsed wofa bar ronalnarary la mbocb ufar aoubtr is rrcud and tfar ebertoiral oflfarers wnh be autrort- d by bebrcoffai baaay votes bo tfar varioas oartant naamtra ihese daysjwhen tea must yield the utmost in flavour quality is of supreme importance ask for sa1am totd 2ti tor iianfbairiaj on otherwise tham tvoaa bns trrfstercd ii save waste for victory fjcscard tnoottx and gmmerf ecr tutawnl caifa tbrotiacb auv malen tultaayc mv bfae jrerms itlm vvit mwihit obb bfae wattf r veyabttetl do aott soak a that would cansf bosts of habtdlnealsi oaaftt ibr aaroafbljnosvd fease and onlt a bd uk mw n of boll- gaf aamed walrr wtoen selecting beet r leave ibr tny breta alt ifar root ends and cook witfa the tfaear t lake anoot 30 to vtfaetf nuld favored tssanacb or iwds chard use only tbe waler that rknuss to tfaema alter rsnsnnc nnd rook to w cov ered ban tankal teoder about id uunute knrasai olf the knttal be aervinc and reaerce for season all cooked e wtb kalt taepper butler or marejaruae host fcrrcac ore unproved ea flavor when kgawkled bejhtly with lemon jwcr a pound of ejp mtu arm four portions sonar p bke chopped baron salt pork or minced axnoked bam tjust a bllle cooked aloof walh the crcens others tike lo add m cheese or savory cream sauce if rreeos are to be ibr main part of li kneal pre then cooked and aea- soned into a ruu tnold well butter ed set en pan or bat water cover end rammer 10 minute vnmold cato healed platter and fill with fksb mushrooms or diced hardcooked ere tender creras also axv eod serv ed ensp and raw la salads with sour dxeaslnt- still time to plant soybeans in view of the lateness of tbe rea son and the backwardness of kpnn ttork farmers would do well to plant crops which are normally planted tale such as ao brans says if dim- i knock central experimental farm cmtawa soybeans are planted about the i same lime as corn no extra ma chinery needed asj the seeding ctil- 1 1 valine harvesting and threshlne can u be done with the regular equipment u crop is usuall seeded in 2s to m inch spaced rows and cultivated in bobby doranrt rralibc it but while he talks to hi trammale about tomorrow big game a hard- ptxaacd prrwjuctioo man may be trying to get through a nanwage on which live depend ttetva one more may in which youngateni can ahow their loalty to tbe cause for which their father and big brothers are 6ghung and irlv be turn that rwv set them a good example b usiiig the telephone onh for neceasar call and b keeping them brief war raits must tunc first t a similar manner to corn about 40 m pounds of seed are required to plant an acre sovbeans contain about ts per cent of protein and are excellent for miln with other grains to sup- pl the necessary protein in the ra tions of dair and beef cattle sheep and brood sows the crop from a few acres of soybeans w 111 look knight cood in the bins when next winter protein requirements are be- ttur considered the most commonly grown varie ties are pagoda kabbot goldsoy mandarin ojic no 211 and a k these are dated in order of maturity from early to late while the supply ot seed ot pagoda kabbot and oold- so is limited there are ample sup plies of the otber varieties alan darin has the widest adaptation being suitable for most areas in eastern and western ontario and southern quebec cxac no 311 may be used in western ontario while a k la ad apted only to extreme southwestern ontario additional information may be obtained from the nearest experi mental farm or the division of for age plants central experimental farm ottawa t s nah ihiapitauxatiov london cp the norwegian telegraph afiencj all that y order of the german sick prtaooers in ulleraal hoapltai larceit in oalo are being chained to their beds by their rationing effective thursday mat 27 jutar midni ma 26th it s unlnwlul for at r tobuar natiorar nuais and for f m nvoattn to ai toi eatcopt on aairrandas- ot wlid ration coubbim what meats ae katioxeiv weve rial una xl ilaab what meats abje not ilattoneix- hwlny mtji kalk ac m vunikkll fjcmy lacu vab 4a item j 1 bolkwu w mm hatacml mcm ttaxa ne of- mac wtk a kn how otien can i tuy meat two cbbyaw uctc faoj ch thwir nefinxtfoima1 po jv 7tb eh napn n ipofl tot m ni ok rxkc hatkia rtalllff j how aluol ationetj meat am i irtouurtteo tokuv aa ol fewo bq per wdk por koaaa vom jgcc loa of mtmtrt milliw ao boac sad kaotc off ariri coakaimuag cost- skdonalc base- sec uw dun ol cpgpoa valocs brftow what coupons do i use whfx buying meat how long do coupons remain cood gmporlirxnasiegatmdb aua coupimw bioaeaaa apoj oa or alav the e good kuaoi the cnj of the atuowtag a tlcaonsca ioasfffoaioarnarsiaoabdot kae s banr kxa codec tagar anj bsnxr kbc esjotf fcam lsbof do i have to use the two coupons at the same time ok in the same stoke no tom caa aac a ooapooi as any usse ottmg kbe ptsod la abtdb w n wlsx aad m aay sstwe vou mk can i buy only one kind ot rationed meat with a coupon no yoa can b whatever kauoaol sea s avadabh asd as tauwy iksalsas you want proubg the cdnpaa vlae a aot ta meat coupon value chart- group a lb per coupon badk hum sbccd aad ifendles smaebacoa sbced and itjhmucv wleacot sbred riad o hnaelets bad sbcej nyi ssaoaed or cooaed ban boaless haas boneless any uacooaed fjroup b cots wb group b lb per coupon cbudk koasi or sceal 4boaclcss llaak sceajk rkwulw humi sbsalc meat booclru minote beaks and cube stejjks borleul ncdk booclcss ftouej bib hoaelettt koai steele or roast boacw suloa tip boaclesst stewing beef sbooclrss teatlerlmt erontqaatter boneless veal fresh cutlets and mice booc us front rou caal wrapped boneless leg roll caul wrapped boneless round boae us ssewmg vol boneless tetidcrlotn baca boaeless belly boneless butt bone to haas boneless liana centre cuts boa in ivnic boneless picnic skinless hoaeless tenderloin not smoked or cooked 1 back boneless belly boneless cottage rou boneless 1 llambuh roll bootless ham centre slices bone in pork rou boneless shtuilder roll hooctcs ta the psope boneless cottage roll boneless ham except shank eml bone in ham skinless boneless picnic boneless pork roll boneless side bacon in tbe psece any uncooked croup cuts when cooked group c 1lb per coupon brisker point boneless flaak boneless front shank meat boneless eroot shank centre cut bone to hamburger plate boneless pocterhousc steak or roasi booew rib rout or steak bone us rump round and souare end bone in sirloin steak or roasf bone in short rib roast bone in t bone steak or roast bone in wing stelk or roast il ia ch bone in loin flank on kidney and suet out bone in patties made from necks and flanks boneless veal blade bone in and neck oc shoulder knuckle out loin chops centre cut bone in patties boneless made from shanks necks hanks round bone shoulder bone to rump bone in sirloin roasf or cutte hlhk- bcuy pork bone ta ham butt end bone in ham shank end bone in ham trimmed bone in loin centre cut chops bone in loin centre cut bone in j loin ind cuts hone in loin whole bone in picnic hock oa or hock ofl hone in ham butt end bone in ham shank end bone in ham whole bone in picnic hock oo or hock off bone in ham shank end bone in ham whole bone in picnic hock oo or hock off bone in any uncooked group cuts when cooked group d 1 lbs per coupon blade roast boo in brisket point bone in chuck roast bone in eroot shank whole or knuckle end bone in neck bone in plate brisket bone in round bone shoulder roast bone in sausage fresh short ribs braisiag bone n hank bone ta front bone in hind bone in leg booeio loin flank on bone in rack boneia rib chops bone in veal breast bone in hank bone in front shank fbone la hind shank bone in leg shank hall bone in leg whole bone in loin flank on bone in neck bone m rack bone in rib chops bone in pork- phrsh hock boa ib sausage hock bone in mess bone in short cut back bona hock bonein farmers may slaughter their livestock tor their own consumption but must turn in to the local ration board at the end ol each month 1 coupon or each two pounds ol their own slaurhtcrcd meat consumed on their own premises farmers need in no case surrender more than half the number of each month s valid coupons for such home slaughtered meat the remaining half of farmers meat coupons nuv be used tor ordinary retail purchases of meat on the basis of coupon values as shown on the chart above farmers may supply meat trom tbeir own slaughterings to other farmers tor consumption on their own farm premises local tartner bees rings are also permitted farmers providing tncat to other farmers or beef rings must collect meat coupons on the basts of i coupon for each two pounds of meat gross weight self addressed and ltampcd envelopes for mailing in coupon can be secured at your local ratioo board consumer aueat in uockers before june 30th all consumers including tanners who store meat in lockers must declare in writing to the nearest branch of tbe ration administration the quantit of ranoocd meat they have in storage over and above eight pounds per person in the household declarations must be accompanied by suihcicnt coupons irom the ration books of the locker holder and his household to cover the quantity of declared stored meat at the rate of 1 coupon for each two pounds of any meat in the above groups the number of coupons to be detached by the locker user need not exceed more than 30 of the total meat coupons to the possession of himself and his household 1oclwt users otav retain for retail purchasing one of each similarly numbered pair of coupons notice to the meat trade retailers of meat must collect coupon for any rationed meats sold on or aftct may 27th they need not turn in cou pons to their suppliers for meat pur chased up until june 10th ttus arrange ment u made to enable them to build up stocks a special food bulletin giving complete details of meat rationing u being mailed to all food stores the wartime prices and trade board s a