Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1943, p. 7

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j trrrrswrrsat rwaaauxt atn aa the acton free press pace seven h folk arfco bs fa vulasr inilnjilm tosbar tmr uk wh to asst chkt wub jl awlmk yon hoar yon fhwe- n snrh an wtmtnjl rash gr var ins as sacfi a kindly tola thsrfasa ao nuarh to a orau frtond triad e obm b as thayu g w fact and la simioordon twenty year ago tte first lhaw of the i on monday xaa uwr hanks conldrsbry 1923 the the sunday school lesson ros sstxtumt naonrab xa jesus restores lazarus to life gotten tfcxt i am to una and the ufa jan 1135 unw tfesx jnov i1j2a uad an202l lime january 30c ajx exposition jcza un laa- trom cuarnhawr uaute nwr m in the block at the corner of mill f next to woodhall and mc- intend opeolr nw k- sryjtumhle secretary of the wornen institute on hehal the soriely oltlclalry preted to the tl fountain for watering had been donated tart tu at the council meetlne on monday onthry meeun of the ufo nd ufwcx held tart friday at the of mr and mr nebon mc- 1 lai shna iced i year s thomas storey aged ts yeara mann at ina home of mr john manaton the acton croro4 on taoay february 2t 190x mare- artatann in her 8bh year sjotravoyflahlss ear can get more milk if utensils clean in the dairy farmer problem of nmventlns the rnouare of milk by keeping bacteria out of the milk the utensils are really important source of contamination milk la highly nutritious food for bacteria aa well aa for human being and the bacteria are able to grow rapidly on the moist aurfacea of strainers pall and can in thl way million of bacteria may be picked up by the tint milk at the next mllklx open ream crack drledon milk com monly known a milk stone ma it much harder to dean utenall and remove or kill bacteria here are aome pointer on cleaning pall and can given in special war time pamphlet producing pure milk issued by the publicity and exten sion division dominion department of agriculture ottawa first utensils must be in sound condition with smooth unbroken aurfacea galvan ized or wooden pall are unsuitable because the milk cllnga to the more or lea rough surface and their use fend to trouble open seams and crack should be filled with solder and any rough surface smoothed off driedon milk or milk stone should be scrubbed off with fine steel wool and the utensils kept free from this condition by being washed at once after using before the milk has a chance to dry on rinse with cold or lukewarm water then scrub all surface with a brush a cloth will not do the job properly use washing soda or other cleaner in hot water it is better than soap and will rinse off more easll a final rlrae with clean hot water will warm up the metal of the can so that it will dry out more quickly do not use a cloth which may only recontamlnate the utensils but place them upside down on a draining rack to dry a screen ed rack exposed to the sun is very useful to hasten drying how to tell a jap most of us saat homo tvcld n tals hare wondervd how in the world anybody can distinguish japanese from chines a pockit sudde for troops in china offers summation the jap ml be short squat almost vatthout waistline skin lemon el low eves slanted toward his nose whisker htav usually there will he a wide calloused space between the first and second toes where a thong bound his sandals before be beau- wearing army shoes he cahx pronounce the letter 1 and hisses the a try him on palooarakuchener record i illgal ilsil the event of the raising of lazarus from lb dmrd the whole of the eleventh chapter of john should he catefttlrjr the event were not of oxdln- ary oceurtence jesus undavuhtedry knew his friend lazarus was 111 he- fare the sisters came to tell him furtheriikore upon hearing of the sickness lie described it as not unto death but for the glory of god v again tie tarried two day be fore starting for bethany where lazarus wax iv 6k the- setting is hard to understand unless it is seen that jesus was about to reveal him self to the world as the conqueror of death he was not being cruel by his use of time cod is taeer cruel his delays have a purpose in thl instance he purposed to honor jesus in revealing him as our deliverer jrom death heb- 2 it 15 there fore so that there could he ho doubt as to the keallly of the workr to be accomplished jesus came later than was expected to the meeting with lazarus sisters martha came to meet him first and was given the great promise- of resurrection vs 23 3k ii jeu wept i 3233 martha having received from jesus the consolation she sought wait ed no longer but hurried to mary with the glad message the master u here and railed thee without a word mary rise quickly and hurries to jesus vs 30 31 and falls down at his feet mary had been at jesus feet before tluke 10 39 then she- was at his feet for instruction now she was there for comfort and help it is those who in time of prosper ity know how to sit at his feet to learn who in time of borrow know to find comfort and deliverance in the same place the day will short ly come when mary will be at hi feet again in worship mary cry at jesus feet is a deeply significant one lord if thou hadst been here ray brother had not died there seem to be almost reproach in it but she still calls him lord it u wonder more than reproach mary was in great perplexity over the death of her brother just as we oftentimes are when our loved one are taken away it was an impenetrable mystery to this gentlehearted woman why jesus had hot come and saved he knew it was that he might do something vastly better than they sought they sought a brother saved from death he would give them a brother tri umphant over death it was because he loved them that he had not come until lazarus was dead vs 4- 6 u was also that god might be glorified v 4 and that the faith of th- disciple might be strengthened christ often has many loving reasons for hi dealings with us when we can see none at all martha had ut tered the same words at her meeting with jesus v 21 evidently they had often said it to one another dur ing those four day hut martha had not fallen at jesus feet when she said it jesus had given martha a good deal he gave word of won drous promise and hope but he gave mary more he gave her hi deep est sympathy and his tears v 33- 35 jesus wept i am glad me did and i am glad john noticed it and what when long years had pass ed and john was writing down what he recalled of the words and net nf jesus the holy spirit whispered put that down too john jesus wept heh 4 15 16 in all our afflictions jesus 1 afflicted usa 63 9 however i cannot but think that in jesus groans vs 33 38 there was something more than sympathy the word translated groaned means was very angry at what was jesus angry at death that great master piece of the devil heh 2 14 which had through the centuries desolated so many homes and had now dared enter the home of those he loved iv 5 hi lazarus come forth 3844 what a wonderful interplay or the natural and the supernatural mans work and cods work there is in the great works of christ jesus is about to perform one of his stupendous miracles call back to life a map who has been four days dead but what man can do man must do he alone can and he will niue the dead but man can and man first must take away the stone there is man country editor mrivtem sccimot ront tml scimiv mswstacrft or csmso 6yiu- urattf ft t tt tn oils and rabs430nrubfjn bkaxcu it wasnl mrs phyllis turners kood took that cnade me deal wth oils and jfats la the second article its tremendous importance em phasized by the fact that despite aoebbets propaganda of synthetic procurement in laennany she de clares that is mostly bunk the supply both here and there must de pend on agriculture whaling and fishing germany economic fat plan w as the original basis for their uni versal system of n klate controlled agriculture indus try and com ma rce ltecor of waitr and gar bage fats in ttu hous holds thtri is mandatory think that oer phyllis turner lousewlve of can ado wlitn thy appeal to you to avoid unhvcessnry uiage and waste of otlv and fats the picture is so simple folks rats and eg table oils are our only sourct of glycerine for explosive biedldnes lotions vt cigarettes when available the average yield from fats is 10 to 12 per cent do you know mrs turner flung at me in triphammer succession that one ounce of dripping per person per week would give us 36 million pounds a year that 10 lbs of rendered fats tire 49 antl aircraft shells that 100 lbs of glycerine helps make ltto tank mines or 780 lbs of high explosive or enough to mine 780 tons of ore i had to admit ignorance you who have sons depending on this which depend on you are you in terested oils antl trsithled waters just imagine the ramifications of thl administration especially since japan plugged hole in the pacific conserving inducing and coordinat ing our vital vegetable animal and fish oil for food and industrial pur poses i e vitamin oils lard shorten ing paints inks shellac waxes starches glues soaps naval stokes ireslnk turps pine ollst as for nu trition how could you all exist with out a proper proportion of oils and futs in your diet mam isnt it just plain realism doesnt it make you think a it did me to hear that we depend so much on it in our shaving butur which is 80 per cent fat our toast n us shortening our clothe and shoes which get treatment from oil or de rivatives the chair you sit in the linoleum you walk on excluding butter we normally consume 430 mil lion lbs of fata yearly in canada 200 of which or 45 per cent had to be imported originally largely in the jrar east that source went out with pearl harbor your boy guard ing convoys knows that even india and west africa are getting tougher to reach heavy demands for the stout hearted but hungry russians for britain for ourselves must be met on this continent in only one way in creased hemisphere production sav ing in consumption mrs turner sits on the united nations council of united states united kingdom can ada new zealand south africa and australia which meets in washington and even canadas production is pooled otlt of which we get only edible and inedible requirements on a strictly cob trolled basis i know youre interested in how they intend meeting this situation we get unseed oil from flax well flaxseed production it l hoped will be stepped up to at least 20 million bushels thl year compared to 6 in 1m1 there will be an expansion of soya bean crops sunflower and rape- seed why billions are needed wh control fats when the usa increased its production two billion pounds last year 1 asked mrs turner to show that x read time and the ottawa papers with that rest ful and patient sxnue she asked me did you know that the usjl con sumed 11 billion lbs last year that a billion was cut off from the far east and furthermore what ance have any of us that this year crops will trwe high yields at last could you answer that smartly even if you are a stove- leaguerj sure youve got a baby around the house prior to the war 75 per cent of cod liver oil was imported mostly from tlritaln norway and new foundland the fishing com panies on our atlantic coast wasted much of the precious vitamin con tent for tanning tc fndlng live stock and poultry do you knowjthnt incv 1911 we now haw five plants of our own producing r fined medi cinal cod hvr oil and that we will im in n position to supply our own neou the itsa south america australia and china that industrv is n war baby urul believe me a pippin vitamin feeling oils for vet erinary purposes will now be process cd from th louiiat f hrltlsh co lumbia flnh and tjif despised dogfish from out thrc how produces vitamin a oil rich and fortifying to mar garine and for j tllr aim u al ready being shipped to the liritlsh ministry of food n astenltnre cotne into irheiaw yes i got enough of the story to know that a combination of science management and invention has put us on the threshold of a period when canadian agricultural production will take it ri place in canadian industry that where you and i are interested through effort of thl division linseed oil is now being processed to replace drying oils hitherto obtained from china soya beans will probably be used in nylon type artificial silk wheat will be a source of starch and sodium glutenate the latter previous ly exported from japan and used for the meaty flavor in concentrated soups and beverage keep the fat out of the fire was the administrator appeal to women of canada it means oil for marine engines brake fluid for tanks and trucks the life of tin plate and gly cerine to mention a few coustnner orgsnlrsllon snelkmhtg but i must hurry on to byrne sanders head of consumers division which is giving the canadian con sumer a voice and ha 8000 women across the country doing active volun tary service co operating in their own interest and trying hard- to make for a better understanding be tween the con burner and re- taller the women are doing a grand b il sander job she said and flashed a tooth some sincere smile which said l mean it our task is to channel their difficulties and complaints to wards a head and then we can go at the problem agnln she admit ted women are prone to criticize son of clod the resurrection and the life how long a man had been dead jesus knew the proer was heard before thre was any visible token of an answer tend he returned thanks before the answer was given he knew it was his he knew the father had heard him for he had man dead in trespasses and sins to- heard him always we too can da whom jesus wishes to get at and know our prners nre heard before we see the thing we ask t jno 5 raise but he is calling to us take away the ston what u the stone that lies against the door of the grave wherein your dead friend lies take it away how little jesus was under stood lhe fancy he just wants to get in and see his dead friend even martha to whom he has just declar ed i am the resurrection and the life forgets and protests against the moving of the stone he hath been dead four days as if if made any difference to the omnipotent 14 15 we too can take a position when the father heareth us always 1 jno 3 22 jno 13 7 trust this the christ the son of god and now man must do his part they could loose lazarus from his graver clotbes so jesus did not do that but bade them do it jesus alone can raise the dead so we must look to him to do that but when he has done that we have our part to do in bringing them into full liberty i boy she ought to hear the men in a smoking compartment her division is trying o hard to get closer to women everywhere be cause their whole job so closely af fect the household ft h sander is practical because she said the war hasnt started to hurt us yet it lllcely will price checking i one of the big jobs of the division but she feel in this that honest retailers deserve protection from those who might not be she wants women to cooperate with her these liaison officer in all towns are the link to do it the consumers board is b up to represent all you people and here we quote her exact expression which reflect the energy and determination of this woman so for petos sake use it if anything is wrong send it to your nearest committee i went out past a battery of femal operated typewriters in high gear i thought if mom can run the house hold on dad s budget a woman can run the consumers division mighty effectively with the help of other wo men across canada this is the second of articles by mr oreenblat s series of pretoria cp the italian gov ernment has permitted dutch re formed church clergymen to carry on rtllglous kork anions i- soth af rican prisoners of wnr in itay sweet caporal i c7yhf ao the value of your local newspaper in local business the free pre- plays ail important pari in local affairs it employs wagevariiers wlioscliomes are in the town from which it secures itusiiicss these wageearners ay taxes support churches make their contribution to local appeals take part in community organizations and speiulmost of their wages with local merchants it is no idle boast that it has heen the means of giving welldirected publicity to this town and district there is no business institution which gives so much free service as a local newspaper were a merchant asked to give the equivalent in goods that the newspaper gives in free service to all local or ganizations he would find it impossible to meet the demand when money is spent for printing or advertis ing with your local printing office you are helping local printers to help you you make it possible for mem to serve you better 0iix of town printing sales men take money out of the community paying no taxes buying nothing from local stores getting all the can and not earing whether you sink or swim as merchants expect customers to be loyal to their own community in buying goods from theni so might merchants remember they too should follow the same ideas in regard to their local print ing office its good business for all of us customer goodwill in this town and district canjbestjbe developed by regular advertising in your local community newspaper the money spent for advertising and printed matter goes back tc local merchants in increased trade your dollars do double duty when spent with your local newspaperthey help you directly and others indirectly your home town newspaper the acton free press i phone acton 174 mill street a

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