jvrten jfrtt res simtyeightfc year- 35 acton ontario thursday february 25th 1913 eight homeprint pages five cents wo george a molozzi killed on active service ww mate wc- f las wet at stev bralter r mr andtvw uokmi w notified ofllcsauy o mtasaday of week that hte ma wamnt officer ieorge atmv motozrl had been killed while on active service with the royal can adian air force on february 13th on saturday his name appeared in the official casualty list thursday a second wire was re-celv- d by mr and lira molnxri who re side on a farm just north of acton that funeral services had been held in england on werflnesday of last week for w o george uokatsl and burial nad naeartnade t the cmeteryat stratfordonavon the death of oa moloxxi in active service was the third casualty among acton boys and all of them have been rnetnbcr of the air force georce la ho the first native bom acton sontfi give his life for his king and his country and the cause of free dom george moloxzj was horn in acton twenty eeven years ago next june he spent his boyhood days here went t acton public and continuation schools and completed bis studies in guelph collegiate later he entered the employee of the beardmore co and was with ibis firm until the time ol his enustment in november 194f for a short time he was employed in new york state in sport george was a xpuuu member of both the hockey and the baseball teams just as in tit work or his studies he gave his undivided attention to the game tie was playing ho was a member of the intermediate hockey team that won the ontario b championship in 1939 he playd defence and the championship honors were secured largely with the help of george moloxxj in baseball he ploy ed the second sack and was a good consistent hatter active and un afraid he played the games for all that was in him and often bore un complaining the scars of his aggres sive play in hockey he suffered a broken collarbone in one of the championship games after entering the royal canadian alrforce george took most of his training at western centres brandon calgary and mossbank and within a year he graduated as a navigator he spent his two weeks embarkation leave at his home here and immed iately proceeded overseas from england george wrote little except to acknowledge parcels 4 and say he was busy with his studies tax fan pans did not hear from him in england in june 1942 he was among a group of pilots who were presentod to the queen he had then made sev eral trips over germany and enemy- held territory on bombing raids in august last press dispatches told of flightsgt george moloxzl bring ing his craft directly over a target at osnabrueck in spite of the fact that the gyrocompass was damaged after the raid he set the course lowland the machine and crew safely in england again and was commended for his skill george had completed the number of raids over germany that had earn ed a further promotion he was re cently made warrant officer and has since been instructing newlyarrived air force crews in england he had madeuurtytwo tjips in raiding for mations over enemy territory besides his parents he is survived by three sisters and a brother mrs k lemay and miss helen moloxxi of woodslde ny and mrs kenneth blow of acton and andrew at home to all of these sympathy goes out at this tinu when the knowledge linn come that the son and brother will not return when the conflict end but with them is the knowledge that he played well his part in the strug gle for liberty and the way of life he wanted them to continue to enjoy acton and oil its citizens who kntjw george moloxzl mourn with thf family in this sacrifice they are call ed upon to endure he gave his life wauunt onravae a motjnzzi buajt who has been officially reported killed while on active service over- preparing for drive for red cross in acton anl district more names added war service league overseas lists financial aid to the acton at vicinity war service n at last sroekas meeting were sin from the co of st jo- aepnsi cbuns and sul2s iran the happy four all of these were ap- predated and srtnowltfgd by the sec- i retary three new names were added to the- overseas list pte john drys- dale l bdr gordon morris and seaman jade smallman sir lnwrte reported- that salvage lor last month would amount to approxi 80 overseas casualties among our local boys are occurring and the league arranged that in each of these times of bereavement a letter of sympathy should be written the fam ilies the meeting on thursday was only a briff one and gave way early to al low for the minstrel show rehearsal in the same room badenpowellweek narked by several events locally weekly war commeiilarv chim service crs dfaavr start wk to- nit sena lion in hall once again the japanese army us china la preparing for a spring cam paign to knock that bastion of the united nations out of the war but indications wetw not lacking this week that the allies preoccupied though they are with hitler in europe are preparing offensive plans of their own in the pacific last year japan launched a deter mined spring drive on half a dozen fronts against the chine she gained much ground and then lost moo of it lo thcrcfilncvc counterof fensive this year as the end of the fighting season in burma near japan may have more ambitious plans possibly going on the defensive in the south pacific and concentrat ing uon improvement of iter position on the asiatic mainland her first concern will be to souse the airfields from which hie small united states air force in china is op erating filds from which lite 50o bombers american fliers in china are reported to have asked for could wreak havoc on japanese communi cations and installations thove fields were her objective last year ste captured hum- but failed to hold firm 4000 ration books issued at acton in five dayperitml at the dose yesterday afternoon of the issuing of ration banks in artoa r approximately 4j000 ration iwoka had appointed been issued yesterday was a 6m- parativety light day and apparently most folks attended to the matter early saturday was a very heavy day mrs r r arnold and mrs j c matthews carried on the work with the assistance of a good group of voluntary workers reeve mcdonald the other member of the acton com mittee and chairman has unfortun- alely been 111 for the past two weeks his two assistants carried on admir ably and last evening wet- most ap preciative- of the effort of all those who had wiped in the work and had done tlte job so efficiently tltc worker smrlally appreciated lite iwlp given litem by chief itarrop ami municial employred in arranging ok- hall keeping 1 warm and providing for saff storage of supplies ttm en- tin work was voluntary no onewas mld a cent in conmct ion with issu ing them- books maria street lo be opened when bridge is approved on committee but this week indications were that the lefthand war some observers had said the united slates is waging in the pacific soon will turn into n rlenchedfist smash president itoose- vclt declared in his broadcast address on feb 12 vreat and decisive actions against hie japanese will he taken lo drive boy scout week this week has been marked in acton and the dis trict by several events that bring to the attention of the general public in preparation for the annual red hc value of this youth training mon- lciomi campaign next month there jy u i birthday of baden- uui be a meeting of the executive of iil founder of scouting and the art on and district red cross branch projrtam of the week has centred in the council chamber on monday i armjn the life and example of this leader froni the soh of china evening march 1st at eight oclock who did so much for the growth y important actions will be taken acton and district is this year be- ot tmti wid youth mowount j in tlu owr china ami in the itig asked to raise a fund of sx3m sun evening the wolf cub iudefi m jauin itself- tliere are tlie quota is larger because the need p and mrtj acton troop attended y th which lead right to is givatcr never were the services dlvjn worfc knox lrethyterlan tokyo ami we atv not going to no- tltat only the red cross can supply church an address that was an in- kih nny of so needed as nt present it is urg s1 o youth was given by j wu wrtlc were rcallid last week nt ht ample organizations and j korbes ttiomton who is also tlu ih n in washington of i mr m slinwder planw be made so that acton and dls- scoutmaster of first acton troop mme ciilang wifo of cfilnas gen a friend trict may do their slmre all mem- 1 monday evening district commit- c kalsliek who revived n in loving numovy chinese war relief fund now 8950 in local donations nvvhrehatttotol an of tuusi mtsat ah be pam cotrtart a cfack ki aimtm to be sicbcsi reeve amcdusftnli hi aaat ussue to at- maaoa knitting company itoonta tbul by 950 lanalion at the regular w si i of actoa council on wednesday evening coun cillor a mason w j o oakes j f davison and oias kurkness werw i resent in the absence of reeve mc- ihiaald mr mason was by motion re- uested lo act as reeve council discussed the very unsatis factory collection of garbage and ttllier items arising from the minutes of lite lost meeting accounts weie passed for payment it follows keiiaii fence co snow f enev 2t ml llell telrpjone co services 1 19 actm free press printing 2070 newvome und gilbert supplies 40q f laathcrland ximhss r building jylavv l7ul st7ct a letter from tlte salvation army expressed appreciation of the grant which had been received a letter from the imperial tobacco co staled the arrangements on hw hockey clock at tlie arena were sal- lect isfactory and asked that the agree- and intent be signed it was hoped tbat lirtjiikm cucaykk mp prominent in government circles is hugltc ckaver of burlington hal- ions represienlatlve in iim federal f iovernment fjtkit week lie was chosen one of a member i commltt which will examine rvport on a national plan of social in- again before long hockey could le surancsi which will constitute n- char ter of social security for tlie wliole of canada j fil1nrs uiul sons i hav shciii events lmm ar- urid o alnd lliis nwt- jonr w fore masjin arranjl n uv from wnuilnulon w exrce mason elected to executive cf boy scouts mr j a leslie loses a valuable pebchebon horse while opening niadx lmst monday mr j b leslie had the misfortune to lose one of his fine black perch- eron team ttits horse has been one of the atandbya in a stable of rests tered pekberpna which have drawn particular attention both in the ahow line and on the road it is thought the horse died of heart failure c- j commliijomrt dinner nt tlie milton i j tijon imiirr o vlsltlni far- i mr nnd mm s jinow j inn when scout nnil cub leaden r h d knclilln urom the district aiaamwsl to hear j un tllrrlnu i ll church friendly jcircle i some jilnns for the year nnd tp hear fcicls contreu focuiil anieri- mrs w a murray outstandlnc address by john a d on chinas idlclit in n mr k crlui stiles obe ba sr mrilc j u1y i lt llnl not the j mrs jus symon uei executive cammlksloner can- j awnt throuch rurmn nnd at the annual meetlnc on satur- 1 f seoutx association a sjilendid din- xnd mr kooscvell hromlsi in the ner for which milton inn is well- pr 0 mme chlanc that the known and an evenlnc of cood fel- j united states is colnc to increase its lowshlp were also incidental in round- j a to china as quickly as it can rrom a rather wnnll imulnnlni last week of ss in two donations the aid lo china kund has this week reached a total fcuhscrlntlon of 311950 tnade up 1ram klxtten suhscrlli acalnst the two in the first week hlg lift was riven when tlie makon i it i knlttinc company nave a cheque for l uihkmi i lllirtll 50 hut everyone u hhowlnc a wll- llngnsslo help and very lunation ln has imhii taken helps to swell tlu- totwl wwlt m uw klih vwutu fiir hen- nr tlu list of subscript lonu fathers und sonn nt unlel ircvirtusly arknowledgcil s00 ciiurwli- oil sunday momlng the choir wjis um of ftithers und midu r ntul or k j nelson of guclpli pre- of john a isldid nt tlu orgun fathers anil son official- j mowat 5w- w uk tam rcivwl tlu offer- 100 ing tlu subject of mr fosliurys so0 wnij there- ihi void her- 500 j q tuesday evening tin father ioo nn inj f congregation a- 5o0 iunmlel nl u imnquet the ladls of 200 church lurve nn excellent sii- wr uhd ursa cllffonl lttft p n mnny of the sons regardless day at the itoyal york hotel in tor onto mr w tkorgc mason of acton was elected a member of the execu tive committee of the provincial council of the boy scouts associa tion each year four new members are elected to this committee and the other members elected this year are dr a x christie of cuclph w ed gar wallace of windsor nnd ueut- col r p toake kc ed of tor onto musical lrrahary numbers and contests at btooms literary the regular nice ting of the blooms- bury literary society was held on friday evening with a good attend ance mr ross gordon presided for the opening exercises the roll call was responded to by my favorite fatlme arrangements were made to hold a pie social with a program and dance tha proceeds to be devoted to the mercury distress fund and the chinese relief fund members chosen for the debate were messrs ross gordon cameron kitching alex near and ross pat terson the following program was then given reading by mrs- mansoll nelles geography match with the ladles side winning duett by doreen ferguson and ann berberlck read ing ross patterson imd a quiz con- testconducted by ross cordon euchre was played and the winners were mrs m netles and r patterson the national anthem closed the meeting after which lunch was served by the committee at the previous for the bingo were ing out this first commissioners din ner and making it a memorable oc caslon commissioner mason was chairman and mayor dawson of milton on be half of that municipality welcomed the visitors to milton there wen- informal introductions a- remem brance to lord baclrnpowell and a moment of silence yor those serving in the armed forces and for those who will not come back we had never heard john st lies give an address before and his con densation of his sjbject his apt illus tration and summing upof his sub ject under headv which carried the fundamentals of scouting were a real treat he termed his address the twelve pillars of scouting and here are the pillars 1 scouting is a game recrea tional education 2 woodcraft ou1 with nature 3 patrol system a search for leadership 4 the court of honor organization planning 5 the promise and the law actually the british code 6 the scout good turn 7 scout ceremonies fi the system of rank and proficiency badges 9 our motto be prepared ready for the opportunities life of fers 10 spirit of scouting 11 relig ious tolerance 12 world widened of scouting mr styles was introduced by col milne and mr stanley craze of bur lington conveyed to the speukt appreciation of the group for he done some observers saw the ul timate objective an attack on japan nt its heart not an lslandbylsland advance up the pacific by using china as a base of operations they saw great work ahead for those 500 bombers once they fly in chinese skies the japanese last week intensified their activities in central southern and southwestern china but chung king reports at the weekend indi cated enemy troops were meeting with stubborn resistance tvere fighting was reported in northern- kiangsu north of shanghai and in parts of central china while in the southwest on the yunnanburma tiordcr the japanese sought to drive nlojlg the burma road drive to the wert russian forces are making greut fforts to cut off 3sfazl forces remain ing in the donets basin and thi hemmed in a small area about nov- orossutr in the western caucasus- mild weather throughout the tcrrl mrs d taylor mason knitting co ltd lumbcrt twins rockwood junior farmers croup honor members of the air force junior farmers held their meeting thursday february 18th in the form of a box social everyone en- joyed playing games which were proyj vlded by mr and mrs bob marshal mr and mrs jesse wardlaw mr nnd mrs ross swackhamer both members of the rcaf were asked to come forward and irmn watson read the following address dear ross and kathleen we a few of your many friends and neighbors have gathered tonight to extend our congratulations und best wishes for your future happiness may the journey of life which ybu nve chosen to travel together be ever showered with joys and the sor rows of which everyone must have a few bo small like fairweather tory is handicapping the germans in i ouds that soon pass away retreat and their losses are expected u have long been a mem- to he tremendous i br- and- willing worker of our club from kharkov in the north all the nnd othnfewe have missed you but 200 0 w provun superior to- the 5000 fathers in this part of the program ioo following the toast to the king the toakt to our fathers was pro- 98950 loosed by gordon realty and respond ed tu by mr r f bean the toast to sons was proposed by mr amos mason and responded to by george elliott a humorous reading was given by james dills in an address that was full of help fulness for both fathers and sons rev e a brooks of st a i bans church talked to the- group for a short time he urged that fathers understand their boys and give them the companionship and guidance needed by youth to the sons he minted out that the discipline given by father was in most cases easier than if he failed and the lesson had to be received in the school of life mr brooks gave plenty of splendid il lustrations and had a message full of good thought for all rev mr fosbury was chairman and expressed the appreciation of nil for this address mr h r force on behalf of the group gave thanks to the ladles for the very fine dinner served george mason led in some group singing continued in the arena the contract was to be signed tlie bell telephone ca asked that plan submitted be signed on con struction work in the municipality this work has formerly been passed and required the signature- now that the work had been completed chief harrop was to lnsiect the work and then council would approve if so ad- vised council discussed tlu repairs on tle maria street bridge these repairs hnd now been completed with the ex ception of the sidewalk oh the bridge arrangements were being made for- an inspector to uiks on the structure luforc tlu liarrlcades were removed tlte matter wan left until final ap- proval was given on the structure a letter from the secretary of tho flre brigade requested that council secure 2o0 feet of new fire hose purchase of i ml feet was approved a per their first request the arrears of taxes were reviewed by council and instructions issued jor collection way to taganrog on the sea of azov red armies are advancing rapidly in their sweep to the dnieper river strongest opposition to the advance is being met in the region of kras- noarmelsk where the ertemy i seek- thetlng to stop the soviet thrust toward this dnepropetrovsk north of kursk the russians are very fne address mr jones of meeting winners for the bingo were st in another brief speech i moving to encircle orel the nazi mrs l ferguson mrs a neat mr thanked commissioner mason for the t base that linked the former central vanaoazen ross gordon and c j vangoozen and the euchre winners wen mrs mac mclaughlin and ross gordon we hope you will soon be able to re turn to our midst kathleen although we have not as yet had a chance to become so well acquainted with you we are looking forward to it and we do wish to con gratulate you on your choice of a life partner we would like also at this time to wish you both the best of luck in your part of this great struggle for dinner and gathering arrangements f with the now shattered germnn counry ond and baptismal service at st albans next sunday morning the baptism or anne elizabeth sharon infant daughter of the rev- jerend e arnold and mrs brooks will take place next sunday february 28th at the 11 am service at sla1- bans church the sponors will be miss mary elizabeth smeaton of guelph mrs r j murray of tor onto mr archibald sheppard of tri ity college toronto and flightlieu tenant donald laldler r c a f of hamilton among those from acton attending hased on kursk belgorod were commissioner and mrs geo j kharkov mason mr and mrs amos mason i there ore indications that another tev forbes thomson mr g w mc- major offensive may be started short- kenzle mr j h boulton mr and l w of mosco it is believed the tinm use hem mrs thos- jones and mr and mrs j russians have concentrated mut signed on behalf as a token of the high esteem in which we hold you we would ask yob to accept these gifts and may your joys be increased a hundredfold each c a bills great masses of troops in this sector and of the junior farmers friends and acton nelgh- tontght will be the demonstration because of excellent communications bor in the town hall here of some as- thev couli be moved rapidly- north or j pert of scouting given by the local south as the occasion demanded troop this event will be held at 730 and all citizens are invited to attend there will be musical numbers and we- understand the boys bakfd will make their first public appearance and assist on the program if you are interested in the boys of your community the citizens of tomorrow you are invited to spend j this night with the oys the british radio quoted moscow j dispatches at the weekend as stating margaret mcpiiail irma watson elwood johnston lilacs are in bud can spring be just at hand7 last evlng mr j bell found the lilac tree oik his lot on church street out in bud he cut off a twig ard brought it into tke fbespbess office and its on view in our window feb ruary 24th and the lilacs are in bud can it be that spring is not far dist ant the lilacs seem to feel it at any rate mccutcheon bowlers lost game this week by 74ft the mccutcheon bowling team got off to a poorstart in the third series of guelph city major bowling league taking a 70 defeat at the hands of central ontario transports the score the germans on the southern front were running short of arms and am munition the lack of arms and sup plies was said to be telling on the morale of the german troops tlihlii rlrrkarlr allied force in north africa may continued on pag five audry mcarthur lucy denny then i c lelshman g masalea m holmes a- sheffield w corry o knill presented them with a basket of many lovely gifts rosa replied fit tingly thanking everyone a number of box were auctioned off by r l davidson the meet ing cloned with the national anthem and the remainder of i spent in dancing 311 330 204 331 318 138 363 1st 175 310 172 300 329 in 652 620 343 mccutcheoni c ontario 1006 1089 919 993 3917 991 1044 3134 miss eva haselu oj1e to speak tomorrow in the parish hall people of acton will have an oppor tunity to hear one of the- most out standing women in canadian public life when miss eva liasell speaks at an open meeting in st albans parish hall tomorrow afternoon at three oclock miss hasell is the founder and hon organizer of the anglican sunday school caravans now twentyfour in- number wnlch cover vast territories in eleven dioceses in an important missionary ministry to scattered peoples of all races and creeds in western canada and north ern ontarloshe has been decorated by the king for her work and has had the special interest and practical help of her majesty queen elizabeth the canadian patroness of her work is her royal highness the princess alice countess of athlone who with the governorgeneral has personally inspected the work mus hasell has a thrilling story to tell and lt is a rare privilege and opportunity to meet and hear her this meeting is open to all men and women united young folk enjoy sleigh ride and lunch- after a sleigh riding party was held by the united ypu regardless of many being pushed off the sleigh no one received any serious injuries after the fide hot soup cracker and cocoa was served a vote of thank was given to manse nelus for the use of his team and sleigh and also to mrs wllderspln for the delicious soup after the business part of the ev ening was disposed of the dishes were washed and everyone went home after a most enjoyable evening coming events annottssnwent sfccliass ctm- ccttb or oftwr evestr nadtrr hit htmdimw r char4 csnt per ijn wlili a minimus charge far iot sbsounceaicsi of ac dance in the town hall acton on saturday february 27 try the rapgne- four proceed for war ssrrlclr league ft ljgjhtitijhjiir susomoih myt