Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 29, 1940, p. 5

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paokvooa thb actottpketi press r rttataamv vebiioart sith im neighborhood news inureatintf units concerning other ctiu- and conuttimilles in which many of our header are interested l1mehouse the regular monthly mettlna of the olrla lookout club wu held at the home af mlw in goott on saturday jitemoon with a vood attendance and the president mr ilarvey norton in the chair plana were discussed for a cro- kinole party to be held th middle o march messrs wm and oordon orelg of biuntford visited with miss iveiu and the gale last weekend mr kenneth stephenson vulled tn the neighborhood on8aturday mus shirley wright visited lth mv and mm wm wriffht of erin recently congratulations to captain and mm oordon sutherland on the birth of a daughter on friday morning last mr and mm wllfrrd arcrnleea and daughter marianne spent sunday with mr and mm a w benum mr and mm thoa haines and bona pent sunday ith mr and mrs joa scott nassagaweya s s no 7 campbellville tlie youna peoples society of fit davlds presbyterian church held trlnhlng party on monday nlghf after which they all relumed to the church to enjoy a hot lunch which was prepared by tttfe social committee roger mahon la expected to return home from guelph general hospital where he haa been for the laat trn days thn friend of mm will elliot jr of chatham are sorry to know she 1b not improving very much funeral nervier for the late william stewart were held by rev frank law- ann at hli late home on tuehday after noon tqterment won in kilbride pres byterian cemetery the- deceased leavtes one son james of toronto nnd one prandson the iwllbearern were messrs charlen norrlah david froscr robert twim campbell aouew john peacock and dan hunter crewson corner friends are olad to hear uuit mrs lynd smith who ha ueen tn the iid pita i for tho pant six weeks 1eft on sun day and now la staying with mm mur ray in aoton mr and mil jack cornell and roy of toronto visited at mr and mm outll- rlcs over the weekend pie hill stewart of the toronto regi ment vlxlted friends here on sunday mr nnd mr w jackson and family of islington vlmted at mr and mm robert brownie on sunday milton the editor mya we will receive live given joric of tmc prkc prkhs in february he u favoring the town mil oivy receive f nassagaweya tin ebcnczcr united church youna people h union held tliclr regular meet ing on tueirfny rvcnlng in the church the recent snow storm have made rural delivery some of the roads heavy and closed to motor traffic mrs w watkins andwostcr billr thecouiav mnrli in th north part of acton spent the week end with her of the township of nassaaaweya have sister mr and mm stan robinson children received a hall holiday on monday lecause ot the illness of their teacher mua alexander we hope she fc soon well again the school children 6 uterary held another successful euchre party nt the hoolhouwe on thursday night the prize went to mm grant mcmillan and mr wm prank consolation went to mm j kerr and mr alex walluc after the euchre and a tew minutes of dancing mr and mm allan rtrrttr wen itikrd to tinn torward and miss lottie mcleod nvid un addrcs elimod b the oommunllv while miss pearl kennedy and mr howard frank pn rented a well luled banket of ttlfl u the surprtswl couple mr and mrs fcrru r thanked each and ujl for ttielr klndntiks in re nitiubcruiff them and said uulr gifts would be much aprrclated in i heir new hunt and invited all to net them evtryotie hutyi tor thei are jolly oood pillows iunch was served artcr which tin evmilng was spint tn dancuig we mikht mention there were two sleigh- huttln among un curs there alrlgh bell and all crow havt been set n and heard in this dlatrlct rockwood j not had the snow plow over them as the ptople uould lue miss tyra wuaon or tlie oac oitelpli visited her iarenta mr and mrn elwood wilson over the weekend mlu phyllis metchcr of the oac ouelph visited with her parcnta mr and mrs austin fletcher of darby vlllc over the weekend miss lois eoiurbrook of campbeuvllle 5jenl the week end with lit r imrenu mr and mm jim cash rbrihik of durb vliu mi win ktes of ouelph vlsihd with rtlfttlvis and frlmds in nobnoiro ijn on fciunday ii mlin fad on wtdittduy tvcning feoruury 31st tin mlsnion circle of the unltbd church nit t ut the maiutc with the prosidi nt il ta allen in uie chair plans yere midt for the easter tlionk offulnt and ajinic snow rend a utter explaining uhat uas required for the 1010 bak norlne mckechnln and margaret sin clair liad oharge of the worship servlct muriel crossman rlod a very interesting paper on india prepared by mrs stan ky sinclnlr who was unable to be pn nut the firth chapter of the study book freedom was read edith warne under the auptcc of the rockwood bttvp a ehort arucle on temperance and muriel croasman one on christian junior farmer association a uoceoaful alutrt ooumr carne to a close last frldaj followed by a banquet in ttie town hail in the evening comprising some fifty tw boys and girls with a hundred of thntr friends tliey sat down to well laden tablto served bj ttu r wkaood women a institute after full justice was done to the good thlnt provided tht sluirt coursi ntudi nui ut n favored bi un uddress fnmi profiwm r w c black w ood of tlu oac ouivlph u ho spoke n mill hi mitith olht r bltori who win pnmiil and undired uielr congiu ttilull n to tht ntutuiiu- uin h v ouulstom m p omlph ktws eulntf mp i dmjltrtl nnd hn e d d orn lukbhictlon m uirhiuiiri t r tlji t l v as in chanri of freo luick of 1 a i moik with mlis goru luh ot mil ui mttli huh t o norvvkh loi tin i hufl in lloint txtiiunikt unci liumg ottuirs f the chum rfrtntli f r tin girk itwldint mw d chutxh i presui nt iift miu mi l uk 11 sccnlurv tvt ustm r mwt fl ptiikiu and foi tl lnft irviihih chtulit l nairn in initultnt k llul etritwv hi iik i tniumiru c hn iuwti li tin struct ut tt i luift churcl k t lrul i ivtniitk win wil vttendcti iv utuy f i ks who rnjivwl 1u e a hiiki ulilstruted twulr vt n hin i diin th lub thi work of the 1 h m i f m i lviuh ixjsntfund mission vw rk in the i mr m one stewardslitp refreshments were served at the close of the meeting mr joseph soper returned home on tuesday alter wpendlng a week visiting friends at morrlston and hespler mr and mrs wylle returned home on stmda after spending n month with frit ndti nt isltntrton mr biu burns of bolssevaln man is it ixl with mra sovr during tht week mrs som r ijh nt last wtek u 1th frit nds in acum george smlllle who op sunday night last suffered a heart attack is we are pleased to say improving miss france polly hayward who underwent an operation for appendicitis in st josephs hospital hamilton on monday last is we are pleased tn reiwirt doing nicely roger mahon cardpbellvtlle was rush ed to ouelph general flatpltal on mon day where he underwent an operation mr and mm f leonnrd white and little son donald leonard visited mr and mrs w james hill oltm williams on sunday last instead of the holiday given most schools on february 14th milton high school students remained at their studies to hear the funeral service for the late governor oetieral tho school board had a radio installed tn the audi torlum for tlu occasion champion erin mr to m altbnit haa bean trumfttrred by uu canada pocknm to tuojuaritliuo province with headquarters at illnllfftk mrs d a litltch underwent an opera hon in ouelph general hospital on monday her many friends wish her a needy recovery a successful mnctlmi of the bun h i lie club woh lie id last friday night nt thn hume r mrs jlimtey after the bust nrss of the tneottnu garnen were played ami a dainty lunch was nrved mm r fines returned home last friday after spendtnv several week with her sister mm mocalg at mount forest mrn mucala many friends will be pleased to know that site is convalescing following a severe illness advocate burlington i oral health bulletin i here wera nj new caaea of ohtaken- pox ivwirtod diirliitf tlw wesk rndintf rviniary j4ui rime will ull wluier thn npldemln b tin the decrease ur jut a aim swiforw the storm navsrthslmui tto not relax ymir vlgllanoft to detect susplelmut sucna in the ehlldran munv ieoe are stlu wing inrapacl- j tntid with the prevalent sore throat and warnings must be repeated not to take any sore throat too utfhtly tlva compllcatlona are too aerlouj and may have thin cfta t to railsfl a llfelnng dis atilllly llheiimnllc heart disease is usually caused by infection from a sore throat invading the blood stream and attacking the llnlrur membrane of the heart cham- bor and tho heart valves the infection tin collection of taxes by prepayment i i may come from other sources suen as was mxcptlonally good this year and ovn i tooth abscesn rlwumatks heart may tin white oak chapter iodc has completed a very successful years work tho membership of fiftyfive includes ighfrew member tho privilege of meeting king george was enjoyed by rev c k mlcoll minis ter of knox presbyterian church who is in england as chaplain of the 4rth highland rs of toronto oakvlllc experienced a minor crime uavc on saturday night when a house was burdlarlzed a woman attacked and robbed on the street and an attempt made to enter a second house members of tlie bamo group are believed by chief kt rr to be rt sikinslble for all three nets tlu oakv tile womt n war service uugue was hlflhly braufled last wctk when major walson of toronto rtprc scntlng mrs wallace campbell head or rht wimtna commitu t of the red crofifi vt i ted the workrooms to bring rreetliips i gordin sinclnlr will known toronto i niwuuptr man nnd w w ird prlct of toronto wro apeaktrs on thursday a nwetlnff of tht mens club of st john t l nlted church when the club entertain ed tht numbers of the st judes mens club rrcordstur 4 000 more was taken in this year over last year a total sum of around 3fi 000 of this year s taxes have been prepaid a move is on foot by the fruit growers of the burlington and niagara peninsula districts to regulate the basket prices of tender fruits by eliminating the growei denier truck competition one of tlie rarer social evints took plnot on monday evening ut tlir home of mr i nd mrs wm ironside maplu avenut when friends and relatives gat fire insurance rate reduction die underwriters association have uiitltortxd reduction in firs iiuwiraiwe hat for acton on most hie do you know that for a smalt uddlllinal premium yim can tnwure your irioperty against additional itnrlu unci i us windstorm hall j ttfhtnlnn explosion riot impact tiy aircraft or vehicles and hmoka damas w hollelt vaur kind fnaulrus p l wright insurance office ceetmv rulldlnv fiionf 0s vtffif 8undav march third the rv o clifton olffottl iia mlnlsur 1 1 00 am puate s flscend qumtlon wlial f truth i 13 is p m missionary amiunlit uia cltorrh we ho i 7 00 pma picture urmnn jasua share the pwplaa sorrov i thursday fmruary 30uv fraysr and meditation the proposal of lov i god bo ivjved the world cofnat lat un worship exist without any joint involvement belnp present nnd happily anmetlmaa rheii mat ism of the joints may be very bod yet not any disease of the heart be caus ml the tragic thing about rheumatic heart disease is that damage is caused to the heart valves which b permanent nnd cannot be cured entirely such conditions existing in the heart seriously lmialr the activity of tlie individual unatly limit the capacity to work and w t patterson ro bpcclmlui in ejra kuwlnalua ortiumbl iii wvndiiam rt aucltu rimm tin oomplrtitly kqulppd otltc blow mher flho stors lrrsbrtrrtau knox ciiubcd actom uv ii l bcnhik h a mubuf uuu- wulaw jurmt sunday maitcil 3rd 1m0 vrmcliina thr lajmnn to see us about rred to celebrate tholr goldii wedding mny rturt tlw ur of thn by anniversary mr and mm ironside were married fifty years ago nt troy ontario where they spent their active life out of 30 parcels of and o fit- red under titst liiurfiday only tin were ittttd ana they broujrht now low prices j a pettlt township clerk was in charge of the tax sale which was adjourned until march istli when the township has uie right to buy in tlie unsold properties tlie plea of mayor blair for strict economy in the coming year the cutting of committee estimates nnd tho asking of cooperation from the high school board by reconsidering their estimates were the featuron of the striking of tho 1040 tax rate nt 40 mills nt a speclnl session ot the council on saturday after noon lost tht mill rate is thi nume as inst yt ar gazette ospringe a number of farmers in tills neigh edkn mills un f empirt oi d miectl in with th hit im fill t tnti n unn lttm in tin urn lull a i f 18 r lh chri ih toirlh mcftliu- ot tlu nlu hauk i- hi i t lu met it tin homi ot mr and i j iolt n hth st rt fir ladlu wis w n l w mint ginllimtfn i lt ft mtno i in liandjt ami u mrs lutt iti md mr wlllc win n con i slnli o ini s winl to mm j uillwrl sin nnd mi i d limn 1 he fifth ii t iiiifc f tlu club was in id in the i m mi utul mrs ii lurdt n hlh mi t i indus mrs w gllbtiuion ktul inn mi j d itwrn ln luinuh mis v mlu i mr j lollmi ions la ti i mrs w mln and mr j ollbi rtson ml jain ti muk of the 1 1 th pit id mb luut if uindon vlsltil in tin mr and mrs jami s lurdtn tr d macdoiikiill visittn borhood art drawing water for their stock owing to a shortage tn the wells i all arc hoping for n good old time thn in tlie ni or future i mr xnd mrs rucll oordhr mr and mrs robert akltt and children of guelph spent sunday with mr and mrs benlicy wllwn townline mr ajvln struthcrs lift on sunday night for preston whin he has obtained ii position mr and ln thomas applcyard and fumll of oiorgitown wi n sunday vuluiri with mr and mn 1x11l webb nnd fiuull mr eurl mcoow m of marnvtlli lb vittifu with mr arnold sunti r fat vi nil un mbtrs of thi lndlra aid u sisiinl with a program nt balllnafad town hil on mouda night mi jasi ji fau wart cthibraud hi vi nly ighlh oi thdav n lyltluj mi ind mrs david fatiwnrl interuiiiicd nt dliuu r in litti honor un guests being un nui rs of tlu famllv mfto nnk klrtw mk is sp ndin this witk with lur sbdir and brother inlaw mr ant mrs i b mckliiium hills li nit villi tu nds nd tuontiih r tlie wek u hi ixikiwn is tin mlu t tlu human in art therefifti it ts pn trnuuxl in ti ur it the whit tlu in tl it nci of nilvsl in work in chin i has htm manifest ih mativ ways week md ultom mr and mm fred laiy- ot hamilton miw gruci i aw son of lnn c ill eu t ttiomas mlu doru dyer or gait mb fforu gordon of tlu o c guelph mr nnd mm jos hollln of fishers mtus wrrr- up 8unda oveillng mrw arthur k thomas has some tine dnrtodil blooms in lier front window it the pnwent time tlie many friends of jimmy milne will lejrrrt to learn of hi mishap in ouelph on monday evening when playing hookey w ith the nockwood team lie sustained broken arm which will lay hlth up for corner time mr ul mis will ollnrtsnii nnd mi 3 wts k md in tlu honu gordon at even ion at ild v sin lit tlir t f or and mn oil in uie tin mam friends of mm aeorgt write it will tn pleisid t it trn sin is makmga mpld recover from her serious lillltml 1 a joint meeting f the women s mis- xinnarj socletv and ladles aid of thp pjjibyterlan chjityh won held on tue- tav afternoon in the home of mrs w minn mr r gordon president or the aid 01 in charge of the first meeting nnd mra aeorge thomas woln chargo of the missionary meeting a full re port of the annual meeting held in gait was given by mesdamn w gubehson and w lowrle lunch was served by the hosteaa assisted by jvfra it oubsrt- son and a social half hour spent congratulations to ifr john taylor who is celebrating hu mth hlrtlvdlivthl wek orton svmpuihj is ixtuulfd to mrs fatanliv purnt r in tht ions f hi r fallur tlu utte it hn plait whte death occurred in gi md alli last week ilhkt miius it b tlu tiural gnnu thwt units with uit jumiius ai well iks hi st nlors mrs k c nivius entertained a f t w or tlu vtlluki ludtm tit a qullluig bit lum vednisdn afternoon mr and mm john watson nnd c ford pent the wetk end in brnmpton ualttng uulr daughter mm pitvj kellajn mum olouls htllu feaus vtstttxl in tin nlluuie on sundny mrs larokc and babe havebem ull- om with hir shter mrs alf dickson mus elva mcdonald sient sundaat the home of mr and mm fred hall tlir death of mrs parsons nee olive aareyl daughter of mr albert awrey which ooctirred in toronto on monday morning from pneumonia u deeply rereiied in this community mr and mm halls grand valley mr matt armstrong oshnwa mr and mra ucdotiffalt mr toole and mm stewart guelph mr jos oragaon fergus mr wm oregson arthur and louts lan- donl delwood xlrwrn locharin speed- side were some of th relative who at- teruled the hineral nf the lata arch oregson on friday afternoon c liaitlnd auction sake i arm stock impllmrnts fllain and i iirnitdri- tho undt rsttrned him recilvtd inttnic i loni from john a ma do to w11 by public auction at tin farm uith 1 and 10 concession 1 lrln situ nled on tht erin enimomi townline about 1 mill bouth of no j4 hblhwity on thtlitsim march 14th 10 10 ttmmencliiu at u o clock the following horses black team of percheroiis geldings 13 years a well matched team od buy gelding fi years old bay geld ln 3 yenra old bay more 14 years old brown gilding nged cattle red cow 5 yearn old fresh calf at foot holstcln oow 0 years old rrcah calf at foot 3yearold heifer calf at foot 3year old heifer part jersey calf nt foot hereford cow 8 years old due july 4th hereford cow 0 yearn old farrow milking 2 fat cows 3 years old fl rut cattle o cattle rising 2 years 0 year lings these cattle are well bred hereford ind shorthorn sinsep 0 oxford ewes supposed to lamb in april 1 oxford ram pigs 2 york sows to farrow lost of march 10 plg about 126 lbs 0 pigs about 100 lbs 0 pigs about 00 lbs 1 oung tnmworth sow bred february 0th 0 tam pigs ft weeks old time of mill 1 ork sow bred in decimbtr 1 ork sow bred in january york sow brtd jummry 2nd rounnh0 whlti leghorn pullets liiyint 1 whltt iwtfltorn rooster j imr krf hens 1 gobbler 1 goosi 1 g nidi r impllmenrs- mnshey harru bind r in ttood hluii i tl foot cut mccornuuk mowtr foot cut mnaaiy harrla seed drill 11 hir- moskiy flurrls sprl ig tooth cultivator 17 tooth hu rake 10 fikit stock rack liny itack cock hhutt w mcoormacfcde ring plow in w at i tilt r turnip bower fl section harrows dan ii iv loadt r mecornmck dccrlug mnnun sprtudu in w lumbtr wagon ai tl box fiixxl ils new litmlh r wilson f ales ijoo lbs bohnltlkh with i unka i iin 1 ciittliik box piuuiliik mill w ith uoti r ittai in d pet r ihunllu n iu 1 r xlion piilpt r aid slliir m lirnnl ni r tlrts biikh cutti r larn slzt su ir kill 10 fiit of nip m0 u el i x imuibir pulijh slln roint su 1 1 stout oat lottgliu chain bindmn chain imitt chain hi f t uiddi r qii mtltj mixed lumber pint f nn i r lyuok bottom wlllttli trees nickj o ct b fork- shin i li hces li aiw lau wh tluarrowh crtvssculsaw ft iiew facn v ja k turnip knvo i pit tr imlvs didge c ir od as mw h 000 milts obout c rts stsvi wood harvc3- i doubt huriuimi witli iirrectttrrr i set pltw ttttniesa- tmle jlurnis j iwvir brldlts 3 pair halters 2 on n bridlrtt new fl scotch collars 2- some pdd collar grain nnd potatoes 10 uaus do li potatoes iso buaht a fall win a i 100 bush u rvt 350 lushils enrlv alaska oats fit for sred too bushi u mixed oram iottseholj ffffcts mtlotti cream srpmitor wo 1 churn butter bow 1 lad v print imperial oxford range and pipes realty washing machine and wringer tub stand and wringer comer cabinet sideboard fl dining chulm 6 kitchen chuir gas lamp coal op heater tea kettle rim 0x0 fet linoleum uxlfts feet flour can organ lantern hand sprat rr carpet sweeper v no re- n aw the r armis hold uaad hill be open for cam many yearn thin ui an instance where nn mince of prevention is worth many tons of cure guard tho child 0 future by seek- for a sore throat whenever it occurs e j nelson mo ii pn good point husband another now oulfltf where on earth do you imagine i ii gt t the 1 money from wife whatever my fault darling i ni not inquisitive him opinion manngtr applicant i in n man of few words shake in married uo ford tractor with ferguson system norton mbtors phone 69- acton 11 00 a jy 2 30 pjn the sabbath school and bible class 7 00 pm can the blind lead the blind another qulx from jesus note i the fireside hour at u0 p m in thi y 3 the young peopled guild monday at b 00 pm service committee ai ways welcome sunday march 3rd 1040 1100 am worship service subject god cullfl abram communion ser vice 13 11pm c school 7 30 pm b y p u wednesday 8 00 pm proyer meeting a welcome to all dont wait till spring miixt a fhaitantfcbl usfcl l alt ikom daymoni motors stock vvhiijl uv vvintcr plot is pkivaii on kvlfc at on s i at 40000 u ivs than new car prirc to duv in oulmoll diluxf coach a lovely car 58000 i fcs than nrw c ar prleen today l 3h olhsmonill ileluxi- sedan low mlleace and almost new car condition 701 to 795 38 oldsmobl e deluxo coach 30 chevrolet master coach 00 hifys choice or 30 deluxo chevrolet sedan 30 deluxe oldsmnblle coach 00 401 to 500 hvh choice oi- 3 ch vrolet master coach jl dodge coach jfl chtvrolit std coaeb trunk 1 ti oulsniobllt deluxe bednu pi pun th c sedan 205 to 345 buys choice of 33 studeboker sedan 33 chevrolet coach ii bulck sedan 32 ford dt ltixt roodsur 3 chfvtoitl roadster 31 spiclal chevrolet coach z timk maki1s am models to choose from daymond motors chevrolet oeismoriee dealers imionl lihl ulijh ht alnans churxii anijliran iut tor iti vd c a brooks m a motiieiuno sunday lent iv 1 fl 30 a m holy communion 1101 u ni kl fui harlil mid ser mon hi clurchs pr iv r muting 2 p tn 4 mdiiv ki k wid bfblo cliwwen 30 p in st l hn 1 him irwood m morlnl hirvui fir hi uiu joseph john ldoiw uiy dtlevtalt t hynod 7 00 i m i vi nu uk ilarubas a dr 1111 1 1 m ii 11 i i in t ihuitsdays- 4 00 p in children s titrvui- 7 jo m juitt ip ur hftli medlta in n in the prodlk el son choir r practre after tin strvin unclassiflrd small advertisements in any light and chats the kind of stocking beauty you want daytime or evening you will find butterfly smart side- out juit rtjiht they seem iheerer than they actually are becauie they have that bshy skin texture available in all weights in all new and popular colours and u longwearing too a superb value at the pricej jmttef i or half buy gi dtiuc rlslnu 0 years broken in ull harm as enmilrt at mens press office ii iy or mali- xjny eiciiorn it r no hot kwood nt c n 1 mi n t niuui iuuwi yn v wantkii cajmiblf itlrl ir w imui fo tl nural housi w irk apply to mits c v wiiuaws giitrv town kr sii- uwtl h p elftri 1 tuir new lieueh urindlr 7 tub purum kloclrlo had u apply ilox j41 acton hlbl imtebs tlts wavthi rt h pusintauv li 111 ll ijrtwm s tn 1 i iiiit r 1 r in st nlv w rk no i vi mum 11 fded writi filly u ilmtco sai hh company uiu u ll lor lit siiin vni m1mhn wuliteil wiudiinu uul mtiitlliut for citnluh hi ink ta iiul ijnlu rraw nouli r g tit li 1111 11 1 w li n u u d mrndlnu wry ui nox ua ac ixn po tor su 100 un kit mi mar mi tut near itone rt ad t ur 1 w rkable 30 at res bush an 1 ii ir 1 uul uulldimts in ijood re kilr 1 xi unit watr a ippl for par- ii ilarv apply mihfa jebiile mcgiroaoilr john meollktoir phone j3rj acton youijb street aeloil j3j 79c teiims cftill vn artulm o h unvovm unlll rmuul bov iiindijiv aujlijomr pluuu i5r krln johlg8twancjark manufactured iumict can put no a030 pall ants clothing store mill street aetoit q pat obk bray chicks whyl t ca otim yoo bmy cucta ihrouth bi niniml piompl ilaumuy 1 geo c brown norval la aum halavday afu anj lvmliri only t gjjjjjjlilj dl 1

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