Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1939, p. 3

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v mmomrwb tlrfz acton frefe press tlluitfiday aflltt aoth 1h9 fumusd wy thursday kl aum ouuu musscbiptaomf hatks4c lur ywr la tdve uotua stu see udjtloasl slaf tfim go kotb told 4 w kmrwm7lmttu mi alv waa ek 4 iw mh tay fall te rit b4 ntmiim wbw clpto will o be rrud in wmii vtf few fc rl period ytj ttl4 we art mud to eml w ase advktttlsmo ratkom spptfcatlm d ivm ih vurutui coluwa budloe- prwj of nuu advrtlsdnt ll r4uitd let wriun by ilia milviru aad rurawl la the fr hv buin ofrttr duly ld by the ndvrtur uid with bueb erro bf girrcllan plainly t4u4 la wrltlmg uuxcqh udiathst ii my error ne uotl in mbt oorreattd by tbvnrrm 1rtii iii liability shsll hot womd such a trtmtu f ilia tntlr cliat of tleh mtvtrtutrastit sa tbe eccaaud ty tin not mi mrrar bart to tba whola ipaea oecupud by such advartumbl o arlop dills kdltor tclerilonejl- ifrlllnrlsl ind duilnaaa omci ty bildetic- til surrounded by beauty and lo the so is rals edo heights of idealism which make itfe wortt living ybitare asked therefore t6 make prepara tions for a general clean up of the whole commun ity cooperate with your neighbor in ithlb very worthy effort v reading the headline headlined and newspapers articles radio com ments and everything seems bo confusing these dnys that we read with a great deal of interest thc follow ing comment by sir ernest bonn british publisher in a recent address commerce and industry have always suffered the handicap of politics but in these modern times a serious new barrier to pence and prosperity has arisen in tho shape of an enormous expansion of the machinery for the distribution of news said sir ernest hour by hour tho press and the wireless hove to be fed with more and more news there remains however among all this advance and im provement the age old difficulty that good news is no news and of foreign affairs wo only hear of the bad in other nations and they in itheir turn ore only informed of the bad in us every nation is amply supplied with skilful sensation sleuths cjprts in the discovery or invention of scnndnl and rumor to remember that the whole of this impressive structure is absolutely governed by the very human preference for hnd news is to rcalic one of the difficulties of n peacemaking prime minister ond the 7eopordyin winch quiet nnd confidence always stand think this over ns you ramble through the hendlmcs or listen to the newsenst from time to time jmdorial fc3bcbssr jtwf depend jflvom where ou i ook nt it lnst week the fergus ncus record nked llv question lb pln oft system a rocket- find points out that amateur clubs follow the lend of the piotes sionnl leagues in nrrndlmg the gamis to bring in the most revenue the articles concludes it is no won der that some fergus fnns are saying that krgus thistles went nbout far enough financially speak k i stronge ns it mny seem we have luni j net eom plaint from the treasurer of acton hockey club and we believe he would be most likely to spenk ftnan daily it would appear that the fergus inn who made thnt statement wnt not the one who telephoned from fergus to acton to check up on the rumoi thnt uns nppnrentl current in thnt town after the group pln ofts to the cfuct that acton u as dioppmg out and if so fergus uould like to make n bid to lo on in the pln ofts the hocktv pla ofts mnv look like a ineket when ou re not in them but just now folks around aetun art qmte pleased with the arrangements and satisfied thnt tht nre getting fitti alue in sport tor the mone expended it it is a nuket it s one th it most nn towns glad to be rn at am time leigus tans would ftel thnt win too if they had won that dn d ing gnme in gait we smpnthi2e it cih llnrlvr fvery motorist duves foui cars when he is on the mnd oftieials ot the industnal aeddent prenitioii associations maintain they point out thnt the motorist drives his own ear the ear behind him the one nhead and most impoitnnt ot nil the ear just around the cornei thnt he eannot see any one of the foui ears the say can gel the motorist into a jam and he should allow for them all the average man s mictions are not fast enough to match the speeds of to day s automobiles when the pinch comes the average driver may hnd thnt the enr is driving him and that he is not driving ihe car he sunday school lesson rok hllnhav afktmj 2srd editorial notes when you tell the tiuth von don t have to re number what you said ii ou want to lest niii numoiv ti n leiium hei tlu things that worried vou vesteidav middle age is the time when i man would rather 1 without a good time than hive to get over it unt john citizen apr i moisture has been more in the torm of snow stoimfi than the showers which ire supposed to characterize this month utcr the hocke next week we plnn to join with other editors tiom ontario and quebec in a two day convention nt ot tnwn lnst year thn convention was in toronto timmtns and kirkland lake nnd wc hnd the oppor tunity to give you n story of the mining section ot the province ottawa is always interesting even it n bit easy going once again we have hopes of seeing in the house of cdmm6ns one of these lively debntes ue have read about but never witnessed there are many other features of interest nbout ottawa and niidresses bv two prominent speakers arc slated one by gratten o lcary editor of the ottawa journal and one by sir goratd cumpbell british high commissioner a trip to lucerne nnd luncheon nt the seigniorv club arc also in the plnm for these two davs a visit to a paper mill will also be u feature with hoekev over our eolumns will require material from another sourec t uill endeavor to bring hick llini s ot the dominion capital following a brief two d i visit thnt looks us if everv minute of it ill be crammed to capacity the rnin comes just after you hnve hnd your car washed nnd your daughter gets mnrricd just when ou get her educated to make her own way windsor star if seems difficult to believe thnt th6 trout fishing season opens a week trom saturday and daylight saving summer time comes into effect nt the same rime paul wim noo6mtion von oknt1lk oiuljbtianfl onldtn text a man u nol jiuilflui by tho workh of tlio law but throuah faith in jm clirut aatallam 3 10 kwin textraeu tfi 23b3f onla- utoi a i a o io time- a d 60 53 puoo jeriibnlrm mxpcmltlon i tho doculon of uia holy spirit and the apahu 33b30 the mcat cottiovry in uio early church won whether a man u laved upon faith apart from workj of the law or wlwtlmir a man la nnved upon fnlth and worlat of tho law thu la uia brent battle pail foyglit and in a later day martin lulhor three aravimenu wera brought forward at the council in jeru salem to wifutc uie judalmm l potom araiiment ood ha borno tlinm wltnou liyttv4nb the holy spirit u tl unclr- mimolreil ait well an unto ua and nan put no dirference between un and tllnm purlfylnn their heart by fnlth v b 0 2 paul ft nnnittient cod ha wrought mian and wonder among tho oentllcn by ia and thim net iii ral upon oijr preachlna of solvation by faith apart from the work of the law v 12 3 januvr nraument it 1 accordlna to old trtiutmrnt scriptures that a ml will tako a people for iii name from umnuu tho unrlrcumcuwl aenlue thoflc nnmmentn convinced the coun ell nnd the monnlc inw wan not laid iiuh the gentile church the npaatlen nnd oldorn nnd the whnln church tnk i lecnutloiifi to eiiinl ntnun nny ml ic pnsciunttihi of th ir declnlnn bt inn tnx in buck in ant inch b the lprallxer ihey kntw in mt n they lind to d vu tim paul it uii1 hi clui l companit n of llu kiuihk tlui v 40 o d hurt nut ul of llu m hi mi h if piiul i ui mli s 1 h iiiixil of nrtrtn c usiki m llu lli ii lull f miinulcnm tli bn i in i n hwh ir of tin o i tllct nillh in chilsl mulfcfl nil mm kin n miuij cvimdlnn clumliuw u i t it itaihid tin iimi win ii muy rii 1 irri nnwitiri ciiiikm ui afrlcun iui n brollur llu ill sci lpium if th juiln icrn is m iv ti ikiiir nnd surrpjimm ck din tthuh unit out from un hne lroublihi m vcluituls ills kind if tumuli ni nut nil t id jet llirj reip in innunre nnd u luyn r rctlii fulm tt irtts to yi unt oimili 1 hi re l- n u io in u hit h llu rtt v ll ciui m lioubli bt hi m m innn i spitlnllj iun comcrth oi mom thoroughly unntttlc mlbwrt hull mou hi m bj tiiki aui tlicoo faue words must be met by the 1 uord it inith col 4 i nul nt ivi all bv llu wold of clod tim 1 11 h i tin iiimsilt- rmi imllr llj d nhd ull ujunmbtuiv i l f tr ihis pi i 1 i lunching that nun in si ki i p llu f vlicti in i nit r in tx mi ih v li i llnj hid c nu i n villi l un in n t il it t m ll i in i stl n it is i hi it thliik wtu n bit tin u vvh dlltir run mitt uu 111 i mult i llu iol sj 1 t i murii i i i did llu i itlv ch tl nb and thus i nu n nu ar rd tlu r u no mini of am dltttrtnnjt on n tail rnns umuik thot who i t 1 1 authorilv tlu bible ind rc i ll ukkini utmlim of ood tjns 1 7i rii uixvtls and llu w ht u chtinji b si wnl v cry lofty prulm on pnul uiul dimab it wiu will demrcd ij cor 11 23 2 i of him mnnj dlsctpli s to dnj could it be j at lb snld thnt thc hnd hnzurt t t their lhrs for thi niimt of l ir lord jcaiut chriht anv one v ho disirth d be n dlhctplp of chris must bt wtlllnir to do it luke 14 2fi it wna not ihtii outi decision oirtluv great queauon thnt they were srndlng it wns ihc iloli spirits decision tliey were perfectly kure of thu v as it j our prlvllefia tqknowuvuj iff 11 38 john 3 1 37 it wom beejtuw they bought and obtained the mind ot the bptrtt that they were able to come to one ucaord if paul own account of tho council at jertuialem oat 3 1 3 intha aecond part of our ijpjwfn we have paul own account of the church conference at jerusalem lie give u a number of detail which luke doe not touch upon the church at antloch had commludoncd him to bo but in addition ho went by revelation 1 o in obedience to an inner revelatlrtn from aod iul wdji fully awaro of uie jrravlty of the rltuntlon but he had no mum of de pendence jly ui ftptle at jeruinlem no doubt buf that he wa preaching tlio truth ife luul gotten hi aoapel by direct- revelation from ohrut he took along with him tlum a native greek an a llvlnv witness tiiat qh had bloated iub touching iii official nefoanltloii of paul a apohtln to the gentile 0 10 tho leader of uio jewish chrlstlnrui tnvj from uie man 1 feet hlnuhng of a mi on hi work actn is 13 that paul had been ehosen by ood to carry the aoipcl to the den tile peter hail opened i door to them cf act 10 u ib 1 7 but hi permanent work as a whole wu to the jews paul did something- for thu jcwh but he wan distinctively the apolle to the oentllca aels 33 it 31 let uh never forget that qod entruat different men with different forms of ministry eth llln seal ujon them all and workn through nl rf 1 cor 13 0 acts lf 111 llu npohtles nt lerunnlrm did not dnri oppont a nilnlntry to uhkh ood had ho obviously mt m nenl no tliey co-oper- nutl nnd to i ledgi llu conipnet of tin dlviiun it mlfutton 11 ills gnvo paul nnd nnrnnbn4 llw right hniid of fellownhlp among nil llu qiuvitl nn of dot trim nnd l mint there vnn one nddittoniil ihtlnt tm uhlih tin y un all ugind thai of llu imimrlnn nnd nit sully f pnictli il h in voh nu iv 10 f jn 1 111 0 1 alsll 2fl ini hovit btated m iii 1 noi til pi h i ki mhh i in vl it lit mi llu 1 maluit lit pi ill 11 w nu a llltl d wn iwi t it sril i ii aunincl 1 tut k ll ii i list n nomllt lni i t ur in dli i ids lv innwinish wlii it is it i e pu it 1 mid i iimih tl itrithlng in th tar hie uiitvt rsal tott m of the barber the j polo palnul in altrmau attlne of red and white 1 fumlllor to everyone boetf everyone know how lb tar ted tho history of uiu uoe date back from thu mlddki agf wlien tlie bar be i wa the only surgton in the reign of klward tv a charter of incorporation wo given to the free man of the mystery of the barbeta of the city of loudon using uie mystery of the jtoculty of 6urgory thi uie art of tw fturgeon and tlw trade of the barber wore comblniwi oovarnor of thl cnmblnnl1th appointed and this atep may be said to have been uie in ception of what 1 now the itoyal oollsge of burgeons of ten gland in uie reign of henry viii the bnrbern and surgeon of london wore merged ihto one body under uie name of the mystery and conimonantly of tho huiljers and flu rg eon of londin nnd holbiln the relibrauwl nrttst made a painting of thu event the charter of itlng honry was con firmed by charlrs l but in tho reign of george i uie okl union of the darbur nnd burgeons wo dissolved and hence forth the hiirgeoiu of rnglond wore let to struggle along n best they could they haven t made suclr a bad job of it tlio color of the barber s polo repre sent incidents of far away times uio red algnlflc blood uie whit the bandatfl nut the burlier surgeon if divorced from his former oecupauon in england kurvlved for u long time in other lands as tut a u140 in thu south of bpnln burlier shop iiuicrully hiul a notice that the timber did mid ulfery and surgery i will ufi nliuvlng nnd fur mom rceuitly hh john blmon fin i tint he hnd the lit nor of 1m iiir rdiuvcd i y a bur hex who had prof vliilumii t l h great oerman juitlioimtihii inuuit itubllauuiia on the bmkthiir imaltlo 111 basin john w h mtullo itih md dp 11 oltl 1 it io till ijj 1 ii il a i i i ib mm uti it iln i tl i thfi i i th ilim unit ivi iiirt f il ipnliui i ns i un mill ibuit tlu uiiy tin lilts mi u b ii t hid n u in v b mtltl n n iiiim i ii it mil lit m v hi udllkjjl l in liuluss i in si m j ui f i tit wlun tlu i t it tliv iriuitl u ml thl mirl it oimind tlu tint r lit diirlun- thi litti huiilinl if tin muthk mil tit 1 in 1 lu n i i 1 insui id v i h u ml in iv hi i j id m iki uh truly i hunk t il f i whul w in ulmiut u nithi buaiaebs directo ty medical dr j a mcniven- hiylclan and hurt office and itasldence oomei bowitf avenue and fcbjln street dr ejjelson mtysleuh and hurstem klertro tlierapy imioua u dr wmgcullen imgc miyalelah asid fltumfl office 1 tours 14 and 70 pin aumlay by appointment wilbur btreetjust north of mill fltb tel4photi 138 ucoal c f teatherland b a ihmuui- and sellelter notary kmblia issuer of marriage licensee registrar of births marriages deatlu aovon rjfflee 22 ihnm itmldetiee 1b1 kenneth m langdon rarruur kellelur notary rubu office acton oeorgetown overt beynuckscsfe malnstreetb for appointment phone aclon as mr oeorgetown is office hour acton tunulay and tliunulay 1 15 p m to 4 m p m kveu- ing on refpieet dental scott s scrap book by r j scon x production in canada of commercial salt in the hrst eleven months of 108 amounted to 255553 tons compared with 240085 tons in twelve months the previous ear it is not easy to explain how ii million people in c n id i will raise thi monev to give the federal t mrnmuit revenue ol nmrly s80 million han er post tine is the uronj uord in this instance ue contend dental hurgeon oftuo in iilmiinnn 111 k hour 0am until fl p in evenlnjf by apmiintm nt on for extractions x rap f uuied wcdniiutny aflrri mi ii ne ml p w pe akln d d b i d s denial burgeon t ofllv in the ilynimi dlock phono 2p mill brect acton i xickwtx tl onit o open tvrry ttiuriday afu r n twin and lenlng vitfhinahv b d young v s bvsc veterinary sariwaei on ire llrtxikvlllr onlarto phone- milton 14r4 f g oakes v s bvsc veterinary hurfeon ofllca and ilealdence knox a vent acton plume 130 pollsrl mftsli farmlr mavc frit i ft owh sysft o feleftaphy fmklmc fo tsch ofher b mtahq of pom b11t hrea1 woodth uoftmi curious coot ot sounds l u6ep iwsftad of wolts id xnf of aftrxhiimr flowlrs is avi skppotuftd coumt of sntidv hft mllia shlools of japam a 17 british war minister examines famed bren gun general insurance hi him iai lf in life lirc health and accident automobile w mdhtorm imntc iiobh ijniur fidelity bonds tumi inuuramcc annuities and all tienernl i inoh of inmirnnce albo ocean steamship ticket kadino lomianifh xcfltent facitltifs f l wright offlee cpr bleek offloe os phosu rmu 1j llan rpnnjr cleanup now 1 fven if sprinr docs seem to hesitate in turning the eouiti plans for jmn up improvement enn be made in urging a spring clenn up eiimpaign tbu brampton conservator sa springtime is synonym ous with uean up nnd bemftifv time when everv thing is taking on new life nnd beautv vie want to re move the pars of winter and the aeeumuhition of rubbish so that alt mav harmonize with the beautv of new foliage and ttouers if you think a general clean up is noi neeessnrv look at the corner lots broken down fences interim the back ard ihti condition of store fronts nnd signs and of streets generally in a few minutes observn tion you can find 101 spots where some cleaning and a little paint would make a transformation and arid beauty to the environment i envtronnfientcan inspire or discourage individ uft surrounded by ugly uninviting conditions of living- theoulaud physicalbeing become- warped writing nn essa on cous n student rises to the heights of wit when he savs the most impor tant part tff the cow is the reccpnuc in whieh the milk is stored this is enllcd the udder bv n clcver lyrangemcnt it is divided into four compartments tnch with a separate tap by this means the milk is divided at the source so that one part gpes to the landlord one to the mortgage company one to the gtwernment ond one to the farmer the canadian magazine canadas oldest monthly magazine will discontinue publication with its april issue it has always been a wholesome publication that gave every encouragement to canadian writers and was always keenly interested in canada and sub jects of special interest to canadian readers the publishers attribute inability to continue to ever-in- crcasirfg taxation uncertainty and the unfair com petition of the canadian broadcasting corporation wwh invaded publishers revendes by methods on possible- to a tax supported institution time tables naoiah nationaiprailways at aotow golnrt fast ditih ixnpl sundny 6 37 am dnil cxrrpi sundnv d 4 a m dou rxrrpt stmdii osftpm snnda nil fllopn fljrr ft r ruit fin if htup in o rptown at 0 41 pin rutin uni dally tx i pi sund i 8 41 ajw dnlll txtvpt sunrin 3 40 pju dall rx rpt 8um1u v 7 07 pju snuircl i nly fljii1 13 38 a jh sun lny nnh inuii 11 33 pm gray coach lines coaciies leave acton hlandard tim eartbound i to tornt a 6 m a m 4 31 pm 0 11am 031 pm 11 31 a m h6 pm 2 dfl p m tvrhara the most important man tn premier cham- booalna ksrlush cabnt in them ertsesnilnl days va lslle llorebeusha auinlster of war and rpcnslble- for the advanemni and auctnenuunn of omat ftxt- taiav armm tonsos working on the theory of under- ktand the kmuunant and y th army s oomplx problem ha is never oouy to join tho troop as utey bo throuah mahoeuwa espciallv when some new tyre of weapon la under acrutlny as woa uie case when this picture was taken the utnuter of war u seen with a division outaldf london aa lie is instructed in maslery6rtheihtjricoie of the un machlnefetin of which canadian hat- heard mar than a little over the past tew months westbound ta lemun dtlim ay 5 03 p m i xii mam t it pju 3 33 p m b 0 11 pin j pm dxius pu exl9 08 am x through to jloodon i a except bun a hoi b gunand hoi o fitr only dmcept oat stm and mot a at sun and hot t kitchener y to txwort 1 feilfiriw j tnikm

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