Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1939, p. 7

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fc the acton free press tiitlmflpay apim nth im of interest to women r swung bavju ttttesbino by betty barclay spring days are naiad days wo crave rhocrufireinmd flavor or all the fresh foods we can corral ot thu time of year and salad twice a day finds rnvor with mofit of mi for dinner plan a simple comblnauon of lettuce and other renn with tomato or cucumber added for luncheon a more substantial combination of vesble fr mny be nerved on i the mainstay it a the dressing that makes the salad you am make distinctive drcsslntts in five mlnutis urn wllh twcctcncd condensed milk just add soasoninbs and lemon juice or vinegar with etftt yolk if you want mix altoeefclier tar a tw mlnuuis and jou have a smooth creamy drenfilnb that to oft the milt or vegetable salad to perfection j nt guuippreflbino 3 cup nweeu ned condensed milk cup vinegar or lemon juico l cup nai oil of melted bu i egc yollc i teaspoon salt yew ffralns cayenne 1 teaspoon dry mustard cup tart red jelly suoh as currant or cranberry place all tnffrodientii except jelly in mix ing bowl beat with rotary csa beater until mixture thickens if thicker oon- nlstency in desired place lit rofrlliorator to chill before oervinu juat before serv ant end in jelly makes 1 cups clickse dressing j cup swcitened conden iod milk i cup vlnctiar or lemond juice v cup juilud oil or molted butter 1 eitij yolk n teaspoon tall iew urn ins cajenne i uobpoon drj mustard v cup srated canadian chocsc place all innredlcntfi except chcisc in mining bowl boat with rotory cgff beater until mixture thickens ii thtticr consistency is desired place in rolrlger ator to chill before nervine just brfon uorvlnfl blond in crated chooac maxcn 11 cupo oranok date nut salad serves 1 on lettucccovored salad plate ar range circle of 6 or 0 oranire segments nil cup ultli mayonnaise stuff or 5 stoned dates ulth walnut halves ar range on orange slices top mayonnaise with a walnut half milk dishes childrek luce milk is natures most nearly pcfect food rich in food elements aw lumlru nooessary for good nutrition yil man mothers find it difficulty to in duce tin lr children to take their da ly milk ofi plain milk oi ecn to devise dlflht oontnlnlna milk that prove pleas i liur children seldom n fuse desserts here i are ttto rrcivui calling for liberal quan title of milk that i am sure will be taten no eggs are needed no baktti or bulling make the dessert in the in unliil id aervc at tne enng trcal i 1a yiu con keep them hidden from the thtklien that lone ooldtn olow itennjtt custard 1 mini i tablet 1 tublt spoon old uater 1 pint milk 1 uiukispoons sugar 1 ttapoon lanilla a cui apricot pulp 1 ftlcued or canned apricou 1 egg white cut the apricot into strips and divide nnionu dessert glasses make rennet tusumt according to dlrecuons in pack age pour rennet custard immediately ovir the aprtcota let stand until firm about 10 minute then chill in refriger ator whin roady to serve beat ecb uhllc until stiff add 4 tablespoons of tlu miunr and apricot pulp btat thar- nugliglj uigttlur put aprloot whip on top of each duh of rennit custard and decor ate ulth bits of apricot oiianoe fluft iienne1 custard 1 package orange rennet powder l hut milk u cut hipping crraii v pup sugar 1 large or 2 small nawl arum lalu rt unit custard acctrdlng to dlr tctions on pacluila tlun chill in re frlgiralor when readj to terc top with whipped en um and across cream place sihtuns of orange if orange is large us 4 half m ctlona if small use 4 whole jse il ns tor each dish if desert hints on fashions mmm i chronicles of i ginger farm j w whttn reuuy fr tiib aetmt prwui fvlnioiink r ciaukk jmrimm cou mlnlnaom grace and dignity when a dress posnbsscs grace and dig nlty as well an rlriuli noftneis it is des tined far a grand career thin is such ft drrjis it li of soft pure nllk in turqoolse blue printed with myriad white stars the con lit rclion butloni snugly to a tight fit mllilmlliik the watst line tlie bod- ici in kutlk red over tho bint tile sleevcn nr snitl p ifled the skirt is gathered on to a hip okc falllnc in soft graceful folds oma ajbtlon ti t faeet keenuen oh dtld i vc just dlwoverd tliat the girl who sits next to me in biology class lias u hat ekaotly wee mine vauipso i itup you want me to bu you a jww oat swet seven un wu7 darling that would b cheaper tluui ciuuigliiff wliool miw rust rtsistant wilt at named rfcofnt in 1iuat d1mand orders by the hundreds are coming by very mall a percentage by air mail from western farmers to tlio cereal divl sion cmtnil nxpcrlmental rarrn ottawa for jieed of the new variety of rust re sistant uhuit kniwn oa recent produc od b cereal division officials at tlio do minion rust research labordtcry win nlner regent wheat whicli is not only romiiuint to item rust but also to leaf rust and smut has been developed to ue point where there are now about 12 000 bushels available in wostern canada for iiedlng purposes when renown the flrst rust rcslstan varlctj deviloped by tlio cereal dlvlslor was distributed for the first tlmo in 1037 it was announced tliat a limit of foir bushels would be available to each np pllcnnt but m iny decided to take only two bushils since then tlio value of rust resistant wheat in the rust alticed art as of western canada has born so deluiltcly demonstrated that everyone naw wants tho full four bushels av illail in uiicaxc of regent as a result many will be obliged to wait another year before the will have an opportunity to i lve this variety a trial thircjarc howvvt lood suppllui of renown available t farm in in manitoba and of tliatchcr renoa n and some apex to growers in saskatchewan as yet rust is not a scrl ous problem in alberta regent was formerly known v wheat number rl 075 i it was developed by crossing a variety known as ii 14 vllh reward a high quality variety but lacking in rust resistance for the past feu tars it haa been grown at toino of the d mtiilon cxpuimenlnl i irms uiule- sevcre uvits it lias shown up so ui 11 in ylild and appearance as well as in quality that it was sent to eug inu a ilw months ago to be tubjuctcd to cxactlnv commercial milling tests these uats disclosed regent to be well up to all ex pectations henot the decision to dlsll- bute the mailable seed supply this yir to western farmers jtcgmt is a beardless uhlti cliiilui varletj in 1038 itgave higher jlcuu than tliatchcr renown and apex li manitoba partlcularlv it requires about the same time to mature as thatchir in 1 renown and therefore ripens about two to three days ahead of apex in length of straw the varletliv mentioned rank as follows renown rigent apix riiatchf r ri nowi is u nnltely the- lllghwt of tlu hi four arlititj in welcht u tw ecu uu otlu r thrt i in baking strength us judjied from luif volumt regent is slightly superior to renown and apex and edual if not superior to thatchir in flour color rigent is in tlu sanu caligory as marquli reward and apt nnd suprlor to thatcher and kinown raster the living room with noth ing in it except the piano and the stov nnd visitors expected to drop in at any tlmol will that 1 just about wnnt i thought would happen that is after my hilp stopped helping iwncauso of flu the fore part of the week i worked desperately with the idea of getting the room done before easter i papered uu roum mseu it took me the better part or two days bocouse the room is eighteen fctt nquore partner asked what he could do to assist and i told him his best plan wos to keep out of my rood and not bo loo particular as to wlnt he had dlsncd jp for meals sotuenl at llwnatjct nf witlrrrim di termination and uter it wi done i flatted in to paint tlu iloor but mntif whjlre i mot my waterloo my kneco ijnaccustomcd to contact with ttftrd floors rar very long at o time nnturilly re wsntcd such treatment and swelled and swelled howovor i managed to finish the first coat of paint and intended ttic jiccond coat should bo applied next day but when tho next day came to get down on my knees was just about impossible and uien in dlsguest i said to msyelf to the dickens with tlio room it can just gefdone when i am ready to do it after that i turned mv attention to the rest of thi house which uas inclien deep in dist and i tried to orlng it back to u slinblnnoe ot respecta ility did i sue cud w 11 yes hit i n t until almas evi rynni i rir kmw had dropped in either informally or on buslnosn of eours afui the place was clean and udj luirdly a h rson cah d for neirly two days oin of the buslnvsh callers was a man silling or trying to sell tractors partner was in the house at the time and i was ible to ktip m with my work as he and the trnctor intuit were too buv antiln to notice whit i was doing midway of course the uffont had uu usual tine of talk about tractors to all of which partner ogreed yes said partnir 1 know what vou miy is right and i uotild buj a tractor to morrow if i could nltord it if only on account of the boy but my dear man wild the t a jou cannot afford to be without one now for 320 the tractor is vouni 320 echoed partner ye inid the t a nnd 105 this fall and the balance a year from nowl partner laughed oh now tliats a different story and supposing i rouldn t raise tlio 101 in the fall we have other ixpcnses you know oh but you could raise it insisted the ogent lisusnl with a trnclor you could grow mort grain sell more win at flon t y hi sii q just think now if there s another war jour wheat would llkclv jo up to a dollar i oushel sun you could raiso the money nothing easier i that was too muoh for me with the broom m my h uul i may have looked to the agent like an old witch u j exclaimed indignantly do you think that li the right line of sales talk for an agent to try and put aver people in order to sell his stuff would you have us buy a tractor by gambling on the- chance of profiteering in tin mxt war what do you take us fur the man evidently saw he had made a mlstaku and started to explain that lve dldn t want to see a war and hoped there wouldnt bo one then he added it would bo an awful thing you don t know anything about war yet then partner laughed i dan t know anything about it ho said well for four years i was in tho last war and oight months in tho army afterwards and in that time i found out all i wanted to know about warl tlun tlu agtnt changed his tactics cntlnlv tmd confined his talk to farm nnd crop statistics however partner dld not buy i tractor and after the man had gone we talked about him for quite a whlh it seemed to us an uwful thing knowing- what the last war meant to so many and not knowing what the next wac may hold lit store that an man should travel the countrv nnd trv to capitalize on what proills firmirs miuht nmki should the- threat of war hanging our m ever become nii actuality perhaps it might bi as well if nmmi fttcturtrs kmw a little moro about th 5u talk of thehr wmvwiitatues lllghwiu riportn 35 some of tlu wont holes on this road have been tilled in with gran 1 if conditions iruprow n llttli we shall soon be abk to iumm1 along r jo m p m to a ooon htajtt gold mining in caliod got off to a good start in 1030 whelr the output in january amounted to 411 32fl ounces compared with 301 oflfl ounces in the j first month of 1038 nnd 330 023 ounci s in january 1037 the average price of gold during january 1030 wan 35 308 per ounce in canadian funds nnd valued nt this price tlio canadian output in january wu worth 14 105 050 aillloutfrtgold in some form has ihjou found in every province of canada tf crpt prince edward island production u chiefly from tho gold quarts mines if tl e porcupine and klrklahd lake areas in northern ontario otlicr important con trlbutors include the ffoldquartg mlniui of quebec british columbia manitoba and novn scotia the copper and copper bine mines uf quebec tlu nickel cnpcr mines of ontario tho copper xlnc mln of manltobn tin cojper mlnui of british columbia and tlu plaa r mluci of ilrl i lih columbia and yukon nt wly dt v loped mines in the n irthwont tirri torles are comim nclng to et ntrlbute to the output while guld mining did not in mt promlnenci in caundn until ifi r iojo i placer roui is said to have been found lu quebec lu loil or 1dj4 but no tyi j umntlc attempt wien mnde to wurk it until nearly twenty five years later the dlncovcrles of placer gold in british col umbla hi 11 go nnd of lode di iosltn in novn scotia in 1003 marked the flruti important period of gold production in canada tip until 100 the greater pnrt f tin hold produced in canada came from brit pill colli mbla placers though there were also a substantial production from ihc lodo mines of nnvn scotia dtirlm ihli period and tin chordlere placers in quobec arc estimated to have yielded about two million dollars in gold between 1r0o and 1070 the discovery of rich gravels on tlie klondike river in tho yukon in 1000 marked the biglnnlng f n second plrlod of intensive old produc tlon which rinchod its peak in 1000 canada euum d uixin her third lmp r i lant period of wold mining nctlvlty with i the discovery of tlio porcupine gold enmp in iooiftallowcd by that of klrklnnd i ijikc in 101 j tin fourth and nuul 1m i portnnt chaptrr of caiindlnn n ild mining j history may be said to have tpeiud in 1011 wlm the prlit of gold b gun id i rtsi sine tlun unpn ccdmtid netlvlly i in the ind istry hies t iki n jtlucc not i onlv in tin nidi r i r hluclnjt mlnui but also in tin m ireh for and divelopimnl of new di posits last yar cntiudl in g id mining established an all tlim hlgli retord with nil output or 4 7lr400 fine unnh valued at 105 007 000 llonific tlie campbellton n tl oraphic recent ly recorded on its jrflilt page the atory of u 00 000 local fire which caused no regret otlin occasion was the years final meeting nf tlio town council when tlio treasurer touched a match to that amount ot municipal bonds redeemed out of the town s sinking fund the story notns that thu is the uurd time within recent years that such a ccyemony has been conducted lram the available evidence one may conclude that campbell ton n ciukciui are taking a pride in reducing their communltys dobt and hint this is one municipality unit docs its iwuit to avoid living beyond lu means i hern are of course other inunlclpall tins that have good financial records centrally speaking the bent records are found among tho smaller towns whose ttorrow ing power in icpniiscd in thou mind i rather than millions of dollarf pi iphu who hnvi only small sums to imndli nci m to lie more wyeful in their administration of npcudltir and jwrrqw iiih tlmn those who tnntrol tlu budgets uf tlu cltlis provinces and the domln lu the 00 000 of cnmpbollton linndn rhiips i rrms like small potatoes to the eontitllir of the pmlornl budget whiro lolunuih of ostlinnten nre frmu ntly head 000 iimlttt d it reprtntntn only about tlu fiuni amount as the dominion will jipfiid each hour of ttw current flsial ymr nr tht canadian national railways okt in nven hours and twenty minutes it may be remarked that now bnins wleh jiotatoofl liavc a i ood reputation mid hint the handlers of inllllonn of tax jmyera money mny hovi something to learn from the hnndlcra of thounandn no record comes to mind or a bond fire on capital hill tlu printed won canadian tliltklyb rtpijlatt canadian turkeyy continue to w popu lar in great ijritaln the canadian ex ports to the british market from janu ary 1st to february 33rd 1030 totalling 5 130 boxes compared with 300 during the correspond fug period of 1030 and with tlio hitherto highest record for the period ny 704 ihixes in 1037 pmrthe- the position in which canadian turkeys have become establish d in thvijjritlkh market in shown by the iacl that can adbui turkeys have been selling at live cenbj vnore per pound llian olheehldr wilt at crop va110e tho total wheat production in i in 103s is now estimated at6 010 000 bushels from 5 030 500 artva a yield of 13 5 bushels per acre andjvitbjllotsul estlmated value of 305 sl 000 in oom- partaon jthe yield in 1037 was 160 210006 bushels from 35 570 300 acres or 70 bushels per acre with a total value es timated at 104 051000 the aggregnte of all field ropd in canada in ldsfl is new estimated at 530 000 000 compared with 550m06ofl tho rovlnul value for 1037 voonws ou iim1mlmln m re than thirty thru million little almoii and trout wire dlslrlbuted n suitable waters in the maritime provinces and british columbia by tlie cnnadlan oovcrnmcnt during 10311 tlio principal species liberated included 31 000 000 at litntlc salmon 10 500 000 speckled trout nnd more htan ono million cockeye snl mon other ugh distributed in smaller numbers were rainbow trout ouananlche sebngo salmon hybrid brook trout and i wilmon trout moat of tho flrst sot froo wen in the llngcrllng statt altliough tome of them were onu or two years old nnd the trout included norm adulli of four years about 05 per cent of thise salmon and trout had been fed in hatchiry ponds for varying lenuuls of tlim before being re kiuitsl these hatch rlc are operated by the dominion department or fisheries for the purpose of maintaining nnd im proving fishing in areas where the fish eries are under federal admin titration with the snmc purpose in mind more ujdt 40 400 000 eggs of atlantic salmon speck led trout fiockcyo salmon rainbow trout and other species were collected in 103u tor use in tuture restocklng operations while tlie major phase of fish culture- work carried on by the federal goy em inent is tho propagation of commercial fish the needs of tho sportsman have not been overlooked and the planting and re stocking of game fish in the streams and lakes of the riatlonnl parks is m iirtlcular interest to anglers hatcheries arc maintained by tho department of minos and resources in banff and wi ton lakiva national parks with a hatchery in jasper national park din ing 103q fish culture operations wero carried out in jasper waterton lakes unnn prince albert and riding moun tain nntlonal parks tllf real uasov yeatliiu hf1uf11 tommy hji fallen and urtset a dish of prunes picking hlnuelf mp he observed thats tucky lucky demanded ills moth wliats lucky its lucky 1 don t like prune wouldn t begin a journey on and rrlday not i i c4iit understand why some people will be so superstitious no sup rstltlon about that saturday s pay day sallys sallies young mother nurse what u tiio most- difficult thing for a younguother id leam i nurse tliat otlier poople liave perfect cluidrett too uoitkin loll t1ik llv mint one out of every nine atnorlcaiui who has a job is on tho pay roll of some branch of government fedi rul state ot local according to flgunn obtained by the national munlclpul league iron u study of income by the united states ci nsun ilitu and thbi is not euu lug i hone on relief projects am ng j1i0oooo public cmpl lycm ajroklcnl ly oni third are fed rnl employi j om ihlnl are eng m in ju i i u and out llilrd arc imaged in stite and municipal jnlu it liifecognlitl that the avtrig cltii instantly xpttts ovenunt ntal lg uliis t do inort and in in for him from llnd lug markils for his oods to siting that hi does not get short mi nsun at tl lllllng station but there is still grave it won to doubt tin t lllcacy of govern mint operatltn in produetiig and dlstrl butlng tho ordinary necessities of life however necessary and praiseworthy they nny bt lu uulr shi re om can hardly hiibslst on tlie nervicut of tho traffic policeman tlie factory inspector the eourt clerk and ivcn the colltgc profes sor i hi number of public employees ar lording to tlio census bureau has hi creased 17 por cord since 1030 while tho numbir in private rmploymcnl is 0 1 per cent lower tluui then i low far would this trend have to go before the people of tlio united states would be in the sltuallon of tho inhabitants of that mythical island who made their uv- ingu by taking in each otlicra washing christian science monitor typical low rares by moyok coach tickivi amd invohmavioh at hltoij w1is phono s8 buffalo 9 bos tlfvklano 18 ib baltimoiik 10 2 augusta sojiivbs gray coach lines fim 9ubkc chut wllhoul noll- bertha tiny an keeping uielr m gngement a secret are they not mary well tliat s what they are telling everyone m i noodod a now barn roof and i wont into thomattorvery carefully tlio anpual report of my mutual iniuronco company howwl that last yoar out of 15 firo losaon 7 woro cauaod by flylnp ombora and 3 by llaht nlnff italkoatoznyinaurancoasontaiiuba ndviood aflroproof roof nbovo all olao ao i decldod on metal motal protocta against firo and lightning and ajeo against wind woathor rot and apkoop i choaa matal and i bou yitklajp tlulap to nay way of thinking has all tha bsai fmtufwnw matal roba itlarlaul haa maxim provlalon for nalllns taaltaaluuly waatliambibt i bottha council humlard quality and tha yaair troaranua that bom with it ami i waa glad to uara boot tha naw raductlon la ooat bacauaa thara a n aalaa tax any mora 8nd rvijt awl rafttr nmiurthuiili for prxk rooahjf tiimau addtiu dipt dos eastern steel products o tlmi sthtt t fff v largest photographic montage for new york world v fair aiaatncwulibt this largest colored photographic montage ever attempted forma the background of the exhibit of the canadian national rnllwiyt in tit canada buildina at the new vor worlds tair more than fifty feet long and with an average heiaht of fourteen fect tlie montage has a photographic surface ot approx- i lately seven hundred square feet li i in full color every piece of color havmk been applied by hand nnd il features every transportation t ncy in canada from modern pas r njjcr planes tind huge streamlined soccmotivei to the tiny canoes that arc fitill used pros pec ting in the far north of tlie dominion the mon- tagc which is a blending of one pic ture into another in much the same fashion as a movie fadeour curves around a huge screen on whfyh nntural colored motion pictures of canada will bedlsplayed continti ously on the latest type television fcreert considerable space in tlie exhibit in civen to the dominions new commercial air service trans- canada air lines part of this dis play includes a model of a t c a passenger plane jt is eiftlit feet long and ha a wing spread of ten feet a sense of movement istlmparfd by the whirling propellers which aro kept in motion by a tiny model alr- elane engine encased in a metal outing inndi the plane the pho tographs show miss phyllis baker the artist coloring one of the four teen panels which comprise the huge photograph montage itwofk- man bullhstthbirsjal plane and t a carta ca building at the world a lalr j

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