Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1939, p. 3

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talfoi lvjuihhia jiijwimrrrtftvtfa the acton free press tuuksixay amu1 ui 1m u- qh artdtt 3prw jr0 jskllwi k traaay l aaloal cluu hzlraaa u mauat4 r iviru ijltions wa f nd thai mil ol ar a aatua toy laum ll aaplraffaa wklia aji irfjxwisul i t cll l awaa aataaaj thatuwacilur vlahaa ika irvea aaallauj aovkutisino katiesoa applleatlaa and aa ila tn varlatll colaai haa auhmiith avary pwauitoa wilt ba laktn is avoid a th vri prtiaiccapla adallal l ua toluia 5i7ta udiratadl ikat ii will il fa iuhu lr atvar in aiiy ikarlliaaaairt pumlaliad vruda ualaaa a oron ol lick iktlaaiaam la mm1uj w ill oy thslvaillur ul ralunad la ta rrw faa bl ilca iluly aiwej by ik advarllaaa and wllb auch cla ii awy arraf aa hnlad la tl corralad by tba fra fraaa ha luulhy aball l acad lick a tirotwllj- ol ik mir coal il auth dvarllaaaaaat aa aa tac d sy iha nolad arror baaia la tba wliola apaca acouplaa by auck advarllaaiuabi o aru3f dills auuavr tklipiionrs udilorll and ruauaaa oftua n raaldanca u whether we like it or not whether we like it or not we pay an extra mo cents levy on every gallon of gasoline we bu thats a peculiar way governments have if the mtr chant charges a price you dont like you have the option of dealing elsewhere but when the govern ment is short we just pay as indicated of course the taxpayer who doesnt drive an automobile ha reason for applause because out of the estimated extra revenue collected by the new levy of 0 500 ono the municipalities will receive another half mill sub sidy on the general assessment or roughly a totnl of about 1 500 000 will be returned it is always cheering however to learn thai the budget has been balanced ontario finished the fiscal year with a surplus of 210 018 it is also recalled that in the past few years the provinec has relieved the municipalities of expenditure on provincial high was care of tubercular patients and provided mans social services to residems of the province these items must be paid for in some form of taxation perhaps the gasolipe lev was the place to put it but we feel that it was already bearing its share of the tax burden and if revenue was required an amuse ment tax on all admissions over fifty cents would have been fairer although perhaps more difficult to collect v thm life of an editor yea an editor has n lot with which to put up who has not he also fios a lot to encourage him if ho is an optimfot ho sees a groat deal of human nature and mut of it is good if one story evokea the cynic in him the next lifts him to genial urban- ity by the sheer necessity of being abreast of events and thought lite mind is kept from gathering moss he works with words the most fascinating or media hfa range is unlimited and oven if he has not much money he does sec life if he hits little iclnurcrho has no boredom as ho does his duty to ins news paper and its readers to humanity in general ins pro fession and not least himself as he seeks truth and prints the results according to his standard of good taste he is bound to bring down on ins head occa sional protests and he considers tlicm too because he knows he ra fallible i et him therefore have his grumhlc like others but in his heart he knows that onee the ink has entered the blood he rtuist go on editing until the end nor would lie hove it otherwise saint john telegraph journal siub running ench spring maple sugar time in eastern caniidi finds some 50 000 farmers busily engaged in harvest ing the annual crop of maple svrup and maple sugar prospects for this ciirs crop ore good despite the serious damage caused to a number of maplo groves by the hurricane which swept through the costern states and o considerable part of eastern canada inst fall not more than 20000 000 trees will be tapped in 1030 in most years about 2100000 of the 70 000000 maple trees in eastern canada estimated to be capable of production are tapped although only about one third of the stood of maple trees is being exploited at present the sole of maple products brings the farmers n sizeable amount of money annually lost yeors crop was valued at 3840 000 compared with 2 245 000 in 1037 the total production of maple sugar and syrup expressed us moplo syrup amounted to 3 300 700 gallons which was double in volume the short crop of 1773400 gal ions in 1037 and about equal tothe crop of 1029 the year of peak production when the total crop in terms of maple tsyrup was estimated nt 3 343 900 gallons the quality of the 1938 crop was generally good but prices were somewhat lower than in 1937 owing to the heavy supplies editorial notes spring seems a bit tardy in making i decision tu stay and usher in summer the value of chemicals manufactured in canada is in excess of 100 million dollars nnnually this eor the hockey season will really merge into the boseboll season with no in between period indications nil point to a federal election ur the only thing indefinite is the date still a little prcconous to make ony hockey com ment yet but it wdn t be long now until decisions have been made a peculiar distribution the distribution of moneys from the holton county council treasury at the inst meeting seemed h tho stories about deep snow drif a bit peculiar to most ratepayers when viewed as a nt exaggerated whole it will be recalled that the request oi the boy scours association for a grant of 100 for the scout reserve located in halton county provoked considerable discussiort and in the end wns hi d over for a later meeting the opportunity to spend 72 in the roval visit number of a hamilton paper which haltonians in this section seldom see and a chance to have i pic a trip in the arthur section is conclusive evidenoe were real canadian exhibitors were awarded a grand total of 165 priris at the 1918 inicrnationni live stock imposition and international grain undhny show held in chicago those piles of ice and snow on the side or mill street are very determined things thev move slowlv ture of the county buildings in this paper was qi itc tvln m t spring rains and higher temj crater readily taken up however then agnin the locil u regiment wanted to be spie and span for the visn of the king and queen and 4so was voted with verv little discussion c might go on and make a number of pointed remarks regarding the judicious cvpcndi tureof the ratepovers monevs but uc leave it unli our readers nothing for the bov scouts hut 2 for o wealthv hamilton pnper and 150 to help the regiment moke an appearance for a parade lie eeting increased activity in gild mining ccipts of gold at the ijoval cnmdian mint during junuarv were crcater than in nnv tlici month liilorv the sunday school lesson voit hunoay avuli oil who putoui trtiftt in illm t no tniuttflit bow in mui lhmi can uu hjm to llf etorai1 christ in u u not tint yuint 1uixj of ulory bub the tntmrn wluireliy that hope can bnome m felaumu ami everlautlnfr reutlimtlon in ohrlat 6n1y aw men made olivo in the llwt interettts in an effort to moid tonfirsion unj stcurt the plan best suited to tin iommnit acton council has again adopted b h luudu light saving timt for it used tu be lonsidurid reckless driving if ou u hipped up ld dobhin to 10 miles an hour now it ou onh dnve 40 the people behind uill be honk inj to hue mui get out of their ua gnmsb in at pendent it is interesting to all citizens tr iciin that revenue trom the acton arenn this year wiib 250 greater than last earl stilt much lower hnwecr aeton commencing on the last sundn in april and lnm t hrst lwo vennns whlch txe buiiai tta continuing until lnboroa tvplntnec in the past tirit erected has prtnen that these dats cause the least confusion u in choosinr them concession is made to those who aeton s debenture indebtedness has been dcerea have interests closeu connected with toronto at the by 53 dnnr fle pnst now first of the season ttnd at id no 4b there have been m dehen that same group makes a srhce it the close of turc fence m actm nnd rt the period b adopting an earltr date in trder that nmmcnts wlu n retircd n fourteen 9 confiigion ma be avoided after the school holidms when pupils return to their studies it is an arrange ment that works well and helps solve the difheulu ot different times if citizens generallv nmj all mstitu lions in the community will adopt the new time as requested by tho council a minimum of confusion will rofiult its ft utile to rorgctpcrhdnni iffccs mid dislikes and unite rp what seems in the best interests of the community t p luujstcr editor of the mavlock stindnrd lor fort tup ylirs last week said j oad b to his renders bcsides being editor mr lancistfr took an active part in imtiuuptl life and sport nnd reprc sentcd petrehoro county in the ontnin legislature a hust uo friends he has made in iiir nctne life wish him man enrsof good hoaltl in which to cnjo a uei pnrntel letmirc pauij iiicaioinca tiuc riskn oinuarr koiitr ijuon goltlmi tent but now imui ohrlit bwn iaimwi from tli 1mui uw nntfruiu if tlieni tlwt are wdeop i oorlnthian 1ev 30 uwion ivjtt au 13 10 3s3i 3h 30 ttrad nljto 1 oorlnthltuu lbi 1031 ihnio a d 4ft plmr antloch 1 raximmltltiii i paul protlulmlnu thi ckmil 13 111 paul nlwnyw unucht thn yimirojun on tho sabbath day tv 14 it wiw thoro ho coultl imct tlw iinlo unci preach jiflufl ui them ho put hlmiwir u th way or opjiortinilly and tho opopitunity camr paul hkp potur m th dm hf pflnuioiuit acu j m 14 and btnpluti imiforn uip fmincll acu 7 340 licnn hid fwrmon with an oxputjuu old linuinipiit bcrlptunn and jnwuh liwtory but umyi nil to lead up to ohrls rh iru lit one ihuiu that hn woqld hikvi iiib brothrrn know vli- ttrnt throuijh clirbit l preochml unto uiem tho foruiv m hh uf aliifi v 38 vortas hi 11 contain a mnrvi iniuily full nuitrmi lit of tht dootrlnu of jiuiimtt- tjdn vuj how men am jiwtin 1 by him torrtu in illm 2 who are jusuiled laery one tlmit twllm t l ir v t 3 piom wlna mni um juiikird irom ull thliibh 14 how i man run bt jimtlflwl by the luw of mtwc tcf ronimu 3 j0 u whnn mn art jua lined tin mtimont uiuy htl in n wondpiful aoilel but it inytt ii irt ntcnduun rinpuiiiilljlllty on nil who hiar it nil dcnplflcrn nhiill wondtjt and pirtnh in thrui vtrnrn wo havo char iiniiiriuicf tif tin forglvimjui ut our aliu r jcctlnu the provlnlcina tit oimi k rodeniptlui throuah chrbit jisun incann that ulljrutlt rfhtn on the nlnm r with tho adtlwl juilt of dom ulna flraco hob 10 jfl jo ii triumphant lb iu vlna j1 30 paul mode it plain an day that jiauh ifl tho minnluh nnd the bon ot aid tvn j3 j5 j7 jo j i 33 37 that god raised illm from the diad and thus fuullfctl the promuc mado unto the fntliera iva 33 33 and that by him every ono thai be llevclh in justined trom all thinan the uenmon produced immedlato and abun dant fruit tho convert wtre of two clojmhb rcaulnr jewh nnd pronelytoo pnill and pfininbmi it in no lonualiba and paul followed up thsarpby words of ilvatc inntructlon and cxhor lallon the hubotunce of exhortation wart o muadfast continuance icf john 0 jl 15 5 10 aclb 11 jb 14 j2 col 1 3 tlie hphire or tlielr nuadfont contlnuanr the bfiiti of ood it wns pure ffract that paul tnuaht v fl 31 honuuib 34 11 u lph j u and ii li only in arnc that out can loh uput or stand tltomans 5 2 oal 5 1 4 tlie word of qaa mltflully pre vailed tlie whok city wiui ahalcen lind almost the whole city came to bun what they huird wan the word of ood tef j tim 4 3 1 tlieia j 13 ud lhntiua what they came to hear hear ing however in not bclievtnff and obey lna iluko 0 5 7 it la not alwnya the city uhirv then am most hearers tjiat are the muht eonveralonii tht brat crowds awakened tho jealousy of the jcus icf 17 5 they were tilled with jcalouny human nature hi much tlie same in all lands nnd all ages opposition did not rlahten paul and bamabofi it made tlilm the more bold the word of qod accordlna to ood h order must unit be spoken unto iiil jew v 20 luke 34 47 acts 3 30 10 5 j romans 1 10 but as they would not have it it was ulven to others rom 11 il 12 cf deut 32 jlwmatl jl 43 america and tsujland have the word of ood to daj if uuj put it from them it will b alen to otlu rs a man setlui hti own diuny ijj whai he docs with tit word of ood john 5 40 the lord bud commanded paul to go lo tht oi utiles he hud ulven him ihe commai tlment berort he ittt jeiumipl i ch 17 it this coinmandmont wi abo impliikl in o t prophecies concernlntt the mullah which foretold that lit was u bt foi tht dentlli s i 47 cf lsft 40 u unto the ends of the tarln tin hiiltr if god alwah i nted and tht ki iti kx ood ulwuv stro icf ch 1 h mall h 19 iii tlu christian s trlumt ti tiirouut christ 1 cor n 10 j- oui urds rtstirrectlon from tu dead is the i ledae and tamest of nil christian hop tliat it should be t it corm r itone of chrlsuan doctrine strikes at tht roil of all rellalou theories which tenor tin miraculous and auj rn uural in christ ianit when paul sas bj man hi refers to christ onlj lunma ndnntab bf the fact that since the so i f ooik intimate is icconit pn- inun it is pirmltteit tt icuard l w ivir of siihutinn ns incudcxl in hunun tv lutlf both the adau and chrtat aie i in us the adam with his offence- tht christ with his a ft of rltftueojsmfc3 and wi have to choose betuctn them yiildlnc to tut adam we die but rrlhn in life thro itfh hint oi ncrau pills imswir umounu to this the rtuurrrvi en lint siiiblc net all men are- to be ttaed ilnd face judament what hioanij- funt fultli paul had in tht illlimate triumth of ur lord hsus christ unr tlj all emmles nre put wntwt toax shall hi rliin tlie emmj lo be destroyed ttiere 11 an enemy before evtrj oruj3lus-mul-w-am-lhlvtftr- encounter him ttu fgunfntum u laid for tho individual destruction of this enemy uher a man believes in his heart in jesus christ who han conquorod this tradluoti lias it tliat tui irishman in- venumt tint buaplps und sent them over to sootland in ordl r tliat he might thus perpetrate a joke on tlie scots trndltli n also has it that tht bints have not swn tlw joke ilirre in another will known autrdote r onrmlnit the boot win lay d inyi rotuily ill in a chlrueo hiwpltnl all hop for his iiroviry having lun uivm up ho was naked hy the hnnpliil authorltlrh if tin n was anythlna hi would llk lirforu tu hissed away with no hesitation tin hrtil expruued a desire to hear tin stialns of the liuuplpis hik aituln ihbi w tu im i d a novel rripirst from u ylntr mnns request a plw r wan found and biouaht lo tlu lion itn ivir tf lulniitin tin want in ultlrh lay the dylnir heot reaoundel v tlu jilclrl or tin pips i lien tin pi pi r diparlkl in i all ki until will i hi ruqiul to this story l tht mo t asloiilshliiu mrt of ii i tin niirprlm or dnrtuiu and nun m tin tyln sti l ci nse il tlytna and indian to n tuu mu in a um 1 h iniirkiibli inunui r hut tlir r tin i patients in tin ward din that i vi ilnif in i tlu r uouls to iuu tlu uuid era slanir colloqulaltsni 1 ivy rotilttn t tiilw ii aniilju r nt ry toiutius tlu sturdy huil who on in line aslce lib rontiptlim ui what la would ilki hiavui lo 1m llki replied oilhil a rtwun wi twa huiulrtd utrfi in jlnllpjiujint dllli wnt turns and my wouldn t unit bi liiiivin all mi ut id it aij dhivds pa what doit it mian here by dl pit ma iu phnuteul iy my son if y m it ii a elrj that tlim standi hll uhilt you uu- into her eyes thats tllpliinuuy hut if wui tell iter ottoceuikh an lhatmhm wall blnuimu llu ttwd tin oumn nleht he tumtnl the ky for ood in tlm frocerv whera he hud kept store for 33 years beside tlie vllu srn in pnkuadem a mibitrb of nw voik but uierns more to um story than tliat par ha wus tnittr than urittiit tliem wain t rasldent fn tlie hamlet of 300 inhabitant who dtdn t know him and hardly one tor whom ha hadndinti fnvnrs wiien his netshbors lieard he vas biln if to retire they wrote him a latter and made up a little purse when walt unt home he counted tho money ii totalliml two thousand dollars amoii thofe who had chipped lu a umtlmnnlal tin m1 win tliomns a iamont of tlie t p moraan firm katharlnn cornell tin in in orson welles radio producer morton ttavill tdltor former duai howard c roiitilni of in catluvlral of mt h lyi tin dlvlin in niw york wn wlili you mutt titmint haitplniwi uitl sin i tsrt in y wniti hln clt illtiidi liny lu law flower as tlu i i j x ii v i ut it hdim dm s blow mis irlghlim f ttlu humbltsl chrlsllan hi it tu monitor acadian maniii a tuuinll lllowth business directory hawlcajl dr j a mcnlven rttytlnlmm an4 htia office and heidivoornr kww avenue and hdhi street dr e j nelson irttyslelmu aj hurt electro therapy dr wm g cullen l m c c- miysuuh mua majrcaan o tries hours 14 and 70 pm bundays lly appointment wilbur atwet just north of u11i bewml tepjphone 13fl ioal c i 1 eatherland b a luirlsur and httllrltor noury lrttbu l issuer of marrlaaa licenses iblntrar of illrtlm marrlaais daatus acton office 22 ihanas fuvldmnn 151 i ad i ii lii mi i ink ihimi n din inn tl iwh hiiitlhy proannj n thn to w rid wldi liliuilnu of tin t its i inuiufac pim nt n ntury iinlto ftiirtua li pronloiis at ntury tin unui unit in in foi fun u id op i lot k jou r it srilmillll on it do you know who built tin tl lb tin il pi ulii linn of ciiuiuliih maiiu fuclurlnit ltidutin wa unli r the 500 kkhhui murk lly llllll thi value of pro- duction hiitljiuiu purina thn war jiurs tin inanufm turlnif output was nn itlv nt 1 1 ti rnti d lo imtl nijuln mints tx4tiditi- tin t i mm ooo ooo mark im ntdliti j if i war y ars saw a rrdl hon in s 4hmh0 000 but with linirovlna con dltl ins prod it lion tommi nrixl inrreaslna in i oj until a ncord liieh ulal of s3 fmj44llil was r uhil lu 1030 tlie rin nt th ppmuilon reduced tlui total to nliuhth under the j 000 000 000 mark in 1ujj and 111 j hut by 1130 thr valiu of munufk i irlnu proiluetlon had rech til j 00 403 1114 production furures are not iivullabli for i0j7 bit employment r turns from miuiitfacturliia industries liulliiitt a markt i im rrnse in i hr ut jiuu il fuiutii j and induntrlis us com piutd with 10 ui kenntth m i angdon lurruur hallelt-u- notary publu offlres acum inargetowa over t oynurk s cafe main street 8 por appointments ptw n acton is o aeorffeuwn it office ihurs aeton tuisdsy an4 thursday 1 is p m u 4 30 p m kvaa- lug on re7uest a j no i u s dental surieen office in lets hm an ulock hours 0am until 0pm bvanli by appointment oaa for kxtractlans xx closed wednesday afternoon phone p w pearen d d s l d s dantaj surgaan onloe in the bymn block phona 39 mill sraat astoa ilockwood brflca opan kvary thursday aflwuoon and evanlns i vrrrwnaby scons scrap book by r j sloit emcledr lliholliii japam dlrlxf more m4 250000000 pcoplt ami cau momm his umpire txpaxm b d young vs bvsc vetarinary sarree office brook vl lie ontario phone ull ton 14r4 f g oakes vs bvsc vatartrury burraoa oftlee end residence kno a ventre acton phone 130 of tht p0pit of tlawall ant mawamahs iii qesr nt wmposep o avets from ail ovett used oa punishment i of crimlh4 imibcr btrrfht vktflmfi do hctc suffer ridicutt pram rtl pu5lic general insurance we spelialize in life fire health and accident automobile windfllotan plate glaus boiler fidelity bond farm inauramce annuities and all general tinea of insurance aibo ocean steamahlp tlekela leadino companies excellent facilitikh f l wright oftua caapar blmli ohlea 5 mtaavaa auakl 1wj thtir majesties visit blind inslilute time tables naoian nati0naigailway5 dal j iia 1 cm r sun1ii nh flier fi r ra i dalh r dall r but ird i sun i a at actom galnr kul pi ouniiav 6 st aja c t asiindas 0 s4 ajn ii uy 6 36 pjn i to p m d ur t p in cim rtfvtown at 9 41 i m oln- hmi i r i s it rti ii t s inln rpi imntlaav il flatfi i n fltfr n 41 jh a 4t pw 7 07 paa llllud 1 1 j m gray coach lines coaches leave acton msntjard tims i asthotnd i to rht 4 t m a in 4 21 ull oil um rn pm 11 31 a m h4fl pjn c 3 0 p in utstwm vd i to lovitfah o 13 a m uy a 03 p m n 1 1 38 a in 7 19 p m 2 23 p tn b oil pm ch 3 pm ilnfl 23 pjn 0tlcen elwleth u ihoun estamlnlnsr o liraille nwfal nhet n he mslteil the natloiliu institute for the jflllnd umdoq accompflniihl b the klntf on the occatlon of tlw initiate silver jubilee j a thro igii ta london irpt sun and hoi b un and l cbh only d except bat sqn and hoi ebat flun and hoi x to i kftchener y to atratford

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