w ttauttttartih tmi the acton pkeenfres9 mom im u ht iii fi 3lfp jfmrrhh 6hnrt tnry pawnee medicine dennib n stovall ii rt to nnr sundown of a cloudleii day in 1840 purple ahadows had settled among the leafy cot- umwood and alders that frlnacd the prairie etream near whose south back lute benton left his saddle horse and pack mule while he cautiously advanced through the tangle of undeobrush ha had come thirty miles that day so as to make an overnight camp here iy the medicine spring he had been warned by a pair of trappers back on beaver blver however to keep a watchful eye for pawnes he rabird up when halfwrtytljrough the thlckctand saw a fcony hobbled in the clearing just beyond it another one similarly restrained fed on the suc culent grass lute could not bo certain whether their owner was white or red he made another quiet advance and came within sight or the rock basin from whoso centre bubbled the medicine spring he drew down discreetly when he discovered a lone individual sitting crosslegged at the brink of the bowl luto noted at a glance that he was a white man garbed in the deerskin jacket braided leather breeches and soft moc casins or a prairie hunter hu ooonskln cap lay on the rock near by howghl ho greeted wnon lute ap peared hawghl answered lute walking down and offering his hand my name is benton i intend to make camp i lore for the night the shaggy hunter rone ttf hln fecl so you bo simple enough to make camp by tho medlclno spring huh he said havo you questions to ask thr speriu lute smiled andhook hta head l9o but this is a safe place to camp being alone and in pawnec country i nnd it well to use oautlon wohl snorted buck hatcher red skins nrt- as likely to come here as any where glad to have your company though boy fetch your outfit closer the two mode supper over a common camp fire built close to the stream the meal finished they spread their buffalo robes at the rim of the rock basin buck grew moody and silent lute guessed he was here to ask questions of the speriu inquiry proved this to be true the pawnees under old white thun der stole my pack mule complained buck i blame the trick mostly on young beaver tall the chiefs son al ways the tribe has befriended mc but a mule la a mule i wunt to know if i lute had been just a small boy when white thunder last saw him the chief or beaver toll his son might not again recognlao him two both armed with rifles at least could show more formid able power than one ill go with you lute decided well start on once i octtlng under way soon offer sunrise lute and old buck rode through most of that day with only a brief halt al noon lute let the plnlna man take the lead bucks keen eyed seemed seldom to move yet lute knew they missed nothing at times the trail dimmed and every track vanished from the windblown ground tho plainsman bending from the sad- dlo after a brief roconnottcr would pick it up again there be six of em now with as many ponies and tho pack mulct he muttered more to himself than to lute tho main camp well strike somewhar along the black jack tho fatigue of their horses compelled tho trailers to camp near the head of a bowlderstrewn gulch where they luckily found a water hole crossing the ravine at this point was a hard beaten indian trail into which the line of tracks was lost they went on south jest as i calkllatcd they would said buck other injuns jlned em here all ore pawnees the fagged and hungry ponies mode the bcht of the tall grabs long before dajllght the riders were in the saddle again old buck knew of a grove with more water in a vale five miles lurllirr mnith ii wtw there he expected to find hie main camp or the indians thej rode through a narrow gap in i he hllbi while darkness sul covered the bottoms of the gulches in the early ninrnlnb duk they beheld the light of many fires with hhadowy ilgurea moving in the glow buck reined in his horse and peered below lute came alongside behind them a few yards bucks one remaining pack animal a scrawny boost burdened with their combined duffle stood with drooping head thar thc be i announced the plains man pointing a gnarled finger white thunders camp it is beaver tall and a big bunch o pawnee braves are camp ed in the grove some odds boy but w e got to have our mules he wit a while longer saying nolhlng then he unfnldetl his plan well light here nn hide our lnvaufs behind the long db biimtv but without ff6t otu tof tit flw mar vaudlly decorated and mow daring than ttw iwtty rod out alone indicating by signal that this was to be a combat between him and the lone white the otkers straightway withdrew to water from uie shadow ofthe cottonwood again lute dropped to his right knee and levelled his rifle the pawnee yell ing a war cry rode his horse full speed into the open passing within a few yards of the white man with the avlll and daring or nn indian rider he hung far over the opposite side of his mount as he swept post the white youth he- dis charged his bow from undrr the ponys neck with such good aim that the arrow struck the stock of lutes gun and glanc ed off without doing injury lute could have shot the indians horse but refrained the rider present ed no other mark except a left foot the white jouih had a plan in mind a sand hjlls our onl chance la to smalt am to go to while thunders camp and down uiid crop nut old jenny an your return ive tunit to find im riun the btoli n beasts an i fifdln with tin injun ponies out on the demand out the medicine spring uils fur tin red men an orucle that igave mysterious an swer to those who communed with its bubbling water to lute benton it wjj nothing more than a natural fount strongly impregnated with soda it would do little good howeer to explain this to buck hatcher he hud lived tto limn among the indians lie hod boconu like them in heart and habit mj fitthlr was a doctor and u mis slonar among the pawnees announced lute with quiet pride hr saved bfitvcr tails life and was a friend to tin chief injuns bo are not to be trusted the grualed hunter solemn i uven t d with a shake of his heady lute realised the futility of arguing with the plainsman he rose and strol led out into the dark leaving buck to meditate the young man had the feel ing that their animals should be bi ought closer to camp yet the peocefulness and the hushed quietude overruled hb fears buck hatcher still sat crosslegged at the rim of the rock bowl when lute returned without a word the youth pulled off his boots and stretched him self between hi buffalo robes ploclnn hut long rifle under the edge of the furr covering he dosed several times and a often as he opened his eytu he observed the humped figure of the hunter sitting motionless by the medicine spring at last lute heard him mumble a few indians words of cabalistic import ap parent t he received his answer for lie went at once u his blankets and in u tew mluuuw wh mhiiki asleep what the orutu hud rrxiuled and tiut loursi bu k hutchei uitenaed to puijuu luu would not know until morning gmu when he iltpoed out of hit wurni pallet ut dawn lute made n dbinvrrj thai mimed 1hu i altered his intended routt ills pack mule during llu- night mocihmit inn sj and the prints of pon hoofs farther down the i reek told the stor pawnee old buck at once summed he gave lute a reminding glance didu t i tell uh redskins iun t u bo trusted i am gucsstn it w as bea er tall or some or white thunder braves who mode off with our mule what waa the good of our fathers friendship uid eh arln quite n distance from the main ramp nut more than two or three tinives will be uatchln em and at this time o mornln thcjll be sleepy lute knew the peril of attempting to r oxer the stoltn animals by stealth lit prefetred to approach white thunder uil and muki a demand old buck ob- jttled however when lute offered this piopnsul ti wouldnt do boy i some hnnr would gl you long before you had a rhunrt to rioth beaver tall or white riumdir i the light was growing ooneshaped lodges took form at the border of the lotumwoods dogs yelped and ponies wlnntcd you keep watch up here near our hoaaes whilst i crawl down through the brush to the edge of the clearing buck proposed no i ill go down 1 declared lute the indians will be less likely to see me a i am smaller than you 1 11 out the mules looar and drive them up the hill onoe we get them here we can i inke our escape by following the ravine buck muttered but agreed to thu the led their animals behind hesand 1 ridge and crept back to the crest after i a few more low spoken words lute slip ped awu crawling down a deep wash that made gash in the hillside iii objrctlve was the troop of indian poals that were closely tethered less than flft yards from the stream clour pa the cottonwoods so he observed were thr two mules neither was hobbled but a trio of dusky guards squatted in s huddle out on the open clearing they jumped up when a pony wldn- tiled lute dropped flat and remained j motionless hoping he would not be dis ci icred the pony neighed agaix hem- ocr and the two mules started h suiting at theh ropes he raised his head enough u- lojl hod be n stolen j out a it the clearing it was no quite light he saw the three bravei run around the bunch of ponies oau watc tilr arms they were slgnallmr heir- ittg o slight noise behind him lute turn- td mis gase he gasped when he dls- nnered six paintstreaked pawnees irecplng down the gulch fl more rode out from the camp to the ootdcr of tlit t earing the sutuges ha j tut off 1 n treat i l dcsp rate tliance but his only hope again tho whooping rider whirled and returned passing closer ho drew his arrow to the head lute watched the pawneos aiming hand and drawn bow juxt at the instant of release he leaped straight toward the racing pony he flung his arms and yelled in midden fright the pony reared and swerved that unexpected side leap threw tho pawnee off guard the discharged arrow missed its mark and the rider lost his hold his hand slipped from the withers of his mount and lie fell to the ground having lost both his horse and his bow the indian sprang upright and faced the white man he struck his hand on his chest and threw his arms wide lute raised the long rifle as he took deliberate aljm at the young warrior he recognised the pawnee the musket fell at once to the hollow of his arm he paced forward and shouted beaver tain- surprise smothered by a red mans guarded emotion brought only a slight change or expression to the pawnee s pointstreaked face good medicine he ejaculated offering his hand at once the pawnee warrior gathered in an observing circle chief whlu i thunder strode into the open in wor bonnet and white buffalo mantle he repented the others greeting oood medicine when he had kralxhl luu hand in added gravely omid medicine has a strong heart the pawnees are nls friends white thunder offers peace md i gogs his pardon oood medlclm s mule of the hunter will be returned lute shifted his gaze to the dltmt slope he saw old buck rldlig cautiously toward the vale leading i ute s saldr horse closer by coming in response ut the chic s command two bravos were bringing the missing mules lute smiled a pleased acknowledgment white thunder is kind he told the chief gratefully he was my lathe- friend and he does not forget oood medicine spoke the pivntt under again go in pence white 11 un- th r i heart is made ld with a smqi or hi brown arm he tumid and strode toward his lodge nt the border of the cottonwoods lute lok the halter ropes of tlie two mulct and ui nt up to the plan where buck ilntchtr waited in mhigled joy and astonlshment the pawneej hid not forgotten to show gratitude first vwm honored anything may iiatpen rubb tlne weather today lsn t h dubb yes but i expect it will rain i vc washed my car shlned my shoe and put on my new suit orvllle wrlfihl who with his bnilur wilbur won the mrt to lly a lutvlir- ihuiiilt- minium at k1tl llnwlc si mi ivmnilur itili 100j u ihiun us 11 hint world hnnoittl him n nn nrtt hi tin 14th iilllliism f llx h v t hum ij iumi ii uillnl m if in to i llu- pi tint o stihfnt wins in kssa ontst amoiir tin many agricultural studeiit in tin- unhid b lutes nnd canada the medal essay competition of the saddle and sirloin club of cmirago at the in ternational hay nnd grain show and itiu rnatlonnl live stock exposition is urardtd as a wiy uiirtanl event and to be cue of the winner i fonstdeied a notabl hlfh honor the cluitesi la hi id wry year by the saddle and sirloin club of tvhleugn for tin purpot of en- rouragliir willhik on llc stock topics nnd lt 4m n to all uudcrgraduntcs of ucruullural eollcgt t in the united sulus and c in ula as in former years tin re wtri liiiun eout4tuinus in the 1j7 im nil mi ne tubjet i s lei t id for i his jmri outetl was thi chanu tt contribu tions of the 1 ue st k club in thi bett twenty essiys self led by the judyi s hobi rt s procunler onuirlo agrkullural colli gt ranked third and thereby galn- id the bronze medal l t so nicy also of ontario agricultural collegi was pluctxl ninth the first prize gold medal una won by karl k wade unliersltv of wisconsin and the second prlw silver medal by joe b penren- baiher university of illinois canadas watcr fowtb wbastth oaruvdas wealth of water powers hu been the basis of the dominion re- markabledelorjment from almost purely agricultural country to onaof out standing industrial importance in a little mure than thirty years her wide domain favorable topography ample and wwt distributed precipitation and in numerable lakes and rivers all combine ijrovide an abundance of water power cnrpamxor mrnlshlng a dependable flow of low commtenrrgy to practically wvery centre of polndaruiq and for tho develop ment of the livdufllrtpn of mine nnd forest tlie power rivers of canada have an estimated xmcr capacity of nome thirty- four million homepower which will per- init under tint dial conditions a turbine instntlation of nlmosl fortyfour million horse- m jw i r only about clkhtecn per cent of lh li feasible devi lnpment has been instnlled representing a direct in vestment of i ooo ooo ooo in tho dcvehip- merit transmission and distribution of the power with vastly r renter siiinn in the powerusing luditstrlen and equip ment throughout the dominion tlie rivers furnish the lowcost motive power for mining metallurgical chemical pulp and paper and many other industries one of the outstanding features of canadas wati ripowep assets in the com- iaratlvelv ivi n distribution from ioait to coast of ample xuir that can be economically developed near centres of industry every large indus trim centre in canada is served with hydrocltctrlc energy and has within practlrol trarw m is ilon distance hubsfanttal resen i for hie future in the ninniifaeture of pulp and piir the loeiitlfin of ample low- priced hyilnkiwet in clone proximity to grent suppllen of pulpwood hns plaliil canadn in the lending kjstlon she or- i rupiei in hint industry water power lin plnveil nn import nnt pirt in th development of hindus kreat mlnliu intlustiy md nluiot wlihout ixiiptlm extensive hmhikm of hydromiwir tin eeononilriilh ndliu nnt to tnliit nil di ixislls nnd ienlir nf nileiln mtlillv mon- t hmi ninety eltcht p r ietit if tin iliitriitl i nergy utllled in cnnndu jit mippliid b wt r imwer it lui iiiouhiii i nion than slxfy r mil of llu iipiilitlon tin boon of ilrtiltv for llftht niul ninny laborsaving devli i and ls pent trallng i xtenslvely into tin nirnl dlstiu u hrliiking the farm dwell ers tin conveniences and rom forts ul- leudy enjoyed by the urban xpulntlon to nn iniriatlng di jree lowcost powci has bin ii a ii agnet dinwlng to the dtuulnuiii fniiii abrmid miwruint lndu- trlfs wliw output kini to augment tiiiullnn export trade tea is delicious sivts diary oliver n warren sunday wi lit or was rut her looki ll to church ass the preecher faled to make no hit with me as he pn cell ed about nn ctuidtrys grate seels of laming wen scluwl are stirtlng agen tomorro mnde mo about sore monday well this thing of remane- lug in lcd eutll i am good redy to arlie up are alnsent his try i got up crly bcros i haft to get to school agen start in lenilug nolledge tuesday jano sc elsy both done n lot of glggellng before school ac at both reeesstji it seamed to ma like it must of been becos of makrn me buy 30c worth of he cream otita my christmas funds wednesday tlie preechers better 4 are fat at big lafts very mutch sc offen so pn sed hint he envy a her when she laffs becos they are so mutch of her th feel good have a good time when she 8ti tlekrled rhurmliry will i guess uukel hen got a purty gkid 1 on me ma sed to me don i fortiet i am your mother yung tunn unkel hen sed wlll ho dlddent see when it wiui nothing to brag about at then he laft like he sed sum thins smart irlday pa sed he had a noshen to get hlsseir c reams ted when lie dido 4s mr setl she suposcd the ldear ore to keep on mussing up the seennry with his mi hea i dlddent think she otto sed that but unkel hen at ant emmy seamed to enjoy it both of them saturday outa school agen for a couple days it rums so soon afttor christmas that i alnt sure i will injoy it they can be 2 mutch of a good thing a speshelly when theya no presents st etc that goes with it potatoes good cookers white per peck 13 c iturnips alwayn the bent 5tt qclnious tabic q quality wuxtd c lettuce k i- hi- kg heads n te size 0 i oranges medium large new navels- delicious flo r i green valley peas v 9 grapefruit 6 marsh seedless of delicious medium lgeivc or white man medlcltk well lilt the lute jumped oit of the railn and bitter first irade tr it priced attractively carrolts limited trail together tf you saj and feteh buik oir stolen anhnals lute needed little tune to consider his plan was to go on north and east to fremonts camp on the platte he must nave his mule however just now the pawnee ware in conflict with the obvyanimi and to approach than camp ataa tawarwd a haaard orw two yaars bad qfh by stem tali ratbsr had dud run u short distance toward a clump of ilo6egrowu cedars putting his back to the trees he kneeled on the rasj and lodlcd his rifle not one of the six n che rvln showed his head he spared hu powder and made on- other swift dash farther across ui clear- t g this brought him within range or i the fiw mounted braves who started gal- i loping about discharging taalr bows at southern california rice 2 lb he smarts cut beets 2 n aunt jcintma pancake flour pi9 15c green valley tomatoes swt lit matches 3 b 19c no 7 brooms ek83c caakmat bouqvat tollat soap 8oi11c many flowan toilal soap 3oiilc kansol collc soap 4ai16c bath soap ilii priacna flakes sns7c fatnsaali laaaovy soap 511c caftollt own cleanser 8 ta 9c h o powdtd ammonia n sc patersons worcestershire sauce bottle 10c bread flour 4- lb bag five roses- western 140 109 eagle brand blueberries 2 na t tta 23c aylmeit pitteo red cherries 2na ttta 31c swieteneit cocoanut kvib 8c kkovah povderied custard 23c no j2 tin prunes 3 l 22c apricots dld lb 27c flaked wheat pound 3c domestic shortening or easfirst g jb 25c baking powder 17 carrolls chicken haddie 2 7ox tin 15c white beans clean ontariogrown o lb 10 wax beans lachine 3 no 2 ivn 25c carrolts 16oi tin btock saad lo canaries pki 14c bracai bud gravel pv 9c spra doa ovals wb bm 59c ballafd 0p o cat food 2 ti 29c paid cat or oof food 2 tto 23c bofdan evapofatad milk 3 t6tto25c catalht cooaad macaroninsisc raady cat macaroni 2 ik 13c oat old cheese pj85c limiti0 mill street store open wednesday afternoon frte delivery pihonk in