wtiyurtflwaatilrumas rttjvauftmuttuk bvjtf r y smmimx rnttmivm um uh the actqn free press faoiimvw jltta nwto utn ton a autumn hare 8mb atey frost u nwkli on the ana uxuvbauthlln will have double ehear oh os net think thla is the and of sum- f leariet maples flaunt across- the 3h0 ftr winter mow wilt eome liw priiwome when wumlund wlllunloolc the ley tfok abetoo not tiroi uiee winter linger arm though bitter jroete my blast our fairest flown attar the ctevttarm eonua tha un the cancer crusade rtmtlthr u great satan jwui kwwiivii oejaearn to wipe oat uaarjuua pur ana kaftset by j w a uoouriotkh mjj djh attar tha dark nlabt look for hasp haunt hot uwayihrin our hopes on black and wot always win our lantuwpei team with rain hk that hu gripped dor hearts wuj nek and leave us uie will tw mat and flewara bloom fatal anna raan twenty- teams ago eg the free frees taagwtaj geatshilm itlh 1117 tax collector raid had received 7- 0mj3 of thli year tana alnee tha stb september mr and mm william swaeknamar ot toronto hu purchased tha naw brtok house on tyederlek fitreal and will n- turnto anton to live pte k e simpson of the 78th bat talion of winnipeg who mu wounded at vlmy ridge hai been vliltlntr hli sister lira jaok savage bower avenue hon i henderson la retiring after thirty years in the house of commons tile conservative members of the house of commons and senate presented him with a a chair in appreciation of his ions and useful service to the country and tlie party one of the attractions at the fair was a basket of potatoes containing fifteen pounds of irish cobblers grown from one potato in mr james l warrens gar den bobn orahalc in icaqueslng township on september 13th 1017 to mr and meal john orohonira daughter developed sarcoma a form of cancer j of tha bones of the legs pelvis and other parts of the bony framework such a serious accident is- unlikely to happen again preventive measure no ensure the safety of such worker it u a lamentable set that all over tha world doctors aae the majority of oasaa of cancer at too lata a data for affective treatment or at a stage when the final result it at least doubtful the extraordinary remits from the use of preventive measures in such affections aa diphtheria typhoid fever infantile complaints tuberculosis and the lnfoc- generally give encouragement to efforts in the prevention of cancer how rriay cancer be prevented and how again may its illeffects be mitigated menu hints tar naw aa naval prevention of cancer in a watehdlal factory in newark n j a fewyears ago it girls employed in the illuminating of watch dials with radium ware accustomed to shape the small brushes they used with their una in this way some of the radium was inhibitors f rom walton win atthecn livestock exhlbitowof the county make good showing frutt and grain also shown httfton livestock brwuta were galn well- to the fore at the canadian national exhibition and many award returned to this county in the aheep cliuiu f o wulmott awanoirad it found 1u way to their sop j ueklnnon and clare wiucw boneaand an oftheae gtrls auawouently of milton were prominent with the 1-bythc- av nf t i brexlerabywlnnuiijnrathonora a i edbudg modfr ratepriced hotels clean which are known to predlapoae to cancer 2 by periodic health examination 3 by education a or doctor b of the general public amid irritant s it is well known that in respect at leant to surface cancers chronic irrita tion plays ah extraordinary role tnr certain vtfrletlbs of lubricating oils and vide list of chemical compounds will excite tnc ferpttth of cancer in certain animals i the cancerproducing substance can now 4c removed from oils tar workers can protect themselves by the use of gloves in a hundred ways prevention may be applied against the 111cftecls of irritants tomato ooctahas now that tomatom are plentiful the fouowtnir recipes taken from the circular tomato juice and tomato cocktails tamed by the dominion department of agriculture may prove interesting tomato cocktail no 1 la ripe tomatoes 1 cup chopped celery h cup chopped onions 3 tablespoons vinegar 3 etweut ifteen peppera 1 red pepper 3 tablespoons salt hi oup sugar mash and cut tomatoes but do not pel chop the peppers finely mix tomatoes oalgryt onions pappefs-trta-aalt- tovtther aiu for onehalf hour btratn through a coarse sieve add the vlnegar and sugar boll three minutes seal in sterulaed jars tomato oocktaxl no 2 i buahel tomatoes 1 small head celery v cup vlnegtu- teaspoon whit pepper 1 cup chopped onion 4 teaspoons aalt boll all together fur 20 minutes siram and boll o mlnuuw battle and seal tomato cocktail ino 3 1 ko 2 halfcan tomatoes oi 1 plnl jar k an lie canadian coal rrodtctlon canadas coal production during may advanced to 1075605 tons from the previous months tottil of 973143 tons and the may 1036 output of 8447 tons the average may production dur ing the past five years was 861157 tons the may 1037 output included 970651 tons of bituminous coal 32304 tons of subbltunuhous cool and 82805 tons of lignite coal nova scotia operators mined 630270 tons of coal in may as compared with 461900 tans in april and 671893 tons in may 1936 production from alberta mines totalled 375938 tons made up of 1943466 tons of bituminous coal 22304 tons of subbuumlnous cool and 59478 tons of lignite coal during may 1936 aiberta produced 173487 tons of bitu minous coal 37165 tons of sub-bitm- minous coal and 53673 tons of lignite coat british columbias production was 110878 tons as against 119172 tons a year ago new brunswick operators re ported an output of 36073 tons or one per cent bejow the may 1936 total of former as usual being one of the chief winners in hampattlrea this breeder received tha coveted female grand championship on one of their ewe lambs neediest to state the herds of dvttfan campbell mad t c amoe of moffat were- heavy winnera in tile shorthorn elaise the former herd again secured the orand championship on their three- yearold heifer bellona princess and reserve orand cm their herd aire mystic prince this animal was bred at camp bell farms and in the oplnonof many on the ringside should have received the championship award over the jas doug las imported sire edellyn browndale sultan helton shorthorn calf club group also maintained thastandard set by the older group- the group was made up of calves shown by grant healop freeman geo breckon bronte and donald lindsay georgetown in the individual class the entry of grant hrslop was awarded first national fabkfl all tovvlam awaw reports from national parks in west- em- canada jrhere the vaeatlon season u now in full swing indicate that last years record attendance will be exceed ed and a new high established in 1037 in 1038 for the first time in history at tendance at canadas national parks exceeded 000000 it is now predlctetl that in 1037 the figure will go still higher 1 although- a considerable part ot the attendance at national parks naturally consists or canadians there is also a notable attendance from other countries particularly the united sutea at some of the resorts in canadas mountain parks- the united states automobile licenses outnumber the canadian and a recent computation indicated that at prince albert nations park in baskat- chevzan attendance from the united states has increased by 300 per cent over that of a year ago the important place whoanadas national parks occupies in the tourist business of the country is due not only to their superb natural settings present ing as they do some of the most magnifi cent scenery in the world but to in- creaslng accessibility and to the provi sion which has been made for the enter tainment of guests of moderate means as well u those who demand the utmost in comfort and luxury some of the parks are worldfamous for their palatial hotels which attract tourlsta from all over the globefbut there is also adequate provision for those who travel on a llmlt- and comfortable bungalow camps and tent compj under parks supervision af ford a wjde range of accommodation at a proportionate range of cost visitors to the parks also enjoy many and he himself was selected as champion entertainment features which arc pro- showman in the shorthorn section later v entirely frrersuch as tennis courts in competition with winners from the bc facilities community shelters and ayrshire holstwn and jersey sections kitchens and orranlzed community ac he was awarded the reserve clmmpfon- shlp halton holstcin breeders again had a most creditable display which attracted much interest both in tlic rlnjj and in almost unknow the stable the exhibit contained au- the protection imali from the following herds t l leslie son albert hunter robinson bias j l neclands sons victor 36339 tons a decline of 158 per cent was recorded in saskatche wants output during the month under review 33373 tons were produced while a year ago 37- 765 tons were mined imports of cool into canada in may amounted to 1703528 tons in the cor responding month of 1936 imports total letttmabsj tons while the may 1933- 1936 average was 1374939 tons an- thraclte coal importa uons were made up 321042 tons from the united state 124198 um from qreat britain 14186 totu troin russia and 10535 tons from germany recripta of bituminous co included 1331358 tons from the lnltril states 1109 tons from germany 53 ton fmm clrr ur n 8 f n tlvltles roads and trnlls provided by the government lead into beautiful and remote surroundings in certain pnrkj waterways allorcl oonimunlnuion into places and evrrjwhere f bird and animal life adds features nf liiurcst which attract vbctorsitom i near and for in these diys alien it has come to be lawreaice a e woodley a son clarence rewignleed that an annual change of anderson john hunter a stark son j environment is essentia to health and f pelletterlo fc sons john shepherd efticlency the national parks of canada and w b somerset the county herd are performing a national senice in pro- class which as always was one of the i vldlng facilities for recreation on a scale high lights of the show brought 60 which lo proportion to population is animals into the ring at one time tile unequalled anywhere in the world halton herd which was mode up of an- lmala from the first five herds named i above placed fourth out of ten when j collective security will never work realized that the holstein exhibit unless all- nations who partake are pre- brought out over 350 head or more than pared to threaten with military sanctions all other breeds put together this is in- f to fight against aggression if ncces- dbed a real achievement in the inter- jsary stanley baldwin county calf club exhibit the halton j group composed of bruce held lyle and ma yukon placer oou outwit up featured by an increase of j 8 000 ounces in ihe output of placer gold min ing in tlie yukon territory in 1d3q recorded e notable lmnfyement over the previous year particularly in the klondike and mayo areas according to a review of the industry published recently by the geological survey division de partment or mines and resources ot- tawo total placer gold production for the year amounted to 63740 ounces com pared with alglhtly less than 4a000 ounces in 1035 approximately 61300 ounces were turned in at dawson 800 ounces at mayo and the remainder at whltehorse inuereet in mining continued to be centred chiefly in the- operations of i wo companies yukon consolidated gold corporation which operates several urge dredges in the klondike area und treadwell yilkon company important producer of lead and silver in the mayo mrejl du th -luld-season-ot- 1930- the firstnamed companyordged a total of close to 8000000 cubic yards of muck- gravel and bedrock an increase of 3- 733000 cubic yards oyer 103 and also carried out an extensive development campaign which together with the dredging involved an expenditure at 1 800000 close to 15000000 cubic yards of dredgeabie reserves were disclosed through prospect drilling during trie three peak months of the season the i company employed 470 men treadwell yukon haabeen particularly successful hi disclosing new sources ot ore in operation at its elsa and silver king properties on galena hlli where more ore li reported in sight than al any time in the past two new proper ties known rsuic hector group were found to contain large tonnages of readi ly accessible ore as a result of the pre dialoku res thv capably of the elsa mill is being increased to 200 tons daily dur ing the past winter the company iwd 180 men on 1lh imyral and ahotbcd niasl of the m pec tors in the district so that little iinispecting done exjxtuil- tuns in the development of its pnikntis n the mayo district totalled mart- fnn 950000 in 1936 ebxuhere hi thr yukon oihratlons weie mostly on a small scale but they provided employment for a large nuoibt of men humorist who qrokeholy deadlock shake well tlieres a right and a wrong way to dp almost everything even the simple job of shaking a bottle the right way is to grasp the bottle by the neck with the bottom up and give it four or five snappy shakes in the horizontal plnne this will do more to distribute sedi ments in the bottom of the container than a dozen shakes up and down it ui tvjlt r fii i fimel lo t thnnirh the eye of a needle tluui for an trry m rtul la ijuuigc urlllih tradltluu but tills nan cllfl it- he- li a i eit miuht nf pirlliunent fur oxford tnlvrrmi whn wriuia hunmn u- siu v hi iiut lejultiik he jiti introduced hit- new divorce billreeently pushed by- the ilrllbih parliament afur he hml writttn auiut kllkltuuls item dlvorre laws under the tllle of imly deiutlkk he is jthown licre with hi- wife nt their luimmenvmllh eiikiuiki hum ffi jia4 py nervous and irrltablat moat ordinary easaa of oonatlpatlan ana rallavad by aatlna kallooga all- bran raoularly try hi keep regular witli lctiyf flubran s toaspoou salt i teaspoon minced onion 1 tablespoon mlneed rler mix all together and let stand ut least one itour strain and clull bworr serv ing tomato cocktail i no 4 i no 3 halfcon tomtum 4 teaspoon nunced parsley 3 cloves 1 teaspoon salt k teaspoon white pepper 1 teaspoon minced union tesksppon vtzwgax wjd the ingrcdienu to the tomatoes boil together five minute strain and chill the circular on l tumato juice and tomato cocktails may be obtained free on request from the pubucity and extension branch dominion depart- saent of agriculture ottawa way kuty ton or lignitr coal were inurted from thevmied tate in may canadian coal e3cjorted in may declin ed lo 19215 toiim rrom uie may 193ti exports ot 2366 tons and the fiveyear uild bruce average for the month of 20061 tons the canadian t coal supply during may computed on the bosaa of production plus imports leas exports totalled 378918 tons in may a year ago 3 336 381 toru p mere made avallablr for uar rule the average earty supply during the wrtxl 19331936 wo 2110j5 tons russell dales made a creditable show ing by placing third with seven counties competing unfortunately we were not able to see all the agricultural features of the big fulr but we did note that halton was well represented in jerseys by boron- ston rarmtoeorgetowii7 in percherona by hugh rodney and the clarence gunby estate in thoroughbreds by dr cecil heslop and in ouerneeys by george king sons omkvllle in hackneys by w o moffat this resume w not -be- c without some reference to field crops and fruit here again halton exhibit era won many awards numbered among these mere the fine display of applej from the orchards of colin and w l smith burlington and a r bretkon bronte the esqueslng agricultural society in strong competition upheld the name of eaqueslng township as on outstanding seed growing centre by placing second with their display of gruiiu and- lliird with sheaves in tiie junior judging- competitions halton was not as largely represented a uaual oifttng to the epidemic or infanllk piuiilyls in lyironlo never thelctu thoe wno were ptexelil maae tttelr presnc- knouti m no uncvruin nuuiuer in heavy horaej iloyd chlaholin milton flrt utid ja k turner acton n mwnth in dairy cuttle craig lie id held placed second andjilntji rrspecuvely- jnpouliry j taylor u freeman ui ttret and in sheep oro breckoii iwiinh in the utru de partment the names of liabej tovell on goodwill glub crrrtstu atl sales and subscription campaign twenty 20 valuable prizes given away free to the buying public of acton a surrounding district feature votes until close of competition decokattvt lemonade set aim mitnth muuui and betty ft- itruinliiiiu luiunnjst thf prior i an ordinary- puln alas water jtsr and tumbler may be ouovrrtm into an st txacuve letnonodr set by paint tna an them- almpla daabjns of flowers or irmorm and iraen leaws tha sparloj paints which ant sold fur glass rf intlng inwsiai arrat brlluaivr and tansparencr and utue rotor should be used to obtain ihe boat raaults the floss must first of all be thar- ouchlv washed in warm foapjr watei rtnaad in cold wottr and dried then smi it xsthtttr wlthmethyuofd spirit blt and allow it lo stand for a few nunutea trace the daalcns from coots on to facing paper and then rum thorn to the woks oi legjao ouljine the dasam in block first and then all to the body of u drum acoordlns to the colot when the palnunc has been tha colors el tha hahon plowmens aaaoclatloa are j will dry almost unrnedlately and they mnfldant thay will mejte an excellent i can washed after a few days in warm showlnc j water uslnc a mud soap but no soda itjvai w inners to oil halton breeders and competitors mentioned and any others we may have otrloolted may e extend our conaratu lauonx not only on the honor they brought to thrnuelvrs but the- oounty as whole abcastic halton plow team sklbct- ed fob intkbnational on thursday of last wwa tha final aalkcian o haltnn fkrw taam for tla lnlaenauanal was made on the farm of ann jloyca trafalgar township tha uasarwlu be made up so follows kst neth rvdote atuson orant baker pre ban and john vtcjrabo oeorxlown with raanard lester rtarnby as spoie while thla will be the first umc fur these young soon to compete at rhe intarna- i scberoe tlosal match tha ottkwra and rlrwcton i com wash off the copy ii after a game of bridge in which one of the players had made almost every mistake concetrable on of the others inquired how jong hos he been play- tag oh about five yearo i had no idea it was pos- to acquire so profound arrghor- anceof the game in so short a time picobac pp toiiacco for f mild coo moke 1 cash sales and payment of current accounts contracted after july 1st 1937 double votes l payment of old accounts contracted prior lo july ut 1937 500 votes for each 100 five ttarata oiitfiul schedule 5umciuptionsi 3 payment of old accounts over one year old 1000 votes for each 100 ten timre original schedule 4 cash in advance payments when the ci for mercharaliae a be delivered after the paya content 500 votrs for each 100 five ttne orifcinal sehedule each year renewal each year arrears each year new fh tlatsti original schedule three years arrears or over each year r tta tbtaea oritrtnml schedule 5000 votes 15000 votes 25000 votei 30000 votes for further information write or phone cuib headquarters 7 he acton free press r l taylor club manager tt