srv ifr- fhbaearom lr- jfj pi caw mum uwi a 3ashur ataw a eh own awni g 1 to a mr an id harold u attain of brta tmraahlp a m both dud a few hour afttr birth vunolrav- at lb bora of her tar ifia ohffom matthewa ontario a toeetsar flapuntar tth jck ada bream widow of ik lata john wutnmarto har ord year lmittimii ueoouv- b toting naauwy of our deer mother im a ueobu who passed away septatnber mh im what would we sjiee har band to class iter patlant fan to aw to bear bar tciob to aaa bar arnoa ila in tba days that toad to ba tut some sweet day wall naat again beyond tba toll and atrlfe and elaap aaeh ether band onoa mora tn beam that happy ufa her remembered by d ibb mta hobt kastr and mrs j d ueutllan and bokaaoan u t- cutting the cornets gats tfa i pc alls tbar bai been folte the cooler relief just two more days of the tx tbla year georgetown fair 1 belntt held next thursday and friday acton fab- u just a weesjrom neat tuesday and wadneaday orengerule fab- la btoad for toas- day and wednesday of next week oet your exhibits ready and plan now to attend acton fair thla year quite a number from aetna attend ed the centennial erent in georgetown laat week acton cluaena band took part in the centennial pageant at georgetown aa friday erenlng standard time has la conveniences too for tnstanee tbe morning mall la received when it la mora useful tbe new aodal room at tbe vuca la atmoat completed and willbe reedy for tba opening immediately after the acton pair c x ucmuian of erin waa aeeond in tbe oldtime flddlera contest at tbe cn and john nickel of umehouse won tblrd this year entries and anauliy already made with secretary f u wright indicate that the coronation year acton fair will hare a finer exhibit than erer old frtende will be glad to welcome farmer reeidenta back home in acton on september 31at and 22nd and pre- aent one fit the beat falra erer given sflas emuy toong waa aucceaaful lit jlrx- rummer achool courae and secured her certlflcate for elementary manual training mr harvey haaiard waa auc ceaaful with hts codrae in elementary agriculture congratulatlona ik boavwttbea of tba aakon baaeban cub and fan in to affitn in their quart lor ontario chanplonaldp honor aattmuyh aihlhhion of tba paetlm waa a treat to watch after but wednes day nightmare mat waa a eloaa one when terrywaa eabad out tn the ninth woods turned in a food tame on third he made two nice catches in the aeeond to retire eaaard and pattxraon hla hit went for a triple in the tame session when the ban took a bad bounce llndtay made a nice plekup off b clement hot one tn the aeventh that extra counter in the ninth looked plenty big proved lutt that too taletaka made a beautiful oatch off mooneye bid for a hit tn the ninth a raaaroky fall you should have awn the flab i eaughb last weak it waa ao big it pulled me into the river dowel foot a wetting x auppoaaf fall oh no thanitgoodneas i land ed right on tap of the flab woutponrno mattp farmer brown complained that ha could find no old clothes to put on the scarecrow wall aald hla wife our oeorge aald 1 eould give away hla plusfour suit as has got a new one why not uw that don be ridiculous woman aald the fanner i want to aoare the crows not make em laught wt patterson ro orttuptt tmlwiala vmmtattmm im wyadkam st ns lftuuft oublph pbohi that wu the nloett twtrlcn due seen in acton thlt year andereoaturned in a great same be hind the plate plenty of credit u due this flehttne uttle catcher for golnu in there with a toad loot i hait the boys put up as gobd a game defensively in the previous gamer the result- would have been vastly different i the toss of norm morton through illness and a lone layoff however were btr favors tn this series the team have three nice twtrlers that can be counted on to win games text season in the morton brothers and oardon and uunbert and crlpps in re serve j manager parrell was called away on saturday owing to mrs parteus illness and terry was in charge of tbe team we have tried to give the fans plenty of local baseball chatter this season and trust we have succeede both in tame j nlgnllghu and information regarding league meetings our thanks to the editor and his rtaff so long poul tip acton mlancti no x7 oawoaian legtata british empire h lee ieagv the autumn zone church parade will be held at isltnaton- sunday september 12 cars will leave acon post office 12 30 noon standard time to con vey members j m mcoonald president p l wright secretary lloyd d dnqu ceaaervatlve caosltaata far italian in prevmelal luetlen bealtd of ciitldbxn in tiie black ttouses of lewis tbe children born and raised ln the black houses of lewis have tbe brat bones and moat enduring teeth of any children ln scotland thla la the opin ion of toe medical research council of great britain after a complete investi gation of the health of scottish children a further proof of tbe physical con dltlon of tbe children ol this barren laland la the act that while the infant death rate of children in edinburgh and olaagow u rrapectltcly m and 104 that of tbe lewla babies is only 28 what is the reason for this astounding differ ence whs u it that children imng as the lewis children do under very un favorable ctrcunutancea have such good health three home are black houses there are no windows often the only door la i that leading through the bjre there i are no chimneys the smoke trom the peat area la obllard lo circle tnn and i hnapy settle on the walls hence the name black house tbe children rarely see the sun dut ing the first year of their uvea the i secret ilea in their fond they are nurs ed for the flm year by their mothers and the rood of theae mothers la essentially cadbver oil supplied by a diet consis ting largely of era fish this dirt la illustrated by tbe food or the fisher father for tuning u the mainstay of the people of tbe hebrides in tbe early boura or the morning the housewife bakea her man a large scone which be takes with him to hla boat embarking tbe eaan soon catches a tub rtpa out the liver cuts it in slices and peaces the slices between the- two layers of aeooe for safety he alts on hla ration the bad one blow away gncel by the time he la hungry the layer of scone are well soaked with pure codliver oil rt is a satisfying food and when one gets used to u aald lo be appetlalng at tana usee somewbar a har bab geta the benefit ooctors grtv pregnant odvusr oil aa a routine ptac- ueey mb meotulougb mj jl presentation and shower an event of much interest in the com munity took place at che home of mrs annie stull on friday evening auguet 37th when a largo number of neighbors and friends gathered ln honor of the approaching marriage of miss eva sin clair and mr aldon c patterson miss lydla snow read the following address after which the presentation of two walnut occasional chairs and a walnut table was made to ea and pat the famous english writer oeorge eliot said i like not only to be loved but to be told that i am loved the realm of silence is large enru beyond the grave so we your frtrnda wish to put into words our friendship oward you and our gcd wishes for your future we hope that ln the year to come the knowledge that your neighbors have expressed these thoughts to ward you wtu be df greater worth to you than the gift that accom panies them and which we now present to vou may aniccen and happiness and our slncerest friendship be with you throughout the future signed by the committee mrs frank smith nts wm taylor mrs annie taylor mrs john snow a miscellaneous shower of manv use ful and dainty presents followed mr patterson and miss sinclair replied thanking everyone for their mam k od wishes and be uttlful gifts mra hulls orchestra entertained limil lunch time and the remainder of a r enjoyable ernlng was spent tn rtnt rvg royal guelph now ptayino knight without armour dietrich donat saturday sett ii i days sonja heinie tyrone power in thin ice daay at lis 7 eg see wednesday sept 15th j days edward arnold prances parcer jack oakje ln i the toast of new york burlington ontario september tth 1031 to tiie people of iialton county in this letter i wish to state my stand an the quostlon of labor problems thla question has had a tremendous amount of publicity in the press ever since mr hepburn interfered in the oahawa strike recruited and drilled at the tapayemepensa 400 spaolaltroopa to put down a strike which waa law- abiding and orderly at all tlntea and finally waa a party to a settlement with the united automobile workers of america which la itself aruiated with the cio the very organisation with which mr hepburn was determined not u negotiate a great deal 61 the publicity given this question has beejj caused by those news papers which have deliberately misrepre sented mr howes stand and have charg ed him with endorsing the c lo which charge la absolutely false mr rowc has never at any time endorsed thft c u o or any other organization on their pledged words both leaders ore in complete agreement up to a cer tain point neither mr rowe nor mr hepbupi will permit ln the province of tirtratoay bxtratum wttiw dteutor sonpalllni labor to calk tba dotted una the rght of tba workera la ehoou their own union has bean conceded for years ans from the first ur rowe has taken the traditional britleh stand or trusting labor to play the game while insisting that law and order be maintained tba british people ham reached their present high position in world affairs by being capable of trust tiyhavlni itertirtj qualities of character and there to no finer type of britleh clllaen than the canadian working man these men are certainly worthy of trust la it not apparent that the stand of mr hepburn la that of a dlitalor the stand of mr rowe la that of a statesman who honestly believes hat hla position to the best for all classes or the population on thla question mr rowe has refused to take the easy way he has taken the most difficult path the only possible pstti to one who was prepared to stand or fall on a question of principle i endorse mr rowes stand on this queatlotfcwjtbhlini beljeve it la only british and democratle that labor should have the right lb organise ln any way it seea fit aa long aa it obeys the law yours faithfully lloyd d drnole liberalconservative candidate fergus tennis players win from aeton continued from page one free free ffnlttine tension tape with every purchase of monnrch yarii during monarch yarn week september llth iflth at mt k roszells atvtu fr laauy taenia and dyuni tarent to sry fwi u prl0m defeated mlsa j morrison and o bishop fergus fc5 miss l mcmullen and dr buchanan acton deeated miss c blaxley and m dales fergus 05 on thursday night fergus players visited in acton and won by 10 thatches i 1 the score in games was fergus i acton as the following were the results laadifs doubles misses anderson and robinson fergus defeated misses ii ostrander and l mcmullen acton fl 4 misses h ofttronder and h mooncy acton defeated misses robinson and fatum fergus 65 misses oowland and petennan peru defeated m smith and h campbell specials evety week the savw in the family tiudffet mount up if you take iidvanuff of the wtoleule price on meat obuhv able at pattentona meat market the quality la of the highest c to your tobe frebh lth a minimum or nandllnp here are the outeuuidiiur values of thla week every one of them means a biff saving ontario lawlessness or violence of any i acton 0 kind ln connection with labor disputes misses j coles and vf iw axton but where they differ is as follows defeated misses blajclv at d harrison fergus 6 4 mb hepburn says that he mr hepburn will decide for the working nian what labor unions he may join he also says i do not approve of the c x o and j will keep it out of ontario mr howe trusts the working man and says the working man shall de cide for himself what labor unions he may join provided that sll labor onions mast obey the isw hon w u mackenzie king leader of the liberal government al ottawa and his minister of labor hon rogers are observing a discreet silence on this question there is no doubt but that they do not approve of mr hepburns stand on the other hand hon r b bennett and hon arthur melgbjn former conservative prime minister do approe of mr rowes position does it seem reasonable that mr hepburn who has mode so raanj the sixth line is roikh jack nlcols a visitor frum mtrhtg at a farm on the ulh line found out on asatuxtuj that his particular bit of road ts no speedway in fact he dotted even if it was fit to travel he aa drtvlns to the highway when his car struck a deep hole the machine went out of control missed the rather narroa road way and rolled over on its side tn th ditch neither car nor occupants were aertoualy damaged qhlef mcpherson of arton invratlcated the accident vo hajldsmr the father s youe ben nghurtr again hare you then you go to bed without uppper younc man freddy an right dad inre only got two teeth left aoyhow pacifists are not nsveaaaruy cpwmrd nor uhltartau brav war la nor nee aartly manly nor peace effeminate a a geuemoney ask your friends to help save the votes see slew fast they meant on thai tist ef speellla specials good until the 15th double vote sfeciai i lb japan green tea jlnn- 40 votes for 25c l oar double votl srecial sweet mix pickles 50 votes fob oc double note special 3 tins devon peas and 50 votes fofi doible note special 3 tins libb pork beans and 50 votet for mens doubles b hlnlon and a battyr actun de feated w bruce and j rogctn fergus ii 2 w wilson and dr sutherland fergus defeated j jones and dr cullen acton 0 5 m rcld and i klrknees actnn de footed j bishop and w smart fergus 6 3 j donaldson and j ross acton de norman fatum and j simpson f rgus 6 2 w smart and dr sutherland fenrus defeated j mcoeachte and t hansen acton 6 3 r footltt and a munro actnn de feated j bishop and j fatum pergup 6 5 mixed doubles miss andtrson and j rortts fortius double note special 3 pkss a c corn flakeft 1 mlcjie mouse book 91 and 50 votes for s3c dolble note special pkjj peek frean biscuits 25c 1 olass tumbler and so notes for doible vote speclal 2 quarts ginger alk and 50 votes for bottle depoalt extra quality fruit vegetables barrs phonb 18 wb deliver mlstalcirs would be right on thla question deflated mlsa h mooncj and b hlnton and these other prominent leaders of acton o 5 both the conscrouhe and the liberal mlsa robinson and a wilson firgus parties would be wrong defeutd miss h campbtll und a batl i speaking al brantford just lho other aclrcm 6 5 day mr hepburn changed hts tune miss prtcrman and w bruce fergus j i r5r monfths he had been sajlng in his d feated l mcmullen and dr qu hanan usual blustering ay i will keep these acton fl 1 i c t o organisers out of ontario at miss f kcll and i klrkness acton z brantford he said now one toronto defeated miss fatum and dt sulher newspaper has been pointing out thar x la fergus 6 5 j z am powerless to keep these people out miss oottlaivd and w smart fenrus z of ontario that is true but evm dpfented miss h ostrander and j jones though i cant keep them out i can acton fl 4 i keep them from inciting riots when they mlsa morrison and j bishop fergus get here if they don t obey our laws defeated mlsa t ioell and dr cullei z thry mil go to jail ao fast they wont- z know a hat has happened to them f miss blokley and j fatum fergus this is a hat mr rowe has been say- defeated miss m snllth and j donald ing from the first but unlike mr hep- acton 6 6 bum who has shown great bitterness a social time and refreshments fea i and bias against the aorklng men and tl the visits in both towns their labor unions ln his statements mr rowe has ncer been bitter but has kept q tn gold jqutpt t z on an een keel and ln accordance mi increasing 1 the established practice of government- for generations has refused to take sides qinbe a guld output which n ached in labor disputes n record alue of 23 335 000 in 1930 liu mr hepburn in admltung thai he bnn ln rt ising sicadll slnr the bruin z cant koep those people oat ao lone aa llln r 19j during llie first fl thry obey the law ha vindicated mr m pnxluttloii amounted to 385 355 i rowttir stand iliuci vliitd l 9 aa t00 coin thire li arnthtr fact r in tonne un iwn d w un line in i alutl with this qutml n which th tuld be kept j oon n tnp corn x ndli pt i in mind b all rlr minded pt iple on ki f ithrt rwntn r mn pr pern aiv miral lssue it is vlaj the eialtr ar trtbuil to the upm tin thrt course to n usi to take a und b u u sl p uteri betrur the nj randn follow the line or hast rtlsiince ttlyn rp lhcl inuuim te h hugh i this que tl n tvrt caoit into promlnnt lr l c tn f lt penm n in z at the time f the onhawt nrlke mr tnr pm tntlnun t be icntrrcd rowe patrlotlcallj refrained from making lir ltl iht cidalllnc and milan z ahj atateimnt calculated lo embarrass bere several pnpen ei lncludliigja z- the oovernment when it appeared that tnr brltn and the canadian malaitlc a large proportion of the preia was up mlnc rc m succetaful product on z porting mr hepburn a sand it wou d as n rr f deel pnenu in the hat been an easy thing for the cm rth western nerj of tnr proilnce que z ervative leader to have supported the bc u now canada ecnnd largest mild land taken b the heptoun oovernnient p while qu oec has a lon and declined u make an luuc of thi n as a gold produ er in a small question lt nl within recent ear thil but mr rowe would rnt take a and 1u output has attained important dl- which heknew to be wrong he refused mtn placer gold is aald to have z to be stampeded into taklrg a position bpen foun1 to sjley of the chaui which he knew to be fundamentally un- rm ruet la ln province ot quebec as z sound and undeterred by misreprescu- f m 1833 1m but no ystama z uuon he showed a courage and a deter- w m to work t until nearly mlnatlon to do the right thins whl h l years later all quebec s z must be the admiration of all friend ntoraimi producuon up to and including 3 and foe alike t 1w0 m placer gold from 1901 to 1914 ur rowe is taking the only reason- u w chi lode gold and since 1014 we the only democratic stand mr hepburn is taking the position of the tt hai es1 es fr uteen lode gold except a few from the chaudlcre placers hamburg steak 25ir- lbs for beef cuts sirloin roast it 20c 22c prrhouse 15c 16c 18 20 14c 15c 15c 9c 10c roasts lb prime rib roasts iti round stealc roasts it shoulder roasts tt round shoulder roasts per tt rib boil per tb veat rolled boned lb veal 18c 20c butter 2 a for 58c limit af 1 las iss costener with heat orders only smoked meats side bacon fj by piece lb acoc lit c smoked cot o q inge rolls lb c zoc pickled cot epn j tnrc roll tbecoc soc fresh pork cuts loin roasts oo oa per tb llc z4c shoulder j9j22c pork tb 20c 22c side pork auc to zacc roasts tb fresh side sausage homemade sausage tbsu for 25c pattersons wholesale meat market open evenings pllolie 118 miia street esquesing fall fair continued from page vine 44 best dtspla of cut flowers b wm rennle gtsods seeds bulbs or plants at lee ted from their catal gue next season 3 00 45 best barrel of northern spy apples by w c bessey 5 00 44 best bus of tolman sweet apples by a livingstone 2 ml 47 best esaj on hutorj of british empire toy girl who has just passed entrance examinations to high school gold filled 15- jevvpl natch valued at 10 00 donated by m mallne an ttldalt of sole work to accompany each entry 10 00 4 correct and neatest worked problem in arithmetic by boy 16 years and under in i or ii rvrm htxh school gold filled 15 jewel uuh valued at 10 00 donated by m mnllna an altlduyt of sd lr urk to nccompany each rntr 10 00 4l b j m moon drat liuif hunimadr br ul o trt u n lurakl 1 year 1 bo utrge hull dozen fyeoi eitki ottrgrlown heruld 1 t ir i so ua und neatest l lb uutttr cttrk mown hrr tl 1 1 liar 1 50 ilvt bushel 1 nblt tlin ijjd t- m t hai lit r ild 1 itar i so itel drtssed un but n t li vi u i i lb- cniti 4 0 1 50 brit 11 ishel n irthrn bpv ai 1 l er n a c ldtmtn s 110 51 fix lal pr ir d nuttd b milt n u i- o 5 o 52 liest colliti m of knrm ttiwluce lnrludlng oralr it h ts vti ibu ft ill tnl 1 1 riardrnrr iu t tllrflblt u c u vrlt oil c niwti c br ts brampton a i in 1 1 d u5rn applet n ttl nl be h n where bmlirl b jrrt i li tilled 1 r applts tt tr itllrred t dun r itfl r ihr kn r best uim lri ek of i ah drlvir i purk car tn tpucc marlcrd ihrn drive aaav iutitu to nmn fm- nratnrv qulelnras and llmr fur parku i ulvi orlng rules of hit lllmy traillc act rlltsl ilrrad tlckcu valur j 10 second bread tlckru value tie third m ibi robin hood flour tag pouhth 24 lbs robin hood flour 1 ts donated hy bbouvii nakrkv ggxkcctowv centennial ar baby show nrst prizc second prize sm tn gold im in gold for st baby under la mootha donajjolbr unsnxtob n gimouk tdbonto best old time square dance i two rioueuta ntun mm mm tt