Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1934, p. 2

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v kagu two theagton free press thursday november 1st 1034 iilp artnn ifrff jprffifi published every thursday at acton ontario subscription rates jz00 per jear in- advance united stales 50c additional single copies 3c both old and hew addresses should be given when change of address is requested cancellations we fina tliat most of our sub scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration while sub scriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet unless we sre notified to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued remittances should be made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rates legal notjees lac per line for first insertion 8c per line for earlrstibsequent insertion readers 10c per line for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as com ing attractions such as concerts entertainments church society or organization meetings etc 10c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in jtfemoriaro notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death ncitices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge 25c cash if booked 35c also 10c extra when applications are addressed to this offic display advertising rates vary according o space contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid srrpr the free press accepts jidvertising iu its c on the understanding that it wilt not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereundei unless a proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement 1 g arlof dills editor telephones editorial and business office residence 74 131 who is to blame the bowmanville statesman makes the following rather apt comment that is not peculiar to that community less than an hour after the statesman was in the post office last week one observing reader commented on our home tdwn buying editorial he said he noticed a transient recently painting signs on the windows of three local merchants when there are at least three good sign painters right in our 6wn town it may have been that the out of town chap went after the job while the local artists just didnt bother youve got to go after business these days if a merchant doesnt advertise he shouldnt com plain if business goes elsewhere more difficult as another winter confronts us the question of relief work which when started three years ago was thought to be only a temporary measure is just as big a problem as ever without a doubt there are more people at work now than when the problem was first faced however the earnings have been small and have allowed scarcely for catching up with past obligations credits have been stretched past the limit and savings have gone the problem this year is just as serious as it was at the outset the question of funds thdt were so generously provided by citizens is also a serious one many who gave freely now find themselves in a position where such cannot be continued their savings have also reach ed a point where the work cannot be carried on as in the past perhaps the question this year is the most serious of any years since assistance started gov ernments are finding the load heavy too and are enforcing stricter regulations on the municipal bodies administering relief the present season will see plenty of call for assistance and the problems more difficult to face for public protection the regrettable shooting accident of last week which it is- hoped will not have serious or fatal results should serve as a warning to boys with ire- arms in their possession no boy under sixteen years of age has the right tojiave firearms and no one has a right to sell firearms to a minor another point often overlooked with firearms is the fact that air guns are mentioned also as being in the same category as other weapons very severe penalties are provided for infractions of this law the clanger from firearms cannot be overemphasised and even if in the hands of adults the accidents resulting from their possession is a serious consideration parents andjtthjers should carefully guard minors from the dangers of firearms homes are saddened and pain endured all because of an accidental dis charge of the weapon the laws guarding sale and possession of firearms were not made just to clutter up the statute books but for the protection of the public the sunday school lesson fob sunday november 4th the promise fulfilled definite announcement that commencing on jthursday the ontario government will relieve the municipalities ofthe twenty per cent levy on high way costs will certainly be welcome news to halton county the 1932 auditors report of the county gives provincial highway construction costs t6tlie county of over 5000 and maintenance of over 4000 with the construction of the middle road and the other improvements of the highways in thj county this amount will now be well over that figure starting with november 1st the county council will not be required to raise this amount the saving this year will be only a trifle but next year will amount to considerable and will likely enable this body to lower again the amount required in the county rate the question has been long debated by the municipalities without effect until just prior to elections when the conservative gov ernment promised to lower the amount now the new administration has put the taxation in its proper place and the roads will be paid for from the motor and gasoline taxes where they rightly belong elec tion promises are often glibly made it is a source of satisfaction to see them so promptly and fully carried out christian growth golden text but grow in the grace and knowledge or our lord and saviour jesus christ 2 peter 3 18 lesson text luke 2 4252 2 peter 1 1 58 verses printed luke 2 42- 52 study also deut 6 39 matt 19 39 luke 24 2832 2 tim 1 3- 5 3 14 15 prov 4 1019 time a d 8 place jerusalem exposition i jesus inquiring and manifesting his wisdom 405q when jesus became twelve years ol age and so a son of the law he went to the least with them at this visit everything took on a new and deeper meaning to him though divine he was also human a real boy and though a marvellous boy thoughts and truths opened gradually to his mind as to the mind of other boys the christ of the bible was as truly human as he was divine the real christ is a christ who was very god of very god and at the same time very man of very man and those were wonderful days to him when at twelve he stopped at jerusalem amid the greait passover throngs passed in and out of the magnificent temple jesus enjoyed being in trie temple he felt niore at home there than any place he had ever been it was fathers house v 49 r v he felt that he s excellence of character hisstartiher about the carpentering mark q 3 and his mother about her domestic work arid he was just as truly about his fathers business when carrying water and making fires in nazareth as whieri in the temple asking questions for nearly twenty years long er he remained in the humble obscurity of nazareth htrdid not chafe at that commonplace ilfe though doasclous of power to fill a vastly larger sphere that quiet life was a necessary prepara tion for the work the father had given him to do during these years jesus was growing if we too are in an humble sphere where there seems to be little else to do we can at least grow that is the best thing a child can do anyhow if his growth like that of jesus is not only in stature but in wisdom and favor with god as well jesus could grow because he was a real human being he had voluntarily put aside divine glory to become a real man phil 2 6 7 mark 13 32 he was perfect as a babe and boy but the per fection of manhood is a higher form of perfection than the perfection of child hood and more pleasing to god so he i increased in favor with god as he giew from perfect boyhood into perfect manhood j hi adding grace to grace 2 peter 1 58 i when one is born again the christian life is begun there must be growth 1 peter 2 2 grace must be added to grace and this requires not merely diligence but all diligence in our faith which is the source of all thmgs we must supply virtue i e moral to quality has no substitute saiada tea fresh from the garden m j b mackenzie son lumber -r- builders supplies coal and coke contracting financing every man who builds a home learns the lesson of first cost and upkeep theres no way to learn except by experience and it is noticed that theman who builds a second time demands absolutely thej3est materials available for every detail this means that good materials are the best and that cheap materials bought at a temporary saving of a few dollars are false economy yet good materials are not necessarily costly we have the best and the prices have never been more reasonable belonged there that i must be in my i thls there must be knowledge fathers house how many orts have but even tnls not a our kaov that deep consuming longing for the i ledee we must su selfcontrol then patience reverent regard for pliecwhere the father dwells and mani- fess himself ps 27 4 when his human parents left he could not but stay behind where his real parent was when his parents had sought him three days everywhere they could think of for god love of the brethren and then love to all mankind it is when these things are ours and ours in abund ant measure that we are really accom plishing something working and bear- they at last found him in the temple r fruit the longer we are permitted to remain on the earth in the service editorial notes as the signs of winter become more noticeable the rumorsand signs of hockey are more to the fore it is said that we hadtio indian summer fast year most folks hope that we receive a double allotment this year to even up the candidates for municipal office are beginning to come to the fore perhaps more to fore now than during the last week in november the scene of political interest has shifted this week from the provincial to the dominion capital bennett has been doing the firing this week but when one disagrees within the party its usually termed resigning we notice that the oakville record makes some remarks regarding acton and the raising of oakville to a higher class in hockey circles my how that sports writer is going to miss us and well miss you too brother increase in employment a considerable increase was shown in industrial employment on october 1st when reports received from 8864 firms showed 933486 persons were at work as compared with 923078 on september 1st the dominion bureau of statistics reported ttoe index made on the base 1926 equals 100 stood at 1000 on october 1st as against 989 on september 1st and 904 on october 1st last year the most out standing feature of the survey of employment was the unusually pronounced expansion inbush opera tions which directly provided work for more than 600 persons an increase that in the octobers for which statistics are available has only once been exceeded viz in mining showed the great est gain- on record transportation building con struction and trade also reported considerable im provement over the preceding month a slight ad vance occurred on the whole in manufacturing being the ninth consecutive gain since the opening of the year on the other hand communications highway ahj railway construction and hotels and restaurants released a large number of persons as the active season drew to a close the trend was upward in ontario- according to 3899 employers of 398349 mksiwror 53l7more than at the beginning of september c the latchfordsmith report on the abitibi canyon deal does not improve the standing of either mr henry or mr meighen in the eyes of the public both held rather peculiar positions in their dealings as buyers and sellers the announcement of an hour earlier closing of the beverage rooms and a share in the profits for the municipalities will please many and is an improve ment no doubt there will be plenty of room for further improvements col drew has proven himself an excellent letter- writer but mr godfrey has seemingly surpassed him as a man of action in his brief term of office the mining sheets in the mails and the telephone calls are no longer bothersome xhe smiths falls recordnews believes there should be a penalty imposed on the person who mails a letter without attaching sufficient postage there seems to be only one way of getting back at these individuals when you answer the letter save on the postage the fergus newsrecord announces a population of 2600 for fergus but the editor says larger size does not always bring other advantages and we usually think that a village of the size in which we spent our boyhood is ideal but sober consideration prompts us to admit that increased size has brought fergus many other advantages and we can only suppose that continued growth will also make this a better place to live in most towns welcome the growth regardless of advantages lost when passing the villagellstage he seems to have spent bhe time there and ithey ought to have sought him there in the first place v 49 the house of god is the likeliest place to and a true child of god jesus was often found in the temple during his whole life mark 14 49 he made himself very much at home in the temple he was sitting there no passing visitor or sightseer he was there to learn he was in the midst of the doctors teachers and he was hearing and asking them questions the questions displayed great wisdom v 47 but they were not asked to dis play his wisdom he wished to learn the teachers were far from the wisest the world has ever known and he was infinitely the wisest scholar but he felt there were things that he colld learn een from them there is no sugges tion that he criticized his teachers he was a model bible class scholar he answered questions as well as asked them v 47 and his answers were so profoundly intelligent as to amaze all that heard him it was more as the perfect human boy than as the divine child thait he was asking ques tions in the temple and so he owed the understanding he displayed not so much to his inherent divinity as to his spiritguided study of the word of god ps 119 99 luke 24 27 john 3 34 not only the bystanders were amazed but mary herself who had watched him and listened to hirrf for twelve years was astonished depths were now revealed into which even she had never been allowed to peer before even mary though his mother had not understood jesus there seems to be a itone of complaint if not abrupt ness in the question mary put to jesus mary was a wonderful woman lupe 1 28 but she was not divine and not faultless the mary of the bible is not the mary of legend and adoration mary and joseph should have had no anxious fears about jesus they should have known that wherever he was he was just where he ought to be while mary and joseph were surprised that he was in the temple jesus was surprised that they should search for him at all instead of coming right ithere fully assured that he was there there is n6 note of apology or regret in jesus reply though the most dutiful tender arid obedient of sons v 51 john 19 26 27 he was conscious that he was something more than ithe son of mary comp john 2 3 4 and that mary must for her own sake be made to realize this fact so while mary says thy father and i sought thee etc jesus answered wist ye not that i must be in my fathers house he points her from the human reputed ch 3 23 parent age to the divine real parentage this is the first recorded itfteranceaf jesus and like the las ch 23 46 its central thought is god is my father ii jesus obeying and growing si 52 j having made this needed assertion and given thls jilear proof of his deity jesus fell back into his place as tha son of maiy and joseph he was sub ject unto them he doubtless helped of our master the richer arid fuller should our spiritual life become we should in a quite definite and literal sense be engaged in adding grace to grace until we are called to the fullness of higher service no child should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy mother graves worm exter minator tylers transport local and long distance moving- general trucking service to satisfy bonded and insured carriers service from acton to toronto and immediate points promtpt careful economical gas oil tires acton ontario phone 133 acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance off cclsjh- how is yuur ims wake up your liver ti7e without cnlonu your liver a yrry a mull orkir but it rr iainly can put your iikntvf awl inmmiwve otftnna out of kilter by rrfuninn t pour out im daily two pounds of liquid bile into vurbowelo you wont ooinplttrly correct riith n condition by takingriftufl oil mirtrrnl wntr xiitivr diily or chewing gum or rmiphuw w en tin v vr moved your bowra tliryrm through and v n deed a brer stimulant k carters little liver piltn will oon bring bck the aunahine into y 1fe tliey n pur ly vi ire- table safe burs aak for them by name rtfutm mbatitutea 25o at all druggiat 48 o mi i u in k in pie what a special aylmer pumpkin 1 no 2 tin regularly 12c maple leaf lard 1lb pltg regularly 14c 26 value all for the very finest pumpkin the very finest lard twin requirements very firtst pic 26c value for only 21 cl if you wish the pumpkin the special price is 10c per tin special price for the per pkg and see these other savings chocolate marshmallows biscuits cherry jam marmalade wagstaffos- 32oz a c with pectin jar a glasscos 32oz oc pure orange jar 6ff calay 419 the soap of beautiful women facecloth free comfort soap 10 bars 33 quaker irradiated muffets fine rice m q j m aylmer tomato tomatoes ayb sweet corn 2 5 2 3n ti pi 9 25 15 20 25 lbs tins carrolls own mincemeat fts 2jbs 25c free baking pan with each purchase ol crisco 23c oranges 35c dozen grapefruit 4 for 25c lemons 6 for 19c potatoes extra special 9c peck celery hearts 10c cabbage 2 for 9c bananas l 25c 30c dozen free delivery i extra specials for weekend phone 158 mill street phone 1 58 acton jsj vritjwryt jim pwim mm arrtckxft

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