Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1934, p. 2

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h- jtif paoktwo j the acton free press tmuhsday september 27th 1934 wye artrnt jftre jjrrss published every thursday at acton ontario subscription batesoo per year in advance united states 5oc additional single cap sc both old and nw addrcitc ahould b given wheat chaafa of addrtaa ia requested cancellations we fina that juoit of our sub scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted in caae they tail to remit before expiration while sub scriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet unless we are notified to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued remittance should be made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rates liral notices tac per line for iirat insertion 8c per line for each subsequent insertion readers ioc per line for each insertion if ia black face type sc per line additional notices qualifying as com ing attractions such as concerts entertainments church society or organization meetings etc ioc per line mini mum charge sc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memoritm notices soc and ioc per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge ajc cash if tooked 35c also ioc extra when applications are addressee to this office display advertising rates vary according o apace contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it wilt not be liable for any ttror in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with auch error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error 10 noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement g arlof dills editor telephones- editorial and business office 174 residence 131 iedporjap give thanks monday is the day set apart for thanksgiving for the dominion of canada in a country so well bless ed there is surely just cause for thanksgiving and a loyal observance of this day true there is more that all of us may desire and in many instances it nay seem that which the present time afford may not compare very well with other years but the country with which we are surrounded free from wars and pestilence and all our aptual needs supplied canadians have just cause for thankfulness not only on monday but on every day of the year provid ence has seen fit to favor us well let us not be remiss in giving thanks for all that we enjoy fire prevention week the week of october 7th to 13th has by procla mation been set aside as fire prevention week throughout the dominion during that week lessons on fire prevention subjects should be given in every public school and the owners and occupants of property everywhere throughout canada should be counselled to give special attention to the removal of fire hazard from their premises fire waste is one of the serious economic problems confronting canada at the present time the public in general is vitally affected by the tremendous losses annually incurred by fire and the enormous expenditures rend ered necessary to adequately protect life and pro perty from its ravages seeing that at least seventy- five per cent of all fires are caused by carelessness and can therefore be prevented it is the obvious duty of municipal authorities fire department officials boards of trade and other representative citizen bodies to bring the matter to4heattention of the people it is likewise the duty of all citizens to cooperate in curtailing this needless waste the sunday school lesson sunday october 7th fellowship with christ golden tcxt abide in mo and i in canadian copper production production of new copper in canada during 1933 totalled 299982448 pounds valued at 21634853 compared with 247679070 pounds at 15294058 in 1932 according to finally revised figures released by the dominion bureau of statistics the 1933 output t of copper represents an increase of 211 per cent over the preceding year and is the largest production recorded since the peak year of 1930 the average price for the year based on the london market and transposed into canadian funds was 74348 cents per pound an increase of td746 cents per pound over the coresponding price of 1932 the high qual ity of canadian electrolytic copper is finding ever growing recognition in world markets a fact that is reflected in the important exports of this com modity since the commencement of electrolytic cop per refining in canada during 1930 and 1931 during 1933 canada supplied almost 13 per cent of the worlds production of copper and indications are that the 1934 copper output will establish a new high record production being estimated at from 175000 to 185000 tons canadas 1933 copper output was contributed by five of the provinces namely ontario quebec british columbia manitoba and saskatche wan drunker than h that is not editorial or language suitable for any other section of a paper neither was the incident we witnessed last thursday evening on mill street two young men possibly twenty years of age and a young girl in her teens one of the young rfien was drunk helplessly drunk and sick he could not be supported by his companion and he rolled in the gutter vomiting continually we inquired what was going to be done with him and hjs companion said he would get him into the car later and take him home it is said that a drunken mouth utters the truth and this young fellow repeated several times im drunker than h we dont know that he secured his intoxicants at a beverage room he was from out of town and he may nave imbibed in liquors elsewhere we do know however that it has been some time since we witnessed such a scene on acton streets we have heard of other scenes just as revolting since the introduction of the new law its time for improvement and some discipline where is the moderation league what under the new law constitutes restricting measures then and now fifteen years ago canada was engaged in float ing one of the most successful of its war loans national enthusiasm was at its highest pitch busi ness was booming and money was plentiful results exceeded the fondest hopes nearly 800000 citizens subscribing for the the 1919 victory loan bonds- true the income yield of 5jy2 was very attractive but opinion then was that people subscribed more from their wholehearted desire to assist national reconstruction rather than because of the attractive rate of interest holders of these 1919 victory bonds which will mature november 1st are now being asked to convert them into bonds of the 1934 refunding loan that the majority of holders of 1919 victory bonds will avail themselves of this privilege there can be no doubt they know what a safe and profitable investment they have had and will surely wish to continue it the record of do minion of canada bonds during the past few years when investors have suffered loss of capital and distress of mind demonstrates conclusively that there is no safer investment than dominion of canada bonds security of principal is paramount in any investment consequently when the unassail able security of dominion of canada bonds is coupled with so desirable an income yield as is offered by the new bonds the response from those having bonds to convert as well as applications from new investors should be both prompt and enthusi astic centralization no cure the agitation for centralization of small fall fairs into county fairs seems to be a favorite topic insome quarters strangely enough in nearly every instance the activity usually comes from the point at which centralization would take place the small fairs are in most instances quite content with the present arrangements and seemingly quite capable of financing the local shows a suggestion we read of last week was for a- fourday show at one of these centralisation points where the fair was none too successful an event this year andset up no new records the plan seems to be to squeeze out the smaller exhibitions in that particular county big head and lack of real effort has put many of these big events just where they arc today they have outgrown the community feature and community effort and instead of getting back where they belcthg are trying by the squeeze method to reach the top the county fair will never have the some commun ity interest that characterizes the smaller event and lacking community interest and unpaid community effort none of these events can succeed editorial notes there will be ample cause for thanksgiving on the part of every citizen of canada on monday next it is a favored land the drewroebuck exchange of compliments has provided the headlines for the past week lacking kidnapping or other sensational features now the weajther prophets are busy predicting the kind of winter we are to experience the variety and kinds foretold leave assurance at least that we will in all probability have a winter this year when the hew y m c a building is completed and in operation acton willbe the smallest centre in the dominion of canada to have a y m c a just another item in which this community leads peddling of stocks from door to door or solicita tion by telephone is now illegal since the coming into force of a new dominion act more and more one gets an opportunity of devoting time to business tfrfi new government at queens park is having a splendid time trying to satisfy all the conservatives who want to retain their jobs and the newfound liberals who want these same jobs the question is o find all the folks who voted in favor of economy and curtailment of public expenditure you as the brunch cannot bear fruit of jlaolf nreopt it abide in tho vino no neither can yo except yo abide jn me john 15 4 ilesson text jno 15 110 study also jno 15 1227 oal 5 102b time tuesday night april 4 a d 29 place near jerusalem exposition i the fruit more fruit much fruit 15 i am the true vine and my father is the husbandman this is the central truth of this lesson a01 its wonderful teaching circles about or la a develop ment of this great thought christ is the vine we are the branches all our life and power and fruitage result from our union with him and god the father is the vine cultivator who by his wise care brings each branch to its highest possiblitles or if it has no real union with the vine removes it it would be difficult to find in the word of god a passage that on the one hand has more comfort and encouragement in it for those who really are in christ and on the other hand has more solemn warning in it for those who have a more outward formal connection with christ and into whose lives there is no real flow of the life of christ showing itself in fruitage our life our power to bear fruit is from christ our training into highest fruitfulnessis from the father union with christ brings life and power to bear fruit glad submission to the fathers pruning and training brings larger measure of fruitfulness how glad we ought to be that it is the father who is the husbandman he will make no mistakes for he is perfect in wisdom and he is wonderfuly tender and kind if any true disciple of jesus will medi tate long and deeply on the words o jesus my father is- the husbandman he will and them filling his heart with rest and joy the distinguishing char acterlstlc of a true branch of a branch that is inwardly and really in the vine and not merely outwardly and only ap parently in the vine is that it bears fruit this is also the distinguishing characteristic of a true disciple v 3 what fruit is we learn from gal 5 22 phil 1 11 1 jno 2 6 ro 1 13 co 1 10 and verses 8 and 16 of this chap ter god alone is the final judge as to whether we are bearing fruit or not ro 14 4 if one has not that real vital union with christ that results in fruit bearing he is removed from his outward and seeming union he is taken away ii ill therefore stand each one of us in otead to ask ourselves very earnestly ard prayerfully am i bearing fruit a very large number of professing christ ians are not ii power in prayer fulness of joy likcnesvto jesus found in abiding li jesus 611 if the branch bears fruit it is not left alone it is purged or cleansed thai it may bear- more fruit if then we continue under the everwise care of the heavenly husbandman we may expect ever increasing fruitfulness the forn of cleansing specified in the context is cleansing through the word v 3 if then we desire the fullpst measure of that cleansing that brings everincreas ing fruitfulness we should bring our lives into constant contact with the word which is gods chosen instrument for cleansing us neglect of the word is the explanation of the small fruitage of many a life do you study the word as you ought is not that why you bear so little fruit cf 2 tim 3 16 17 but the husbandman has also other methods of cleansing the branch des cribed elsewhere eg heb 12 6 11 god sometimes resorts to the severer method of cleansing of the branch be cause neglect of the word renders the gentler method of cleansing impossibje the cleansing process is not always plea sant but if we shrink from it we should remember that is means larger fruitage another secret of large fruitfulness is abiding in christ and christ rabiding in us what does it mean to abide- christ many very mystical and misty explanations have been given of this that leave the average student of the bible in a great fog but if one will note carefuly just what jesus is talking ateout it is very simple to abide in christ is simply to have the same re lation to jesus as the living and contin uously frlutbearlng branch has to its rvine this branch has no independent life of its own it draws all its sap its life and frlutbearlng energy from the vine it simply lets this life and fruit- brearlng power continuously flow in and its buds- and leaves and blossoms and clusters are simply manifestations not of any independent life of its own but of the life of the vine go we abide in christ when we renounce any indepen dent life or power of our own and just your livers making you feel out of sorts wake up your liver bile no calomel needed when you foci blue depressed sour on the world thats your liver which lan t pouring its daily two pounds ot liquid bile into your bowels otlteetion nnd elimination are being slowed up food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you eel wretched more bowelmovers like salts oil mineral water laxative candy or chewing pun or roughage dont go for enough you need liver stimulant carterp litua liver pills la the best one safe purely vege table sure ask for them by name refuse substitutes 26o at all drucgista sit look ever to christ jesus for ills llfo and let it flow in unhindered by dlatrual- or disobedience or tho attempt to do eoiythlng or bo anything an of ourselvwi so that our thought and dcnlics anct purpohcg and acid arc simply manlfet- utlons not of our own life but of thr christ life in us so fur oil we main tain thin relutloh to chrljit we ithall bear much frlut the utter failure to main tain this relation to christ and the con sequent attempt to be anything of our eelves means frulucnsncmi casting forth withering and burning arc you abiding in him and he in you if ye abldo hi me and my words abide in you ask whatsocverye will and it shall be done unto you v 7 b v one of the great est secrets of the prayer that is omnipot ent is found here what is it to abide in him we have already seen when we thus abide our prayer itself is a mani festation of thesnjtt life it is christ praying through us and the father hear- eth him alwayssjchrll 42 so he will hear all our prayers that are of that sort but note that there is something else mentioned in this verse beside our abid ing in him and my words abide in you it is through the medium of hl words that jesus comes to abide in us comp ch 1423 it is vain to talk of christ abiding in us if we are neg- lectlng his words meditation upon his word laying up his word in our hearts is one of the secrets of mighty praying three great things ate mentioned in the lesson as resulting from abiding in jesus christ power to bear much fruit power to get in prayer whatsoever we ask ful ness of joy v 11 this joy that we thus get is christs own joy my joy the world has no such joy as that to give everything in this lesson is re lated to jesusmy father 1 8 10 my words v 7 my disciples v 8 my love v 9 my command ments v 10 my joy v 11 the secret of loving one another is abiding in jesus his love to us is the standard and measure of our love to one another how much he loved us is defined in verse 13 he laid down his life for us there is no greater love than that pos sible human or divine golden corn syrup a great energy food tylers transport local and long distance moving general truckinjfi service to satisfy bonded and insured carrd3rs service from acton to toronto and immediate points prompt careful economical gas oil tikes acton ontario phone 133 j b mackenzie son lumber builders supplies coal and coke contracting financing every man who builds a home learns the lesson of first coot and upkeep theres no way to leam except by experience and it is noticed that the man who builds a second time demands absolutely the best materials available for every detail this means that good materials are the best and that cheap materials bought at a temporary saving of a few dollars fire false economy yet good materials are not necessarily costly we have the best and the prices have never been more reasonable r- sssssssssssa carrolls owiueine creamery butter 2 lbs 43c first grade fine fresh clean potatoes is lbs 13c sweet rotatoes 3 fine new onions 12 nb for 15c free delivery phone your order phone 158 carrolls limited mill street phone lsg acton ontario j kassis

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