sp f yy jv v jk thursday march id 1932 the acton free press page seven insntroo i want to go where pussywillows dip their velvet catkins to a pools cool up i want to st where pine trees bear their cones and rock them to the west winds singing tones r i want to hear what snowtopped brook lots sa that cxoqn ari3 ohuckle on their secret way ijwant the tan of ceda in the swamp twhere brown hares crouch and feed and mate and stamp where f ram rtarkjtorest mirrors shy wild things prink to the gurgle of sweet hidden springs and wlntergreen in sheltered hollow weaves y- a glossy pattern of its fragrant leaves the winds from dlstantiilltops bring 3tjjinerjcen y- v of things remembered far from ways of men twenty yeaejs ago from the issue of the free press of thursday march 14 1912 the sunday school lesson fob sunday march is jesob comforts ibis pisotples golden text peace t leavewith you my peace give i unto you not as the world glveth give i unto you let not yttw heivt rm trmime neithe let ltbe boal ofims wlril kahet romances queen mary has set a new fashion in jewellery at all kinds of social firnc- hlstorlc gems of the british royal jewels or other rare and old attornments from her wonderful collection of gems it is notnly jewels of the east that have romantic histories our- own royal jewels are also as full of thrills in story and beauty as any thaf ever came from the nights lands j return of caribou hunting in eastern quebec welcomed the skating rink is closed for the season eggs were down to 25c on saturday the first harvest season commences this week its maple sugar time axjcqmftin iir the arrival of several cars of coal secured last week by the corporation and messrs rjca co 1 w gerblg proprietor of the mercan tile business in the warren block having found outsidebusiness developing on his hands has sold fails acton interests to mr david a orr of grimsby mr orr is a man of experience he has engaged i miss florence murray as head milliner and intends to make the easter milllu- cry opening an epoch in the- history of the store ag4s orderhes- blble class had a delightful evening at the home of mr and mrs wm mcnabb bower avenue last week mr william glmson who came to fearfuljonn 14 27 lesson text- 14 118 te tuesday night april j ajd 30 place jjpper room jerusalem exposition i r will come again 1-8- the 14th chapter of john is the rich- est vein in the most remarkable gold mine in the world mie bible- the first jilshlseojfy is chapter especially of vs 127 verse 27 ends s v 1 begins let not your heart be troubled arid all in between inlgh fltlybentitled com fort jand encouragement of believers dur ing the absence of their lord tht remainder of vj 1 contains jesus in- fallible prescription for heart trouble the one who truly believes tagod arid be lieves in jesus christ will never be troubled in heart isa 26 3 we can take our choice between believing hearts and troubled hearts when faith comes in anxiety goes out a num of heffealnv monarchs through the ages have left their marks among the crowd jewels queen elizabeths earrings are on out- standing example they hang from tile golden arches of the kings crown even to this day and have been left just as they were placed there for coronation the black princes ruby strangely enough personifying his own character- a huge glittering thing of blood and ie4reaisasclntllatesfromuiur monarchs crown the crown jewels have also had jvacytntures that have left no mark- to jndicate their romantfestory henryvs- life was saved at agin court because he insisted an wearing his crown when the battle was in progress the j3uc daien- con aimed a mighty blow at henrys head and all that happened was that the crown was split in half when richard- wore his crown at bcjsworth field he had tohideitm atiush and after the battle a noble knight sir reginald bray was isjetutbf5otniotnnnhb5s first is that heaven the fathers housa isa large pjacejwith ropmenough for us very much surprised when he suddenly came upon pie hiding place of jihe roya1 1 tlons in the northern rockies and j i i the mountains of british columbia after a closedv season of five yeairs caribou hunting in tile counties of mataii oas and djnav in t province of quebec will again be per mitted this year according to official in formation reaching c k howard man ager of the tourist and convention bureau canadian national railways caribou have increased rapidly during the closed season un gaspe peninsula and adjo sections of quebec and this increase has resulted in the decision to permit hunting this year between sep tember 20 and december 31 the prin- cipal points of entry to the caribou hunt ing areas as gaspe gascapedla and- new carlisle outfitters capable of caring for hunting parties arb available at waker ham and at sunnybank just outsldo of the town of gaspe and there are ialso capable outfitters at cascapedia and at cnmphelltnn n b who oirtflt parting from casapedla station the return of caribou hunting in quebec i being h with consideraijleentliuslasm ontafio hasprohifilted the huntirjgoftheseariti lmals for some years past ih manitoba and saskatchewan caribou hunting is permitted but the season in these pro vinces is verylate alberta and britisn columbia permit caribou hunting and excellent territories for- the mountain caribou are found orr the borders of jasper national park in the heart of the canadian rockies and also at bther loca- prices reduced the lowest in pratt history you can now buy pratts baby chicle food with all its quality and proved value for no more than other good feeds cobt thu chick food is np-to- date in vitamins and other elements baby chicks need to make them strong and keep them healthy every chick needs it itis guaranteed ask your dealer for pratts be particular it pays to use the best advice on chickraising free sold byljooo m in canaia pratt food co of canada ltd cuelph ont the attempted robbery of the crown jewels- by colonel blood is a story as all as weh as for jesus the second is unique as that of any thriller this that jesus is coming back personally to man with such an unusually appropri- take us to that place the temporary separation is to be succeeded by eternal reunion v3- jhfcdoes no send for us he comes himself any one who has leaded to interpret scripture by script ture can easily satisfy himself that the coming here spoken of is the personal second coming of christ by a careful comparison of y 2 with 1 thes 4 16 rne keturn of our lord nas ever been the blessedi hope of- believers ate name for a criminal composed and almost carried out a daring scheme he dressed up as a clergyman and after walking round and admiring the crown jewels in the usual manner of sight seers he overpowered the unsuspecting agetl keeper of the jewels end made off with the sceptre and crown he was overtaken by m cavarllers how- here said teddys father showing the little boy a coin is a penny three hundred years old it was given to me when i was a little boy i say ejaculated teddy just think of anybody being able to keep a penny as long as that without spending it hot meals during lent time tables at acton going daily except sunday 1007 ajn- daily 32fc ikin dally except sunday a cj13 pjn sunday only 800 pm the chicago flier that passes through here at 430 eastbound stops at george town at 942 pm going west- dally except sunday jilsii l4q ajn daily except sunday 908 ajn daily except sunday 228 pjn daily except sunday 040 pun sunday only 845bjn sunday only r 1035 pjn rhina appetizing invigorating satisfying majmjin cutada with canadian wheat the canadian shredded wheat company ltd ever and eventually charles h in whose reign this daring robbery was perpetrat- tit 2 13 jesus here speaks of it to led sent him to the tower for a time to i banish heart troubles and when paul 1 keep the- jewels company after this i speaks of it in interpreting this passage effort a much stronger guard was placed vlv k ago from brace- j closes with comfort one anotherj o jdger- le o tues for winnipeg to take a position as gardener and coach man for mr s browni contractor at the meeting of the board of educa tion heid en monday evening mr john cameron architectswas presehtat the request of the property committee and submitted outline plansshowlnjiecgnd story of bride veneer erected over the stone sections of the present school building that would prove three addition- al rooms upon motion mr cameron was instructed to prepare working plans and specifications for the erection of the three rooms to be presented to the board at the next meeting married powblledmiston at the home of the brides parents rouleau sask on march 6 1912 by rev r jedmls- ton brother of the bride assisted by rev h gv cairns normal powell ol avonlea to mabel daughter of wm edmlston formerly of acton green backs from green peas in gaspe new industry being developed in r easternquebec although shipments to the united states began only in 1928 the farmers of the capecove district of the gaspe peninsula have already carved a valuable niche for their green peas in the ara- erican-markefr- -it- has- been found that due to climatic conditions green peas 0 a very high quality mature in this part of eastern quebec some time after other sources of supply have been exhausted and when the market is higher than with tjhese words l h the way to the father 46 the third comforting thought is that they knew the place wherehe was going verse 6 is one of it telis would take more than a dozen edgar wallaces to think of a scheme to defy the electrical appliances which are used as a protectionj and then the scheme and how to get there verse 6 is one of j probably prove lmpractic- the mountain peaks of scripture it telis ad us the way to god jesus himself is the to tlle old days a monarch alwayshad 1 wayrweettctgodthfdugh him adls-regalia-carrleq-bour- wherever in no ether way that way isopen to all ravelled it was looked after by mem- ch 10 9 6 37 how jesus is the bers of the cler d wherever he went way the bible makes very plain a j they had to fallow some of the kings of eph 2 13 18 heb 10 19 20 2 matt bland and most probably the queens is not onlyjrthe way but the truth unofficially had an inventory made 11- 27 john 17 3 3 heb 1 13 he th crawn regalia the low valua- also he is truth incarnate other i tlons m astonishing the lmperialle messengers of god teach theruth jesus of y boulde was only priced is the truth if then we are to at 555 and the coronation crown used know the truth we must know him col b kin alfred of gould wyeruork sett 2 3 john 17 3 he is also the life he not merely gives life but is the with big and slight stones and littel beus at only j 1240 1 and what are they life if you wish lifer you must take y wcrth today it would be adlf- him as scon as you have taken jesus j flcult task mdeed to estimate the value you have life 1 john 5 11 12 if you of such rarities one could almost say they are priceless for nowjigfre even in 11 12 have not taken jesus you may have exis tence but you have not life if ypu are th c 9 wealthy eastern poten anxious to know what life real lif eternal life is look at jesus and you will see 1john 1 2 hi he that hath seen me hath seen tates arelhere to be found jewels of such rarity and magnificence as many of those in the british royals collection the glory of the conquered the way a fellow accepts loss tells much about his charactr and another earllerin the season with the helpjof the department of agriculture of the canadian national railways marketing agencies and gov ernment departments the farmers of gaspe of recent years have organized to take advantage of this condition as a result 1929 saw the shipment- of 13 car loads of this commodity south of the border and by 1931 the figure had risen tof48 carloads it is estimated by thej canadian natioriafttailways that ship ments next year will top the 100 mark the development of this cash crop meant an increase of at least 50000 in thecape cove farmers income during baiegurjyearsgggtrnsh did not exist the father 711 if jesus were a mere man and not divine jn a sense that ncother is divine then v 7 would be appalling presumption and- blasphemy but jesus has a right to say h ye had known me ye would scalefor tne measurement of character have knownmy father also for god is ones attitude toward losers perfectly and fully revealed himself in wlnner bcts reward and as a rule jesus cf col 2 9 john 1 18 to a11 tne applause although the loser may know jesus is to know god to see jesus nave onl a 1 bit behind is to see god to know jesus fully is to man whose success in winning the know gd fuuyt manifest alaskan dog races has secured for him jn-ic-ficiaiore-jseeplgnifleaneeh- k of the arc in philips cry lord shew us the father and it sufficeth us yes that will suf fice- us to see godranfl nothing else will for several years philip had been leaking at god and not seeing him or knowing him there are many in this day who are just as blind as philip jesus longed to have philip and the rest of the disciples believe that he was in the father and the father in him and he icings to have us believe it also his works prove it to all who have a discerning eye vs 10 11 iv he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also- 1213 versd 12 contains another of the com- st wlthast lsfcthe only expression that seems toconvey whatis endured from an attack of this trouble the relief from dr j if kelloggs- as- thma remedy is beyond measure where all was suffering there comes comfort and rest breathing becomes normal and trie bronchial tubes completely cleared this unequalled remedy is worth many times its price vo all who use it bettering your best fortihg thoughts they certainly do not describe the experience of the average christian today but we must hot bring gods word down to the- level of ou declares that the real heroes of these racts are the losers who come heme limping exhausted andunnoticecl he says he always makes it a point to so out to meet the losers in a race and escort them to town he is right in thinking that the courage- which keeps a man doing his best in face of suffering and danger and probable defeat is far more worthy of admiration than merely coming out ahead what is your attitude toward the losi ers there are plenty of people ready to fall down and worship success no matter how it was won but often the man who loses out in the race for wealth no makesrancattune jtjbecrehwiiitu is more to be admired than the one cresses the line ahead may- not have exhibited any finer spirit than that which expe wejmust bring cur experience i trails at the rcar tne blory of the con- ujttolhe fevei of gods word jesus quered is not a sentimental phrasetbuta meant just what he said we are now splendid reality something is lacking by our faltli united to the risen and a those young people who are so dazzled ascended christ the one who possesses y th splendor of success that they have to aim to things better is to stamp yourself unusual the great majority of us aretrying to do something about as wll as other people are doing it oriare greater than works in the domain of as we ourselves have done it before it is an exceptional person who is always trying to do better than his- best or to improve on auothers bssl even lh char acter building that most important duty al authority in heaven and on earth matt 28 18 and by reason of this union we have power to do greater things than jesus did during the day of his humiliation those to whom jesus first spoke those words saw three thousand converted in a single day acts 2 tht was a far greater work than any that jesus did while ore earth of course he the risen lord was the real doer of it works in the domain of the spiritual no eyes for the loser the fellow who has done his best and lost stylish cows the physical to raise tine dead in tre- pases and sins is greater than to praise j pne physically dead it is tcr each of u the city girl boarding in the country spkc w the farmer about the savage waj in which the cow regarded her well said the farmer it must be dn account of that red waist youre wearing dear me cried- trie girl of course i knw is terribly out of style but i had no idea a country cow would notice to claim cur measure of this power vs 13 and 14 tell us how these verse3 tel t- that developes cjjj any human being us of the prayer that gets just what it many of us say complacently oh i asks and anything it asks it is the this i ask in jesus name guess im about as good as the average if you have been wokjig indifferently and ineffective y it is time you strove to do better but if yu have been working ardenty and suocessfu ly still it li your business to trjkto improve on your pofcrmance you are not mea suring up to your cspnslbllities unejis you are striving to excel nst only your competitors but yoursdf christ by a living faith v 12 that ma a that ap stul in reallt not be prayer of those who are united to jcsas pwing in jesus name at all but really shows itself in an obedient love vs 15- praying in ourowrj name thinking that 17 and it is the prayer that is olfcrel j ft have some claims upn god but in the name cf christ what is it to jcsus nas given us a right to approach pray in the name of christ it is to gcd on the ground of his claims upon pray upn the ground of christs claims hlm and when we do it no matter how upon god knowing that we ourselvs sinful we may have been jesus himself have no claims whatever upon god iv will do what we ask of the father in lsfar moethanto add to your petition his iwrne of course you wash itbut is it clean weireillittg to wa tha i i then yoii dont simply go through the motions of washing your face as a habit but be cause it makes you feel right to know that it is clean and because it is pleasing to the people you meet in the course of the well then when you buy station ery for your business it is not worth while to see that it is printed properly and notjto accepllprinted niatter of any kind simply because it is cheap you wouldn use jute as a facetowel would you but its much cheaper than hjneil busi ness stationery is your paper face your personal representative why you hot rnkeslire it represents properly we will beglad to show you paper and ink samples seei mens of type faces layouts and es timates phone 174 ask our re presentative to call promptly filled mail orders acton free press job dept eastbound dflily 700 am daily l 045 ain daily 200 pjn daily 530 pjn daily 800 pm saturdays sundays and holidays only 1000 pjn wjeiboufr daily r dally daily dally except saturday saturdays sundays and- holldays only saturday only 910 ajn 110 pjn 410 pjn 730 pjn 1010 pm 1110 ajn 1210 ajn acton phone 58 its wise to use the most reliable and effective service available for your difficult collections that 1s what kelly and aiken the persistent collectors of okangevilll ontario offer you send your list or single note or account to them today if you expect to sell you must advertise have youreyebs examinedby 1 p e robinson r 0 eyesight specialist who will be at dr buchaji- ans office every other thursday afternoon next visitr- jjuirsday march 17 eyes examined glasses fitted phone dr buchanan any time for an appointmenl prices reasonable watches diaands china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario ii wyndhun st r subscriptions for all magazines taken at the free press offio l