thursday dttotmbctt 34 1031 the acton free press qhjt 3ffrtp jjrrab bnrt sturu ruths christmas sacrifice june paiajkuhpon ovefl liu- earth lrui october i hnno brlgtitly hk raya crept tnlo thu broad old fashioned windows if a liltlo fwm liotw bringing forth a wiuniir glow from thn copper jardlnuru on the little parar labl wnh ltc quaintly mrved wgi mid biaccs and ruling at last with ruiejulng imifh mi the auvery hil of old granule i nim- fcall aitling juletly la her omrorubli chair by the window krom where mho ot grmmlu rould look far to the wnlward a tlui willlllh d field of her utile lunn ujid thu urgi f trmx of her mium prnp-rout- neighbor- and away u the lnrlwim rlm- ti grandpa mio irmmlb trrmbull odd liad givim but in 11 child th ir lovuly daughter kttthbwn many lover hud kathleen all th young mm for mile around huhky ytamif fumen would willingly have lujd th ir licarta and fcrtun at hi r f- t uhe amlled on all but nothing else v at butt one tiuy came a young mu- slonry to the utile farmhoum iuid kathleen heart waa lout rorrver many happy hours tluy npeiit and wlnn ut last itilup caruitim riturmd to chtni he took with him aa hu bride inuutlful kathleen trriihall dark and rheerleiu nemed the old homo without theglrlt minuy prcmiuw only tint hitlers noidved ut long-lntr- vala brought liuppbu m to the parent bright cheerful 1 tier they were telling of vhlllpa goodm i the littu homo 11 1 tho aatern million ttullon thu novelty or tho kurnmndlngn of tho iusbm of the oriental und of uut work to be done amonk thu pope tin 11 fuiun the new of thn urrivul of u tomiy baby imy hu fond pannlt hud given him the uumu or donald hi loving mnembruhco of thu old grandfuthi r another two ytitn ijujuhd and iidnit tullnun of a llltlo ulrl ituth with in r mollnik hcmitirul hulr and dark nyii- hut ulul wltli tho bubyti comlnu thn mollurn jtr nuth wiuitd nine moiitlii k at i itii 11 ununrtd and tlun a led tho nowa ran 10 a a ttrriblo ithoclc to u10 mtid rniilc 111 canudu inn ixwir old father movid ivstuity about tint nd farm and in tht htth- whltiwadid roomh which had ihwlnrtd thu lovily kathltdi thi uud mothtr routd und wept and would not lut comforted whon llttltt nuth wa u yrar and a half old ihlllp oltbiinlitec leave toolc liu children und turniwl hlti fuco toward thu old farm homo whoru wulud with yparnlntf hiiaru the old ifrundpurent and 110 onu cold november day ho ar rived ut uiu uttui vlllauii ututlon mid found grandpa tninball awultlnu them tcara streanutl down the old niunn face as he opened his arm to ricetvo little lluth and whrn bimnjn put htii amvi about hla neck and railed him aanpu hbi lieart wui full and ho oould not utter a word neither philip nor lib fathurlnuw spoko much durlnu that homoward drive llotli heuru uere too crowded with iud momoriii ajj they climbed the lait little hill before turnlnit in ut the farm gate both men trove to appear a little more cheerful for orannle11 kiike only u few day did ihulp remain thru he mint need return to hb work thn work in which he hoiwd to bury his great creiit lirluf por a tow dayn after his solnir thu little oiiut frettwl and cried and dannie wandered around cnlllnir plteoiiily for duldy hut imon the new burroundlnu uie charm of honui chlrk- enn and the playful rollle which rnmprd and iijwrted with him drove till liinn- orlea of the pnt fiom hli younu mind and lie hemmc huppy mid contented the old folkn loved the boy keply but ltwiut on the llttti helpleus uutu that the old umnd father ti ulfeetlon was lavlnhcd moit yr hoiim at a time he uould hold her ileepintr in hbi univi and when at but the was able to trwldlt- awjund hit watchfulnewt and cure lent sho jihould run into danuer knnw no boundi and many u time hlt ntock ami cropi were neitlerted that he niluht roim around with lib children an ho loved to call them tlmepaiiied donald and uuth had brown up and were attending cole when news was received that their fauitr hail been murdered while dolnir nohe work in the mumon field they came back to the old heme fiaddeiied and ub duatl they had lonired w much to iee the father whom they could not remem ber but whom they had hevii tauichl to revorence and love now that could not bo jnr kiiine weeks donald remalwd then oh hli ambltloiii awoke he re turned to the city to itart practice l- doctor lie ttoiikht over tho practice of an old phyiilclan and j0011 had d larue number of patleiitu at the roue he had become acfiualut- d wlul martha tanilyn u ireiiernus warmheartwl ulrl a chum of ttuthi whoso jtumiy wiille hud won iti way into hl yoimit heart three year from the date of hlsre- tum to the etty they were miletly mur- rliml in a little church in the inhufl with until and tho old petjph utiindlnie by uuth iaoi now twenty yeavi id and tho old foki helper and comfort when a new tchoopuiii installed in he little vlllaae hhe was lven the position of bchoolmutreha her dayn were now buv indeed early til tho momlnu hiic rose and iwr formed all the heavy houwiwork at njkin rim hurried home to prepare thn dinner and wtwn tclwiol wan dbunbuud 1 ho bualod lnrilf till dark cunm llnu exerclx and doing odd joini fir hi r brundfuther and carbib for hr trrajid- molhrr liow utuwuitc feible a litue uiu wan boiu u lkaiald and hb wife little liobblr- twhi idncn hbi krrlvai uul the pan 11u v ut the fartnhou- wbh h iiuu iu ciniil empty wlwn umy w ut awuy oruiulpa luinball wati now very oltl cam hud wilklud heitvlly uu him and hn brew w akrr day by day until uu morning whul huth went to t urry him hlu brnukfuit hbn found him ln pin c the ideep thut known iu awukeiilnif with a imatetul uiilli- llbhthib ld line od fute liorrowti nevi r tomo nln th y iuy and thin provnl true in uulhh ai iletumliib riiun h r uratidfuthitit funoral tilui watt met by a ineiluilipi with a teletfmm lx arlng tlte iiewn of the doublu traudy of the d atlw of ikmuld and martha donald had bnn lighting an outbreak of typhtlt frvr wlu n he wiiitrutu d 11 u duaimi hlnuilf with fatal renulu in nurulnb him mar thu uli 1 ruiitfht the du a- and died uuth kept up until ihn toiild go to the elty and bring himio her lovud om llncefurth uble itlllt dwell with hei and with aranule ihm when human ittn ngth could 1 ndiire no more uuth took to tier im d where for nuuiy biy tihe uuml anil moduli d in delirium grannie hi r wkir old heart fuli d with dri lui that ihe nui 1 i00 u1l1 hi r lat and bet iovki darling hung ovi r the nirkud and would not lie coam d away kind ueluu ume to care for the thn u helph 1 in ople taking turiu with the nurnliig und ooklng wht n ut lau uuth letururd to loilc louineiji and could u ar to jptuk of hi r brother jhe wiu but u mere nhudnw of the itrong ueur- uyed younu woman who had can d for her grandpun ob that their tr ngth might not lie overtuxld hr illncu hiul gr atly depieud the little it tare of money which lb ad bm 11 iiarly jtond in tho village bank utile hobble and her grandmother tmrt bt cured for and w one day in early autumn jtliii retunud to her ihool tier pupil welcome gljetul and i nthuiaiitlc tbouh tymputhetlc and r pectful helped to euie the nor nmt in her heart and ihe dully hecamii a little moro cheerful more like her old uol when uuth had gone to the rlty to bring home the remain of her loved brother und hu wife ihe hud found u young man in charge a friend of d011- ami and like him u ptiymclan the night of her fare pule and drawn with pain and borrow awukened reeling in doctor wnrlyni hi art iuch an he had never known bifore when fhe lay 11 he had hud rejvaru unt to him dully of her condition by un old aunt in the village and when jho luul been able to rcoivo vliiltnni hu had placed hbi prac tice h the hand of u colleague and liad come to cull at tins farnnliniu uuth welcomed him gladly hi lie brothers fru nil tdiould bo her friend for donald11 noke that he ihnhld become titoro thun friend die did not ilreum but 01 time paired and found him iuh itay- ing with hh aunt in the village and dally vllting at the old farmhouse 1i1 began to realize that xaul wtarlyn imd secured u place in her life which none other could uu when uuth returned to her teaching dr marlyn went buck to hbi pitlent ijittem were exehuiiked at regular inter nal on chrlttmil eve uuth going to the noft otf loe on her way from school found u imull parcel addreed to her in iaul wellknown handwriting knifing it open ni 1110 wnlked j lowly homeward ihe found hrilde a umall ihiic well wrapped and biarliur tho wortb to uuth carle- ton from paul marlyn tobe opened chrjtlmo morning tucked swdde th box nho dl covered u note which when opened read dear uuth lirtldo thl parcel you will nnd my gift to you thu rchrlrtmiuitide when you read what i have written innlde th box if you can then truthfully do plciui accept the gift i iihall arrivu in the village tomorrow afternoon and wllljie with you hi the evening what ever your decklon may be dear uuth ooil bte ki you alwayt paiu her chwkt lluidied and llnuera trem- llng with excitement uuth tucked thu little parcel in iter pocket and hurried homeward oho determined not to tell grannie of the note or the purcel until die hud ascertained the content all thut evening us hi went ulnut hiir work her mind kept reverting to the myiterloii box in wondurmeiit a t wlliit it might contain uut the oiitet night w ill have an ending und moniuig clear und cold dawned at at a he dr ed llently ir the euly mtniywlx uuth uondend at the fillu utkii anticipation that llnodcd hi r being 1or 11 few moment in ttood ut tho window guying out over the ullitinlnir fieldi or tnow on whleji urn frot jfluel- ulittered undilarkhd in the muih bright ruyi alwuys at long a ihe lived uuth u is t remember that chrljitmui ticene il tin lubt on- which ihe looked with the huppy even of glrlhcwkl tihe turned from the window ut lmt to kneel uiddn her bed for a few mom 11u rekhig wllom in prayer uhlnb w went to tile utile table took thn box in her hancbi and wllhfi wirt movement tore open tho wrapper and lifting the ud ducloacd a bcautltul ring wt with one pure luatroux pearl with fallnaa or daibjht ituui gaxid on the lovely bm then rrnrrmbnring the note of which paul had ttpoken nhn marched and found u tucked ixneath uio vrlvet ruihlon oil whlrh th ring re jx km hi my darltnb i mutt 1 ull yon no for u ymi ar and always muat be you wu1 h found ltie ring biforr reading thui 1uf hulh it hi ttwi tokeji or my love for yod my lilghea ambition u that you may be my wife if us i liope and trutit you return my love will you wear the rliil lonlghl that will be your uiihwi r when imhu khlning 011 your dear bund f will be the iappbl of men try lo love me a little uuth and b ibive m yoiiru ror all time paul until nank iutt a chair ouenojoe by tin h iiiplur 1 whlrh hiul mmi to lnr willi the jtnowllue of uul uive did alur love lilmv uu mloui km w with what depth of altcnllxi aim aiiordid hhn tlnt plu in her hi art aiul ltuiugbtul oould ihe u- iln wire- 1iw happy heart throl- bed 1u aiiawi r ytl it tvtth idurt that tdie win broiikht bark v the ontwloiunu j ot th- plue tiiiu held with alt ibi r joii-llilll- tljj in the uvei of hobble and of oralink- tremhll timi llllb boy had awaki m d nrly and cud in hu little klri he rhuuor- ed for aumlttam e lie held tightly in i1l1 hiuid hli iuwk- iug erammed with frulbi und toyi whli h he wanted aulltle uuth u j- e uuth went qiilkly ut hli cull und gather d him close in her warm urmi chiding him gently tiit w ilklng ovir the cold lliwir bur foot d thi ii m atiug lu r 41 once more the held him crudld in her lap win re he rt t d conti nt win n the toy had imh all dlpluyid and duly admin d thtlilili aiked what did flunta bring 011 uuiitle whit had he brought her a tew momi nts nlnce iihe had thought in r gift to be perfect happim ui wondii- ful gludnc uut now with the child- nwwl tniitlng gawi lifted to htr faee 111 llltle loving aruii enrlrrllng hi r uetk hi curly heiul ritlng on her ihoulde- tihe lx gan to wonder if after all the chrllmatide tiwilt pi ace and joy for hi r how could tihe uu her ugi d grand mother that nho wiui going to be dr murlynn wire and go olf to the city to dwell a vbilon or that armnln now grown feeble itlmwt entirely epcndent on uutllti am and tnipport nve berore her ah no lihe could not leave nor would idle neither could uhn unk her lover to provldo for thcie two helpleos bilnun mechanically her mind ftllod with tho great life problem which no iuddcnly confronted her he helped uoliblo to drcui then leaving him happily ou traged with liltt new troanureti proceeded to her mornlngi dutlei jiit iui thouiih there never were tlich thlngi iui love and pumtled heurbi a nhe worked her de termination became iitrongcr that ut all cortn sho could not he ticpiiruted from her dear oneu to uuth thn hours of that chruitimr day ufnied winged with lightning ipeed i0 rwlftly lld they paws ilefori the rcfillzetl it tho afternoon wot tipent and the bhrilt tcream of the train in the flltitiuice warned her or the twirtly ap proaching trlnl xn tlie little bedroom where but tihnrt houn ihfore or wi 1 it yeari nhe had lwen io hoppy ihe ihrew hertuiir nobbing on her kileen and prayed that the ood or iivii would be with her in the trial toon to he met and uld iuid itrentthen her to do what wiui right then with atlait wbtrul glance and n illfli that wati more 11 rob tihe turned and went lowly to the little chapel organ which tood in the coiiy parlor many time 1 in the puht when troubled or iwtrplexed jhe had round comfort in her bleuid inutile and now die turned to it iiguln hoping that the niugic chord might btcul into iier breat iuid rob ii r ib pain iloftly the jweet millr itolo through the evening air i coming up tlm gravelled walk ixiwt marlyn pail ed to liteii tho note of the grand old hymn nock of age houted out through the oiiefl window tnd at uuth begun the verno iilnglnif in her clear voice that yet held a puzzling note of ladnrli coiild my teart forever flow could my wal no re-piu- know un took oh hli cup und bowed hi head in reverence lrom uock of age nhe pun ed into abide with me the man out on the darkened path llvtened nllent enthralled with the marvelloim beauty of tho vol that noarcd triumphantly 1 fear nu toe with thee at hand to wiui ills have no weight and teuri no bltter- uejt whero bi deutht filing when- grwe thy victory i triumph till ir thou abide with me kllence then uii uuth rote rrom the organ iuid itorwi dreaming in tho n re light that gleamed on her pale face and gioy dark hair to the man whom ihe gret ted 11 moment later idle had never mmed m beuutirul taking her right hand in hi uurm cluip he drew her gently to the nifu where ihe teated hlnuelf lnilde her your mwer uuth durllilg he imld anxiously untuvo to ipsiik the girl mlently held mil to him tier other hand on which tin jewel gleamed 1 am torry paul the mild nlmply when iihe could ontrol the tn mor in her voire her toiuii weie julet und calm hint her lover did not dreum of tin depth or pain tint lay behind lor a few he art- throb 1 hiey remained alien l uuth because tihe woi fluhun with all tlm tjucnutli or hnr will for courage to carry her through uu ojxletl the rruui bocaune lo him hprch was an lmpoatibhity jiril then qlunomi ho ro-u- uj i1l1 fei t feeling as though the iklei t ad fallen n lilm efuiihlng hii life when at lait bo found hbi vuli e he nahl ir tunm frmi whlrh all the youthful gadnetls hud fled you do not love me uuth i thought more i bellevid that you iand for ten even an i care for you to mo thin hour fraught with uiu biturni u of palnfll d feat wbert i liud looked for lh jo of victory ah well thll u my erow i lod lielp le lo b ar it manfullyt hut remember thl that uulll wt mh 1 hall oltuid bofore do- great while ihroiu 1 will love ymt a luvi r mail lovi d woman nce time iw gan one iui itlon only tnuut j ak b for i lruvd you und f know thut you will uiihwi r truly do you love lumiinme rlrf btbr yes all yen i ilier 1 ruimeoue il- uutly tialuv hi a low voiit ithe ollld not xpbln that umiine wa- u fe lle om wonuui or a little helpbmi ihlld and to puul lur aiihw r wau miffb h pt a few keeondn longrr lui looked on h r lov d foi e tin n murmiiriiuf brok nly gm1 blen1 you alwayii ituth my dar ling my own darling for nurh you miit alwayti bo huhmd klwied iier whit brow ti uderly and turning wtit jwirtly out into ihe durk night thrte yearn wt r uuth 11 no longer mftr mi or the little village tu hool when grunnle tn mbal patuuid ut hi r wi lwearni d re it uuth had to give up her txmltlon to be with lor uttbi nephew mltuihig hi r grand mother deeply the gladly wehomed the e of hobble working up mllng u little ati poiudhlr nhe livrd nun diy to day flome of her navlng 1 itill nmalmd d from it by thrifty uianilg nu ut tlu hud ki pt the oo pluce going hiring 1 uelghlmir to do the heavy work taking m of the r it henelf hut the little more or iimmy wil -ilow- h but nurely dwindling away and uuth oil tuci d with the proldf m of future tiuli nance onre ugitlu tvu chrltmai ive hi 1 oirly hi ad filli d with vllonti r the good hun tu with hli iiulghloud of wonderful gift tlxyi urold luibble lav lleeplmr uuth oultly niled hobblen utiwkinif 1th toyn and iweui hung it aguln 011 the bedpost itioped iuid pr nied a light kiji on the 10u rrwy cheek then iilou- quietly out cliulng the doom betwi en bedroom und parlor nhe plured a log 011 the glowing coalii in the lire pluce anil drawing a low lojker before the bluso tiled down to dreum her thoughtn went back to thut other chrlitm m ive no long ago when paul murlyii pumud out of her life i ik face rose- cuar before her eye- and hh god bleu you nlwuyii uuth rang once more in her can hour lifter hour nhe dreamed on her heart filled with unutterjble longing that puiilii love might come to her again at lat ihe lept and 10 nhe did npl heur the crunch o wheeb 011 tho gnive rond did not hear thn door open nottly shu woko ulth a fttart fancying thut it wiuittum- mor and nhe wjh odt in the ruin to und her lovern armi about her and his tear falling on her face she had looked io wan io pule und tired that paul could not bear to waken her inddiply lrom his aunt he hiul at lat heard the titory of uuthti noble nucririce and with heart overflowing with tendernev ho had come ttralght to the little old farm after a time when explanation had buen made uuth tuddenly reinembei- ing drw herself gently rrom her lovern embrace und dipped quietly from hie room when nhe returned u momeutliiter her hft hund wore a ring in which th liitrou lurnrl tihono ati the llrelght caught ifi rayn np word did the ipenk none with needed but paul drew hei aguln to hi br ivt mid gently kistul her not on the brow thk time but on the lips then he led her tn the sofa where they hud flat three yeun before miny plum did paul unfold tj10 farm diould lie rented perhnp uimu day they would return to live there uuth milit take bobble to the city and place lilm in a good ichool und then puul fiuid uuth must come to him hh llter waited to welcome uuth ai n nhter und from her hoire they would be mnrrled when paul llnlahid ami uuth re- malnrd hint ho iwnt down tn look into her eyti u ho uked you will come with me durtlngr and like uuth of olden tlinei die imnwered whither thou goeit i will go whither thou dwelliit i will dwell thy peope hull lie my people and thy god mv god and it was juit then thut out on the j till 11 ir the chrltmat chime pealed forth lvnilau luim thero ft nothing j ike it for creating and preserving a lovelv complexion cooling cureidng it noothen and tllipeli nil loughneii or chare cuued by weather condltlonn delicately frugrunt it addi exquldte chunn tb the most flnl died upimuruiice dainty uomeli inevitably chioje pernliin ililm a vel- ily tmooth lotion it inuki- the nklu rouileuf in texture uecnmniended also t often and whlleit the haudu tiuly a peevlcj toilet requisite for every man acvn ltiiniis or my voiirn ai chrlitinus comes hut once a year the hum t with welcome nwellu to mcmdrleii thul are peantng uti the minor tonen of lielt ho rather grlmply gray mytieir x llud a reven nt joy uecullng aged frlemh i knew wjun x wui yet a boy will t halo a community servant thf fhef imess like every other cominunily newspaper puis forlh an ef fort to diligently servii tlie town it repre sents lint il can only be representative of the town in a cooperative way it may he freely quoted in other papers it may be widely read even outside its own com munity but its representation of acton cannot be complete unless it carries mes sages of other business activities of the cominunily to five the greatest service has been the constant aim of thf free press the success attained we are eon- tent to leave to your judgment have yoii a message mr advertiser have you a message to give each week lo lliese host of leaders is there any reason why these readers should be your customers are you 01- llmsiastie about the service your business place is able to render these customers havc you a message thai these readers will appreciate hearing abonl we have the means the free press actons home and community newspaper is the best means of gelling that message lo ihe read ers you want to interest we lay no claim lo being the best or greatest hut we will ingly invile comparisons the improve ments and growth have been steady ac complishments with the one thought of service lo the community in mind we have the facilities may we serve you reader interest quality in workmanship a willingness to serve make your comparisons as you will well be content with your decision the acton free press constantly striving to maintain leader- snip for acton with a representative newspaper