Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1931, p. 7

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thursday auotj8t 13 1031 the acton free press paos bjcvjoj dont be a cvrnkw dont be a quitter whatever you do oet irijrour licks while you can if its worth doing hammflr tt through buck up to your job like a man youll find many watching your pop who laugh u you happen to fall keep up your rrp watch every tep soon you will roll in the kale lianl be a quitter stay at your post and battle the bent tliat you can remember the things needed the moat are the oourage and will of a man its easy to smile if money rolls in if dollars are filling your ponu a hero can grin and hold up his chin no matter how slim is his chance dont be a quitter show you have grit when winds of misfortune will blow dont be a coward to tflve up and quit but hoe out u tlie nnd of your row remember a job is more than lialf dune to know from the start you will win a game u not won without a home run keep smiling and hold up your chin columbus was old without fume or gold when ho sajud on an ocean untried faith of his crow no longer could lurid wlio threatened to mug him ttshte tie kept bravely on und ended iho ftgjit with a compass and clod for his ffulde that october njght land came in sight at ulc end of his long octun rldr each stormy ualc it mhdih we will full wlirni lkpe for the future look dim dont be a coward to pull lown a hall ut keep your old ship in good trim- let lightning ilokh hard thunder crash lint storm cloud will noon piuut awuy if dlaxy you ff tay ut your wheel til you anelior ut port in the buy the sunday school lesson fob sunday aucjust 16 twkntv vkakk aco the imua of thr thuruday auind it 1111 about forty members of the jjidlri aid ilodly of the mthimllt church luul u very enjoyable picnic in mr lyndm rove lust wedneiduy uftrruoou ftrii midiiilcii hud two llnueri of his left imnd piunfully rnuhrd in a truck ut the tannery on tursdoy he will take holi days iu a result tim wurreii iurk lots are uolng olt ropuuy they have only been on tlu market two wieks und h j mcnubb the agent remru onemturter of them already kom in the lust two montlis miss annie itosjt daughter of mr junies i toss has won fourteen unit prizes one second and on third ut competitions hi ocottlsh dancing at cobourg humlllon kincar dine and iuckjiow jleovn hynds inui nrrungod with tint electrician to run the street lighting system during the weeks of turonto rx- lilbltton until tin midnight train comes in the train is dut at acton at 1325 the annual buiuuiy school picnic of the ilaptfst church was held lost satur day afternoon in warren iurk thn weather was delightful and the outing enjoyed by all far a number of years mr joseph mcclure of church utroet luui aimed to sustain his reputation aa being the first ratepayer in town to pay his taxes lie frequently succeeded in winning first place hut occasionally mr adam lliiuer won out in the tacc mr ilauer moved to merlin some months uuo and this year mr mcclure concluded the way was clear for an rosy win the council met on thursday evening and litruck the rate for the year llrlght and early on friday morning mr mcclure hustled to thn town hall and tendered colleetor harvey his taxes for 1011 remarking well im aral t lib year anyway oh no not by many week mr mcclure replied the collector rov dr anlliffr paid his taxes in june before leaving acton for montreal no you are not first this time but you make a capital second mrs thomas kasum will leave in a low days to take up her residence in ouelph where her two urns reside uhe has been for over thirty yoam an ei teem ed resident of acton mauu1ko dtmbtorjtwkkole at bt albans church acton jin auguat 11 1011 by it p kcllemun a kdgur durston to mioebe ann daughter of edward twcedale acton waiutlnermcimikrson at klkw church acton on august ir 1011 by rcv j o wilson a oeorica war- rlnor toronto to minnie daughter of arch mcimierson acton crokimodonau at inverness park avenue acton on augiuit lfl 1011 by rev j c wilson h a btraehan donald croft of wulkerton to margaret doiulda mcdonald daugh ter of the luto iour mcdonald acton toothache mid neuralgia are instantlv relieved with douglan tgyptlan unlmrnt a quick huro remedy alw rcoommtjul- ai for bumii sprulhu nore and inllimi- aiatlou sowrnq and healino tkmjtclt- anck lesson oolden text be not deceived ood u not mocked for wtiatsoever a miui aowcth that nhall lie also reap jul 0 iosson text qui 0 110 utudy aluo irov 2p 2036 hu 3a 18 time a d 57 1lace macedonia exposition l how to iul with an fcrrlng jlrother 15 if a man be caught in tlic very act of transgression so there cim be ubsolquily no doubt of hli guilt thni who urn nplrltual 1 guided and giwemel by the bplrlt cf ch 5 1135 sliould prove tluit tluy arc really spiritual not by casting hbm off or tramping him down but by xcftuirlng him th word traiiti- latud rws w- usml tr rtmlualng n dislocated him tf member to ibl place each bvtlever b a menilxr of the ixwly ol chrbith cor 2 1j u si and one who fdlui into kin hi a dblocuted iin-m- iwr und the htrong mcmbrni uhould nstorn it to its place they uhould do tllbi with likllji gelltleneui hi id ull- ilemekji luit with grudniiui tuid mverlty cf 2 tim a 2421 11ie reoiju given for this should luy the prldo of ench one of un in the dut v 1 cf mat 7 juii 2 iji when we iue otheru full into awful kin we are tempted to juy i could never commit mich u low vile art il that that in not the iplruual way of looking ut it the one who in tin iuret lie would not 1 the one who 1 1 inoit in dtuigit 1 car 10 12 the burden or weight to liejir im not thotjjj of the uiihvfmiry wdlnaiues of thu moialc luw fcf mutt 22 actu 1 ml but one niwithcru burden of tcmitutlou ueukucvi fullure und nin in touring the- we fiilhl liu- luw of chrbt ct ch u jim 12 i4 lfc 12 ito li 3 it l culled the law of chrkt not merely lweuuie lie guve it butntlll more becuum 1i perfectly exempllllml it imill 2 6b it ifi wlf conceit or fipirltuul pride which moit ntiuidn hi the way of gentle fnrbeurinr in deullng will nlfenleri v 3 if a man thlnketh hiuimlf to be lotiiethlng when in tvullty he li nothing he deceive himmlf hut nobody clw cf ch 12 3 1 cor are you dicelvlng younulf in thin way iiuiteud of deceiving oiirielvcii we nhould put our own work not merely our opinion of ourcclvcu but our actual doing to tl tent and our own work not that of aimn one eke then wo uhould have glory in our own uccomplklumnt and not hecttuiio oj- our neighbor failure mont nf our glorying la not over fiomeuilnx that we oursclvwi have actually done but over something our neighbor luui fulled to do v 4 thin lies at the root of our criticism of one unothor uicre li nothing we oursclvei have really done to glory hi sut we dwell on the faultii of others the only thing to really glory in la the crotm of chrbit v u the reojion why we ahould prove our own work rather than that of o thorn in that each man rhall bear hln own hurien or load i v we nhall each face our own reiinoiumbulty we anr not to ie held reaponxible forthe failure of otheri but for our own uo 14 12 the word traiuilated burden in v 5 la entirely different from that bo translated in v 2 we aro to help our brother bear hlii burden of temptation weaknaik und failure and fln but wu are euch to biar our own load of rfponilblllty before ood and ho iihoultl have our eyen upon our own work ii what to bow and what we reup 110 while each ij to lieur hlii own burden the one who lit taught nhould help the teacher to iwar lilt bunlen by contribut ing unto hin need in all good thing v g of iloir 27 1 cor 0 11 14 paul wurnn those who are not wllllntt to thiui contribute to the iupport of their teachem what hotlkkwivick say in reply to a queihioimaire issued by the department of agriculture at ottawa in connection with iu beef ontdlng bervlre to over 1200 lwusewlv in the twelve loading cities in canada 05 per cent of the ladles sending in implies stated that tlio olflcial brand mark in red or bluo waa tholr guld in buylna beef of dependable quality the other 35 per cent stated that us yet tliey knew nothing about branded beef those who bought by grade stated without excep tion tliat they were satisfied with the quality of the branded product while a aualntit being deceived into tltlnktng that they will jail anything dy their nelfhih- nesh ami ruler the world and through it all 1an established a law unit a man will reap juiit what ho wiwn men may try to mock 1 e snoer at and and funcy they will eicupo the operation of llli lawn but they will find in the liuiuo that they mock themielven not ootl v 7 in unite of all their con tempt of illm ilbi lawn will work und they will reap what they now the primary application of thlu principle suggested by the context li ltn applica tion to giving cf 2 cor 0 5 i but the principle haa fur wider application than this in all our actlom we shull junt what we jujw if we row imnnr v slfull reap honor if wc uw truth we shall reap truth if wo sow deceit we shall reap deceit if we iow love wu nhall reap love the principle is as true of natlon1 aa of individuals the nation that grossly wrongs another will in turn be groisly wronged every act is a how- lng and therefore every act naceksltutei a reaping if we act with the gratifica tion of our appetites and ambitious in view wo are sowing to our own flesh and of the flesh which is corrupt we thall reap corruption cf phil 3 10 the loss wo suffer is not on arbitrary punishment but the natural fruit of curnalmlmlcduess if we act under thn leading oflhe bplrlt cf ch 5 10 25 eat darkfuuv curves a1ikai ilurhara ii n rooks muny of us skim along ni uils modern highway of life paying little attention iui ut what u ahead of us ior several yoars now we tiavn boon geared for low calorie intake and highspeed in cxer- 1jm to maintain a dimness which was near to boyishness now when someone suddenly spies a warning slgna curve1 ahead wn iuci prpumed m wliat is the proper courwi to take we reull of oourjmi tliat tills procedure meaiih a detour in our eating habits femininity h agitln in vogue but wbut a subtle dullcately ttculptured feminity it la ille long sweeping lines of till wisoils frocks aro rnviallng far too rnvrullng fur snmr of lut wlio an much unlike venus clinging fabrics outline ultogrther too sliarply the angular placon of those wlut are tk thin and by no means do they enluuico uui plump- ileus of thoj wu carry nxdss baggage we mutit 1n neither thin nor fat but just right and that to most of us meaini a carefully guarded ttyt the under nourljied women must pad their hones with firm gokl flesh by increasing their gijierul food intake drinking ut imul a pint of milk a day und eating friely of fruits vegetable 1 and foods containing plenty of roughage if the underweight state is due to u run down condition a phyilclun should be roiisuttid biitrhlnir fresh air and plenty of rest are imitortant fiutora in the building of hnultii und healthy iwwlljii a model menu for u pencil trying to lii in weight would be one like the fol lowing iiuiakiabt linn im ut corn llukes cream huron und jjgus whole wheat toiut hlltler milk or coffee iunchkon creamed codllh baked potato culihuge buliid boiir cream drejlng brui millflus henles whipped creum dinner cream of tomato boup lleef pot itmist with browned potaton carrot und onlouu prwh iruit balad whlppd creiun drejuilng rolls illltusr caramel ciitard cookie baited almonds coffee creiun the person trying to reduce always feels that it l much harder to take off weight than it b to put it on but that is not always true unlcu there is a glandular disturbance weight can be re duced by diet and oxitcimj but it take will power and penevcroncr a strong mind and a weak upiietltc in a reducing diet the u lurches and sugars should be reduced the meals should be composed mostly or vegetables fruits and lismi meuli a model reducing diet might lie hrkaiaabt berries 3 tablestoous of brun coffee clear luncheon bouillon 1 cup lettuce balad 4 liead 1 tabuiipoon drejuilng 2 crackem 1 doss milk dinner beef bteuk medium servlnit boiled potato 1 small cauliflower i ijrvlng iytiit 1 apple penr or poach coifeo clear it is a very lmiortiuit fucfr that there lie a goodly amount of roughage in the reducing diet such us coarse fibrous vege tables whole groin cereals bran und the fruits michjis figs prunes and date roughage insures proper elimination and ieepi the body free from toxic polsoiui slats diary by robs parqdhar f ill iy well the manager of our lco ilanls wife has p nvw bable whlehes wato on thn ire skalea wan 57 lbs but iu mica more gets hi oltle bud at thn nnocpiip4r oills by leaving out the dewdmln luid mak ing tlie p in edi tion say the kku wate wjs 67 lbs on the len nkules ifaturduy thn town maisliell a rud little roy bunting t oil u y witch li oney nine yril old iwua ho went und drove hbi fathers otlomoltrci thii a 1u1 lite but roys father got hint off tiertiy lie enrlmne in the jud hint roy 1eg was u bhort he euddeiit reech the bruke piddle bunday well it was hot this evulng und we hud a tin run supper and ice tea and etc and ant emmy got rentra- inentle and was tuwklng about the piwir ii lie iour deens she i ihe had dls- clivered that the all lookwl u like o mutch o that it vii ptvltlvely unculiny mundiiy ouunun llrttt pulled a slick 1 on the bunk and jlpped it for a 1000 c ant loiimy ied she dlildetit have no slmputhy for euny buddy witch wond beet a bunk oil or a 1000 t mki pu leplyed und sid well enny man that ran beet 1 bunk out of u 1000 t dont need no slm- pa thy teiiduy well pu had to take ant emmy up to the elty tonlte so jluphud so to the union rale rode sliuhun and ee the nuiu at the enfoi muihllll counter und when she got ihrre she- ut him if chewing gum woud kt i p you frum getting ick if you whs rlddng on the train wensday pa neerly went cruyy la- nuc with u tooth uke and nii wanted lilm to go to the dcntesl but pa woiwlent go till after jl a clock thh a in iwcinc eiiddcnt a ford to go on hi own tlmr he said lhlrdujwu at a parly tonight and jane told me that pug btevenn stole a kiss frum her out on the vrunda und i jed well june i will lern him a thing oi i about kisiing you and she sed well i dont beleuve you cud a blushed red rose tea n good atui jlcholct ftvehisivealawlotujtvoe ta i wi aie sowing to the bplrlt and of the mit w v fkplrlt who i ilhnu lit el jno 0 they would buy 1 u mo b irj 01 j they could be sure of getting beeftiri i dependable quality beftjr morai plruuol vtemul decay and a lono vacation lady cant you rtnd work dusty rhoadeyesus but uvery one ants a rwferehce from my last employ er lady and cant you grt ono7 dusty khoadcs no mum vou see hes been dead 38 years destruction in the other puth eternal i e life endless hi duration and divine in its uuullty the figure of nowlng and reapbig is a fuvnrltj one in the bible ps 121 0 prov 11 111 sj h him 8 7 10 vj jos ft 7 mutt 13 330 but there lx nowhere a more con vincing and t use mude of it than here in vif 7 h on the one side a glorious vbtu of possibility is opened up the muu with abthmu almost longi for death to tniihlji luffiirlng ho mhmi ahead only years of endlewi birment with lntervub of rest which are themselves fraught with never ceasing fear of renew ed attacks let him turn to dr j d kellogg u asthma remedy and know what complete relief it can give lot him but iise it faithfully tuid he will fllullils asthma a thing of the past the oil of powr it is not claimed for dr thnmil- erlectrlc oh that it will remedy every 111 but 1u uses are so various unit it may be looked upon as a general puln killer it has achieved that greatness for itself and its excellence la known to all who have tested its virtues and learned by experience on the hkingline stepping from u tixl in front of the lambi yesterduy u hurrying author pre sented the driver with a twentydollar bill to pay a meter charge or 110 the driver snorted und remarked that it was the first twenty he hud seen since shortly before the war and to expect him to change it unstinted to mockery the passenger turned to un uctor alluding hlpiself on the lamb stoop and asked for u dokar and a quarter if i had a dollar and a quarter returned the actar do you think id imperil it hanging around here rr00t0ifiryrynf r western fair london ontario september 14th to i9th a visit to the western fair will repay- you in education profit and pleasure western ontarios own exhibition the only exhibition that did not show a fauingofr in attendance last year over 50000 in prizes and attractions writ tliascr4ary for furtlii- information entries closo 5pt 3rd j ii saundeus w d jackson 1rciidcut s1erel1ry a summer trip to tlws far wwt oaera spectacular alghts and unuiusl oportunltlc co enjoy oneself it is tne premier vcstioai cliolco of ts mmioiii few weeks of rspidly changing scenery of view frlnallp andl new experiences youll see beautiful mlnau the ivalru yaer national iarlc lw caiuuiiaiit cockles the pacific coast vancouver and victoria and abuluu take kulvantae of tlie low fares bo west this lummer full information and illustrated booklets from any agent ofoansdian national hallways cawab ma jf n at i o na k u a i w a v s klven of the possibilities or endless decay as one wu on forever owing- and wap- liiif corruptum tlie application that paul makei of the treat and unques tionable principle skated is on the positiuo side the food side or sowlnu v d let us not wlthhoul the good tumid uiroiuth ue iriness or temporul dlscoiirajreinnnt let us sow on wo shall reap- not as immediately us our impatience mltfht d sire but inxindtl kojwi time cf 1 tim fi 14 ib thchurvwit iu certain uioiikh slow mtuiy fall of the harvest beruitso they relax just us oodii duotlmo bi uliout to break pnd urwid backo hli starting point of sowlntf by ulvliwto othera iimj v 10 we aro to work that wdurh u liood lotvilrd all men but cieclally to those of the household or ralth cf 1 tim 5 i in oonslderjnir thbt matter of sowhiit und reapluff we should always bear in mind that thr farmer always reaps more than he jown and ir we sow a little shall reap far mom evil than we sow if we do a little injustice to another wft shall have fur more ui- justlii- done to us by some one else on the other hand if wo sow rood wo will up fur morn kuotl ir wo do some one a kindness some one else will do us a far ifi eater klndnemi and the rnuplnn lakta far loiiuer than the uovjhik a man in live minutes run ww a sin uio oonne- s of which he- will reap for n hfo time or even eternity and in a moment man ruh aeeept ohrut and reaji the on thn other side an awful view is benefits throughout all eternity v stjtlotttotiailoh ay calh btti 7m0 pv ami 030 pm jocj lli4 at 4 oh the low evening rate luttltett 30 pm uj 430 am ihti are om the rale built and still jotvtf nita was worried she could not imagine where he liud lost her bracelet in the hotel or 011 the journey home i cunt think what i could huvc done with it she kept telling her mother why rot telephone to the hotel mother suggested its after eightthirty now and u cull will 011 ly cost 11 few cents imagine nuns joy when the hotel clerk told her that the bracelet hud ivccii found in her room und would be imilud to her right awuy hunks to her mothers suggestion nitus anxiety was re lieved ut once- and the cost of the cull wus considerably less thun her taxi fure from the station time tables at acton nadian natiowafraitways gotnr east dolly except gunday fljl un dally vsrhpt uundny b6d sjn dally 2j8 sjjs dally except flunday om pm bundsy only b00 pjn thn ohleno filer that passes throujih here at u3u oaiilhound stoudftl oeorga- town ut d 41 p m coin west dally excrit sunday 7 jo sjo iully rxcept huilday 00b am dally ixceut sunday 31h pjb dully rxcept tltliuuy 040 pm ially 10m dk oundsy only lousjn denotes a flatf train tiia times given in this ubla x far uuutdard time cjujatjian national kutctsuo railwayh wctbonxd dally exempt uunday 118 ajn dally 030 u m dslly usoaju dally 318 pm dally 439 pm dully flb5pta dally 01 fl pm daily excjpt llutlirdays hun- days and holidays 12 lfl am tlalurduys uuudays tuid holi days only 1110 pm huturduys buuduys iuhi holi days only 110 ttm kutboutwl dally exeept ilmuluy fl33 am dally 8s0kjiu dully 1113 brrl onlly 133 pm dally 353 pm dully 013 pm dally 033 pm lillly exeepi tiuuiruuys uuii- dnyn and holidays 1133 pm tluturduys flundayii and holi days only 1033 pm fjalurdayn llunduya and holi days only 1333 am the times riven in this table are for duylhfht uuvlpir time toronto terminal k ktrrot and ht clair araiu weujht delivered by special expresa frelirht freluht picked up at any ad dress in toronto r travel kaktltounii dully rxcept eluntlaya and ilolldnyu 710 am dully dally dally uunduys only and holidays 035 am 135 pm 520 pm dally 035 pm westbound daily 00b am dally 105 pm dally 40bpm dally 705 pm dally oob pm standard time painting and house decoration graining a speciality prompt attention sausfaatlm guankiue esunuitm oitw itlchaul ii hlanchk tsox sag aoton savage co watches diamonds china glasswafte wedding and engagement rings acuelph ontario 1 wjmdkmm st subscrlpuons for all magazlnca taken at the free pra oflk

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