i theuccton free press iikabth that are sad it u nattiml that wo fall atlrip llko tlrrd children wlun tlio day la done that i would question why tho living weep whmi droth him kluiid u milling up of one wo do nnj hlh win n kildcu kicu- have dunned tin- purpto shudowi of tlm night brcnuiw wn icnow tin mornlnif ui on- yon d and wo muat wait a little tor tho light so whrn grown woary with tin cam and our lovod one nnd in ip tho daaao u thry crvr wo alwmld not wip but kutf to count the llfn a prrludi- to tho one byoid thy ravo and thu happy for thorn hot dls- troaacd jlul lift our luierl with lov to ood and kin lit and wr anon uko tirod oim- will n a if w will hope lend wult u litlu whln- frujik moundsdon tub tukakuilk cllftkt menu hints bcetpt far new and novel dtahe household ideu and soretlofl4 and ti thb really u11 ulrre 1 to tho apartment jeun martin luiknd tapped tlui wall behind tliu nwrt of pil lows arid cikeked bur hood jm mm tudo tui if to tint n for a hollow wmml pwu- up nmuy thern a wcret chamtxr aamowtmru you muat luivp u nurwry that youre concealing from nicl wliy tny dear trlrt you suw my two- byfour nursery nancy llond prolfiiit- ed netting down her teacup ilut where do tho clilldrvn kev utelr toys whor aru the hcudviw doll and hie teddy beium and tho uu lutl7 you cant make mo bnllnvu uiat you liavu ruled out toym lxcaujjj you dont llko to see them und rfoot oli uym yomwr mm liquid replied laughingly i that whutu troubling you coiim here tllm went to tho other end of uio tiny llvintf room hero my solution of tlui problem no wait n minute 1 hear the children comliur inl theyll ciutvliiro you uuinjuilvort hujht licre doors motlu rs in hero i in another minute hotli luwteiiit- and uest wore hugging the two nwy thlldrni hut fouryearold teddy wrlgglid out of the iitrango hulyit urmi u wwin un ho could and a to tho end of tho room 0mu it open it wlto uway pleu muvver he demanded lmntrlnunly joan followed nancy to the umif divan ewtwieu uuj ulndowa which wannt really u divan but box tlui lid of which nancy was rablng while teddy fitood by natter ly watching as tho lid touvhed the willi iuj loimid over dropped in tho gtillywog that he had bw n clutching and pnllid out a little tin dump curt hurry up polly he called to htu uter put dinah in and take out what you want before the treasure cheit cloee up ho waited while tho baby dropped her rug doll into the doptluf and uccepud her nmtherji help in choofilng a flannel peter kilobit then tho lid was lowered urn ouuilqni were replaced and the treasure client was lufaln an innocent- looking ii vim voi lta my own invention nancy admlttcda a few mbiuuta later when the children had gone to tho nursery you see jean thljt hat 1 too mall to have toyu under foot and yet i know that the children huvo to play jtikt un they have to oat and leep liut i arranged to have the toys out or sight except when they aro actually in utt its juit ai eay to tcucli a child to put hlngn away oj it is to let him ntrew them about htnce the treaure chiut which makei an oxtri neat when i have a party lta perfectly wimple now knt it it certainly ti iild jean i dont know whether tarn and junior arc too old to be trained into tidy habits but perhapi tho word treasure chest will appeal to thtm thati another thing i count on to kerp my iclumo kalnu nancy laughed my children t nnll now to ap preciate that if i called it tho toy lx m hid locker it would be all the name to them tho main thlnir now ti to give thcni the habit or tldlneiui and by and by it will bwotm iecond nature tlicn tlm game part wlu came into play cant you nee what fun it will be to dive into the treasure client lor plecot or eight and nuggcu or gold or to pliy captain kldd and bury treomiro in the dead or night jean re- bjionded nance i take oft my hat to you iti the invention or tho age and you ought to patent it hut what do you do with the bur thlngi you can put dolls perurthlbljtnra and caabtera in even tho inoit ample treasure client- oh bono go inlo the ttarage nancy interrupted h i ahoulrt take you out tc the hall clojmt now youd see all the tdroet toys arranmd there with neatneai and prechlon tho children can play with thorn in thu nurtry if they wlh othtteitii thoy are kept in the gwage any more questions no only an iniplratlon jean u- mueved theres an old bhlrtwuut box in my mom that will be just tho tiling to hold odd coplei or itiagadnct and do ik uiingt that i dont ujui ovory day and lou or truck thats cluttering up my sewing table i dont see why teddy bears and rag dolln iihould have the exclusive right to treasure cheu nancy laughed as she kissed her friend goodbj is that what ioure trying to say exactly joah replied serenely i think i can take a lewum from the children nnd i know it will improve the appearnico or my own pirate drill you have started something nancy bho smiled and made her way to the door im going to hovu a treasure chest of my own thbi viry afternoon i dy betty uarclay moile hlfwjuith ani3 uoiiu itet ipes for bis uiu and rolls always are popular bei au j blwillli and rolls art ho popular ilrfu are two unit may be huw to llkht of lluti who rojtt hakwo lowieit cmuii1t 2 clip special cako flour sifted 4 uaspooni lakltik lewder l tiapoon halt 3 tublmpooiii butter or otlu r nhorteiilng 23 cup milk about lllrt hour ome ntiuurc wld baking powdi r and salt and sift again cut in shortening add milk gradually until ioft dough is formed lloll lneh thick on illghtly rloiird twiartl cut with floured bljxiijt eutti r lidn in hot ovi n 44fo d v 1u to is miuuui mukm muh n hlm h bin ullv uouthkrn iockimioolc itoiijl j tinn iipi- lul ake flour llfud a tmimktoiit baking inwd r j tia4kmai ualt 1 tabli himmtu ahortt tilnu ll cup pi ilk ulmut 4jlft flour oiicn iiuajure add baking powder and salt and ilft again cut hi nhorunlng add milk gradually until uft dough li rorrned knead lightly for or 3 mluuuii noil to mlnch thlck- n cut with alm h floured bleult cutter vvu1 double and prem idgis to- getlir lightly 1luru in greaid la brush upfl with melted butu r ciivflr and lot rlm in warm plain uo mlnuus llaku in lut ovni 4jl d v 10 mlnutci again bruih topi with melted butter and tlnih huklng tu move from oven llruili topa ultli melted butt r miki t 11 small or 0 largo poekctbook rolbi ir a larger roll u dtilrtd roll dough td itnch thick- ncli and cut with ilneh cutler btktt ani koadsmk tktkh ily j ii kpenwir h o a i rector oil- tiirlo llurtlculturul aamiclatloil there are fi v whli h the etc i i a poor uppcarai paruttvi ly fi w dltlous of the i toad i de trivs uiwns und cities hi trim tliwlfl rurt prt fcnt it and except in corn- itiuu i h are the con- ri t trees improving ven whiro they have heo h tumuiday auttuot 13 1031 dinnuu punch uervt i 4i j orallicei juice of j u mous juice or or 1 groin fruit julci- of 2 cup i woti r linear or honey to taito mix thoroughly jor variation add to the above mix ture 1 clip of the juice of another fruit kuch- as- grape juice rapberry juice loginborry juire pineapple jtllco elder or tho juice from any canned fruit or add 1 cup of a pane made by fo lng i arhi a in am aprleota bananas or herrlei throuirh a potato rlcer or coari sieve oltanqi cltail balad ikrvej 0 3 cup orince plccci 3 cupi crub moat 1 cup diced cucumber 1 cup rhopped celery lttluro combine orungci crab meat cut in imall plices cucumlwri and celery bervo en letture v 1th iyonch ilrejilntf maynnnale lemon mkuinoue pie makes i pie 1 cup rilgur 3 tabli potni flour 3 table poonj cornstarch 1 tcaipooii salt lii cuivi bolllnif water sift dry lnjyedli ntn uld aater and cook in double boiler until thick about 1 mlnutui add j cup limim julco grated rind 1 hmoifr 2 ihtu yolk buiten jllghtly cwik j mlnviu longer cool and turn into a baked pie ihell cover ulth merlnipie made of 2 ug vhltei cup mikur tenihkin baking louder beat tfg white- until frothy add iugur and baking powder and continue boating until iitllf put in moderate oven mi d i for 15 minute to brown bet 11 jiynti matitally planted are friqiieilt- ly no li di promising in the effort tluit it iwilng made to ihautlfy loialltlit and hi thtt way have a sham in the luautlfy canaila cam paign uow in progrens the proptr plaiit- lugli trtej will have- a marked effect if the planting it done in a haphazard m inner or without regard to suitable spacing an opportunity for bcuutlncatum that will ontliiun to improve for man yoaru to coniu will havi- twen lost nl litji authority than mr ii m llowitt tho autltor of ikmutlfying the homo urounds of canada mitii down nvo easily 00111pm- hmdid rulei that if followed will brlntf fine rnulu try for uniformity hi the ntrtwt highway und ccmtnrm to the praetlno your particular strem if tin re bt rt 1 1 trul authority consult him as to what u plant and tlui dbtiuicei upart father than plant independently on or hi front or your own lot this form of planting should be the work of a central body iilqiuelally avoid closo planting authorl- gni that 40 feet should bo the minimum for iuch trees as the maple and 0 u et for the elm in townn und cltlert and grater iiljitance1 along country roads treei at these distances make a beautiful street and do not when mature overbade lawns iihrubs and flower beds imant carefully und give extra utteii- jn to the preparation and fertilisation of the will treoi in iiarklng pare and sldewolki are particularly dep ndent on this preparation for u good start protection is ablutely elumtlal as the small boy cannot reultt the temptation of nwinglng on tho newly planted tree cars and animals are bound to injure tho bark and even tlut lawnmower may accidentally damage tho tree und all will retard iti growth h ildei proving uiiitghtly unlecs the wounds are treated tho tre lii very often killed by the entry of decay fungi and final rotting of the wood of cnurae taking is alwlutely tjuntlal and will help but tho provision of a boxing tut well of iron or wood will 1 n hire slice iis watering tho newly planted trees in dry weather in very oientlul tut thoy oro subject to a limited aupply of molnturo sprinkling will prove inadequate and a good booking at interval la beat so that the water will oak well into tho ground where it is needed lvir this reason it a advisable to mound up about 40 inchon a large circle forming u basin about the trunk extending to the circumference of tho roots thli can bo filled with water until ono lt iatbjlcd that a thorough nmalmt hnj penetrated to tho rooli street treei to allow for tho average traffic muit bo prunoil qui to high nino feet at leiut to tho lowent branch is nona too high quito frequently as tho tree become old they should be carefully pruned out or tho way or traffic ias it happened to you by pcj time t p i fliniday ila e kingston tuwid 1ft mllrt on of toronto com lug w t altout half u mlln of ars nurv- bijj vry swwly tuid more earn joining tli e p roc oils 1 on every mlnute tirakei w eel hhig horns honking hejds thrust out of windows i fliuhed uj to the heiul of the mile and iot him with the kchkli 10 miles an hour he was driving iitteered him onto ti wide spot off thefotul and i told him plintylll uiiy 1 i how do you know there wasnt a doctor in that line going on an iuu r- gency call anyhow whats the lib a of holillng up aovi ral huudnhl people jipt lie aiim- you want to dawdle along till church lime funny thing was he didnt mills he wiuj doing wrong they never do didnt know he wiu luiailtlng every other drlvi r on the roiul they dont think of that hut hi bet he will glvo othors a lutla coiulderatlou hereafter if ho doe mt well for his sake and tho sake or all the relit of uj 1 t 1 lie hop4ful salada orange pekoe fta a most fascinating flavour tka fresh from the garden ivruuii ilalm bi inovltalily choen by diici rnlng women nell to use tubtly fragrant cooling and refresh ing imparts a raro youthful charm to tho complexion invaluable for iofti nlng luul miking handi flawljtfjly white lonti and ttliuulati a the skin useful for the family al ji proti cli tho tender ikln of the child and li excelb nt for tho rather as a hair fixative and cooling i having lotion fine hi car jmt tell me tho u out of gas i he all right then tho gas la out ol the car t1ik wkstiun kaitt oh iclaln of the we iurn pair at london have alrtady itarted proparitioni for the great annual exhibition which this year 1 1 to bo in id betwwn september 14th and 10th thb is mrhavt tho earlleit in hlilory that phutit have be n started for thu serond largest oiniullan ivlr this year according to w d jackmin secretary of the pair hoard there will he over fq quo spent in prucj and at tractions tlie prlo lbits have already been pubuijitd and are largi r nml more xtenslvc than hi previous yearn mid offer thu wide it opp irtipiltlei for exhlbl lorn in agricultural produrta live tock poultry etc tho lnduftrlil and commercul exlilblla nlso promise to iurpats anything that hai o before jnd already reservations are being r reived for booth occommodullon in tho npjcndid new exhibition building 1 the midway thin year and the attrac tions before the graiuktand will bo siip- plled by the fuinoui wrth to llamld inc and tho famous modol flliowa amerlea tht so shows have played oil ncroat thu united mates and have an envliible r puutlon ai being among the most entertaining on tho road although the dub thin your li rather late owing til a number of clrcumitonceti the directors in view of the weather for the past number years feol comtdeiit that the week of the 14th to 10th of hepumlior will bring even bitter weather and bigger t roudsthun the first two week of tlie liioiltfl t itosldenls throughmit ontario are cor dially invited to attend tho we itef n pitr thli year and 11j i one of the hl uhnwu that iuidou luu wltnes ed kih9 ieid cost oown surculent poiturc and green feed bring down the fi ed cot in hog nil ing not only do tin e fied supply cheap nutriment but tlu y rlvo mirft nsurlnir prolltahle ualn- from the rlcner feed according to the f di ral department a agriculture hog 1 turned into r ipe lit n lx to tlglu incjici hlirh save 1 the farnur more than one hundred pouidj f mail with every one hundred pound grain alfalfa and red clover re both re- bed but accord big to exiierlmeitil iirm authorities alfaur 1 more hcci pi- be partlliiiarly when fid in the- qullo qiinir lugo paumkutttk9 ani tiieiit gaudknk tho farmerette did not dlrappoar en tirely with tho ringing of bclbi and tho blowing of horns 011 armlntlco day perhaps her aero or her luilf acre dis appeared but all over tho country today there are farmercttci who liiibit upon cultivating a tiny patbof ground which beam a no tresiuuis nlgn even to their own gardener they dont call them farmerettes to day they are hojtetseji women or tuni living in tho city or nearby who find iuch pleasure in ervlnp fresh vege tables from their own little plot grown by thonvclvei without aulitancc that they rcfiie to give up their hobby how do you llko thrso peas eliza beth i grow every 0110 or them myself thats the secret eo ions an a remark like that li pojslblc the farmerette and her private garden will remain with 111 fashions for the smart woman business directory mkr1cai dr j a mcniven phyxlcln md burrcon off ice and itcsldcnco cornet bow avenim and elgin street ifcal phone no 22 p o box is harold nash farmer m a nrrller solclur notary pubua conrefuum bi rfatlvman block acton ont monev ijent on uoutoaokq hours 0 30 a in to fi 00 p to saturdays- 13 00 oclock kknnet1 m lanoimn llrrut holleltor notary rula offlc main hlreet eloulh oeorcotoini plume bq appointment- hi acton on nqnoat loplau idol was that one of your prominent cltlzins i noticed you wero very ris- pectrul and attentive to him oarage man ye he s one of our arly ijttleni iarly icttleri7 why hes quite a joung mail yet true tnoiigh i mean he pays hb bllli the first of every month poresight ojkmnisin faitli cliaractrje the fiftylhird canadian notional exliihdion year after year in time normal aiul -uil- normal tltw die world largest ejchmitioti niakca m decided cxmuribution to tlie commerce and general welfare of thin country another imltiocidollar building will be opened tlii year earl jellicoe oui of the mof noted and cearlcai of great britains naval heroes wifl officially act in motion the 1931 exhibition ott vtiday auguat 2uh sport afloat and uslkoaa will again abound and througlvotit the andtlo fourteen days and nlghta tl pageant clivcraions eahmika and uuiic will wakeri a sense of pride m ttta hearts of all canadians will saxuneanddeugrat vmsfcors feoca oler 1 a j buchanan d d s iciilaj htirrcon oftloo in leuhman block lloun 0 a m until 0 p to- by appointment oaa for kxtractloas cloaod all day wednefulay phone 1u p w7 pearen d d s l d s iwilal sari0i tuocetor to lau tit j ix bell phono 10 mill btrcet acton mikckixaneouh francis nunan boo4blnor account booka of all kind made to order periodicals of every description carefully ikhiud ruling neatly ansl liromptly done wyjidham street ouelph oak over wllllanu btore tait optical co 110 wyndham street goklph eawhabjus h w watetts wt canadian national ukv exhibition toronto it costs less than weekly laundry jbtrjtmn cu 1 strl amiink sihlouktti strtmilui limine lines 1111 uljeetive incjiiliii dsililly tlcicriptivr of iv ulia tliis lovely aiuulur coincidence inl tfrrii the newest 1111t ion for uitomobilrft ii mii for rocks like cars roik slier it ih tlift bliek color eon wliil kir tlui tliitl fo ditiinj nut lniruik 111 hmu hut if jo vtmt it to io to lie country lull 1 printed el u if on hlcnd- jni f nlr nhil willi stutry blue is vrioninumlid instri1 uld vnu miy wear 1 loui rihltou i ish tin in an cunt nmiis tou i ins rock by the wi owns 1 iwilrro jacket splendid l 111111111 vtuiilkl i fciluir duuiutlvtf ca uixfiuli txifuti if you arc washing by oldfasrnqncd methods you are paying for a gilson snow bird in extra cost and effort why not binish washday drudgery with one of these strikingly beautiful snow bird models a machine that you will love to use and be proud to own sec me about special factory terms special terms now make it possible to use a snow bird on so favorable a basis that you cannot afford to be without it payments so you will never miss them and in a short time the machine will be your own it will j have paid for itself in savingti 4 effected porcelain tub blue or jade 1 finish patented safety feeder tl oiikmi rmwu hlnl line timpif llir tumkb in wli litnh all inlinuly iiujkiih hi ih will inucmly wamilul wucrulh iuml twti in cilwn lllue or jul ri liadra wtfllr locl uto- uilklly in any i 3b iwudjimi ami j ruiiifd wu uer iluiim hily cloilir ltdr mdiiia lan mt in eil qiilet ulatanuu mil tcunu built lotulo likduc frank mooney acton ontauio furs cijeaneo gijvzed kemooeujed repaiiubd oil stoiied 1 all work guvnui- it un do your work uurtnu tlio hummer l v hahn furhiek hhaiu 16361 103 wyndluuu m tlvfaah over mtuxm a illiwli storo mark every grave nothlnir hi more laiiuntf or mora approprlnto to commemorate uie momory of lovrd onca who have liono boforo uian beautiful krainlte will carved with our prcficnt oqulpmmit and fiunlltteii no jilarit in better prvpar- uil to olfor roal valuwi or a bailor j lock to choauo from than can bt luriirod nt our plant you own it to y 011 n elf to aeo our ntock and uot our luouitloiu on monument mawkcrn or corner ototirm before plictnjr an ordor anywhere hlunuini tith krvctnd anyv ort our imor acton monument works 1 nicoij a son ihonk iks acton oh notice to patrons of this estakusumgnt durlnr aiiipist kxujiilimudna for olii 01 on rhuriulay lrlday and oiitinday only of each wenk kindly vrltu in or phono for appointment phono 1001w 1jiih crliidinj and repair ik m 1- 1 me nt operatlnk aa usual a d savage r 0 ulcht t iha ml ottletr havak boildino ouktfb subscriptions for all taken at the free preee- 1