Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1931, p. 2

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1 i fjubm two the acton free press tiruusday june 26 1031 the houk op gufr arttut jtar firms umlxr ontario quua d 11 loo c w n a tiie acton free 1res3 ta pobllakad ie phks3 la pubuaoad at tha kra ivm batuuc mui street aauo ontario that subacwptlra pries la ioo par ur in charged aliltional to offl slat tha data to which aubaciiot paid la indicated on tha addfaaa label poatar la j tha unltad hick aubacilptlona ia label advktttiswg katesfo small uocuaal- fied advertisement and in other col ma a the rale will le uund at head of column die- play adveitlalba rate on application g a dills editor and proprietor teler hones editorial and tlultiaa omce industrial accident there were 4320 accidents reported to the work mens compensation board during the month of may as coriiparcd with 4001 during april and 1177 dur ing may of 1030 tho fatal cases reported numbered 35 as against 25 in april the benefits awarded amounted to 46320037 or which 37214051 was for compensation and 0105086 for medical uid as compared with 5060755 total benefits awarded during april help in saving needed whatever other lines may have been affected by tho world depression it is quite apparent that the department of education stands alone in being lik muno to contagion from the outbreak that has touched most everything else in such meijjjure as the local boards arc most closely allied to the public lot their communities or to the department does the faction seem to be shown in the decisions given in burlington the high school teachers received their regular increase in spite of the fact that the county council urged the body to have salaries remain at the same rate in oakville the public school teachers received an increase of 50 per year and the board requested the council to provide for a 15000 addi tion to the school this latter request was however refused acton has had a very different experience where teachers and board met and discussed matters frankly and each was big enough to see the others position recommendations from the department and inspectors vory little however in consideration of the financial position of the average citizen the same requirements of equipment and standard are called for and apparently expected to he supplied it places the local boards in a peculiar predicnnient it would appear that the provininl department might use a little more consideratioiuin making the requests and endeavor to take into considerati6n the position in which the boards are placed in their efforts to serve many masters making- an issue of trifles one of tho weaknesses of human nafurc is to make an issue of trifles many who would sacrilic everything for another in an emergency refuse to compromise in a matter of no importance whatever and love is endangered in consequence a look into quarrels which have disrupted friendships and lft hearts hurt and sore will find that few of them nrc duo to anything pfconscqueiilc young people and older pcopfc too alienate their friends and defraud themselves by refusing to yield on some point so in significant that the whole affair would seem ridicu lous if tho results wore not so tragic do not make issues of trifles where principles aro involved stand like a rock in the matter of tastes preferences and opinions be ready to yield and yield gracefully customs and kxcbw taxed decline canadas revenue from customs and excise duties and excise tuxes for tho month of may were 1007h- 833 as compared with 25540625 for the corres ponding month last year the revenues for last month with the receipts for may 1030 in brackets follow customs duties 12183873 10313415 excise tuxos 2080611 5001383 excise duties 4410014 6033404 sundry collections 04434 232422 for the months of april and may com bined total receipts from customs and excise was 34304775 and last year 42600103 income tax collections this may were 30078081 and in may 1031 they were 50113710 the corrected llgiires of tho total revenue from customs and excise duties and taxes for the fiscal year 103031 was 228200- 073 50 and in the fiscal year 102030 it was 310570- 50141 this showed a falling off in the past year of 8237642701 the decreases were customs duties 4867001755 excise taxes 2012373084 excise duties 720008267 and sundry collections 282680 85 editorial notes the budget passed by a majority of thirty news was hardly unexpected guelph will not receive any great benefit from the acquisition of its latest industry the making of auto markers by the prisoners at the reformatory will beer and wine go on the weekly bill if it i xupplicd-by-tbo-grocory-ktoroc- tho-liquor-interovtt- dont care for the grocers collections as long as they get theirs tho toll of accidents on the highways and about he bathing beaches amounted to eleven deaths last eekend in ontario gun you afford to take chances m a weekend or at any other time it would have seemed quite fitting if the work of making auto marker plates hatkbcen allotted to the inmates of the preferred penitentiaries tt might have been a reminder of former days a question asked many times is when will pro vincial or dominion governments get courage enough to settle the daylight saving question on an orderly plan the individual municipal plan now in vogue is a fine muddle chronicles of ginger farm written specially for tha free press by qwendoune t clarke on the first of june the government was four years in the liquor business by way of anniversary celebration the liquor interests next move is ap parently to put the government out and the grocery store into this business whic nnd bcr in grocery stores the moderation league has had emissaries town during the week endeavoring to induce citizens to sign petitions to the provincial legislature to legalize the sale of beer and wine in grocery stores these canvassers have been given the cold shouliei by those who have seen through the sophistry of their temperance arguments but others who hrve added their signatures freely without thought in factories even the girls and boys have been coerced into placing their names on the petition without realization of what it meant it is reported that these solicitors are getting jive cents per name for the names they secure to the petitions in the towns anil ten cents per name in the rural districts they ae very disinterested temperance woijcer the people of this province know only too well that beer and wine are now obtained all too freely under the exist ing liquor act it is very mamfestthat this renewal of an oldtime and specious activity is actuated not because of evena remote desire to- further the cause of temperance or to curtail the consumption of liquor but for the fenv cents per name available to the can vassers and to increased promts to brewers and wine manufacturers a further demoralization of the homewould surely follow ttiocariyiugout of the prayer of the petition the most of the people of the community will readily see through the sophistry of the wet profiteers put beer mid wine in the groc ery stores and the groceries wjll soon be a side line in the inteiests of promoting temperance is the way the petition for heer and wine in grocery stoic was put up to some citizens for signatures a nickel a name will stretch some peoples conscience farther than the elastic on a yoyo ball why is it that ilalton county has to he picked for all the experiments the health depnrtmnt singled it out for a health unity experiment and now the liquoi interests are on hand for signatures to it petition for beer and wine in the grocery stores nearly 20000 have signed a petition of clemency for steinberg who is condemned to hang and we doubt if 1000 of the petitioners are m a position to intelligently discuss the case or know much of the evidence which was responsible for his conviction the several weeks old news via milton in the daily papers referring to the adjustment of salaries in acton leads one to believe that the le-arrangc- meut of a popular logjm in the dailies should he made to run read it in tin finu parss while its news it is said there can be found n biblical quotation adaptable to evei y event mid wo suppose the one applicable to the bennett budget would be for unto everyone that hath shall be given and he hull have abundance hut from him that hath not shall he taken away even that which he hath ijuil monday iurlimr and i t nt to tlm city it whj uuiant to bo a purely imiiliiqui trip i ut wo ot a lot of plnumrn roll up with it wo wont ity imt iuhi ur only away a fow hotim but wc mjw mimi luvrly llttln 11 u of wmicry unci to mo vory bouulmul kardi but tho hwnltrt thing wn fww wim a living plo- turw at dartty ami joan lijujiowhttn itlimi tho rpuri at tho m- trunco to a farm a rmiplo jiiimki waiting for tho lui thy mth united around uivtmty tho man uppoarod woll nttd utmntf but tho old lady wap almont html dotihlo lllcn a nirnoii mihjricl to httujc ilxrumutiiuti ynt it wils ilm who boarded tho bui darby wart juit thoro to nan imr on and how unulurly and cartfully he did it in hlii hand ha turrltd a box uhlrh ho plarrd by tho bun to icmjii tho hrltfht of tho ijup for wlfu joan to mount mich a dw old lady him ol off luiht in iho hi art of tho city and iiald as hu utrppod off ill just wait hefo until iiiy yoimif man cooict i huud to mo her vft alone and won dered whether oh would fco all rlirht and if aoinoono would mmiii wiiiii ulonif to tnkn euro of her hut i nued iut havu wondered on our return trip there wan cur old lady at the iitrtot corner waiting to ui bark to her darby away wo rited ulonif tho road prnwuiuy wo oatno to her homo and thero wan darby iwix in hand and a mo lie of wolcome on hli ruiiifrd old furo wultlntf uladly and patiently to do thli littlo nervlfio for hu joan 0 lowly and painfully with her him- himdji help tho old uuly trot off the bun and ntep by ntep thy crofjmd tint road touother ono could ltiutki tfluim in jijnt that way travelling utop by ktop clonif llfoji itoiul nharlinc onn anothers burdetitt tho weaker helping tliontronuer it brought to my mind thin very beauti ful ploro of poetry moro lovrly crown tho earth a wo krow old mora lcudurnei3 li in tho dawnlrima uprlug moro bronxe upon tlio blaekblrdii bur nished wlrif and richer li tho autumn cloth of gold a deeper meaning too tho yearn unfold until to waiting hearts each jiving thing lr very lovo its bounty neeins to bring tot treating in with beauty to behold or ih it that with yearn wo grow nro wuo and revere tn tho mvitlo p withheld from carcuwn or indlltorc nt eyet that broods in nlmplo thlngn tlur world around moro coriclouji of tho lovo that glorlften tho common way and mokca them holy ground helena coleman gometlmen it tnken ili a lontf time to be iiorc comcloui of tho lovo thut lorlnrt tho common wayn and miikcii 1 hem holy ground of couno wo raw other things nit no btautlful an thli little picture of darby and joan i wiuitod a typewritor rlblion but tho railfjilady in tho atore with hir reddened hpii pjncllled pybrowa nwtl rnormoiui eitrrlivi got mo no excited x hardly knew what i wiui at i anwtr- ed her quetlniui at random vei ytn plain blue oh cr no 5 standard now why do you do it i wondered you have nlco regular fcatureit pretty linlr ought to bo quite attractive to any nlco boy two ipoolii oh no im iorry iut one plea-u- hut now whatever kind of boy would you posnlhly attract the makeup would bi nil rlht on the iitaije but at cloie quarters it ulvjt iti ju it ippalllug tlnally i begnn to feel uirry for the girl it miiit be i thought that mir livi in room i and probably all hr hiit for a looking gliui v one of tl ct gi eenhued mirror pecially drslgni d to mike one appear a female cahhuu of course till girl was not the only one we found her peclei in every more for tunately wc had not very much ihopplug to do unci do you know the more we m e of the cilll the better wo like our hoiir- tnwu at homr you oon get to know vlere jou get the licit iervlcil the bet quality and the cheupet price in the city you make a piiirhn from one itnre walk down the mrceu and palbly ii e the jjimr thing in another tore llfty cfiiti cheaper ai for the fifteen cuu tore they are a jnia and a delulml granted thing are very cheap n itlir- ally liut j list tuke them up and loot tlem over made in ot rmimy made in austria mado in japan and you rint let away from it in any of tho cheaper moriij and then ic to iiavlng money i queitlon how much we economue voil know how it it nelghlon you alk through tho f tores and you jeo thli thing and that and you are quite convinced you cannot llvo another hour without thjin tlien jjime thing alj ratchet your eye nnd boron you know whore you arc at a five dollar bill hai gone w st that ii pre ruminir ion havo ono to ittart wlthl thoro may not bo ai girat a variety in youi homo town and because of tho finmll de mand thero aro poislbly komo thing impotalblr to got generally upenklng yon knolv what you want hefoio yoh ict out ou are reasonably iuro whether you cm get it or not and uluro yon know you may be down town tomormw or tl day you dont go nut and buy ntutf on the now or never pilnolple it is htrd thuo duyi to bo patriotic when it com to miopplng ti hitvw moro or leuueached tilt singe wiien it ih each man tor hlmielf but mill if wo roiion thlngn out wo mmll llnd wo aro junt as far uhoad perhiuj a little further by giving our homo- town a booitt if wo have to econimiir one who doesnt that li among ordinary vveryday ihioplo wo might a well bjln it hhtio and make a virtue out of neo- r jilty ending mall ums afely henever you wish to remit small sums of money use a bank of montreal money order there is no cheaper safer or more convenient way payable without charge at any chartered bank in canada except the yukon money order are sold at every branch of the bank bank of montreal ettabualwd 1817 acton brand j s davidson mn quality that commands confidence cutu owa butter j 24c another new store in london ont i prices that compel attentionl cwtoll own rkh ou cheese pt pound 25c picnic supplies sui cuui tea biscuits i8o ii 25c cookies 3 lbs 29c mclarn aumm1i punch drinks uo bil 25c intpwui dry ginger ale conlnl 6 42c tom collins ir f bottu 19c nor runtlr coffee pr in 1 7c 28c corned heel ho tb 21c vrm snl wax paper loo ft wtm 23q iiyg l napkins 3 cvtuu 25c calay soap 3 cakx 19c knjl pk ollvtury rlj fheei yyfi shortening e ib c domestic cartons g au special beavor brand fancy lobster 28 special brunswick brand sardines t 25 special bed cross rei salmon 2 special maple loaf peas t 3 special ueantolo beans 2 spl culu cheese it no z l tins i no x tins cool wropl bread 24oa kuf 6c mclwni invinclbu queen olives 10- crcbl 2lc km imi sardines 2 tut 23c fraitch murd salad cream do j 13c llm hnl shrimps p tin 2lc qlu lilll nml big clams p i 19c sknucur mduim prunes 2 ii 25c chnk sluntw dates 2 lb 25c nw aulrlun currants 2 29c spmmj kui scotch mints 3 ptck 10c krlt bonj salad dressing li j 23c vitone the fnviiotutiiik chocoliite mnltcil iiunlti 1 lh special 17c demonstihte vitonc in our store tinned ly lriday nnd suturduy thib delicious drink large ohangbs per dozen mhd1um ouanges pcr doen miss young will come uud sum pic small oranges per dozen 55c 32c 22c lemons per tloen 6kfw potatoes lbs for fresfi carrots per hunch 30c 23c 10c mill street acton ohtaido

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