Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1931, p. 3

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thursday june 4 1031 the acton free press paob nmn ulljtf 3ffp jlrphfi linrl larq the sleeping princess nanna oltozieft wood aosephine wayiand hod jut griuluixttd wlui honor from tho lawum high tic tool but iut hhu had pnld little attention during ltui four ytiarh to anything lut her ntudlwi und hftr beloved munin ho lud acquired nfirvom for vhlch her dor lor prune rllied a summer by tho uea bho wujl ribol- luun bccauiu hiio inul plaiitiud to kt itt onco to llonton to rontlniiw her miliitr nnttaio hud lnnn mwl u having her own way cvr lnco hr mother hud left her and her father ulona tni yearn ixiforr her tathur lnnliud in her following thn doctor ordnrn wo thn hut of junn found hor at tlea viow in her unrln big iww- pltublu homo that atoml on a tritinhiidtid knoll facing the buy joseph ln wiui a tall beautiful ulrl with darlt my iyrti honouth ul wealth of duiiky hair tum car rind hunirir with u ilftil urocti but nho held herilf uloof from olhur young toop1ii iut ettoctlvely ax thoitfh ulia liud built u high wall about liaruuir and wiui content to live her own ufa within iu bounds her fatherti brief over the lotui of hlh wife and then hlit abfturptlon in bin bumlneiw mudy him blind to her iielfrlwium biolutinn and jettcli had if ini on lonely ludtctnlrud olmodt fttranent to each other tho doctor edict thruit her into a wholly new atnuwpherc illy jolly uncle doctor dullard lwul a iwntrt- of koui which lie vainly tried to hldo under u bluff maimer aunt iolly wiui round and ruhy and merry an a girl uijd the nevr oould roubit mother lltg everybody and everything that came near her milton the lait hoy at home wmi u younor edition of hlii father kwn red- tlaadod iiiltuihlitvotlfl but thoroughly de pendable a ntudeiit nearly ready to take hln place as hln fatherfl ujuiljiliiut josephine tried to jtlip into her old habit of keening to heruelf but aunt lolly would not have it im half u down qutot tulephuue callft brouuht twice that number of merry ulrlii to uio houm jancphihe met them with cool courtly but without enthuiiliuim of coutro thorn were lnvltatloiui to all ijortu of good tlmoii which film would hilve retimed but aunt llly yally accepted thorn for her two woolen after her arrival at sea vlow milton iirrunued for m picnic at ttocky imlnt tea miles up the nhoro was juiit tho place for uu outlnff with iu flno batliirm beach backed by an old foreit of tw lilted plnoii and ending on the north in ji tpat jumblu of huife rock milton and thoinaji lanujitoii piled tholr earn full of young lieoplo huth waldon tho uayciit of them all jiat on the front neat with milton alio turned in iter cat that nhe mluht include hlu cousin hi their merry chatter nor did fihu seem to notlco v brief indif ferent rojipomied onco or twice milton lookd back at- her with a quocr worxlo jookwhtchhe did twit liollc4iut all uhc merely drew down a mental curtidn between her nplrlt and tho othuni with whom film woji rldlnif and retired to her gwnthoukhli rriichlnu the point the boyii parked tholr cars in the edno of the plnea and oreotful a imiall tent for a dreiiluk room for ttlu btrli boon they were uplaiililntf ally in the pilet bay jaaophlno loved thu water and wul a tili awlmmcrlntt even hero ttho drew away to hernelf after they went auhoru thero were merry pumoit und much lillarloim fun in which the rout tried to include her but niw stood back watching them in differently or looked about hji if in jicureh of nonicthlntt at inut aim pind a shelflike ledyo on the nlde of a huiii rock near the water again and again her oyen turned to this ledgo but nhe said nothing of it to tho othom ilong bofuro iiundown ili the boyn bman to clamor for iiomethliig to eat tho baskeu wore brought and tho ttirh pprad tho lunch in tho njiado of tho rockh even jonophlno ati with an ap- petlte that iiurprlncd henuslf after thoy had fin lit he d aiut while tho other ulrla cleared away all that remnln- ed and repacked tho baaketh nhe ullpcd around tho rookn out of night of tho othcrn down tho beach nhe tpod hunt- liib for a way that might loud her up to tho top of tlio great rock and 110 to her bholf bho presently found a place where tt seemed omo huge giant might have been breaking up tho cliff for tho bohldorrt were piled in wild confualon who began to climb and although the way waa steep and hard nho was deter mined in h few minutiui alio reached tho top brcathleaji but triumphant and nurely tikj tmtsno hpread out before her rovardod hor for her effort for a few moments the girl utood there fluxing about hor in sheer woiulor to uia rlftlitjdriitdiedtlicioreut qt twltod pines dark and myalerloun to thn left bo far as nhe could aee gleaming rcnttoiui lay tho glorkum ocuan tihe utood erect hor head held high iter whole ixitng bathml in tho treedom of tho iiunuhin and fresh sea- air there wait never u thought of the others on the beach bolow or how thoy too would oitjoy it up there alio was not uned to thinking of others bho heard tholr voices below but tho only thought of theip waft to keep out of tholr sight presently aha remembered her ledgo a swift blanco showed her a crack in the rock wide enough to tform a tuitural though rough path leading downward nd u slie hoped 4t brought her out on the harrow shelf on the ld of- the mean rlllf it won not more than nix orelght t wide and perhaps a doyen long but it wiui jtint the imcrut cpilet place tor hlch uhe had bmn longing hhe dropthml on the rock and ntretched iirwir out lazily m tho mmihtn a1- though she wm hardly more than thirty feet above the beach nhe wall on tilt award ii i le and the others were nultu niware ut her hiding place after a little tohuplilno luard volc below her and rolling to the hlge she peered over milton and ullth were rchlng for driftwood for the evening i your coiuiln is wonderful sh heard in uuths clear nweet voice tu beitlltlful and queenly milton did not reply for a moment dont you think so persisted ltuth ys she is beautiful i till iji a perfect prlnceint ye a sleeping princess why milton what do you why do you say that gueli i shouldnt have said it 1ied the lmy soixrly but it iji trtie ullth joephlne is beautiful and iji very bright und capable of won derful things but lulde from her music well nhe is just luileep us i mild whut do you mean why you know josephine has just finished high school with honors uhc wanted to o to untou at onco to continue her music but her doctor vetoed that uncle jim sent her upthere and you know we are glad to have her fur it has boen lonely especially tar mother ulnre ci race married ruth i feel like a cad even to think a criticism of a guest ami especially one who isnt well but josephine doeunt seem to lit in it our home and wor yet film duuit seem to want to why milton i didnt know began ltuth but milton went on were a jolly family and we love to hivo guests in tho house and we do try to mako them happy llut joseph ine just shuts herself up in her room when wo dont insist on her joining us her thoughts all uinm turned inward and tluty dont seem to w huppy ones either bho isnt interested in anything we do for her pleasure or comfort why she didnt oven want to come on this plcnlcl that iounds luitthough alio were selfish i thought she was just shy und that as noon tui she got acquainted with us she would bo different im afraid it isnt jint luiynoiu i wish it were weve tried hard to make her feel at home but poor girl how dreadfully unhappy she must be uuths voloo waa full of tender pity josephine had llitcnud with no thought of eavesdropping but she suddenly real ized what she wan doing she rolled buck on tho icdgo until sho lay against the rocky wall at th bar shu could no longer heur uic lowyoltsofhei roiifdn and until on tho beach below she lay still her arm thrown across her eyes two phrnies seemed beating in her beiin a sleeping prlnoessl and that seems an though she were selfish over and over the words repeated themselves oho colild not gut rid of them then a light seemed turned on her life oh its true selfish yes i am hellish i i didnt know it i never realized itl and milton knows i am though ho wouldnt uiy it tim two weeks since josephine cumo to sea view passed swiftly before her and she scureh- d vainly for one act of hers that had shown appreciation for the klndncmies sho had received nothing but a enro ll us thsnk you and then spoken as a matter of habit sleoplng prlncossl sho groaned sleeping yes but no princess just u tupld blind selfish girl no wonder havent beuji happy i dont deserve happiness i oh what a miserable allurw am tho scalding tears slipped from under her eyelids and sho sobbed in misery presently the tears had washed away the bitterness from her heart and her sobs ceased she lay thoro quietly thinking or a time them alio nut up and dried her oyos rising alio stood against the rock looking olf across the water out of tho quiet glory of the scene there stole into josephines troubled spirit n peace and nnderslimllng such as sho hud never known before i cumo up hero to get away from thn others and to ho alone it was just selfishness but im glad x did come for now im uwakc- i know i am and please ood ill stay nuukol ill show milton that im no longer h sleeping prlnceuil glancing at hor wrist watch nlio started why ive been hero two hours the othors will bo worried alwut me hliolwikelovirthomlgi oftho shelf but could see no one she climbed up through tho crack by whioh who had leached the ledge scrumblod over the rocks and down to the bench bolow just as she reached the beach she met milton why josephine where luvo you been wo havo hunted for you overywhorot we began to fear you hud wandered off into the woods and lost your way or had fallen into tho kea or nuiybo a dragon had jarrloif you olf im sorry i worried yoli milton i i climbed tho rocks und suyed longer thaii i uhould im truly sorry r its all right now that wovo found you auotttt vd bottor let tho others know that tho prodigal has returned i ho wont to his oar and sounded his ham vigorously uid soon thn rent of the party hastened up milton met them with a ready cxpi6iatlon jonnphlnn was exploring thn rocks uld must have gone to ideep kvery- otlitgu all right now muis going duwi shall wo fix up n fire for a welner and marshmnllpw rtmstv lhrre was not a word of reproach for josephine ills klndnena luitl the joy the othwrs whoweit at her safety made her hush with shame and ngret woit we hitve to have lots of driftwood mil ton ill beat you to it away she i an down the beach and began to nil her arms with such pieces as she could gather these ijie hmught to the chik- en spot the rent ran gaily to the unine lask and preently there was a fine ptli on the bench an they gathered around it ullth whlwihirod to mllum who nodded aiid solemnly approached josephine it lu decreed that our guest of honor shall light our lite he announced i thank you kind sir where u the mutch i the othen drew near while with merry ceremony joiephum applied the lighted mulch to the drtftwwml and it wins bloving cheerily two of the loys hud secured a quantity of long wuuds wlpch they hud sharpened and presently the wieners worn sibling now li tho tlmo for suirles or stunts cried uuth milton you are flrstl all right fair lady just tui you sayl he responded and launched into a jolly story of college life much or the others in turn promptly iontrlbuted something to the euteruihv ment until only josephine was left her cousin hud been watching her with 1 puzzled line between his eyes now ho waited wondering what she would do she had seemed like a new girl this evening merry appreciative and natural at last he called across tho flro your turn now josephine i dont believe i aw think of a story that li worth telling after so many good ones replied the girl smiling may i king instead sho arose and stepped bark a little from the flro with her fuco lifted u little to tho stars that hud come out in tho lark dome above slit benjun to sing perfect day the little group silt breathless as the glorious voice rose in tho semidarkness and curried out over tlio water thero was a moment of limcnro as she unbilled that was a more eloquent tribute than tho eager upplsusu that followed when they clamored for more her heart thrilled with u now fueling ut their sincere appreciation and it was with humblo gratitudo that sho sang nghiln carry mo tinck to ol vir ginia with all its under homesick longing brohght tho tears to ruths eyes milton she isnt luloop now ruth whispered breathlessly under covor of the renewed pleading for more nil the old yet always loved song wan hushed i dont understand it but youre right agreed milton shes awake all right but i dont know what has aroused hor joiophino laughingly protested at their insistent demand for more now please sho begged loto sing something all of tin can sing when slit began juunlta tho other fresh young voices joined hois eagerly other songs fol lowed iioinu new some old until the lire hid died down and a great moon rose over tho far edge of tho ocean at lust ltuth glanced at tho luminous dial of her wrist watch polks its nearly mldnlghtl our mothers will he iiuvfngfltsir wedimtgethoini we just must go but havent wu hud glorious time she clipped her arm ntoutll josephine ind added and you hive been the very nicest part of it nil i josephino returned the caress with 1 little lump in her throat sho coud not nember any girl over having given her such a caress before thomerry picnicker piled into their cant and were ioon speeding back to sea view as milton and joiuiphlne paused in tho hall ut home ho looked into hor shining eyes in mystified wonder prln cciui ho called her almost unconscious ly and the naniii seemed to lit her perfectly wha hns come over you you have been wonderful tonight it was you who made the evening perfect day sure enough i trlnccss josephine repeated mis chievously not n sleeping princess impel milton started and looked at her with sudden suspicion which became a cer tainty ai tho color flooded hor lovely fare but her smile held whero wero you ho jlemanded on the lodge above yoiu truly i dfd not moan to eavesdrop i was almost asleep lu tho sunshine i hud run jiway to im alono sho paused a moment then went on earnestly oh milton im not sorry x heuijd you im glud no glad i i have been asleep ive been a selfish selfcentred unnppreclatlvo pig im sorry jtorryll tho tears dimmed her eyes but in a moment tho sparkle came back ilut you waked mo up i no moro sleep of that kind for me i youll seel mlltonjookod utotorly ashamed und began an abject apology but josephine stopped him no big cousin dont apologist and dont feel bad about it for nil yo11 sutd wus trim and you really said it very kindly and oh what you said was terribly hoodidlynu didnt know i would hear of course but i needed awakening and you did tho job well i truly im glad und i thank you i if it will nuiku you fool any better you are fully forgiven tor waking mo but you may do 0110 or two things for mo i you will you know ill do anything i can well dont toll aunt polly or uncle doc or anyone 0110 oiyt word about what happened please promise mo that muton i wsill all rlghtl im not very proud of it unywayl i wont tell now what next i wmt you to promise to hakirmn up again if you see mo allowing signs of slats diauy by ross farquhar friday well it waswnt very prvjuint house this evnlng on aoet of the way pa is glve- uig wtiy to lili fvllnga here of lately ma wni tawklng iujoul fore hey weft t and got marryed to eiuli anotlier and ivry thing was all rite until mad set to pa my but you did luk ntnopld when yoli perpos- vd to mo and pa replynd tuid tui- lwered well i shlld of i went t imd rly hauirday well we wih a pnuktlt- sing hiue bull tuid i fergot it was supper tlmit tuid pa liud promised mo i ihud mow the yd thbi p in and all and all ho wtulmnt in u very good yuirur when i retimed back home and lm tuk me out in tho gurrlge with jl nuuir strap lu his hand and ied it witod lilrt hii wlnui it wood mo and i juul now pa it is time you begin to consider yure own uge fli whl furo hut i dont belouve it helped nlo very mutch having kind tholi for uthers sunday dvmi z cum to simj ant km my uwluy and ho is mitrryed to a woman witch is rltch but very very 1 and ant kmmy wili nhnpolllnif with him and sed why o why did you marry this woman for hir money vi und cumuii k replyed that ho tryed yry utlier way ho cud think of but fulled to get the money i supoie tmunday well we hud u imposjiible sltohuulum at arc hoiuto tonlte wlun mrs ailtch und mrs lluh both cum in at tho some time uofch of them luui just got over a ope nullum ut tho hos- plttlo usday ant kmmy b very thrlffty today they wan u ciiihjp iuill hi difrtmt kinds of wrltclng paper mitl sho got a big box of pajier with black edges and lnvellups i ast hor woji enny body dead of aro rclushun and she uul no bub its n inch thoy will be 1 of theso days hur mnttoo li perpulr for tho luerafter wcnsduy jou auidi litut iwn murryed to iivrul wliuen and pa list him how ha was getting along with tho ullumony and joo mul well ho had got them drawing in alfulxttlcln order now 110 ho wait making progress thlsday mrs olllem called mu and led sumbuddy hud throwed a old scare crow over lu ro back yd mil and me went to look and it wtm pa laying under tho cherry tree wo dlddcnt toll him what mrs aillem hud witt rut mi looked llko sho wood haf to laff for treatment of caked tngrt in cows or garget tuio douglas ktryjitlan lini ment tho quick sure remedy savon tlmo and ojfponj0 irovonta blemished stock going back to sleep oh now josephine cull rtno princess milton i llko it and then i think maybe i can stay awake ovtn without the ftlmklngl all right princess and ill say you uru tjiu rmil thing now renutlful for- givlncimdiluoudpal jowphlno laughed merrily even while she flushed at thu open boyish pralsj the great clock in the hull struck shu looked at it in dismay if we dont go to bed aunt polly will hnvo to shako us both to get us awake for breakfast ootid night rig cousin i neakthetor oftheworijd an alailcan cniuc kuarantccs you niv hijvkts new expert trices and a iflorioutv ly different holiday reduced rail farcn now with stop over privileges at jasper national part and minnkl iuli ileuttu antl illut trated luhtktet front my tigent of canadian national kalltvayg canadian national railways rtdrosettlv ryouirp driving a heavy car of ope rut i it g a llccit of liuhlnmiri rurx luxih t hglit delivery card ymir jiohi 1hi in tiro vulue itt ilia goodyear ijfeavy duty kxlrnhouvy ttru- lurgts extruatrong in ittt famotih suprtwiitl curciihh extriirngknd und irnelivo in ith a1f- w4itlnr tread tli goodyear ilnavy iiily keepn yojir curt nikinlii fur longer with fewrr interruptioiim lot im idiow yon uiih hupnr tire yunr c alwuyu in htoek no oxtra eiinrge for niukhtg tliu chungoover h a coxe acton ontario tixei1ionh 00 put a nnw cootlythtr tuttn in mwry naw eating gyproc gyproc fireproof wallboard is manu- facturcd from gypsurn rock it comes in sheets that are 4 to 10 feet long 4 feet wide and tya of an inch thick it costs little nails and cuts like lumber has structural strength and insulation value it is canadas premier material for lining all interior walls ceilings and partitions ask your dealer for a gyproc direction sheet it gives full details store cclllnga basements warhoubtta barns attic rooms fruit cellars uklnk old rooms new store windows dressing rooms rest roonib offices partitions garages under cornice dairies summer cottages factories kitchens poultry houses farm offices harness rooms sheathing ceilings walls sun porches covering old plaster picture theatres approved by firo chlefti approved by building inupcctoni 372 gypsum mmk und alauast1nk canada limited purlu oularlo enew time tables at acton for raid kiy j it mackenzie sm tlio georgetown lumber co limited napian n i clotnr et dally oxroirtr sunday 031 ajn uiuly tixccpl uuneluy 1005 ajn dally 22b m dally nxcipt bunduy fllbpjn iiumltty only b00 pjm coinr wet dully except bunday 730 jn dully uxivpt tiiinduy aon arn- dully itxipt uuiulay 32bpjn dully cxchl iluntluy blbpjn dully ixipt tlunduy 714 pm dally 1023 pra tiunday only 1018 nm dimolis u fliitf train th luitwu ulvwti hi tlibi lthim axatax jltaiidarj tlmo canadian national elkothio kaiiavayr wmilmuild dally oxcuiu bumluy 710 am dully iao a m dally 11 bfl am- dally 310pm dally 430 pm dally a56pm dally 010 pjn- dally uxcipl iluturduyii tlim- layn and holiday 1211 am tlaturdayn iliindayn and lloll- dayii duly 1110 pm ualurdayn tlinulayu iuwi hall- diiyii only llonm- llutbound dally pxropt bunduy fl33 a jn dally a tin am dally 1113 am dally a 133 pm dally 3b3pm dally j 13 pjn dally 033 pm dally uxcupt uuturdftyn inn- dayji and llullduyii 1133im outurdaya binulayii and holl- dnyii only 1033 pm flaturduyii quiulayii and holt- luyn only 1233 am tim tlmru flvon in this table are fox daylfiht buvliiir tiiiid toronto ivnulniu kniri htrml ami hi culr avmtui lrolifht louyitriid by niwetal oxprwu frulfrht lnliiht picked up at any ad- dntiwi in toronto hero are a few ofthe uises of iahtoun dally except oundayfi und holldayii 710 aan dally 1000 am dally 200 pm dally 530 pm dally 1000 pm sunday and llolldayji only 7b0 pm wkstuounn dally 005 am dully 105 pm dally 406 pm dully 705 pm dally except oundnyji and uoluiayu 1005 p m suiuluyu and ilnlldayn only 1205 am gyproq usfire proof wallboard acton onl acton ont are collectibns slow you can bpe timou tjp by hmulidf your iami to kelly illi coukction hikciaiisth ouanolailii mid gufxmi and ktmemlmtf no coltaotlon no ohilpi eitabllnlicd 1000 watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings gueijfh ontario 1 wyndkmm bl if you except to sell you must advertise subscriptions for all magazines taken at the stree press office

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