the acton free press tinmsdav may 7 1031 t1ik ovo auction t- it i hbi tout ltiiite rerord from rural 11 fu wan rucuitly hroud luit rum a liutlulo w tat ion and brouicht many r iipow i j from onturlo i ho author jumtft k wcuilovor now a rtuldont or liurfalo uvt il in ontario iu l child and the in iplru turn or the poom cnmo from un miction lulo hi on klgln county vllluyt jfo is fitndiug thuru now on hli box in thn ynnl wherr x played lontr no and fuch gtjturi my im m ry unlorka for cooh cliulr bed or trinket i know rhoy wcru lit rt hi my babyhood duyi in my youth a early yearn thiy wlro hen now they ru hnltl up u neighboring tt- in thn hand ot the old auctlnnttr lor thu dooulti have flown iui on wing and it whiii i but u fortnight or two tilnco i fir it ktilw and rev renced thui thlngu which ro i w being held up to vie rhoy ve removid un old clock from the wall and thi pit turc of old uncle nut iftkun down the dtlr hornii from tin hall and tliuy u celling tin hookld rug mid mil i he big conn r cupboard li i old while urn dl in that onci v ore ita pride are unrt ad mt on the table my old 0 rami jul t to hli wife hi a brldt iho hair omn u on which father rtcllni d and his chair that ill alwnya rvtu are to day torn from memory a mind by thu hutut rr tlu old auctloiilcr there ii the atintfiot whoic trcu ur i untold capturul fancy and whim through the yean how thn night or i him now dot unfold and rodiu thou uid fancu to tun lio the nulglmiri hen guhirid around with their oarfc trained to catch lvi ry bid know till hi irt iche o dlcp and pra found in the brl i t of thl mankrottu icup can thoy 1 i in my face the concern 1 hat i mplnyji my long mun ry to day can thoy know hovt a poor huirt will ylirn ivv retvan every liup of tho way i wondi r if tlu y mult nitund why thwl cliattoli to mo am 10 duir aji thi y toll iw intently the hand and th i mpia of that old auctlonu i he b off ring tor ril not the rood nor the thlngi you i a uigorly t tan uut lit oifrt the hunrt and thu mood of a lid who li grown to u man s thu bidding goo merrily on mingling tilumph with ti ndirt t tt ur you are buying tin iluyit that arc com at thu no it the old unction i r jtum n k wcitimr ouil old auction lrs i hn di irlptw touchcg or mr witt over rather pathetic poem appeal i 1 1 many or u who have throuuh thi y ur utfndtd aulinn alej in our own coni- tmlnuy our iwn old uuctloncer and thoiui of iu wii i love keen or hi ard th m at the vartou dlipi r lnj nalca of tin dliitrirt hae ikrlenced jiliit such feil lima i tin it n describe it it ntt imly no dlrcrcdlt that th i timbt r of tin ti meera v ho have handlut j in hammir lit tlili vicinity during thn vant hixtylv ye ira haj not been more i on i ih iui emitted on thn flnueni ot i io hand our people have very neutral ly ti u1ih1 down hi the community t jtay mil tin i hftvft bu il rather few ill 111011 tin uictlont er to dli poo if i ah hou li ild pouhnlons i nm of late v art it i ii bicomo the plan of itiimhi it of uunrfl to hell thi ir hiirplu jock liv iui ti in but thin la much dlf f runt to the emeu onactfld when the 1 ome i d null h1 of iu inrcii and pmiatus which have ikuio jiceumulated during thu f imlly mfo of iialf a century ur more ovr uxty yoara ano aeorge aibb ho ilvwi in aiton during hut early inarrli d lift dmlded to hantf out hlii sltlnirlu um an nuotloncor ooorgo married lino at tho wjlfn glru ho lived in thn homo on church street where holland klllott ami ltu family now rosldo hn vo quitin a chlckonnraricnsr ana lllcfl some of our rmjicnt cltlaeiu failed to keep hln h n and rikisters penned but allownd thrm to roam ut lame over nolghborq gardens to the owners bmt ajuioyanco etlwnril moordllvoi acroufl the btroet from thn oibbn one day mr mooro came home ut nooti fr im hu khliiffln and ntavn mill and round olbba flock iicratrhinif vluorouiily in hia garde i patch or veg tab na and flowem h waa grratly rnrngid and j lined a fltonii with coiibldi rubh tut at thir rlork of m uir id rb unforuinut ly hu aim wan um rrlng and itfiltiv nill ooorgo olblm favor lt roiuiu i wiu killid an dud m a door null n i dli i to nay mr moon waw greatly rhugrltlid at thbi rt ult ilk tlin hoin t miui ho wilh he roiuolvid it u b hu duly to ki ovpr u hli nilgbltor uid apologlwi f ir what had i eurnd and offir to pjy for thn dainago don- with eharaderlstlc good natum gi urgt nut him iimlllng and ropllid u hi i nnlghlxtr n apologb with now icd ward n vi r you mind about the r wihu r id imvb doiiu thn very hiuih an you did f tlu tubli i hud bn turm d 111 try o ki t p thn pi fcky lienu at homi at u dili mr o uiii i kipt hotil uu will a i eon luetlntf alletlon i ah i for unnii tlnu h wan a popular and iniceeiiful iiuetlom t ilwaya had a juki or witty i nylng or unry mint or 1 n r 1 vunt like many tthi r foity yt am ago or ij h h t ii namort d of the gn at nuw w it and ivuit out thin for a few ytari what xpiriiipti he had out thi rt i do not uiow he wtnt out mltu a frli ml of thu pior bu lot ii but ho calm bat k ivowiil prohlbltlnnli t and prt iu h tl igoroiuly i very win re he i- tiled in j orgnlown md ilt ti rmlni d to di mon train tht ru that an hotel bill ine i could mi hucci iifully coiiduilnd without a bar oom notwlth landing that tin town uid iilnady the clark ilmue tlu lit n u tt hon t thu jhompijin hon harry ipleril place and tlic royal kxchungc out t the a i ii iliillon oiorge built i iilxth on main otrt 1 1 abovt the white hridgu and opened the iii w hoiitury with gnat i xpeetattoi i aeorgo dul vi ry will for a tlmn while tho novi ity of the situation la ted but it tioou biciun minlfi it that the mw liotid wiu too rimotd from tin liunlnuut flection and the aibbh hold eventually dovcloiw d into a boarding houuo iit nrg albba lived to a good old age and dltd with a williaund reputation hi a niece liful auctioneer and an avowed prohibit ion lit w w hoi georgetown aiu an auc tion i r cntrmporiuiioui with qeorge olbbi ho wiui of u dltfennt type milut iicdate and bu ilm uke he too wiui a i licet li and thi name w w una auc- tlonci r at tho tallcnd of a nilo bill augured i ucci i for tho man who win announcing tho mile mr roe lived and dlid in aeorgetown an citt emed cltlw n in the yiar 1117 william heimtrect of hockwooei i ngai d in the auction eering bu ine tii hi later rt turned to arton where ho livid when fin t marrlid and win a very much loved auctlonevr for many yeini ho juki a few imall all i unit about ilockwood but hli flnt big farm mil wo held for the late john allan ar tin rnindfiithi r of jami j hi mon hardwire nut chant acton in 1171 it wai a glorloun fall day and the country ldo attended the nalo went with a wing from tho out- 1 1 and wan great ucci i n member to thu dav the bidding it walr fut iihl biouuhi high prlccj my father and i wero there in ipectaton and wt felt that auctlonei r hemiitreet ucce i uiu a kiircd iu t rt ult of thl i i ali the future provi d thl and- hi m in 1 1 had no difficulty tilt n after in booking all thf nab i ht could attend to i hi wtnt on for many yian and hundred of farmi rt till n mi mbi r the nicci of their i ale i conducted by win hmiitreet the old gtntletnun mtired into re t in acton in april 1011 at tht ipt agi of nlnt ty yi an thi later auctlonu ri of thi vicinity buvi ol o bun line mm of upright iiinuter and good ability htil petch of aienwllllaini wiu an auctloiieir of wldi npulatlon and con duett d many uli a i ucci inf ul fa run i in know iitock nnd farm tiiiilpnunt per fictly and wiu in dt mund over a wldi rea hli middin death a yeiu or o ago when hi hi prlnu wiu griatly ngietted lie uiu un ni live worker in union pie bytirlun chun h and took i kien intin t in municipal and cnjniuhn ity nffuirii tin mterprl ing and ucre ful aiu lion of the conuuunlty rovirlng i oni of twenty mile i and more finin acton ai a centre hn i lncn itobeit j ken lor twenty yearn hi hiui fflvm tin beit that ii in ilm to hi i chocn profi i ion and with niarkid nicccii hli fund or nale i trli i and witty miylng full eiiuulii thi vocabulary of the eni ruble ooorg olbbi of counr if you attnul a lerli i or hu nali i you will probably hoar hi favorite yarm n rountcd at each of tin m iho cntth of hob kon ii umbltlon win rinchod when hi wa choien an auc tlonu r at tin o a o and winter fall nali h auiilph yt ur after yi ur he h now n talm d for thlitiirvlci mr kirr find i time for clttrt n hip ilullctt ouuldc hit ngular employini nt ho in ohalnnan of acton a public utllltie communion and ii one of tin chli r moving fplrlt of acton lull kiir in thu capacity ol niaiiugcr a youugi i but mici i imful and popular auctlonicr of the community iti hoy hlndley of o prlngo he too in an on tit mid fariuir and taken hhi nluro otj moral and community ru upon nib lutc hit lint of naliii cngauumnti in glowing from year to year x think mr hlndloy in alu one of the uilltloueern ungagi d at tho wlnur ar bo iho bidding gorn merrily on mingling triumph with tuidireit tear you are buying tho diiyn that are gonr at thu nod of the old auctlonei r moth hi know 9 nobody k uiwii of the work it takes ft urxtf vi hiimt tugwtlutr niauxly v i of the stnfl tt tokul nobody known but mother nobody 11 t ns l t hllduh wtwa which kl i i only wnothrr nolmily i p ilm 1 by the mighty jow nobody only motht r nobody lii iwn if th nli nplcim cam hi itow i on baby brothi r nobody k wi of lho ti ndt r prayrr nolxd know i but iiiotlu r nobody k w i of tin bfiinnii taught of lovlt u out tuiothi r ntlmmiy know i of the path nct iiought nobody mly mothi r nobody k i wi if the imxlouh fi uni iaii d lug i muy not wt utlu r hlnniifi of hli llf lu tin t omlng ytiari nobikly know i but tuothi r nolndy cl nn i to tlu wayward hlld iho in in d by t vi ry utlu r ivadii it gi ntty from pathwayii wild- nobody n but mttlur nolody kn w of the hourly pr iy r wtt hlni our t ri big brothi r tide of h i hi irt oneu iu pir and fair nobody nl in thor no hard feelings i luly hav you ever iwtn olfcred worit i ramp only onre madam anldn from that i met with nothing but kludnenn 7 a irlmn brwilm for wound in noimi faeuirltn and worlchhopn carbolic acid 1 ki pt for u ie in cauti rlzlng woundi and rult nuhtaltunl by uie workmen iar bttttr to knp on hand a bottlit of er ihoinaj ltlirtrlu oh it in junt un qulik in at t ion and doejt not scar thu nkln i imin the fleih aw txll ainh htar ubi uljbn urn bi ing in thhou pltal in thu hiuipltaw why i mw him loit night duiu lug with a lljty blond r yt hi jo did hli wlfu motht r onivui wttrm exterminator will drive worm t from thu nyi tern with out injury to the child hi t an e 1u act lop while fully 1 1ft etlve it mild when you want a bite to cut before goiug to lel try a bowl of kelloggs corn flakn crinp tleliciouh extru easy to digcht ideal for a late bedtime htiuck or for any time youre hungry coltn ilvkis aaa ftih or eannj fruit jtvt iarimty of uttitn uith hony resurfaee old walls and eeiliings uhh gyproe here ib a wallboartl that docs not hum made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long 4 feet wide and of an inch thick it ib used for interior walls ceilings and partitions as well us being firercsiatant it hm structural strength insuhition value md is draught and verminproof use gyproc joint filler for seal ing tho joints between the tall broad sheets of wallboard when you are doing over any room in tho house or adding new ones m the attic or bahc- ment use gyproc for walls and ceilings because you can nail it directly over tho old surface gyproc is also an excellent base for alabautmc gyptex or wallpaper gyproc is canadas pioneer nonburning gypsum wallboard ask your nearest dealer for full details and a gyproc direction sheet or write us for the free booklet building and re modelling with gyproc 374 gyisum lihi uil aiaiias 1 inl canada limi rkd varl ontario enew 0vd business directory medical dr j a mcniven phymlcbui and hargvon oftloo and hcldcnco oomer bower avnntio and egln street ijgali ihtmo no 22 p o box m hakold nash rarmer m a nlrtimur solicitor notary itibuo convyanor eto 1fitkyman uli6k aoton ont money ieni onmolllxaoes ifoura 0 30 a m to boo tx iu ttaturdoyfl 13 00 o clock gyproc bfire proof vallboaid vor sole fty j i miickcnrio son tho georgetown liuiiikt co limited acton onl acton onl if you expect to sell you must advertise m j l sherwinwilliams paint headquarters f lawn mowelts 12 ltch 3 blades j j 1 1 inch 3 hlntles foi 12 inch 4 hlndes for i inch i hlnills foi 850 925 975 485 garden iiosl litiivy carrunttd linir inch bo toot itnktl with couplings niul clumps for brass n its will spruy stream shut of for 7c orilch nozles for bof rishing tackle 7 foot slixl hods for 8f h toot sttcl rods for irc ililscopl rods t foot for im trout hooks plr dozen 10c i packet of i double or sui1l gut hooks foru 25c wl have n coniplctl assoi tipnit of litil reels scttkkn and combination dooiis iicreen doors nil sizes for 1m 2 75 1 25 rittinys complete 25c extra cantjiinntion doors all sizes 4 lights lor 575 combination doois all sizes ft- lights foi v 6 75 adjfustaiilk window scrcnns hardwood frnmls fitted with closely woven black screen cloth 10 inches hikh 20 inches wide opens to 32 inches for 45c i i inches inch 20 incheiwide opens to 32 inches for 50c 1 1 inches hlfh 22 inches wide opens to 30 inches for 0c 18 inches hijh 22 inches wide opens to 3tt inches for g5c wo curry in stock several other sized fast dm finishes for floors furniture and woodwork in tlieha rinya of crowlml ncllvitlc quirk ilrylnjf trolurlm tirrt 1 krout iinnnnl iliutu avliy vn nro futurltih llilu ivfk slierwhiwlluiivtiu tiihtdrl i hilulmw 1 ih inu n i nutdel hnlwli for cvnry pnrpoutv fltmkru furiiltiiro und woodwork comn lu itiul nuk un iihoul tin mo iirk lryltu prtmliioth sxwnw illlac rasrnm vamv1su s7vjjw anmiltlnullimmir trihpurnl utahi uiul vairiiluli wlilli in ono operation rmtor4h niul fiulhlir thti mirfuro of furiilliirt flmtrm ntid all interior woolwork drltui in four hoiirw smnw illlac vasidiu fnamll itrmitmmlcd ourll nlitrlv for tho flnuililiitf of furniture muii lniroicu lmilhrhiiiih unit kllnheun liimlroiim iml ilurultln ttriiulu n tut easily uiitl lrem in foiir liourm with iiiku oven uhihn snerwlnwillvams vavmu ilooh vaun1sh a vry imnl ilryliik vurnlnli for floor llnoltiiim nnd luttirlor woodwork alhohilly wntr proof wiiiiniiiikhhk tho wur and imir ntid hcuiuiik of ftmit an iuimiiulhnl proluct nocltis nlw mltnon mwsmng lacqui it lh womloi- wtirker nrmiiitl tlin iioiiho driru hi oio hour hum no ohjrwilounhld olor tlowm on mirtily and rmiila no hpt ohil llilnurr in twttihy idorloua olorrf for furnl turn odd i 1 b o h uy cito ktnnftll m iangoon harrlcr sollcllor noury pnbua oftlced main utroot south ooorgtito 1honn bfl appoliilniciiu in acton on requt ikntaij dh j ii johnson ddslds iiitai burgeon oftlco mill atret in tho cooper dlock iklrimronb a a j buchanan d d s 1oiiu1 suron ottloo in louhman ulock llouru 0 u in until g p m kvilna by appotntiaunt ohm tor sutractloiut olosid all day wcdnetnluy phono 14j p w pearen d d s l d s dental kurfeon uueccur to tdiie dr j m doll phonu 30 mill htroet aotos mlhofkxtnroub trancis nunan bookbinder account bookx of all kind made to order periodicals of ovcry ltcrlpti c sue- fully bound itullntr noatly moa promptly done wyndham btroot duolph oct over wiulama btoru for that tired peeling have your eyes examined lho approach of spring u often bloinod for luzlnesa cauied by oyo- iitmln if you have an lndltpaon tlon to buclclo down to your work it may bo tho oprlne timo or it muy bo juit lozlnciiii but tho chimcui uro that yolir oycti aro not working proporly xho enoriry consumed by over coming oy- itraln li toinutlmas ap- pnlllnir if you find it difficult to work have your eyes examined rlht nwiiy a d savage r 0 optombtoists bpboialiatb havack 1iuiuin1 oloeuu james symon hakowakb mill street acton new stock l lib wook wo havo addod to our ntock of monumimu ten now dciiknui importod direct from tho old country kvery ono of thwo monumonu hi now in iu archi tectural doiiljrn and couplod with our imiid stock of monuments and markoni mukou an excellent raiib for you to choose from w invlt you to bm thu new block and get our quotation acton monument works j nic oil jb bon ii ion i 1b2 acton ont- the public health cliiarnh alt- ktlhqkifbth to omllv with tllb illlluo iifakitif act v notlco u hereby given that all ruildontjt or acton aro required fortliwlth to clean thulr collartt drains yurdjt plff ntyott wtitur closflu outblilldlnga and otlun- promlnaa and romovo therefrom all dirt manure and other nulwttancoa which may ondaugor tho public health and to have tho amo completed by the ninth day of my next on whloh day tho bant tary inspector will oommenco a general inspection and furtlier take notice that tho hvctlon of the public health act pro hibiting tho keoplng of hogs between tho isth of may and the 15th of novem ber except hi pen at least 10 feet from any dwelling house and 50 feet from any street or lone with floor kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be strictly enforced all oltuwms are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected amos mason reeve of the municipality acton april lfl 1ul