Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1931, p. 2

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i the actotf frfee press r i 1 t- i i ri e el 1 the home of qu artmt jffr fir bb urmliff drill i welly newspaper a hoc ut ion ucmlcr the a thirbuy mill str prc i- slttcl paid u 1 ontario 0ie dmbimi c w n a hd ovary ituillln bacrjptlon oatasa la united llona cton kkee iuess la pubtl vvviiinil at tho fr itcaa t acton ontario tl o pr yaai l advance atllitionn to office- in t tin data to wlikb buhcrl ndlcalcd on tha addrcaa taba aiweutistng hates for mu uncua-l- frl ailvrrllbcmenlb nl in other column tin raid mill be utm1 al lial f coluoin dla- play advcrtiaing ralaa sn application g a diix3 editor and propria tor tk le ill ones kdilorlal an1 limine odic i kcaltleuun ijl r the trains won in every instance if every motorist would read this item thd conduct nt railway crossings might bo tho same as at a stop tstree it is a report of tho february accidents in tho dominion accidents in canada during febru ary last took a toll of 33 lives nnd caused injuries to 130 persons accidents at highways crossings result ed in death of ii persons nntttnjurics to20 df those who met dcarfti were passengers 7 employees of railways while 23 were automohilists killed at crossings trackwalkers and others it is shown in a report issued by the board of railway commissioners that of tho 24 accidents which occurred during february itt highway crossings in 7 cases automobiles wero driven into the side of n truiu fourteen of these accidents occurred during daylight hour sunday next motherw day sunday next will be mothers day a day full of remembrance and thotightfulness one day specially set apart when the mothers of the continent and their part in the nationbuilding are recognized and extoll ed the other days should be just as full of mother thoughts but usually they urent and on this one day it is not too much to ask that mother get undivided attention it you arc away from home send her a letter and a little remembrance and the wearing of u colored llower in her honor is not much to ask if she has pusscd on to the great beyond jtnd only u memory of her and her influence remains wear a white llower to honor that memory and give a few minutes during the day to reflection sunday next is mothers day cheaper liability insurance the liability insurance carried by municipalise throughout the province is at the present time coming in for much consideration judging from reports of municipal proceedings in many communi ties two companies are very much after this busi ness ut the present time and nt the last meeting of acton council this was the main subject under discussion the globe indemnity company has carried much of this type of insurance but now a new company of messrs pliixton nnd hueston are in the field falmerston we read accepted the reduced rate offered by the new company nnssngnweya town ship a few weeks ago secured a rebate and stuck with the old company halton county council hns ad hered to the old company acton council hns listen ed to representntives of both companies nt separate meetings and checked up on statements that were confusing the representatives of both companies hnve been invited to attend the next meeting to gether the saving tn be secured in premiums is well worthy of consideration nnd citizens have been well represented by their council in making n full investigation iropohcd at the wrong time the wisdom of the new provincial government corporation tax is being questipobed by many who are intimate with business condifmmu generally the mail and empire says in this connection many of the corpora toions thus levied upon are the chief sources of employment for the wageem ners of the community owing to tho world depression they have all the burdens they are able to carry nothing should be done to increase their dilllculties or lessen their power to provide work for the unemployt d in saying this we are fully awake to the revenue exigencies of all governments at this time with taxes and assessments creeping in from many quarters business institutions are being made ii sort of tax collection agency for revenues which governments do not dare to levy directly business today needs every encouragement if more employment is to be given whero action ihiu spoken if the cemetery board was composed of men whose heads would swell with merited praise these days there are three men in acton who would require new hats put fortunately praise or blame bay little effect on messrs ii m mcdonald j bell and c ilansen the first conception of the transformation in fairview cemetery was quite discernible this week the terraced section in the beautiful grove has been a source of admiration by all who have viewed the work the display of the handiwork and artistry of the board and their workers will secure the co operation of all in other endeavors that they may undertake in various parts of the cemetery in the work of beautifying this sacred spot there has been no general upheaval but n wellordered plan seems to be quite apparent in the undertakings now to be viewed and in course of planning many other desirnhle improvements can be pointed out as fitting nnd seemingly necessnry but the start made has inspired the approval of nil nnd the work further planned will receive the hearty support of thosj deeply interested we add our compliment to the other wellmerited ones the board is receiving these days editorial notes eighteen persons were arrested in ottawa be tween saturday night nnj sunday for druhkenne begins to look like old times when we had the open bar winchester press acton bus won a groupchampionship in hockey and a county championship in school music already in 1031 now what other groups are going to bring home championships this yenr acton achieve succjh again j the success lint acton schools nttnined in the county musical festival nt milton on friday hns been a great source- of pride and satisfaction to citizens nnd parents generally the importance of the musical education in the schools has long been recognized as n valuable pnrt of the childs educa tion in acton to find that acton jias reached such a splendid position in its musical education system must be a source of gratification to everyone as well us teachers nnd jftipils much of the praise is un doubtedly due to mrs m r moore whose ability and faithfulness hnve betm largely responsible for the success nttuinqd to the pupils ability nnd fuithful attendance at practice nnd attention to discipline a share of the credit must also be given that threes of the prize soloists of the children of the county should be locnted in acton would also seem to point that individual talent is nlso to be found in this community the value of this training to the chil dren cannot be overestimated acton in this nnd other generations is having a love tor music incul cated that will be long an asset to the community congratulations on thesuccess attained are gladly extended to those whoso patience and ability have made the achievement possible that they will go on to new and grcoter attainments from this splendid musical foundation is tho wish of everyone just as in hockey or any other endeavor it is alwuys pleasant to have a winning team and the comntunitv is just as proud of the achievement in music as in other endeavors this is clennup time the rake and gardening tools activity nnd the swing of the paint brush from now on will decido much on tho bouuty of the homo surroundings throughout the summer months renfrew county is out 118000 as a result o defalcations by its treasurer wnlford a biggs writ for this sum hns now been issued against tin auditors who examined the hooks of the count and certified them correct if they do collect the auditors jobs wont be looked upon as so soft irran community hereafter chronicles of ginger farm written specially fr- tht free prea by uwendoune r clamce ypstcrxlay 1 aaul to vull dears nhull yo u hli new potatoes arent going to be subject to u heavy duty after all these new high tariff measures shouldnt be taken too seriously until they are actu ally passed nnd both sides have been heard from probably when everyone hasjmd their say it will he found that the tariif didnt need so much attention after nil an unemployed butcher was found in possdssion of 13 permits which showed that liquor worth 2202 luul been bought on them since february but to say n man was unemployed when he had to dispose of this amount of liquor in n couple of mouths is to take liberties with the english language mail and empire tut tut can this be possible under the liquor control act last week the pownssiin news celebrated its twentyfourth year of publication founded by j b lake and still going strong tit twenty-four- the news renders excellent service to pownssiin and the district mr lake is u grnduote from tim fhu pkiiss qfllce before the present editors term of ap prenticeship and on this birthday occasion we extend our congratulations and best wishes for continued success tonight i uio annual ihiblic ochool musical whiivuj urn rhlulrm wull to tho concert tomorrow nliflit can w ajkod both of them itlttuil- tiuiitoiioy i think w doodle kiwkllol crhxl molly excitedly uitl claliplntf her humi1 good eruiuuji arc yot tui glii to be eoinif yia ttwiwered doll chirr ran little ally tnon i can wear my riiw nhrtmil it u w nlr to havu onea childnn fond of tnunlcl yen molly hoifmuno mw iihwai 1itrt- wr mllkn thnv rown nluht and momlnif tlm rrcum ii hlilpiwd to the creamery and after paylntf for tho iiliocd liut week therti wiu twcntynlno renin left from tlm crexii cluijiitf that wail bofom this recent three ct drop in price if urn name ihoeii were to be bought next week thjt cheque would not be enough tn pay for them now if thn dominion ilureuil of utalui- tliji u looking tor even mora informa tion than they already osjc hi their ceilmui paper it would be lllto ulumln ating if they would uhk a fw niiituiuj lilmllur to thene 1 how many eowii do you 1uvj u ki feed urn milk to get money enough to buy a pair or work booln 2 how many uujiwiji of whout muiil you grow to buy bread for the family if bought rrom the baker 3 how many iteen muit you wll dur ing tho year to pay your meat bill hiptkwilng you luy from tho butcher a how many ggn muat you get per week to pay for ntiplu urocerlen fi how many bourn mmit a miut work to get enough crop to feed enough heiui to met enough rioxi t get enough money to buy enough urocerieit to feed family i iiuppojio a lot of farment think then nro plenty of tpicntionit on thn roniuui paper williout adding- any tuoro and- no doubt there will w u lot of grumbling and arguing nnd a feeling that it u nothing more or lcui than a lot of rod tape hut think for a mlnuui there in not a furmrr or farmeru wife in canada to day who lii iatlnrted with tlio price they get for farm produce that in compared with ihe relative value of other goodfi wo ore given thbi rciuon untl that reiuin for it and we dont understand tho half of what we hear or read but wo do know very definitely unit there li a nigger iri tho wood pilu iomcwtierc kvory thinking penum knows that destructive criticism never get one unywhrre the ceiuu paper olfert nil a jplendld opportunity to do our part iui u unit toward1 the welfure at the country ai a whole by answering the qucntian faithfully we nr- itipplylng the government with im amuzlnif amount of absolutely reliable lnfonnatlon lnformitlan which uiey can get in no other way and which enable t thore who practically hold the deitlny of agriculture in the hollow of their hand to obtain knowledge from which they can offer not detructlve but constructive critic im to uie pan err thai be not only ran we linger the quetlons properly ourrlvj but w3 can intluen otlieru by trying ti niku tin m we that the cemu li a very necthuiiry piecj of builiie and not a clap trip to hood wink unwary firmer saturday morning we u- got away to the mulral festival ili light the children and i were then in good time but nothing would induce puuner to leave the held he win iicfdlng until it wie done alter that there w u milking to do iuiii one freidl low to iittend to partner arrived at the performance oiuewhere in die middle or thing the concert wi u tremendoni jucccn and a worthy example of what cm be accomplished in the way or ulnglng by concentrated eifort jut think of ull tills rual talent for mtrlc uhlch might hae laid dormant and umllscovered for yearn peril ip for ull time even dr frleker who had honored the children by rojninit iui adjudicator expreed hlm- ielf a- umuxed at the very high titandard to which the children had atfimed he aid there wir one thing he reunited and that wiui that the miiilcal education of young people u allowed to drop wlun they attended collegiate and high tlrhoof not yet having children in high schoil thl was a fact which we lyul not had brought home to in now that wo think of it nnd realize whnt it meant it doe eem n nhamo that all uilu fipleudld training which they are given in public srhool hould be allovcd to end in a blind alley the adoleiccnt age thnt i the age at which most children enter high hchooth undoubt edly thu tuot imprewlonnblo age of llfo it u thi n when children begin in have a ciiihcimii dehlre for eir ckprouilon and they will expreri1 thcimeiven wisely or unwliely according to the opporttmltlei alforded them a child with a niturul love of miidr and oeuled means of in dulging it will ilnd other meaui of nelf expreiiiinn it in a point which it li worth our while to rmudricr thnt we may uite what lnflueiici we have in the rlgh direction the ium of u nation ii ex- premed in iti arti partner contend- thut it wii aluglng that won th wif fashions for the smart woman a jaunty linsemhuc for ending a dehing figure wliat more can one sk tlun a threeniece mscmhle that inclutlr a ilouhlc- hrraited blnuic of nti il silk with a wide revered collar a trimly pleated kirt topped with a jatinly kerchief aih icimiheil at the hie ami a jacket i we limit enlalrtje upon tlie importanre of uie jacket since jacket i are queening ihe inmle note tile way the ihoulderi are cut to nuke the fn- ure look slim anil correct and iwiiied flic wide rcvern and uenrrously rut patch jwwketi tliat how mjuter- tailnr deiiguing the rmiif ileevei narrow iwrlt and fitted skirt in fact the entire costume xpcaki for itself in no uncertain termi of cliir mllleru worm powdern destroy worms without any inconvinlenre to the child and no effectually that they paiui fjom tho body unrwrcelved they thoroughly cleans tho itomach and boweki and leave them in a condition not favorable to wormn and thero will ih no rovlval of the peti dnnt be without dougloa egyptian flniment kwip it always handy he- unvlfi tootlmche neuralgia wre throat qulmty and croup invnlunbln for biirnn wires hirbors itch and itlngworm an kin1aya1uk 10k11t there la one dtt that you can never pay it full your debt to your mother hint doei not ithk it or expect it all nhe ajikii all idle lunwu u juat that you pay the lnlereut on it and you ran not pay fiven unit in money but only in patience and love and teontlenrs the one kind of currency thnt in legal tender in the plare where motheru go what nge is mot important to travol- leru by rail mileage fhurbday way 7 1p31 acton flour and feed mills prices for this week hki o10vkk no 1 per buahet 1us 1ucd olovejl no 1 northern orown per buahe 9uum call op tlaiasey at prr ton chopped 17h htlindsay prop hr canadian prosperity by hrtgtwoshrclj wheat biuiuits 4 day you will fool much bettor if you oat simple foods there is no breakfast thut will bo better or you than shredded wheat mid milk this combina tion makes a complete food supplying every element neces sary to growth and good health if you arc dieting shredded yvlicat is especially hnportunt because of its vitamins and minerals voull like shredded wheat and it certainly will like yout shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat tiiq canadiam shredded wheat company lto maple syrup no lolin 195 cir tu maple sugar lr munj 32c corn syrup 2 paunj lift 16c fruit salad bo 17c k1hwi ghaefruit nc l tin 1 4c spcl mccormkls cuoculite mallow blscuits22 frulf sltrb tlttnitu prri- sfwfll ib 21 special makwll i lotu coffee s 43 crrolf own cimd cofc lb s l siwctal leaver hratul lobster 9 turw cmaua or ml wlil ml 7- vutofv sw mij pickles jor j 43c rrnlt mtuuni salad cream dm jtf 13c spinach no j i 17c trtj cutting asparagus no 2 tin 19c lubr tomato juice 2 no 1 tin 25c spti coub1m brni macaroniz x9 vukiil crroir bulk 3 iu 2u olives s 37 ismuoto suffd oiium mctrn 44u jar 4 spul dow old kogluh cocoajer x9 kmom iura gliltrt vl imw htatuit4 21c dates z zs curranl nw autlralun 2 ib 21 svul mumtui tttuu raisins j- 39 soap 4 cakes 19c cmtolli tnlm 1 lard 2 pounds zsc kraft cmrmcitta cheese 3lc special tk etigluh hoot surfc poliflor 39 zj liquid stova tnllji lou 1 carrttlia qwn qdocuu non abrasive cleanser 15 gold lautxlry i soap5 nuipi sho ibiuk liliulk sec this 6 oold hand cups 6 wiiitk saucers 10 cht soap all for 83c 1 1aimomvk koa1t 3pulmollvlt ayo koat- kijlkkh ivinccilh uoup j j shortening 2 asiflrst or domestic lb pa oolites for 21c 3 fresh carrots 91 bundles for dc mill street lhmons per dozen 0 m ihk tnrgo cook- od- ctjv ht ini onions for 4i9c acton ontario

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