Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1931, p. 5

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thursday aprtb 18 lt31 i thetacton fretf ptiess page ftve the communitys social side of life vialtore to and from town during the past week as gleaned by the free press chcatoy for ti mclcau wn tiu weekend mr and mm o a dill vlsllod toi nto friends oil tho weekend mr and mm vllle wero hero b d russell of oak- fbr tho week end mla dora lambert k n was homo rrom auolph or a day or so this week misses dorothy mcphonton and mary chalmers visited in toronto over tlio mrs p a mclean and llllly of ohcs- lcv visited last week wuiibjir mother tint wm johnstone lira john teohan- and um misses techon of ouulph visited lost week with mrs peter sayers ur carlos william of oault hi mario was a guest at tho parental luinw dka avenue on uunday mr and mrs chorion mclam of tor onto spent tho weekend with mm robt oarvln and miss oarvin mrs john marshall of nassatfawoyii lias boon quite ill uio past week or no but is now recovering nicely mr and mm ijuuin adams ruth and vroii of toronto spent the weekend at tho united olnirch parsonage mr il e oarvln of toronto visited hid mother mrs robert oarvln and sister mlii oarvln on tuesday mr it k johnstono mid misses helen and doris and muster hilly of london spent tho weekend hero mr and mm w mtilr and daughter of toronto visited with mr and mru george elliotts over the weekend mr john it waldio leaves next wok rg motor for marlon bridge gape breton blond n 8 to tako charge of the mis sion mr and mrs lrcd hubcock and miss huulco of milton spent sunday at the home of mr and mm wm landbor ough miss clarice livingstone of st cuth- jarbios spvtil uio weekend wlul llor grandparents mr and mnt george sopor mm george iloyer of toronto spent a fow dayit lost week ut the home of mr and mri wm londabo rough luke avenue miss m m held mlls m e held mru p molochlond and daughter mary visited at the homo of mrs r ii- held roocnthr mrs robert bennett imd miss minnie z bennett spent tho kusuir holidays at u rant ford with mr and mm j 1 e terry and joan merllyn mrs alo cameron of part carllntr mujikoka mr and mm llndenbury of hamilton mr and mru h hell and ml11 oolla htroetsvlllo spent the weekend at mrs wm mcluddens mr and mrs james ouzley and miss vobna ooaloy mr james mcfadden mr henry devltt and mr a devltt mnt lotta oalo mr murdy mr and mnt jack ualley and mijls eleanor ilalloy mb clara uell and miss minnie black all of toronto visited at mrj wm mcpaddons during the weekend judge moore is in toronto to attend a dinner to be given thbi evening at thohoyftivofltiiotelbylhelloardof publication of the united church of canada to celebrate tho publication of tlu now hymnary und to honor hcv alexander macmlllun d d for his di i mi tlngulthed uorvlccs in connection then- 1 st with the euciittje finals jack macarthur mado the biggest mis- take of his life when his team raced thn dominion inn team without tho service or the veteran mr w a storey bmilng tho opportunity of a llfotlme captain john mollon decided to take a hand himiolf to avenge tho defeat of a week ago wltli v quiet determination making every card count ho furnished tho punch that mrnnt the downfall of the mcarthurltch in thn dying m lull tea of tho gomo jack wan there with tho goodn and with just two pointh to tlio bkhi ho brought victory lit the iomlnlon inn boyn jjck mocarhur and hui tenm tjhik their medicine like men their only regret wiut that if tho veteran mr w a tttorey hod lid tho attack tho result would have been far dlfturent anrnthuhlilntuifai ban mngvitedthat he wotild like to koc ivbuttlo botwoen picked playent from tfach of tlio tennih reprtmmitted iili pick to reprtuut jack mac arthur j tiam would be mnwint w a hutrey a bmlth jan anderwm and thou olhbons tho choice of the dominion inn team would bo mtwiru john mellon iiyme wallace frtuikuin afid john howlei thlt oonteht ithould provldo the yal battlo and decldu for 1 03 1 the champion euchre playlni of acton hiitf geeited referreji urialiu tnadii hut xhw hlbly tlm pluyom tihould lutvo a chtmco on thtit docbilon ilaiuiv in livk htock fkkiklno in a pamphlet recently luiuod by tho animal husbandry divtiiion l-xperl- meutal purms brunch department of agriculture entitled the greater uno of hurley in live tllack deeding which deals in coiihulurablo detail with barley ait a tiunl for hoof cuttle dairy cattl honuti jiheop and hwlne there in thn following foreword hurley ihould be regarded ab prac tically the equal of com with all cluuiiui of live itock in tho feeding of whluh tho latter grain him played an important part it li a canadian product admir ably milled to widespread production under canadian condltloiui cllmnllo mid cullurul it ill eijually well juulliled for a place in the growing and llnlihlng rattajui of canadian 11 vo utoclc much other uneful informutlon ro tho femllng value of barley compared to other feedn and for tho various ciuiihcji of livo ntock li tiummarlzed tui followji 1 hurley la a canadluiv grown product relatively chouiwr than imported corn 2 it in now readily available at com paratively low priced 3 in total dlgeiittblo nutrients it u excelled only by wheat and com 4 harley inekn hughtljr in palatnblllty id compared with corn und lti bent fed in conjunction with other grulmi ik being a carbonaceous or fattening nature it may bu mout udvuntigeoualy uied with meut producing unlmala in boththo growing and fattening ntotfeii 1 it la generally recognized aa tho mort ujefiil cunadiun grown grain for iiwlno feeding 7 it u almost ijually uiuiful in the feeding and hnlnhlng of boof cattle h with oatii it forms a good bane for dairy cattle grain mixtures where thu additional protein required to bnlanco tho ration ut otherwise jiupplied for example by alfalfa or high protein cereallegume hay cropn 0 harley may bo iiafely ani econom ically ted to work lionieji iui a part of the grain ration it b bet rolled or brtibwid 0 hurley rolled cracked or coarncly irround combined well with 01u1 in tho fattening of lombi thin very timely pamphlet no 17 n s and alut a iilmijar one covering poultry feeding no lao n 8 may bi obtained by writing to tho publication itrauch department or agriculture ot tawa out catching a til ik f there i an old mory of- an eastern chief who dlcoverid a thief by the imple expirlent of handing all tho miji- pec lift men piece of wood iul of file iinnui nlyjubut ttluiif them that tho man who drew tho longest piece would umloutcdly bo tho culprit the thief to make wire broke a imuill piece on hln and no discovered hlmmir an the thief alonfi the watkbfiunt life looked pretty good to tho younrj captain an ho walked up and down uio wharf that bright morning the nky was blue abovo him thrre wan jut enough brcczo to delight any ruihormanfl heart and there at thn jilde of tl whirf was his very own boat truej it waint a very big boi4t but mime day ho would have u bigger one and hud nt hi eurnnd every cent of the five hundred dolliit he hud paid for it doing mid john of painting and carpenter work in bo- lwacii fluhlng trlp und liulnt ur paint ud it ajid repalnd it no thut it looked brand now in hln iwwket were hln cap tains paperc lulhy acquired ho felt hli pocket to bo auro they were there and at iiome my what a sweet word that won urtcrull these ycuru of boarding- lumne life ultice ho had left the old homo in newfoundland at home wun a di little wife title wutl lattdy aeillroi too and an nweet an little wlvci are made ho thought to lie turc the homo win only three wnall n- 11 ted roomn jtit now but lliuy were neat anil rlniai and uoluu day after tie had had ionie good trlpi they would liavo a liotno of their own yen there wunnt much more to bo dwilr- ed for him tho young cuptuln ftopicd in hln promenade when he uuw a wolldroiiied gentleman approacliliur him wltli a very friendly mnlle he wan a utile mrrprlned ttuittt wrlldrcjlied gwitleinen did not have much to nuy to tho ilnhermeu along tho uhora tliey carried on tholr buid- nemi with haute luimellmeit uimoit gruffly and tiurrlid haiik to theli coniforublo olfleen where it did not nmell qulut no ilihy of courno he wan a captain now he thought proudly probably that made a difference 10 lio greeted tlio ntrangor with u mnlle too qood morning captain youvo lought lior ho questioned veil iilr nhen mine the young cup tuln replied pioudly what are you going to ue her for tlio mrunger continued oh llnliing i kuclu thutn all i know much about will you bo carrying any freight it would have to be gold to make it pay in a boat that ivm the young cap tain laughed oh i dont know tho itnuiger re plied i could give you 01110 freight that would pay you were unloading a iwiat fiom demerura the11 lying otf the miuuiehit buoy oulildo the threemile limit of coune you could handle two thoiimiiid gullonn without dljiturblng your lljihlng gear ut all it in etuiy to handle romen packed in boxen containing two tlni each all you have to do in loud up your boat and land it on inland and there our agents will pay you 0110 dollar and fifty centii on the gallon then seeing that the young captain hcnltated a bit tlio titranccr continued well do better than that well give you 0110 dollar and ieventyllvo cents on the gallon half pay in advance before you leave the island for another loud you must trust me mulled the cap tain und what if i am caught lmtdo the threemile limit oh well look after that wo keep u tpotter on the cuutomn officials houne all tho time and when ho icnven thu hoiio tlio spotter telephones tho island and they flash on a red light to warn you to get back past the ttireemllo limit you would have time to unload and bo back whllo liu bout is getting down well send one of our men along with you jo that you wont have to take any riiponiil11lty about tho hirtiiuii it won a pretty attractive offer on dollar and seventyfive cent a gallon on two thousand gallons at one itlp and of course he wouldnt he drinking tlio stuff a larger boat a homo of lib own money to jund home to the old folk- all flushed into the young captains mind then two pictures camo before him anil one was the little home on that morning lie hud said as they lite their humble breakfast of porridge toast mar malade and coifecf some day i nm going t have orun and for my il the disoovehy of vanoouveit i sla no tho history of vancouver island boghui with the discovery in lfi92 of tho strait of juan de piira by a greek navigator who thought he hud found tho long- sought for rputo to tho indies there follows a hiatus until tho voyage of captain cook ill 1771 though ho nulled past ttio opening to the btralt on a mlnty day tttiing north to noouta which ho mimed along with prince william limine und cooks lulrl in 17b7 cap tain uurkley rediscovered the btralt of juan d 11 c a olid tho next year captain oeorgo vancouver arrived ut nootka an i he representative of tlio ilrltuh govern ment und captain quadra representing ilpalu vancouver uftor whom tho bdand wiui nuiucd spojit tllrceyoarjt uicrcurur in surveying it und the adjacent coasts proclamarron ice haylight saving time whircou the adjoining towni and cities have decided ut adopt daylight having time for tho summer of li31 notice li hereby given that tho council of the corporation of acton hai decided by bylaw to adopt daylight uavlng time for acton commencing at midnight on 1rldiy juno 21 1031 to tlujuluy august lil 1131 at midnight cltlnrm ore requeiiuid to comply with this bylaw und adopt this time from the dates tpeclded a mabon hv dated at acton april 10 1031 the public health citizens aue uequekteo to comply with the wjhuo health act notice is hereby given that all residents of acton are required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water cloctu outbuildings and other premlicn nnd remove therefrom all dirt timhure and other fttbntnnrii which may endanger tho public health and to have the same completed by the ninth day of may next on which day the sani tary inspector will commence a gonernl inspection and furtier take notlco that tho section of tho public health act pro hibiting th keeping or hoys between tho ifilh or may nnd tho 18th of novem ber except in pens at least 70 feet from tiny dwelling house and 50 foot from any street or lane with floor kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will bo utrlctly enforced all citizens aro earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected amos mason hoevo of the municipality acton april 10 1031 425 hrldet breakfast what a lot of oranges and bacon he could buy with that freight money i she had replied never mind john well get along all right and wo wont do anything dishonorable to get money un ome people do the other nlrture lmil hicn milnted automobile insurance old and reliable companion sjudul imtliclen to covor ull re quirements a very attructlve policy is one which given special- rates to careful drivers speclul rates for farmeru also inquire about these policies j a smith phone 105 acum out maukictkkiohts hairy muhhjcth quotations to id p pent thckn are tormti quotablons ilnttrr orinumry no 1 pisteurld 32 to 00 do second 31 to 00 above prices for goods delivered tor- onto uttlnw u itriail triuln ituttrr cruumury no 1 piuhurhud al to 00 do second 33 to 00 churning ct earn fo b country points lipeclul 33 to 00 no 1 3 ui 00 no 2 10 to 00 poultry ani eoom er quotations to country shippers deliv ered prcih extra to 00 lo unit tb to 00 rlo second 10 to 00 quotation to kuitoll tradn cirlmi frenti exlrun 2rt ut 00 preth extrai 21 to 00 do init 22 to 00 pullet second 20 to 00 quotations to hlilppm poultry alive dressed heavy chickens 4s lhn 10 to 27 over g lbs 32 to 211 patted henu over ft lbs lit to 22 do 4 to 5 lbs 17 to 20 do 31i lbs 1 to 1h uprlng brollorn itocks over 2 ins 3 to 00 leghorns over 1 lb 30 ut 00 dnckn over 5 lbn 30 to 3fl do 45 ibn 10 to 34 quotation uikivii indicate tho general market range in value in eggrt and poultry on delivery basis wholesale vecetahles vegetables ut wtiolesalo homes are quoted homhtlo potato 075 u 105 huehhei meats wholesale dealers hk h moats quote the following prices to tho trado heer rorequartcrn cwt 000 to 1000 lo tilndquurterii 1400 to lrott curcuisei choice 1300 to 1400 do medium 1100 to 1300 calves cholco voul 1300 to 1300 heavy iiogn cwt 000 to 1100 light ltutfk cwt 1000 lo 1100 abattoir hogn 1300 to 1300 mutton cwt 1100 to 1300 lambs 3500 to 0000 hiheh and wool toronto wholesale dealers in hlden nnd wool uro quoting prlcen to country ship pers an followfi city lildca green 5c per lb bulls nnd grandn 3c per lb country lildea green 3o per lb cured 3 4c per lb calfskins aroen t veal kips 5o per lb calfsklnn cured ivjac per lb horno hldeii no i and 2 150 no 3 75c horso hair 3ftc per lb wool hat rate free of rojeclh 7c per lb rejects 4c per lb guain quotations grain dealers on the toronto hoard or trade are making the following quota tions for car lots no 1 northern isjic no 3 northern 13 uc no 3 northern 5ftc no 4 northern fibic no 5 northern nominal hay anik ktkaw extra no 3 timothy in cur loads 1450 to 1800 no 3 timothy in car loads 1400 to 0000 no 3 timothy 1300 to 0000 wheat stray 050 to 000 oat ntraw 750 to 000 potatoes ontario potatoes in bulk 75c in bugs hoc now brunswick potatoes in bulk 100 in bngn 10b cukhent live stock prices choice heavy steers 550 028 butcher steers cholco 500 000 dq fair to good 400 475 butcher heifers choice 500 000 do medium 400 475 butcher bulb light cholco 450 500 do heavy 350 375 do bologna 325 350 cow good 400 43 do medium 32fi do canners and cutters 1 00 300 baby beef 700 780 leeders clulce 475 500 blockers choice 400 453 calves good to choice 000 050 do medium 780 000 springer 1500 8500 milken 4000 0000 lambs ewes per cwt 700 1100 buck lamba fl50 700 sheep yearling 000 150 do choice iruo sbir heavy sheepund aged bucks 375 450 hogi bacon foli 750 make your walli friendly with empire wallpaper empire wallpapers are different uw luy mj uly for empire wallpapers limited from 1m9 alolj a ik lloi of tl worlj j oloj ky r on 111 of iky bolt smart and artistic j coc no m ikn iho ordinary kind tito liinrmr sloclion of wllppor for 1931 u morl comprwhntlvo from 10 coot to 700 pr roll phono of wriu lo lilvo cmnlro smplo uow1 in yo4jr kooo ifio idool ploco lo rolocl wllppor sold byt j hudson ihqiio 110 younx rtrctt acton conadat torgoil wnllpapof mouv toronto wontktal winn1pcg j cadesky oitomktrkkt will viuit acton on monday may 4th anyone aulfiirlug from eyestrain defective vlnlon or hcadaclie nliould not mis tlm opportunity of n consulting thin eyesight upoolallst apolntmiiiti may bo mado wltli 1 mr a t brown drugbbit j consultation prke office hourn 0 a m tlu 4 p tn closingout sale at macdonalcts mens br anchstore upper wyndnam st our lease at the mens brnneh store is expiring nnd the 25000 stock of mens clothing and furnishings must he cleared immediately prices are drnstically cut savings are immense fill your clothing needs here suits kcgular to 2150 mens and young mens models in tweeds nnd serges sizes 34 lo 39 ip7oo ip x 595 suits regular lo 1000 tweeds worsteds nnd serges in mens and young mens models all sizes g theatre frluoay aiitil 17 madam satan adventure ntory with mildeal background coturriig reglnultl denny and kay joluuion imx lylovietone news movietone vaude ville wine women and no bong katuui ay aitll 1h matinee at 3 p m the uig trail the ntory of tho nmbltlouu liomo- jeekcra of jnao who migrated to aborb new landn story b of the leather pushchi monoay aiiul ho ten cents a dance with barbara stanwyck oh tho nweetheart of tho dance hall comedy dont blto your dm tint chapter 1 or tlc spoil or tho ohciiii yvkhnkkoay aikil 22 matlnnn ut 41fi sonj o my heaut a titory laid in ireland of beauty tradition and jioieyment costar ring alice toyou and john mo- cormuck j topcoats ocular u 2250 95 topcoats ttcgulnr to 2750 1575 itlil i l kltkioht llatks tho hon hobt weir lvdord minister of agriculture luui unnoupccd un ar rangement concluded with tlio canadian national hallway and thu canadian pacific railway under the urmi of which fartnerji in tho prairie province1 buying feeder cattle direct from produc ers in tlio area aro given a jipeclal reduc tion offio per cent in tho normal freight rate between the ihtplpng and receiving iktlut mi iiuch rattle thin apeciul con- ceaslon lippllct only to cattle bought for bona ildo feeding purpose- and not to flnliihod fii cattle ihlppcd to the ntork- yttrd or market i a hallah oi tukis an thi mastkil into tho voods my miuiter went clou fompent forsimnt into tho wood my muster came kompout with lovu and khume hut tho ollvex thoy were not blind to him the little gray leaves were kind to him tho tliomttvo hud a mind to him when into the wooda he came out of tho woods my moiiter went and he wax well content out of the woods my master come content with death and khume whan death and sliame would woo illm last from under uio tree thoy drew him hu twos on mtrc they slew hbn iwt wlien out of tho wootbt ho camo ldny nter recently m u tlenegalee relment one soldier ftohj jome money from a comrade the ergeunt decided to catch him and aliembllng ull the men he told them to drink from a jug which wn near and the white powder which he hud placed in tlio water would in fallibly kill the thief one or the miltlleiii refiiecl to drink an ho mild that he would cooner go to prlon than die it lh not jo eaay to catch thievei in canada but even here they do not ecun forever ooner or inter they are usually discovered akkimt notiino moih t knew my wife lied to me when we to re engaged whut do you meun when i uud her to marry me iie aid she v es agreeable what auk you looking fokt there lh an old iftory of an english man who after a trip to india to hunt tlgen camo homo to wiy that foreign mlthlonn were a falluro for in hln trip to india he had not seen a native convert a missionary who overheard him wild i have lived in bulla twenty- lve years and have never seen a tiger a young woman who had been a iitudent at two unlverhltles said recently tint she haa never known a girl who either smoked or drank bomo people would give us the lmpruiiidoii that these practices are olmoit unlverijil among culuro studenu after all much depends on what you ure looking for ioine year birore but wui none tho lea vivid for that the dear old dud and mother had come to st johnti to iej i their lioy off when the iignnl was given for the boat to jturt thu tear rami up in mother eyei and- alio could not iay a word but dad had iuid john lt a good name you have itn about all i have to give you my win you wont do anything to put a blemish on it will you ill try not to father then there wii a hurried icki for mother und a tight haudcliup for the old dud and tho boat vai otf the young captain walked quietly away from the welldreised itrunger iui if to put ai much distance between him elf mid the temptitlou as ho could then lie iwunir one leg over the gun wale of his boat astride his own boat to do with us he pleased and called buck so long sir this boat golm fishing martha tuttle kennedy hist an american joined a south american army and waii finally mado a ocuora tlio president was showing lllm miiuj designs for new uniforms i understand thei two tald tho american this blue is for the army and tho given fov the navy but whats i llllt thing with tho green plume on u threecornered hut yellow swallow tailed coat trimmed with purple and ah atl exclulmed the proflldont irlninphuntly rt i mymalorilcjo hb forrt orhrrcttjcrvlcc j a savage fish dealer mltl ktitkkt acton willi the endeavor to render a service embracing both economy and quality wo quote low price on highest quality kish red salmon half or whole ilsh per lb loc centre cut or sliced per lb i8o halibut by thn piece n per lb zic sliced pur lb 22i smoked huddle iillcts best o finality per lb loc itmnkihl huddles scotch i cure per lb x i c and heres a special imported kiiglinh kippers nice ulna ilsh lo tho pocket u o m packet tctc we oxmot trout shipttinls to commeiieo very shortly prices will bo rght iet us supply your plsh needs a nr r mens nnd younj mens models also broken lines of winter overconts rejjll- iiif up to 2500 mens and younfr mens models in n vnriety of spring overcoating mater- ials fine shirts nt 70c and 100 work shirts at 08c and 128 coatless braces nt 20c smocks and overalls at 05c combination overalls at 2ai 100 and t05 mens and roys sweaters regular to 450 for 195 mens sweaters and sweat er coats rcg to 050 205 mens silk ties all reduced roys jerseys at 119 mens tweed caps at 100 roys tweed caps at 25c boys web rraces at 10c mens and roys bow ties at 25c boys golf hose nt 50c mens pynnias at 150 mens handkerchiefs all reduced mens underwear all reduced amr mens hats itcduccd aix l1jg- gage i seduced aix motor rugs reduced um- itreijlas reduced d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario subscriptioiib for all tianazinte taken fl the free lreaa our motto quauty and service

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