Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1931, p. 2

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t twit theagtonfrbbpres rmmabir april jj ibji iimnlbllli 7 1 r e- mpbk law the home op lj artbn wrti jrpflb member canadian weekly nnwipmper aaaoclatloa member tiik a llurxlmy ulu sire 1rk la i hred stale paid u t ontario quebec division c w n a had building iibacription poatftff la a united atlona ara ctoh fuee press u pubu evening at tho fr 1rem l acton ontario th a am par yar in advance adiiltionaf to office in t the data to which aubacr idlcatcd on ilia addreaa lalx advert1swo ratesfor bin unclaal finl atlvrlmenta ami in oilier column die rutti will lie uuiul at head of column dis play advertising rate on application g a dili3 editor and proprietor ihkjhonk- luitorlut ulld hiialncaa oflic 174 krulence iji value of oanadaft live stock live stock on the farm represents a very sub stantial sum in the agricultural wealth of canada the latest computation made in 1030 places the value of all farm livt stock in the dominion at g87- 225000 divided among tho provinces as follows prince edward island 8837000 nova scotia 10- 440000 new brunswick 16072000 quebec 130- 470000 ontario 218303000 manitoba 53741- 000 saskatchewan 112840000 alberta 94005- o00 british columbia- 27355000 the stntment of values in the various provinccswill bo reviewed with interest ontario farmers possess about onethird of all the live stock in canada the youneht branch a special section of tin knur pms is devoted this week to the canadian legion and acton branch jn particular in their drive for membership pos sibly that seems a rather large proportion for an organization that is just in its infancy in tho com munity but the loyalty with which advertisers have given the edition their support and the help with which the organization has met him shown that the canadian legion is known to be a benefit in the community and is thciulorc welcomed in all quarter for several years acton has been without an active organization working in tho interests of the veterans and putting the problems of the exservice men in a clear light before tho general public the need of such an institution has been felt and in their umpire scope the legion will fulfil many of the duties neces sary in an admirable manner this special section is issued with the idea to give the general public a clearer understanding of the aims and work of the legion acton branch is the youngest organ ization in the province it starts out with best wishes for its success in all quarters a knotty question the daylight saving question is one that is not easily settled by the ordinary methods milton at the election last year went on record as opposing the adoption of daylight saving time and yet in spite of this all is not harmony in the county town in relation to this knotty problem the milton re former last week said although the daylight sav ing bylaw was defentcd at the january elections it is a moot question whether after all it will be observed in town or not some of the manufac turers it is said will carry on under daylight saving time whether the town as a whole does so or not the greatest objection to it comes from families who have childien attending school as it makes it rather awkward for them getting the children ready for school an hour earlier than usual however as the holidays begin the latter part of june and continue until september the inconvenience caused would not be of long duration at the most it is said the town council notwithstanding the defeat of tlu h last j may pass a by hr ii gi ii g into opei ation daylight saving time especially as other towns in the county have done so a fund of municipal information the audito renorts for 1030 l rihivrnh to the clerk this week and are now ready for dis tribution it is just a small booklet of twentyeight pages but those pages give in concise fonp n very thorough understanding of the finances of acton the past year and should be of interest to every rate payer in the report will bo found the balance sheet a statement of the net debenture indebtedness the arrears of taxes statement of taxes collected and arrears of waterworks accounts as nt the end of the year besides statements of the council business there will be found an abstract of the accounts of the waterworks and hydro departments the public school board the free library board the arena etc the reports may he secured by ratepayers upon request to the clerk and they provide the means ot securing authentic data on the financial activities of acton the municipality is in good financial coudi- tion ariears of taxes coveiing all years and in cluding 1030 amount to 350501 penalties have also been added to this amount the net debenture indebtedness is 20035051 i his year the final rvhymcnt on the mill street widening hylaw was met and in two yeais the debentures on the hydro plant will have been wiped out the bulk of the debenture indebtedness is made up of the waterworks installa tion and other appliances in connection therewith it now amounts to 11087080 interest paid on all debentures during 1030 amounted to 1172435 if you arc interested in actons municipal affairs you will find this book n fund of information people not ready yet just before the legislature closed dr rcrbbmade tho announcement that for tho present tho county health unit idea is being dropped the reason given is that tho people of the province are not quite ready tor it and also the fact that the federal and provincial governments are not now able to contri bute towards financing such units and if theso bodies ano not in a position to assume a share of the cost dr kobb was quite correct in assuming that the counties or municipalities were in no condition to assume their share of the cost crisiug from these units inasmuch as haltou county had been selected as one of the counties for experimenting with the plan it will be a relief to the ratepayers to know that for the protnt tho idea hits been abandoned when all governing bodies- find themselves in a better financial condition such an undertaking may bo considered editorial notes it u potujlble to make light of onci own troubles people have been known to jrnt with bruakbik huarta but when our narrow tn one in common with tho whole tommunlty it would nocm lacking in rchjjtict to write of trivia thlnga ilitiit wick wumiuhd tho piuutlntf of one who had rained for hlnuielf an hlicclluii and eaterm lhat was aim oat unltferiml our doctor tio yrcutly had ho endeared hlimulf in iho hoaru of bin patuuu that h death will corns ni a pernonal lona to all those whom m attended kind untiring courteoua one of tho few who renreucnled that tjulckly panning tyjh tho family doc- w hu patlnnti apparently were to him fur more than junt cojuui anditojibi patlcnu ho wan innultuly moru than lui ordinary doctor hut now ho hu4 tfono and wo hlx clientele who needed him and loved him ho are con fronted with tho eternal why when a man hardy in hlu prime and carrying on ftuch irood work lit taken away wo with our limited knowledge find it it probutm hard to umh ntand wo have but faith we cannot know lor ltuowlcdic in of thlnyn wo two tennyjion the orrow of our into doctor immo- dlate family li wiuethlng one heidtatei to toiilh upon fjonow li uacred and however dep oneh jiymputhy there are tlmc and placed where one rcmombeti it may he tint even nngeh mir to trend the lowi of our filcild tlw doctor luu nut me thinking of doetom in kenernl pojiiilbly few of in rcallzti what a won derful work in bclnir done by thono who mlnliitcr to the nick when trouble comoii to n family the doctor h gauonihy urn unit to be cuurd and often tho hint to be paid lie in uxperted by itoillo peoplo to be little nhort of a magician if anything gooa wronk with tho patient tho doctor invariably boti tho blam remember overal yearn ago npaklng to a man whoii- child hud died with pneumonia and who thought of tho doctor an little ahort of a murderer be came tho child did jiot recover as it happened i had ocrailon to go to tho houi0 while the little girl wiui ilck an j tho atmosphere of tho place won vile only by an act of providence could any ponon breathing mich polluted air ha expected to recover that h only ono lmtanco but it would not be lurd to find otherti thoro arc cuiieji or blood polbonlnir by the icore woundn that have been made antlnoptle by the doctor heated oireluwly by the patient or oinlonc in the family until infection m u in and then tho doctor hi called in once- again and expected to perform the impowlblc if tetanui netn in and the pulent doci by nomo miracle recover he irldom renlben liow much ho owei to the doctoru ikill and if he dlei the chance arc his frlemh openly i ailtlnlo thoflotitor andthlnkperhapshr miiiht have avedhli patient the doctor more than anyone el ie i called upon to deal ulth ignorunco and cram itupldlty the wonder h not that i io nnuiy puiple die but lhnt io many recover and yet a rudlnuntaiy know- kdite of inirlng mid flit aid ii no more i dllflcult to leain than cooking and dtock- nillnit would it not he just jui well it wo t all tlnn tried to rememhec that our doctor 1 i man us well a a phydcluu and may him elf be milfermir in iome way unknown to u at mich a time jit may chance that he 1 callud in to r oinc patient uhoc tioubjc me motly 1 he village council ot iroquois last week adopted w ll11 this ue rarely a esoluton empowering the consnble to rc i t l tltic examine tho liquorponnitsol thosecihetshermnvpnthkrhlhatd hctfrrcl suspect of pin chasing more liquor than they can m a aintt nifoid to pay for without bringing haidship to their fiiitulies this method of endeavoring to consei vu the family finances is worthy of consideration effective on april 20 the railways will alter their train schedules to conform with the daylight saving time being adopted in many ceptres there is no mention in the estimates of provision for the new post offices in halton county that were urged by delegations the ontario public buildings funds were reduced by half the 1930 total the news from ottawa on tuesday was of 37- 000000 being slashed from the estimates now that everyone knows what they arent going to get the budget might as well be brought on telling what everyone is going to get the winner of the big irish sweepstakes is now having difficulty in collecting the purse other claims for shares in the pruc have thrown the matter into the courts these big easy fortunes arent always what they appear in tho newspaper headlisies georgetown has a newly organised hand this year and we understand milton band is getting together again why not another gatltliing of the bands again this summer in a musical festival at the vni ions towns vc believe it would be popular and would be an incentive for the bands to work loi chronicles of ginger farm writton specially for tiib free prtmm by gwendoline p clarke alberta takes lead albert has the distinction of being the only province in canada producing reguured alfalfa need rnporta the seed lw ranch of the dominion department of agriculture tho nrut oticceaaful at- tmpt to grow thln nood woi mado sevora yearn ago by tho o i it land irriga tion company uiitng the popular otlmm strain on irrigated lands in the 15 rook district moit or tho airalfa produced in thin district is now registered bolrg grown under the rules prescribed by tho canadian bred growers association in cluding inspection of tho growing crop mid the cleaned seed by officials of tho dominion lumtl li ranch tho nood has developed an enviable reputation in othrr provinces and hau found markets abroad quantities having been exported to both europe and urn united wtates about 330ou lbs of cleaned seed was produced last yar and of this bo per rent will be sold ai itcglstered with tlio balance no 1 and no 2 grades tvch and tiik ftoy ah the cup wan handed over into tho youthn handi thero wont up crlcti of ojaccli tlpeechl and the rmbbuh broke out anew meanwhile tho lad war able to collect his thoughts and of ioiirxit to catch his breath then ho stepped up on u bench there came an uhuit and enuer hunh oentlemi it jie nald i have won till i cup by the nne of my legs i trust 1 may never loie the liie of my legit by the ijie of thli cup bladder weakness getting up nights quickly relieved klruxant home treatment worku lne uwd by iktmitor ior many yrsuru what a wonderful comfort it li to iilei p all nlglit ani not get up once from jlladder weaknets and irrlt itlon tin dally annoyance reitlefui nlghbi of uiuttry baekaehua and nervous irrita bility that result from functional 11 lad der trouble are wrecking the llvcn of thoiiminds who might other wlu bo in tho bent of health to ho ot your licit you must have peaceful healthgiving sleep and free dom from dally irritation tluits why dr south or ills uhatai1s give such wonderful satisfaction made from a iipcclal formula and iied by tho doctor for many yearn uiia- tauu now btatnible from your dnig- glit for inexpensive home use have brought quick help und comfort to ninny thounandn no matter what your ago may be or how many medlclnen you have uicd without succe ji if you wont to foruet you have a bladder and enjoy the rent of peaceful unbroken iilimp try uiiatai1b today your drugglit will refund the tinull coit if you are not well pleased salam all je jcv the tea that comes ta you the gardens lea fresh from can tihil isnt it wulpimur the fnr wuiih und ivh decoruled with fumoim flat inlsh crlllnilm wulpuiifiir ih pcrmuneiit wu nimble nrercnlullnit tuul tioiiuhsorhent to moisture it can ho upplled to a variety of nurfnees aucli an routth und mooth phibter wullthiurdw tc and u most cuuy to apply it in the most economical wall fhiluh thut you cun elect the lliihldlifiialnii effects it produces and tti lovely cliolcu of color convert an ordinary romn or hall into oiio with chnrm and p- onallty contain war dnwatar or talm at to if many ut aik hltrt jw hd card tx uii to us dltct- walpamur the crown diamond paint co limited i toronto montreal liuilfak aaa walpamur kvoduou are mold by w o tal1iot actonf aaaaaaa iii british columbia a new tax has been imposed on wage ijnd salary earners one per cent is deduct ed fiom the pay rolls of all single persons earning over 15 per week and married peisous earning over 25 per week vei y soon the average business will hnvo to set apart a special department to attend to the detail of taxes due and to be deducted it is iuteiestmg to learn that so many united states manufactuiers find it to be advantageous to establish branch factories in this country more united states branch factories are established in canada than in any other country outside of the united stntes itself at the beginning of instycar over 500 such factories were in the dominion repre senting investments o 5 40 5 00 000 these factories employ a large number of canadian residents the tocmii i oaoii in all v lie l at the patients by du i hi fn culled upon at all iathei and at till homi beck and call of hi i and by night seldom allowed tho luxuiy of fatigue- my em nui iumi lut in hon g ii ferugson will leceived 20h per year more salary than his predecessor the estim ates tabled on monday include a vote of 132200 for the salaries and expenses of the oihce of the high commissioner for canada this is 15000 more than was voted for the previous fiscal year well its nice to know that somebody is getting nioic salary than previously and that canadasjiigh com missioner will he ublt to devote his attention to the problems without relation to the thoughts of econ i oiny that bese most individuals at present the medical profi ssloii li looked upon an one of the noblct injifc and indeed it nuit include mmio or tho moat won- deini character- of every ago becauie only a man who lovei hlu work ami la i wholehen tedly devoted to iu cauiie could iiowiihiy put up with all the thlngn i the doctoi li called upon to contend i with thoe to whom great forrow hoji come from time to time know how great aj f i lend tho doctor can he hln pattenco i and undeintandlng in infinite ahould we not remember tills and for our put rhow consideration in whatever way we mnd it poiilhle we at e apt to be hellish and inconuktent when ilckno u coiueii to our home but if wo contiol tlili temteiicy and help and runt our family doctoi ue hall find him the best friend we can possibly have ot most jn is your joint painful 7 inflamed or swollen kor swift mire action wieucc nivra you joiiithaue i mi j you ii ciuoy jih comforting action urn p hiupeirn hwclliiih down and uh dutrciw vaiuhhes itd a wonderful cmolllrnt immt help you or money iwckgcrierous tube 60c all iniariau made in canada jointease 109 stores 109 stores aaw- limited weekly bargains iftwicb ior sandwiclte sardines 5x5 special ivory soap flares m cake and 1 cks fr1 lynn valley 1 tut nukaa 3 plea apples bread 6c p to ts llnll carroll goldt ti tea half pound odc carrolla special caylon tea per pound 39c carroll own tycali ground coffee pr pound 55c rownuui old unglmi cocoa hlb tin 23c dominion luiurh cookies 3- t a m 40ox ar cmll 0 nw maplh syrup bordana iivarmrld milk otataau cn irow la cheese no io tin xo z9 40 x3 butter 35c pm pound jj aylntar grofc goidn corn 2 n 3 1- 29c carlaion grhti beans s n -j- tie aylikf cholc tomatoes n irt i lot llhy tomato cocktail s n i 25c avlm oioj peas 3 ni ii7c ioi mm brr cltoln dwuj peaches s lb 35 ayltncr cholc quiiy pumpkin z 15 carrolls l1m1tvo new carhagf per lb mill street fuksll per lb tomatoes oil new carrots of uc l bunclies for uok acto ontigri0

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