Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1931, p. 8

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wao xxobt the acton free press thursday march 3 1w1 blrtb tfirrlini and dwhu ar bow ebrnd for t the following nlui births ej arruffa joci deaths foci hatnorul rda 50c 16a pr line axtr for poena e diei oab6 at his residence 304 emerald street north hamilton on monday march 33 1031 benjamin ohm thomas at the family homo lot 30 aecoad concession noesagnwya town ship on wednesday mtroi- 3fl 1031 william jthomjw laiilsbiul yesir the funeral will bo hold on saturday afternoon with service at the homo at 330 oclock in torment at kden mmfl cemotory in memoriam thompson in lovintf memory of our dear wife and mother who died march 37 1080 her loving voice woll never forgot though years may pout away tlie loss of her wo jrroatly fool an keen as the flrnt day husband and son cook in lovlnjr memory of our doar mother hertha oook who passed away march 37 1030 sweet lo your memory diior to our hear la the place you held there will never depart and all through the yearn bo they many or few j they will bo filled with romembroncu jwar mot hor of you sadly muwd by the ciiiuoitkh cook in lovlntr memory of our dear daughter burtha mao cook who paus ed away march 37 1030 jrust one year ago toduy since our ureal sorrow fell but lit our heart wn mourn the lout of hor wo loved no well in fiurvluw poucrfully sleeping whoro tho flowers uently wave lies tho one wo loved so dearly and tho one wo could not nave oadly mused by fatiieh motheit sifltkit thin in tho laflt week of march good wlday a wcok from to-nor- row now for tho npring ordeal hoiuo- clean intf tho nplrlt of dprlngtlinc of april of toaster in in the ulr the marblcfl and aklpplntf ropes are much in evidence theno dnyn what in more enjoyable than woodliuid hlku in nprlngume now or the warm itprlmi rains to asiilnt in tho cleaning up process if you have iui horn of nuwii tell uit about it our telephone fci 174 tho hlghwaya and tildnwalkii aro all clear of tho winters snow imd ico again supii running and the activities of tho maple iukiir bind aro in ful uwlnj la lambton county kmcut whit ing commenced iowlmr u field of oata on tueuday tidy up your premise for iprlik and five nomo jnbleici man tint job it helplntr you tlie bright uu will tne awl the night fraiui havo given the nugar miikcn a favorable week home in the field of honor dont try to and it in wmie place you hung out about town tho iihne fuctnrv mre id working over time to catch up wltu its ordern j for children nhoui the iitoren with the advirtlicd goods havo thu valuen thats why thoy want yon to now about them the line nih tree at the corner of i tho lot of mm talbot on frederick street wan cut down this week judgt mooro in holding juvimilo court at inglcwood- taday nnd will hold iollco court in milton tomorrow when ho fell down collnr a ills homo on main street liuit night mr win kryer broke two rlbfi and wan painfully bruued on a cake of xcb one of the selectmen of palmer m- sachunetta was engaged in a publlc- anjrltod attempt to flftvo one of the town bridges from destruction last winter soya the sprlneflold republican when ho camo near inning his own life tho river hod risen to a dangerous height and tho lco was accumulating hoove tho bridge subjrctlng it to an enormous pressure axe hi hand mr dillon walk ed out upon tho firm lco below tho bridge and began cutting with a view to widening the ohannel he was still engaged in tho work when lie discovered that tho loo on which ho woa a land intf had parted from the main body and was drlhing down tho cur rent tho fact wba of itself sufficiently klartllng but ho percelvrd at nnco thal ills lcerart was rotten and leaky aa noon as a firmerlooking plnco came near enough h matin a jump for h ami by good luck landed- upon it safely down the black stream ho float ed till at last ho brought himself to anchor by noising a branch of a willow tho river was so high owover that he was still sewntyflvo fetit from the shore and though men could iw aeon passing in and out of the wire mill- it woa lmpon- jilblo for him to make hlmwilf hoard juhu hum two telegraphic linemen haichn and whalen crwuiod the bridge and hastened to oo tho aeleetmanii predicament whalen at onoo fastenod the end of a long coll of wire about hla own walitt unhornutuufd and mounted his tuirse and drove into tho icy watr leaving ualche to manngo tho wlro from the thorn their plan wait to run a wlro acron the ntrcnm fimt below mr dillon bo that a boat could put out to htn rcuma it was a perilous experiment the wlro noarly pulled tho man oil his horse ngaln and again whllo the raging current throatmwd u carry way tho horse him self hut rt lout dry laud wni reoclnxl uy tldn time tho mlllluuida hat flocked 10 tho tilinre niul under the direc tion of the hucrlntendemt a raft wiu built and launched a youmt man volunteered to act an boiitmiui and arm ed with a lornf polo ho shoved off the wlro naved him from being curried down ittruutn and ho kept clour or tho ice by meonii of the pole after many narrow cucapca the brave fellow ibially punhci the raft alnnguldo mr dillon who by thin time wan almost exhaunted and crabbing him by the collar pulled him on board tho return trip wan made in nafoty and the lialf- doad sulcctmiui wa hurred oway to tho iienrcrt farmhoaie i jennt lind iionouahik hcaub oh dear johntny liavo you been flghtlnirnunth no nilii we moved yenterday and i moved tho cat jnnny ilnd tho woman wok greater than jimnyluid tho singer x would rather hear jenny talk than sing won derful ua 11 is wroto mrs stanley thu wlfn of tho itlshop of norwich 111 whose palace the great linger was u gueit whlo in that city thu ulohopa son nub- neqiicjitly dean titanloy who had no car for munlc and oti whom therefore her singing won wholly lont wroto that nhe hod the manners of aprlncftii with tho simplicity of a child and tlu gtmid- nwifl of an angel her character chow- od itneir ho uddihl uirough a uioinand tralli of humility gentleness thought- rulneiui wliidom piety she looked upon hor natural faculty an a gift or ood and never aong without reflecting that it might be for tlo lost time it han lxen contlniird ut mo from yerto year for thn goodorf irthera thin feel intf wan no mie sentiment but a rollgloun principle wlrilc nhe wa tlio lllahopa guttiit alio hegged mrs stanley to allow her u take throe of tho maids to a concert where she wan to sing at a service in tho cathedral nha waj moved to team by tho kinging of the boy chorbiters and had placen rcnervod for them at her concert tho next morn ing when nho came on the platform itho reeled tlinm with a mnllo of reeog- n it ion which the boys never forgot she gave to eharltuble objecta thou- niuubi of ouridn galntnl by her wonderful voice while nltiglng in copenhagen mich waa the excltfiucnt that court and town bigged her to give them one more day of titmu a gentleman of mimical eulturo had with hlii wife anxlouuly looked forward to her vbdt whet aln ciuiiii lie waii on u sick bod jenny find heard of hln deidre and found time ti go to hs house and sing to hlra and his wife when kha went to london mendeli- who had long lain upon a bod of sick- muia sho went and cheered hor with songs the remembrance of which ore still cherished by tlio family again and again when the opportun ity offered for such an act of klndncia ahe aong to invalids who could not be present afc her- rotoorta tho gift of ood within hor watf a trust to do admin- tntered for the good of others tait optical co 110 wyndham street guklph mark every grave iarffl ktoek of monumenu lo chooae from nothing la moro lantlng or moro appropriate to commemorato tho memory of loved onea wlio havo gdno boforo than beautiful granite well carved with our equipment no plant is bettor prepared to offer real values or il moro complete stock to oliooao from vou owe it to youmolf to seo our stock and get our quotations on montimcntii markers or corner stoma monumenbt kmetcnl anywhere iwtrrlnf in cemnterin promptly kxrwutd acton monument works j nicol a hon lhonk 162 i j- flowers for easter orders booked now a h bishop sons wish to inform their patrons they will occupy the store next to wiles known as hyiids store for easter week all orders carefully attended to and delivered easteit ml1es daffodils tolii snapdhagons and calentduijas aiko pol pluntw in bloom tho spring blrdn are becoming moro numerous every day now their joyoup inglng given added indlcatloua tlint prlnglfl hero iiprlngtimt cornea to us with ul new thrill saturdays mild weather and lovely himahlno made a fitting advent for tho aprlng of 1031 katiter which in in tho olfing will coma with 1u lilies new and white never jiuit like tho last years never monotonoun ulwayn mibllmely nmaylng tho rain on tuoaday and yenterday win very gratefully received it waw tlio flrnt which fell n ninny monthi claterna luid iitrealna have been ra- nlnnlnhed there are atlll one or two of thoao dirty tnntnrjttii on the roiubi thoao daya who tellevo in putting pedestrians in the name iajin an thomselvea in j appearance anyway 1 we omitted inn werk lit lmblleutlon i of- tin broom ball game at the arena hv which ambltum scored 11 ahutout victory over contagion by to 0 h provided a lot of fun for the hpectitors and some brulsea for the conteatanti minn rllti fioimon f ml ult i dollars do extra duty at pallants we lire out for more ha4hiw during 1031 mul in order to jjet extra biwincfw we ro jiviiio you iletlcr merchandise beller vnliieh than you can pfet elsewhere see the new merclumdihe for youraelf mid realize how much money you can ftnvo by shopping at pullnntn new spring drrsses just arrived these have a jirent number of style uetnils unusual at these low prices floral print colors contrast new sleeves and neck lines smart styles for business street and after noon wear made in oocl quality canton crepe and flat crepe materials in all the new colors for t ca to 7c spring prices from tj03u to y7 i o ladies house dresses these dresses are made of u jood quality printed broadcloth with half sleeves nnd ninny styles to choose from good tq valueftrrrtsospccttthynpri a c lndies chnmoisette gloves the new sphqg fabric gloves just the thing for spring wear specially priced at ladies silk rloomers lockstitch white ptnk miiize nile and muuvo regular 7sc for per pair ladies cotton vests special at each ladies corset good value at 150 for ladies dimity bloomers for per pair girls bltiomers mode of a good qunlity broadcloth extra special pair itargaiiih on ijidiea and childrens show wahk you to come in hjui see our stock of shoes reiore you buy elsewhere it will pay you 39c colors 49c 19c 95c 29c 19c bargains on mens suits topcoats mens blue seuge suits gunrnntced indigo dyu good viiluu nt ltof w000 for pzluu mews wolisted suits hi pongil mripus or brown vnluus up to 2500 j m qf spociiilly pricctl nt vl tud mens top coats extra 11 fth ood vniue ut 2000 for p1tjj0l- mens broadcloth shirts speciul ot at each flc mens ties worth 75c nn for each 3f c boys spriiij caps extra specint yjq at each tuc mens socks rurtilnr 10c of for per pair oc mens and boys ruhber belts at each c shoes mens work shoes jderiilar d1 fq 275 extra speciul per pair il io mens calf oxfords reulur 550 o ac broken sizes to clear at per pair j j j lutyu sihmw at very imw pricm tiiih week nt tho ouchru tcttl duued idvoii by thu momboin nt tho mountiiin utilon womens ituitltilto in tho town hall milton foil down tho htnlrs dulooatlng lier right nhouldor and breaking two ribs iivjl j x 1 j 1 j- ciothing and footwear for the whole family next to i1ank of montheai miu street acton ooooooooooooqoooooooooooo girl guide news ooooooooooooooooooooooooo i for tlinm courualifl it will lend you much money it wiyi alxiut courtesy which jutlun mooro npoko lo us liust wook ito introduced that quotation to uluiitrutn ono inimv tdoa of oolirtosy llhyocc hold courtciiy ldh and valuud it uu tlio thhik lo lovod lrnt luonoy a ollldn lit rourtootw iliat lrt ono of our uii iilwk which wo hav to llvo up to judtfti mooro to uitorwit uu furthn uati liow dollhhtrully coiirtcoiw u our kirimilttuttkuhtn tliutuitiraiunlufllm miiimily utul wo could jut wo ifr miijcnty wdlcomlnir all with hor mnllo and kindly word our qtmen 1a oourt- oouit k wo mimt b courtcouh too thcro wiul a uudtfo monllnif iruit nibt on umbulanco work thoro wo learned urn 1km i en of our body tlio umiiil imutlo loiuuni wrui lluld on monday nltfltt and ttiu auldn mualclatw- tobt took a fnw mora ntejui toward tho jt of tickling tho piano kuyii at urn ouldo incollnir thlii week inalmil ilruco a iilucihlrd and may watorliounc an orlolo will bo enrolled im iot imylnu moro than ono wortl alhiut tho crown thin week why ho- cniim- tho roblnti aro back anil thu koiik iiparrown havu been trllllnif owoot cauiula uwoet oweet canndnt do you know what i liullevo thu roblnn jiay bc- aldfi cheerup they nay lyrup and what could lws morn appropriate when the maplo iiyrup in runnlntf- pr- hiipii tho blueblnbi will bu here next week ultookh ilrooki arc primarily practical wo iiuppnu to tho farmor a brook lii a convenlenco for watorlnu thu cattle a pajtiiri with a brook how inn through it lii twice an valuublo iui one without to tho boy and thne of v who wcro not lrbi were all boyii onco tho brook olfem fiuiclnatliu poiillllltuii of natation who doc not thrill with delluht at tlio mm- oiy of tho iitlll pool under the wlllowji on hot july morninipi you dived and you jiwiun and you dried and you dawdled and it wiui dellcloun then thcro in the flihmnan wo all know what he think of a brook unmet lug to pull trout from and whatever olao it may bo ut of no conmiuence vot porhapn thoiw k4 moit pleoisur from brookii who almply look at than take the brook in prlnirjuit tho plain brook in your riirden or at your bark door what a joy the water iccmi to feel in irettlntf looie iueh1ii how it iiwcpps audi nwoopt and bubblei and dnnhei alcmif you can jilt and naw at it for hourft it lii o full of life and tirdor always tho iiiimc yet never for two moment the aamc breuldnii and klltter- inie and pnrkllne and crnoulni to itself like a rarelcn cjilld and here the aummcr meadow brook quiet monntinioii dream v full at thoiiklitii and hiidow smetlnn- th water seem to u al alone with no per ceptible motion at nil emipt tliit ii you look deep deep down into it there i that lirh end le voluptuous suiy- inir of the water plants in the brown transparency and a certain delicate ijleam of llulit and shadow on the andy bottom and there is i he nimn ihi hron1c men lest most wiivwird most cntninelnu or all how it dunce from pool to pool through the treat ipetn coritc creeping or darthiff over the hmisy stones that iflrrtv willi a siilendor of wrrn more radiant than emerald the ferns numtl it the wild birds rinir over it the sun steals thiouch he tall trees imd set ii- bubble allame ilut ulce many other chiirmlnir ilfli of j nature brooks are so constant and etern al that we do not think about them a the poet put it we let fain tlilnii pa by unheeded iu a threshold brook how nnmy tlireahold brook with their murmurlnir and twlnkllnir kivelluesn pass ly ti unregarded loit in the weary and anxlouii cuiiiintrcuof uiownrldl j n hliti of nksanointmint onfl of tho most iorloui danifeni in bolng dlnlllunloned lit that it will make you unjust an noon ai wo aro disap pointed in another ww aro lnclluod to oxattkerato that disappointment if wo find a friend hiwi lejelvnil im wo nt onco luishmo that jill ihln protentatlonn or frlendnlilp wore ilea if ho falls u 111 un emeroncy wo take it tor granted that theni la no uood in him cortalu wrltnra repretient their huroon and lierolneti an lawleii while tholr bad charnctern aiv pictured without a r- tleemlnir trait or course thin lit not trim to lue thero in bad in tho bent of un ahd uond in the worst of un do not take it for ranted that benininn a friend liim dlnnapjiolnud you the affec tion you held for him wan utterly thrown away do not mistime that because he ban nhown wcaknean nnd nirlouii faultn here in no jootl in lilm wo need to make an effort to do juntlco to tlio one who han disappointed n bometlmen indeed llm fault in partly oum for put- tlnir him on a pedental where lie had no wlnh in be nnd crediting him with vlrtuefi he never claimed for hlmnolf j lilvon if ho ll not no uond un wo onro thnuirht him the ehaneen am that lie in ybttitttiiirrvtnrfrrinwtrmptirt hiwi him i mlltnu will make nppllcatlnn t tlio provincial i ciflnhitiro for autliorlty to j imhuo debimtureh for for jtn ruliof fund specials at mclean co v1mn silk itayons put in stock this week 10 pieces kayon all the now shades also black nod white new tax will be on next lot save money buy now keai silk klat ckepk bluck and navy kich silk finish eittrainod itlta value nt j1 ju cotton ilkoadcixynis 31 inches wide fust colors excellent quality oft ttenulurprioujsu special- far-rr- r7tt7 jug colored bateen double fold with rich sulin llnisli kcculur price m 50c special per yard 4uc i ladies slui uloomeks save motley on these bloomers heavy weight jlft kcftulur 75c speciul duc eitintki mtoadciyriis 1 yard wide fual colors duiuty puttcrns an reftulur 35c special for zoc specials in grocery dept plum jam larjje jnr for 3 good large prunes of lbs for loc 45c 25c 23c lemons pur dozen sliced pineapple per tin jo small oranges per dozen good five string iiroom for 25c c quick quuker oats op large package for c 40c mclean co mill stheet acton ontakio nelson co thurs fri and sat specials 1 dozen medium oranges for 2ic 1 dozen large oranges for 35c 10 lbs granulated sugar for 1 lb corned beef for i package eddys silent matches for 3 packages interlace toilet papers for i packages fr1uto jello powders for 1 lb dried peaches for 1 large tin heinz pork and beans for 3 tins heinz tomato soup for 1 tin fancy gold seal salmon for 2 lbs christies ginger snaps for 2 tins sauer kraut for bc 20c 2rc 2ic 2c 18c 20c 25c 40c 23c 25c nelson co mux street acton phone 37 specials art patrirersro n beef cuts round steak roasts per lb 18c to 20c sirloin roasts per lb 25c porterhouse roasts per lb 25c choice rib roasts per lb 17c nut 18c thick rib roasts per lb 13c to 15c thick shoulder roasts per lb 1 3c nnd 1lc stewing beef per lb 12c to 13c rib boil per lb 12i pork cuts shoulder roasts pcr lb 18c fresh ham per lb 20c side bacon by the piece per lb 25c smoked hams whole or half per lb 21c special bulk lard lbs for shortening ionupuuildtirickhior 25c 24c- pattersonts meat shop we deliver promptul j iirti phonr 178

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