ht ft 4 f fiftysixth yearno 30 acton ontario thursday march 2ii i1ui lilght home print pages fivo cents ncavs of acton and the district womens institute meeting the monthly mooting of the women cruututo will bo hold on tmiraday april b at the home of mrs e t thetford brock avenue at 330 p m injuries prove fatal luiuw clark hrwvrr 3rrrtown kuo- eombfl la trejn arrlhent cemetery board outlines plans in work of beautifying fairview james clark georgetown died mi g r i i i thurhduy from iu injirl with iu schedule f uiiu for 1911 for upkeep f pioih h arrived at and payments for perpetual care wil lie accepted work of llcautify- injr fairview will lie carried on over a period of yearn without going to itatepaycrh for atthehhmcnt on taxeh fottrrrn jntii ikrat the ifowetson employee annua frolic tho ninth annual frolic of tho j w hewetaon and co employees in being arranged to bo hold on april 17 it will present this year grins and giggles the employees am now putting in tho pani momenta in practtshig tho pro gramme rmn4 injur on tody on tuesday morning while operating the nottlngout mnchno at tho phuib of bewdmore leathern ltd in aclon james sansgjr lind his right hand caught bi tho machine and badly bruts- ttd mono of tlio bones were broken however but the hand in badly swollen nd vary painful skull twleo fractured onco in an nero- plano crohh in england during tho war and again on wednesday night when tho truck ho wan driving rim into a freight train on tho o p r crossing on no 7 highway two miles from bnunp- ton james ciarltacea io georgetown cattle buyer dlod tho night after at thi peel motnorlal hospital clark win thought to have a chance thul there is keen interest in tho alfalrn of- plrview- vmhy- ndthi work of llio tiowlyapjiolntcd cemetery hoard woa evidenced ly tho admittance at tiin meeting in tho town hall on of recovery owing to the skill and kneed tuday evening in spite of the uu with which lin wa token to the hospital favorable nlglit tho linll had 4 very by two young farmcrii david douvahi reprusuqtatlvo gathering and all ioemnd and menhi boutty wlu found the onthuliutlo uiid helprul of tho work to wrecked truck tho train did not stop bu undertaken in fairview cemetery by of the trains crew frit the hoard mr it m mcdonald wtu cludmian of behoolm open lwfocw ludntr day lubllc schools in ontario will rooiien or tho fall term thli year before labor day instead of after- luat holiday a 1 lin mm d l roiu of montreal usual thennrt day of september falbi on tuesday ro that labor day this year does not oonm until monday september 7 thin moans that tho students will bo bock at sclinol befora labor day how ever the schools will close on june 20 and exam in at ion it will alio be a few dayii earlier blllce lion impact police believe that clark wait vcrv tho meeting and in hlt mumn of tho tired at the time of the accident since hoard from lli appointment by the couti- he ourunl out uu buy rattle early in ell gave the meeting a iiplendld concep- th morning a light inow wim fillllnit hon of the almi powers and plaiiu to at the time lm urrlcd out mr clark wai bom near georgetown ho told of the purcham of the cook 40 yeam 11 uo on tin outbreak of tho property for 1100 pluii the conveyancing war he joined the canadian air 3orr j cliargm tho old howie wilm to be he wow a momler of tlio ocorgetown removed mid the ground levelled if lviflt of the canadian legion tlurvlving pivilble plotii would be available in this urn lili parents mr and mrn hugh nttryoy thbi year but it nil depnded upon clark and three tiliitcn mliui amy of what condition the land was found to nokmacmweya itani irmlmyrd about 3 p m monday lire of un known origin completely destroyed tho bam with livo stock and conttfntn be longing to calvin putte rutin in nasjia- gawoya townntilp i7ie inrji included grain and hay implements four horws 10 outtlo 41 nwca uo laiubn 14 plgn and 100 hens tlio total loon li citlmntcd at lioooo mr culvln pattemon la u brotlier of mr wm patterson acton and mr nell pntteruon nmuuigawoyn knox young lvoplori guild an interesting programme was given at the meeting of knox young people- guild on monday evening ly tho mem- bortf of tho y w a of the church the main feature won a mlmionnry ilay by tho glrli and no lens enjoyable were the other nunibeni compriilng tlv chui hymn the pilgrim chortu a piano duett by ml en jean orr and margate t llroun reiidlngii by mle vera hurst and vcnia murray and a vocal iolo by mm ii h dennis and l piano olo by miut icinlly voting a iocul tiny and cniirrrt that raical pat it the title of the comedy play that will be pieciited in tho town hall in conjunction with it variety programme on wedne day evi 11- toronto mnt it a graham of london various news items 00 it 1 whui ork wiui started lrom here mr mcdonald outllntl tho plauii in proiipct in tho older aurvtiy and the beautiful part of tho grove when the dead treoi uould bo removed and the iiuid elemud up tho programme was not one to las carried out in one year but waii an outline that might bo well tho thought of youur kamwir ilr kuddnily lrank wliltakrr aged 37 a farmer on advanced in u thf ade tho ouolph line near burlington was the hoard woji not to undoavor to carry found dead in hi haymow into monday on tho work with ipeed but rather to by membewi of the family who hnd iipread tho work overnierm of yeara iitavted a inarch when he failed to it wail the lntentlorr of the mojird return nt mealtime dr a ii fcjplcrn to care for nil plots lit 1alrvlew ccme- of tturllngton was called and reported try this was arrnnged to lie done for that whltaker had ovldeutly swallowed i the primnt year at a rext of 0110 cent a ntiniler of tnblets of bichloride mercury there will be no lnqucit of per iqiiaro foot or tho plots and a minimum charge on any one plot or grave of 1 00 if it wan the deilro of a ilt owner to provide a fund for per- corlyle- sut- uwd hi lufan iiq that tltomau carlylos favorite kilter per pnti wlth thu tint lived in haltcn county and that many when tho i raui aro ttrr at letters and autographed copies of his a nirtller ilvy mirhl xw imuui lf nccti bookttuiiidrevied to her at oumrly lliiry or a rruru miul lf it wis rnun1 hank varm bi not generally known tlmt thh nmmmt wiu not reouin d the some of theie now valuable letters are i wnolo pftn wfta on uwt um hllv a trial during 1031 mr ii p moore poke commrndlni the hoard on the uork they had under- belnir traiv ferrecl from the poiiesion of their present ouner georgt ii tillf to tho library or a canudian university collector- in new york have bout keen tllkim un1 thu lllil hc mt thl ti to get thee yellnued hit of paper cov ered ulth the meticulously neat hand writing or the fitmou historian but it ii the wish of mr le lie that they reimilu in ciniidu toronto globl jtulujctlthjniis commis sion i itrlrf knwlon only iwsiu wuh uxual aeeounlm and ham 11c lit ikoeket at tho limiting of the public utilities comhilwiloii on tuesday ovenbig coih niliiioner king itud chairman kerr wore present tho jrcmtary was instructed to pay the following iu lounu llydru anrounui h ii p c of ontario lvbruary power j102h10 community lslectrlral oupply co iitippllei 17 00 canadian line material ltd suppllei flr 30 c n it and guelph trim port exprei 1 pi uilgene v phllllpi electrical works win 1mii71 j c matthews box rent 3 00 3230 04 watrrworku arcmnitw the casselman co supplies 10 general interest news crafty cronde tlw young peoplo or tlio united ohurcli llmelioiue aro putting on a play called crafty grandpa on lrlday evening march 37 in the church at llmehouso admlsslon 3ttc klaueball meeting nfxi wedtinulay kveryone interested in bmball in acton bi tinted to attend nn organ 1 it ion meoung in the council chamber next wednesday evenmg april 1 at eight oclock trim ltlll in lulton atize at the ikihon county spring a- 1t on monday afternoon with mr justice g irrow pre idlug in the ruse of walti r hie y of oi iiville charged with inun- latightt i ail lng from the death of t ightj earold planets ituniney of oak- ule who it 1 alleged wiui kill d by n i wt 6 b5 mllm oast of tho city the godson construction company will do tho work new of the governments intention will be very welcome to many local motorlsti who twe this highway as during tho last low years the htretch between guelph and llockwood has been in very poor condition younr ivoplnii llally the haptlst young people of the eastern district of the guelph associa tion gathered nt tho hnptint churclt hero on monday evening mr ived rey nolds tho provincial secretary wn present uiid cdndurted a conference tho district president miss iiurbiirii n tin milton since his jinesl the accident county jail at the time of tlia auetincnt of peel lng next april 1 thu phiy is given j nil yi ear on dicimdii 0 1030 tin nddltional comedy by tlio parts deulgnat- i jmy brought in a true bill at the trial ed to the ladies being ouumod by men w followed the hcitrlng rlty wit a splendid programme of musical and found not guilty by the jury nrter fifteen literary numbers will preci de the pre- minute i of deliberation itiesy did not sentatlon of the piny the admission into the ultne box the prisoner prices have bien jet nt 2ic and 15e and i had hun held ii nt the prices the event should draw a capiclty houo there iiru no re erved seats tlio function is under the aus- ilcei of the mens club of the united church npw pavement luftwreu itockuood and guelph a new pavement will lie laid on the toronto highway for about six milei oast of guelph according to announce ment of paving find bridge construction contracts lot by the ontario govern ment tho pavement will not bo con crete but mixed macadam tho on- ctre of ialrvlow cemetery was being underlaid n on a permani nt biui he was willing to mibscribc the amount tlpulited for thrt e plot mr john cameron and othi r intere ted cltlxns almi a ked pit tliins and gave informa tion n gnrdiug the cemetery mayor mickenii of georgitowu was present at the meeting and at the re- quet or the chairman went to the plat form and in a brier infonnnl wsy gave imirli interesting information which had beui serured by him ns a member of the cemetery bond in geoigetown he ivpritd hi nppn elation of the work being undertiiken it uas a work unit the united sltt is wt t indli niiulrnl a liitm of tuuitlue yean i prance afur making due ullowane the alton hoard win modest in their i mi it iths on uetie seivue uid dt pie aseimeitt and he felt provision hotild uon of rank tluough de ith and otln be made for the plot owner ulip could cause since the arml tlce it t e tint not be tmimunlcuted with and from att ii tint the stniijth of the leim whom it would be impoviblc to secure hould eentually be time tlim local hhancii joins in kpfoitt to aih 10000 throughout ontait0 during the month or april the can adian legion or the h it b l in on- tailo will put forth a province- wide tlfort to add 10000 new memtwrs to it stiength i he acton branch is taking an active part in the campaign and hit d h the loci objertiie one hundred which is btsed on an e tliliate or 5 pet nut of the poind ition of the territory onred bj till branch ilrougltt intt exltuue oir fle ye ir iim us a r ult f pi id marshall uail ifalg ptrimal appeal tor unity to the e i ral rnnllletlug organlatlons the canadian li gion has continued to t pand until today it has a membtrlip of some 00100 ompritd in 000 branclu thioughout ciniidi iu well a bianche t mint he was willing to sub- tiibe 110 for the cute of his plot or r ptr year thh amount would allow for the care or a plot or the ues- nr mint which could not be realized upon 0 mr macktnle pnlnttd out the statutory p ei equalized as miiit will 0 014 150 thl yeir an increase 5101400 over lust jear this will he regulation uiuier which the hoard apportioned among the muntrlpnlltlf a t operated the plot holders did not pur- follows albion 1703000 caledon chase the plots but only the right to j0000 ohbiguicoiijy 17071100 hurul in the ground all charm s for toronto township 5035 iso brampton upkeep on plots must be met before 3 2fir000 stroltsville 3311000 port intel menu could be made georgetown credit 770000 bolton 230000 albion npnit almwt jiqooo in beautifying caledon chjnguacausy and the oore the qemetery there and the ladies or- renorted it difrnisff in their irwjl nt- ganumtlon had erected tr a colt iiment during tho piut year whllu 1 0 he folt that tho euro of the toronto township mid the four urban cumeterles was a duty we owed to our muniojpiilltlls reported ncreajes albion iicestoni and no peoplo could afford to unit brampton protested the i quu1l74itln nftflprt iu ploneem placed on them but by n vote of ii tn mr mcdonald thanked mr mackenzie it wan decided to accept tho equalim- or his remarks and during tho course lion na presented rather than refer it the remainder of the meeting which back to the committee wli i fnr ftl1 nit tiestlons and receive explanntlonn many vahniblo iiointa were brought out the board luiruir- mak iluirrul jkwaim wajj not mmn th ruu for awakened by the sound of footsteps- a at the present time although a mill his service station nt the intersection rould bo placed on the assessment for of the diindut highway nnd the second cemetery purposei societies luixlous for line near dixie shortly before mid- care of plots will receive a ruling from night on tuesday j barber hastened the board if a letter written the to investigate taking his nhntgdn with council is no longer responsible for the him on entering thu station he found care of the cemetery nnd the hoard plank was in charity of the meeting that two men hud forced an entrance assumes control tlio entrancu o the nnd conducted a song service at tho and taking no chances on their being cemetery had not been decided toffon commencement the meeting proper was armed limber fired two shots at the but the- board would he glad to confer opened with prayer by the itev mcheod i intnlderi who without retail iting made with the womens institute in thl of brampton and he v hamilton of a hurried escape once out of the regard acton prom n list of many questions building they jumpi d into a parked all foundations for monuments would thei young iieoplo selected eleven and car and stepping on the gas headed lm elected by the board and under their 1 naked mr hoy holds to answer them for cooksvlllc tho number of the cu- direction plot owners could not care those were readily answered very fttlivjwas usrurtulned to be 01134 but barber nirttjieir own plots but all work will be and should mean tjnt hv p u mutt- owing to the darkne whs unable to done under the direction or the board bigs of the future will be of a more sneuro the preceding initial kxiutilnu- the condition of the old cemetery educative character there wus a solo j tion of the premise i showed that nothing buck of the park was the only conten- by w coles und then an nddreii by of account wnn missing but a number tlous point at the meeting it was mr reynolds from the words ye are not your own ye are bought with n price there were quite u few acton- lans among tho visitors from brampton refreshments were nerved at the close and the visitors left for home at 10 30 p m mr reynolds was entertained nt the home of rev hamilton during his stay hi town of magnine they hud picked up wen- pointed out that discussion of this meet dropped by the men an they hurried into lng wu relative to pulrvlew cemetery their car provincial officers lemo i only but the queiy wis made that if the of cookivllle palmer of islington und rare of this spot did not come under bedford of port credit reiijumded to a this meeting und there were tin trustees cull but despite a keiitch of tho neigh- under whose nam or guidance wui this txirlnst districts were nimbi to hocuro old cemetery mr mcdonald agreed to uny further trad of the car up to tm bring the matter to the attention of the early hour the following morning inupeotor of cemeteries when he visited pnsent number the ontul mrailxr- shlp cunpilgn lu april is the hist tip in ontario toward- thu grtatd objective oirirer of the legion puiik oui that the sen ire work of the ouraulmtlon ha been rendered f ret ly o ill veteiims without dlitlnctlon of membership legislative benefits si cured by the legion hiue been to the advantaj of the whole war veteran body it is felt that the responsibility of thii hlgny lmportunt work should be borne t quiilly by nil veti rans at the same time tin prlvilegn 1 lmiilgualliia 111 tlif frxtrnmvo and- vnrled projtramme nnd c immunity work as well ns the amenities or the soojnl life and activity or the letfjon is mudc available by active membship tiiosk tourists as the steamer was moving out of the harbor at athens a welldressed lady npproached the captain and pointed to the distant hills could yon tell me what is that white stuif over there she asked that is snow replied tho raptnin well i thought o myself agreed the lady but a gentleman just now informed me that it was greece the norwi ter glougk mrandhkw georgetown the funeral took place on flimday t i norval cemitery of gorgu ma andrew i for many years a nsldeiit of tho norval dlstrlot who died hi his ulth year tt the homo of his brother dr joseph mr andre w georgetown aoorgn mp- andrew wius bom lu ottawa und waa a mm of the lute thomas mc andrew pol- lowing a long reiildence in norval he moved to the united fjutes goln to georgetown two years ago he is sur vived by twt brothers dr joseph and alfred nnd one sister mrs j boomer all of georgetown he was a momh r of the anglican church and wus a con servative miui a rkmlv portajte iji pnilrlo the dully graphic of portage la prairie manitoba gives tlio following obituary notice concerning the death of a former acton resident the death oecurrtd on sunday ufternoon march ii of mrs a remey a wellknown and dearly beloved resident or this city tin lute mrs remey me jennie zimmer man was born in acton ontario nnd came to lortage nbout thlrtyllvo years ago shortly afterwards she was married to mr remey and hail lieon a continuous lesldent of this city deceiued was a very active wurker iu tho bapllstchurch where she will be greatly miuied she wils prjident of tho ladies aid for some years and has always taken a very active part in the other oiganiatlnnii of the church and was a tencher in the sunday school she has a very large chcle of friends in tho city who will mourn her passing she is survived by a wirrowlng husband ono slsler anna zimmennan and ono brother melvln zlmmennnn mrs thomao smyth a choice spirit wis laid to rest in pairvlew cemetery on saturday after noon when tho mortal remains of kate k nnedy the wife or thomas smyth of pcnirtangulsheue weie tenderly placed hi the family pint there by acton pnll- heiirer who were oldtime friends of the family mrs smyth who hnd reach ed her eightysecond ye ir was in hi r uual health until the itli hist when she was suddenly overcome trom 0 stloke whuh occurred us she was serving n couple of neighbors who had culled with a cup or teu nnd rake although she wa glvni the bet of medlual cue and musing she never lallit d and d an fully away la t thursday kate kciimdy wa ihe daughti r of mi nd mi milinlni kennedy who were ainouij the plonei r re idenfs or altoti i born in the home on main strut the stone limi c next to john nicol relduut mid monumi nt jmd it 1 an incident of inteiet that mrs sinuh wn lioin in huh the jenr the 111 t pie bjtcriiui chuiui wus bull in acton und lu r home tood diiet tly iciu s the titet from the hurch she was i n or the hi t girl bahlls born in alton thl mthstimtlal stone re ide ie- wa built by mr kennedy who wa n sititlili tone mason and did mjich of the stone vorlt of the community in the eai ij da j s kate ki nnedy wa a git ally below d school git i and nlway- populttr among the young people and t n joyed the stt em of all who knew her through hei long life hack iu the ivemltj she imiirled charh s dean one of our eteimed jonng bn int s nun after a few jt nrs or pappj murtied life togethir mr dean suddenly survunihcd to an attack of typhoid fever continctid when on a bu ine s trip mi s dean was left with their three little snm john gmdnn and charlie to whom ahc gave motherly enre und solicitude bev- eral years inter mrs dean mniried thomas smyth nnother of actons bright young men who held n responsible otlonnotrlhnoivvtrtjhlilhiirrlei in h1h3 tho fiunily removed to pene- taniptishene where mr smyth wiui en gaged by mewirs brelthaupt ac hall in their tannery there after a short time ihey returned to arton but in 1r5 mr und mrs smyth untl family returned to penetangulshene which hut been their home for the intervening fortysix yeaiu mr smyth continued his position with ihe same firm until he was a nhort time ngo incupncltated by ugw to further cany on ho hat been u during the winter and spent thrco weeks in the pentung hoipltal inst month it was a great mrrow to him that he was not nble to accompany his beloved back to thu old home town which they ixiih steemed so dearly on this last visit pour mins survive john dean of the serious accident at tannery mr ciweo t wimmim ivii ijrww drum kottlii- muehlne and ltrrlvrl s riouu lliud injurlru various interesting items of news mr george t woods reeelvt d serious what happened to lrujp bend lnjurlil while at work at the plant tlio actondnlo u p yp o club of beardmore lrallicra limited hi the w present a play entitled whnl harniui division yestt rdy morning and ifapiiened to bragits intho iwn hall is in the ikwfiltnl in giielnh with hh acton on wednesday april 8 jmruirr jlftluuigiiurjn uie4iauuicc annmincrmml later- admission adult- in some tinaccountuble manner he full m children under hi ibr on the floor against the machine ho was i operating a drum ietllngout machine how ninny mlnuti s he was there is not dt finitely known but when fomd by his fellowworkmen his head had bten agulust the nhaft and mechanism of the machine und his head and fare wore badly cut and bittered he was unctm- scloun when found medical aid was tiinnmtmi d und he was ruihed by ambul ant e to the hospital iu guelpli at the hospital examination shower that mr woods had suffered a fractund skull and a fracture at the hssu of the e uu well ns the flesh injurb ail operation was perform d immediately lu lioiw of j nvlng his life and lit- ban only once regilned partial consciousness e the accident ills cmiditlon is very critical mr woods hns been an t mployee of the beardmoie co for about flftcui ycurs and was a caieful und ions it ntlnus workman aclon and district vetrroiui heur cluartm at a mtetlng or the extcutlvo of the acton branch no 117 canadian icglon mr j m mcdtmald manager of beardmore leathers lliiilhd kindly riouutnl for tho uui of the legion lmrc the miignlfheilt club rooms at tlio old rink this makes a very lino contribu tion to tho work of tlio locnl branch and is appreciated sincerely by tho llfut r and members borr k- vmr luickwood on no 7 hbthway on sunday 33rd as a k rlrhnnuon w us omlng from the barn after doing the morning rhori s he wus surprised to iiuet a full grown de r coming through the gateway into the barnyard it then dl appeared across the ileitis crosislng robert wntvins nnd a m mcphersons farms going lu the direction of euwn mills the u i y p o mrotliir ho ri gtilur meeting of the u p v mr ceorgw hnrdnwue hurt in auto p o was held at the home of mr crash in south austin young mi friday march 13 oeoige beardmore master or the the mil cill was unswered ny a super- bgllnton hunt who was injured hi an tltlon after the uual busmcfts wut automobile accident in pliiehutst tlouth dealt with an excellent progmmme wfts cirollna is not bellevi d to be seriously provided with mr stanley morrison ni hurt uccoidlng to reports mr heard- chairman it consisted of violin solo- more wa- motoring with worcester i y mr archie kerr a reading by mm smljh a wellknown hunting man in th mcculiough duetu by reg rvrairr plneliurst whin tho car skidded mid and robert parkinson and rocitntlons by overturned throwing mr beardmore mlui kthel aralfand mrs j j stewart down on the ceim nt rood he in i the meeting closed with the national in hospital at plnehtmt anthem after which n social tlmo was i njoyed by all heath of dr t 1 hull at vancouver thomas proctor hall nged 73 physlclnn scientist nnd educatlonbit died ut his homo nt vancouver on wednes day from heart diseuse he hnd icsld- t there for twentysix years dr hall was horn in hornby was educated there t v and at woodstock college where he taught for five year after graduation and nt toronto midicnj school ho wn1 a son of robert s hall ltq of hornby and a brother of mrs wrlgglcsworth of ashgrovc who died last fall mr and mrs h p moore vlilted at dr halls home when they wire in vancouver a few yuufi ugo lvf smyth ktirlouijy fnjurl last prlday mr ived ii gmyth printer bathurst street toronto met with u motor accident which muy have very serious n suits he wnn struck by fractured tjie vertebrae at the neck and caused other injuries mr smyth is lying in a critical condition in the hospital in p toronto mr smith is un acton boy john limi nfty v ui1 foreman of tub i iu i pin v he bus been lti business for himself in toionto for many yean mi smith who i a daughter or the late mr and ms j ii pearson of a ton is an invalid i liirlph guards lendoi seckini i srapctl trusty ontario hefoiniutory gimids hud fuikd until li t night to find any truce of william burton of umdon a trusty win hckn troublinir him for tho innde his i scape from the institution dining the night bui ton who was seiv- rrcc misou uudergock operallim reet mu on wi nt to toronto oi prlday last and on saturday hnd in opeiallou performed on his left wrl ik lng an indeterminate term of from to 13 month had been di talli d as hi i until in the powei house for tome time and lipped out of the building unnoticed by the guiiid he hud been in the habit of going to tl to cli an up about the time he hindi getaway and hi ab a nee wiu not dis covered for some minutes official attilhute bui tons di lie to gain hi i libel ty to the fact that he i a wjlulclci his teiin would have expired in augusi pa t jiur or more it was found that a hone hud bun pllntered and was caus ing the infection the operation was iiicci srul and it 1 anticipated he will he able to return home the latter part of the tfeck he li at preent in the ilivue patients pavilion of the geneivl luoom hopltal in the city all cltlens join in w ishlng thler chief magistrate a spcidy rerovciy and improved health later reeve mi on is reported as mak ing excellent progreu and plum to return to acton by snturduy acton nnd get hi interpretation unil 1 l pnietungulshene qor- dim de m or brandon munitolm charles deani or royal oak michigan and thornton smyth or penetan- gillshene after n funeral service at ivnetaiihtllshene conducted by her pa tor the body was brought to acton also to notify tho committee thnt had been uppolnted pf the visit of the in spector nnd endeavor to have hhn lntei- vlow them a vote of thank- wus moved by rev c l poole nid seconded by mr john cnmeron to mr mrdonald and his u hu n v aged haltoiilm hies in the death of geoige langtry at hi home in milton on saturday after n bihf lllnis ifulton county lost one of it- oldest lesldents mr lsnirtrv who was in his ninetyfourth year wns bom april 7 11130 on a farm on tho middle road pear hi onto which 1h still associates on tho boiild mewirs j hell und c huusen for the courteous way 3 311 c n r train the commlt- nif nt service at the grave ut vairview iddet- cmi wiu ciunliieted by rev mr reptile of knox church which was the chinch home or the kennedy family to puuboarorri were mensra w r vallif ii grulno ii m mcdonald j in which the meeting liad been d and the information given on ceme tery matters and u vote of confidence in their future work was also made the utldlence gave evidence of their concur- rc in lhl by tlu ccmael j j k w x mr mcdonald exprewaid his apprecia tion for tlio confidence expressed und i gould irctiuluiiglryii child of george lunglry and lcliimbeth smith hii father came from belfast ireland when hi years of nge and his mother wns or united kmpho loyalist stock who had nettled in orlmiiby on tario mr lnngtry wnn educated nt palermo and biopto public schools nnd was a schoolmato and lifelong friend or the late public school inspector john s deucim or milton later of toronto ho mnrrled marlon marshall in 1h7i anil settled on a farm near onkvlllo where ho lived for 40 yearn he moved thence to milton 15 years ago lie had travel led on the second lino trafalgar township when it wns u plank rood a stone rond und a provlnclnl highway nnd hnd travelled tho name loads by oxen hmses and automobiles he lead his newspaper by caudle light coal oil lamp and electric light he was i niembei of knox presbyterian church milton surviving aie his widow and two daughters mm j p hook of mlltnn tnnl minr harold gowlnntl of smlthvillo one sinter mrs john ill mul ish of toronto and one brotlier dr waller lnngtiy of ivirt wayne indium l 1tiik kvikniinfl mial t iugkstkit megurgle i hear that yer nuul friend hector has mnrrlt it thlrrd wife mcoulp aye moil hector has been n verm expensive- friend he had ooit ngiln voiced their willingness ui serve a few morn bjunterlng snow flurried mo twa wreaths and threo presiiits hi in this endeavor as good cltlaens und winders slguiu will be itnnihllnted j naxteen yenrs dublin wo me uu institute mthijf the tegular monthly meutlng of tlie dublin branch of the womens institute wiu held on tuesday march 17 at the home of mrs nelion mclaughlin the vresldi nt mm webster presided tho meeting opened with thu institute ode followed by the lords prayer the mlini o th lnit moaumf wwwri andadopted tliu iolloaliwat anwtrejl- by an irish joke after tho business had been dealt with a short programme was given miss margaret wuldle gavo a piano iilo mm alkens u paper on st patrick a reading by mrs ander- son a piano duett by mrs robertson and miss waldie und nn irish solo by mp robertson tho winner of the conteit was mrs aiken the meeting closed with the nntionnl anthem lunch was served and a sodal tlmo was enjoyed by the indies intexicat orlvrr ijtnils car in hitch a wild elm in which guelph polico officers participated early monday morning on tho knunosa road resulted in a motor accident near theeltyllmits lu which joseph novakowskl 31 rag t nn street guelph sustained a fractured kiill and other injuries he was cata pulted through the windshield of thu fleeing automobile as it went into the ditch and ho is now in st josephs hospital in it very serious condition 1vrdinnnd ifauck driver of the damaged motor car who wnn arrested along with aeorgo roheits alio of guelph was sentenced to 15 d iys hi tho county jnll for driving while intoxicated while on n second charge of stealing u keg of beer from sleemann brewery he phmded not guilty imd elected trial by a idgher court roberts also pleaded ijjit guilty to tho burglary charge and wu allowed out on 3000 bail tlio chase came when tho police became suspicious of the trio tui they passttd through 4he main section of tho city