the acton free press tijursday march lfc usl ymat newspapers do the newspaper starts in when you are torn relates about your excellence and mu about your sweetness it follows you to school and prints the honor roll it your name is round there it tell of your graduatio and apeakji of the excellence or your magnificent eaaay it tell of your progress during your college career and then dilates much about the cholco of vocation then it give a nice notice about your marriage and prauca the blushing bride till her klnrolk hardly know lint then in due course or events it tells about tho bouncing baby that happen in your family whereby beginning its life wort all avrr and over again the paper doe alio much mow it tells of tho progress m4e by city and country and boosts all enterprises olvefl freo advertising worth tliousond of dollars to its home town there aro scores or things that all good newspapers do for which tluy cannot bo paid that is why every cltlw n ghould do his ulmiwt to support tho nrwnpaper in ovrry possible way and all uio tlmo yasjmm i thank you i menu hints kteefpea for new mm strwta dlabea honsehelo idea ul baggeoilon by aity barelay ye olde and ye nfw try uil good old fashioned pudding uid a few days inter the modern itlorl- rted way of turning rlco into a delicious healthful dinner dlih you v ill wont both receipt- in your flic for future uie yanks rice pudding v to cup rice trarponrnialt m to cup sugar 4 cutis milk oru tod rind of vj lemon ulx ingrodli nu and tour into a but tered cajuorolu wit in a pan of hot water end bake 3 hours in a vtry jilow oven stir tho puddlnif every l mlnutis or first hour to pruvont rlcn from settling servo cither hot or cold with thin cream itlcp a la 1031 hi cups cooked rlco 5 tabk pooni sugar 1 cuthwlilppm cccoju cup nuli 1 teaspoon maraschino ulk oooked rlco with augur fold in whipped cream flavored with mara schino cliill otrvo in tall shirbot1 sprinkle iach nerving with nuli and garnish with additional whipped cream and red cherry company rkc1phj when company comcii and you aro anxious to sorvo something unusual and delicious try one of these tastlei and your guests will not bo disappointed ooooanor tttanflpauent pd3 4 cup butter 1 cup sugar egg yollks u teaspoou salt orated rind t orange or 1 lemon 1 baked 0inch pie shell 1 cups shredded cocoanut s ectf whites s tablespoons sugar dash of aak crtun butter sugar egff yolka and salt together very thoroughly for about ten minutes add orange rind turn into pie shell bpruiue with i cup cocoa- miit and bake in slow oven 300 legreea p so minutes heat egg whites until tiff add sugar and salt and beat until mixture stiffens again pile lightly on ftuinc sprinkle wltli remaining 1 cup oocoanut bake in moderate oven 350 decrees p 30 minutes opening- oven door after first b minute of baking an elder brothers friendly talk 1 1 n i n m wi ith the younger folk observation exjtiukngf- mtoniway kiniu a nu of humor gw bill hi ntiaktb rwm lb mill mil wwii 11limilll11iwiiii1lnlllimil midi work in my rtnt two talk 1 liavo given you bomt little rood for thought on the two uu utul topics of life und time ihbt time i will aim to give a fow homely thoughu on the topic work a theme which hni real inttrnt for all young folks sir jo inui itnynolds gave thu golden thought a hundred and nfty years ago nothing li denied to well directed labor and nothing bt v r to bo uttalm d with out it lo makn a nucn u of your work what- ivir it b bfllluvi in it llu eiithusiojitlc ulwilit it if that li lmpoiuilhli g t an other job for no one cuu make a ituc- rena of work wliich ho dlhchargctt with npathy rtlu r than t nthuhuuim how ever a man who b an outstanding oiui- udlan and who han made a nlgnal nuccchu of llf wild tho othi r day when ad- drciuilng tho young fnllowu of u ik igh- lorlng high school rh hardoit ob- jitorld any lunbltlou i work r hoi to over- roir 1 1 the vnlto wltliln u i tliut iiaym twriod tftopi pettqltt ripe bananas juice 1 orange 4 tablespoons brown faigar 14 cup cocoanut southern style leel baionas and cut ih half length wise arrange in layers in greased bak- intf dlsli mhc orange juice with brown sugar and pour over bananas sprinkle thickly with ooooaiiut hake in hot oven until bananas as tender and cocoanut is brown servo immediately serves 4 nealpoluran dessert s tablespoons orange junket 3 tablespoons vanilla junket 2 tablespoons ohocolato junket 3 cups milk proparo tlu omngo juukot according to direction on package using half the ammmu ifour into six individual dp i- sert glao- 1 and ut iitnnd in warm room until firm then prcpiro tho vanlllx jimkh with another cup of milk and very gently pour or mid with a tpoon on top of the orange whpn firm add tho chocolate junket mado wltli tho third cup of milk whin this is linn chill and sorvo l hln itniy be topped with whlpiwd creiuu if di hed one of tho nut t ffi ctlvo vorinlfugtts on the market u millers worm liwdi rs they will not only clinr tho ntomach and bowels of wonns but will prove a very serviceable medicine for rjilldrun in regulating tho infantile system and maintaining it in a hcstlthy condition there is nothing in th ir composition that will injure the moat delicate stomach when directions are followed and they con be given to children in the full an what they will utterly djutruy all worm j i tu re ii no ut trying in my i xp rlonre i have found u lurgo propitrtlon of young peoplo who npeak of hu k hi an dimtnt tn i enuring job i that unit thtm alwuyn when i hi ur thli i xprti ion of lurk ait appllxl to work my thought rovi rt to a time in my i rliool days llxty yeurj ago in thou dayn tho writing ix rcluj booki known as copy booki u d in acto i public qcliool wen not tho boolcn ho can fully nnd uniformly prep in d which aro found in all the ichooli of the pro- vlnco to diiy it wni every man for hliukttlf at tlutthno guulph had n- untt rprlilng book ukr numifl t j day who utinn of your purenui or rather in rhapi grundparcnut will remember hi hud a copy book prepared by hli wholc- nulo statlonern which ivili popular in tho rchoolj in the neighborhood of cluelph und acton wiui one of thena pluceji thli copy book had tho inual kvll communlcatlonn corrupt oood manners and othrr head hnra iict for copying but it wa1 nob tho headlines of which i net out to rpcok on the tntildo of tho front cover wan a little uormonotto und although my friend mr day wsu a devout roman catholic and not generally given to preaching ho in dulged in tills tho text was luck is a fool pluck is a hero and he went on to any strang hi on believe hi causa and effect tthallow moi1 believe in luck ulcfc is the idle man s resort and then he continued with a few more well formed and forceful sentences emphasiz ing the value of pluck in ono a working pursuits and the absolute futility and failure of dependence in luck that little exhortation in mr days school copy book influenced mo effectively away back there in my boyliood days and gave me such an abhorrence of any dependence upon luck whatever that 1 have put my trust in pluck through all my work often try ing and difficult but always all the succeatf x could make it wo are not here to play to dream to drift wo have work to do and loads to lift 8iiunnot tho atmnklo he worked a little harder and talked u uttbi 1isi ho mi mod a lit lin hurried and he showed but little streu vor rvi ry little movument erflrb nry exproiuu d rhu1 iiiji nvi op4 grew just a llttlu thicker than the rest h taved a little money in a hundn d llttlo ways ho bitnkftd a llttlu intra when he not a llttlo raise a llttlo working mod 1 look hbi little lulum time hi wrought each little part of it with ikutlunco mont nubllnio now its viry llttlo wonder lhat he murmurs with j smllo a i he clips hln little coupons aren t tho llttlo thlngj worth while uvllt iaiikfrtsms iho world wants the kind of men who do not iihrlnk from trmrwrary dofi als in life hut comn again and wrontlo triumph from def t abw i irtooln itald ood uiukhiavojoved tho common people ife maau lay many of them lo gt hu wealth in spi nt hu health and tlun with might and main he turned around and i pent hbi wealth lo got hu hialth again suit your food with humor in ppcr it with wit and rprlnklt ovt r it the charm of frli ndiihlp ni vcr polnon it with tho run i of iul i gift pace it tls ood a wtd of youiitf- othor day if you consider yourself unlucky if you think you have harder tlmo tlum anybody you know the sensible thing for you to do is to buy a book of jokes and memorlxo them to spring on your next callers unless you do some thing of the aort your misfortunes wilt of auguu and did nothing but cry iho world owpi mo a living lhat i not true yhu y i you are o a tenant here and your rent ti duo dully in advance imd is payable only in good citlz nrhip havo you paid if not why not we go to work to corn the dough to buy tho bread to gain the strength lo go to work ix preildcnt tuft said i he man with tho average mentality but with control with a definite boal and a clour concep tion or how it can be gnlned and above all with tlio power of application and labor whu in the end iho first tiling to leam about driving an automobile la how to stop if you would help to make tho wrong things right ilegln at homo there lion a llfotlmos toll weed your own garden fair for all men a sight ueforo you plan to till another s soil historic wolfes cove assumes new aspect iho mono of the landing of ocueral wolfe undt r iho towering crah crowned by the plains of abraham and tho city or quuikc is about to become tho retting for yet another important event hi the history of oailoda on september 13 1 50 the uritiiih forces dhu mbarked at what b now known an wolfe a cove t capture quebec on juno j 1031 pan ungr from tho now 42 500 ton can adian pacific liner impn is of britain on hor maiden voyage from southamp ton will land with hi a few yards of the same spot and bo taken by train through a tunnel slightly over a mile long under the historic battlefield on which tho eng lish lu ro lout hli lf direct to tho canadlun pacific ii lhbt new truffle cwxral wnlf main lino to montreal link which la being complete d by tho company at a cost or some j 000 000 will eliminate the pn unt journey through quelucs tcrmlnabl and materially short- the running time from the ships side to all important canadian and ami rleiui cintns a concroto- quay- wall 4 mti feet in lenuth with 40 feet of wuter at low tide will provide berth ing space for tho new gluntciji and her iiliti r white kmprc cj and five rail way tracks converging into ono at tho i nd of tho wharf und thenco turning into the new tunnol will norvo to trans fer pansenuurs from the boiom of tho st lawn nee to their respective destina tions dbu mburkution will be effected through a twoston y shed with stair ways leading down to the trains i he plctiinii show 1 wolfe i army landing to rapture quebec from an old draw- lng 2 die tunnel mouth near tho riverside now under construction 3 i qyioral wolfe jtfra uu- kjiwhjs an how t makl tihlmf titt wee1cs humor an old farmer said to hbt sour hoys don t you over apckerlnto or wait for something to turn up you might just as well go and sit down in the middle of a medder with a pall betwixt your leg and wait for a cow to back up to you to be milked are you the judge of reprobates sold mrs partington as she walked into on office of l judge of probate am a judge of probate woo the roply well tliata an i expect quoth tho il rfv my fnhmr f- detested and left several llttlo tnridols and i want to be tholr executioner are you sick pat asked tho doctor sick it 1st sick tlth and x laid itpaoliltitii olvcn long weeks in tho montli be increased by one you have never regarded as possible you will lose your frlimls and thatll not un evidence that the human nice is hard hearted on the water water all tho lime a richmond negro preacher sold to hli congregation my brodln when do contrary mast persons are sym- fint mni a wll cruitod ho wftj1 pathetic but they grow tired or hard mwo ob wet clay md rot hu luck storie no matter if they aro true fireplace to dry it li a fine thing if you can got a job ymi fty nn am of uio cq that interestii you if you do not mieceed bat rlll1t ty hln ftut a waj in indintf that kind it is only common mmt ol wot c mui t kciihu to become interested in your work nn p i lhen h very little work so dull that y jftr j j there li no uch thing as becoming in- dou who muo o nlw0 tcmud in it lpeclally if you will look sa dowi uir fuw uuj nnn upon it w u utepplng stono to something u nuv t hch lntfln ouaitlnnil w ult utttr and more uki able woiid upm any llwtlm ob uloolory it hi a trugi dy to upend your life do lng work that b in i you- and wt arles you but uki many luintln r trngtdy it in qultt unnecessary in the greiit majority of cisih thi mort you know about your work tho h u ilk ly it ii to bore you moftf w 1jji c 1laudl the ttiore pains ypu tuki to do it us well uw jf oorno but tin- i idmi nuoumn without chtlmonv it run iwi done you will und it only twrutiho it stupidity and indlfft more inton unit uu omlmt iylxmno records cu liihtntilo oft a job l stupid whro ono 1 1 imdi rtaki i with you run of men wore talking of tho fortnno third yri said one ho mndo mk your work t wl in rn tn tho world if you bring to it tho right attitude nnd spirit n is hie itmr hunch him count he rung 111 a htui sooner than other follows lu uio hhop and ho stiycd a little longer when tho whistle ordered stop u n thoummd don n at a low flguro put tlu in in cold storige and sold them at a pmtlt of more than two hundred per ci nt lhat was the cornorntona of lib t nornious fortune all sub tho itthnr then th i hens laid ltl of nil the r lctors which combine to form u pleailng jxtting for a homo the lawn li ono of the mo t importunt prob ably no other slngl factor luu so greut un influence on tho appearance of a propt rty than tho condition of tho 1 iv n it is the primi e entlal without wllcn the pleililng t ffoet or flower i imd shrub bi almoit entirely iait a good lawn depend i to a ooiuhlor- uble digru ujion a prop r beginning it rarely re ult- rrom illp hod mi thod tfhatthyptiaihih thttiolluntljrfiatlctl luff a little gri ji rxed upon it a lawn li a fairly pi rmanliit creation nnd will amply repay tho owner for any extra i ifort expended in iti preparation iho nltc ii u ually fixed an is uio tlie typo of soil and unfortunately uio latter ij often very poor con citing of tho sub soil rcmnvt d in tin f xcuvueution of tla cellar in all grading work an extri eifort should bo made to keep tho our- fico nnd subsoil separate after the rough grading has been completed tho entire lawn may bo given a coating of three or four inches of tho good toll tho ground should be brought to a perfectly uniform grade making sure unit there li good drainage away from uio foundation of tho building and uiat there are no pockets loft tn which tho water will colloct during tiho whiter it sliould be thoroughly compacted and roll ed with an ordinary lawn roller raked lightly in order to procure a satisfactory seed bod seeded then raked lightly again and anally rolled regarding seed a mixture which has been found very satisfactory at the ex perimental station prederleton n ii consuita of 70 pounds kentucky uuio aruss und 32 pounds white dutch clover per aero por small lawns thls u equiva lent to approximately ono ounce to every square yordit seeding should bo dono as early as poaslblo in uio spring and on a oalm day mowing bhould commence when grans is about two inohri high and continue throughout uio season lnordorto promico a compact thick typo of turf lawn will respond to a light application good commercial fertilizer of ap proximately a 4 ii 0 analyiln applied at the rate of one ounce per square yard ihbi hi especially important in tho re novlation of old wornout lawns in nuch cases two or three light applications per year of a thoroughly decayed compost will abio- provo very beneficial experi mental farm note pt uttcr lgotbt how d yi r like yor now bou muino lutkod ono stenographer of another on tho levuttd oh ho uln t no bad only hos kind or blgotttd ho lecmi tor think that word i can only be i pelled lu hli way guks wluut- iai s ihattt is lltii twins hiul hi c n brought to bo chrl t ned what name i iu ked thi clergyman sunk and kidnty tlu fnther an- iwered sill y in fool crlt d the mother it i kate and sydney redrosetek ju good tlaxl tchoxce fetnhsfealwiowetvde acids in stomach cause indigestion create kournri ouh and laln iiw o treat mullrul uuthorltlrn state that nearly nlm ttntlui of the asm of itowarh trouble indigestion sourness burning fui bloating iiiuifiui itr ore duo to m t xe li of hydrochloric ueld in the ttmmnh i ho di urate stomarli lining li irritatid dlgijtlon it diluyod nnd food sours eaiirlng tho dliagreeablo symptoms which ovry stomaoh sulforer knows nn 11 artificial dlg rtiinti are not needed in i urh ciun i and may do real harm fry laying aside all digestive aids und lnstoud ui t rrom any drtiimlst somn hliuratod magnosla and take a teaspoanful of powdc r or four tublits in water right uttor i nting i his swootenn tho stomaoh jiruvonts tho formation of excess acid and tin re is no sourness kuk or pain lilsur- uted magnesia in ixwdor or tablet form never liquid or milk bt harmless to the stomach inexpensive to take and la tho most efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes it bt used by thou sands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion jlilofowo economical food wltli real nourish mont is- what your family needs and you can get toahfawrtfenyo oo g corn synip and bensons golden syrup physicians recommend tliem because of their great energy producing value and because they are easily digested have a jug of tone of these famous syrups on the table at every meal eat nil you want they mean real health for less money hid- canada starch co limited montreal edwardsbluui crown brand corn syrup bemsons dounbbtsvkiip iteiui tinttiy for our fammu rc wfr cantuta 1 1 fit rfcifnti ftllotil ihvctiu port ami mnclt 10c to cottir multltift r it l2i thvcanabasrauchco llmllj monlil fotwanl ntl rut y si ymir natvcooh uwk oaiwda rtlihclp i fiulm im gi business directory medical drj a mcniven phyalfllan and burgeon oftico and hesldrnoe comer bower avenue mid elgin street dk j g suthcrland eyo tear nose and throat bpecuuut olauarh uuppllm office xu dr iluchanaii n ottloe ja u hln an lllock plmt and i bird fridays in acton from 7 p m or by appointment home ihona ooortfi town 107rfl 1lfgal phouo no 32 f o box bs harold nash tarmer m a tuirbjter hojvitof notary puhlfc conveyancer kio 1fukvman iuock acton ont monkv ifn1 on mortoaoeu hours o jo u m to 600 p m oaturdays 13 00 o clock jonnktk m ilanodon kburbtn- solicitor noimry kabila offices main utroet south aeorctov imloilo bfl appolntmcnls in acton on request m ntai dr j h johnson ddslds kknntal hurgmm office mill tltrett in the cooper block tkllepiiontf 4ts a j buchanan d d s dental hargwon oirtoo in leliihman block hours 0 u in until 0 p m evening by appolntmi nt ofli for extractions clilid alfd tywtodiidday phono lb p w pnaren d d s l d s dental huren uiicci nor to lato dr j m boll phono jo mill btroot acton mkscff 1 ankouh w trancis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made- to order plrlodlcali or every dewcrlptloa xarofully bound kullng neatly and- promptly dono wyndham atroet ouolph out over williams store our expert optical service is tast and efficient new glaauw or kpira made whlki y6a are in the city w6llk guaranteed at moderate wbickh e p head b o tyodiht spnlalbt uul hlf optloha u bt okouoeb bq uueltu mark every grave large htoek off mfonutnenu io chooae from nothing is more lasting or more appropriate to commemorate uu memory qfloyedom8 who have gone befonjlhan beautiful granite well carved with our equipment no plant 1 or a more oompleto stock to choose from you owo ityto yourself to see our stock and got our quotations on monuments markers or corner stones monument frecuxl anywhere tittering in cemeteries framptly kxocuta acton monument works j nicol a son pnonb iu fob that tihed peeling have your eyes examined iho approach of spring is often blamed for juinetu cauuud by eye strain if you have an indisposi tion to buckle down to your work it may bo the spring tlmo or it may bo j lint laxlness but tho cluuin i are that your eyes aro not worklntf properly iho imrgy consumed by over coming yo strain la bometunes ap palling if you find it difficult to work havo your eyes examlnod right away ad savage r or optometrists bpboiausta savaqk buitdino oukixb stafaacriptioob for taken at the1 jj1