Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1930, p. 3

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tbxjbbdat november too the acton free press paobs thrjbi 3hr jffrrr lrp00 8hnrt tnru the rolling pumpkin mary e bamfoiid sbnek i1b3rson had built tho little house with hi own handn it wu tho only houaa that oella and he had ever owned after thnlr long married yoara of poverty it acomed won derful to own a houso fvon if it was small and situated bealdo the road mom than a mile from town thtirtv were thrco rooms below and two rooms under the sloping roof above abnor and cella had agreed that the huuw should be patntud cream color hut oella had liad to bo uway and whatever the term cream color convoys toinoiitpiplprthwpainttrtofwhojn abner intriwtod tho job it apparently meant a staring uwful yullow at any irate that li tho color lie painted tho hioujwj abnor whouo taste for color was perhaps not what it uhould liavo boon was rather pleased with the brilliancy of tho effect people driving by stared at tho house ho thought thoy muni like it but when oella returned aho wan hor rified it makes tho houso look llko a tur yellow pumpkin growing on tlio lot alio said hut abncr could not afford to liavo it repainted and cellu repress her dis appointment oradually ohe grow used to living in tho liouso it wui so won derful that hiiii and abncr had a homol thoso were tho dayti when abnor did carpentry work in town walking tlio long road back again oveiilngu after hu days work he felt a ploununt slow of thankfulness when ho caught a gllmpno of hu vivid howuj when i ioo it it warms me tlirough uko a pleuaant lint ihe said onco to cella after tluit colla never talked against tho disturbing color if abner toukj happlnosa in it she could endure it tlio most alio ever did was to rfor occa sionally to the houm an tho punkln ilut thero cam a dayadion abnor liad a fall that injured his back ho could never do carpentry work again though 10 recovered so that ho could got round tho liouuo then lb was cellas turn to toko tho long walk dally hack and forth i ibho went out jawing in town an sho uloddod buck ovonlngs and saw tho llttlo yellow houto at a dbituuco alio would remember whut her husband hnd aaid i about its looking llko a pleaitunt ilro welcoming him homo afa last it looked hko uiat to her uilt in the wlntur when tho hard rains wot colla through abnor worrlod wo ought to move into town ho sold colla mado light of the matter but an one winter lucceodod anothor it grow hard to hold hur mnbrclla again it tho storms mid to drug her rubbcvbhad foot through tho mud ono spring abnor hnliitod that tho place should bo put into lho handh of a roalestalo man in town no ono know from aimers words how ho droadod selling the little house that ho himself had buil his young ttrongth and hopes liad gone into it now dally ho nut ttjono at tbo window after colla had bonotoworkcxrecting tlio roalfcatute man to como with a purchaser somo- tlmes abncr wiped his eyra im real silly t ho chldod lilmfiolf even if x did build thli houso x neednt feel as if it wore part of me i wouldnt have colla know how i feel about ltl hut i remember laying tho floors and building that dish cloaot for cella wan i not proud when x not tho shlnglmg donol mow strong x wiui thenl every day was in anticipation parting day to abncr but tho monthu went along and the agent did not soil tho place then ono evening a man como to km abner kot many month before tho mim and his wife hod como from tho southern part of tho country and on tlio advice of hbf cousins folks who lived in town ho had bought a good town lot but smcftuiutha man bad wished ho had bought property furthor out so that lie could have a vegetable every evening the walk home grow sliort- cr for colla every morning when rha left for work she would joke aboutwhcr on tho road olio would moct abnor and tho house that evening ono night the littlo yollow houso just readied the odgo of town it was u now joy for them that it hod stopped for tlio night near a lump pout tho iitroet lamp shone brightly in at tho win dows after aupper colla did not light tho house lamp she wanted to enjoy tho novelty of a stroet lamp they sat talking in its radiance ftwimfc tako jnt couple of days before wo rearb our lot the mover huyn observed abnor there wan a rup at tlio door cella opened it nnd them itood uic mover and a woman whom ho introduced as hlit wife cella huiitonrd to light tliolamp wu wore just sitting hero talking by tbo light of thu ntrict lump uho explained glooms ail though wovo roully reached town lo have a street lump iihlno into our wlndowii so nice tuid bright then cella notlcod with coiuitornn- tlon that tlio movers wife wiui crying wiftly ihore thero nolllol mild tho mover kindly oh x ought to bo there this mlnutol tho woman sobbed oh mother mothor wo never ought to hiwo loft uicnil my wife got a telegram tonight that uiwiot her explained tho mover her mother down south whero we enmo from hiis had a sudden stroke of purulysu my wife is their only cluld her futhar tilegruphed oh i ought to bo there thu mlnutol lamented tlio movers wife ill never leave them again nevorl thero now i mild cella pityingly mayba your motlier will live u- long tlmo yot ive known folks to llvojjears after a stroke yoarul muybo sho wo ought llover to have left her and futllir iobbed tho movers wife hys terically oh wovo got to move back there right offl i lush nellie liufhr said tho dla- tractetl mover vouro going on tho morn in k train i ho turned doiiierately to abncr i know its an awful thing toujik you he mild rapidly an awful unbusinesslike thing youll think woro cruy but would you bo willing to exchange our plftcw ugiiln you toko buck tho pluco you lived in and glvo mo back the town lot you ceo my wife lnubts on our going south to llvo again and you see yourelf how long it might tukn mo to sell your place out there and i cant wait my money all tied up my couiln in town nays that if x hnd that town lot x let you have he would buy it from mo ribt oil but ho wont buy the place you lived in 8ayn its too far out im in a flu would yoiubo willing if x moved you back thero whero you ucd to live and fixed you up just as nice as you used to bo id pay for the legal puperi ill do anything reason able if you onlyll glvo mo the deed to tho town lot and let mo pull you back to your old placet then i could noil tho town lot to my cousin and go south with a llttlo money instead of being broke cella and abnor wore staring at tho mover in amusement pull us buck repeatlod abncr you see said tho mover excitedly oh dont cry no nelllol dorit dear youro going in the monilngl you see x everythings tied up i ho stop ped his voice wou shaking elo ono spoko then he mover rosn garden aibtnlrawbfrrlbs im really a mover of houses ha said down houth in the city wo come from ive moved many a house what x camo to see you about it do you think you and i could trade places of course your place out hero has a good deal more land than my place in town has hutrtown land is moro valuable- now if xd move your houso into town on my tot arid set your house up die wilit good foundation and connect you with thewater plpea and gas plposund build you a chimney would you trado places oven wovo boon trying all summer to soil tills place said abner hcsltutlngly iio and colla thought ovor the plan for a week xt appealed to abnor be cause they could move and still keep tho house it need only bo 11 f tod on rollers and moved ami that would solv both problotiuv cella would huvo no more long walks and abnor nnd she would still llvo bi tho bouse that ho had built so tho mover amwabnor mode out the deeds for tho exchange of their places and the yellow hoiio wusinount- odon rollers and started on its journey down the long road abnor onjoyed ills dally ride without- a chimney ho could do no cooking and ho was far too cflpplod to clunb down into the road and make a llttlo fire when cella oamo homo at night she would muka a fire of chip- beside tho road and boll some tea and fry eggs ami bacon then she would sllcobroad ano ctlcese and thoy would have their ploaant supper while abnor told of things that tho mover and his assbttunt had said during tho day nervously of course you havo tho right tho legal right hnutammered oh thoyvo got rlghtl sobbed tho movers wife wo havent anyl themans despairing cyca pierced col las soul her heart molted within her you let u havo till morning to decl do vtjal crcciilrkln cnyrwobughtrtd have a llttlo tlmo to think it over thuts fco mild thw mover miserably of course youve got the right tho legal tight ho stumbled toward tho door colla held tho lamp for him to sco to help lik tcarbllndod wlfo down from the raised house good night colin said gently and wont lntothlriiounc with tlio umy the deeds made out und rcrordedpj bliuterotl abner why its scanda lous to ask us to change back i thats what x call it loundaloual i cella did not answer abncr talked ludtgnantly by and by thoy retired but thoy wore not able to sleep wovo eot a legal rlghtl muttered abnor to his pillow x should nay uol he climbed out of bod and jerked the window nhiido down bother that streot lamp ho said spitefully xt makes tho room io light x cant sleep i it must bo lovott oclock how long do street lampi burn all night x ifurjik fiuld colin her voice sounded it tried as if with tears x hone tioro is po street light near j our lot grumbled abner what you crying about nothing said colla you be tool knapped abiuu you crying about those folks colla begun to sob o abnor she id 1 got to thinking about that womans oor old father and mother what if twas mo had u stroke and our daughter off somewhere and you tole- brapblng hor to bomo homo o abner kpoaln it was us ond ellen was llvlnir now you hush nald abncr talnt so you havent had any stroke nevertheless his voice softened out of tho pant flouted ills vision of that sweet daughter mien who hod gono to ood long obo weve ot a right a legal right abhor rcmatethytoudly legal rights aint always kind rights retorted cella still sobbing abncr rose and smote his pillow aint we going to uot to bleep to night ho demanded i declare theros a hole in that curtalul he plunged to thn window and jerked up tho sliudu tho streot lamp bhuced in might as well liave it look straight lnl ho nald it mokes mo nervous peeking at mo through that hole i beems like tm eye looking at mc cella rose on her elbow what kind of neighbors do you suppose were going to hivit in town slu inquired tho mcaullnvii were such good neighbors out ut our old plueo you rephombor when you hud that awful full how mo- aulllfo uut up with you nights abnrr did not answer its uo bark to them said cella boldly tnti abnrrt junt how ifliul that mover will 1h if you toll him youu change plucui aualu and he can pull us tiarkl and abner all ihu iioujwis round our lot in towu aro big and white i dont believe theyll llko a llttlo yellow house like this tills puuklu coming und sitting next to them i by and by abner bunt into a laugh well he suld yes wo will go buck i i havent seen so much of tho country in yearn x wuu thinking today that i wiui iorry my ride was ulmont ended and im uoing totako it all over uuulnl he chuckled o abner i orled cella fervently o abnurt youre tho best muni luhuwl iald abner what about you you ara tho ono thats going to have to walk after owing all day now i gtuiis we can go to sleep said celia sighing contentedly with their kindly itcurln at rest tlwy slept unmindful of tho street lump ntnr- ing in ut them tho next morning tlie mover como hu wui weary and hopeless- looking my wife got off on that eurly train ho liald listlessly and stood awaiting his sentence well sir said abnor wovo con cluded uuit wo want to rtdu back again you caii just head tin for our old placo havo tho deeds fixed up und well ex change the placet back again the mover raised his oyoi quickly youll do it ho asked abnor nodded im juit looking for ward to tho ride back homo ho nnld cella and i want to seo tho mcaulllfofi the mover jumped into tho air llko a boy oloryl ill gyt you back to thono neighbors fo quirk youll surprke thorn mantillve you dont know tho klnd- neis youve done mo heaven bless you ho inatchbd abncr a hand and shook it mightily ill have my partner fix a good chimney for you ho shouted and repair everything- and so do iald abnor the mover and his helper proceeded to itart the yellow home bark along tho load ovor which it hud recently travel led thero wont be any street light to bother mo no xcfcht sloop tonight suld abnor cella kiinrd him goodby and started for tho place at which nlio was to now ohe wus glud for tho mover yet idio thought of the ralmi next winter and how wet she should bo whon she walked homo from town but thoro itho said to herself as she remembered the movers grateful face x wouldnt bo happy if wed dlsnppojiitcd html abnor onjoyed his diiy he sat at a window and watched those who rode pait if they wore iwioplo who had noon tho home moving toward town ho en joyed their astonbihment tho expres sion of their faces which neemed to say was x mlstakon wasnt that houso coming to town cunt think what litis m can you abncr said to himself and chuckled the mover made haste to arrange tho lehfnl pa and nnil tho town lot to hu ingon your place its real interesting to hear thorn talk i thoy divide off tho building into aisles and in ong row of nesta are the tlirccdavold squabs and in another row ww lie tlio weekold snuubn and on the other sldo of tho building all tho grown pigeons will bo t uylittfarjrund ounrborcd rings on 1 their ankles did you over know about i that it serms that pigeons chooso ouch other and you never ought to kill a pigeons mate i this man told mo that at the other fucm thejt- had the iiutiin number on the two rltibs on a i pigeons ankle and on his matoi ankle they notice you know uhlch pigeons beutu to like each other and then they i slip tlie uumoiiunibercd rings on them both v that nolhidy will moke a mistake iutd kill a pigeons mute i during tho harangue cellu and abnor tint jiluponod do you mean asked cella that thnuo men want our plaoo jjuie thing suld tho agent they paid a deposit 1hoyh give you exactly whut you oskud cuih down they uru pleased to fllld u plum with a good well of water thoy expected to have to dig ono i lilt tiint we oheutlug them to usk jtttt thoenme for thn plaoo without he hoiito or uro they taking tho homo luketb cellu not a bit replied tho agent cheer fully they wnnt that corner where your houio win for their barn thli hotio loo nt come into the trade at all but ciled ctju bewildered what aie wo going to do with urn iiotiiui wo shouldnt have a lot in town nor out hero cither we cant jil in the rondl tliuts oajy enougti jiald the agotvt ive got everal inlii in town that folks have put into my hands for uiio you can get your cash down thli week for your old place you can buy a lot hi town and have more than money enough lert over to pay tlio mover to toko lho hoiiu there why nothings cosier i your houiu is on rollers already it might just oil well move one way an an othor i ono of the lots x havo for mile is the vacant ono next tho old druko place in town you know where that cellu nodded yes that was a pretty good lot the agent numed a figure ut whlrh it could be bought if they did not llko tho lot they could decide on uimii other while thoy wcro moving to ward town but abner could hold in no longer at ilrut ho had supposed they would have to give up the houjo but now it was sure that he could keep the house und move tool hu slapped his knee und shouted am x going to take that ride to town over again cella am i oh when tills punkln rolli hc rolls i guess if that mover who went south had known how soon our old place was going to sell hod havo kept it a few days longer mild cella but thero wovo a right to moko a llttlo something on it i should think if anybody could next morning tho norwegian partner of tho former mover stared in dumb amayemejit buck i must movo you buck he niked ills blue eyes wore lncreduloii but when thoy explained to him that ho would bo paid for moving tho house to town again he accepted hbi fate da ho said resignedly so the yellow houso began ugnhi to roll toward town people stared ex cited children pointed lingers ut it x declare im almost ashamed to bo ufcii riding in ltl nnld colia good- naturedly it doci look as it wo hadnt any minds at all going back and forth sol but collns tired self was glad each night as itho mot tho houso noarcr and nearer town slio would not havo to trudge fur through tho ruins noxt winter yet her comfort would not be built on any unbupplnoss for others im bo glad wo were kind to that poor mover she reflected one day tho yollow house turned triumphantly in at tho pleasant lot they had bought in town filially the houso cousin now ill bo able to go south not qulto broke thanks to you he ilald to abnor he left tho work of moving tho house to his partner a stalwart tjqcwcgluh who had several sons ill never forgot your kindness said tho mover us he uado gootpuy before louvlitg for lho south next day tho maaullffoa hoard that abncr and cella were coming back and mrs mcaullffo como down tho road to welcome the llttlo houso as it rolled on its return journey im so glad yonro coming bock said mm moaulhfo its been so lone some to look dvor plac and n see your house 1 woiniuvo a regular houso warming for you dally tho yellow house croaked onward und longer undtotttfer grow col las walks homo at night i shuht have to make tea besldo tbo road many moro nights she dilurcd ono evening a few moro days and well roach oii plurel while they wore eating niipiwr i rap sounded nt the door cella opened it thoro stood tho roaloitnto agent to whom ihiforo any exchange hnd been made between abner and thu mover lho selling of the old plare had been in trusted well said the agent who owns tho place out here now you folks or tho mover wo do nald abner bo i heurd nald tho real ostau man well at lust ive got a good otfor for it ive a coupon of men part ners who want to buy your plaoo cosh rinwttr tttey wunt it for a pigeon farm seems theres a big market for squabs up in the oily und theie men calculate to dress the squubs every morning and take them in their car to that early three oclock train thoyvo boon in tho pigeon business before somewhere thoy are going to put up a big barnllko bulld- twknty yeaiis ago from th imu of ttia free p of thursday november 10 1d10 i there ore now ibfi inmates at tbo now reformatory farm ut ouelph y just a taste of winter this week there will bo miriii flqo mfld weather yet and pow soap has gont up bi price tho are usldlng an sdvanco of ton per cent you may go to toronto any day next week but monday for 135 good to return until monday acton choral society was organized on monday evening with some sixty tikiiiibnru und 1rnf shlldrlck or ouelph tho conductor caroy bros the well known apple dealers and entertainers of mlllgrbvo aro bemoaning tho loss of a 1500 uqtomo- blle which was destroyed by ilro on tiiivduy afteruooni on tho auulphhood hv oeo lruerot m a archdeacon of hamilton puld un otflclul visit ut sl albuun church last wednesday evcnbig il repreeutatlvo of hln iirdshlp blsio du moulin the archdeacon hud li kngthy cuufcrcucu with the re c lor nnd congregation of st albans relative to matters of lntorol to tho future welfare of thri parish ottlcdorrtrboodftnindatlorrrthcwbfctiil and gas pipes wero connected lho chimney was built well saltl abnor reqlnlicently 1va enjoyed my rides first rutol xt isnt overylwidy thatkwstravolllng oltd hom moro money loft afterwards tluui they hod whau thoy startad ixowovar-i- gucss i dont euro to go travelling any moro truth is along toward tho lost the scenery got kind or monotonous seemed as though id neon it beforol jsimplezremejdjt foirbadl stomach gives swift relief no nrrtl of ktruiig mndlelnru or lut hufo and hlniplo homo ueelpti knm k to much in fine condition if you are a victim of stomach troubles otti souineilt puln or bloating you may have quick mid certain relief by following this simple ndvlco dut tuko strong medicines artificial dlgostants or pull down your hystom with itiirviitlon diets for within reason most folks may oat what they uko if they will keep their ttomurh free from uoubig aelds that hinder or paralyze the work of digestion and the host nnd easiest way to do this bi to follow ovory meal with throo or four tjbleti of btiuruttid magnesia a pleas ant bnrmliwi bioxpenslvo und handy tiipllt form of mhguoslu that promptly iniinulks acidity and keeps your stamueh kwoet und clean a weeks trial of lllsurnted magnesia tmileu which any gotwl druggist eon supply at trilling cost should quickly convince you that on per cent of ordln- u ry slomuoh distress is absolutely un- nocesiary he sure to get blsurated mngnesla tablets warns all past 40 toheed thesesigns if you arn troublrd with burning irritu- tlonii kidney or bladder weukueui sraiity ellmlniltlon frequent annoyance day und night swollen fcot or unklei mid pains in the buck lower abdomen or down through grolns you should try the umuxlng value- or dr southworthn uratabs and seo what a wonderful dimretire they make ir this grand old formula of a well known physician brings you the swift comfort it has brought to others you surely will lie thankful nnd very well pleusod if it does not satliiiy the druggist thnt supplied you la author ised to return your money on tho first box purchased at all good drug stores earn 96 to fit per day ambitious reliable men wanted at tnico iart time pay while training for aviation mechanics oarage work driving battery klectrlo acetelynoi welding houso wiring industrial electricity machinist bricklaying ilasuring drafting harboring and -mairth-ctsmg- aottjmckvftrtyoar ap plication in now write or call for information dominion trade schools itn eastern headquarters 70 queen west toronto kmploynmtnt mrlm oommt to eoaai national tlio national is in crvlce nguln between toronto und winnipeg leaving toronto j30 pm dully arriving win nipeg hll am accond morning after smllmry wlceper la carried in thbt train informtt ihwt ami reserva tlon ftom ttny canadian national agent radio fans ia xoavxil jucjxkb jis jufco vsol lma red kose te twoqnwt vvtouau 1oimkek0e j cadesky eyiiskillt speciaust i wiia be at a t biiowhs dltuo 6toi1k aoton monday december 1 anyone suffering rrooi tcyastraui defective vision or headache khould not mbui tho opportunity of consulting this eyesight apeojalut appointments may bo made with mr a t bfown druggist- conbtjitation jtikk office umuvi a m- uu m time tables at acton nadian n oolite -kat- no ae dally except eunday 7oa mm nqtkidally uzcept sunday 1143 ajtt no 30 dally except sunday 618 pjn no 38 dally except sunday b47 pjn no 34 sunday only 713 pjn going wet no 31 dally except bunday 734 aju no 30 dally except bunday d10 ajru no 33 dally except sunday 3m pjxu no 1b0 dally except sunday fllflpjn no 37 dally except sunday 734 pjn no 30 dally except sunday 10 31 pjn no 36 sunday only lo 33 un no 30 will stop only on klsnol no 3d will stop only to jlacharga paa sengnrs from toronto and east the name is sufficient butternut bread u oh ijultcr swct ah a nut sold at following acton grocers ked whitoot w jonca superior store huiv ncihoii co m mm oakley w neflbill factory at dominion bakeries limited guclph canadian national hlkctrio uaiiwaym wrtlhund dally except junday slsajn bully c 1010 am tlly r 116 pm dally 310 pm dally cjsflpjn liuliy cm pm dally 1318 aa kaat bound dally except sunday 733 ajn dally b3s ajn dally 13 33 pjn- dally 333 pm dully 5 33 pm daily a33 pjn dally 1133 pjn toronto terminal kfwde ktrt and kl clatr atcna 1rolght delivered by kpoclal axpraaa freight inrelght picked up at any ad- drejui in toronto wratbouiu ldy om om nny los m dally 405 pjil dully o 35 p dully nxropt haturdttys huihlayh lull llnllilayg 1005 pm biiturdayfl tlihlay luid ifolliljiyn 1306 tm kultkxuia eiundayii olid hnllduyn 055 am dally except sunday and ilolldayn 005 ttm dally 1120 am dally 355 pm dally 555 pjil dally 060 pm debts collected yea collections are alow this year but nolo this wo havo col lected mora monoy in 1030 than in any ono of our forty years experience hkno va voua ubt at once kelly aiken tim collection hpeelalbu oltangkviiji ouelph owen soonji painting and house decoration graining a speciality troml altmlka kthntm ohm telcrilone 119 kichakd jhl blanche lloif 350 aotoa savage co watches diamonds china glassware engagement and wedding rings gueull ontario 81 wyudban bl

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