wiiimuifciluwl thursduusv october 90 1930 the acton free press page jtvm the commi social side of life visitors to and from town during the pmi weelttas glftanfed b iw free prem mr stewart malcolm of toronto was borne tor over sunday miss isabel mcltflven wo homo from toronto for over tho week end mr bugeno mcpnorson wu homo from toronto for over tho week end mis joan kennedy was home rrom toronto for over tho week end mr araham lindsay and inabtl epent monday with relatives in toronto mlaa pom brown spent saturday and sunday wltll relatives in toronto mlaa margaret wllllamnon i onmto spea bunday with friends in town mrs john moore of llstowel vlmtod hor sister mnnvm johnstone loit week mrs agnes moravian of seaforth is spending a week or so with acton friends mr harold wansbrouah of toronto visited his mother hero over tho week end misses attain and jean hardy beu mills spirit saturday with mus grace lanu mrs thomas orober and liddy peiit a couple of days this wock with relatives in toronto miss velma murray spoilt a fow days last week with friends in toronto and richmond hill mr and mrs alfred williamson or toronto spent tho week end with mr nd mrs j ruddlck mr and mrs b ti russell and chil dren of oakvllle spent tlio week end at tlie parental home mr and mrs william hobirton of toronto spent tho wock end with acton relatives and friends mr and mrs k halt dorothy and ljfttaj of kitchener spent tho week end with friends in acton mrs dr j a mcnlvcn left last week to visit her turn mr john mc nlvcn at lclmherley b o miss innb 1 lanbt is vlnltlnjf frlondn in owen hound and attending tho mann- buck wedding on saturday mr and mm robert stewart and children of wen ton visited mr and- mm j liuddlck over tho wock end mrs carolyn grott of houthhold long island n v li vulllng with mr and mrs ji ilangort vrcdtrlck street mra aliulo ii somervlllc of loronto spent tho week nd at tho homo of hor parents mr and mrs john harvey mr and mrs w o ncuiey and orli of georgetown npent gunday at the homo of mr and mra h s wilson mr and mm jack suundorji of sydney australia wero uucsts for a few days last wock of rev and mrs o l poole mrs cookman and man tor jack apd miss lhclmn of mlllon upctit tho week end with mr and mrn it j mophoraon messrs edward and herbert flynn of dullaw n y are holidaying with their uncles messrs joneph and james plynn mrs ohtts mclam of toronto apent sunday at the home of mrs kobort oarvln and miss margaret oarvb 101 street t ur and mra herb oloave and dorothy of georgetown visited at uio homo of mr and mrs h s wilson over sunday mrs o 3 kllmantor of port rowan u visiting with mr and mrs j q idnd- y and other frit nd in tho district lor few weeks miss je cree who had the misfor tune to fall off a landerwhllo picking apples and mlstabi a painful shaking up u improvlnir slowly mr and mrit v a rouse and illwe and mr and mrs wm anderson of oalt spent sunday at uio home of mr and mrs e h vincent mr konney mlaa m uarmnn and mlw kathleen hutchison of loronto and mr and mrs carr of georgetown spent sunday at tho home of mr and mr u allison mrs 1- a ward and um who had boon visiting in enjilnnd for tho past four months are haying with lr sinter mrs wm chlnholm for a wick before returning to lur home in whmlp b mrs ii davis of mitchell who has been hero during the lllnu of her slstor- tn law mrs v e holmes und attending ho- fuuier mr joseph holmes who is in fceblo houlth returned home on ruenday judge mooro was at hollo v mo oti tuesday attendlntr the annual meeting of the board of gov c mors of albert couoro prom tho point of years in olflro mr- moore it tho oldest member of tho hoard reeve mason has been troublid for time with the muaclcn of his left wrist and has had to have the hand hi a cast this wock it was dotmtd advisable to extract several tenth all eltlettilrt and friends elsi whore will wbth for artim a chief magistrate a speedy return to his usual enjoyment of good health entrrpu 3ntn irpht 710bert wmancnr ootviho prlcnda of mr hobert moral oakvule were grieved to learn on thursday morn ing trial during tho nght ha had passed away suddenly mr marsh was bom u lancashire england and leaving the old land llvod in australia and new zealand fur a number of yrars some twinty ydars ago he came to canada and became a resident of oukvllle he was n valuator and fire loss adjuster mr mursh became a member of tho town counrll thnro and later auonror an woll us valuutor in tho several county equal ization court- in both rapai itlcs ho wiu an untiring worker gtillnrlng a mans or detail information 111 health cutuu d his rollrijnout mr mar dm 1 ter mlis minnie lived with lilui and betildns there nro two othi r nl tero and uirco br tlu ra in dlifi n nt parui of canada ofiltvlllo star mr manh win wi u- knowu throughout tho county huvliur be n active hi political and thrr circles mlis jam14 o jihx cleveland ni wn roirhid frl nds in aoton on mondiiy morning or the death of mrs jumiii g hill at the family rcnldeni o 15jj kait 84th otriot cleveland ohui cm uaturtlay i ho fuiloral took place on monday afternoon at lakovlew ceme tery in the family plot whom charlie a bt loved jton of tin home was laid to rist about u year ago mrs hill wlui her hiuiband wait u r i ldent of acton for ttomn tlino her homo was in llllls- burg and she will be remembered by numbers of early residents as mus katie iteld mr hll was a uucctiutful photo grapher here and wien tho first clerk and iraamirer of acton at utu tbno of incorporation bi 1673 in tho summer of 1b76 mr and mrs hi11 moved to detroit where they resided for a number of yearn and thon bo l tit 1 in cleveland ohio where they have over since fe- filded mrs hill was a woman greatly beloved by thane who knew hor bho was a devoted wlfo and a mother who llvod for her ohlldrun and was rovered by them tjio sympathy of acton friends ll fruoly extended to tho bercrt family thomas taluot itockwood a life long rer ldent of eromosa town ship panod away lait week in itockwood in tho person of ihomiut lalbot in his nth year a rum of the late ulchard i ul bo t deceuseil was lorn hi eramusa and had tipent tho wholo of hlii ufo thoro he farmed jjuccul fully in cramoaa alt his lire until 16 yearn ago when ho n tin d and took up hli re ildenco in itockwood ho had not been in good h alth iiluce iiuit marrh and took irl ouily 11 about threo weeki ago piuullng away on octobt r 31 his wife at itock wood and one daughter mm robert grltfen qtirlph lowiuihlp survive mr w d lulbot of acton is a nephew of the docoaid the late mr lalbot wan a devout member of the itomnn catholic church at itockwood the funi ral won held iil t prlday inornlng to tho church or our lady guolph and thence to ou tic cemetery it was very largely attended and floral and nplrltual offor- ixnt were wry numerous her vr hradloy oiflclated at tho church and itov pr mcbrlde of acton at the graveldo i ho pallbearern wore five nephown oscar day pergu i oeorgo hamilton ilubo lalbot james wcathorson james talbot and robert grllfen a non ui1aw i chas taylor jlronto ohurlr4 taylor tho oldest cltuwsn of llrontc and a resident for nearly 51 yt ars paiuuxl away at his home in ills eighty seventh voar mr taylor had been blind for a few yearn antt confined to bed for part of the time but his death was sudden and unexpected mr taylors death removes one who was closely con- i nested with tho industrial life of tho 13 roti to district over a long period par many yearn ho supplied fruit growers of this section with containers of many kinds from hli factory on the old lake shore roud now tho toronto hamilton highway and he abio operuted a raw- mill until a very few yearn agoon tho jvclvo mile creek just below uie present highway bridge turn dig out thousands of feet of lumber and w fro urouto harbor to many lak ports la fraternal circles he wjhi active alw be coming known an the father of the orange order in halton county at the time of his death lie wasthe oldest county mafter and uio only iurvlvlng cliaru r monitor of urouto uo l which was mtabllhhod in 1084 and of which he wan tho first worshipful master he is nurvlvod by hla widow fornwrly mlh1 pord of oakvlllo five sons and three duiighterh i sim i lit mary vttronloa dunn lhe fnllowlng obituary of olnter mafy veieiilca dunn a ubtcr of muuint- john j hntllhcotlore dunn- of aclonia itqul tho catholic record sl tor miry ver onica dunn of bt jon phi community hamilton was called to lu r 1 1 nial reward on october 7 she had complotod tho forty sixth year or her rcllgloui lire which was kpent almoj t rntlrely among tho nick and tht poor and nho wu iilunyn ikippy in lorving oven tho liait of tin m io hi r nligloiu com panions thh dear hutcr waw a model of fidelity to rule ami to nil with whom she came in contact she was an example j of the virtu i whli h rharnrterue the true buuu of st jojttph tho funeral oh wiulea vere hi id in tho chapel of uin uoiue of i duudiui ihumday oi tobi r w 1114 lordship right rover nd j 1 mrnully d d celebrated iontlllcal high mani of requiem and was usslited by mgr w o oohl v g as arch prlml v ry iji v i m ciualdy and rev m weldmr lei diaeomi of honor rev w j hawkhih und itov p campbell dtauoui of thu muss rev doctor o rctlly and itov w oleason were mas tern of oero- mnnles itev j w englert rev a j lycs rev d curtis rev father leavy and rev w nolan wero present the surviving relatives of tho drceaood sister am five brothers and one sister j p dunn of chatham john j onct theo dore in acton wimom kingston iwad edmund in tnninto and elizabeth in chatham may she rest in peace fxcusfcs r was an admirubh itaylug of mor- ktir t 1ulkra that wo need to know the i xrilltth men make for thi mm ivrs w are tx r iuly to judge inlto arts and ludet d it la mreinay that wo should jo judge in thh rrmnriu uui world 11 in the lert that cotiuli and no rotmldi ration or xplan itlon ran obviate lhe fatal n xu nrn of dha u r that follow rrom wr mud lng to the t nd of time n virtholrw win u wo look not at tlm in t but at the iu tor it repays un well to upprt t late hli uttltildn and to n ollxa ih it in all ril i lie hail uimn i xplanatlon jmiiu ihtmiry of hli oonduct tomii ju un- tutl u in hli own ye l if he took otlur prop rty he had a right to it the wnld nwul him a living and the world wili itu k to pay and iu wiui entitled to in lp him elf win re lie could i he truitid othtri with cruelty h won be i an m they hiul treated him with rnielty mi n w re indifferent laws wrru partial nature bed glvt n him the will and the power and had blddi n him to right him n if rut tlutjio ronsldi ratloun have a double force win u wo come straight home to ohnwlvet do you nevi r do wrong do you not do wrong u dow n tlmi n a day und do you do it without oxcilui to yourtolf you do jiot rob or murder but take the little mtanmei tho little nellliliiienun the little neglects are you not ko nly conscloua of uitm and doei not that noiucloujuiejiji nliow most hi your ingenuity in finding excuses if you jihlrkod a duty the excuse was that you were tired if you neglected a friend the nxcuso won that uio rrlend had neg lucted you if you spoke a harsh word you wi re sure uiat you wore excused by mom than i uffloliuit provocation ho moiit of all the ntudy of our own hiurli tenrlus un that wo should at loast try to know the i xciuen that men make tor tin id u ivei not that wo may over look or forsct the iu that umy do or evi r for one moment cease our efforts to comlmit and ovi roomo it but that wo may underntand the doern aijd remem hi r that like ourselves they are bllf of frail errlng i tumbling falling humanity 01 im xjiauutlble in its clfort to attain good an in ili propeiuilty to liurcumb to evlj don t stint tilt child a london weekly toll hout a scotch ch ml t to whom a poorly drtned woman hud brought a pre crip lion to 1m made up an it wie for a baby only twi ivo montlu old uio rhi ml t won paying extra attention to weighing out tho various drug i mo t exactly noticing thli the woman wan annoyed ului uhalrihuuiought wan hln meanness aw mon film exclaimed in dlgujt you necdnao li ao scrimped i its fur i iulrmllitrlm halrnl tait optical co 110 wyndham street gueuh la salle cleaners ouelph ontabio vaijbtou htkssing service and salbifaction al ordera lft at davi barber shop will ileeel prompt aueatioa oil royalties not hlo ka or ohares hi royalty holding companies but dlroot pur- chose and ownnrslilp primjuclng liropertlis only iro- tiiedlatn monthly returns u ciayton ttldok itoval hank mdg toronto onurlo adet 18s7 u tu mimms georretown itopmsentailva rhot 11w or 114j capitol theatre s shows dakly zjt 7 h bm guetph ontaiuo i memullrn manager thurfidny and friday ootoltlu so and 31 romance wlui greta oarbo projn tho stage play glamorous allurlrur saturday and monday novtmber 1 and s rollow thitu with ruddy rogers and nancy carroll together aguln uiat peach of a pair 4 weikn a ntago neiuia- tlon on broadway and now even greater on uio living screen tuttwlny and wednesday novtmltlu 4 and 5 the bawn patrol with richard barthalmru yoli will cheer thefo young daredovlld of tho royal air porco as they rldo tho- wave of joy and tragedy i ho matt jitlrrirn air drama nlnco wlnga thurslny and friday novlmbeu 6 and 7 let us be gay with norma shearer and mario drcnnlcr together and what a party opening new meat shop wc linvc opened a new meat shop in tho stand formerly occupied by orriu emb corner mill mid main streets the best qunlity of fresh and cured meats will alwuys be kept on hand wc will uoto you tho lowest cash prices wo invito you to come to our counters ami ret our prices the store is now open and ready to serve you we invite your patronage frankromphf comer mill and mmin strccta acton ontario ispecials for this week hlinz catsup liitt per bottle 1 fk grun sugar iu lbs for lemotts per dozcn cabbage luit3 iiiich 91 m t lumaa 23c 50c 19c 10c carrots lbs for black tca per lb 10c 39c cooking apples oj poi peck 3pfas 1 ms for 25 chain red white stores j w jones i 26 acton ont acton and district a kvraonal ttponaibluiy after npindlng ounday in pleasure kieklng and neglecting to attend cither tho morning or thu evening service in ills church an oltlclal member of ono of our local ehurehns while in a ri oeotivo miklo was ovi rhi ard to reraarlt when ho heard the attenilanro was nmall well if alljiur ehurrh mcmlern were just like me what kind bf a church would our cliurrh bo enjoyable fuflhrq ana drdmi an enjoyable euchre and dance was give n last prlday evening under tho fjikr lde chapter i o ii e auspices i ho prize i at rardn wero won by miss dorothy cspipbt 11 and mr w t gmlth i in lucky number prize was won try mr ii rry wal on iollowlng the uamnti a lilnty and ripiu tliclng limdi wiui served and u flam e wiui hi id with music pro- vldid by tin mauiu orchestra and it l divldun ili floor tiumugnr an appmibtlrl tdtnor at the annual mtetlug of the hoard of oovi morn of allii rt colli go relit vllle on i ue day mr ii i moore acton wni unanimously i lifted a immbir of the utnato of vlrurlu unlv rslty lor onto wi a r pn f i illative or tlie colli gti lhe other mi mber from albert college to tho ti nuu in dr 1 w mi rchant tho i mini nt tduiutlinlit of loronto liifc inmk vkxi i appnclatiui thin dl tbictlvn honor conferred upon its former editor kiiox youmf keopleri society on monday october jo tho young peoples unouly bf knoit church held their first debate of the season and it was well taken tfio subject was ite- solved that the spoken word has morn influence than uio written word and wan led by mlns moomulati for the affirmative and mliu m orr for the nrgatlvo a novel feature of the debate was that tho boclety wan divided into two hlden uiat night and had a part in tho debate imoro than 40 npeoches were made and many of them of considerable merit rho executive have prepared a very good programme for tho winter months and next miotlng november 3 will take tho form of a ilallowoen party ktnttclved important appointment lhe newly uppolnti d director of thi katon olr in olub bi mui oertrudi k moore in succession to minn anno llodg- kln i who hai accepted a poit in mew york it li lnterei ting to note that mli moore li tho daughter of mr and mrn b ii moore of loronto unit she wan a i tudent at parkdule colloglnto and a graduate of margaret laton nchool bho hn iwjen engaged in recreational and pliy ileal education work in loronto and vancouver for wiveral yearn and war ii councillor at mir- idgarn camp at qlcn rerniird mui moore li a nil co of mr ii p moore of arton and many cltlwmn remember well her father mr 8 ii moore who wan born and railed in acton klve tijuned in colllubm ono pen on u in st josephs hospital loronto nulferlng fromjevoro injuries and iw mon nrn biully nit nntl hmliuyl on uio remit of a head on collision be twoen two cam sunday night about three mild cant of oakvllle a mow- exonuk tonawanda street buffalo driver of one of tho can li in the hospital norloujly injured he wan charg ed by pollen with rockleiu driving ac cording to ropartn mowcvoiiukn cor was proceeding wort and croi bed into tho other cur mr and mn oeorgo sum morn shirley fltrcct ivironto and mr and mrs ii flllot man tray street tor onto and mn mary robinson name addrul4 wore tho injured in the car driven by jummcra the annual o a c kale while prlcen were not oi high on an ticipated at tho annual sale of pure bred live stock hold at the ontario agricul tural colli go hirt week they wero fairly satisfactory total kales amounted to 8 015 buyers were present from many points hi ontario and uie attendance was larger than rgrjoulbyaaxa tha top price or 340 was rea for lrinocfl5 dillghta flhorthorn bull which wan aold to meisra kay and meyer of quelph while the college herd sire quarter cup alo aiiorthorn brought 305 tho purchaser being w r rodger of bel- wood shorthorn bulli averaged 160 aiuk femali 100 other averages were ilolnteln bulli tl37 fo females 140 ten ey malen 01 fomalef 05 ayr shire i females 70 yorkshire sows 71 lo iamworth sows o yorkahlro tktani 40 romworth boarn 30 beven- teen nheop wero nold at an average or 34 tim top price for fat slcern wan 14 c nbr a pound old mill xtroyi at oakvlll one of the oldeit landmarkn hi the vicinity or oakvllle fell prey to llamej when nt thro orlork wedne day morn ing aihhurys mill loruttd on tho nlxth line otsout 100 yards wont of tho can adian pacific railway t tatlon wan burnt to tho ground i he hou en around tho hill win invid alio part of uio office tqulpmeut and tho elevator but thu dmnago to the mill li oitlmnted at over r000 i lit- lint inkling of the hlaxo wai made known when ono of tho renldenti near tho mill gave uio alnrm iho oak vllle fin flghtiri hut rind to jho tiro but tho fl imei hnd gained headway and all til it re mill tu d at hik o clock wan thu walln aihhurys mill built by x k chi holm in 103 wan one of tho first mllli hrthe dlrtrlrt and although oiierut- lng for marly 100 yean thin in the llrnt fire txpirliucid llm mill came into the hnud t of i a hbury some yearn ago and a f i w yiarn ago lie lold to uio presuut pwiiern hammond unit hers of 6akvlllo 1 ho t mi i of the lire bi not known acton flour and feed mills prices ixu this week uitjulino per cwt western narijcy chopped oaitj per roujcli oai11 per c tlllan er cwt uiioiit jut ewt ijt0 8e 1 tft si 25 suit 1 is jit our iuicfb off tllfc t ah i- or ftawu d h lindsay prop wf hfii till- ilibt for ijihs grinuby sweet mix ed picklta largo jur oafc i now pack rnspberry jam 40 07 jar for 39c i 3pnimohvo loilct oq i soup for ljc i rmso wauieb elollieb whiter 2 fcj pcnrl white nuptha soup 3 bars for lie chatenu iajitourtxod ohoeae wholuime and nutritious tt spreads or slices u tb pk 1 9c tit charles milk tall thin for 14a it oharlea milk i in all 3 for lke paitn bran plakim 3 for ese aylmer pure catnup 13 o btl lie hlllrr t bnuid uhortenliuf 1 lb psekajrrt 3 for mo royal york xva in aluminum packages v4 a 2ro is ske hallowl daten 3 ihii for v ma helux spaghetti per tljl 14e sandwich pat per tin 14e aunt dinah molansen 1 also loe vi louo 8 ox 33c 10 ok uio zebra i lmild stove imllrh bu 14e moody a ohlorldo of unio largo lie sou cleanser 3 pad for he sweet potatooii li lbs for b5e choice lrch currants 3 lbs 9e quaker cruckels uio now cereal per package 14o sliced side bacqn li pkgfl tu avimul soiipfj all llnvort ex cept chicken for 25 i hills bb9 mux st knionk 111 phonic ut incomparable values in furtrimmed coats very special groups at 1595 1950 2495 3950 other conto up to 95 00 a lowered thermometer nnd colder weather ahead makes it imperative that wornmobtain then winter coati now and thoro could be no better opportunity than this to obtain ii ostuniungly btylod garmentt thonotabyjowpricel eoli huimont ahowsnirro5aiicraled use of fur a clever styling care in the workmanship that elevates it into a much hlehor priced croup the materials stressed are broadcloths in all their lovely new weaves chinchillas and other soft vara coiituirs tur trims include canndinn wolf sil wolf lynx it russian caracul muskrat baby lyny black sablo itroncli heaver and opossum coats are all beautifully lined and interlined sues for misses women and largo womon special purchases op new felt and velvet hats a marvellouu oittrintr nt 198 charming now units folti and velvets at an amttzmgly low price although they look much more oxpenstvo each ono o cleverly fashioned that youll ho surp to wan moro than one beret inodcfct thirino brims i off the face types becoming autumn shades plentyof blacksl all liendie including matrons an extraordinary vatuo spcmll d e macdonald bros ltd gutiuph ontario ouk motto- quauty and service