Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 17, 1930, p. 3

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y rneyi thtrraday july 17 1030 v a s the acton free press ckaulkboncl a flower in the garden of dreamland over grow in form liks a lily 1 t witli odor iu jeanue sprinkled wiin arid it ikurb s blomopm my uariinb iw yl- tiunuavf my iemlano i ojauw to carry the biiuiiy readily rock arid it may be 1u0 tlia i know uttie baby will likptilty smiting to dreamland in the garden of jhemland in summer u heard tlutnslthre la the moonlight beauti ful bird and it slugs and it bine ell the dleaaanj nignt- through and 1u music my darling u only for you han travel baby to dreamland dahy ulowiy rock cradle to carry the baby steaour readily rock and it may be nvthe abau know ll the baby will happily scilunf to dreamland tomorrow my darling refreshed jy her with tba bird m her band and the flower on her breast shall return to her mother endfrouo but tonight on hr journey to dream land must so than travel my baby to dreamland slowly rock cradle to cant the baby buaody readily rock and it meybe uetabe shall know it the baby will mr ntablue eucuaixs a whkat uakvesx albert bancs bee tound out soms- imn about thai young man bj bad worfc- ln or htm aawmnw jpwaoon hjme remarked to caleb ceaslee end tt goes dr way totds showta what he done with oomplete suit of overalls and lumper that banc got for him they wam mij on ngbtreo the feller aald i- they- oouldnt and em high nor low banw made up his mtnda tramn took en but now he eallatee the hired man was responsible foe their dlunpearlnt what nukea am eallate their caleb wrting hp pago three crowding- npon nu whan i saw the old 1 hills son james 0- eommenoed photo- j tits coincidence of tjc vasjfh gallery in the process of being d graphing there abontlf73 its waa fed i recall readily wtven mr hill bullb lroal artist oeouled photograph most persons can remember at least hlti slorotmiuse hmldo ute shop way back i and amdraiypea and did a prvatablo one tartllng coincidence in their ex- in lha sintla tlio ieoetvlnc door was i uade in tltose days ulere ware no perlenoe the elder j tlcrpont morgan thin in irunt then about 1b13 his son sooakb and nearly everybody wanted liked to tell of one lucky encounter he 6idur ae was rmun the weed out of thai your iliaami replied nd what ahou letch up out a pair of overalls i i round a rock as b e bettm- to smell the vlelet oool uian sip the blowing wtne better to hark to m hidden brook thai watch a dlaoiond shine better the lore of a gentle heart than beautys favors proud better the roses living seed than roses in a crowd better to love in lonouncm than to bask in love all day better the fountain in che heart than the fountain by the way wont into liuj ptuiumrapimi busi ness atul a phouxrajih gallery was neoes- ary to accommodate this a story was built over the stdrehoum to fflve acoom- iiuxlauon for u new picture business ttila required a stsurway and it ran up uirouitli um storohouse with the door beside it then the erowtng business and improved inetiwd suggested a wider uporstliu room and the gallery was wiiaiid about three feet a year or two idler it was deemed desirable to have a liuw window on the around floor so uist the passing public might view the lino work uf the- ertjats above the window was put in but it sacrlfloed the- jrontdooc to tiib store he wetr the door was umm moved to the side and for many years the new purchases of stock from week to woek have gone in by way of that side dotav alooe lb-la- uoductlun of motor trucks for transport it lias leii aunioult owing to thsdr rscks to got in to the storehouse dour oeosuse of the threefoot projection of the picture gallery above the changes now in progress remove this handicap a small store will i find upon ques tioning tlie new owner occupy the front of the torohousivklth j jc oartunar watchmaker ami jeweller as occupant ilow well i renseenber thla am pro perty in the early days before the shop now occupied by billy blair with his tin ware and steamfitting bubni reeled there waa a oottcset well osck in the lot with a neat garden of ilawcrra and shrubs in front there was a walk from the cottage to the street with a nioe white picket fence and gate in the oantrp this was the home of win umluun mrs mils brother and his family the present store with lodge mom above was built in 1b79 by uaydsr and was used at atlnshop fay iliu and stewart now for the occupants of thla vanished picture gallery as i said above jlr pnounpiaym of themselves and chair had while he wss socking a pair of ctuidren for tho family albuna in those to complete a sat of bevms table decora- tydaya too the fogr generatlan pio- tloru on which be had set his heart tures were popular and most fsmlllea collectors liad been ransacking kuropa which had been lionored with children for them iii mr morgans behalf and and children a children and grandparents then one stormy night as mrs j wrdm got pictures of the four generations jt ilarrlman tells the story in from pina- mr james o h1u this artist was fores to pouuca- arrived in london actons nrst muntolpsi olcrk and trea- from liverpool having come from urer to which position tie was appointed america without warning the servants wium- aotcn was lnoorporated in 1873 wkn espect him in 1876 a fine position was available in as he ran up the steps and put his detroit or toledo l not sure now uuch key to tue door a shivering figure which james decided to accept it and in the vestibule drew two vases from this meant a hurryup disposal of his under a torn coat and murmured ite photo bualness and of his municipal been going from house to house all day oiif ice ills younger brother charles wss won you buy these sb7 uy children persuaded to tsjte over the photograph sxe starving ing and 1lp moon a younger school- ttus light frum the halfopened door mate succeeded him as olerk and fell on what seemed to be porcelain from the famous aet while lha nua watted sail morgan ruslied upstairs to compare marks they seemed the same but tt washt possible i uow much do you want for them he demanded when he came down the man asked a small price took the money and melted away into the night the next day all the trr connois seur were at morgans house xol log its impossible but true i the vases matched and the aet priceless i wasnt expected hi xxudao said mr morgan the man dldnt know what sevres was worth 1 never could trae fclm how did it happear out of all london to come to my house and rbwtl w- wdnt to gtt rid of em tort mr paailee ds be dldnt uka to wear am the j i firm repusd simply be said tt made bbn feel w he was in urdform mln and be dldnt ufc the feelln but albert was sot on u so ha wore em a spell tul they went t tt j he might mm known theyd turn up aomeum cjeb remarked the wwawr wint mbtvtt two loot deep in that poaa sad tt goes dry som iitv x spose- too deacon speou that he flegsswd u wrer they turned up hed be away god not omrm what thought about tt y lata -bough- oaleb agfe but that wsplsmyafr i learnt on time thai tt want anyway this um rn thhikw of wss when they tssed to grow mora wbest in this t than they do nowadays is yotmg dkjg wo used to grow all the wine i w needad and havw tt ground bajsm whs that way n acre at a s fmm matbe seed wheat used to toe slect- ad prtrfwl ttv lugg and fullest h no know to gtt bv jwi well one leuav tssttmrtsssvwd mdtib two of ssdjsd seed wheat and hem mada rwady a piece of around for seed bed it laid jrver on faa fur sidge of the ftrpjl ftlf v f th jsj swom a slough note or ejae go round the and y that made tt a uuto uf nsbe bztbsr so beta a boy i used to take taw abort out ofer a log that wed better he fed by mothers hand than eat awe at will better to trust m good than say my goods my storehouse fill better be a little wise than in know ledge to abound better to teach a child than toll to oil perfection round i better to sit at a master feet than thrill a fastening state better to suspect that thou are proud than be sure that thou are great better to walk in the real unseen than watch the hours event better the well done at the lsat than the air with shouting rent better to have a quiet grief than a hurry- hie noonday burning bright tavorodthrthv better a child to oods great house than the king ot all the earth the oldpiotohb oaixkry the old saying that this is a world of change is just as true today as it waa seventy years ago when x waa a boy tlie othtr morning as i was jitumpbig along tlid street with the help of my trusty cane x found myself alongside the tore and residence of my old friend who left us for the better land before this century began 1 think dhsrles t lfl the portion of the building over mr mils storehouse at the side of the store itself looked as if a cyclone from the luutsuuuk4t the upper part which load been built for a photograph gallery away back about 1870 waa nearly to serve as a br ml this day ftherd iind tbat wbes ought to be m the grtrm but hed cat bu foot and couldnt tmsel o be- started me off with it r4ksi onum if i give my mind to it k -tfrfir- ibfd tilings nongn x went- d to do tna day but aowta i wsvtft one of em so i mad up my rd make what mitte i ewun end when x got dpae mebbe rd slip down to the brook and see u 1 could find av trout or two and to make cba more baato x awsde op my mmd to go by- the log e- x bed the wheat in a twobushsl bag with c neck gathered up tn my im tn too muoh of a mtrrj to tie tt vbweos was exte slippery that dey but x ksg on tffl x was moat inldwey of tt and then my foot slipped rhen boy1ou offn a log kle- vaya eamrt x did savin what be got tn bis asms tt the test thing be totaks of bo x tot go ell bolts on tbehag sn4 whan x ome to gatbsr t up atsdaxm loat nemrv x could oaltsie to the twlgh- borbbod of balf a bushel of tt ind thervd been scant onngli of tt tor the ponn4 fittse roat pleot however x scooped up what x could gtt of the wbes and by wldenm my aowtn and eetta tt tbtaner i medi out to cover the gwmovlrnd ihen by thlnkin ujat wouldnt aeed the frround any thicker bo 1 kep- still about tt whether it was a sort of guilty tamlfa thsakep me away from that skmgb bole ok not x aont know but one day father osma baek frcmhe lower field end x atop and look at me of fupnyjjand tben he aald td ufce tor you to oome with me a viaraattanartwo stftap be 14 alorsx toydi the slough bole midwnsti be got there he stopped ndook ta tbsfwl be sayat ton can toiagtoe bow tlett when x saw wheat two toot high and frowfcv like w ood dealstter stand than therdwas to ttie nsml eowedl v w sam there want any- thtnjt tor me tosay go x ml l be ansstlow me and thenll fsjryweriaimwbbxsmtlin riwgeiidt il5tai gom to read you an latsoo trrer tblsvwuop nanfu to sty i bop youqasaa tha better wy to ten things when you know yoa dtftm tc and o say bat to qeet you to harre tbtt wbeu hy hsnd and reptaos the seed yoa-kart- 1 tt st w itow job bat to espect yoa to vdflttmtodl i hua- x dooe- tooby iiiidoaeb i asked the folks which were standing around what was happening and was tnfermed that young graham grand father hills bellas son who had coma into possession of the pro was con tinuing improvements which be had com- meqbed he- wants freer aoee to the storehouse and tt sacrificing the old picture gallery which has not been used for years for changes which will accomplish this my what a cluster of aumorlea rams sea flea races swastika beach civic holiday august 4th ii1u butler and other canuuan champlom tuk vvknt or tub season admission 26 cents la salle cleaners aqcxni ohtabio mens suits for 150 ladles and hens coats 150 ladw presses jl50 and up v orders ltt at daslasena barber show wtu ttec tosngt aitsnuaw notice so patbons of this estabiishmknt during july and august examinations on thuridjiy friday and saturday only of each weew kindly writo in or phone loolv for ap pointment lens grinding and quick repair department operating jamaaak a d savage ro bpiouxrnusts btvaxausts kavaok blilldmo j cadesky ortomoxro 1 evesigbt sfeoaust wxui sub at a t bbowita drvo- stork vuttoh monday august 11 anyone suffering from ayeatram defective vision or headache should not miss the opporbintty of oonnilung this eyesight specialist appouitmait may- bs tnade with ur a t brown xjrogalst coksditatboh fftni offlee hewrsi t a as ud 4 p sa fruits and berries are all the more inviting when served with keuogcorn flnkest youll enjoy a bowl of kiloggs oxta fruit for loneh convenienl extra delldotis wonderfully james went to his american city and iade a success mm a photo artist after a number of years he removed to cleve land and there ha and hie family havo since resided and have done weul of course james look his deer little wife katie reld with him and there they nave spent over fifty years togetbatv diaries prospered tn the photo gallery for a good many years his photos were always popular and with the addition of picture framing he did a paying business he and his wife jemma me- oarvln had a dainty home on bower avenue and were e ctlttaens dome forty years ago he also got the idea of business in the united states and purchased a plant at mitnron auoh he was prosperous he took an interest in his adopted city was elected ia the gtty oounoll and held ea 4f poaltkm in mrst method 1st church- osvexa years ago he retired with a ocenpetonoej takes the world easy plays with bis grand children goes fishing raises chickens for the family table and occasionally takes a trip back to canada and the old home he and ux hill spent the beat part of juno hers this year the next occupant the old picture gallery wss holly xtamshaw who had been apprenticed with charles hill end made a worthy successor he too pros pered and like the others dooided to try business on a wider scale and went to detroit there be became a leader in his profession- end with his wife and family enjoys tr busy summer tn the north and a bury wtutexth the south a a ruby of waterloo sanoeeded friend ramshaw and mmdetruue s furore for a time but x think he waa of a rpvlng dlspqajtlon end after a oouple of years left the old sedery and gravitated to toronto he wee followed by jake bauer jake had arusuo skill and made many sittings and splendid photos butilmlcodddbcgaatomake joined into the business of tho pwrfessdaoat photographer and about eighteen years ago or so bid goodbye to the old gsllery and went into a steadier una cawrue matthews brother of post master j 0 matthews and a oouatn of the huls was the last photographer to occupy the premises he spent a year so there and then went to toronto where he died and now the old place ta gone an item of interest of which che present generation is perhaps quite oblivious u the fact that the waiting room of the old picture gallery was an lea ereejnpejkar-diirlrigthe- aummer- months ta fact this was the first piece where lee dream was availabl its noble soul that she was was never but was always h tmrmg the winter months she made the famous tafty a dslfxil alile oocf eotlan which he youngstetra of fifty years ago considered t candy par erasllmno chocolates and turfcleh delight were not inrttra their ekhnatton wed sera hills toe cream was always ta demand during the warm wea everybody and his girl patronised the bui ice cream parlor and they were aneomrnodated in the waiting room of the old picture gslery should have men tinned that two others of the hut brothers received far strdbtion and kisplratlan tn the mfbrfrg of photograph to this same old gallery chester set up tn the picture bustnee m olerelsnd many years ago and henry the youngest brother went to honolulu hawaii and there both of them are still dialing photographs x understand what an inspiration the old sllery was to the young fellows in the old name who went out and made their fortuhesl v say mary and x had out wedding photos taken right up there in that old pletorw shop at i oases or thouoht features are the visible expression of the soul the outward manljasuon the feeling and character within- tryon bktwards stortunw la ever seen saoompanying ind us try ooldsmi th and when the precious hours are done how sweet at set of sun to gather up the fair laborious day to have struck some flow for right with tongue or pen to have smoothed the path to light vat wandering mtnl to have chased someilnd of ill away air lewi morris jour car ooes it look new and modem 7 n it that are you pruud of 117 sliowtqomiuhtiib it may bo inucluuilcally jwrfect but look vke an old model it us bring it up to date wlui a brigtit new modern culur saheme with genuine uuoo i mulljik jikotilers ihono 1240 gueuii us woolwich w body tvndkr and wiieki ttkpaum i sscij3us thm highly trefc amtmlmm aamo safety espoi w e scpien motorists thenewlawmakesncccssary safe sane driving insurance or ability to pay for damage evry nsoforisf should femniuarinm himself with fnsr dttudlt of thm new 2nw at onc in u geeioral principles it insists thai the motorist who cansvs dntringe must ixi able to pay c4tbr personally or through insurance or be barred from the road alsotlhla same suspension of llrense rosy be applied lo motorists who sure offenders ia regard to those rules designed lo safeguard- person and property on the highway and such suspension of driving lleeneo through fault of driving orailure lo pay applies to all eara owned by die offender and through tjpneal arrangemettu this law npplles lo ontario motorists when in other provineeo or in the v 3 a and to visiting motorists in ontario get a pampnlet containing a summary of this law the great body of motorists will undoribledly approve of its conditions it la only necessary to drive sanely be able to pay pampluets esputalng the eewdhleaw of the siew law ean be pjocurej wtliumt chare from rite of any company a member wf the canadian automobile underwriters issoclaflon national aiito body fender go t a modern seeelally enle4 rtajk uodlitm pondera radia rnunm iluuipaia atc hlraightoned itepalrsd iloiiawod by idports boo us before buying few renders is ooedon btrkst oumxth silverwoads ice cream snmuw than vetvat roa sals by j il iaeusuman acton hills supkbiok store onk sues ousub glean soil tn the run is the one sure cure and prerentatlva for the most de structive poultry disease intestinal pari- sltlsja asserts thejpoultryhushsjmlmatt at the sotnliftgcn departrnent of agri culture and practicing was he preaches the poultry runs at the central experi mental farm hare beea freshly ploughed and the rotation system of soil cleaning is i under way on the runs used hut yesr a succession of boed grain and green orops is used to remove alt dosamle infection from tatsstmal parasltea poultry should always bo kept on elean sou espsplany growtmr oblaks and rep ro- tauonon the poultry run la the one hunt effective way of enabling wlare to do the trjakt your vote andi influence is solicited for dr r k anderson liberal conservative candidate inthe county of halton it is time for a change of government at ottawa j il parker son t cau uiiiolstkuing auto tors tsjlaaungs suf oovkjui arro headed te a5 nouou btvatst ouaxth phone 7mw brakes w baw jiuullml on ot tlu lute mrhlw tar minting mad wtjurtbid nkwstead and nichols ciiy battery electrical service qnrmun uutan bjiidimilir i woolwich strart oelph wolf onds auto wrecking new and used pabt3 fob all makes of cabs w mm stmmmt otnora relnhabts extra dry ginger ale mow- sold xm- aoxojf mx- j g undsay wiles cafe j k leishman you dont know notbtw fces emilfcorcrewss boy wise we are how wise we be we hare an idea that we irntw a great deal about this language of ours yet hskah hours teteatete with a diction ary wit snow most of us that we know very jlttls foxlnsunoe now would you nronounoe coupon pombauva tomen ta grunsoe jugular conversant address and tequlryf xuyt ffdook them j if you have six j out of the sight porrect youll be far ahaws thala and fheee are tcryj simple littlo words used by an ot iu i in passing other carsdon cut in i one of tho greatest dangers on the highway is the driver ho insists on passing other ears when thoro is no space for him in tho teaieo jine ahead if ho should moot o ear coining in the opposite direction a crash follows with injury to persons sr cam its a good rule to keep in lino unless you havo a clear view of ti road abend and there is a place in the trafflo lino which you can roach before you meet oncoming traiho dont be a nuisance by cutting in it is disoourtopus to other drivers and creates needless danger j yo may have a crash and even if you dont you are liable to aline under the highway trafflo act v the keystone of safety 9n th king hlghibon aid auothtir naii rndttntta hlghvay courtesy common sense committee li hon geo s henity tfrdnmrn oil royalties not itoola or l oxavton bibgb t1 iuak jmj h m mxkhs iu or ill hm li fe insurance policies adaptable vi job- every hk- quibbment your partlralar nwb will wb out particn- uraucntlbn eonsultusnurblym6 obiioatiow frederick notice to creditors in tim kbtaxkor 1amxs aldbotx mimaay all ponon bvtnd oulnu acfilait um tyvuor dtuwl wboiuod oo c tbout tbe aftotnth dm or june ibm n ambr aouilwl to mnd intoum tmda lned bxmuton oo or before thb lourth du ol aunul 1u0 fuu peruoulen o their oleliiulmnmdletelr nertibee fourth dej of aubuivzhkvtheiumteof l the teior dtdlrtrlusjt the putta anutled thereto hub only to tltaii of whoa the eban then hem nouoe ttm noyai tttder ooununr end wslir uuiutay tojt one btriei toronto 3 onurla sss oourlo their sollokor herein l- subtkripuom for all ttumn at the rfejvmas offka j rrfii wpmvsi 17 itik m

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