Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1930, p. 3

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shyi artnu sfrrrprpsn ia ai iiir in lllbl i l vlllll ll iv nihil it hi light i iv tin in because h uu ultllj yy loud li i l 1 llt lu und iliul and danr 1mm iuvllln 1 and till- trostaaan what ludllln b nil item iluwif lt t v dldnt tliluk y ml i uiat she prutuud imr urr unt h ik uu hut hold i n y u bm rlghl tin re i kit w lhat li tly uimwinxl warm ly but dim t lurc ol tliut ten ahouldn c iwvd ih it in tin i kill account at 11 fjil l dili jil i ilk nil mia esclalmrd allll a little ilhlutr- allr keeping ull uu iv iki to u wid advcrtls uit hu dullt ankad itally ui burnt ulli liu pencil tip ui iii 111 lloll ilmlj txpellil c fi i n v fur rddcneirf i nk y 1 1 1 li uin ir fur itack u in id tried b i one to u 111 i r inn lug tll you i i think ll ului caugltl him gieul mind mt i im not a hit ushuiuid xtliynk tlm whole bualneati wan provide 1 1 uiu vuu r ewe tu bal when you wviil in your utp rlgnl aftor club linus i liiul eviryudng to look after alone omt uf ttiu uilng on my mind wu uui lip for it io poctnuui new vmri hiiirnliiir llevnral day before n changing a tw nly dollar bill i sot back a crisp fresh dollar mid 1 said to uiysif lliata for tho lkktlikji wall new j mi mid uulud ltnul nfmy puis and hipping it in in in nvijoiw wrote nappy no yrar mi uu nululde i had it t unj door for him uhui ho rng th bell ur luddlu si kid d well hi wllu continued it hap pejied i wu dm y win n he rang next morning so tin kfl tlin loltera in tlio box and unit ovmlng i niced uiat tendollar 1111 purl i tliehuuige irom niy twenty wu gone irom my purs vuud uvui it to lilml walt a uiliiuti i know x hadn t mid uie only 3lln r time i had opened my iuiw in thoo two dy waa wlmn uio uw4papor rollnruir railed ulat mtuil- liltf i liatl ulvni hi in a dluiry old bill auppomdly u dollar wruppd round um oluuicn and im hail allppad it rhjht into hlii pockwl lut i iilltd him up 11a vs quite uiipurlitr und uild liu account fur th day had hitlj4icil to a penny know i huilii t i lulu lil the iiiuuoy but jujit thu juuuu i ixumi u hunt llin woa a chajku that the ton to la lit liavn pulled out with ha una and liavu flut- ured ift undi r tliii furniture then i tc mem bo rod ktundliiy nnar my open bed whan i look out tlm nioimy joi uuj col lector it diluht ta in uu bedclotlie uo x toro thn 101 to piece lucinda waa hero elomihiif that day and aha took a ureal into rent itho wa urn tlin lot man haicu ua kiio wu uiui nroe xboulinaklitic lilniulvitbaak jiut thlnlcl u lie did havo it i ahauul havft polled hid pliajtura in it by lot ting htm know i hadu t nrvutu ha atiould have it hog ju t a boy you knot well at lakt x hardened my tin art and tho tientl inomhijf i wont to tho door mid there wan a auulltiitti n ills rilacal llod lalil olt to upend it7 juat what x uiiilwouid ilia aubntl- tuu dldnt know wlun hud bo back or i ajiythlna uo for lour daya i haunted tliat front door watrhlnp for him and with eaili d uvory it aoemud a uttlo liardor to spoil till now year proaeut oji thu fifth day luclnda wan hara mtalii and alio uaw our own poalmai cmittih down tha street without a word to n aliu in t him at uie door i dldnt ttvin know im had boon hru until aim camo into tny room with ttitf triatl loaklnu very siiuepljli and aald ysuraii i know whrro your un dollar went ura itlddlo it ntmm tha ririt uihui ho had bald to tier wax say j wlah youd tflll urn itlddlo uimt ru a oiu new yoarti prcmntl and what did i ucliida aayf why every unw aim opened hof trjoulli to spak hud basin to uu b aocnathlnff m urn ho il been walurur all lhasa day for tliu cluuion urn haa h wife and two bahlna tujd uiey a all boaa aiok iln aald my present u juat rnounh to makn tlio laiit payment on lib uniform nion lu much was it dio uu wny tn dollars mid then auddenly hp looked purfoqtly tick and asked tight tnil if it was a in u take and aha told blro it was and utter jus i a seoond ba aald everybody mnkoji mistake and ha would pay inn hack but ho oouldn t do it till after pay dny and what do you think that flro rating luclnda aald then ubu told lilm not to worry becaum i was an awtully klndluartod woman i deity pmiimri jinu thort wont bn a bit daflanuy wautbau-x-utwuchi-f-um- thk uaurlxu u ly dlmmi d ilttlljsru vlw thhiie llldulrlonj nrrrflr m tli iujihih lkhkid rows to prim at ulruluht and dnuliul all by tlunlnu il 1 rkrllla nancy nan a tilghtt rar llttbi maid f louu uu i tracu your ri hutclird a li c vour cnu krd hoiiio your numburu nln vour iuun uxt your funny uiu 1 win your sunny rhlldbdi head ilriit luirlously auvd llin frainii lint lay your llnint mada complnto i he liuit blun touom of your numu aind olflhtl io join at last lu youthful iluy willie fcomiimit look ytur ilnulud tak and smlllnif folded 11 away 1rliirllla nancy l un ujitil rluhtl i wish wlirn you w ta vory old voud wirkod anothtr aumpldr brlulit with all your history u ui y you sulciiimi tlimi uayly riuht ii li u ld i think that if yuu had twould toll what ufti in 1u mysu rloiiu ways utltund with thn thread cipiirlni uimui the fabrlo of your daya with luro a knot of doubt or fear and lirro a mid uinif of huns wliro thirntw vtlclwd wlu limn uwhl to dim ltomauroh union und blin a j lot satuf action uf uluoas and hafiplnw u lutue liidmd a ixh i ah hh 1 iw bill i mi txitworrt peaep id u li ubliil coiaolrllce and lory amply llhmlratm uils ty yi urn inlrrvenrd between il llur bill lrrefuwly klltf atl iluy luil nprlnk the puatmaat r m luhhorimr town lerrlvtd a b it r b ri a wish ml poatinatk hi uii i ki i a frensji canadl i wunhd th udilrru of uu in i had kept tin urimral ur in t i l iii inns r if he win dead i i mid nr ml wlir i i history hue t the puor like hlijlllrlns idling tlin old o t rltfhhorh kk uw puslmaster tli foil i tur kr u hi ha aylubibf in tturl l in and im wroli uvuie man and i ilin m dilln anouier letter r addriuid ihu ume to iillb n it conubim a nnlfi tail m uiio the wriur aald i iin day mid made lie had foibottnil hn mm rlctk liuil a i vi- n hbu c u dollar loo much i had itiuiuj llki ajuku at u unu tknl as tin duyn w ill by and ii boeame it thn rlrrk had imt dlacovortd mil ixty y bud u in t thi kim tlttu tu uiial but in i a dollar lo uu u t and im decided 4appy utue kattr whou rartti kr till fc it after a while b uj of uu a zzz le liul in v i iwav and at bmaui had wii i w urn and at biikfui had ii lu tho ninth weal he waa d nihil und uw matter ujs id lie had uuiuifhu about it ial ihoiikht nlnul u many 1 he mm ilod lo be at i are if ufirx lie dud ao he sent and wished that lie hail dour ull hlnu- thi- dollar it ix foot wliul a idltnjwn of tliut tnyslerlous in ihlnu in ii w u we call the for rlrlno kir more than auty yeara fr in youlh lo old age une part of uiat liiutia imlurti hud kept 1u testralnnu urlp on toe uuur and belur part mid i rrvriitnd llin irian doliui what he knw h i oiiulit to do llirouith all tliat tbna ami in all uie many pucea where he liuil worki d that tuio dlsluuiesl dollar hud ihvii lwtuiii k 1bii mid calling him u nil f and he hud never mustered iitritiutb or oourauo biiouifh lo face the churua and so disprove it rhen as ae itfrfl d kit ywotiifi my avorlle nhkrarter li mortis declared ironically idik w unan who was est unemi bncanse h waa iba iml tlllim she liad nver seen that was bis enouffh to ko around il mi jiley wayne commanded no lesne1 forward wlui hr iiands cluipej tjlit iumd iter kneaa 11 un t llvliif lesley wayne uils prrpetual never letting up sin urate to nmke ends maetl you work and twist id airew mid f yours if out body hid and soul over ute udlaa problei i id jusl as you think ymi jiavj ij itvpottftmbonlh otwo ameaaltyour 1 springs a leak or you have spected dentist bill or rmr fares go one uilntf u poalllve i won t stay a schoolroom another year i bushuisa wlien it comr to a ctiolce kin the self respect tuljisi ills fed by i clutlie and tlur prlvlleire of blt in the luw of future eltlsctyi 1 olf reapccl i ry ins in no comnteut in lie lira ahe wu roubled lib had knovi hue fnun rirat grade dy flue was ai esrrplbmal teaefnr mid lite hlldrnl deiinrsujy nnmled good leachera ijrtley wu at it tbirdttlia ahnulthe tlr the nail nornlnjy wlieii aim mr tleycsbuaka at uw v- th alarlit i rli uu the clotbea and a tiioriecl iilmiuth and wnifbed ilselt free i tin kcpi r of every conscience fund in tlui world will trll you slmlur tales for uiat uruggle lu twemi uu nood and tint evil lu us la as old a die race audi on one of ns knows in wtkat paralysing urlp ho may rind himself or wlien happy arn llwy in wluim tlie good mujcl ronllniiis f tight mil a dollar in ttiri days u a lltue tiun but it ran buy a lifetime of mlery or an olirrilty bf peace llll you hud itnnird i if i 1111 ik ull took up uia nnndui lo atltrh prbiclllalubly eight ihrtt from hm earlhly tasks rrlraet your soul rm forth forever frm rtm hllkiu slury tifynur dayri waa fuldid hi itirnlly molly llivon uu dollar check undo henry aunt me for oiirlatiiuui and on tho boy a hejit round x miswnrod thn door myttelf mid told him i won sorry luclnda had l4i him know it wax a mistake and that a little money had to ctmie to ma unrx- pcctodly mid muda 11 all right lot m to let him kocp tlio ten i asked him pleaae to be j unt ns happy about it as if i liad meant it all the ibne and he alood there mid wnlluwed mid hu eye tot red juid at lout lin man aged to say un illddle all x can say la yoitfro going to get aarvlctil and the neat day when he brought a totter with two oenta dun be fairly alio u tod that a all right and wouldn t 1ft mo nay ui htm ended in a shaky laugh and her htrtbandtaugnrd too ttwbiib ptlluut out aome monuy mul there waa an odd iwtlo patch ip his voice oj he ttad vod are a good scout amtyl uuciollbuxy cant pay tur tliut auiry uiough it be long tonne ihk nrni ontlii nuudjewouic x womlnr how many of tlur younger pronlo wlii r thin column have cvir aeen u aainplrrr in tho earlier days every yniiiuj flrl rccclvinl her louioiia in needlework on j sampler and proud indoad waa the woo huudn of nlulil t nine when aim had llukhed her tlru strut which reunited in a comphtod aampler many a weary stitch llils entailed lhere was many a siltrh of unt colored milken thread to count hie all cs or ifltuirs or tlio ajpliauet had to lie vrorked lu in toia mitch often uuro uu a bird sitting on a limb of a trio o- the outline of tha family luime or a verue of scripture kvtry lutler and i very linn was worked in with tlui most rare fill multitude llut but uilutf ui im worked tii was tho name of tha little maid and her age thus jlunnik jonkh aged nine very proud was alto wlum tier sampler waa completed prouder ft 111 i when mother ur elder shier tookthe pain to inhibit this piece of handiwork to tha nelghbora who culled llio sampler waa riven tho place of honor uu the parlor wall mid it called forth tho ad miration and tho kindly comment of asked llowl wpecbuiy the molhnrs or their older unni tie kmil i daughter who had yeara before passed your im savui ul thfl j i l trloua mul jjrylng wiulolt my marys mother had a limidauiun aampler hanglntf ota tlui parlor wall of the old homestead often and often i admired it during our courtship dayi it was vary beatitlfiilly done when til dear motlu r was a lassie of light or nine that was nlgli on ninety yeara nun its rainbow colors wore scarcely dim nied and lite mujru blocked ow worn prim and straight and ilko all ouiora tl tooaeinyae wkmbtii othev nama m cross stitch rapltals waa tlie compet- inj tuak 1 tin all oa alood prim and straight tint lllhlff tout tha mini bora nine were tluro in row utile green trees and square yellow holuui all won uiere in regular order whan mary fauur about twenty loirs aftor the aampler waa made cajno to court his trtia love he took u fanny to thn sampler uelng- rathoi hmidy alth tooltf lie made a vtsry nice frame for tlie bumpier from a piece of walnut plank aawu lit tha local mill dth muley saw tlin frame improved the uptmiaruice of tlie defuy worked piece uiid kept from tha dual which uccumu- lutos even to uvy in um i wist regulated liornea c1aka h lumkhkkrrrlo clara yttrarolit going- through all llios4j bajkela and thliigal ijttly a voice urn full of dlmuay oh please wall nlwj the trolley uid lose a whole tioilr ut die lake if i could dipind uiwiii youl retorted lur alitor if you could oven remember uiat yhi lmdn t put the napkbia till lint nincii you cant tliims no tiling to do but lo look llul wlio ttarwa about- napkins w roul i do wltliuut thcui luana qlaxal jlura aald nouibig her oaiwble hands worktil swiftly but when alia had finally convinced lifrseu uiat the napkins had tnui rorgottcn and had found them the trollny wan already whlaulnif corner ijitty looked at her reproach fully gulped down tha lump in tier throat and das hod out lo the crowd undo itruui who had been waiting to carry tho bfaflkolu said nothing his si im ico made clara feci as if aim were the defensive hid children are so careless aha otfplslnud if yoil let u ulliltf go once you ru lot1 and tliny 11 liaye just as good a ume aa a matin r of fact tliay did have a good tliiio clara a lunch waa delicious und tlivy picked fluaru uf blatbarriaa olava sighed with rrllef rim next morning aa alia waa putung up her black barrios undo iloss watclied her wllh intorcit now uiia lie re marked u a job uiat calls for naact- i ewi i can approclata tliat even before i taste uie rosillla clara tlojihud lilm a keen glanri rhata tlui third tbne in two daya youve made alime such observation alia ro- murkud i can t atop now but w 11 have explmiatlniut to illght itiat night on the plaaaa aim laid plhttly mow unrla llos 11 a your boakkoepmg ije repu nitlina at her clara istared at him in astonishment my bookkelpliitfl wliv uncle lluss if here a anythlib in till world that i can ufl bookkceplnffl j i kuow in figures uut uie mot i v4luable part of life emit be reduced to tlkutes monday night you apent thi whul evening hudtlng for a mki tlireo roiitn led was teasing you play some songs he finally went 041 wltli soma of tha boys do you know what it mean to liave a boy tw ant vlllliik to iiuy at home if hu altir will play for him and lotly aha admlrra btot tbly i blent i tied uw young jcatle hair wu wreuhodly crmboil and uie rutbon upon it ytxi iokiw in the raslilon lhat only katie oould achieve her out worn coat waa ragged at uie elbow licr lianda were red mid rbapped hut katie homely sillow little fac wu all aflame wllh joy lonr flue i i jley aald to tierulf line met katie a pager liul am lie wllh thi mid eyes itf duolpjitie it waa i lucolns blruuuy mid that af lei noon uie wliole ajioot were to go to uie liall fr special exercise hue marc lied her clas in mid thou relaxed wiui a sigh of reluf half mj hour lahrf aha marched them back tn uie cloak room and uum started tl em oul a touch im iter hand atarued jjrr qlie turned and found kau ysaur- ska bnalda liar katie a ys wr full of happiness kati a th u w juarter teache please for ajner mirwnltt ihiteackercudmod t mail it myself for america uia s kind america because you can go school and lirar about tlie great accaltir ijucoln ami boaus they give yoif uaehera and so many friends mid music to march to t why uiank you katie uiat is very nlc kau went away ji low big line stood looking at uia quarter film wu not puaaltmr how to send it to th so kind a pier lea ah wu wondering whetlirr slut had over slopped to be grateful for certain uibiga aa inexhaust ible aa aa uie ocean opportunities for education friend music to march li fashions for the smart woman fi hionb for the sm 1 1 woman will- ml i ike d hu ui ins slip rlly rluc itrgimit lui i niild in y ur own im you klrp into your atrnjm ii your pruiicis alip i- lir miller willi llie smoothly fdlui aillumehe of tlie present mode lingerie tliat limply riimpt io tin- figure ctacnlul llrrc we luve a filled slip in sheer hi mm rdiird lop ami iwrttom wllh linr larc and arrompamrd try a pair of alep hii in llie sjnto inaterlal lhat are fihrd u u thly tdx ut lie waist by th un i he rmliroilcrymotu i a biuih i r j jl inurli wnair in xti but not in uie ahed rliluuurulalheflauuulllol jllthjjjrbil in uie wbidow but not lu uie pane tniniroaareytmtnntmnwuno iii ui rlgguuf but not in uie boat in the river but not in th moat in thn collar but not tn uie stud tin glas in thla first saw it ami wlj cf h m wj marriod long nur rcposod behind jilt frame when i i becamo sleatly there when mid many an xchuiiji prlnta a fable adapted to hard llmcm ith meant to do good and lu furthoruim of that endlt u hero rtprlnted iv o froga fell into a cream pitohor afltr n few unnuocwuiful at- umpta to jump out ouo of tliem gave it uo use u aald wo may aa wall die and bo donu with it mot au i is wo red the otliar you may do aa ym like x shall keep jump- ink long oji thnre is any ufa b toe 1 vtlw knows butrboniothliigwlli tunt upt rhls aimteoh put new heart into frog number one and both began to try harde than over lu roach the top of the pitcher the natural roault followed the cream waa presently uhunind tu butter where upon ui frog tint on lop of it and the next mommd wore out of prison time x haw am admired it afterward wher it rcitosa now x am unable to say but i hope it la in tlio bunds of m i wlm upt it un 14- laautlful work and uva amoulatloiu whlah cluster about il tnnrtiotmntif did when x was here bulnre oh claras all right i beard hoi say out aba a so averlaauugly particular it la uilnga uk uiote nupkiiib yesterday itiy was right we could have got along perfectly well without thoiti you don t want to lo a tittle sisters loyalty for uie sake of a handful of paper napkltu do you dearr you aee it a a question at values aa- 1 curaey lu a valuable tiling if you dob t pay too high a price for it uee chlldr clara unddnd alien tly dnrle ltosa patted one of uie ured hunda flood iporll ha aald th ou kknuionkrel gut jtti mbilslcr of an icngluh vtuago aat his veslry monivlntf glfla of uiank giving from ui member of hi ehureii and ooiigregatloi hu ministry liad been anarchliur mid sound lit f awaken hi hl people the rigbt aplrlt of ooiuwcra- ttoii uie fund was mouiiung steadily wlien out of uie must lrosperous men or tha community a wealthy merchant enter ed the vestry after aliakltuf 1 land uie mercliant ttrw libchcclcbook aomawhat ostentatiously fnmi hlnjiockct uid-hru- cceiled to writ a cick for nfty pounda ilia minister just ttllmpsed uie fbjur i aa ha was turning to apeak to a tiew- cdner an oldag petuloner wrinkled mid bent wlui four score yeara of hard toll the minister greeted lilm cordially laboriously uie old man fumbled in hu waistcoat pocket and ooln by coin put ten ahluuiga down on th table x really ought not to uk thla from you my daar friend aald the minister vou cannot afford it hut you must replied tha old man in excited quavering tone you must air x va been saving thla up all uie year and x don t want to give to ood what cost rite noudn uu tile miniate accepted the old man gift and wrote a receipt for him whan im had flnlihed h glanced round for hi weajuiy friend hut ui mail had vanudiad tha mbiuter wondered wheuuir uie attention uiat lie inul given to uia old pensioner had offended tho mereluuit prince ue took an affection ate farewell of hi aged friend and in hu heart uuuiked ood for audi noble aelfaacrifloe late that aftcrjioon hb wealthy visitor of tha morning burst into the vestry lie shook ivantt with the minister ndptaa ed a check face downward upon the table liid you see uia amount of uie check that i wrote uiu mornlntfr he asked why yea replied uie minister i could tiot help seeing uiat it wm of fifty pounds allli you rcpieinbar uiat old pn- alonera glftt ui hum contunjed i do indeed aald the mltluter well look at uiu and th ttl turned uia cheek face upwards it was i for two hundred ruid fifty pound f fr it aslimiied of myaelf beside that brave old boy agld the merchant ah after noon x vo been tigtitlna my love of money knil a last x too ha va decided thai 1 must not give ood what coat me 4mtlsuy- in uia flower but not 11 uie bud in uui story but not in ut tale in uia auction but not lu uia sale hi uie garden but tutt bi uu land in uie upright but not in tlui grand uie tones l but not in uie bad my wliole la a brldg both graceful and aail answer urldge of high uk warttei to mltet tiue mousk we liave never liked the id of fdglitenlng children into quiet mid sub mission llin immature nervous oigsjl- laatlon of uia child often suffer severely from such treatment hut there are tftinn strong soul among th youngster about wliool we need not worry uiey are not aaaliy acared one of them as we read in uia argo naut 1 three yeara old one evening after he liad been put to bed ha began bi wall and mary the maid was raquast- tn lo sootlia him after a abort lull th crying brok nut again wlui rtmowed igor and papa wu instructed to ln- rtlgateuui trouble w all this nobwt alunni ygy yoiyih rascal i deinandod well mary aald if xltapl on oryink a oat big mouse wlui big green aye would icome and vlt on uie nd of my bed mid i va kept on but it luuui t come yell liiuitlly ilmi t liuv u wul ii w 111 llur la full 1 1 u 111 w lid liet y i lug for ilk- lltlb- snurtrr it ii mul ilut ii rami lluit racli nick allould luv to nuuh a cruii percale is nf tlie nlcet futnt for llie clnl i i frorlr bccjiur it founders well and look fresh longer tliau many other malrrul irmf ri mall tr signs or jiuitil motifs are alto ni gsgmg for rlulijrcns wear and whru plpol in soli r rotor are qs smart as they ran be n jntie i etre iliort klmnnn treves miufied 4th turn bark cuffs or worn leevr fcs iln- tab exlriulin on lie front ilicjovr iialjtrm bk hvuh ov thought ood la in a special manner puasod lmthhdanrhsrrtrtrooflhrhnrllmea sj mnah th sei a otwa ulcual righteous because ha wu n in that wicked and adulterous generation matthew honry aa a rule wo may aafey leave scandal tid attack alone to die a natural deaui but lha utllt better plan of mak ing attack the occasion for uia exprea- slou of good will if h yeaua to have pwor to forgive la empire and prvrogauve and lis in crowns a nobler gem to grant a pardon than con do mil llutler trouble 1 a wonderful teat of the ututf ic aplrlt bi made of it ilmior revdalt it gold hi new strength faith mid pa tience or it showi its bote metal lu weak tid cowardice nhu gt i nai ipln ifln cioftui poydr by mull un olh r day und i list th uuhl id ilk l i try it ai jim aml ihil fr m llin in rwlti ii si ipil at die kltrhmi lur ugsln t uy i ve ihirmwcd a ssi k in put ihe hn lu i u id my t id woman x wouldn t bring oitn tlmi have plmily luylnu riiutld somewhere do y u have my leo mam aallt b uulrrd deity no lis ii fri btur lhat wsy7 wal now if y hi c uld give inn tlie loan i nimie and are yoil gi big to ut yiitic fitraer lo dsy now w mid you mind putting it ingellkr 0 it would sure be just right uetty obligingly put tlui freeser to- grllwr and jliu inade a pretense of hlurtlng in tly waited a momint to see what would happen neat llurn enough jim tumid back oiid asked in an off hand hiautisr huw m your huns di lug lublyr 1 rylty well hetty answered do bif tfilh m thnmiuinanfinfl kage alls fur ultee eggs and wa are j oil g to have conipany so if you cihld j spate a half itoseil ii would lie jiutt ftnu unity purkrd the half doseii eggs into l id ceraj bo utlll jim lingered lltir knew uiat he waa going tu make ani titer rjiift i hale lo uuk it knowing yoil have eo many to nook fir lie aald at but but ould you let me have a quart jr of mllkf my old woman said aha could get two quart off ml quielur now if you could let hie have two quart id be all nsed out i never could stand ire rmmn half water with the sark- tha ice uia fewr uie salt uie g mid ui milk jim happily started for luwji to luakn ice i mum with uie sample of id cream powder uiat had oonie by mall youtv vacation this summer when i want to know what kind of man a young fellow is going to inkkt auya an old eluaen of utile ijji i just find out what he does between seven mid nine o clock tu the evening cnlo and l the 1mb pleasure icnccs or an racortetl tonrtijlatatumincr vlalt jasper tallunnl park seo tlie b cunaillan rockletlio pacific coaat or alualui or ko east the maritime cliolc of tliilcii mul itlncrurle hviilluliiu full information descriptive booklets and ret lrvttlnn from v atfent of cunadlan national hallways what are you doing for that stiff swollen joint did you ever atop lo thbik uiat many times the inexpensive remedies ar best many a inau liu lost a week wages with a slow acting remedy when one nr iwo good rubbing wlui swiftly penetrat ing join i uauu would have kept him i hi job now just bear m mind that a gen erous tuba of joint haije maim right here in canada costs but 80 cents and when jonl kaflk gnu lu joint agony mid other aches mid pubis get null olva your ailing pain tortured joint a joyful treat to night give it a good rubbing with joiniealk pjid to mor row ihnrnliur if you don l iiay uiat tin 01 cent you paid unt the grratist in vestment you over made get your mutiny biii k from any druggut in canada later tliat day the minister ougbt oqt hi old pensioner friend and said la him john do yuu know how much you gave to our fund today f i yea air replied lb old fellow ten shillings not a bit of it rplltd th minister your gift amounted exactly to two hundred pound plus ten shilling and ho told lilm uie story city battery electrical service flenentar ktarter bpaa teilo ktepakl auleaau kti mad 1c9 woolwich street gueiph the new modely h beentwaiting for the rogersmajestic i the new popularpriced lowboy console and combination are here i ave brakes we havn insbslled one of the luunt machine for testing and adjucttns urajt nbwstbai andnichoi qhipllaavwcuhixin iuu1 coner j ii parker son caw ijpioytoring covkku utc fllaa knviemuwakegmbni j7rnpuy alleood t s nosvouc umucwt cniixra xnion f ow ictncmirjlfmtkrrxjlastionrof 1ia1ky h1tjnuilh lttccnttoalinciiuainductdhjt ue division of hactorlology at uie central ickp riiiiiiita wrm have ahowu that ao- lutlmui of hypochlorite are ivmmkabry noitibu a flood for aatbtna aatahma rvmedle eoran jmii iii hut tvnry year the alea or thn original rp- j d kellogr asthma itemhdy grow greater and great er fo turuiur nvldeiioe poll id b ukad of it remarkably merit it relieve it la always of uu aiune unvarying quality which uw ntirfiiref from asthma learn to know x not suffer another attack but set ui apleudld romedy today oatniullyoijj advxou kveryouo deslriut to bn liked by hu fiund and tuuoclatoa iciutwing this if miter of wham x knaw uiutuataly bi hu later year wrote uia followbig advice to young people nearly ail hundred yuan ag6 i uilnk it 1 jitt a much to uio imliit to day u it was then he not ulwaya speaking of yourself i lut notfur ward i laten when apokm to i avoid old kaybig and vulgarisms lie uhtilne in your wimplbnenls command your temper mid your couiitonmioe never acknowledge nu enemy or sc oji nifmnt if you can help it doubt hltn who awoi ilcadily prrparpd by dllul- luif the roncentraled solution with cold water uin iiypbchiorlt rtnaa bldtf fair to rplttro th old method of oajdiruf which waa rarely effective ui account of the larga quauuues of bjplllujf water requir ed tu destroy the bacteria- preient l ha ltyiiochlurui method u quick r cl i nper morn convenient and nujce f- frctlvr but the beat result can be ob- taliitxl imly whom certain condlton ne rninilad ntu first of ttieaa u uiat the hypochlorite rliiim must be tued only on uteimil which have he a- thoroughly waalied alo co tracna of milk residue or djti quickly rob it of it germkllllrtg power again 11 la important uiat the rhino be used in nifflnlrnt strength and u lowed to i main lu contact with the entlrn ipner aurfac or at aiirilclent length of tluiu with usiul atrpngth ot rliu nt teast 1h scooida contact should be glirii while n longer period will result in more complete destruction or tlie bac teria present ttjially care should bey your mr 111 uvea a block from a gov ernment liquor ttorn he voted for the i0 a h luut a liquor permit lie wi 1 nobua it agahi liat uaturday wlien hacaine liome for dinner he found ui usual crowd of wnall children tilibihackvajrij tliat had converted uia garaaro hi to a xjker ejtoro ktlglit boys ruifuia from i to b yean of ag were passliuf in line uirougw th open door hchlnd a f ouitlar i cffrrtlve in uu balniotlon of bacteria hh b donald whiihdlni mncr utciulla itwulily iirrparwi by dllul- ii to tha truth of a thing darn im aluglllar in a right oauatf be not tuhapiad to refuse never appear to he in n hurry neglect nut an old aoquulntunoe make nu one in oompany fuel his inferiority avoid punning and mimicry talk not loim ut it ume tell jio lung at doubtful sturloa hold ho one by the button whan speaking forestall not a alow speaker bay vint tall vu think cllve not your ilvloc uuaskihl itunember fow jokcallalng rinse uuui hnmcdlately before mhk- wlll bear rti pea ling irn uie ouaraclur i lug ur elm by invekliujr the uteiiall ut draining rack so that all rem all dog to prevent corrosion of metal uten- ijul alnoe inoat liypoaltlorltaa wlllfaiunk tin mnul if lvt in contact with it for long period rhta poaslbjllty may he readily avoldi i by postponing uie slerll of uin commiy lie foro you soy much i that a pretty aalie advice i would trjurs of molstnrti wjll evaorate aa rapid- 1 arc jmu llomemaker in toronto frankly say if yoil fojlow it your diance ly u poaalble topetinntl rrm note olob holder rli children oarrlad uie bottle to tha playhouse tlxiy lid com luane mid each on began to wet a ho liad seen daddy cur aome other nuui act it waan t a pretty alght not even for a permitholder ka toon a donald saw tu fauier ia cried out toh daddy we are having such lota of fun ttla it our uker ator all th children hrtrured pot ties oeut keuneuj 11 kaja hu daday doesnt hve ay bu t ytvl him rtrut-af- and oh daddy look t harold doosn t he look funny r and ur b looked hi baby ooti so like tlie angel mother who 1m ward were arthur dear tako cara of oui laddie waa lurching toward him oh daddy x i dwunk der wu noily atuff in my bottle but idwank il oh daddy x dnean t llloi to be dtrtmk r b so sick take me and kjr l look tha utua ldln lib aim aa calmly a he oould lie told thf children to go home lhen he and mn mbtharfes bora went into tflo noma after ilia doetirr had noma mid gone j he went out to uie garage and made aliort work of uiat uker store and now lie la doing all he can to i make abort work of uiat oovernmeul iqdor store t rosa barber signs and gltass m norfolk hlr guplph below model 590 roger majestic lowboy hflo50 0 7 complete wfth tub and dynamic speaker wcwi ere far sscyck sett aoqych stt r ho wolfonds auto wreeking new and hski paints rxtt r aix makky op cahfl is wateft btaskt ovkupu tejapaen msi above a radically new typo cabinet model 596 kogerfmajesuc conoi ol complete with tubal and dynamlcsimaltar model 505 yionofacfro badlo cow mo iwi is jema dttign ftc s3s0 comjet theyre here three of the new rogersmajestic modelsto still further enhance the reputation of canadas largestsellin radio eachnone aniiasterptcccohfdio enginecrfns each one ready to give you the rriaximum in modern radio performa for the minimum jncost when you tune in with a ro3ersmajestic every instrument and voice comes to you naturally gloriously with a rich colorful tone that will amaze you by its realism only rogersmajestic could offer such startling radio values as these and our budget plan of payment makes it easy for you to own the model you prelcri basw 1 to fit xkb day ambitious reliable men wanted at uia part time pay while training fnr aviation mechjmlca oarage work driving ilatury feloecrlo aoeteiyna weculcliy ajfachlnlat orlckbiylng maatcrliig drafting barberlng and iiudrealng ant quick get your ap plication in now write or call for information nominion tdaup htlllooik t eastern heariquartera las king bt w poroiito kmatojassnl isles iineial ta niaat pfiers- jj3stict radio amoinandy oncj icorcs of oilier famous headline are on the air now doni ml is them get your fiogerimajeiuc at one of these stores today i wdtalbot corner ok mill ani main streets acton ontario

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