Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 20, 1930, p. 3

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-v- 1 iuitmia l huhjauy jft 1030 ulakl a siaitl v mill llnlcith th i walth til lull about nuy nicy otllillg out g by inlt t murmur low lutrin iuii l imvi r mr my if uiul so if ill hhiic nl mm iw our ir jul fir tiin iu mtuul to iiilto inland lint it lilugil nlgill will lln driuiu iiisli- met u inul hai fill fclrult urn maturely nlfti at ai llll 1 ill unlilcll u 111 talking llll nl n vmi imvo won nut hi w u irhlmph blast tin hue 111 nut john left j chronicles of ginger farm ivrluut hoecuuy h tlui f i lra by hvi niioimn i gfjoocst r iliu week hriuthi u ulleiil x for tiiutiy thing t ot tlui in tiltso to ihe fact thai the ehudrsii rrcovnril fr mi ihrlr uttatktf bum- chill und huvi now n turned t school lit fact they huvo unl only rmovered tint iuv havu muched uiu uluge wlieu lhy ale us put my full o bealt well i just love tin in lull of beans hid would not 4utvu utuui ulluirudim for ainrululk and yrl uumi uraadjiutn wlmn on a ral u will i lido ho iu i harm what slvould di if tluy stayed up until nl hour nfiliu night on luimn children do i dim t know liny uin off to bed at avail o clock in tin winter and not lat er uian eight nrlnik in the iummtr wr3ss rooms art- nnbiurohiy hot tally they ore multi nady for bed ad- t ho ii all they ifli n invti a concert on their own whin liny got up slatrs the morning they wako un bright and early mid in ut un to another iniproiniitu con curt yolntf through their an tin pertolre from clirl tmajt hytmu to nunf- ry jhyinos r ii lully on umnlay innril- lug when mm 1 1 ti mnted to wish their vocal organs were not no wull devolooed 1 ttjl evening i win inuring molly aiioll- inb anil furlmr ww wtclilnf uul llatriilntf und nrnlty nimrly boctiii con- vuued in wutcldnu thti ihor child m con tortion un alio trhil to bt uib differ ent nhonln wmyila llciiiui of nouiid u not in of uitllyti jitroiitf wlntj mt hmi ho lumn lot of mwilllllb to lnm u u futlior aenhthlninrn to two tlmt kiiu cu the n i doniislurtiiiir hiui i fcr not wi much hull as wo tuluht lui km wh wem both tuuylit clin oliifttlunnd way lttml our a 11 c und mcmorutx our pclltntf wo imvo yet to bn convinced tlut the now way in thti hottfir way anotlier rauou i havit for thankful- iipm thu wiok in that i havo actually moil tlin bottom ofiyiiintitliibajkat and iurtcit you t urooted it a joy fully aj oiin k roots a lonif lost frlnd n rrtatid whom onn know aim u ftoaii to loio mfftln i roftlly bollovo partner befall to doubt my rowoii u avery tliim jm cainn in i etifnind to he darn 1 uk what lut would uy can t you do anythlna ouo hut tumid ntocklnta i triad to exnliiln to lilm that tharn was method in my niadiirfj quit x wm hav ing a hicncllnir ilrlvo nil on my own and that 1 lnlindwl to ktwii rlbt oji with it until i did und tlir bottom of uin haakot not only that i wtui bottle curi ous i bowl to lltlnk the baaket had not cot out the real reason for thu accumulation or innndlim u duo to the fact that uiujy in the wlntttr i aurvoy- m olo coiiblwiioriitlnn of family houwry which wait not worn hiiftlrltiutly to h put aaldn ami yet i knew vry well if titers wax anything to take iu plac it iiavar would u t worn ntit ho i decid ed thdro and tlun not one nalt of new aooks or alookliiua nhoiiui corns into the houae wui imvo utuclc to trty plan but it haa bofii at the fncpeiun of nd- imj daniluu hut nuil i hnva urn aatu- facuott of knowing that by alitor dou sed pcrauuucc uuiuu at any au acoim ijlbmd lllliionny if not time mow ll thtf tlmo when tivt ry fanner a wife make rel p1fittla it 4juy-wlui-odlc- wortt kiid tivorytlilnu u looked over and bicdd or mnilo avt r into aomethintf else o m to liavn nvnrythlnp in good aliapn bfor houiocliianliiif ulart and tlin uaual aprlnif nihli hi ulna i am quite ura w nil luivo uood inuntloiu in till dlreotloiu and uvin plan to tot a 111 tin ummor iwliiu donu but i ain wjualljl aura that thnro urn nno a lot of u who when kprlnu doiu cmnu look back and wonriflr what on nurtli wo have duna wlttv our i tlmo und whtrr nil our jood in- uiitloiui wont to which remind me of a llttlo vnrni lut loamnll nt hcliool no foubt aiwiy orymi knnvitbut itrwar tmllo now to mo u sixty aooond hi u minute how much good can i do in it sixty mliuiuui in un hour all the hood thatfl hi my twiwor twentyfour liourt in a ilny tlnin lor work alio li f li und play day throe hundrod mid sixtyfive make a ynar for mn to lhrlvo mow 1 think that u jilht n uplnndld uulo varan it la what uhall i nay ao in- clualvot yih i think incliiblvd very aply doaorlbe titlkiwiuun thoim 1 everything in it nitffttjiary to u hapny life if we wcuict imt- notmn it trkwthnihlrrt line lor liiatnncc twenty- lour hournjn a day tlmo for work und sleep and play slow do wp nuproprlntn our time each ay have wo u weill hulnncod programme fot work and uhip d play or do wn work twothird of the day leep thn rrniajjulur of thti tlmo and leave out the play altogether h believe 1 heard chorus of au ut from the hired nl all over tlio illiilrlou vory probably the faimera would ulno nhsdiiu hut they ura either working or aim plug and full to hear anythlim that 1 hroaikmut on the air one il u mwitl many huase hbhr-nren- ullir jkiit jlrihn lunt iuu 31 vauir ics hs oil ffl lltlhlf niotlii r hons a to irnvtrttntiwir tgo thliiij ho as to cut out long hours vut i have mtvartoiui ttuuiy of them work ed out tn prnoliiil jloally it un case of wlittfll within whoeu ifiern 1 always il shortage of hhed help iktoauae tint tarnior luu u ripulitlhiii fur working long hours and thn furnier has to work long hour bedauxii liu null get surlolentj help rhtn wiien tho time lomn whejihe tnlcht slack off tt hit lut has got ao ac customed to doing two mens work ill one mans time that the habit ha be come too strong for htm to shake off i have juat hoen reudlng the biography of the prluuo of wnle and the writer says tlut narly ii hi career lis lesmt the wisdom of ricrontloti when engag ed in fulfilling hln many arduous duties could we do better thnu follow the ex ample of our democrat irlhcet wlille watching two of his men wluiet- tnjr eal to the funiunm snyh the tur tm fdramiui of a uowork notloed that one man took two borow loails to uie other mans one uiidjmld oo you know thut your mate la do ing twice as muoli work n you are well don t blumo inn guvnor plied the man iw ull1 j0 shout it i hummed malim1nai d uim ll or ul imh in ttl 1 t ul uu ii niitlli r of fifl nl 1 v ry ui 11 in udiij i ilflng idroigr llk ul uit chrltiimi wua i n id with iiinxig i uitlr ii it li huiahug in thought ull llil i wiiutt of time mill iiiiimy hut it nilu i huvi lurii nolle it thut hi did nit v ill i hi sn kniitlinrntm i uny inn hul hlinuilf und it 1 1 lliat ikwjilliln xliut hil yi ry r pn idll rullbrd lllrtll to nun llld i 111 dll hrr dftaoiitmml and ahlugiinlkiii in- iilrtul of making tito healthy nur und hi hum thiiiwelve otjt imimii ufhr all thure wiui toiiir ivru n i r thin altlluile in malcolm win lonutd am a yry ytitnig hoy he hiul lift hlu home in uin roiuilry heunne well t jul it dultn ulmpiy tin in ml wuiji i nxitn for thut hlg uuwllig fumlly of young mnnlfinumi litiji r lluil no limdiiuute furmlioiiae roof lie hml drirtil into him city imd ihi n with oiiin nf thi nlirgy aeqiilrni from hlu hunl workjng tuothnr hi hud pul hlin if tkiumih idgh ii lin il und wun nnw tnklng nnlvnrilty pxtrimlon conn rr mid working during ihe duy in mrliun i d purliiiiiilal atom llerrrlly malrolm iyi rjird thut work rrorned hit lityt erushig jieoutty for polltfinau to lilt u nirru hrorticd iwwlng lo that ilrn thn ruhtiumr in alwayn rlghtl jit was bciriiful of hi hoarding huini too oltim he oiitniuplatud inuklnu u liungl hut a olliu diridnl with glo miu jiitjilliiuiii that oliunn e are uiiothi r plnrn would w yio haltrnnrhiipi wort and mrs mi f llll loarlliighnunr m i hhhid vi ry obvlmin udvatitugrti il wan rrtilrul ttiii iiitnutmi wulk from mhj uu i thn foiml was good and thn n im wi n tut an far a hi fellow ixiardnrii wuiu ron n nird well for u long timer malrolm coiitninptuiiiuly ignored tin m old loglnul he dubheit thnu und took no uniihlu lo erae thut tlrat iniprm ion klderly or mlddleagod ludhu inorit ut them jcihuiuki to lie with thn ixrniilliin of two young men aloe ltorui antl olll unyuor rhi re wan mliw ulrnlo and her hktnr mli horence ahe was thn one with thn thick gaeg and the mole n hm left clik thnre was mini wuhh and ml macahumtrlm mid lnufrd it minding one somehow of a wither d apple and thnu there was iilb unmou it took malrolm nome time to dlrxovnr that minn tleiimiu was dirfornnl liiimlu- tukahly tdartllngly dllfereiit tllm w young he realised unit with a uturt of huriirle ejhe had an abrupt little laugh thut was happily contugloiui ami brown eye behind her round minctiinloii ryu uial twinkled lr rea la tl lily iimrry on rift u ly enough the flrnt time mul- rolm noticed hint twinkle wau one night at dinner when it suddenly faded lhut whs whet alec itou one of thnnn vi ry uggrelve young mn mhldenly demand- id oh i uy lai the unit will you lulu old dear i x hi twinkle had faded and nonir thing akin to an angry anarkle hud tok u iu place the suit woa not paiuind hut left okrctly whore it was lliat night malcolm aukut hu1 haynor a 1m ut mis hen uon down ulia do anything for a living doe she well rathorl 1uu an swered lnjil usual hroosy munnrr itliuti in the ininilg ration departmunt and ihey say that as far as che laws of 1ml- grant women and children are concern ed what miss ueiifuiu doum t know isri l worth knowing lois 5enrtait it seemed in addition u liar dally work had a claiui of children in tho irootor iluui on ouuday aflm- noon don t you iih long to rent un uuhifuy mis mucin auk b d hi r one iv rnlng gcroiuttlui dinner tahlo i love my llttlo forelgni rn you see so it no effort to go down among them on holiday as well us ottur days tho boarder had nil opportunity of heelug those little foreigner of ijiih lemon at christmas time iihe buc- cttiiwllnmottu-injtplloaw-nratr- m obtaining mr mooill permuulon to auk thut olu to supper one evening of tor tus boarders- regular iiiimpr m mo guis commit wan reluctant ukos not i ii find my forks and apoouu tulniiln no lois hen hon promised empha tically 1 11 eo that you don t and ao one day at chrlstmastlmi lnh ihnson took luu clan down h uu curly performance of peter imn letnr iunl malcolm tcolfed whon im hi unl about jl one or thnsa silly fairy uort of thlnu riie kid won t enjoy ut limy wllll uu ueiiaoii maid ihuy iv iii i and malcolm wau wrong and loin woo rlbli 1 jiylia enjoy it every woii- darfut ralrylandrureauiuklng iiiouiail and then she brought them buck to mm mcolllu for aupper a supper that ihoy i ycd rather dubiously at first an if doubt ing thn ovldrnce of their eye und then under tho itlmulatlug iniliuiuco of hot rniou their doutit turned to hllurlouu jo inny and hani oretohen und itou- knlta joined 111 eariplltlug ihrlokn of de light malcolm in hi room over the dlnlug- loom threw down his hook in dlngunt how can a fellow study he nked ir ritably of tho brown- papered walls if tll place is going to lie turned into an ijihan asylum inijjolng touet null ancordhujly ho noowled aoran the hrakraliabl the ntrt momlng ioli honsona twluklhig brown eyes anaworcil that wowl 13 id wo disturb you la it nlghl malcolms uniwerlng nnncnmmlltai grunt mlgt have limn tskgn for umiuit what dyou think you ra doing tor thrm unyway lhylj rio hungry again to night 1 oh tho food is the loast part nf it slie told him we rn trying to tukti away a little of tlit lonoiy frluull aw thut fu ling strangers ln a strange lut id jou kiipw 1st them know that oji providing aih i uu will i il 1 u to ii i ud of the clou i ho ha 1 1 n u hi li h k f r urrq too n in my iauui uro ii l lc i uly riillualoj uc about thut pin ihuyru not die miu t liu r- lu ily i i urn tjinfiss i i ii ii ii til iili brokiti by uul l in vil mini uoiiiiun i hn bald it in itli r i illy out ofdaui custom i in ni h illi i onl die it iter 1 4u i dun ikiuw un girl uuahtil hide h r ih ill u1111 rlmrudirlhtlc vigor und jiiinii i up i i hi t you think mul- i liu miiulotiihl lhut your mother hark on un iimil uolll he tllklfd to plhr i t i i u ili nlliii tioin you iii v in iilii throimli the door mat t jiiii lu lit turn piishul huck hln rhuir mill 1 ft th loom a fuw mtnutru luter li uu un hli wuy ti work obvious of hi nv hlttir i ling of the wind of tilt nuuf i nr now lu the air of nvrry- ihlin hut i i hi ni on u words your until r huk on tin furml how hi llu uotld duui liu jaitjw i lis we a dimalidrd ilnrroly of the nniul iliw lor she know in on a fur m i never told uitriti aniiwer to his ipirg hiuhil illmiiully iirouud the corner of th lull liiilldliigii miiw iv hi udded i till morn fierce ly ii lf nl hit none of her bus limn hut by i v ulug hln thougku on tlm jiu1jlll h id i hanged a utile it wouldn t hliri unyiou if hn did nrnd hi mother u villi nllnr lb d go oiio belter than 1ul union hud suggi aled hod send lur uhi irl ihupid box if rhocolate i mutor having a wlllll wuilll to i ou lumont iiirlmii llttl ihuriiday i i op alice a k midy i mn it nil nil t i huvi iillue of i hill of hi nly very nry own hi ubont 4t lliat ev- i ulug it uuu oiil of thniifl rarn occuii- jlonn uhiu ihn mi nl the evening hi the hoarding linn curh d up hi a corner of th ioiil in the ro called drawlng- n uu qultn iihliully n vi lllng vmi su it purring pu iy rut lu tho warmth and ullcr nliiwullon liu going to mud mother u box of nudli hi told lur not that she had any thin to uute on fouluhiieau still utlll shed hp ptittuil lie nndd d man lowind hi r villi o minn utoole and mir i m li illiuii wi re deep lu dlucuuiloil our a kullllug utltch at the olhnr end of lh mom wouldn v you llko er li inul mn to nur old ludlon too im turc onin uiiiui it mine mkti ilonure had vnuiiluu cub tohor aha raca u you krov lho vlolitii blue honey 1 eweut and to arc mntcnlm hood pp woji aim norlouu win uin iiiupi ukuhli thought wo shn making run of him ajipiiruimy die rr a listed what lie wan thinking i in ipiltn sliiour i think u viikullltl voiit make mu florence imtipy for u wuk flu u und it yourarlfl malcolm ve- iimiidid not vi ry politely it munt hu eonfuiid and went out shutting the dour ixhlnd him with an ujmeccasarlly nhurp little tnng a few day luti r lilu stopped mai culm at un front door i have a favor to a k i hi rnhl and henltatod a llttl- churu nun nolhliig ubout malcolm ut the luomtnt to impol conftdiuoa then iidruptly nhn w nt on could you come do v n and lulp my cluiis addresu the en- vi lc ii of tin vnlnuluri thny nro golnj ti iiiud our iilck hoy she panned a little lirnuthkiu it ao inula a lot to nnk ynu to 1o i know but wn have hun miiniiriirlurlng valontlpes her eyes wire tv inkling now und they are fear ful and wonilrrful to tiehold hut uu milti u tuik to gril lhnm all atldri sslii cnrfooliy myklrtdtritwrhe osthey think lii hrokni fnullnli lln appi ul uroiuud malcolm a latent rhlvulry iiiin ho whli 111 come whit tlmw any uuu nfti r uevin on wedneaduy vinlnie nho mild obujoimly relieved nt tho n udy uiiiiwi r jliunku so much it woo hi huvi hun tpillo pomilbla for li in llu on to takii thoio eiiveloieh hack lo the loiirdlnghouko and get the muim hi ip from miiluihu in uddressliig them then hul malrolm mnrdonald hi lild hirnir nhn willy 1 far looyoiing lo in iiurh a grout- h 111 get him down i i my mliiiloii miniohow it 11 rhtuo uiinii of mid groiichlm mi uway it win to iirhleve this end that jv hml iiikul him lown anoordlnglyfl1 wi din inlay night malrolm joined the liltla tiluui ut uio proclor mission tho i mull hoy 1 1 hand at him qu est inn i ugly und tin n oni autiwirlng lo the name nf lony plpul uji hay you ro so lilgn viryllilng i jm gum you to some base- bill pluir i hern was a wistful note in hln vulci for inny hnrame a speedy lninirl to mm usmo of baseball oh iiny mulrolni answered rather to hlu nun rurpriui just oyght lo sen hi u inny tunind anil nhoulod it for tin in nil to hi ar he an we juat tuuulltlililiu plavbaaeualll lln wun i horo nt oiioe ihey rinsed in nroinul htm rornilng a tight utile drill invtloptii anil addrosslng forgot- t u m ir itm ii ild vory llltln it wa i ally not mn nary for tho llttlo chuji did m i l nf the talking and jils siioiilu in mid l b ti n nn implying a modest aid lluruh tm mulit hml wnlhd hud i if il op n il hud wi nilrr d uild mu liiliul ft bud nnollyomi hinnlf uwjy to gi tl wuslulrii whhp ring i m lledly iv t und ovti miu ilmriiiir tfiit illlliinl alllj thru miul lmrnl waiting for mu m lullimi on lb hull uhln4md prov ul to i u villi nihil loo tkfuytie iliruh mu muld hail told hrrnelf may be iii ijnt mt yett and had iwked lur siiuri noun inipiulllv ly outsldo un dour to limke sure thai no more beari sh ipnd ixike uiiiol b waiting there un- lulmnd r- aud rn ut dhiurr time the old ladle hi ought bom mid uheltninniil to the lalili vulnnmiimil lil exclulmul and who uiu lliuy liumj rih hut wi don t know thut what n r il ho exi llhig mln muchllnnl a mini uddul kiiddriily hut wn have on supliloni i mliu muluiiuiu uiuial- ly illul lur ey i lu a hair fnrgolt n ii i lllih muuiiir and yoli- miinu i u too nmny imnllimj mu ll nwiu mis horeiilo ejiook a plyill ringer at lilfl we all huvi nur little ancru ui ihsr htr manin r was a trlumnjl of thn tiiyaterloun in mosl unlikely pliw- k one u inetliiira nulla unnxpoi lad ro- ijilc ajuluid ooos ut tham 11 w lin ky you urn she nulil and thimby ualimd mu unnweivlng dnvotlop pf uaruh the muld for truly miner y love rompaiiy why i til hi t uh u vukiitlun at all chrlntopher coluinbunl maloolm mic d urnld laid under hln brnalh on id not scfl wiu iverwroiight llttlo prnsulng a hnurt- il ulleck it was imply now for the young macdimuldtt hud mailo abort ahrlu of mid conteiils hut thut empty lieurtuiluqjfd huxuoa dear to their mihlier nvlakolml sin said prnsalng it doner lo her worn fd tit cliltk oh malcolm my soul hoi what uuluulm u the t overwork il uumiii i in a rurinlidub uiap i 1 but rloif to iiintk rult khchrn economy j mlowlug hint or kltcllcu rem omy hi war time wire puhllahod in th ij ndon dully mirror co to the sluipn yourself or sehd i wpuhln iiilmlltuu avo ordering by i tvhphone or artnttlouotlitlnavirer cundltlouii may mictliuto from hour lo hour win ii poilhn rurry homo all smuil parcel and to save horeen tiltl liteii wunted for bigger work elsewhere huy only what you wunt for the fol lowing day or two choiuii those toodn which glvh moat uoiirlnhmeut for the least lummy lakojllo consideration the r re ft u tag er of wuatn and boile in studying rela tive ill vn of ciiu of inn at and vurletle or vigi lahlra cuullflowir for luslance hn higher nutritive value than cabbage though the luttur i cheaper ihe following are the war rule for oookn uugeted by experts lunmmuto us far an possible rikjiilro- meubi ot each meal and no avoid hav ing food loft over don i in alto more teu than u likely to lie reuulrod don t take tn morn milk from the milkman thuu you know will be requir ed mo hot cukea or krone for thn present uteam pottoci in their skins utow and brnlnn in preference to roant- ing fry bscou luateud tatgrllllng urown hltcmnu aiidlicnips dfhreail in oven crush and pluon hi utrlfght tins to ho uned instead of flour in nicking puddings don t cut wij bn ad until u i at loast one day old keip all cold vegetable left over from dinner for salud for lunch next day doom with tlllainb that t liuiltn hi ltdu hi welcoming ihem r mmml xlalcnlm said a a ii alter of font none of thn board ers took liiino ueuxou to very sorloiihly llio mis oleeles bjiu mis mucullum 10- longed to tho older school und dluap- piovnd they let miss denaoii ennii that illnapproval too of girls going out in in the world to earn a living ami then one day iol hoiisonh picture wa in the paper for h hud it seem ed read all exhuustlvo paper before tlio immigration hoard on tint problem or women and olijldreii liuiulgrniiis did you really maloolm lutkul libit nodded i cmild talk any onedeuf on the subjeatl she said with that en thuidiiam whlcii wa ua oharucterlnlltv uu i which curiled her ulong n it were on tin or est of a ureal wave it was a kitnriiury morning- oio of those mornings when a bitter eusl wind iiomcliow penetrate ah tiuj nrark nnl cruvlce of boardlughouaos ouiue the boarder to shiver their hoses to ap- itear pink and pinched and brlns out cnumlo little rcunuk about tho weak renmlea uiffoe h mlsm hteeut gavd un expressive little b shiver otld pulled her skawl closer uiioul her shoulder ihls place 1 drufty c nlm said i told mn mooill she slioulil u i put lu weatherstripping j hon mn inn mliniiilnit hi lavt ever nluue hill llaynor look sip of coffee pup 1 ufortyjlve mint morfilug her ulster his clip down with ft little grimace anfl hud had wit enough to glance at uiu clouk and nolo tho exuot time whon livi r i unl you picture in the polpnrs mi oni in kdl ul liugtllu oh i i uy malcolm exiioslulated you mu n t il uuny with any idea llkd i in play uinmhal nt coumu iul i i i ill li tho ball und nnmellmni mom mini n i just liiurfle it ivttestjriistnsrtattb in llnu ho don t fomotlmos lu they echoed vou uu l jili told him willi laughter in hit iyii you vo uohleved u repu tation und miu oiinjjtvo it down i don l want tn mottoim said it uiivt him u glowing lum of elation tn lu liuiki d upiin for the first time in hi lift lu dm llghl of a hero lliat how tuwloprd him whin the envelopes wine iliiiilli hn i wlmd and ho walked back to mu biiiiidliig huiiie i guess she u light he uilmlttid slh ully i guess thin i u onn thing in lit valentine day l loi kid unywityl a mihi lc u thought htriiokhlm and attliq sluht of thn coufmtloiidry slore ut the lornnr lhut thought wo rung into notion hn wint lu und oiibrul two hnart-shait- d uoxtii of unilli to fen sent tho fol lowing liiv to ml flore n co uteelo and ml mai alluiu ut mm mccllll s lioardlng- hoilmt hlu mild h d pleusn thuul ho tylll illluui if v w il boot 11 wa ul dlmttr miu iibxt uvenllig nt ml vliitiilo fjhml anil miss marls kin i ill n hiought ihelr henrtshspod mi to thn tiihht hnlh dldjadlen wore ultl ely tn milling with eagerness to iviy uio vwiiutnriiil new and with the wurftul oxnltomotd or it all mltrj king and jldo kro dog that any man eipertally uny farmer would be proud to own ihn following account of them ivhloh uin american magaxlha prints ire good enough we thing to be added u tin numerous atari nn of the extraordin ary intolllgcnce hint log sometimes dis play a man bought a shepherd dog wllll tht intention or training him to handle a small imrd of sheep lllng he was bo lift mod herauno of a belt of white hair louud hi neck grew up about tho place i without receiving any lessons in alien herding ho had however been taught to drive the cattle and the horse back anil forui from the pasture one day when tho master of the farm jam working hi a field soma distance fiom the house ulng csuin running to him i ha dog acted strangely lis trlsd cbvlously to make thn man take notice o him and paid no a i tuition to hi ef fort to ho playful wnally the man bo- came uneasy and tliought perhaps kiltie- thing had happened to his wife who wan an invalid lln hurried home and lung ran on in front at the house alt seem ed lo he well but the dog continued hln utrango conduct he seemed unxlou in have tho man follow him beyond then for the ftrnt tlmo thn m da tor noticed o tuft or sheen u wool hi tho dog teetn ho wan astounded and feared that hi hie dog hall become a sheep killer ho followed him into the wood anil jit last eahld upon tt flheod that wall might betweentwo fallen trees ulng it seems had tried lu vain to extricate the floor creature he had gnawed bark t if the ireeh had un fa tched round ill mm ground and finally had taken hold cf thn hhoop and pulled backward aj u last resort he hud sought his master for he had lean in it that a nuui can do many wondvrful things that a dog can not do fldo our family dog says thb other contributor cnio to im a a struy flippy tlfmir old minnesota farm a j wa chief chore boy i had to he hi sole iruhitr und ronipunloii lir mo he would uuvalouo uufos the farm to wing flit oultlu grid would unerringly sennr alo tint sters and the heifers from the milk cow oqco i sent hlaf nearly miio swiy foi tho ruttle which were footling in hit rornstalks i was astonished to oe h m h ultath after ho had started tlio i il homo and than cro uiq road into i neighbors pas lino a nil start thut hard ultio he seemed to he trying- to out out snmn animal from umong them and pretty soon ho imooneded when the est tie same up i scanned the htincli to discover the htruy member and to itimo i found that lhr- waiuleror nllirttntcrrtrinttimiptttf into thn neighbors pasture lri tin imd mitioiil hlu ubsenco und llkjd fouild hli dinoug some forty mid oullio another tlmo when i was niilkhig lii uio khod wil oamn to tho door bark hi exoltetlly i heard u thud and l round an if the breath hud been knock ul from sotiiii one liody- with n bminil i leached tho door and was horrlrlod ti sen my father niwtrate on uie ground imd our hull fortunately hn had no horn i manoeuvring so a to throw hi vilghl upon the helpless man with hi troubling sliength father wiggled now ik wuy now that way to esnupe tho hints waity jlv itoful ialtquhau mamntuh ihtuil illfiiid iy in will lit i rltu hi hit p to inn what y in do that f i ili nl n niny thltuf alxmt writ trmrti t cdw 11 it wi nt nutk illtfirenu br lune laul 1 iud i ll heutli llunduymit he dlddoil eee why v cnddriit take iiln tm ti th mu mini inimvnei li tin new very well that um houiui hold xpiunn win in t uu hlg un they won yr ago lu ml lhut wa turn hut tho i ulny rent in miey wan not nn hlg war hi uin hn wunsuit muki big kwlte un iiliie iiiiuifiiy iw he wiui a jr o muiulaylhny wa n new ouy at nkoo lulny utul all tin vkld like him uw i lull when i wau a tlutig mu about him ilu nei i nhuddeiil josirhlaln with hli herns nil lnnl ut mm rurll purty tin hi ma i nioki a and ha u itur hln wj hound and hun hm rdiuln three or tham rroy iriliidiiy i gnu uu y inn hem i uol a lh ti ll in i j conn log hi n to spnid wlln shit in recovering tipm a di cas it llimid he uiuuh plnsrullur if il ua sum of mun foki a i xpict winikiluy ihln was a lubisuhle day axinl for me i got u cold hut ruddeiil wtui ut hnmif on uirt or mu moddui ngrui to ll and they lu nulhlng mo dliuiinfortuble than a had cold when yi wlnl uol no hundkrchiaf hlruduv juno told ma today uhp luid a id 1 1 for u man when uie was oroau up i ned what i ll und him rnplyu 1 1 he miirt ihi hruvn llko i indlnirg and hous fur tr wile i u rumii or hluieu i rftti lookinglfknmrtmlyviihinindtmisrt d hruvn like cumaiider hlrd i gut i wun hinting ut tun but i remuluut eiil und illddent inciirruge imr none 11 yin in ilth homo yearn ago lilr jamen m harrln wrote a d llghtful easay tiilltled a holl- dui in lied in it ho described the romfort and uulufactloii to he di rived from taking n day oil owing u some nllghl if not mi i in liniglnury all m nut und upending ll juletly hi bed ihe easuy in pirhupa riot onn that would commend luelf to nun of rlgorouit mind lielleve lu tho vhtinf of unftagglug industry and llrelor activity it preurho a ilootrlne of ludoliiicu that tin y might condemn immorul u 1 not ouir purpoifii to condone tllb lu hit or ludoliure yet we wish that eviryone who la uuablu from tlmo tn time to take a holiday lu bed as famtu ilarrln reumiiiienda might no order ida life us to enjoy for u little w dally the luxury of lying in bed homo illiberal pinions regard lying in lied after one bus waked up us little bitter than a sin a iq11iiuj indulgence dcjiinrajix lrifui cliaructer limy maintain that with the first waking moment at tho end of u night n rcrt one should bo up and unfortunately too many people find it nercsnry to ronnrm lo that atom rule rhone who are able however to linger between the nluiels wiellur on a plnujant summer morning or after the dawn of a hlejk winter day enjoy homo- thlng better than phyulral refltfuluess lhtlr minds inguge in screiuf coiilem platlon porhopu of no weighty mutton or in plnanant flight of fancy oh uweet fancy let imr looeji urged iceatn ami im uridid tleanure never 1 nl home ihn tlnin whon it is oasles and most natural to let fancy loose ml when i ho in moat llki ly to bring plea sum iinmn with her tn when nno 1 ty ing hi iud lu tho morning after lie ml lug ier off on her oxcuraloiui one is in a better mood for coloring nn one n uilvuitureit for tho day cnrnn cannot exlat when llollowav corn ne mover is applied to them ue rnuse it goon to the root and kilts thn growth wlntrk all ot catvkh at till rxiulimrntai htatfon ov lalliltmsvivq to prevent any nheck in the growth of calvoa during the winter it in of es- riintlal importuuco tliut they bo nholter- ul in coirifnrtattlu piartnrs with udequutt prcteollon agiilni i the severe climate and ful a propnr ration lurrriui reuts mainly upon these two fuctnru to which farmer di noj pay ulflcleiit attention at the exvwrlmuiul ututioii of torino tho rslvrft run loose during tho winter in atnlln meouurlng approximately 13x u feet i ho floor is coveroil with u good clean lltliir tifalruw nr nawdunt rumweil eacji day tliil htu bio 1 well 111 hud and ha good ventilator uie brush und ourryromh nro uied frorjuent ly which help to maintain the ralvei in good health 1resh warm nklmmilk i fed at tho rule of lt ui in pound per tluy from thn ago of five wcife up to that or filx nionthu thn rhangn at tho start from whole milk tn skim milk having been mudii voiy gradually over a period of at le nt two utki ihn cnnreiitratnu fed to our rulvl ut thlu time of the year arc mixed in the following prnportli mid glvui dry ut the tiottoniof the oi iiimip r giouud oat part lirau part rorn meal s part ntlcake t part riila mixture i fed th r tlvus of tlltfirent tigm varying from two to eight monthi at the following ratea two months old 1 pound pir day thrci mnnthn 1 pound four month li pouiiiln flvn nionthn 3 pouudn uh mouthn 3j to l pmind liiono ipian mllea uio incroasod proportionately for th rulvs which need more food piupet uuiuitlty of good ulovor hay 1 ulun fed that is nbont q pniindn dally at thn agn of two nionthn and pounds when the calf tn nix month old iho calvoa -ltu- il roiihumn onnll before thn ago o ihn a iiiimllut tfolirtripn hrrthey may mt it hut in vtry small rpmutlty and tiiey rnuat bo gradually ueoimlomed ti till feed icxperlmvutnl 1 urm note impact u second i htnod ntotloiile but r lilo flashed ogt into the yard mad leap and grabbed the infuriated aid- alu tall close up tu his body ihe un expected attack surprint uie bull di nt ud his attention and gave fattier u huiioe to crawl into the hed irndan hulni jinpurt a rurti charm mill dutlnotlun to thu woniun who uses ltugrimt a u rtover iioiiqihuh coo he eklu ll ulwayn rusults in com- nli mlouh delightfully young and lovely iiul input iwihlo to every dainty woman ah u nowilftt hone fur ollylextnrod skluii o u uugaul1fylng lotlun it is unrlval- d lone and ntlmulute the skin ho iimmnndett also to iioftui apd make the hand fluwlessly white druggist tells easy way to end bladder weakness ilcuhsiit iiirnimnlve home 1 roatmeiit quickly kellctve llally irrilallun uihl uniting llinlsti no miitti r what your ngo ntsy be how long you have b un troublul or how maiiv medlolniu you inivn tried without siiu- rn- if you are n victim of hluitilor weukiiesn and urethral irritation cunn ing tluy qf trouhlmuuuo uunnyalioo and night of rmiki n rot you should trj the illuming vnlui of dr houthwormi dltalahh at tuieel mudnjrnin attpitlul oidlltllv llllu fully linid lu tim doctors prlvuli hrui- t fur iionily mo yeure ullaiahfl are mciihirly ilmluned to nwlilly relieve ihe piln und mliiiy or kmiulifg umthrnl ithlloiim hiu hiiehrih hladdor wmik- i und oeming un nights mufe iluuintil i n ox p nslvu mid supplied by all good diugglsln on u guuruiitui of money bnok on vnry iul puokagu if not fully sullsnid if you nud u luedl- of this kind try ultaihtl uidsyl i lu i nulkh liiuuuut di lint luul li ll he i thlii n ll old h loullt ni nail i ilu i i ul thy l nilry uii the i i ilil u ii11h i in i mid tin ai millet it hi iiiiiiiiiirn am luadi ijuule indrnl lh n it ofii u f fu ling that mununi urn lixlillly tlllililnl iflll utlntls that ml m i i ihem hiilluitm luhurerlt und inn-i- rltivj und lhut u rinnly nnlah- i i 1 1 irlu uggcmn nu ipsiitfli luit moral me itrnrn ntllturte f qiilio mflrrnit in fuel mil id mil have ihn anum wont f ii iiiiiiiiiim ami fir moruu unit minn i if not n uifinln at irsnt aumstaiil llll rphv htumii the two in frnirh u innnitl t in not a tu rsnl who pi bill i of the mn ilitillt ill lr nrl which the hiu of mir inrs uud iiistoius ntudrtil of ti iirurter ami tin tlve indeed of thought goip liulk iteyumt i luninioue th ijtttt lu word inorrj- th dlrj1 orlg in rah meuiin prlmajrlly man- i of mi impllo li lurolly aroru- uttltlllll umilllllllg thut mistaking iiirc ruitrtesy forv tun at the iainn time it in eulin mrtaln thut ilu re u not lrllltl iii thn wnich vlnw of die morutu al wlln our relation i mien mutllmw arnold bald that ihn l wiui thrre fourthn of liiiitiau life malli malice may im tllaiiuluble ul any rsbi condtiit in a very great l ni life und ronuurl li mnral ami mil li that puil or life which i imiuutl wlut our iwlliihu wlui otlwr nou if vo reflect a innmeilt wc thull sei tlint all that in really lumutlful uud valuuhli lu manners lu nlso a mat- l i of our relation to olhera i rue polltini j true courteny ur not bused on ill play or t if ct but wholly on klud- lliiu on u pilek and mun appreliriinlou oi wliiil will lulp olliern will soollio hum will mukn thii feel ot tholr ease tin ennrnre of ull ijimhi iniuiiierit i lo rulllvuu unit lo btruigthiu tile habit and thn power of putting youruilf in another n place and thi manner and mul ah tua not u far apiurl ujiut all iiiionio aux1uu ut no in t ii i i 11 hill b llrlulblg i kl iv n in ovei lo huh way i lr1 th nurrkl way lo irl nil t in iu h half lh i hi vlu yvuti h yourmlf if yoit uollr a i n 1 my in itltugru with uvriylhlug olhiru kuy nillie um whrliir tlptl frillng of ilk uurr mnit u fillowul by u lend m y ti aiui mm ijueniloii lliith are daligi roui ivyuiuuiiii i the rliioule srguer i held mi nlnreri hn dors not havfi real opinion for lili hiktllii i u ul eliainplon the nrf slil what- i vnr ll is kven when 111 argiliurnt urn ghxl tin y curry 11 uie weight iwcsu r hlf luarl i not in umm if hi 1 dull hn la a bore of thn flrnt magnllitiln and iven if hn 1 kiuurt im is unpopular 1 hid aomu wsy of exerrtslrtg your louleul loeulty liaal i le lie ui mlllg that obnoximih pi uii a chronic argiier tn w o mill editor of the ilymouth lnuland levelling herald says hint uie easentlsl nf turcnftrful ailver- lining lit lhut 11 should contain tlin suli- nlaiiro and the rrjienrn of irulti hli public doeii lint exjlect 1 mill in dbpnrago hi ownwsrca but it sliould hn eiicourugcd to i xpert nnltlinr lea nor mori thuu truth when it in being ueg d to huy or pcnuadul ui minporl somo 1or ii white hlg buulnes may comn to the prodlglona hoouleru of pill conooctoil nf aloen and houp of wooden iilltllirgl or lireukfanl food ronnlntlng of bakod und hwuliuid rhun but in die long run mm public discovert the olitat and the effect in had alike for honest arid illkhouut traders mi ii though not maybe en universal ly fool i ii an i homo car i y ik ssld they wen un villi gullible in thn iiiurjt bill lrriimntauce doe not give the permit i en of unl f intercut lo uio advertiser ho upt kn u porpi lual market for hi j lerchanduo to apply 111 falae begulle- lenli at tho mtiuuinn of uio woak-mlud- jd- liuuwidillnunt u- able thteupply goodn and of oourno liy gaoiln i moan every ndvortlnuhlo commodity at least of um nature und quality promised lu his ndvcrtlnemcnui only if it resolutely adheren to the truth li advert ulng ultimately justifiable on moral or buulnen groundtu that i v hi i say that tho enrncn and tho nubntunce nf truth srn the essentials of ndvnrllnlng step up your elmergy encrjjy comes from food that contains the elements of nutrition in well- balmiccjproportiouiuidcuiiiydi rested form get into partnership with nuture und step up your enerjjy by eating shredded wheat with milk all the carbohydrates you need to furnish heat and energy all the min eral salts for bones and teeth deli cious for any meul with sliced hummus or btewed fruits shredded heat with alt the bran of the whoie wheat toe canadian shncodw wheat company ltd car rolls u quautt is as high a9 pucks are low special aylmer urwnd tomatoes indivtltl no 2 tim sprfl iilo tlraml ijuht tuna meat z9 seciail sciiwefti -ii- cocoanut zib spodal ivirico braiul tiny sardines ztinzs s iil hrry hua custard lib tan zx dates jb pounds 19c m howiilroc unullli quality cocoa vilb tin 24c lytn golden syrup 2lb tin 25 ctiolcrst smyrna figs 2 b- i3c c3t arllj apricots lb 29c 33c large mraslna jlbmons prdoll 25c aylmer golden bantam corn on cou no 3 tin 25c llmiici salad asparagus lib acadia ilotinlcss codfish- mb pki 17c m aeon ocli i es herrinq in tonula smice 1lb tin 2ec for wliole wheat porridge wheatena plig 29c heauty specialist preacnlie palmorrvn yt cavc 8c ilddya scaqill matches packtic dozen boxe 19c babbitt cleanser 3 tins 25c gcnuln ftendh castile v ow 2c princess soap flakes jtx 2qc nesixks condensed m1xk dabya paorltai carroll own butter fjrah from ontario omnsru piastcinrtssml mill street acton ontario it 5 a uiuamliliiijwli rfsrowra

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