iii tlomf of he arkm 3flm inaa mdil r t lun clij nr- ai tt an imi miml rr self i i t wi ttrellf i oritar iii actio in i kl i i iii ss li ii r rvcr llirila cvt i it ilr i trr 1 si mill h mill mrrrt a t di tun ilr i i rl l oi trie 1 jjik ci k-ji- t iva lulatic u curflcl a i lit a t it lie u illr slat tic i ir i whl 1 r ml in jt pall l ii ii ilr i t lj jdro 1 1 4 aiwehtis1m kat1s 1 r nail i nrlail fculmhriini 1 i tier lumi tl r ralr will i i ii i l i m t i i mn i a dii i s alitor ai i i r prict r telepilonfv editorial ai 1 11 i heluncc l itlp vim winkle i iiil guclpli mercury lut week iiiy twenty i three hundred weekly new piiper men of canada arc liolidnyitif in the far wt t mid their plutit i arc i for tin mn pnrt hut down tlwe weekly fallow nrc luck when tfillr cuiiomcr nre willing to ullerl neighborhood ncwa 1 iun mr jinn r ici i tf ilarrlt ripen t ihc fit i ml with hi i iiruuilfulher mr john melhrnpi mr mid mrn ci ii lite wart of akron for ii little while without bang concerned with tlico lb with mr ami i mr john ejliiurirl lifhl in heavy piohlem nt their municipnlitie mr n i inoikon of inrnnto npenl meantime the country move steadily forward j j n f sv i w cufjcuin rt m ri nnrmun bunly tin mercury man has hnd a niglitmnru on the jin j d uicphuiiiaimi mm niephenr irenfth of the weekly when it 11 considered tli i id fajrllly hv 4ttlie kl port there are only 041 weekly papers in the dominion and i s7i publication of all kinds in canhda in eludini the doilie weeklies monthlies quartcrlic etc and we frilled to note nny one of our tt ehanie amour the wecklic- missing trom our de k the pa t week the mercury brevity writer mu be mi oldlimer who served the case awny back and in not revised his statistic or conceptions of the wcckl in the last quarter century or so klnitrmlm railed r trli ud herr i iday nnd altiudrd the it phrm i nlon mm a icn rli anil ton j mil and ml lltm ariwnirr or llnckford iii arn i pendlnii their vncatti n with mr and mm j c mrlclmiry mr anil mm jin i qnmdy and mum mary mr unci mrn lloy clnmdy and marti r unici vliltrd with f rlt ml at hamilton mi sunday last mlcr ji an iiujli mr jjin inalffl of oi nullllum mr c luwli of acton vl lied nl tin home of mln m illnaham ml h inn hmn ti tunild u aennjeuiwn wlih them advncatr thursday evtning july lj i02h we appreciate it top the kindly frnternnl comment from brother publishers m other communities on the occasion of the fifty third anniversary of tin pitt i pin ss we nre indeed ver a from these kindly encoorar t continue to meritthe standing placed upon it by these comments to republish these items would seem perhaps to be flattering our selves and might tend to turn our own head so wc will refrain from passing the comments on to our readers until later years when wc are more staid in journalistic years every one of them is none the less appreciated however the unceasing activity of the toronto police in jahcrrio oruinc ontinncvoa toii rnhh andj j 2 i 3gb what imp region do we create generally when we tracl from home if obser vant at all one can nlwas hnd little things about other towns passed through iat detract from the town or add to the impression you receive on passing through sometimes these facts arc never noticed to be lacking in our own town until we notice how they detract from the other places last week in a motor trip to killarncy beach wc passed through numerous small villages it was new territory to us and wc wore naturally interested in knowing the names of the communities in many cases it was difficult to discover their identity and they were passed by as a no place and yet we imagine that iiorbiecttizen of these places tiut what was proud of ins home town and would have been delighted to explain all about its advantages aftef noticing the lack of little things in other places we got to thinking about acton since the cement highway has been constructed east of town the sign board that used to be oh the eastern entrance of the highway is missing and only a small highway sign is constructpd at both the highway entrances it is perhaps sufficient to tell the stranger what town he ib in but wc received a much better impression of the communities which had individuality enough to erect signs with a char- actor to them that portrayed the artistic touch of some one in the town or village it may be that the highway department does not approve of these lufded signs by the municipality and prefers the small neat sign placed by their officers but those other signs do stamp individuality on the community to the stranger passing through wonder what the other fellow thinks of us when he finds them missing in this town jv j f i h ib htf m 1 i r jiforts have been the cousc of deservedly fnvornble on w nun in training mr mcankoll mlas evana mus comment from all quarters too often it seems im- moclcod hftv called rrom montreal tor possible to track down these criminals but the quick ennland wlitre they will spend two ork of the toronto force will have a splendid ojetcr maurlco fcan who haa rmidlnb rent effect on the activities of these gangsterswho at carndun snsk tor wmc umc pout i t i arrived home- liisl week on a holiday ii find that all their well laid plans are for nothing luilt to hl pntrnta mr mra arthur the silence that the newspapers in the city maintained fuim wi t o umn it i mra john ijirmar haa rclurncd to town for three days after knowing of the details of the trom tortmto whcrc ohc had um nilia capture of several of he robbers was a splendid no for ocvcrai montha i the rev dr and mm wallu formerly example of the co operation that newspapers can oi knax church oakviile motored render in assisting the officials for the welfare of the uirounli tin town on monday on their way to atlanuc city where ihcy will community and country generally the business of for a fw wects ncord the newspaper is not to publish all it knows as soon d put iic vt moat haa been appoint i ld to lh haluin motlits allowance us it jearns of the affair the welfare of the com uoard ulld madc tccrltury for u munity and country must be the guiding clement i county mr c ii crot und miba qladyo croia conditions ore arising frequently when the publica rl on l trlp u w they went tion of the details at that time would be a serious from sumin ui port arthur by boat ii i ldwin atone evanctanc 111 and setback to the subject for whose successful culmma cabl u luk of chicooo una wed tion nil arc wishing at these times the newspaper motored to oakviile ond arc now visiting i with rolutlvi thry made the lrlp tn man must consider only the welfare of the com munity or country at large nnd stifle his newspaper instinct that demands immediate publication of the story it would be a comparatively easy way to publish evtry item known without thought or super vision but it ih the deletion of the sordid and un seemly and the constant thought always in mind for the welfare of the community nt large and not individually that makes the newspaper a real power for its constituency s a good ijnndtcap for milton as has been the custom for years the county council made its annual grants to the fall fairs and on the same basis as has been used tor years acton burlmgtonand georgetown each received 75 00 while milton was donated four times as much as any one fair 300 this of course will be claimed because milton is a county fair but like many other claims this belongs to the long ago and needs re vision acton 1 air and we believe the other fairs are m the same category is open for exhibitors from the whole county in all branches just as much as milton tair is in no respect i milton tair any more representative of the whole county tlinn nny one of these others fairs other than the fact that milton is the county seat for the most part officers and directors art- residents of the immediate vicinity of milton just as any of the other fairs draw their stauuehest supporters trom the country immediately adjacent tune was we suppose when matters were different nnd the township fairs were open only to the township exhibitors and the county fair was open to the county nt huge but that tti has passed nnd the grants have not heen revised in accordance with the rules fovurntng- iiilhc exhitn tions the county rate is cqualicd and the burden of taxes falls on the shoulders uf all in equal propor tions is it not time that should share m equalnu tion on count grants oi at least on the h is m which they contribute to the county exchequer milton lias a plcndid fair but so has acton and georgetown und burlington and each of the latter three are handicapped by 22s less m u county grant than thaj of milton in nil fairness the grunts should be more equally divided und the common treasury not used to promote one centre more than another we dont blame milton for taking the bij grant but we do thmk there is a laxity in apportioning jie giunts that the equalisation has uotbecu madz oiiie years ago out of fairness to all the county it liould not be continued further in these propor tions lapping off another hmnch the action of sir henry drayton in seizing the liquor stock stored at the border will commend itself to all true advocates or temperance the brewers and distillersnre the worst type of the bootlegging fraternity and their disregard of all law and decency the ciiiisc of nil prohibitory measures that have had to be enacted sir henry las fnund their docks to be a menace to the proper enforcement of the law and his job is enforcement of the liquor control act it is only to be expected that the liquor in terests will defy his order as they have defied for ears all other orders and inws of moral decency the dominion government should in evcry possible way assist m helping maintain provincial laws nnd if necessary enact the legislation necessary to help trrnl 11 wrektov enaiand where he control the chairman of the liquor board is hit wl11 i l mxt ihrro montha ii ii i a llrw witch board han been inatallod ting in tie right place to stop illegal selling and hm u interior of the ndi telephone his action will commend itself to all but the liquor compii tt iy remodelled it to now i i i ti t i an up ui date olllct at fur as equipment profiteers and lawhrcnkcrs the pity of it is that i nnrermd only he enforcement of our own lawi is ntmed nt mri fc ltlir of e- anithm cat 1 r i u t i ii llil lcrl r grand hut que to vlnlt the wiping out of the border warehouse to help a rr fmhr un r t pending a week with sister nation enforce her inws would be only a decent r brnihi r w it webiter john street neighborly net by the dominion government oi oucitown mr can y warren of toronto called on frlrmtft in town on utindaj minn vera hewln of htohey creek ifl npendlnn in r hnllilni vx mr o n u jr m j h l ii cameron of olovrrrville n y vljiuij r rim tin in town on catur day j here are mill a number of logs run- nlna at lame notadtleitandh uio fact that ti town by law nayn they miut not mr ihomaji irwin and con thomas of bel font ireland arc vlritlna with mr and mrn b kirk ml in marlon mckay arrived home from ottawa on monday cvcnlna and will i pt nd a holiday at her home here mm wm mcdonald who underwent an- operation nt toronui ocnexal has- lltaljla t week in pronrcorlnn nicely mr john ii darber railed from mon milton itrv w a klurlbut unite ui uuilr tuiinnmi hyrrm oil ikn tcrie mr and lur itobc mr do wr ii of vic toria harbor luu bnm vultlnu hu mouw r utn l mrdawell mr and mr- it m clnumiu and family havtt umitt lit their tunimrr cot- take ut hatttlmiktt mi laku frle tjina jean varlow proteuiloaal nnnt nf toronto- in ipmdliitf i few holldujit here ftr h innlor trip acnuui the linen miah itiiui oorlutm of philadelphia u flprndlntf u few linhdayn ltere with hrr mother mra t a dor ham at the wttiillkh tvovlncliil kxhibltlnn at ii rnilmi latt week uie flenlor orand champion friiiaut award went to anion a illark moffat on oranrii lllofcwim ifenry xctid at trafalgar towruhtp trapiiel and killed kt large black iwwk taut week wlitcli had wo killlna chick- crui on hu fame iu wlnaa measured three feet from tip tn up lufonner mr and mri utan uuck and family have been vulllnf relatives at 11 race brldfie jan homlna and aon frank of palm era ton ore visiting liu counln j v little adam amiktrona w underwent an operation lor nppendlcltln in ouelph general hruiplul on tuesday u dolna nicely mra p d dewar utt nn galurday for lou anaflea cal wiero h will vlclt her motlier and brouura returatne home in fleptember chomp ton mmm rtofoaiibition bumin dinclory mi h at lk j a mctylvi n 1 lijnirlan and surcron ami und lt iduhi conn r ilower i mn mil 1 lulu 1 tr i t i i ai i h i ni i klimrr kuktou oakviixl ilandit wealth not long enjoyed mbuje myrtle and belle kcllcy otor trtu with frlcndj in new york i two tliya star uuitmngton editorial notes with the bank mergers and automobile company consolidations some things are certainly getting closer together these days canadian cheese shipped from montreal in a single week to foreign markets totalled more than 55 000 boxes an increase of nearly 20000 boxes com pared with the some week a year ago prices paid at country points were records for the year to date slowly but surely sagely remarks the border cities star scientists ure smoothing out the bumps on lifes pathway solving problems that beset man kind and adding to the peace and contentment of burdened humanity their latest discovery is that a swallow can see n gnat forty yards away the frin advocate which usually published on wednesday although the paper was dated thursday has followed tut frli phi ss in changing to thurs day for publication day it has proved a real con veniencc here und a help wc believe in producing a better pnper no doubt the advocate will have the smne experience with lust week s issue the collmgwood bulletin completed its shth year the bulletin is indeed a staunch friend und worthy representative of col tingwood audwith iditor williams at its bead will undoubtedly continue on its successful career that has marked its activities through the past year it is unions the exchanges of till lull pill ss that is kept to the lust to be perused thoroughly when its contents can be duly appreciated and we never miss reldmg it to the cowichan b c leader which won llrst place and the brampton conservator which stood cc nd in the canadian weekly newspaper contest at i i ii an a 1 ta we extend hearty congrutula tlcns bth aic papers who luivc earned the merits uwarded ihem and aie worthy to be given the highcjt standing in the weekly class in the dominion we ure of cause better acquainted with our neighbor in icel county and nuturally rejoice that such a signal honor hifs come to our peel contemporary mtai dorothy line in holidaying al ixmdon iiil uuc i of her aunt mm w d button mlu tin lino- mann is pending a tewj day a at cedar bprlnco the guest of mlaa almlna duncan mica nora ouberl is spending two weeks holldayn at orchard point inn atherley ontario mli evelyn holm of ouelllll to epend- liib a week with miss dorothy g parka mr w c alton mica mnflblc alton and mioses alice and myrtle lluuuhard left on rucday on a trip to the pacific coast dr arid mm j a walker linvo rcturn- d home from their wedding trip in muflkokn find taken up reoldence on jjrant blrccl mr and mrs j wilson who arc on a motor lrlp from itcgliia and are renew inij acquaintances in uie district were guests of mra j jarvto locust qlreet on friday last six large buses ponced through here on saturday conveying the stait and etudcnb of tin southwestern university kansas who are on a tour of instruction stopping at various plucca on the lun trary for lectures ii d hunna of the sinclair pipe line company of tulu oklahoma arrived in burlington on lylduy evening last with hw ulfe and daughter marie after a very pleasant motor trip to spend a few u crkn v ith hto mother mra jarrua iianna and sttcr mru horace middle ic n of brant av nue omette particdlak hftlcjurijii wiping the jero pi ration from hto brow i m afraid madam we ve nhown you all our stock of lin oleum but wo could get more from our factory customer well pcrliap you hod better you ace i want something of a neater pattern and quite email jual a little square for my bird cage not so bad flrjt boot i hear that the drill acry- cant called you a blockhead second boot no he dldn t make it that strong first boot what did lie actually say i i nd uttot put on your hat hero comn u uood ircki r sultf piiooi- it un t unitary kr to have the 1 hi it inn thut way will i dunno rcplli d the natlvi wc nin t 1 mt a hog in fifteen years a preliminary estimate just issued by the do minion bureau of statistics indicates this years canadian wheat crop at 23 105 000 acres an increase of almost a million acrc over 1027 the area sown to oats is n 2j7 000 acres about the same as last eur hurley shows un increase and rye a decrease the londition of all wheat is given as 102 per cent of l27 when the total yield was 410 204 700 bushels manitoba saskatchewan and alberta winch are now the chief suuices of the world u wheat supply all jiiow conditions superior to 1027 the bright young man was making application for hu service gratuity j cow much eervlce did you have aaked uie clerk no service at alt replied uie b y m in duguxt i was only a corporal and had to wait an mytelf home wottk a goat in about as big as a sliaep if tlic rheep to big enough a female fcout to called a buttrejuc m luua goat to called a goatee ciou are very uxeful for eat ing up things a goat will eat up more thlnn than any animal that aln t a l oat my father pot a goat once my father to an orful good man everything noya to co even if ii aln t no thto in all i know about goata tor0ntoomtaiuo j he urctttctt and moit tlinllinn por ins spectacle in the world will lie the 3rd wribiey marallion troni the one and a half miles of canadian national exhibition shoreline llious ndi will view thu gigantic spectacle of internationally famed catalina and cngluli channel conquerors striving for the world champiohdiip laureli and ho 50000 purse to wltnmi a writjlfy mfllion jt lo wilnrii world ipcctacla llial may never imt repeated in llkl country be iure lo tee ilie ji swim llil year two rrnili wrdneittoy aug i9ll for women and wejnedy slpt slle for both wwncwtid men i irtl inlfrn1iona1 air ciafl duplay nil hm royal air io band jznglanil cx i lilt from nearly every com try 2 200 voice esl il hmn clionu world lhrunt agn cultural sliow an an te ijwirlf program rivnll i- an olympiad aulo race failril tlul rack in america finl iliowiug 192 mi lor can and fialura after featura avtry hour of every day send for literature jeicnb ng the tnt re four tstn jay cnfn jul r ytat canadian national exltbttion toronto ontario lj pb jp k e l l o o gs a sthma rejwepy aftafcandrrficilnt hrllll- r it 111 comwirq oj hi illlq v fuuko intutto acta ijoui mj- plgmpt gollection of dhafts in the collection of drafts cheques or any other form of negotiable paper the bank of montreal aives prompt dud economical service because of its more than boo tranches in all parts of canada and its correspondents tkroudliout tie commercial world bank of montreal established l8l7 sauusu in access of 630000000 acton bnipch l b buohl m i- 1 red rosa orange pko it earned the patronage and good will of mora tea drink er than any other high- quality tea in canada judga of good tea gladly glv more for red roue orange pnkoe because they know that the value they re ceive le worth many time the few extra cents they pay j do you carry away your cup and saucer when you eat in a res taurant n of course not yet when it eoincs to milk bottles we lose inyuheic tiom iii 1 20 a day in acton wc know women don t mean to keep them 1 hey don t menu to lose the n throw them away but the situation has become so serious unit we inn 1 1 to ask for your help and cooperation w mi 1 mi pknse return iiiiiued 1 u all empty milk bottles in your home j please look for extra ones in the garage in the lciihi wheievei 1i10 1 i be hidden and send them back this week here arc soml tac is iharwlil shitpkisl ol it should take three bottles for every 411111i f milk used one u ithvt ihe fresh quart one that you send buck and one at the dan y be me rushed h next day 5 delivery insteud it takra just aluiut nix uguich foi eer iii irt dilntrtd in itn milk bottles arc just loaned they are ikvh old ijieh ni ei st- us hk it i v cred they always rcmuiu tho legal properly of ilie m ik disinlnit ii actually against the law to refill them for ither purposes wc lose so many bottles each year thut tin ikiumhili f 1 ss it hm t hgurcd into the cost of milk in the futui hoc this will mean that the price of milk will it ruisid to mir the cost of ovlrci htilk bottled 50 we are making this plert to 0111 ciisimikis ti 1 etui n i i k e iu v ii milk emi ty miijc h0ttke in the house thai c in be found s that milk at the lowest possible cost will mi do youi pan to day ibank y u the jersey dairy g vv masalls pniprlcliir the acton dairy t o nox 3s i iakoi i nash i aumi it m a llarri irr sollrllor nnliry 1ulillr onveyjnrrr i le iiuitvnian iii of it af ton ont moniv i ini on moltloaoij hour u jo u in 1 00 p in flitiiriln u iii 1 i rk dk j m blll d d b l d s penltot honor oraduatc of reironto unlverrlty the lati it niinthetlo in d if denlred ofllcr al niidcnri conirr of mill and iyed rick htrerc dk j ii johnson ddslds dental surf eon oltlre mill faint i in the cooper block tti rpiionl hj mlscblxanfoul i kancis nunan i took hinder account 1mm k f nil klnd1 made to order i h idli ul it 1 vi ry de ripllon carefully imuiul bullni iuatly and promptly dime wyudhaui blnit qui iph ont rovrr william- store r j kerr auctioneer nnd real estate tutnty yean experience list your pnopehtv with u acton ontafiio summer term in cacti of shave a tnelvc ochoolfc follonn thl preccnt bcsrlnn in rrniuur order from july 3rd with no jrcetl vacation j cnter any day booklet free write 1130 buy falrcct toronto w ii bhau faccretary item ember a debtor to a knocker kelly aiken coutctoits i crrtotcnt succt afull oraneevtlle owen sound gu established 1000 life insurance also auto accident slckneu and flra ifuuranca in uicc dnyj of numerous ear accldcnta auto irummnco haa be come a necessity do not leae yourself liable by neglecting to have one of thee policies i ur purtlculara see a ii mciilin itover avenue acton ont money ui ldan on 1lrat mortgages painting and house decoration groining n sncciality prompt altcntlan batlafaotlon giunntud esttntatca given tlllpiionb 170 richard ii ulancu uux 35q acuin made juices willi pure fruit eatbetce kinvim tomaier3al manufacturad by mclarens eisimat hamlllan and winmpaa farmers equipment acntlmien we un 1u11 prt pared ui supply you with uicluu inlid jour putatjea from liuyi by u lnu arcuate of lime cheap r liable un 1 lujllnu tuusfled cuju nirr lieu fill r huylitu footo lreuui tuparuur windmtlto iumpo lbxiftiiic win nneiiil and qatca hone phiphatt fir hiiiil cliewlna txilui ltipulr1 mill itpulmiiu a upec laity cuilful utuuduit j w itauiiluuki riiuitc ib a clou ont insurance i f there is any kind of insurance you may require we will be pleased to quote you ileasc give us u cliance s r waison proprietor i automohiuf insiioancl a s plc i alt v t g ramshaw miliom and acton jaa itamshaw ahhiduiit tt