nu wl rtr mullu alll w urm rlol u i fwaul at h of neral hospital auii on mtiiiluy july 0 idll roy a lit wart itt uvl tiijmuan i of v jllunrhr i iiiiin in iiih ijmi y r wooit on 1rlday july 1 ldd iwlitll ur llltth birthday nt lot a goiick slnn i i i ir inir township isabella icnrr will f ttn late william moore ww a rtmi 3f m jlrrhfi tiiuiuiday july 13 itisri brief local news toduy ir the glorious twelth the whmt harvcrt la just around yen ll wan hot on ounday but hi seasonable weather anyway only three wcclta until civic holi day acton n big sports day haying in very generally lu opera tion among the farmer of this com munity the toronto magistrate are now imposing jicnaltlen of 5 m coits for reckless driving the electric storm on monday blew out a switch at the flro pumping station on main direct july is olfli the montli of rocs and many acton hardens arc proljlc in their rau blooms thine days a drlvo through tlie country j tut now u a revelation there u a promise of good crops generally otxawlwrrlee cherries new potatoes and green perm these are the day when mral time in a real time summer holiday arc being enjoyed iiy old and young in many resort near and far away at tils season noel allan a high qchool student at oalevllle wan drowned at port carllng uunltoka on sunday afternoon tlie mcarthur construction co have about lialf a mile of tlie pavement on the ouclph kitchener road completed tlie worshippers in uie churches luul me tins time on sunday thought ful parlors made the services at brief a possible the electrical ctorrnx of uie past week or j lmvc been rntlier severe though not a treat deal of damage la neighborhood nws lornt school hie following- iji the lb t of promotions for lnrim tcluio irom jr iv to ur iv howard orarf witlliici jwaclehamer prom ijr to jr iii beatrice oratf liluood johiinlou linn lyle crlppn oji trful dora denny on trial hots fiwarkhiimrr on irhil 1ri m jr rr to ur l ii mary crlppj patricia ilarrop iluby marpherson lion i twin or primer u jr i i yla kvsno irom jr primer to ur primer ward draff hon ihiile- burritt lion oiorglna lvuns vera ilurut teacher hifnmiilh the moionlc lodge of campbellvlllc held a picnic at i due wood park on oatur day which wan wi ii attended and an enjoyable tuno spent anniversary ecrvicos were held in tlio presbyterian church on ounday rev a c olcwart of arlon occupied the pillpt bath morning and evening giving tya nlilc addrcsscri 1 he choir from icnnx chjirch acton wtia present and rendered appropriate and beautiful music tlie garden party on monday evening under the auspices of tlie presbyterian church was well attended and the- varlid programme enjoyed by ull the enter tainers were jack dansforui comedian byd mayers whistler rosserman broj instrumental lfltn chrlssle chrlstophlnc dancer edith carr pianist and iranks orchestra mr murray dyer of detroit spent n few days at his home here mr and mrs crtsi mr ollbert kings bury anusmka a burrows all or dai inn ohio spent few days rtccntly among tlielr frlenda here mrs crist is ataylnj for a few weeks wiui her parents i and mrs a iclnesbury tenttwb snta lti dui1un a very enjoyable picnic was held on bnturday juno 30 by the dublin literary society school children and parents at publln qchool during tne afternoon several games of ro ft boll wore played in ur ucdougall o held followed by races tiuj races with tlielr winners were as follows i airls c and under annie kelly boyo 0 and uiuler j robertson ohbi 10 and under katharine mc- phedrnn boys 10 and under elmer ituddlck qlrls 14 and under annie black boys is and under earl saycrn olrls oyer h years marnaret waldic boys over 14 yearn la wren re ch was airflcult to and a cool spot anywlicrc many motorists appeared to spend tlie day cceklns cool plot numbers or tlie home rdnj in town contain abundant and alluring dis plays of roses tlie quen of mowtw just now tjiey are well worth swing tiik pan pssxs bcluwl clilldrens trophy for fall fair exhibits is on lilbltlon at uic office now help your school win tills year and have a xltteld on uie cup base nclahborlnjr farmers from a coruld erable area formed a bee at the form or uie late dr roy a stewart on monday and attended to much of the farm work that had hoen neglected sine ills cidenl a jury has been empanelled to make inquiry in the circumstance relative to the death of dr roy a stewart or crcwsons corners the jury viewed the body on monday evening and adjourned until uiis evening gueenock school picnic a sveseutatlan and address la alia gray the tsaelur a well attended picnic was held on thursday lose by the ratepayers of d 8 ho 8 erin on tlie many interesting sports which took place arc as follows a very exciting bail same ullh messrs william west and tlicnuu uecutchcon as captains was play j mr wests team won races uera won as follows t boys o years and under tommy for- utell irwin mckeovn olrls undar d years margaret uc- phall theresa iorestell boys under ii years jack porcfilell lloyd uckeown jack ayles olrls under 11 years uatjorle uc- cut jean alkens idleen halt young men over 1 1 years chester allan arthur mckcown doaald mclean olrls over ll years bessie poreslell lula mccutcheon evelyn paren young ladles miss dray icauileen uckeown alice hodgsoo uorrlcd ladles mrs fred jaluuton mrs tlumas mccutcluoon mrs oeorge ufipliail married men ur ed peoren ur w west mr tliarnas mccutchson wheelbarrow hacetnobble allan and kenneth mcdonald jock porestell and lloyd mckcown lawson mccutcheon and aordon mckcown tumlnc cartwheel gordon mckeown cliester plank pour legged raxo use west jack porestell aordon mckeown hoys three teffbed nace joseph por- eslell and willie joluuton oordon uc- kaown and a rant allan lawson tic- cuthjgon and jimmy mccalg cllils throlefiged usee annie alt- kens and kvclyn poaren dora lambert and alice hodgson miss dray and joale mckeown v after tlie sports a short profframme was rendered will mr cluu mckeown as dial rm an mbu naruora and mr clyster plank gave several violin solos which were much enjoyed alias beatrice pcaron read pie following address and ur james mclean presented uus gray with an ivory clock and a cut glass set dear ulsa gray wc tho ratepayers and friend of o q no s erin are eatlured liens at tlio close of tlie school term tlio school has been regarded as one of the centres of community life tlie success of the school depends greatly upon tlie personality and ability of the teacher as well as upon tlie hearty cooperation or the people there lias bctn a very lively interest in the uifulni concerning the school in the mtiidji and hearts of the ratepayers and you as our teacher have u i n always in the forefront with a umputhntlr attitude towards ilia welfare of tlie section your lnterem in the greenock literary bocicty has been a stimulus to right thinking and wliolesome entertain ment your ability as a teacher in deeply appreciated and your personal influence hau been uplifting both nnuum the children hi uie school room and in tlie larger circle ol community life your leaving is the regret of all llottcvrr mine the time lias come to separate wc as uie children and friends of the section express to you our luai tle good wuhas for tlie future and as u slight token of our sincere approclatlan we ask you to accept this may it remind you of tlie many sincere friendships farmed hi our community and also of the many wliu have been benefitted by your sojourn among us tijgucd on beliaif of uie section charlie mckeowji james mclean k a mann mls oiay made a very fitting iply after whleh u vtry tullglitfui picnic tuppr was sirvd boyn three legged race billy mc- riiedron arid karl flayers married ladles race mrs george eomcrvillc married mens raci qeo oomervluc hitting uie pan mrs bayers wheelbarrow race donald mcdoueall and bob parkinson when the sports were over a bounteous lunch was served and everyone reported a good time dil roy a s1uwau1 injiirlei which dr roy afluuart re eel vtd in u motor eriuh iiiur cr wiuinr cimerti three uiekti ugo proved fatal uud ho pusfd away at the donerul jioupllji in auelph op monday afh nuwm at one thirty bclork ills mayor injury wan n fruclured nkiill and hi addition lie mi if o rod other hend lujiirleu of lm serious nature dr stewart w formerly a chiropractor in toronto but about two years ugo he removed with his family to ihw fanh formerly occupied by uie late alex crlpps und uwk up funning so that he and his family might have the healthful advantage of tlie country life during ht residence in this vlcln lty ha has made many friends and uie whole community joins in extending heartfelt sympathy to the wire and chll drcn who are no nodly bereft of a loving hiiftliaud and lather besides his wife wlio previous to her marriage wall mka k blanche tarlln of oalt lie leaves two children daughter wilms and a son blllle who was wui him at the tlm of uic accident but escaped serious injury ur stewart was in his 33th year the funeral was held thin afternoon with service nt uie home at one o clock interment waa made riverside cemetery weston david awackiiammer a figure long familiar in uie vicinity of limchousc and churchill and uin ugh- out the township passed on when david swackhammer died at his liomn at lime house wednesday evening of last week about two weeks ago mr owackhammer fiurfered a paralytic stroke from which ho only partially recovered he was able to be about and his sudden passlnr came as a distinct shock to his family david awackliommer was born in icrln township on december 33 1s44 a son or tlio late david owackluunmer on march 30 1073 ho was joined in wedlock to mary dukes who wiul a family of four daughters and two sons is left to mourn his loss tlie couple have always lived in erin or ksniieshlg townships and deceased was well known through out uie countryside as he had travelled over much of the ground wlui his uircshlng outfit or on mill work about fifteen years ago lie lutd uie misfortune to lose an arm while operating a culung box of a faintly of eight six members survive mrs laura mcicechnle toledo ohio miss margaret owackhammer llmeliouse prederlck new westminster b c vernon of albany n y miss nellie detroit mich and mrs u drefenthol hoius l i new york one daughter mrs ulnnlt artafnn and one and was largely attended tlie cervices at uie home and at churchill united church were conducted by the pastor of uie deceased rev ii caldwell assist ed by rev mr mclean or the presby terian church tlie large number of floral contributions bore mute tesumony to uie regard in which mr awackliommer was held by his ramlly and a wide circle of friends interment was made in the family plot at churchill cemetery churchill the garden party or churchill united church last thursday evening at uu home of mr and mrs arthur bwock- hamcr was indeed a most cnjoyam olid well attended affair tlie venlnh a most pleasant one but became rather too cool to be comfortable tlio splendid home and grounds of mr and mrs swnck hamer hero an ideal location fcr such an event und were beauuful lu their decoration and natural setting a varied and lntcrcsung programme under uie direction of the putot rev jl caldwell provided bj good cvcrlnsg entertainment acton clusens band gave a generous number of achcttcru during uic evening piano tolas by mi wra gowdy llmehaucc soprano solos by mls ruth glbon readings by miss kathleen mccaul and miss cannon vocal trim by members of rev mr cold trelllr toinhy baritone colas by ur archibald munroc scottish baritone or toronto and mr w oowdy llmehoucc selections by uie lime house choir and addresses by rev dandier of bouinofod and rev a c stewart m a of acton a booui well stocked with a variety of good uilngs did a good trade all evening supplying uie wants of uie crowd golltwood quite a number from here attended uic anniversary cervices at eden mills on sunday itev a c stewart m a acton delivered earnest discourses large oangrcgations present members of icnox church choir acton were also present and rendered special number which were much appreciated itev dr dickie of georgetown oc cupied the pulpit of uic united church in the absence of rev a donaldson who was at abcrroylc sunday evening borne improvements liavc taken place at uie presbyterian church the souui- cast side of uic roof has been re shingled and the front fence which was getting loose tn places has been removed which gives the lawn a better appearance both from the street and from uic front dooi visitors in our midst last week and over uie weekend were mr and mrs ducharme mr and mrs robt purdy or toronto and mr and mrs plfc or laurel at mr and mrs j jo bells dr and mrs taylor of toronto at ur and mrs a j mcalcors mr and mrs everett e lcvliicsa of buffalo n y mr and mrs burnsuu of shclbunie at mr and mrs angus carter a mrs wyllo wilder and daughter of whitby at mrs mary mcnabb a mr and mrs murdo munroc of hamil ton mr and mrs arthur aylt o of liriii with friends from ioronto mr johnston hewat of ulmcoe mr and mm d barric and can o ulmlco are vtslung at mr und mrs wm torrance n mr leslie aylcs of montreal is spend ing his holidays with his mother mrs j ayles mr and mrs douglas qlassford and family moved to toronto lost week mr and mrs o r martin and family arc away for a holiday ut southampton mr ooodchlld is relieving manager at uu royal bank mr j e curtun who lias been c lined to his bed for suuiu tunc is able to get uroiind again j he boyu of kl y camp from ouclph urc with u again for their annual oulhig mr and imrn oarmt drays little daughter who was removed to the din crul iloupltal guclpli lasi month au a result of being juioukod down by an auto returned immu on sunday messrs i hatcher mc williams have a new gasoline standard erected hi front of their premises uio previous ono being or u email quantity type mr prcd smith has recently token over tho coal bushilss from mr charles hamilton who handled it for uio local farmers organization mr fred mcwllltams has a new garage erected on his premiss which groauy improves tlio appearance of uie place a concrete gutter was put in- place in front of h 0 itoyccs barber sliop lau wuek which will do away wlui uio ditch being full of sluah in tlio winter and spruig a coat of oil was applied to tlio upper portion of main tllmt lately which u u big improvement lu n duefng uio duist iiulwuice miss webster who was on uu sick ilut lately is back ut lur place in mr angus cutters stun mlwi bdna dyor ussiud in uie ltortj lust wtilc children s aid society report i- or june appllcauans for children a children involved during uie month 11 complaints received 0 invcsugauons made 1 1 malt received 43 mail sent out si meetings oddrescd f mileage approximately 353 office interviews 11 court attendance 3 wards heard from 3 wards placed out l wards vliltcd o warnings given 1 parents prosecuted 3 legal adoption 1 released from supervision 1 a boy 13 years of age for placement w ii stewart jack speill and gallagher s we re a pair like ooluigher and ohcan always together i like good company i like that which relieves pain and sickness which builds up man kind to belter physical bodies and en ables them to enjoy life more fully and to be of more use in the world tills is our slogan gallaghers builds uie body and it docs listen we have a letter from a man who was having hemorrhages of uic lungs requiring a doctors attendance twice a week wan emaciated and altogether discouraged wlien lie began taking gallaghers indian lung remedy wlui a little of uic blood purifier and kidney remedy and now he is well and strong working every day and steadily gaining weight results of this kind are worth while ore they not it you have any lung troubjo go to a t brown and get come gallagher a till next week yours truly jack spell i watch this space next week iaitiwial suiuiciki lairiv 1 rmiitstlon a ml lrudnr i ok uttd vastly o thrli- tlciuvl u toronto a nurprliu party wan held last wednes day vtnliik at the homo of mr und mrs prtd ciiwtii p1 mitel when u iiumlm r nf thu friends of mrs prmh tire cook nnd fiimlly mot for a furjwell ttoclxl lime prior jo their rruioval to toronto at un luurmliuiinu in lha wwiitl uu eiwnt the following addresses were read and premntullniiii made to mm conk and family djlt mrs cook wn are ksseitiblcl lie re to night juit a few nf your frltrnds tu npnd a few luiuiw wlui you before your departure from un it was wui regret we learned of your leaving und as we reuhui liow tun n you are to go from us rneol lectlonn rush upon u of the pleasures wr have had togeuier this pout year yoil have sliown yourulf ever to ba kind und thoughtful ever ready to offer aw in tan co wherever it was needed while we are co fry to lose you wc are stlre our lout vlll be koiiiconc else a gain and you may be sure our door latch will always be open wlien you visit your old liome town as a slight token of our uppreclatlou of you we aik you to accept this lamp in remembrance of your sincere friends in your old liome acton wo hope it may keep your heart as v arm as are uie hearts of your friends hero to night we wish you and your family a large measure op prosperity in your new home nnd many years of hcalui and strength uie choicest blessings uiat life can bestow upon you and uutt happiness which is uio crown of a home signed on behalf of your friends mrs fred crewton mrs a mccann mrs r l dayldson dear prank and cassle as you ako are aliout to depart from tlita community to reside else where wc a few or your friends wlui have npent a few evenings to gether feel that wc cannot let you go without some small token of our friendship and esteem we hope jit- mnv often come baek uj acton and uut- we may have a few more good times togcuier ad u el gl l remembrance w wlrh you to uccept this email gift re membcrlng w t uic gift but uic givers signed on behalf or your friends mrs p mooney mrs b cook mrs nell mcnabb a splendid lunch was served by uie iadlr anduie rci hills special values this week good qualify brooms oa extra spccinl each oafc choice sockcyc sal mon halves 25c clark s pork and beans in tomato sauce 2 tins for 27c fancy mixed cakes oft- per lb ciufz gold medal jelly powvlcrs abburicd tlavors jj 3 fuckets for scioc liedpath granulated jt7 j sugar 10 lbs for u c others are piling up rogcks sil verware coupons how about you ollili o mill stkeet acton established ibfi where grandiuouier traded pkosiecto fott a kumick croi thtt farmers uf wralrrn canada r fuu bu tu stocord vie id lronprrtit ror u bumper uruln crop in wratnrn canada ern m vtr bi tier in uuy previous yuar than tluty urt now urrord- hlg to agrlcultiirul uulliorlths in the wciurni provinces die wlieat rrop prur tlislly througliout the prairie provinces is thick und well staolwl out and if there arfl no serious setbacks before cutting tltnn hi aiutunt it looks as if canada will harvrat the blggciil rrop on record ill rc4ud rp was in 1033 when 474- jd0 0oo liuliou was imrvsted rrom 31 bs8 i4h arrrs on hvnrage nf 317 huslicbi iwr arrr this year tlutre are 34 000 000 hcrnt sown to whrut which at an uveruge of 30 busluils to the acre would give a rrop or 4stf 060 000 bushel lost yr tlie crop totaiud 440 034 700 bllsliels from 33 400 154 octm an average yield or 10 bushels pcf kern uushu conditions generally in he canadian west are good und the outlook at present for piese con dition to be maintained for some time ahead was never so encouraging ha i una pad miks marjory gaudier is visiting wlui rrleilds in toronto mus bessie binnie or toronto is spending uie liolldays ut the liome or her parents mr and mrs prank ninnle mr james young lias been laid up wlui tlie flu mrs robert dole visited friends at burlington last week uls ella cole of toronto has been visiting friends in the district oomeumes i go from here to uiere with exercise of patient care and uien i always preserve in getung back from uiere to lie re washington star the llu pond ii one eviiilnl hut v k tin i ilimuii of uu inliuilghlf nlr w pun und with ii rrillr kpl jim tint mi it mil iiunur- oii re id ill if adi i mi th untry ii rroinidliik the fi if wli j tn r ilin r tutrix aboii it tu bi mi 1 lui nol n a varli ty of xpl iln irtli at tlr 1 h iv nd i he rial rim m w i r vo1 tin utllnir nlf u clinrin i iin i mill mnt hud it in lui i in n tr p i u i p uu her who hnv liei n ii hliij i tin pnpirty in their imrrl i i kit it p h r h fi imlilud their n lilnit in 11 i nfl ihilii if trout nnd tne via wi idly i jind tlial lib hair i uhk up and in ltd hi ctp nlt hltd hi l lo i th ii n i r h u ported thai the mu line nrllrji i likely u lead t5 the identity ol li lr par4ru llulflce it 1 nay that m u n hhil rounds 4ie trying to lie located in ih ilr fact number 8 lart jrar after mi 1 hi 1 illdiath claims cash nurr m r uluiu dlvlcjeudn to poll jiioli 1 mid othrr iiayimnln und 1 sjid all expeiiri life addrd to iln fu per cent of ils lot il come for the year l helm imperial frederick l wnght actov ri pjirsi ntatim imperial life aunirnnce co of ca rutin our prices will tell the story mmsstssssabssmssmsiimbmmmmmismsmsatmbhmibsmtbmmmmvgsaasfibartai mens blue scrrc suits 100 pure botany wool too tlfi mdlgo dye sunproof serge guaranteed 10 vulue jjsisjtj mens fnncy tweed pants good value nt 4 oo per 10 7cl pair special this week for tjt- i j mens strong overalls double stitched ti pockets t i yl c sizes 36 to 44 per pair m to bargains for the ladies ladies fugi silk dresses smart styles worth tq 0 6 50 special for tjjsjlil ladies dimity bloomers sizes 38 to 12 colors hite ieneh pink and mauve extra special for this week at per pair extra large bath towels regular 1 2s per pair 7ci for friday and saturday only i ajc 34c the maple leaf economy store mill strect cton ont specials at the mclean store iioliimiool sii it hosi 2k pull in hiiilu only it w i ii and id fliu i our nillnrl 10 lacfcnii iicciul ihi- lck nt 4sc pur d j purr or 1 pilin for oliil silk and i isil iiosl 201 prtiriian nil the laic n haui ilk md h siuclnii- hint will pivt nny nmouiit of j ood wm i hi lot of 200 h pair put on ink nt juc scotch inihams douhlc fold tnst color- in li 111 nnd d ik h i xtrn ood vnlut nl 5c ynrd spnml this wuk in iiovk woitsti jlitsi vs boy worilcd jtrcyn in brown crccn iiiijl rfi cl kcfulnr pnci 1 io spccinl ihii wiik apluu mlns and hoys hatiiinf suits men s nnd doyi dnllilne suns nl fik tic nnd 1 00 mens socks alcn tnncy cotton sock spccinl nt per pnir 2oe men 5 i isle socki fnhcy stripes spcci il nl pir pnir 7ic men silk nnd wool socks good unluc il 7sc spccinl coc 25 specials in grocery dept 2glncicr sardines ttf tins for cioc 25c ornngendt- and lemonade i bottle choice iink snlmon oft inrge tor jc hnyhoe jelly powders oc- 4 for uwc 2t 25c 2snai tr for cdc cre im olive soap j 6 rr sonp 25c mclean co mill street acto ont rru tmuifju bibfr ahiuliisw vj before his death to be ono of uie worlds jirtjtc t tenors con of james johnson nf the king ldword hotel ouclph lias ulfcred a gift of 25 000 to ouclph hoard of education to finance the estab lishment of a department of music in out iph collegiate in uute the board im accepted uie generous donation and his engaged j l yule now in charge r the icitcliencr collegiate to l umc the new posluon of musical dir ct r ii september if uu dilre a regular incenss- ttist yoa can depend on invest yar money in standard royalties it pays monuily dividends and uicrr- l no safer investment an lur ir you desire information ign and mall me the coupon be k ndly send me without obllga lion information rcgardiflg clarul ird ro j al lies nai h w dawson i o box si brampton iitstricr rcpreeenuavaior mid continent ifnd cerparatiou cnderwiitero gome capable man may obtain per manent profitable and pleasant employment securing subscrlptlonn to the manitoba miner and may oo5ll mniu as much as 10 or more in a single day as everybody is interrrted in mining un most people will be glad to accept i umi sulwcrlptlon frovn you at the re duced trial rate if you arc am bltlous and looking for d gnlflcd employment write lo day to the manitoba ulnlr winnipeg hanitoba summer footwear in all the neu styles an 1 leathers at lowest prices for qualit ah sizes ttargmns in tennis shoj and slippers h l harrison ipmatwmmwtwm special display chrysler ply 1vi o lj t h a new car a new car style a new zenith of low priced carluxury and performance specials for this week vanilla ilottlm for 25c sardines tina for 25c our oun unuini powder j ih tin 19c peanut ihitteit 1 iii tin for 23c sweet pickle 1 ilotuc for 23c sodas 1 lb for 16c a sugar 1u ibu for 67c 2 matches packakeh for 45c acton cooperative store mill s1ueet actn phone id all chriler reselireh engineering uud nianufucturiiil have been inspiied h the fundamental motive of li lrr greater juality acid vnlue for each dol lar of car cost public recognition l this principle in four eurs ndiiiie j chrysler from 27th to rd place m silts in the n a c c with a new product the plymouth chrysler ii the first to give at su low a price the advantak f performance riding eobe dependahility and full udult size winch chnructcrixe line cars of hih cr price the new hryiler designed nnd hrs icr built plymouth im io revolutionary in advance over other low priced cars it is such coiicliibivc evidence thut the isi years strides in the science nf mauiif u turing have multiplied the purchasm power of the motoi cur dollar that m will surely want to see it and dnt n ii 1 t i in it nulu tht ll se i t i le we i ill i k 111 i 111 i i le i ii il l i i he lutt i 1 tin st i i i i ti it cai 1 c uph kurt foil idult size i ni leh ii i h npleten i ml hlhj ic i etofoie i lei 1 mill l lei le ml i i i i s ll 1 by ou to bod model i uurious deep uphcil ster nnd apj ointiuciit fli tail new silver dome high compress on engine for tue with i in gasoline bmooth speed up to 00 and more miles an hour chrysui light leti n uu rnul expand mg hydraulic ft ur wheel hralea no other il of this pi e ossesses this feature i iwn v ii oi llkle llus i iii its i i nouth 1 1 1 1 11 1 i ll 1 1 iii us sllf l 1 i id 1 coupe ito idster rournil 2 dooi sedan de i uxi couj e i door ned in ml i nets 1 u h meludiiil st iiidm 1 tiletit irtish ui i on displaysaturday july 14 at- h a coxes garage ygigwun