Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1928, p. 3

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ibfjjhjiii nu noiii 01 ij artmt 3fr iprefia mri i lu frkl nrwact all mji mrtnl rr shr 1- i t wr urrldlrt i it tar iii adlln lllll 1 kl ss i i ircv hi i i ry i n r i r i it il i mill strrrlf if mr lil rlourl at til i i he- it r hi ic slfr tlr llr 1 w i tin ait i i i kl mr jl ie j trl a nil i s iii i i f p ti i 1 1 iioni s kilil rial ji 1 li n nt ill c lil irlcc ovcrwurif in tf hilvl ii ever hud ii fvuiid samtsn-ymi-iu- u uimlly it nd iiijriituitini wiiy mid tel ymi that he wir un hit ou ire workinjr to- lump if you hiive no iloiiht you were lioih llnttcrgd and comforted ly in woul hui in ynr own soul thoujli you nuilit not h i mini it ted it even to yoiiruelf you knew pcrfnilj wlii nil the while he was ponniir you tluit i i perfect lod dictioniiry word even it you h mil i i tn in iiil liihit of n in n hut tin rlevt tune ih il fiicm conic lit not let hitn y iiwiiy with it i is iuitc too nrjc nnil tremendous assertion i or lure i n i one elinncc in ten thoirnnd of it bciiir true we do not overwork not one in ten thou unci of us nl mo i i he rent innjonty of us do not work noiij h ns n mutter of linrd and cruel fnct new out look lesson froll hunoav jihty 15 convention 1oa i thursday iviniwc jum 12 u2h i he ondition of cnnidl uw at ijwi cciuma an interesting volume entitled sixth census of camutii l volume iii has just been issued by the department of trade and commerce nt ottnwn 1 1 is a eoniprehensive survey portraying the -jur- rouiuliiijis of the people of canada part i jives the number of dwelling by divisions and citic materials of lonstruetion cln- of dwelling room nnd room oeeupied persons per dwelling persons per house hold rimily population centals families with chil dren ehool attendance and illiteracy and orphan hood inrt ii deals with the industry of the do minion and classifies the occupation wages earned and ilc of wage earners in the various occupations the tables showing eost of living in various provinces average earning of wage earners etc make a most interesting study and valued compilation of statistics modern fthrfnerh acccsoncm according to a recent eensus ot the firms of the prairie provinces 10 per eeni ir the population have antomobileb 1 1 h per cent have telephones 25 5 per cent bne g isofinc engines 21 per cent have i pptp triir- ntn hnl i ii i r rn hfllt l- tliur un riwuli- ii fnrnr ii mn every lb farms in the piovinco i aeh biiskntehcw in farm has 102 horses and there is one tractor to every 47 farms in alhortn there are huj hoses to each farm nnd one truetor to every 7 5 farms ntrtmfrrdtrtm 4ct uf crop prospects re ood a trip through the county at this time year shows the crops in this section of the county to be in excellent condition with every hope of it bumper crop of hay and gram i hat this condition prevails throughout the dam in ion is pointed out in the crop bulletin issued by the flank of montreal which says crop conditions jciuially throughout the prairie provinces continue to be satisfactory all grains are m iking rapid jrov th and e irly sown wheat in tile squtlicrn ureas is hcadliif out in oucbcc all crops are making satisfietory pi ogress uudct favor able conditions in ontario pastures meadows and spring grains have improved greatly during the past week in fact spring grains look better than for yeais past at this time in the m u itime provinces crops everywhere are making excellent progress in british columbia grain and root crops arc promising and pasturage excellent deadly weapons i here aic pistols and knives ond hatchets in the list of deadly weapons and when careless hand iiil mi the wheel and reckless drivers are behind them automobiles arc to be included- if you doubt this rend the ever lengthening list ot traffic fatalities mail does not have to be deliberate in his intent to kill to be a morally responsible slayer he is one r he acts m reckless regard of others the motorist who drives his car at breakneck specd through the streets and goes hurtling down the path that others ei ss employs a deadly weapon afiainst hrs fellows as sunly as ope who empties his run down a crowded i irr j t eiire cioid drivers are those that get not the highest but the sjfest speed out of their cars smiths tails news record an increase in industrial accidents lieported up to the cud of june the workmen s com pen ration board had received reports of 27b fatalities in industry covering the hrst half of j2m this is higher than the previous six months when there were 243 fatalities commenting on these b morley general manager industrial accident prevention as sociotions slid there hud be 5 s fatalities report id to the board in thirteen ye irs oi an average of almost four hundred foi etch yen i he average cost of a death under compensation ib about 3 uou for all eases nnd where dej endeiits ue left the hurcs are much higher lilduitrjiil f imbues are- usually ooked upon us being the unusu il typ ol accident yet a close analysis of the hgures reveals that most of these are due to fairly common causes mid that often the degree of bcvenly is purely un accident in june the compensation board iceetved u totul of g 800 reports on accidents including 17 futulities in the same month awards totalled s to 102 47 of which 101 8ts was for medical aid i he total awards for the hrst half of lj28 amounted to j s l s 121 17 jncludine b i ott loi nicdieiii aid iotal awards tor the lust half ot jj ueic 1h s7i of which isiuhos to wis f medic d md perpetual tare for i airiew cmzeiis generally will be jintihcd to know that the council is considering perpetual care hir fun view cemetery and that a move alonp that line wus dlsciitscd at the last council nuctuij i uirview has in the past lew years had much work from a town standpoint expended on it however every itnpioc ment wi ought by town oilicials oi plot owners only serves to put in worse iiljii hose neglected spots which j ie an eycsoic to all in rn iiv niutlcr of subinittiiif i i in rcisonable iiuouut nnd the ownci convcrsntiona whot do you talk about asks the borne fxamin er of its readers then tt gives a quotation from a business men s magazine saying in orde- to deter mine what people talk about investigator classified 500 conversations overheard in public places in clevc land and new york they found that the subjects varied hut little in the two cities mens conversa tit ns were 18 per cent about business 15 per cent it nit sports and amusements 12 per cent about ther men these being the most frequent topics ouvcrsutiuiis of women were most frequently about nit n this topic showinj great variation in the two cities 22 per cent m cleveland and 44 per cent in new ork clothes were the subject of 20 per cent and other women is per cent in mixed company men talked most to women about amusements next of business and money women conversed with men most about themselves and other women cleuriul i j- jim llth thr of kiitit i erlplurt mutt rl tl artj cor is n arid jj t ii prlutinl jnlildi irxt 1iilthiul 1 thti utyinu nnil unrtliy uf all mi i ptnllui thiit ohrlrt jrrtil ciiim into thr vuirw to mi vr i lull ii l llm l l tlir trxt i kpuunl ihr ntory of fin ill n cmntrrlon v tilil thnr hint n in thr tw ok of aclr lh tlln rt iinrriiuff li alvrn in acli 0 1 0 in artn 2j l0 haul now paul ullu thr nlory to a crowd of jru l in thr timplr in artn 3fl 12 in lie re- irnti tin ntiiry to tin itnmnn t irrtun nnd i fclntf iftrml arlppa ii it li well uofth while for lilt itndcnt tti ropy unnr thrrr nccounln in jnrnllcl cnhiiiinr ihry may in found vm prlftud in ildtton itrrordn nntl irlefra lit thr awr tulle afef n my j ninn y thr dlrtauco by road from jrrurjilrm to dannuun wan about 150 mllrn damairar a rrrat nntl im- i oi in tit city from time unmrmnrlal even id the priunt tiny it 1 1 ui unclrnt tlmt hi ic nrt nnt cvtn i ny lradltlnnu mi to i i i n il h nullful site and ui hm mu location linvr i vrr kusru pro- vrrblnl a iirrnt llif til alovr thr hrlnht ncii nf tin run acln 21 11 round about mr itoiiud nbout me nd them that joiimryrd willi mt- lacl 0 13 71 fell unto thr rii urn we wen all tulltn acoi 2g h wlu perweut- trt thou mi accn 2g 14 addn it is hard for thee to kick nijatnrt tlic coad 0 they heard not the voice act 0 1 rayn hearing tile voice but bcholdlnff no mnn the dlcrcpancy l uniniport- nnl 10 arlr mid go into dnmawnid according to acta 20 id id the lord n bpccch to saul wai much lander than many urhtilnm however are of t pinion that paul in hln ewcch tn i t lili nnd arirtppa combined mto one th- ncciune of t separate vlititui of our lord 12 annul r hebrew itannnlah jc hovuh hath bet n ffracloun ii is the rqulvalcnl uf th nnmt jchannnun jnhnnnn nr j ihn the name hanantah appear in both the old nnd new tenia mint tlm it tn nccdlevi to my that lh ainnlu or ilnnunlah is not identj cnl altb ont mentioned in acta 5 i a acocrdlnn to the law paul empruuluts this point bccatikc he to talklnff to a ji wlnh audience 13 caihe unto me tlic clrcumntan cc of auanoj com nu art riven in de- ull in acl d 10 17 ilfcccivc tliy slalit h4v twkntv veaios joo uf iwi uf twr rmm f thutwuy joly id mol a mnnlnr of ai ton youutf imtluia ur fiauipliitf ut llbuikiy park krlti itnatliik u a favorltn mutlmfl on kalr lnkn tlum iflorlouti nvrnlnuu iluylnu in lu itmrr in uilx vrlully lutwt rrmrr rkirt a uood rip 1nruiftni will ihi timuually l ry thin jjukoii with wluutt mild barley ti llowlnn rlnu on hsyhitt ihr woaifiin liuitltutr will lvoltl their phiiu lit warrentt urovr lulimuy after- ntwitt july 111 the sunday luiuwl of onirunli ivn mitt ac on hupcuu will liold a union plmtr to llurllnuton llrarh on tiainulay july 30 the anifliran tluuiuy ocliool picnic rims u lituntey lurlc krln to day furly mnnday uiomlna uie local ofaniiemen accompaubtl by aetna cltl- zfiifl naml took train for caletlmi kant where tlic twelfth wa clw lira ted by various oranue ijwlae catlierd tlier acton lodid rwelvetl uut prltut liven to the lodge wlio atlended from tlui lartlust tlln tuner on tueulay momlna the poplin of kiinx fiunday ocluwl aatliercd at tint nclinol room accordion lo inatnictkins blvon by the gtiperliiuiwlent and from then proceeded to tlie o t it upot where thr train wo taken for ilarlln where uia annual picnic waa liid in victoria park it waa a elorlotu day and thr picnic a crand aucceu ddmo 333 tlcketr were no id at acton depot for tile cxciirr on tlic b 43 train brouoht thu company back to town sa1ada iflvtis tables nadian nttonalhailways euliiu wast nowhoro olso but in a salada package can you obtain such high quality tea for so low a jprlce and be sun that such quality will continue try one package if it does riot please you your grocer will gladly sofund you your money the famlly physician th good doe tor li always worth liu fee dut it ht not nlwaya ponjilblc to net a doctor jutl wltcn you want him in tucli cast common aence cuasesbi the uac of reliable home remedbia audi as dr tliomu ee- lectric oil which la wonderfully effective in canlna inflammatory palna and iical- lnn culfl acratcliea bmuea and apralno the prenence of uila remedy in u fam ily medicine client caves many a fee lfl- ltwtfcwmrrr tnwwmsssrpi w lib rcffurd lo he liquor problem i he increase of more than 100 per cent in the i nsumptton of liquor in ontario since government ontrol went into effect as reflected m the state ment of customs duties collected on imported liquors i another evidence of the failure of this so called teinperanex measure in lessinuif the drink evil cus turns duties on spirits paid by ontario during the lust fisc il year at thcjrate of 10 per proof gallon iinioiirited to h f i s m2 as compared with 3 061 404 in 1027 lor wines the figures increased from 19 r0m l27 to 2ty koi in iu2k the output of can idi in distillei ics most of which are located in on turn likewise showed tremendous increase mul ull eonsuiiiptinn of domestic ptoduetton added to the iui urted spirits eoiimimcd in the dominion probably troujht the niitinn s ittjuoi hill well over the 100 tot 000 mark the duty alone nn imported spirits was neurly 25 000 000 will the government take the same attitude n the question that the former bead of the ronrd took when he said for this law to succeed the sule must diminish or is it possible that mr minna saw its failure and could not bring the lovernuieii t to listen to reason editorial notes and atlanta wi i lunrtinn lu front of him luncc uiun he recovered hln zjfflit he looltd up ut anuiilan in uiat vrn hour belli r iran latcd immediate iy lmnott the men the putllc pcrtccutor ideas can be fouiiht only by ideoa anrumcnt should be met by nrcument tlic attempt to surprf by turclna rrllnlouj ldcan that dlnnrco with our own in foredoomed to failure violence la tlic oxqumcnt to which a man resorts when he fin da chut he cannot prevail in reasonable dlccus i ion a cain and araln throucliout tlic cent uric j its t nemic have ousht to destroy christian truth they hove cup- prcied id ejiokcsjncn and bumed their wrlllnc but truth haajrtcii triumphant like a phoenix from the very floirco uhlch ctcnud tu destroy il rii mar tyrdum nf aupluti ltd in lime to the com ln ion ut baul and tile suffcrlnna of hit apoitk to tin acnulca found fruition lu thu chrlntlan cluirchea ltunim rlrtulllan triumphantly told the hcatlw ii imitcutorn of christianity the blood of martyrs li the nu cfiureh the mediaeval ivcinan church burntd the bone of wycllffe and ouffht to cbllurnu lito uork by condemning to death any one who wai found to own even u nmall portion at wycmfle a trunnlatlt n of the dlblr y t wycliffci tenciilnip llvrd on and resulted with a cctilury and a inlijll lb c vi ark or john hum martin lutlicr and john calvli and the nlorl u itotcotant itef iruiatlon i srn to cuedit how hla customer could have failed t he nlim bcarlnb tlic worda lie war- ol prcch point the nroccr coeld i t iinclnc he hurried torward to pject he ansry tnan jm very carry indeed air i he bcran but surety you noticed the warnlni i did replied tlm victim looklrmi at ho board dublouidy but i ve often seen similar lilians iters nnnounclnc fresh esbtf butter vene table and so oi only to be deceived and l expected tills slim was nothing but aootlier fable scotcman iub -unlirw- irnhj- gftt uwwt ittlityotirt clitct nonr is ftiore important than dr thomor eclecttic oil itn mani fold urerulnenii in relieving pain and heal lnr alclcncui la known by uiousanda throughout the land always uj dr lltomou eclectrlc oil for relieving rheu matic and cclatic pains creation core throata and chests coualis bums cuts brulcrs and sprains wvciiffl tht church 1 y cases it i- only nd ilipiilalnil i of these fiotlids the thhilht tbut ic would ulw iys aluuy t wmis uf seldom in acton would i ludl pay and be iouknl i i this mci id rcstrhl p iet of it u d i be kept in presentable conduit n plo s 1 1 vr in out ide laces mil uic to make uriiini iiiicnis fur pi i cut llliulc eaii iiil council 1ms nceeptcd sum of s50 on dilfeiciit occasions with in indthi ite mi k standiiil that pcrpetuil i would he pnvidcd li that wjy a picecdcut has been established that wt ul i seem to make it oblijiituiy tt iceepi fui tbci sum if they were pi offered for like work while tin lev plots have been ve c 1 1 cured 1oi iticii in ii imiij ninubei ill in a shoit tunc make it mcess iry for i t mte plan to be formulated and an undert ikmj fun isbcd upon the payment of the amount stipulated the c ouncil has had data on hie eoiicei iiuil the plan used by other town but much uuk hid to he d ue to bring the grounds into condition f die adoption ot the plan it would apj ear that now the mine hud come for the carrying out of the plan lot owners generally will he ver rutih d if this v leul con be put into operation veiy short ihe wet llier o i iciun the tioiis s ontarn isn t it hun fit ij lit jnd itwinstein proved tl i thnlis of ihe cue l line hcilth tlllfllllg till ill the ol those cliiuy sensations cloude d with us i ind 1 nipire says the recent by elec that more than the progressive party in lead i be liquor question is ulso dcud tie too soon to make such a broad predic lie result of u vote in only three ridings sunn biisi ti nd fe ithers he lid tint hie ttil t fi oin s i n a hoiu d he rein irked udiun hud try jidvertisnil as the i mil ely icniurks a writer mi i wlnti man derived considerable com pmj on feathers so he- took one bud it slept on it all niht in tht morning x lnfc man says feather heap soft onre niun and ul lit r cull l wjcllire duinhumcd u lie dry bono to a ho are cniusum ed and hum into lin bnx near ft tliwlth that unclmt jlrcanc can hear i hut km hic i tluit voln ukiii tlie ulnd i liotijth seldom heurd by busy humiui kind a- thin tlu uji i utile brook will bttir llllo the au ii aim i u ihe udt of b vein tu vent lo the narrow wuj intt miiln txt in th y tht died accurst an uuibli in yii itl tt trttnd and eiicmlc ii ui tin bold tt ich r doctrine winctl with umt truvcla voice which which walks by n ti truth shall uiirld dbiper- i id throuifliout tlie wtiut t wo rtl worth r 1 urtlirr uucuulun the minllurlty and wlial trr naming till dog hie iclns is fond ol a rood joke in his dlorj the late lord oxford ben us thlir story from ilucklnsham palace apropos of lord oxford a double title oxford and asqultli which lias been criticised ills uajcsty said that when lord aberdeen on belnr made a mar quia chose the style of abenleen and tcmitlr lady aberdeen sent a friend a photograph of herself so slflned with u bcottuh terrier on her knee the friend replied with effusive thanks dliiu it was co nice too to tec your little dog tcmalr j cadesky or toronto lylskht specialist wlll iii ai 1 iihown c uittt roin aiton monday august 13 ui i a rion i id i irn fl a m t ii 1 p 1 htin t y rtnly 10 vl a- lnil t xc it lllll 11 7 dsu tn llly xi 1 1 i inn iy 10 uletn lilly ixctot himiliiy ml9im 1 htlly t xt i t hun 1 iy f oil i tn hilly t re pt iluiiil iy gomo lint il 1 li ni sill 1 1 nl 7 ofl im i t li lu 7 oh teen nily tii il iif ity 11 r a tti n in xrt ji tn i iy 1 at l irt n ik vtt 1 1 ihilny n 17 pm l illy jnpi lutnltiy ft 13 ptn anaiuan nationav 1xkcthic waiiwart trtllvfl audi zj wiktbauttil dolly 7 5s o tn dally 0 55 ani dally r 1165 teite dnily 1 qpm dairy 3 55 p tie dally 6 55 pn dally 7 d5 p tn dully i 0 55 pjn duly uslliounil 13 31am dully t xcept sunday a oonni 1 dolly o tin oju dilly 0 37 ant dally 11 37lnt dally 137 pm dally 3 37pjw dolly s 37 p m daily 7 37 p tie dally 0 37 pm 1 1 35 pjii toronto terminal krele street ami rt lulr avehutt prelcht delivered by special express frrlnbt preialit picked up at any ad- drcrui in toronto mileage records you get more for the money because ftrealone builcls in extra miles with pecuj pyocctzta uiclueime gumdip plnu antl tha cientiiically cleiijrtte tire trend the largest bus truck mid taxicab fleets who demand mileage use firestone gumdipped tires see your nearest fire stone dealer he will mne you money and serve you better auoay put a flrulm mlaniftinljmj laptof luk a pleasant medicine for children la mother graves worm exterminator and it l excellent in drlvlnff out worms from tlic til stem a little streaked durlnti his visit to a v ulnae school a moceuit inspector or religious knowl odc put uila question to a class of little blrls ii all the good people were white and all h bad people were block what cult r i ould you be7 nie answered white and others black but little mary replied please olr i would be streaky london tld- illla just hagold li it true that you hare broken off i ensaccment queried the lnqulslt- e vultor i h- young man addressed shook ills liui mournfully no he meld i dldn i break it off oil stic broke it on then i lie youuu man again hook his head hut it la broken ofij lent it oh jci explained the moody one llh delicacy fa lie told me what tier illlnrr s bill was and i told her how uch u week i col ihcn our en uuiicmcnt just sftsbed in the middle and l y dissolved builds the on lty gumdipped tires the highway rgh phone 1 t main strict acton x -t- nel lh dlftcrtncca between taul s conver ion and ileal uf wuimmcl john i it ol ttcull the conversion between j us and the rich uunu it an mark 10 17 jl why did the rich young niii miss the cxkrlcncc that came to fauul note that jcnus nnul cull ls u icllouohl with him nlcodemus like 3aul was a pimrliec why did jtee lay to him uiut he mu t be made over or borli utaln befyre be oould enter the klna dom of citif did ht make the soim rundltlon fir little childrrn imalt lit u 15- what h tlic difference between kuoulim chrtbl and luioulnji about him wtiat dtmt rial fellowship with christ diniand ol iu luily iteadlnr nrxt week monday july j a i row tin clioniploii or truth acta u tub j5 i in iday july 4 dlsclpleshlp con ilnned art u jo 31 w diuday july j dt niand itir ciirlitlun hudirahlp acti 11 19 20 riuirbday july 0 obedunt to the vulon are 211 11 j 1rldoy july 37 a yood mlnlur ihn 4 o in saturday july l eua turly niln tliy luke 4 lu 4 uunduj july j 1 hi ij irlt and it rm t i ivlee fiumaiu ij 1 tl tool olhn itulletm u tlltt in i it t ue parti thib year npplf hoo hurick iiiiiielii ulso pioelueed 47 sh0 hushels of pt aches 210 htj tuibhels uf cherries 2b j 200 tiushck of plums mid pitiucs ihhx buihelb of iipn nits lh w qiiurls of nispherries and hirje tinin litits of penis grapes sti wherries und either fruits t iiouiiii to lemn thut present prospects iculuily jood for h big frmt crop in canada r i lie piineipul fruit crop in canada is i if which lust year the total yield was 2 810 un be tu uimjii worm lul usi t r ounlzed us i purport i hi uumbtrli il r to in in uict hi t rm low den net mildly and ny lo th tlilul und there i ubl or th lr diadly effeft ilit havt bttu in uccvi a i iiik tlmu und arc ri c h idli id pnpiratlon fur the it j have proved tliulr powur i curfu und luivtf ulvtn rr ehiltlrtii viio hut or the ol tltli e impound would tl uuik un 1 mfirbled i lie investment pi ises of l liiudu is und the of the lie operating niinerul cuter over 70b million of dollars iieome uiinuully from aulcs of products exceeds one third of the total invest inctil dm iii the past live years 128 000 000 has f one into the iuuiiiil industries of canada a number of acton investor icport handsome profits from the sule of certain gold iinping stocks duriilj the week tfrstinti 1iiai lit et nu my ulft and i ii buy ou i rvt lythliil lou want ituy nu a d artuu nl ttti and a i runily t h p a a tartt r ij il vlllc courier journal dread uf ailhuu make counties thouiiitli ml a ntbli nluht utter nluht tin attaeki n turn unit evt whin brhf nipiu l lvtii the mind i tlll in uirtiuul rroui c ntiiiual uullcliatlou dr j 1 k iuh li a lluuu ibmedy enanuij all thl ict lit t ixunt i untl ut ourt while future utlu k urt w jrijt d i t u avtnil the utllkuil ill ill u lule or jk uct and hupptnt ju om tmilivttl hi eould uevtr tnjiy lu kjh ii ui und mild t vt ry where auction sale of i arm stock and implements the undersigned has received instruc tion- from the 1 lcutoils of the j st ati of the late havid ii mecxuke tu u by public auction at lot 3 ninth line erin on huijay july 15 19s1 at 1 o clock sharp the fpllowlns i loitseo drown uare 0 years old liny mare 0 years old drown uare 13 y at old brown oeldlns 2 years old cattle registered durham cow calf at side rrelstcred xhirluun cow n tlkinfl- well registered durham ilelfer 2 years old durluun hull 1 year old part ilolsteln cow mllklns well 3 hoi- stein caws mllklns well ilolsteln heif er calf at side 3 pat ulcers olcer ru- iiih 3 years 3 heifers 1 year old 0 caiver imojj 4 hows 10 chunks implements tlced drill 13 disc miuisey harris dludcr a foot cut uas- neyllarrls mower c foot cut horse itukc john deere hay loader manure spreader cultivator disc 3 bet of harrows htccl ilollcr bcuffler oliver ultllns i low walklnu i low two furrow walklntf lour o lone boat pannlna mu1 fa lock i tuck hay hack he am bcalc iruek wauon lumber wagon with box j hum us uct of ilubslclahs cutter lyird rourtim car orlndstanc creaii tciaralur hoot pulper cct lon bltlulu hay pork and hope uct lonff tua hanitui with brecchlns 4 new tuffs uith lianuui oct of h inn to hamrcs oct wuumi uprliibs patten inn crate a quon tlty of i umber 25 hciu cooking litove cnxcut uawa 30 tllimle cords heech und maple etovc wood 1 pair horse htankeu 1 hobe porks chains whiffle trie j und numerous utlier arelclca houhlhold puiinituhe quantity ol hoie liold pumlturc aitaln 00 busliels oats 15 buslutln hailcy 0 irushels mixed orahi quan- illy of huckwlieal 3 bags iced flovcr bttd ihchcl alfalfa hag truck dog houli r tliisen a rain hags pig crate l lions imlauies atiout 0 tons of hay i hi iailm at hit luine umc and p jet tht farm containing 100 acres m ie or ira will be offered for sale sub jtrl ui rratrvc bid on the premises are aid to bt erected a comfortable frame dw i ug bonk barn drive liouse and niii r out buildings llie farm la in a hlqh talc cl cultivation there are about 1- acres of cuod hardwood bush also tlu i rop which will be sold by tile acre i kivldliiu the furm is not soul j5 acres itrlnii i mp l j acres good alfalfa is uenj lulled hay ilhm1i op chattklu casli 1lhmm op p aitu made known on ttuy i r m nt n petch ii a iinlmay clerk auxhoneer through canadian homes is pissed the word of a finer richer coffee i coffee distin guished by mellow ed fngrancc and more pleising flavour gold medal corree vancacs selected from the worlds finest coffee plant tions blended with infinite care ground and routed by the most approved or modern methods- scaled in air tiglic tins make gold medal coffee the finest ever offer ed to die canadian public at your grocers nationai rnocers co l1miii d whouii dimlhuqrt ave arton for the we ti0 10 a 10 p m nnd h 10 p m leove acton for gcnrrclown norvof drampton toronto at 0 20 am 3 20 p m and 0 50 p m toronto termlnil welllnnton i und yt njtc- atrects savace buprior setrice guolphs complete optical establishment out of town lacronc especially ipprcclalx our lens surface trrlnd- inj plant which enable us lo complete clajs required while in 111 eitj nut the nearest we mlallt hav in stock but your exact pres cription he operate the only lens sur ace grind mr machinery in the city a d savage optometrists and manufacturing opticians hivaco uulldlnc qualph 51 mark every irave n hint e more u1li111 or mote il oppr jniute lo conirieni irate the ineii iry nl loved i ilea who liavc on bef m ihiui benulirul cronltc 3 noil curved with our present equipment and j facilities no plant la belter prejiar- t ed lo uftcr better valuta or a better stock lo choct from than con dc a tecured at out plant you owe it 1 to younulf to see our stock and get ouotatloiii on monuimols markers or corner btones before placing an t rdcr tini where i acton honumtnt wolks ull j nicol 1iione 153 id gold medal coffee youll drink it again idiild ren ry for castoria mothftr gastona is especnlly prepared to relieve infants in ami mil children all ic- f cotibtipition wind colic to swtettn stonuch riatulcncy oi irrlie 1 ucjiil ite ltowets aids in the 1m1111i itioiiof i imd pruiuotitij lieerftilue rest and natural slcc without opi ite tovoidinintimn alwai ul for the si iiitiire of otvcjdl fniyyii ilireftlo is 11 ich l is v itima everywhere iccoitiincnd it savage company jewellers china silverware letter wyiulluun se ilmne 571 tuijjii the old and liclluble tirnnile and marble wurks v ti 1 1 hi an 1 llreet 1 1 umontaj at 1 dlroot sll prices 1 1 cr tout un anl th tl r niii who u tite tn 111 nil t 1n proparly v tun i1m itfiiiiietii fr nn hundrod our nut in rn in i rout and uthor i i itnn win r oiluru imvn 10 havo law i un in oidi t it iittt we havo lh i ic t mil ttai ot h of tlranlto in ho i mini n or in rn ilniu any thr ho urn in tli wtm we urn u ti tito h ati nt in t t iiiploy no afianta ii i tit i t n nioi nm t tin torn r i h llm it h 11 hint ni nncn nollclt- h il in wt tiiii iy nly mi f linnira tiamilton ci sons quclill 0nt

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