ym iowk ol 1c artmt 3tet tyteaa m mucj town wlic of ouutu tllk acton vuvil 1 uevj 1 butlluj tfcurady m at lb fr- wa hhim ii ill miml acto 0taru th- iiilkiiittlwt pck i k if yttr ia kxlvanca poiia 1 clir muhiaoi 16 ttfc4 la tu unllad malta tim u1 irt tahub uuuudptloaa r tnui 1 tadkald m 1m kd4a lbl apvkutisinej uatestrtaalcat wlll mali ix lls iil hmiiik r fisat ittmfttort atul j rnu per hue tar scb tub fjuaut inaertloa coo tract diaalay aly tuts or ja ult or wan pt uum is trot r inch alt etfrtloe afvhtlasncau toll ut pific dtiituwa will in utrtj litl to lid mj cliaiard kfciucly c a dills fcljur sad lrcutar tei kmiombs- ediiotul kl uuit otec 174 tlcawlanctf ijl j a reduction of tnxctf tho changci ill tli if liiinp tuvct which went into forco on dominion dny wcro indeed nppreciitted hy bitmien everywhere only u two cent revenue i tamp tinrwitrequlrcu o bo affixed to chuiiei bunk drafjh money orders bill of exchange promi ory notei and hen note provided the nmount thcieof ex cccda he tim of 10 00 previou ly nil chcquci for more than 5 00 had to hnve u two eent revenue stamp uflixcd for every 50 00 of the total inuount now only one atnmp will jc ncceciiry no matter how much the amount of the cheque exceed 10 00 every little reduction is bound to help to spcd up buiinciis and keep canada on its wiive of prosperity thursday evening july 7 1027 thsttorisir a newfrnitptrttj duty it would be comicnl were it not somewhat path etic the way nbwpnper olflccs arc betcred every day by their friend urine tlicm to ronst tins and tlvat to see to it that this nlid that is corrected to have this and that done in the town or county to start this and that kind of movement to correct evils in municipal county provincial and dominion govern meut these fnonds actually appear to bclirvc that if4o the newspapers business to handle a ii these affairs but n selfrespect mj newpnper tlioupji ready and willing to carry alt reasonable responcibil ity must remind its readers that they the people are the authority upon whom realu the responsibility for tho present state of affairs local provincial or nflhonat a self respecting newspaper tries to re trt the news of wlmt ndtunlly happens not what it might wish had happened the reiutionof n self respecting cwpaprto the general public is not always understood it is the duty of a newspaper to be tn apositlon toaupporrtmy poodiict andcritic ize any bad act of public policy tins relationship criim exist where tovora are asked anr7iirnntcd honesty is the only policy for n ne if uh whlflll tl uttnn ill euvil to 1 of u itiufill liloht uueijr than that of liu pre now is he time a prosperous man and a good man once said 4 today is here use it aman must mike good or make room go forward or drop back no- man can stand still in any position to mark time in any position in modern life is impossible this state ment applies to classy creed sex or circumstances nek poor comfortableror cramped one may not be j- readyo tup but today1snthb daytor begirt to get ready and the one thing to do in ordef to hi a position ot responsibility is to find what faults are holding back and then correct those faults gloss over faults ekcuseshortcemingsandon is not reody for greater responsibility we belong to the 27 age smiths tails recordnews i the cdebratiobs are ove the celebrations connected with the diamond jubilee of confederation are over acton took its partin the programme and its niche inlhe dominion trom the start on friday morning until the close on -sunday- evening throughout the entire proceedings the object of the holidays was not lost sight of the plan of the committee to provide an enjoyable time for all without any more cost than possible was com meudtble and seemed to react in the right way a creditable balance will be over to the park improve incut work the loyalty of citizens and the country- bide in their support of the local celebration when bo many counterattractions were being staged else where was highly commendtble tors dont like the way things nre goinr they should qualify as voters and then raise enm about it hanover post a fiftyfifty deal living conditions in the country would be happier and farming would appeal more to the young people if the country homes shared to n larger extent in the conveniences and modern equipment found on the average farm the hpme hns ingecdjichincltlie the old ntd uahn door ci i hhhl1 down in furry ron u mhl nuupuiont u klmlly mat wo olt urn drirtm to ktuhii m liouw our mother u kin tn arm all day our jlnttllnjr uli igfi ill tune smote keenly on i v n ton if ern noon motnn tnnll voice plim tn arii t w almoitt llnrr tlien to lkifu0o- our rtmtlouanru i our father told one imiro how- wtt uhould knw tlio v1u fur lie lmi n rl lmii dopti pnht or itlll hinl jal v rnlly nprd titll nl jtn theadoptiontifthe newer things that make work easfcr why nbt adopt a- flftyrfty arrangement pro viding that every appropriation made for improve ments should be spent equally between jhe home and buildings for instance when a water system and individual fountains are installed ia the stable place running water in the home when the barn is painted or whitewashed inside or out paint a rtfom wnd hang new curtains when a concrete floor is laid in one of the outbuildings rmrove a room in the house wjth and uuw ua tucked all warm acaln within our blrlslt box npbt site talked of uriiiph ones common in lnr rl rimofo- ioro ami knew rich twist und turn that the rln held injtlj in hlujmnd our l fatlior hat uomno and hummed junlnt melfhlles that ktdt lila old world iiicmorlon procn tim lontf mlleh mtretcltrd awny and when thn i4nbtilrnd shadows fell no tliouicht of cold or crnmplns umlm our karncmi could jiuell wo scanned cjcli 1 latent inomtna crent that raarod ltlf lieforc till all at one ometody crlod i see the roil barn door employment at illfh point reports up to may 1 of this year from 5h8 firms showed that employment in canada vas at the high est point it has been since the canadian government bureau of statistics began to keep employment re cords in 1020 the payrolls of the 5048 firms report ing on may 1 showed that there were b30s50 persons employed manufacturing construction and trans portation recorded the most pronounced improve ment but large gains were also noted in trade ser vices and communication the official returns on employment in canada do not include farmers in the months of april and may there is always con siderable demand for farm labor to help in the sddrrtg particularly so in western canada where millions of acres are town to wheat and other gram crops hal ion and aetdh and confederation i ho county of halton had the distinction a few years ntftcr the confederation of the canadian pro vinces of having one of the fathers of confederation as its representative in the house of commons the u6tt william mcdougall mr mcdougall w a member for several constituencies and because of this earned the nick name wandering willie he was however an active member of the committee on confederation end a useful member of parliament for more than half of the perjod since confed eration acton supplied the member for halton in the person of the hon david henderson he was u resident of acton when first elected to the house of commons and passed away at his home here on bower avenue now the resident of reeve mason and family the f lajton v tvmfalicar cnm the fint round iu the haltontrafalgar action in court had been concluded and judgment has been handed out us follows comity of halton vs town ship of trafalgars f washington k c and w i dick milton for plaintiff h e manning for defendant action to recover 5530 74 and inter est being balance of rate levied by the county judg ment judgment tor plaintiff for 5536 74 with in terest at 5 per cent from december 20 102 and coats of action fifteen tiiys stay on morion to quaui by law 540 order made granting so much of he- by law as provides for levying or rate to raise the amounts stated therein at required by bylaws 470 405 and 526 but such order whau not issue nor shall it be operative tmtiltho termination of nef sexton of the legislature and if legislation then be paied validating the by law then the order shall twue only to provide for costs of thii application hall ho to the individual applicant appleby as agauim the county but there shall be no costs allow ed to the township of trafalgar it looks as if the county had been successful in this first stage of the fight and now the next steps will be looked forward to with interest irtrtrovood uoor and so we might go on with she gestions that would appeal very much to the women folk the inevitable argument of course is that home conveniences do not lift the mortgage or pay the taxes perhaps j0j according to old methods of bookkeeping but if they make life brighter prevent doctor bills and maintain a happier spirit of content ment they will pay larger dividends than all the fields and herds- too many mortgages or paid off at the expense of youthtind health runners ad vocate editorial notes detroit has ca the bridge h law and byno small margin the vote stooi 10 to imn favor of the proposal evidently our neighbors like us where the contacts are closest and easy access of visiting is de sired and lolled each unowy hnmlrt an a mile stone on our vny vu hoiiielj rondnldn object but onr ynwunriiutck tn 1 anjjmiftm vplcji chuttcrlilfuat-lii- clilulfoh jubilee wo vied in wluliunc hmd murks which familiar omih ct lutre ami lonitlnsly wc looked nhnad for irandtum red barn door tn other from tho seat in front hell tin in hrodful tlinnuit anil ntqyod our rlulntr huneer with tltfi cookies uh bad hrouaht tw ia nlie who chow ilia friendly imune where wo mhould map st in inhrithn if dmilulon jiii in itiukwiuii win imrtvuut i in by it v ry lirii numb i f ppnidi hint day hw and t rylui ly ninu womnu ami hlld muxind to thor miichly injoy llnmlvm tho b im hull mnlciii uii jho reiilrt of ot tructhni in the fortnoi n a hlriile und uthh he iimn n in thn nft moon un i d town hall hum llllp to ovir wlni hi tin ev luiiff with i1 violih to wit lie uu tho dijinutlc ui uraiipo of ttn nh htu in a iliir- m it hhm a urn n i uucttuu acton uelnll rliilm won lioth u imiu an fol low ilhumto alton 1c huftviri of jurlpt i mutuilh of au011 12 imouhlioyfl t ut krinu iuji 3 thta uivt thi arton boyu both itruen the lamtlnipm twoo tho mil tu i 1m 4 tho tairw in the aclou pautlnn j wern nlcklhi j tlti ihuhon dive me lon liiaac fruncln w crnintr hiluht 1 mn konnody wuhum will in mit an i a1 nlrklln 1 lilu nil w id fifty yeorw aifo re i iiiim r 11 a mlichty lltlu dirferont homo iiewu to whit wo read to dny luut it f vcrv good indeltd i xtmetu rrom writtu oimwtmfu to urhool lioyn examination ituiwrti th njlo u uiij ulv reinnrkahla rlvr in the world it wan dluoverd by doo- tor tfjvlnbloie and it rlmaa in munjyi comitniittuopo iu oil tho ooldi n horn u ulnnil fortreiiii bua n mtllvi ndty mid wut um rckldouoo of 1 elwr tho ore it itu chlnr bull time u tho fluhllmo iort cynrua fcamrt into our wrtuilou 11 1h7s dhd wtn trfvoii to ljnx ilcicoiyineld tfulluu cuunr llivuded ilrluln j00 u c tho condi tion of the itrltonh wan in u ruda wtntrtlutjuoiilplivortt lirsihth niiutit of titruw ntiil tin womea wire their lutir down their hackti with torcban in their hnulli r j- super j in flavour tla every cup is r- lacw delight aul for it time tables anadian nationalfllways i a1 aoton ging wat no 3c llundny only 10 411 si y4kkhl nb s3 l9 n m k oifp u now contet fnie o when the klolcli bella inilnndroailwjiiii cltuun witll the first celebration staged sjnee the advent of government control is over to be frank was it ony improvement over the o t a wiifl thcrvicss drunkenness on the past celebration than on those affairs put on when tho o t a was in effect tour toronto motorists have been bent to jail for ten days for driving whilejn toxica tctfthe pun isliment is much too light a drunken driver is u potential killer and the example made of him should be sufficient to encourage sobriety in others smiths tails recordnews in addition to an examination for skill before granting a license to motor drivers it might be well to have them examined for sanity last week wc saw a driver pass another car at a furious speed and immediately swung in front stopping at a house within sixrods then frantically stuck out his arm to stop- the car he had just passed and he was no speed cop either stayner sun authority to spend 3000 000 for extensions to the provincial hydro electric system in the next four years has been given by the manitoba government contracts for new construction work to the value of 1000 000 have recently been awarded by the mam toba hydro electric commission private electric power companies are also making substantial exten sions to their power plants and systems in severnl parts of manitoba wc notice that some towns are putting up high schools costing as much as 70 000 what s the big idea its baseball diamonds aerodromes and theatrical stages the ratepayers should be voting on vi for its the pitchers bull sluugcrb aviators and screen artists who draw the crowds and get the honor and big pay these days studying the classics wprrying over mathematical problems reaching out into tii realms of history und literature pructibing urt and dissecting birds and fuhcs never produce anything sensational and the instructors in higher education have no place in the uni and a very smut i plate at last in the obituary columns chcslcy enterpnit this government the uff spring of your own choice containing within itself a provision for ts own amendment bus a just elnitp to your con fidence anc your support remcutfor ti atiflioriiy compliance witlfls lawa are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true liberty the constitution which at any time exists till changed by an explicit apd authentic act of the whole people t sacredly obligatory on ull tilt- very idea of the power aifd the right of the people to establish govern nibitt presupposj the duty of every individual to obey the established government george wash mgton in hid harewtll addreaj i feel that flooding joyonimesi that thrllkd me pnit nro i n the- hlnlntr faeca in tin pallnr inter hunt tho armi tlrat wait in welcome then iani and holt me tlnhu and tin n i praj that houven a atc ouch fllulncci may raatoro aj when we came to arandpia houm bciil lo the red ham door alice qrlttrn len derli fipty yraij3 aqo ie bli three daya cckhrnllon of dummul jubilee of confederation bun bun very loyally observed in acton many jntaroetlng- ventu of lxtj yearn ueo wore recalled both dubtlciy und privately uu a reiult tho 4rocrammo of proceodlnco m t ellontly carried tjut and i enjoj ed vry bit of it un i ao dl i mnry fon wo were both hero when confederation uaa oitartod and when wo cenned call inn our country unner canada and lower canada before tho confedcra hon of tho provinces wo had very alight knowlcduft indeed of our country or of itn oxtont but the union of upper and iower canada in 1887 tho addition of manitoba in 1870 firltloh columbia in 1b71 trlnco 1 ward lulan 1 in 1873 and sankutchowan antl allxrta in 1005 formed u if re at million and cavd un a much hotter idea of tho arcutnena of thlti canada of oura tbo ronfejloratloii celebration i roucbt vividly befoio the rlulpff h n erntlon tho extent and rcuourcen and proilpeciu of our dominion and i houo net bofore them new idoala of cltlion ulilp and new nap 1 ratio no to cunadl ami of v lil uli and useful lypi loyal and truo to iwing and country und lojnl and true to tbo god who nave uii no ilclilyof hla bounty and to our fon hit hem who lj their energy and ticlf tutcrlflce left to iu a valuoblfl iu rltltne gome fioturta of the jubilee celebra ion brought verj vividly to my mind if i believe u did to a number of uthern incidents and evenui which transpired rich i here in acton when confederation was adopted in 187 wo older folk enjoyed this creatly it jiub occurred to me that a column of evonta of fifty years aso tliu week would bfi unusually interoutlnu and to h lurtcr circle of folks 1 or authenlc renortu of lncjjlenta of lli in dato i liav referred to tho fllon of tub iiuji pmuii of the nrut week of jul 1h77 and have gleaned tho fa lo urine l jt la understood that all tho busl- ncuu places in town will ho cloned next monday for tin proper ccuhratlon of d uninlon ljiiy foot mauler uauliqwa will open tho 1081 onicn for tho con vi nlenco of citincnu from 8 30 to d 30 alul from 4 30 to 6 00 p m ikiptlat chapel lifts beon put into u mora nttructlve uppearanco in i le and out omo nineteen year iqo it waa removed here from j jail in afud anil whllo it ban done srood ser vice un a place of worship alnco its exterior presented a rather shabby up piarunre about 2iio 00 bus bnen lit in repulru hev ur tltobu iclud to lyro coiesri ifiuiunn on ilin lay jxl tile re oiienlnu aervicos on mtmday uvenliiff u itulroo uaa held in tho drill uhetl next door itiv ur i ivlduott of luclph uayi a utrlkiin ttildn uu ut thin qutlurfnic 4ind to o- colpttt wcivj j40 00 tho ntriiwlmiry festival h 1 1 in the hill utilii on thursday evening by tu uulliu aid saootv of ht albfttj hureh uuu tulo vurruuu lllraw borrliu and let criiini w ro jioivrd in tmifuutoii thec i ih an oiijoyalile eiiurtalniuunt tlu- htihwhivri fwllvul of tin htins of tuipeiaiue on hi ivmlnil of dominion luy waa larm y attun ud an i it brtit huciukim h v w ii af tluik toronto ntrtalnel tlin larffo audit licit wltb u tuniwrjnco addreau ullnk whlth he rakated iiumi rouu in tlreatlng lneldcueu- lu lib own cuptl i ncr he uironely advocated tin dun it in ac i and highly approved of tho croolen ait ta 1m ink no of the viy luut liquor laws ever enacted in the luti it sin uf tinipcxanei in hla intro turtory uermou in the m tlu llut chinch iuni mund ly ibv ilichurd hnl ha naemt i to tuimrt a ftvoiahu impn anion on htu ei iiknifa tl it uh ufii hkoy to uovo alici cwful in hlu miuluurlal liluirv htru wo fan y titl a iouwi itiiublo nuawure of imu will lit umely dui to hla hiruuiiul lumianpr outmldo the pull it portalnfraathnim a moat dls- i ulnp rlmni terlatlc of thlu dohlll tatinir dlioaie is the terulntcnco with which recurrlm nttacksi eomo tu ap awny slrcnub nnd leave tho uufferer a utato of nlmoat continual fx- haiihtloh no wluer precaution can taken than that of keonlnff at band a supply of jir j d kollojrbh aa- tlimn itcmedy famouo as the moat potent remedy for eradlcntlnj tho dloe me from tho tender air pannatrea keep your eye peeled r old uii1 odd cotnh of all trlru tik re are many coin tn circulation und i lylnl around in drawora that imvo iwmt valun vor okiimpletho copier imnny dated 1b30 with the hank of montreal on itt faen in to day wc rtb j1c0o it ia not bo muob the ojjo that countu it is tho ear ity of particular coins of certain tlaten thfc nattc coin catalogue tctla you about the raro erilna of dln rent countrka lnrludldl canada atd tho urltlnb cobmlea und elviirt you tho pruta fkunrnuurf to liay for luintot ecnt podtpaid fo ciqhtccn ccntg nmi two cent olamp will do j jajwescakson doheftty m wurtembura gtmst ottawa ontarttt mo 3c i cblnrj ct no 34 hunday only 7 08 p m no 2 voo vjo 30 ii a tei no 34 a st p at kto 3 fl 0 it p tat no s tiipm carjadian national clcctnio hailwavu writloun dily rtuy jiy dlly diuy bally dlly dsialy twity dtlly dolly dfiy u dally daily dally daily dally damy fiomcwhat the same a itoiitumaii who kept ftamlmi went out o fhjjnnni fi tlg lev 5b i lueklnu the door later what the wore up to ho tbonehthe would pcop tlirntiuli tho key iiole on lookinir throuah lie fojind it to lie very dark tim explanation wau that no aim had thought of dolnjr lbo name tbl mi at the same time which the csjntlemnn said made him think after all ho and the ape wcro not very different tho us lnaurea ho nllmenta i of mlllexa worm powdora lthy children ao far aa the ttrllmta to w ara a lilch mortality amonff children hi traceable to wormn theae tho atrcnatti of infanu so that they arc unnhlo to maintain tho battlo for life and nuccumb to weakneaa tl preparation jrlvea promise of health and ktepn 1l make old rooms ncwr jvaakte wtir attic into extra 4y tjeepinif quarter or adid- drcna play roonu gyproc will eve yen brleht eomfortable extra room at amall ccmt right over tlamaecd walla aildiom faded wallpaper apply gyfirocrtreproofwallboanl gypraewaluandceilineawitlnukeevery room bright and freah take any decoration rireproofcoldproof find heat proof tlie tronat and lightest inaulatingwallboard known wilis for frebnolkl uy hew llwullallynu haw gynfee rocbotrd ypaam inaulatliii mtaslkiiix sad lutulcx vtu rduc your tul bill froaa so to 0 vet eae illfi orttaucf cytsvu cxx tlmiteti ahls cuudjl r rr sal gy jf b mckenzie acton out 7 ci al 0 kb atrt 11 co etal 1 ct pjbt uk vu c rtj vtal u- 7 kb ym 0 fcfi ptaa 13 34 mh caatbourul f tu an d 37 j 11 37 turn t j7 pho- 3 37 pat cm pkl 7 37 pin s 37 p tn 11 35 pjn yvrmlnal ksia btrt and si clair- avnu welslit delivered by apobi1 kpra fralabt jtrmfeht ptokii up at any ad- r in toronto j s flattcnen ulil jou rive a nu irtrr to a blln i min b lutiful lady lady if you are blind how do iu know that i m beauufult ilejru ir to tell the truth im not blind la ilcrcu a lollar fcr rheumatio pains the pains and uchen of hciatlca nnd luicumatiam ahoiil 1 bo treated with dr tliomao 1 cttetric oil tho noothinu nnd heal ins piopertleu of 111 in famous remedy have been demount rated for fifty years vua it iibo for inflammatory palna cuta noratchos hrulaea and npralnu cither in human bolng or the lower animals no wonocn mnrlotrutc to prisoner how lone in it ulna you appeared in a police court before prli nirr twenty yoaru jour wor ahli il leiutrato and whom wcro you all that tlmot prt oner in priaon your worship cln time ie lias tasted it dr thomas trie on has been on uin market nla of hfty jiora and in that it liaa proved a bloaalni to tliou- i it iu in hlcli ravor throuahout can id i ami its excellence ban carried itu funic beyond the ocan if it were do u bio tbo price it would 1ms a cheap liniment just ab wcll forgotten now what dl i i say i would do if i found you luttnir tho jam acaln cried mother so orry inummyl nald bobby hut 1 urn afraid i can t remomtwr ither to cblll nhould bo allowed to auifor hour from wormn when prompt relief can hu not in a elmple but otroni reme l mother qravea warm ux terminator wit and humor many ways of dolnc thlnca t iaual fiance dinclooeu honin lolku tui n pi theli uluovea at work jnd some turn up their nouea air pilot well how do you feel afti r jour nrst trlpt timid tnii u nicer down und out thank boodnoasl tlie murv is of electricity have net nu honklnu k ve un i it wo nderful w hat tilee trlclty eun d or judge you uro acquit trd iviuoiu r ct juiy very aorry ct ntteiuuti to huvu uvci uu all this trouble fot ni tliiutf rniin aiinot ixlat win n iioiway urn iti mi vi r w mllu i t them be- lum 1 ui ei to iu root an 1 kills the i o w l it i winh tu huvu my anontoru true d loo 1 will y iu ut nu know wl thel mi 1 1 lluvi in adam and 1 v or in v luiion roberts 5yrup wcou6hscolds j and bronchitis g j cadesky op toronto eyesight speciaust will br at a t bltown 3 diiuo stork acton monday august 8th anjonc buffering from rye strain defect ho vision or ileadac le nhould not mlaj the opimrtunltj of con nut tin ir oils ey ilirht special lot appoint ment a may bo mado with mr a t drawn drutfclnt consultation 1rfcjfl office hours 0 a m tilt 4 pm wfhtlmiunl due at acton at wllea cafo ut hi 111 a in 3 id p m and b 10 p ni kaatbouhd duo at acton at 0 20 a ni 3 jo p m and c co jx m the buoea leave toronto for jeetoii pi s 00 a m 1 00 p nu and d 00 p m haturdaya hundaya nnd ifoll days only a upcclal bun leaven- tttronlo at 10 00 p m arriving in acton at 12 10 a nf leaves kucbwucr anmio-jiltiiarrmne- la jlclauaj jojul ajcvwr the achodulu 1h nil haua on htfcmlbnl time nnd not dityliclit uuvlhg time toronto tirniiiial i wi-ilbit- ton street west toronto a few friends diopinonpabuzz flit spray clears your home of mosquitoe and flics it nlso kills bed huge roaches ants and their eggs latal to insects but harmless to mankind will npt itain get flit today p- mj lt c ty pjj iwl6clmltii dkstaoys aktlfl bed bngfl rojtchea ti3ccj- castoria mothfr i flelieii casloria ts a pldsant haiknlcss substi tute for cnsior oil pareeonc teething drops and sootliuife syrup prepared for infant iiravma ami cjuldfen ll agei to avoid iimtationj alwayi look for u uiiature of cmratuxa provfn ilirrrhnni nil racli pqebag pbyueiaoj treybk r k free press job printing is always neatly done kindly note to patrons of this kstabushment burinc july and aufunt ex nmlnatlonn for cliisfjoa uvi thura- d iy ilday and aaturday only of each week kindly write in or phone for npimlntmcnl icven- inba by appointment lena c rind inn and repair do liartmtnt oiteratine an usual a d savage opioms trial mfa optician itlsbt at tho post dfflc gavaea bulldlne qublpb aixktnds of live stock bought w x patteesolsf lhena 111 j hiahast cash priea paid for jewellers china silverware air lowe- wytidham sit pitotte 571 guelpii the old and reliable granite nod tviurhle works wo ar nanufaaturers and dtraot lirtmrtwa of all kinds of monumfcataj and iloadetons work wo aull dlrot tj our ouiitomera at wholoaalo prloa thus savbuj our customers 40 par cut we uava the boat appliances and tba only taaohautcg in the dominion who can operata pnoumatlc tools properly we can alva rafaroncca from hundreds or our euatomarwlu toronto ana otbwr- placaa whara othara have to have taw sulta iu ocdu- to collect wa hava tlia lurcaat and bast atoek of oranita id tho dominion as more thun any throa dealers in tba weat wa are 1ui- mata ilaalrh and employ no anu ftjid do nut annoy or pat ouitom by aoiidliia out uotorant anty sellclt- ttix ardfma w tiiiploy only maaluanlaa i and ilfy aomuvtltlon hamilton sons aublph ony 1 ijii i