Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1927, p. 1

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sitosniwtiti rta jjilsli the acton unltktf church op canada t minister rev h e zimmerman bca pcrortoge- ll a mkervlce wluirtrnwii our congreiratlnn will worship in tho bap tist church at the anniversary er- vtces i lvs0nm sabbath school session 700 p m tho vnnttfi will titadi r young people mrietlhg on monday rjntttooeav proyw aodlrajaohrrvloeon thurs- daynt 730p m est pkesbtt8bian v knox church acton minister rev a c suwtft m a f lloo n ra jesus tritd the world iaf the minister a series aermopit- on jeaua relation lilhu- manlty nature s00 p- m sabbath school and bible olutoi t flu n h p feasor of momaater university will preach at the anniversary servian of the baptist congregation to held in knox church stisingci leavwgadiilre with the ushers will b coiled upon by the pastor v the baptist church acton paataruwin j4xw annlvebsaby- servicesvt ftanday march s100 a ml in the baptist church speaker jtov prof n i parker- m a ofjmemaater unlvfiy t iwt p nsunqay flohbbl t zsuring tin i boot tjtaattnd- anes record t ijm- p iivin knox presbyterian church jjpeaker row n i parker k a special muxla by combined chotre i- i we extend nr heowy welcome to all to worship and rejoloe with us on this oeoaston kntfer into hi gptas with praise and into hi court with sxk i v- special loticr fauwraea 7hou9e waited j small comfortable houss wsotbd to nf by reuwble tendtenanbjxp apx hairoreflolrio scarp and facial treatments tkh bower bkatttt parlor plnew boaretfsottaarick eta r auotioh- bate eidrwl mvth 0pr1ne will hold a cleartnaaoje of farm stock and implement on tueaday march xi coromencln at two oclock hoy hxnwjby m-t- r u atoctlohftor w jfndp wanted itendera will 1e reoeived by ike underslsned- f orahlnlutt uio roof and putttnr dn new rlaatered celling in the united church acton tandera may tiejoint ortdrch job separately and wtljl toe received on tu march istb vtheloweator any tender not newsa- caaruy sooepted plana axtdapeoloem- toau may be vn npoa application ah nickijn f- secrotaitraaupar fs u wf buhjmng babgans- beary cosim rooflns kouae pajnt j gsllpn ooora windows vramea ploorjn- winoarc tbouamnda at bulldina barvaios free cstalosua balll- day company sox ur ffluiluton pbaition 0pn- i v vmfcvta ftjoo par day- ww weeks only to auaufy zjearn and earit part clmtt onmbtor meehaja jea batiery weldlnc brtcatoytn barbetinav seanty calrore goodposf- aoa0jowopauwriuoi caoi tor lr vlxst bemphtlt chartered rwt wtoroirt i v tliperson who has a headache as tn result of aysratraln cs aaulfr qhtarly it la tha strain of aslqns dear vision ttlroomldsuie defect that i tjrtsent that causes tbs head aohe tnerta only 01 zp retjpermanent rellef iv yf eyk exmlnti anrf- xtiriwenpw qibii t3 ao savage oirtoitwt mfor opualim hlltt tb pot odw bo buliaini osalpb 3i jv s wonderlani friday march rnx- unknown souw iflmrriiijr mrinirlu rs wotu ctamiy mr last of aft the womems and children jlogicat xdme to buy jp you waflt to save a traocis lot on nest winterb needs rmes sbirts -lolw- v hegutab bo and w00 khds r keaping up the reputation of oot mtossutttm for wonderfiil shirt valms bavlngs thai cannot be we cured on recutair- ereryrday ijulh ww we corda bncllab nro 9lrtlnka thnl are suaranteed as to color and lustre ponse in solid shades colors and patterns in tm-ond- variety bbjes 11 to w if you cant got in to guerpb this week aend your mall order inftvrtwo or three on pprdval hundred shirts when we hadaahunce at thla low prlee and that la why it wlllbe wlssfor mon who are carefdl oexpendltur to buy soottah for months ahead- itsful choice in madras ymfo typ0 irt m this week h been set apit for the 7 jn te bepsrtinefits or j j5pme furoisliiags 4 new draperies rugs and wallpspcra pre oaditply this no toafter fhrnt vonr hom need- voji miy hnd somn- thing qew and likeable and nkordable jtt a p 0 uit at urompton whh reauited in the caproreof injnointdeferj- r lie bad bean workint lnihe woods on tho faulkner farm and on per- oelvinstfaai tnn were pproschlnio jkadt to the barn on belns- followed ho left the barn and escaped- over tbs fields wljere the obloere caucht up with hjm and arretted hlro he was taken tb brampton jail and appeared eforo magistrate crawford muted him for trlat the prlaonerwlllbe takep tolnt ddr tharltbnmsdescribed as a man of about six foot in beicht and of aturdy build about 3d years of ase from tbe photoffraph and description ojcharltan iduararsoxhiblted to mr barnharf ai the fcjorval post- oflleetbo latter was enabled to direct the offloera to the faulkner form where the accused had obtained work- ranctns a danae for friday evenlpaj uwill new spring hats and clharini bvocks v fl wemlu kig a whether from the standpoint of style orprioe you will jnd yourself veil repaid for ulcing the time to come to guelphjjslmacdonalds to choose gueipvs leading and largest otohe d e macdonald bros ltd dally xtoalnov wo p ari exeeptinp cwturdsys at ao0 pj mi and wednesdays at 12js0 noon specials jfor this week oragmgooii ifr dozen lemons per dozen cooking apples jper peek cusurd powuer isvper tin z rpancy mixed woai- rainy per jh tomato asjununw mvv and pes soup 3 formtv hsomfe only lbs for u lsbrsdor jierrin j 4 lbs for 40c matches -per- pscket jelly powders for slack tea per lb curkej pord psn for quest ivory soap m- j for awc eagle brand milk per tin ll 25c 19c j isc mi rex wmttb j w jones phono m r hrary u waltnau r wjir cartoon i batubbay march s v th graft k a trsin t bpbhey -witbrtsm- mix u0 loan nind in th roni hmitih touim m colojmk a watfni ory o hm rldtni outlaws and a couniaiimua teatthlnklnc dotacufa foi comedy awdmowa tukedav march diploawy starrliis tuanoba tlwaot and ban wtlllanta oaaur of caaay of tha coaat flnarda gofaiedr xbloal ot bloll 80n tho third ao lart cu for oar bit sale will be thelswt 3 dan thnrsaay frkuy and ssturdsy 4r and 5th shoppers get boat dont wait a j the last chance dont mlsa it look at the maaa wvabje tlej rltan away for so bwarfi uaoa rbbbar balta rg tie 1 toroty ifanst- wklte uandkerchtefs ire a sns suibbe to tabfflrep away only liens wjorkln caps to f- flrsb sway i for 88c rg usra heavy rtvhrdl wool undeowaar to aaoflfloe stvto metvt carhmrtta ovsraxuadd hpooka tks la the last oppo- tututy to wtihsm mliivt- men a horse 8hov brand overalla and fimock a jtood j w s atrfm knidv drill combln- atlon overalls raculorly sold for ims sale pries 3ja- jlsns vyfamas to be saerl boedt mp aulu i une heavy flannel shirts to bo at toe mewe jleavy wool fiooks to be klksn sway iff to asne k sayuioe tl4fl mena au wool 8eres and hejrlnsbaoes 997b meqe sweaters ttf nilaar out flsst toastfilng cadres chiffon fibxklnss sivsn- away at lao xstdlsjir smffuf wtoojdncs friirwiir liddjporsals jtist f lf t olear wo ladjetr oineham houssdress- jeajua ga ii w und onoer- wesr se slrswawsy st xadlea pure wool ehssaters to dear af t up contf in and buy th kdies cpafa at your own prtoe any reasonable offer will be aoeept- esl ws must st rid of tlwro boya alf wndl tweed and sberre suits rsa sold tor 1mb to 1m sals prios pajb up tfrr frtim pi giilln lonssrs vest and bloomers res 9nl sale prlc v7 u boya tweed caps je lve i boys jiaayyribbad- c j btocktnss 1o boya braces to b given away at fc boya yit shirts r sold or 1100 out they go 40e bcjcs sweaters to sjo at 80 babies all woo cashmere biuiuii wu yy babies rubber pants to be alvrin away orsv bablest bilk ind wool voafca to q s ffr nantmr vvsts htobroweced dresses t lanpaktt t0 ol 1bo milow coatkw rm tncqi na ito 0u prloe yards for 4c r tweed bititmtytf sd for mrbwtwoy hl- mens salts res jr f 1jl0 out rsy go atlsvtft r mm street akigo bq0n paiig aij swssrswsjivwpbfa qptsiar wndaof cto raueged miurderer arrested at loiy provtncial c6nrtable owris and irwpectot reerdy adpreteod edward hariton for murder at londop an important oapture was efocted by provincial cpnitnble owens and ttiapeotor nflevriyon- monday efter- noontiaarrarval whshthex orrest- d edward harltpn wfto jinslleved oivseptember 13 1mb ahocond kued officer john wadded of jjonaptu whlis iho lattefjjfjur srttenrptlnjrto arrest hoxltonpn adbsme ofcblckn steallns v h t it la iljocod that hsrhbn weqtto the korth wrknr aroimdj- ilurits- ylllc vtir lie emctyifj tho dutchca ijf the iftv uolnsr to toronto a nkonns avothewps reoognlsedbya njinfrom iaondoii he woa noticed tri theyfo- inlty of lsorral and d inoresse in telephone tlsiee the proposed increase of rates for telephone in tlila aeotlon era for one party- unas fropl tj0 tv 428o- per monthi twoparty lines frojn ims to 200 for r ttrttl party linen vom 14 to 1190 ptvd for extetulona from 660 to 80c v united obsirohqhpli- cpnoert theeholv of tbe united church will hold a conoerttn the txin hail 0s1 wtedrteeday wvehlnff 9th jnai jundec choirmaster i0lds the cbolr has boon jirejsarlny for lbl concert for hj post two inonths an excellentprorrainmj jiarbeen arranged- orrd a iryojoy- obis iriublcal ovboing i- asauredlt f w bsiptlst ahnivsraavy nexsbnds annlveraary serylcca will be- held by the bapustianierogatlon next sunday bey pint wfrorkerof momaoei tjnlve toronto whee tv ico tnfl i acton and district oancs pnfhday maroh 11 the acton ri committee arc ar- unrw waai f pi fl in the united church w drawn in the jnornlnk and grogatlon wlll attend at tho 1 church- in the evening the ar attrfaevicek will be continued nut in knox cburob at fbo- 1nvltntlon of the session proc parker if iii bt th preacher there ersrotlnscrr one- of the best sates- of farm stock nd other ohatrrjlspfothsssasan wn thst pf mrvkuaok of tbe- socontt line above oaprtnge the high prl0e brought for cattle sheep and hoss very enooyraglng to the farmers genity avn4lwloju0iiat totskv-phoes- hkwe -a- rlina- tendency auctioneer kerrwlolded the harnmer and there wss a virility and abllty1n handling tb stock taffereb which commanded tho admiration of the targe crowd of buyers assembled p o bom rents doubled jpotmqsjter mattbflws kns reaalved a circular- from the poet office de nuurymg xbs any gphs proceeda ar inthoperalloaol the rink this ycar intobuajness in fitrsstsvihc- wlluamrasojiv who has teen loctoted with jils father- mr thos watson in acton in the baking busi ness for the last two years baa pur chased a business in streetsvllle and tslces immediate posaeasloa mr and tatitson- have been active workera in the unlrtod church and its stfvtlca nnd tber reei7tal1ettvs gapa whlobtlt- will be dlfflcuh to flll the best wishes of a large clrqle of friend here go with them ho their nefr borne choir entertained by pastor and mrs baxtsr pastor and mrs baxter entertained the bapuet choir jn the mat on tuesday evening after a strenuous hour apent in practicing iinniversary anthem an niprontptu progromjne was rendered by aeversj members which was much enjoyed tbs mole members jit the aholr furnlahed the feature of the party by slngliur from niemory nil xie choroaes randapsd at tbeclee club concert utat week mlas barbara plank and mrs c r knapp treahmrmts the westher for march vith the advent of march ths old- time proverb touching the weather almost invariably comes into raindi ik march comes in like a hon it will go out like a lamb or vlas versa the toronto star tjubusbed is sohedulo on tuesday evening vovr ingthe last fifteen years showing tbe unreliability of he adags in only five yeara of the fifteen was tils fulfilled for the other ten the month went out as it cams in if it arrived uonuke it terminated with similar weather if quiet spring- ilka westher prevailed at its advent similar watb characterised its exit- mevertbe less more than lihe average of folks prefer to as march gather honllke in- ljcotning tanningexperts rstutrnina co- ths states mr itobent irwin who came to apton last spring from honduras south anftrtca to tabs a position as tannlfijg expert with messrs beard more v co left on mondsy for bndi cott n y where he has ah attractive altuatlon mr irwin lntsuded engage with ths xang tanning com pany- of kitchener and pnetan- gulsbehe but nnslly decided to aooept ths pjew york positions ward friend heraresrs the movalopmr ahd mrs irwin and their bright sons paul and john- but join in beat wlahes for success in the new home mr ohn 0clen is a tanning expert from chicago- who came to the acton tanning company about a year ago and bs also will return to the state next month durlftf ttbelr stay in acton mr and mrs lirlen have- made many friends in acton who regret ihelr removal actbp and district aclpii glee 43 with their mntentaialnmeni anrj was greeted wiuts capacity house ttiio comrrfunlty tiloe clubs concsri lost- wodnoaduy venlpg- was a real community event the club la a tine mtttochbrils of forty voiee- waart they faced the packed ndltorlum at the townirall they muet jiavb colt ttlatuiotr efforts were bdakedby the ipwn and vicinity ea masse weoktt or procticabad ibeen gladly apehtby thsdmb is pfajpsrmlon of the pro- gvsinttthev and their erbire certainly welt appreciated by ota clusens who woes kuasio jamojwvussbe in attendance st this tisvconcctv their choice of muelo wag numbers oftho btttfr and tneco brought out toe variousjpajts la the selections l ot dqrtor and ha hastfpul vaason 4o bs proud of the oohlsvetnntof the olee club at this nbt concert on wednes day evenlng a brief synopsis -of- various num ber wo gwen by rev p a sawyer lindpostprsaxtef whor ortr woth member of tho club mjss laauratts m qroy woa the very capable accom panist for tbe chorus and much credit is due forher fldlondld itslstancept the piano tho chbru number were supple mented with various other aclectlons which made an excellently balanced p mtsssean kennedy xave sever tg vui alwayil pprecjsf e sarlut bkl frfedmlswmajrassjtou aflrtlj ltwrfaayy further year after which- the- new rates will bo enteotlvevany rents which fall due on april 1 1m7 or sifter wlll be at the new rates mentioned above ry p- wh tiave not previously hod tv- box who rent a box after thla date whether or not it u prior to april 1 17 will pay- the new rates toenauicontinuoce of ffuapph wnfrrrxtrs the question of a tenyear agree- xxpjk with the ontario oovsrnmen- tu ensure a continuance bf the provincial winter pair at ouolph provjdscvthe feature dlaousslori of jhemth annual meetln- of ths provincial winter fair board last week at toronto presid ent peter christie vice- president john saunders and secratary r vf wade were appointed a committee to wait on ths city council and go fully into the question before it i taken with the ovjniroent perer christie of manchester was elected president for another year and john baunder of london vloeprastd ent helping needy fellow- employ spirit prevails among the assisted mrs baxter in serving re- jplovses ofthe actorlcsin tosnvand -h- peoj31ythqs in th several works of- messrs lteardmorw a co because owing to the extent of tfaworks the calls are mora frequent which la highly oommendlbls almost invari ably when calamity and loss overtake sn employee his fellowworkmen promptly willingly unite in tendering financial aid the old adage many meekjes make a muckle is verified hi these cases because the total of thsse aubaorlpuons make g very cpn- slderable sum- this behpful plan has inherently the real christian r spirit about it and it naturally engenders feelings of fellowship and goodwul qive the firemen mors enoeumasemsnt no organisation gets knore criticism than a volunteer ore department when there is fire minute seem like hours before the water i turned on people are quick to criticise and alowttrprxisfr buv1hetrmen work as fast as they eon with ths equipment at their disposal they disregard thelr own safety their bwn oomfort afilt while ths clitics look on they go into ths burning building ret smoked up and soaked up- and ruin themselves all for the honor and glory of serving us in defending our property thlnlt of thsse things when you go to the next flr slap tbe chief onttbtick and tall him the boy did fine ustowel banner res livw mlsalensry from kores aoton la being favored these- day with th privilege o haartng mission aries fresh frqm ts field dllet with sal and smthiuaiiissa tor th great cause 6f the missionary enterprises p p ths church last week rsv mr turn- bull bf bolivia addressed ths con gregation of the paptlst chvrotav t sunday eveningrev r orlerson m x m 0 who has spent thirty year in ltoraa addrs t o of tltlnjte olfurcbt giving an epl tome of the history of mlsslonary work jn that ooun try under the aupar- vialbn of tbe prssbytarian and now i v qhwwh n- riu vp as the basis of his interesting address twulf bs tu soshau afyword tw tbat goeth out ofboy mouth it shall not return unto mv void butlt shall aoconipllsh that whijsot xplsase and it shall pniaperln thethlagrwtieretnto i ssntit hrratrongly sssirtsd that r t wirii preeentsd portrait to prof coleman dr arthur p coleman formerly dean of the faculty of arts at ths university of toronto and a wosjd famous authority on geology was presented with an oil portratr of- him self at a dinner in bttrwash hall victoria college- last thursday geologists mining msn former tud- sntsand ajrsoclats oomnrl th stjesta who ssssjmbisjs tun speakers atvtsvs dlnnerlnoluded dssn kay of ths state university of iowa a farmer student who i9 now the head of a department of geology whlh more than 1000 students thodelixbtful address of dr colemsn tohhe students of aoton high school and their friends on gsplogy from a motor car two or three weeks ago remembered with much pussor a bualneee event much flgntttan of woodhall a moksy who havebeen in bualneaa here for twentythres years in the grooery crockery fruit and seed bul- rnkf ndfl tin irirgtlmtfttl jo tho cinsdlsn mens credh assdblstton of tlw ovsitbi vnrthi that and tlut it unnsfgrms appw df this was glveni in h story he tola af the grovth or th christian church in korea which sixty years ago was a hermit nation and rourdsrd um first missionary who went there to pregoh thrsspel step by stsp tvt told- of ths advances nu at the oonvegts of the korean people to ha p gossj of ohriat of ths tljdujs of 01 aisrchr sjjar churcixsiwaya xg s sifagd tbsarewlns qsbkgtegaffns writ tpday uiars are fifty men and vromen frpsrf the ca church wiio are preaching the gospel to the people there in imt thsrs wsrs u oonvr aatjans too are too epjtgrega dacut n hree ihsebytsriss thv 0owr of ths people etre goosptlng t7byutianttyu la cttosa satisfying work jt trinsatozam it suaflsa suulsj ub aillahfw iliime jbrthla dne body of singers ielr numbers compulsed the opening itlon o cannjuc gowm to tho pnrsi5pr o who vui- ertinv downs so free atwerico rtmf northmens song arid comrade jpng hope rvery nunfber was rweirjendered and en- joyed but jf one number could- be considered better htajit the rest it wss iheconctndlmr tnio bong of hopemrfsalt- wag the cdn her marsocjbiljbt iftriinlryr misses annie msodonald snd daisy fblster attended the mendelssohn choir concert at toronto on jteturday mr james ldnn was sperated on in- a quelph hospital last week la making good progress toward recov ery mrs angji mcdonald and sandy dolly varden spent sunday with her son wiihe john mcdonald st term cotta mr a menabbt of sustfordvand r a r bruce of wellaod epent the weekend with mr xeonsril kraliter m- royvoangr who was aocldent slh ahfit is making fair nrosjt wards 7 recovery il puelph tffaiietal university proved an elocutionist real merit hcr numbers were hew appropriate and rendered with real bllity s mr george old pf auelph the choirmaster f the drilled chorea wss slso an assisting artist his fine baritone solo were also a most in- ure bandmaster mason gave an exoerjant cornet solo his elciion arllsoc etecutloir oftsthe cornet and waito5rluilisd- nttntler of a very dlsi from the general trend of the pro gramme was provided by kenneth tubman when bo gave step dance and was accompanied on tneharmon- ioa by mr tom mochrle mr mooh- rle also save acouple of wellrendered harmonica- solo rev a c stewart m a was the chairman for ths- evening and kept thf programme running alone smooth ly reeve mason made a few re marks on the splendid community spirit prevalent at all thesa affaire and pointed out- what fine things might be accomplished by this com mendjble cooperative effort -thelpiogrsmms- was closed by tbe oleo club leatilng in the singing- of the national anthem following the programme the club members tholr wives the assisting urfjr and othijr r arijbyed a banquet in the pariah- hall where briefspeeches were made and a bas ket of rosea presented to- miss qroy as evidence of tbe clubs appreciation of her valuable asststanoa the net proceeda of the concert art to b4 devoted to community work and the club is to continue and will start immediately to rehearse for another programme which will be presented sometime in the spring voted to return to statute labor resolution introduced to ftsaine- commutstismi ef statute labor byusw the february meeting of esujueslng township couricll was held last weex 1 the nen3bersjwsbpresnt jc resatutlpn wo introduced by councillor curruthat bylaw no- 7 re commutation of statute xor be rescinded and that the statute labor system be reenacted councillor rstandl supported tho resolution but all oho other member opposed it and the resolution defeated aoooutrts were passed as follows j carton for relief of mrs anderson fl5oo weston banltartum care of h olltlngharo two months x h douth removing t cole- mam to quelph municipal world supplies bell tephone sccount h xj mlmma premium on tjaurcra bond 40o j iz smith load of wood jbo mrs m bailey cleaning oounall chamber ij0 arthur ruddlck error o o hrown express on up m00 400 it 01 plies joo qenrgetown trfioiber co lumber john price i- sheep killed by dogg 40 geo henderson valuing sheep 300 a bylaw to provide for cspendl turn on the load in the township of enqueuing for the year jut was passed- council adjourned to meet monday march u st 110 oclock toronto mr john canning im hrv oras a large attshdsmos tbe rsv making an inventory qt the stock general regret will be felt that mr- woodhsu who has really been the ontor sang solo which was much sols business head for years owing tie infirmity of mr mckay hla niyr jhtnh hhprlh th nsoessity totixo this course no business man in aotcrras ever exert ed hlmsslf mors strenuously to win suooeastor r j business night and day ha has fep solfaaorlfleina in his efforta with never a day off for rest or recreatipn but mrwoodrmll hud a tender heart no person lu poor olroumstances or temtmhtrfiyetit of wotovyer snrilnm for hmff rr gruos hut ware suppoedungrodg- ingty- unfottiinsrierythois wjdit hati been eo hmdly dsalt with oftetjforgot to jo11 and- pay their- indebtedness when their circumstances n mors favorable and saoros left tosti sfter eonirseting debis thsfs itithoui mquldaunathsmrlasarasuu the book debts grew to- larger proportions than thd business pctdd jgjnjktb result haben luevltsalei t rhha cotta th sscrgjncnt of the lords sup per was dispensed in the united church on ib svsoing last tthsrs liif evsdciarside un a j mcpherapn visited tor onto frteh thwdsk- mrm v bc ruittw is visiting her slktpr mrs k a mncleanat chealey miss isqbel mcnlven was homo front toronto university over the week on v mhnprynobe7nrtorohwlvwt 1 her mjtfvthm wmayf sunday v mi arthur baitard hamhtod vtslted friends and brother here last weekend jt l mr mok byman who been in ion3on for some time returned hdnas uat week council rlntbfviewbfl sraitli property for school purposes bat ijtj respoudbblljaskm school bord councillors holmes thetford at kinson ohtlnlcot wert preschtsth counofl nieellng on rrveeday evening inlb nbsenoe of reeve mason at county conhdl councjhor hotmos misses derate smith andjeari kennedy were home from itarontb over buntlay mlsjabt aodersori i islington over 3nndtiy acton relntlyes rno bero from visiting herf miss bertha brawn visited her ea- ev miss fern brown- deputy post- mistress 6vr the weekend mr charlek 8 moore has return ed to town from toronto and resum ed his position lnjthabinnery misslrucy edwards came- home fronrcitratph hosplufcl oh sunday even ing- sh is convalescing nicely i prsssoot that vttorttm nigwto4iieft xiihoerths fwlca saked for the- prth- perty wasl0 copies of eaolo t correspond bstwfen tse school board and hsnisitsred trtmt cvt hlh- aiv tramliwin tl lite coanouv ths cauncirdecmed thsy had no- hand in tnattan3iaat hat h- the school board was reapomttrjato v the people for their actions witmxeyw j ths ootoome may be r t dr3 a mcnlven medloal offiosr v of- health addressed the council ar v complaint had been made to thopro s4oclal health department ngardlng ho n king of old wells as oesspools and the adrrlsahlllty rf posing pou luted wells and npelllng the use of town water was cohslaetedv tbs matter wl tio deauwrii atajaterj session when fit arm be dodded on tbe proper course to putstlar to- 0007 ply with tbe provincial reqalreciiesrtav chsirnsan ong of the ipubllq uttaltles commission and conimis- sjohev hassaris were- pi y to their poaluon ih relation to fire protection sndv apparatus tbecon mission coosldereovthat th cast of operation of ore apparatus sod ths maintenance of ore pumps etcv should property be chafged in the gensrsl tax rats and jfjw jcripnjiaslon ft jiat tomr did- not wan tbajlrfa apmigfotofor zhnltra department 34ttotibsjitztl3ik jijosgltsx ymjtsst doretwberti rosmrhi mj- and mrs nelson uambert went tocuelph osnerol hospital on mon day to take a course of training as a nurse miss qlbrajtoblpsor of kenllwortb who hasben visiunx fflehdsrat aurora ahd newmarket spent jafew days with her- inter emma at moore- croft this week postmaster imt thews mr- howard mccomjtf mrs minnie r moore and ulaamlnniebsnnstt assreat toroiltb on t3aturday attending thejmndels- sobo cbolrconcerl miss jacammlhgs who has been aatealndy in h i horrtaons ahoe tore ths past four years has returned to her home in fergus ow ing to the illness of her sister the enarajrement 1 announced of violet elisabeth only daughter of mr and mrs william chaplin to j b brigdcn third son of mr and mrs edward rrigden of aabgrove the marriaae to take place in march mr and mr earl h vincent who have been residing in chatham for some- tlpie- have returned tb acton and- are cordially welcomed mr vincent will readme his conner posi tion as linotype- operator ontu onm btaff kits bwajigetof rocjfwood wlib has beenreadlpkpn brock avenue for the winter contracted a severe cold whjch developed into something more seri ous her condition became critical 00 thursday necessitating jier removal to toe ouelph oeheral hospital mrs phillips of toronto widow of th 1st rev robert phillip twice minuter of the methodist church acton had the misfortune recently to fall while getting off s street car and fracture her blp ths report says she may never be able to walk again city engineer h 0 nloklln of ouelph went to ottawa on tuesday where hd will attend the annual con vention of tbs canadian branch ol the american waterworks associa tion which is beid in thy chatean trfturter mutorftpal engineers from all psrt ofcanadawlilbe in attend once at the meeting ooiatrhtim recommended paywenrifi9 yrt tlas r v afcdotuia ore truck n urjibotptemiiim j7 jss synwnsapplles town halvll mr and q h brown returned rrern kitchener on friday after spend ing a couple of weeks at the borne of their son albert jfrs albert brown had jpsf returned home from- the hos pital where she had had an operation for sppsadiejtie three- weeks before her friends win be qjehsed to leorn she is getting- along nicely -1- maswrsvja m smith dnd mrhuf mspbsr chxiterod troats co olwsro ptfsent rlitlv to tho v gd uwmasw of thq smith pro7 for the opinion seemetl to e as ag- a tbe report was adopted council then adjourned obituary mrs qaorob t ft itc e following a long illness mrst csorttfe ieslls passed away friday at her residence ttoobthuneoooxoaslon ksqueslngj deoessed was in her oth year aitd is survived by her husband three sons ad three daugbtcrsv- jpjhn and frank j who are tn tbs west roy of jeaqaclng mrs xaaldlaw in the west miss jean of cheltatsoam and mrs bowman of ktsqnaalnc tjsprinqe these bright sunny days are ap- iksdated by bur farmers who are busy costing their supply of wsod and cleaning np the seed grain in- pce- paraaon brsarty seeding vvrf liqtla trostts in the groond at present and the saphas commenced to ron tnom maples from prospects a large nmn- har ofnnr cklsens agp- too b so enjoy a few weeks in ths woods malt- ipg maple- syrup l t many of oar local motorists enjored a trip to duelph last saturday tost with such a- heavy call of snow- dur ing ths day many of the autos be came atared in the deep- drifts on the lines in this vicinity a large number of our fornasrs at tended the auction sale held by giay bros last tuesday with mr roy hlndley auotloneer in chargo jusst thorsday being such-oeaa- uful mild day all roads led td mr frank macks clearing auction sale of cerm stock and implements which was well attended by farmers and high prices were the feature for good stocks especially fresh row many going- over 1100 and with mr b j keny of acton as suctlqsjeer wgs s t hugs suocess over 15000 being tho total aw this big sale jmj rn nftha flnsl wnsfl is reported to have sold her farm to a toronto buyer hassaqavveya a very pleasant surprise party took place lost thursday evening when about sixty of the friend apd pslgh- bors gsjlhsredst ths home of mr and mrs choree a darby qf knatchbuu and presented their dauahter mary with naaaddress snd club bag and fountain pea on the eve of her going into training foi a nurse mr ceorgs gordon wasrfstosjandcaudoij hi ms5ysngfbrd who wad h addreaa while mis mamie near mads the presentation the following la the address we your frtandi and neighbors and school companions have gathered in your fathers home on this the eve of your departure for a new wphere of labor o extend lbotlutn5eswladjiuiot your future ooooe we shall mi- you hut din loss will be others gain vou carry with you the es teem of the entire- community the same cbeerfulhess that has characterised jroiir work la your father home ws are sure- ou will carry into your hospital ufa and by it means be able to cheer and comfort the aged and infirm and alleviate buffering of those 1st your care tour hospital lr will not he allsnnshlne it is best that for all- aunshina milton t q- a k chaptee creditable list of aotlvitiee and jkmasosw of the jvst the slxtsanth annual meeting of tbe john milton chapter i o d- ej at milton was held on saturday a silent- tribute wis paid to the memory of m is xhsrke murray rsportsahow- od that the chapter had been carry- lnr fon exoelleot work- during the year besides paying 100 for the syjjijpjc-ocr- an armenia o boyat oeorgetown donation were made to the muton war memorial fund the navy league the notional jnsutut for the blind and ths zenana bible sndmadloat mission officers for tbs coming year were elected aa follows hon regent mrs j c wllmot regent miss rlstn vlcersawnts mrs m b oowland mr rogsrptojsmyi secretary mrs jo d xtsst uslstantbecretary mrs o h davrson treasurer mra r m 55rrv5ssirls mr waddeii of floiiinafsd conducted aha servioh mrajtttinget vttjsut enjoyed by mrs cbas mcksowo of acton tdr chos slmpklns aho hauj1 arm fraclursd ivceotly had tp go to ouelph hospital and ha an opsr- uon dp7it attfjsej pjmuhad to be placed on the fraetors mr puoan cgnukbeu- of will have a portgble aawmlll instsjlsd hi his yard hare shortly mr walter uayward of oullft sja mrm lyons li busily enjrajrxal aaailof iifmbsrln llr clanosys bush mrs jss davidson 1 nowon the mshdir t- thf hal ton brfak- 0a xpeot v csirsw operations hers shortly mr wra stringer af tecooo voosjlstassshe stare held a vary suoosssful rehearsal at- th home ofjjmfty and mrs rebt pueksring on friday vsn- mis mofratl tandsrbearev mrs c r turner- coonolllors mra w b clemsntrt mrs j moclenghao mrs f a wwnrott iftiv w h stswsrt mrs r w philip mrs we mo cready mrs j houhton mra j h hardy mlsa dewar snd ml rewa vfsucsf bjttrfibyv victor lafoniain waa fined hn msal ti ouelph police court tuesday pyirns lag wham ho was oonvlotsd of reck- issn drirtng two youthful burglars jaaws la- rant aged if and bart luadsr agad nu wars astancsd to terms of from twelve to twaatyfbnt monthaln tbv ofttarlq l by msjrtalqt ahmmusu poijof court lfrlday 1 asttertng the hosja of ftbravwi vuerloo paaiel j 1 p g- wgckfaoe comediah fvosq fottwsrth tsxas trsa oped 1 temi trau gt ouelph owmotttw hv hadnt the money trwssu own fog dstys m dreary days you enoountar trust may be the steppnlg stones cr something higher and noblei- our prafssalon it is not hard to be pleasant when ufa bows on ilk a song but the nurse wadbv while 1 th nurse who can smile when verytblnjg goes dead wrong ws tntst your heavenly fthar will wato you and keepybu in heattb an j stnxth and ths you may be spared for many years of usefulne and now as a slight token of g wea and um entire toinmunuy we ask you t koeejpt this club bag and fountain pan and may they vr romlnd aooept this club bag and fount pan and may they vr ron- yoll bf the warm friends you have at stjufdhbull stgnsd on bshalf of tho com- m unity mrs harvey rridgeasn mrs cajnaroa romshaw mrs mary longford miss darby mad a vary feeling reply notwithstanding- her arprte after the presentauon a pragramm of music stllrelsiion snd speechss was tflvem and tbe ladle provided- a dainty lutch to whleh all did jostlos x tho evenltuj aras aurnt lu gumeg and b odal incercours unlts4 church choir conoest lp ths town hall nest wednesday even- ing a v ruvjj

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