Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1926, p. 4

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f the home of ijf arimt 3ter flrr bb member canadian weekly newiptpcr jr association member selected town wckue of oalario pabliar thursday mornang- at the free press bunding mill street acton ontario the sabscrtptioo price is 100 per year in advance poataze la charged additional to offices an the united states the date to which aubscriptiona arc paid as indicated on the sddresi label advertising ratestrsnsient adrcrtisc ancnts 10 cents per line agate measure or first insertion and 5 cents per line tor each subsc qucnt insertion contract display aarerrjae ancnta for 50 inches or more per awinm it ceata per inch esch arscrtton a ai with out specific directions wui be inserted tilt forbid out specific directions wu and charged accordingly b f moore president snd editor o a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- edltorisl and business office residence of president residence of manager ixw itj of germany in the league of nations europe has buried the great war amid applause which shook the hall of the league of nations ger many was last wednesday unanimously accorded a permanent seat on the league of nations council germany went into the league with the under standing that her disarmed condition under the versailles treaty shall be taken under consideration in interpreting her obligations under which league members are bound to common action against an aggressor state neighborhood news oakville thursday morning september 16 1926 editorial standard time will again hold its undisputed sw ay over the clocks of tlio land on sundio september 19 a kerr blue irish terrier owned tj h dale of oakvllle drew flrat winners in special clausen t the can adian national exhibition dog ahow last week mr gordon inglchurt or clovoland oh co visited with hla imrents mr und mrs w a inglehart over the woekenj mr and mrs c f doty loft last week on a trip to vancouver new westminister victoria and pacific coast cities in tho united states and will be bono about a month tho kirk club of knox church held corn roast lust wednesday night in honor of their president miss dorothy mcneil who left lust week to enter her flrst year us u nurse in training in the general hospital toronto a miscellaneous hliower was given at the home of mr und mrs a car penter chlttholm street last wed nesday in honor of miss may gough of mount dennis whos marriage to russell qulnn of oakvllle took even- northwest territory the hopes of the founders of lzs lsr r mr and mrs alfred hlllmor oak vllle to mr charles jamea robinson youngest son of mrs blear and the late gcorgo h robinson tt- jnto tho marriage- will tako place vry quietly the latter port of this month record silver anniversary of saksaichewan and alberta twentyone years ago this month the provinces of saskatchewan and alberta came into being with resplendent inaugural ceremonies earl greythen governorgeneral sir wifred launer prime minister and a host of other notable personages journeyed from the east to witness the respective official events at edmonton on september 1 and at regina on september 4 both cities now so pro- gressive and beautiful were still in a raw unde veloped state with straggling business streets and muddy roads but with no end of hope and ambtion jz the new provinces had been carved out of- the old mr the new provinces have been abundantly justified the area of what is now saskatchewan had in 1901 91279 people in 1921 there were 757510 the population of alberta grew in the same time from 73022 to 588450 the people of the sister province of ontarfo offer very sincere congratulations upon the prosperity and growth of these sister provinces canadian breeders will furnish real competition i in cattle classes f ontario will take an active part in the inter- national dairy exposition at detroit october 6 to 19 according to information received from the hon john s martin minister of agriculture by w e skinner secretary and general manger of the show due to its proximity to detroit says the minister ontario will make itself felt at this international exposition a genuine interest has been created canadian cattle are noted for their remarkable breeding and have carried off many honors in the previous years ayrshire holsteinfriesian and jer- ley breeders have always furnished keen competition for their fellowbreeders in the states waterworks paying operating expenses the first year the town of forest in lambton county was evidently fortunate in having its new waterworks ts syitein inaugurated on a business basis by men of a frank statement of exfating facts youre a conservative so why dont you boost the conservative cause through the columns of the paper said a friend the other day to the editor of this sheet well this paper is a local enterprise patronized by all the people in the community ir respective of class creed or political affiliations and although to some it may appear to be rather a spine less attitude to take this sheet endeavors to be fair and impartial to all and strives to promote harmony and goodwill in the community which it serves it is every electors privilege to vote the way he or she pleases bnt it is a duty that no one should shirk voters should pay no attention to last minute ru mors or whisperings circulated by politicians but should try to get a clear grasp of the political situa tion as set forth in black and white by reputable journals the advertising columns of this paper are open to both political parties providing they pay for it which is only reasonable when one cohstderstlhat the publisher like any other business man must have revenue powassan news georgetown following each other in mutual helpfulness a week or so ago representations were made at the regular meeting of the acton municipal council by the editor of this journal respecting the adop- sset the forest free press last week gave this interesting information the new systenrof waterworks in forest was brought into use on september 1st last year and there are now 322 services in opera- lion onehalf of which have- been installed since the beginning of the present year the receipts have been well tip to expectations and at the end of the year there will be a nice balance over operating costs to be applied on the debenture debt acjons waterworks system installed and put intq fjafration several years previous to that of fores rith nearly 500 services installed while giving great satisfaction in many respects has not been show- s ln5 as gratifying financial results up to this date r an opportunity which should be enbmced the constantly increasing population of acton i uttering the problem of prpyidii mlbriinr trtinnl intelligent business skill and foresight-at-the-ont- nuloiuujistinctve crestforusebythemunici pality the adoption of the crest prepared and reg istered by acton england by our town was sug gested to the editor by sir harry brittain the british member of parliament for acton borough with a single change of substituting the oak leaves of theenglish crest with maple leaves for the can adian crest the suggestion was favorably consider ed hy our council in the columns of the last issue received ofthe acton england gazette it is found that our british contemporary is suggesting for its town a function recently carried out here success fully both from the standpoint of holiday pleasure and financial profit t says this is a tip from acton ontario an in- corporated borough like ourselves which re cently decided to celebrate its community pay mr bert thompson left lust week tor toronto to attend the ontario col lege of pharmacy n mr j o amies won two firsts three seconds and one third price with his toulosise geese at tho toronto ex hibition this year i thr harold holmes mrs holmes and daughter jean of owen sound visited with mr and mrs o t mc kay jast week a quiet but iiretty wedding was solemnised at islmgate the homo of mr and mrs j a glffen george town on wednesday when their daughter florence elisabeth was united in murrlusre to elmer robert may- mr j norman bird m a son of mr and mrs thos bird georgetown lina left for cornwall where he has joined the staff of tbe cornwall col- jojflute institute and will be head of the department of science and agri culture mr john r stringer and miss pearl stringer of sahesulandah manltoulln island visited georgetown and terra cotta friends during the week it is 49 years since mr stringer lett terra cotta which was called salznonvllle in those days at the home of mr and mrs r w heed georgetown wednesday afternoon september 1st under pretty arch of evergreens trimmed with pink and white the eldest daugh ter mabel beatrice became the bride of m george g wlngflold the ceremony was performed by rev h caldwell a formor pastor herald erin mr und mrs s w llerry and two chlldtcn of montreal qui aro visit ing with relative at erlri village mrs j h chessman who llun been ulllrik for home time with heart trouble was suddenly seized with a parulytlc htroke on tueslii last and is ulto nerlousu hi during the last oek the bridge gung of the c v h have been re pairing the railroad bridge nenr the huluburg station somo time ago piles were driven and it lias now been timbered up well mr und mrs juthes bangers mra m kee mrs 11 hosi untl daughtei bolty- of buffalo f y aim wm justice of winnipeg man motored from buffalo to wlnilsor ont then to erin and visited tiielr father on his 87th birthday staying at bush- olmo inn tho hlllsburg horticultural society held its annunl show in the local arenu when one of the largest dis plays of roots vegetables flowers fruit and domestic science that baa ever been shown in hlllsburg were to he seen on saturdatl8oiwmber 18th the great rield day of wellington count- will bo held in lilllsbursr park when the winner of the different districts both boys and girls will play the nnal softball games for the shield this will be n redletter day in the burg hlllsburg girls and bojs both won their districts and are determined to put up a strong bid for the shield the new house of wm somervllle is ujmoit completed the painters and decorators having practically finished their work mr somervllle intends to move in this week tho bricklayers are finished with mr mcconneus new house while ihat of mr burrows will have the framework mainly finished this week advocate friend of humanity a man who did a frent and use- fur work in putting tho woildh lit erature into bouks ut once ntuuctlvo and moderate hi pileo died in eng land roccntly hit n urn win j m dent and his fnmoua eveiyman h llblrtry inototype ofhcviutl other slmiliu- undertakings eonttilns nearly eleht hundred titles und lias hold tr tho extent of ttfonty mllliun copies moro thun once lie ltlii prlntod books tho hulo of whjui i id not hcom- llkeu to meet tho coat of jiubtfeutlon if its a good book he would say iind students want ii chelap they should have it rofit 01 no profit figlax tablets ore uaed with wonderful auccess in tho treatment of const pat ion rjaatno and intestinal indiges tion torpidity of the liver and hoadache duo to such condi tions 25 and 50 cents at druggists business directory medi bal r millers w worm powders w lautrvainairerrrfuess condition brought om ov the phebence of worui aw restore the child to normal health no narcotics feasivr4t as sugar dr j a mcniven physlolan and surgeon ouvce and residence corter soinv avenuo and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelsoft fiusdbiuck strfet aotori ontario leqal phone no 21 p o box 1w harold nash farmer m a oariatar solioitor notary public conveyancer etc not an month milton ommodation more and more acute the primary grooms have been crowded fdr years five years ago tfce council chamber in the tovn hall was requisi- rtoned as a school room for beginners and now it i inadequate and scores of boys and girls who have attained the legal school age of ave years are re- i admission if this were an exigency likely to prevail for only a few months the matter might be ivsriooked and the parents qf the young children m persuaded to exercise patience until the board siv education would take the necessary step to re- ve the congestion and exclusion but this condi- 9on has prevailed for a number of years and no rioqs action has yet been taken or even suggested relieve the situation and better the conditions has previously been pointed ont in these columns opportunity at present exists whereby with a omparatively small expenditure provision may be hide for the accommodation of all possible pupils b the public schools for many years to come and ilt the same time a betterment of conditions and ravir by holding a civic holiday a representative local committee drew up a programme which included a procession in which the are brigade e i no fir t ball garnet foi teams of both sexes athletic sports a garden party with music by vocalists and the acton citizens band dancing in the park visits to local insti tutions and a general inspection of the latest local improvements now should not we have a civic holiday on the anniversary of the com ing of the charter which was received in acton on october 12 1921 we might have a parade of trie fire brigade with its new petrol are extinguisher and the new electrical ashcollect ors processional visits to the baths extension flees the parks the housing estates and other the redecorated central hall the municipal of- local properties a park concert by the acton borough brass band with dancing and a dis play of fireworks to wind up we could combine a holiday fete with a sort of municipal stock taking in which our recent improvements the fruits of incorporation could be seen and ad mired this mutual consideration andadoption of matters ronment nay be secured for the high s f int cemmrnietthetn t6 each other its stuctents this opportunity is to purchase sidney smith estate adjoining the school prop- f and converting the splendid stone residence peceqtly rebuilt throughout into a high school stm could be done at an expenditure of not much lf any over 10000 rooms suitable for class rooms are already there there is very good lighting and it gjcould readily be improved corridors run through othe building a heating plant and toilet accommoda- ptioift are installed and the securing of this property j would bring the schools a quarter of a mile nearer pthe centre of the town the transference ofwfee j high school tp this property would leave ampfe ac- ommodation for the public school in the building here a new high school or a suitable addition to the present school building with sufficient accom- qodation would entail an expenditure of at least 000 it cost milton 120000 by the plan sug gested the town would save many thousands of jllarg and the premises would be adequate and sfactory for both public and high schools but is course is to be taken it must be at once the ilth property is for sale and its executors are ing steps to ensure such a sale at the earliest bio moment prospective purchasers are invest ing if this fine estate with its broad lawns tdy groves running water and acres of territory be secured for actons schools jmmediate ac- imst be aken thensecuriifg of jt will be 4 itage for actons youth for fialf a century to je and any person giving the matte serious mttthf and investigation will easily realize many f vantages to be derived by the purchase of this 44 t m is both worthy and helpful and will have the grat ifying tendency of bringing the english town and its prototype more and more closely to each other editorial notes the new governorgeneral of canada viscount wllingdon will arrive in quebec on october 2nd after having met on the ocean following the usual custom the retiring governorgeneratt lord byng orviay the latter will leave quebec for great britain on september 29 after- public reception in the ancient capital the general election is over the campaign was devoid of excitement in fact there was little to get excited about now that it is over let us settle down to business in earnest and with honest en deavor aim to accomplish best results for ourselves and our families and we will be accomplishing much for our countrys as well political campaigns do not generally accrue to personal family or na tional benefit t the tux rate for 19js haa been struck at 40 mills the same aa laat year lieutcol edwy white of dallas texas visited his brother r wlilte laat week mrs black and son uojd of new york have been visiting her sister mrs w b clements mr and mrs norman r white of sltncoe spent last friday afternoon and nlht here wltii ixn parents mr and mra k white- v baveral from here took in trie pll- siimave per special cji jl train to the jesuit martyrs shrine at old fort ste marie mr and airs y j sloan and children of stratford spent labor day here with their parents mrs sloan remained the balance of tho week with her parents mr and mrs r white in the ttutlave class yearling geldinstb or ally at the toronto ex hibition chas e hill peru won first nrlxe with prince charlie generally briars home somo of the bacon from the exhibition with his carriage horses m and m r s flemlnar and two children of port rowan are spending a few holidays with friends and relatives here ir fleming la manager of the port rowan branch of the bank of commerce mr and mrs mossop and little daughter mary of ottawa and mr and mrs blake white and little son douglas of toronto motored up from the city on tuesday evening to visit at the home of mr and mrs r white the brampton band has kindly con sented to give a concert in milton on thursday september 16th which will conclude tho aeries of concerts for the season the prises for the fiddlers contest will be presented on the same evening and it fa hoped a largo crowd will be present reformer burlington mr harry ogg has been appoint ed a statistical clerk in the customs and excise department at ottawa and has left to take up his duties mrs george n peer motored to new york with her niece mrs nutley and mr t j nut ley on friday to visit her slater mra q w smith of that city the high scho opawnort with n it was a broiling august day four tired sweltering discouraged flsher- men sat at the table of a wayside inn eating their dinner the soup was steaming hot the fried steak slxsled on hot plates tho torrid baked po tatoes burned incautious fingers and the fiercel hot coltce scalded reck less tongues even the water was rather more than lukewarm such a dinner growled one of the uncomfortable part to set before folks on a hot day presently the maid entered to re move the plates she asked a ques tion that nued the tired hot nanpr- men with joyful expectations what she satl sounded uke this arc you ready for your ice ice of course they were ready they dropped their forks abandoned their coffee and leaned back in their chairs to await the coming desert thy could fairly feel it slipping down their hot throats in cool delicious spoonfulls lemon ice pineapple ice orange ice the dessert came it was huge dishes of steaming boiled rice with one accord tho fishermen pushed back their chairs and fled from that diningroom it was the last straw rim is od tea tea perryman block acton ont money ient on mortgages hpura 930 un to 6 pjn saturdays 1200 oclock- dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto dntvsr slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mid and frederick stroete did he understand a wellknown edinburgh professor often became so interested in his sub ject thnt when the noon bell rang he seemed quite oblivious to the fact toid kept on for several mtmrtea certain restless spirits among the stu dents decided to gve him a gentle hint so they bought an alarm clock london tidbiu tells tho result the clock set to alarm at precisely twelve oclock was placed on the pro fessors desk as was anticipated ho began his lecture without observ ing the clock but when the noon hour struck the alarm went off with a startling crash even those not in the secret ap preciated the joke there was a round of applause the profoas6c smilingly waited until the alarm and the ap plause had ceased and then said young gentlemen i thank you for thls gift i had forgotten it was my birthday an alarm clock is some thing my wife has needed for our ser vant for a loner time it is a very kind remembrance on jour part then he went on with tho demonstra tion which had been interrupted by the alarm and the students were never quite able to satisfy themselves whether the professor understood the joke or not riddle8 why is getting up at four oclock in the morning like a pigs tall because it 1s twlrly too early what tongue is it that sonetlnwaj gives you palp and yet never speaks a word the tongue of your shoe when is a football like a freshly- caught herring- when h is in the net whnt tree is of great uso in his tory the date when is a window llkea star when it is nt skylight what is the difference between gib raltar and a baby of seven days old one is a stronghold nnd the other is a week old when did the envelopo flap when it felt tho acalingwax the whacks a llttlo wood a llttio wire a little house without atlre a bird cage canada is fortunate these days in capturing foreign trade in large volume an increase of 107- 534805 in the value of canadian domestic aoo4s exported to great britain faring the twelve months ended july 3at last axrnpared with the prcped- ing year is shown ii ratfe aurnjirlea just issued througlr tfie qominion ureau of statistics the total canadian export to great britain during the year wag tgtoftmio rrr large attendance another teacher haa boon added to trse ataff this year ovyinff to the increase of pupils hon j h thomaa and party from england wore entertained at luncheon by c n k officials at the brant inn on wedneaday lost hon thomaa ex pressed himself delighted with the inn and its surroundinsrs mr and mrs w v hopkins left last week on a motor trip to hornell us stopping at aoungstown and vicinity oti their way to attend the wedding of their cousin miss lucille hopkins whlchcitook place monday september 6th a religious education and group conference of the burlington anglican baptist tjnlon and presbyterian fluir day schools will be held in the trinity united church here on tuesday even ing september ii several important topics will be discussed and it is hoped there will be a large attendance of all those interested in sunday school work on saturday afternoon about flvo ocloclfns mr james sinclair stopped in front of the post office on the high way on american car came alona and struck the front of mrr sinclairs car demolishing the front wheel nnd damaging the running board and a fonder fortunately the occupants of both cars escaped injury the ameri can who was an his wfy to oshsawa agreed to pay for tlie damages and was allowed- to continue the jouxney after making a cash deposit cecil snenlh was th victim of an unfortunate accident sin friday after noon while trimming brancfaea- oft trses waalch ovcrhunsr the dominion power lid transmission lines near flore park he was working on- a ladder when a branch was unexpect edly broken and swung against the ladder knocking 1 to the ground and causing- hlrn to all a distance or about twenty feet a sprained wrist and sundry bruises were the extent of hi injurlesflasetto homeless in london 83 in londof itatca aroveinvie tho united states fjovemlnent has never taken much interest in the hous- fpg of its ambassadors sayn a british weekly and when di page brat ar rived in london in 1913 having no embassy to go to he had to and rooms at a flotel like any ordinary tourist soon afterwards ho set out one night to see the nights of the metro polis by moonlight and while stroll ing slowly round trafalgar sijuare he was accosted by a auspicious polrce- man who inquired his name my natno is page waa the reply well whnl afe you doing wander ing about here hadnt you better go hoaner home oxclalmed tho doctor with mock solemnity i have no home no homo reiterated the pumslcd policeman then who are your oh im only the american ambas sador replied mr page sadly dr f g collop ddsl d dental surgeon office over bank of nova sootja hours 80 to 630 bvenlnga by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan t bookblndsr account books or all kinds made to order periodicals or every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndhmm street duelph oat over williams store full line of 8 m p goods stocked by jas symon acton ont jltcadesky r jf toronto eyesight specialist will he at a t browns dnua stork acton monday oct 4th ii i i buffering from eyo- a ra i n cf octlvo vision or iloimlihlie should not miss the appui limit v of consulting this ej islghi specialist appoint ments n n bo rondo with mr a t rrown druggist conc station free office hours 9 s m till 4 p m and now your heating problems cold weather is around tho corner but is your heating apjaratu in condition for the lone winter months if you are about to instal a new stove or furnace or wish your present systems repaired now la tho rlghl time to have them attended tp wo instal furnaces hot water systems and do ull kinds of furnace nnd stove ropalrlnjj nnd sheet motal work wo also have cook stoves nnd heaters at reasonable prices on c- floor get our estimates f0ryourfalxwork now w r e blair phone 144 p o box 607 acton ont when using wilsons fly pads start of m fly lonecawloe mad j5c pvr packet at all dnursists cafoeawaad gcmnp stonfk through the mails the service of the bank of montreal is as wide and comprehensive as the postal system itself this service enables customers living in remote districts to s transact their banking by mail aa satisfactorily as if they could make personal visits write for our folder banking oy mail acton branch l b 8horey manager tow bank of montreal established over iooytwra acton real estate experience frdpertxt h ice ontario are nickupt 1 insurance aqent life the mutual life assurance co- of canada fir waterloo mutual insurance company basle star and british dominion insurance co islmlted auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees 11- ablhty assurance corporations the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to loan on farm propeiy ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections- see me for all kinds of insurance box 444 bower alvxx acton deaf no longer need you bo shut out from social intercourse from the enjoyment of music from taking your part in business life tho aronter acousjuquo positively restores your hoaxing it is unlike any other deviao is practically invisible und is adjustable to every varying dey gree of deafness endorsed by leading- brit left- medical journals wrl tejmjmpjrcallfojlar- tlculars ardentt aooustique- made in england a d savage ft i gilt at tho post office savago building guelph radio cana pioneer monthly publication devoted to radio subscription price 2 00 per year in advance radio is edited by allen b oxley r c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to get the best out of your radio set radio also tells you where to buy penton publications 6062 adelaide east toronto the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headatone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customers 40 per cent we havo the best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who car operato pnoutnatlo tools properly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to have law suits in order to collect we have the largest and best stock of granite in the pomlnlonr or more than any three dealsra in the west we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant asenta solloit- injpt onserswe employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons ouelph ont

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