Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1926, p. 2

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ml attorn mm proa thursday september 16 1026 a campers 80nq did you ever greet the morning from the sholter of a tont with tho nearest house a dozen milca awray whon tho grass was etlh aunarklc and tho birds woro all awake and tho uttlo winds of dawn were all at play did you over como back glowing from yom early morning swim to amoll tho bacon slssllng oer tho fire 7 did you wonder as you nto rrom a battered old tin plato what more on earth a mortal could desire c did you ver oek a white road before tho dem wus dry and follow just to eoe whore it would go oer many a windy hilltop that slop ed to sunlit vales and peaceful little villages far bo- low did you feel a ffipsy yearning o wander on for aye did you catch the scent of clover and wild rose did you leave u with regret as would a friend youd met and come back aoulrefreshed at the evenings close did you ever light a campflre as the duelc began to fall and the stare like silver lanterns lit the sky did you listen to the night wind harping softly in the pines and watch the glowing crimson flames leap high did your morry sons mingle with tho crackle of the fire and ttws lisping of the waves upon the l did the wood smoke haunt the air like a floating incense rare while the mystic night crept up on every hand did you ever fall asleep upon a bed of balsam boughs with the chorusing of frogs for lul laby and have a pleasant consciousness through all your happy dreams that the only roof above you was the sky if youve ever camped at all you will understand ray rhyme if you havent then my singing- has been vain for youve lost sachfjoys as these the kindliness of the trees and the fellowship of wind and sun and rain z molly bevan 3t trxtt ijrwh liovt aug a toosuccessful prize winner by carol watson rankin 0 canadian trade in 1022 canadian exports wero 76sooo000 in 1026 1328000000 tho favorablo balance of trad net excgba of exports ovr imports was sg000000 in 1922 in 1921 it stood at hol000000 in 1922 the exports of tho united states were 3j7100ojlildjn 1926 17mookm tboravorable balance or trade in the united states in 1123 waa 97o0o000 by 192lt faam do- creosod to 352000000 thlsfleure is for tho twelve months ending march 31st in both countries the american fiscal year ends juno 30th in tho year ending june 30 1925 the favor able balance of trade in the united states was 1040452789 for year ending june 30 1826 it was 386828- 711 balanoo of trade is not everything in national prosperity there a might oven come a day when oar position would be reyjersed and we might etill bo prosperous it is a good thing- r under present conditions it enables us to meet our forelim obligations it establishes our slovenoy in the eyes of the world it has brought our currency back to par it even stands at a slight premium as i write these words in tho budget address of 1917 sir thomas white minister of finance in the cabinet with hon arthur melgh- en sold during the last fiscal year tho favorable balance trade increased to 13144900000 figures such as that indicate a very prosperous condition hethen went on to point out that this was due to high prices- and sale of munitions and warned the people of the difficulties to follow what would sir thomas say now when under normal conditions we have passed our war record and whon today we have a very close to the highest favorable trade balance in the world certainly the largest per unit of population he day before the opening of tho annual fair in carp county gilbert ware the nlnoteenyearold son of tho president of the agricultural society vas in chargo of tho entry books in the administration building tho sec retary who usually attended to tho matter- was busy superintending tho erection of a new bandstand the old one having at the lost moment un expectedly collapsed there were seven books open upon long counter in front of gilbert near them a stack of entrytags wait ed to receive the exhibitors numbers the names of their ethlblts and the class to which they belonged isach entrybook contained a ions list of articles for which premiums were of fered with blank spaces for the ex hibitors names it was really a very slfnple ar range meinvand for the flrt hour when the exhibits arrived slow ly gilbert had no trouble but ten oclock found his table piled hlgrh with cucumber pickles crocheted bed slip pers cut flowers dressed dolls fruit works- of art cabbages and canary- birds in cages a score of lmiatlent exhibitors were demanding exhibition tickets calling attention to tho merits of their special brand of potatoes and insisting upon being attended to at once some of the men were making pathetic at tempts to give names to the articles of fancy work entrusted to hem by their womankind one at a time pleaded gilbert pressing his hand to his- hj4d its this alans turn your name please olaf oleson number two hundred and twenty- flve what have you asked gilbert writing the name apples vlnter cabbage some yelly and yam for my vomans some sew ing work some hold on lets tend to the apples nret what kind duchess or olden burg yaw they look liko baldwins objected a bystandee theyre baldwins arent they yaw assented the swede x no theyrored afllmcbans said ahsexnmotabtcctor ive got some just like em well fix it up with the head of that department ive entered em an plain apples- whats this cloth i thing 3e wing- work my voman she yea yes but whats its name is it knitted embroidered or hem stitched is it a tablecloth a rug or a sofa pillow yaw replied the man obligingly i must have help cried gjlbert springing up and making for the door til be back presently he looked up anrdown the road but the prospect was not promising the working force was inadequate the serves received new names the jar n which whole berries were most in evidence was relabelled home grown strawberries the one contain nt much broken fruit was marked as strawberry jam virginia remov ed the cover of the third stirred in a little j ground clnamon she had carried up from the kitchen and then christened the mixture spiced strawberries six plate dollies were compelled to do duty as a traydoth a specimen of silk embroidery an embroidered stand cover a bureau cover a pincushion top and kensington embroidery the posters likewise served as water- color heads figures and pointed pan els the rlxe foe mere posters wos certain to go to mrs blake when she reached the plums vir ginia divided them into two 1 ttle heaps labelling the purple t as bradshaws and the unripe on- n3 green gages why not questioned virginia salving her conscience and packing her exhibits into a capacious bosket its just what the formera do with their potatoes therea everything in knowing how to enter things there im done thank goodness 111 ret ned hlchfl to take this out in the morning when he takes his belgian hares virginia was partly right about her potatoes although so wrong in her reasoning there were farmers who certainly made one variety of pota toes masquerade under various pseudonyms but their example was mst n good one to follow virginia however was young and very thought less tired out from an exciting day she went to bed without realising the enormity of her offence the next morning virginia offered her neat list to gilbert who made the entries without a question until he came to a number of articles for the childrens department how is this virginia- youre over sixteen aretfl you yes but lmade the things before 1 was sixteen on thats all right then return ed gilbert i wish everybody would onter things as correctly labelled as yours are only a few of the old ex hlbltors ever think of making delist virginia colored partly with pleas ure partly with something else jthliuis were beginning to talco a new aspect by daylight twentyfour hours later the judges after a prolonged struggle with nine crasyquttts so nearly- aukethaton1y the owners could hope to tell them apart turned with relief to on ex tensive list of articles each followed by only one or two entries with only a cursory- glance at the articles themselves the judges award ed the first prlxe to one number and the second to the remaining one ow ing to tha remarkahls majimtfin expects a8 big crop a8 last year ik zn the latest crop report issued by the manitoba free press based on inflormatloj received from over 300 correspondents throughout the pro vinces of manitoba saskatchewan and alberto it states that taking into consideration the increased acreage in xhe western provinces the outlook would appear to be for a yield as big as lost year tho questions asked the corres pondents included one as to the es timated yield and commenting on the answers to this question the report says we believe these will put aside tho ideas of a poor crop in can ada this year last years wheat crop in canada totalled 411875100 bushels from 21972723 acres of which 882969000 bushels were grown in the three prairie provincesmanitoba saskatchewan- and alberts the av erage yield of wheat for the dominion in 1925 was 187 bushels per acre the total production pf oats in can ada last year was 613284000 bushels from 14672329 acres an average yield of 35 bushels to the acre bar- icy yielded 112618300 bushels from 4475996 acres an average of 276 bushels per acrew last years wheat yield was the second largest on record in canada the previous highest total being 474- l bualmlh in 1 heads or the departmentswere ol- which virginias exhibits hgd been ready overburdened and the fair entered almost every ono of them grounds were three miles from town 3 awarded either a first or a second there were enough people to be sure premium streaming in at tho gates with more ghe- had not expected fcucb unl- exhiblts for gilbert to enter but he ve success for there had been the saw none that were likely to mfike c of other persons making en valuable assistants suddenly how- lea un the same heads appar ever ho caught sight of a girl who en however judging from the long was flying up the road on a bicycle une ot nunvbers stretching across the with a small parcel dangling from page after the word doilies- dollies the handlobars he recognised in her meant doilies and nothing more to a classmate and one of the brightest most persons glrle in the high school my you took a lot of prise dld- o virginia he shouted wait a n you said mrs shaw the auperln- minute tendent of the fancy work depart did you call me asked the girl mo tearing pink and blue premium springing to the ground checks from thick pads and handing tea could you help a fellow that them to virginia you took some in is n a peck of trouble you dont the art department too i guess you need to go home do you i brought can get these cashed in the admlnls- lunch for two mrs bailey is going tratlon building- dont you feel rich to make coffee over tho pepcorn yees said virginia cralhmlng mans fire and were all to nave our the slips into a purse that already lunch in her building i need you bulged with illgotten gains from tho awfully to help me with the entry other departments books the fancy work has gone to she felt more rich however than my brain i dont see how a woman can she did comfortable perhaps the work for a year on a piece of sewing money nitght not have have so soon and then not know what to call it become a burden on tho girls con whep its finished science it gilbert who still assisted tudo what i can laughed vir- n the office had not in a spirit of gjnm with the prospects of one of mischief paid out the amount of her mrs baileys good lunches to cheer slips in twentytwo silver dollars the me weight of them made her bicycle skirt vm your friend for life sgw 011- sag at one side bert lifting the bicycle jy the top f3pf splrltsrtoo begantosag -cor- virginia promptly soparated the resnoadlngfy for as she turned away sheep from the goat to be accurate from uur couner she beard the secre- the pumptyfns from the battenberg tnry say thef jjn ojd finest hair lace when the secretary lookatn i in that man pecks ftadr peck she an hour later things were going flnelyr i remembered had more varieties of po- the piles of entry- tags bad been ma- tatoes than any one shu ion the weight in her pocket was becomliur unendurable how could she wear a blue silk waist purchased at such a price suddenly virginia brightened get ting up hastily she wormed hcr way through the crowd walked swiftly along the board sidewalk and ran up the steps of the ad mini strut ton build ing as she hoicd ah round gilbert practically alone for the energetic wacretary worn out with his luboro wixs sound asleep with bits chair tip ped back against the wall gilbert said virginia hastily scribbling the names of her victims on a scrap of jmtper i want you to take back part of this money make out premium checks for theso four persons and tear up the corresponding ones issued to me that isnt quite regular replied gilbert but ive had several appli cations of tills sort before and there is a way to fix it what happens whev people fall to cla 1m their pre mi urns oh the money stays in the treas ury see that box sold gilbert pointing to a tin box with a slot in the ton some folks exhibit just for the good of the fauand put their premium slips or their money in there lhave you seen the balloon go up asked virginia abruptly changing the subject no havent had a chance my father hno kept me hustling its flne said virginia go to the door and see if it isnt going up now the man was getting it ready when i canae in 111 sit here in your chair and keep house for you the unsuspecting gilbert rose with alacrity virginia waited until he had rounded the cornrr beforo she dropped her remaining dollars one by one and as gently as possible into the tin box- they made a horrible clatter howtever the sleeping secretary opened one eye but seeing what vir ginia was doing closed it again conscience money thought the secretary took advantage of the entry books and wishes she hadnt seen cm do it before but never knew em to repent fhere said the superintendent f the fancy work department handing virginia a bias slip as the girl in a far happier frame of mind was emerging from the building its for that pretty handkerchief you entered monday noon there were nine but yours was the best virginia pocketed the twodollar check almost gleefully for she knew that she was honestly entitled to it as she handed it in at the office the secretary rubbed hla eyes and said by the way miss virginia the asso ciation owes you about five dollars for your services give them to her gilbert on the way home virginia passed uiestore window containing the blue waist tf waa8ttllthercahehad money enough to buy it but the cov eted waist had lost its charm news from the other acton which appeared in the columns of trie acton england gazstts of august so the following items from our old home contemporary will be read with real interest miss maggie ohara castleroad baling in avoiding a passing motor lorry in hampton courtroad hamp ton wick on sunday evening fell and injured her ankle other high yields were 399786400 bushels in 1922 300858100 bushels in 1921 and 293- 642600 bushels in 1916 terlally reduced and the crowd of waiting exhibitors had dwindled to a few scatard individuals now that was a bright idea said the secretary cafchltig sight of vir ginia it takes a feminine mind to gfapple with works of art fasoyv and homegrown preserves hope gou will stay tight by us miss virginia virginia worked all the afternoon and promised to return the following morning she would need to come anyway she said to enter some of her own things in addition to being bright in school the girl was clover g her fingers and was in many ways unusually gifted she palntedvln watercolors made penandink sketches and the walls of her schoolmates rooms were adorned with htr nplr i trd f discoveries by plant wizards 7k since dr charles saunders origin ated marquis wheat which for 16 years has won tho worlds wheat prise at the international show at chicago and is the most popular spring wheat among american and canadian farmers several other im portant discoveries in agriculture and horticulture have been made by the plant wizards or practical scientists at the 27 canadian government ex perimental forms this discovery of marquis wheat which is regarded as one of tho most notable in agriculture wasmnde at the central farm at ot tawa it was at the same farm that lf newman a canadian government co real 1st originated garnet wheat a variety of spring wheat tnat matures from seven to ten days earlier than marquis stands dryventhcr and ex cessive- moisture is more immune from the danger of rust than anv other wheat and because otf its earlier ripening advantages will extend the wheat growing area of canada 100 miles furthor northward and open up for wheat growing an area of over 40- 000000 acres iniportant work in plant breeding in fruits vegetables and dowers is now being carried on in recent years 200 varieties of apples have -jcn- originated- at these experimental farm most of the old varieties grown innorth america originated in brit in or europe but many were proved unsatisfactory in the colder prpvinco and in order id obtain a t greater hardiness the best of tho posters moreover she was skilful with her needle as many a dainty bit of embroidery attested just at that time a certain bluesilk waist marked down front ten to seven as a reward for her services the first day gilbert had given tier aii official- badge that admitted her not only to the fair grounds but to the grand stand she had counted on spending a jolly afternoon witness ing the acrobatic performances and the balloon ascensions but they no losgr seemed attractive bvew the blue sky appeared to lose its brjhlancy tffce loud laughter of it toe people round her jarred on her ncryes she could see nothing funny in he optics of the clown the wo man beside her ieaned against her knee to talk to a friend who sat at hex- feet yes the first woman was saying i did hope katy perkins would take first prise on that traycloth of hers hs ldrtddenj you k a i took her a whole year to work that piece lying on her back the judges dont ducrimtnate returned the other woman old mrs cdok was counting so on having er harry priest of groveplace acton was fined 3 and costs at acton pollcfi court on wednesday for driv ing a motorcar dangerously in the acton vale it is not 0 well known as i ought to be that there is within aey reach of acton and in the midst of shep herds bush one of the finest and up- todate openair baths in the klngr donv 3 a fine of 1 was imposed by the ealing magistrates on wednesday on charles white 29 radbourne-gar- dena south baling a grocer andcon- fectloner tor selling goods after 8 pm the 1248 4s 3d which has como to the acton hospital after many years from the estate of the late mr david cutler is by far the moat valu able of the eighteen bequests received by the institution during its existence charles bertfoy a tailors agent of shirleygardens hanwell was fined 7s id and costs at acton police court- on saturday for being drunk and incapable in highstreet acton one of the most striking features of german towns is the provision in every open space or delightful sand- heaps where children may play safe ly o their hearts content this ad mirable example has been followed in acton park pleading guilty to travelling on the district railway on two occasions without paying her fare missadn ash worth of kletchcrrcad acton green was fined 2 and 4b costs at baling pojlce court on tuesday sunday nights audience at the acton vale clobs gardenconcert was perhaps the largest eeirtherathls season the programme was fully worthy of the occasion sidney i webb of the avenue bedford park was fined 6 at the acton police court on monday for exceeding the motorcar speed limit and 20s for driving with an expired license the oldage pension fund of the acton philanthropic society lias just benefited in an unusual manner an acton resident has sent mr f c mitchell secretary of the boclety a chenuf for 1 jlust as a little thank- offering or a narrow escape i had whilst rnotorlflg- william ernest pocking of os- borne villas bollolana yoton was charged at baling police court on monday wi stea a b wr crown theatro a tit on next monday and the two following days it is a romance of a girl who found ioe and gold in tho hills of california much sympathy ih felt with mr and mrs a eraser beaumontroad aoton green in the tragic death of their youngest son who was tin own from iiih motor cycle on munday and ro- coived injurlch which lceaultod in hla death in watlliiklon cottage hospit al on friday morning councillor- j jv wado tolls mo that the hives of been of which ho takes bo much carb at tho acton hospital has again boon vecy profitable thia year last year it gave twentyfive pounds surplus honey of excellent quality and this year it has bo far given twentyono pounds thoro havo also been two fine swarms mr james barney of acton who closed his career at a policeman last may after 25 years of unblemished ef ficient service received gratifying testimony to his popularity amongst his ojd comrades at a pleasant little ceremorty which took place in tho ii brary at tho acton police station on wednesday evening it was the pres cntatlon of a gold keyless watch and gold chain as a souvenir of their comradeship with mr barnoy at 10 00 m on saturday tho fire bi lgado waa summoned to an t rob us road acton green the residence of mr e hughes who used to drive the old manual engine and retired in 1891 he was greeted by me or two old comrades who were young fli emen when he left the brigade the are a slight one was caused by the draught from an open window blowing cur tains into contact with the burners of a gus stove whllo some acton politicians are much concerned for the safety of the democratic right of freedom of speech in view of the dltjorder which has recently taken place a local conser vative meetings and others are pre pared to defend the equal democratic right of free interruption of arguments of which they disapprove residents and tradespeople of central acton are increasingly perturbed by the noise which prevails in the market place and the vlolnlty of tho parish church on friday and saturday nights little sti earns of wut had worn kullies in tho hhlewulk or tho place wheio the nidfwitlk should have been bill did not inlcu the troublo to 1111 tliltn its iio might inivo done with u jew hlibvelfuls f evth ono day na he wirt hitting on a pile of wood in his hick yaul u stl anger cimo ijuillnfj tiuoukii tho unmowed cej i uljltliit his sulo und ducting the dirt faom hi clothea i hay ho tiltd do you own thin place 1 well t mostly raid hill frankly excei tho tnorgnge well why dont you fix those holes in your sidewalk i nearly broke my neckb sorry said bill which hole was it n which hole why it was that onoj by the gate funny observed bill reflectively pulling a piece of bark off tho slab he wits sitting on and chewmg it a moment lots o people vo foil outf there but i dont remember any- one oamplalnln of it before easy circumstances x young man inherited fifty thous and dollars from an aunt and by a course of extravagance and specula tion was pretty soon at the end of his fortune howover said one of his friends bui hint without re sources he has two more aunts like this but different was the case of a colored man conerning whom a neighbor of his own race was called to testify in court witness said tho opposing law yer s of mr smithas well off just what do you moan is ho worth five thousand dollars no suh two thousand no suh ho aint worth twentyflvo cents then how is he well off got a wife who is a washerwoman suh and sports de hullfaroly suh no worse than others j- flit destroys ntelosoiitdes roaches the aroma captivates salada green tea pure uncdlored delicious ask fox it b3 wk m- czfp 0 r- childreh cryf0r ttamwiaocoinkwjnsn great rejoicing by rheumaticcrippies if 6o crippled you cnt vm arm r logs rhouma will hlp you pr nothinp to pay gpt a bottle of rhouma today and wear a satisfied spalls on your face to morrow- its a remedy that ia astonlshinff tho whold country and its just as good forffout solatloa and lumbago as for rheumatism it drives ho poisonous waste from tho joints and muscles thats tho sea rot of hheumas success but wtf dont ask you to take our word for it ffo to b j hassard or any good druegjiit and arot a bottle of rhouma today if jt doesnt do as we promlbo get yqur money back it will be thoro waiting for you castoria nvnxvnnns mqxhejfletchers castoria is especially prepared m relieve infants in arms and children sill age of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels mh in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest i natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look or the signature of csarouejblat proven directions on each package physicians everywhere munmnl lb ods all wool teawearissoft fiy and tiiiprv it ptovjries aij evencxdinrbrtakle warmth next to dodsknit underwear cmsk your cfeater caaae sure ydusee the label on the underwear youjbup dod8 lintttdfo company limited qevanqbvulb ontario i i i i i tf dollara was tempting her orcly it i bureau aoread uko llrat premium it waa precisely what ho wanted for waa the only thins ahe had to nd life a- tho saturday ovcnlnff concert but her mother tiad shaken her head and aaid no virginia its very pretty and moat beautifully made but i cant afford to buy it for you why dont you take some of your work to the fair the premiums might pay for it idld think of it but mm blake does everything i can do so much better than i do that ahe would sure ly take all tho first prizes the iecond ones arent worth trying for after a day with the entrybooks however virginia changed her mind she had made a mental wte of the articles nfter whloh only ono entry number or perhaps no numbers at all had been placed and he went homo prepared for business tired n she was when she had finished her supper she flew from cup board to closet from drawer to shelf literally from garret to cellar gath ering up every article she had em broidered from tho tlitm she wn brat able to hold a needle vry sketch ahe had drawn every poster ahe had painted even the doubtful result of hor one attempt at preserving wont to swell tho pile in tho centre of her bedroom rug tho resources of the house ox hooatod virginia how to the garden candle in hand and stripped tho soli tary stunted plum tree of two quarts of plums its entire crop those from the sunny side of tlie treo were tinged with purple the rest were underslied and decidedly green returning to her room virginia sat ettiiw bpleywere crossed wltfi i down m tho rng to label her uhlbtta gfjprenlarowii canadian apples j her three glasses of strawberry pre- rvt- and she worked terribly jiard to get it finished the one that took tho oral prise wasnt any bigger than a dolly virginia flushed the load in her pocket and the one on her conscience seemed to be growing at the rate of a pound a minute i was sure too tho woman con tinued that grandma morse would get something for her strawberries she makes the best spiced straw berries i ever tasted the judges went by the looks and never opened the bottles stlll you cant blame them was the reply they had ninetyseven glosses of crabapple jelly they say twoud probably kill em if they tasted everything f didnt get any thing on my strawberries either the unwilling listener rose hastlf and changed her seat shedld not like the neighborhood the new one however proved no better for she had seated herself beside a girl of about her own g who was trying in- vain to soothe a younger sister sobbing against her sleeve j whats the matter asked vir- glnla sympathetically has basle been hurt she didnt get any phae on her dolls wardrobe said the girl she did every stitch herself and theres little flecks of blood all along- the seams where she pricked hey ang ers but there were two other dolls 1 guess one of them was dressed by a good deal older girl though it certainly had been dressed by an older girl virginias path clearly was strewn with victims it had not i occurred to her that she was robbing i other people la that whotsaale task- irfsffr- watch valued at 45 from ft bed room at 54 mount parkroad fcallnjj on or about july 16 ho wag remand ed for sentence mr prank venn superintendent of acton park will leave acton tomor row with mrs venn and their tton for a short holiday at mlnehead somer set the late rev dr o c cockrem of the avenue bedford park tv promi nent freemneon and a grand lodgo officer formerly beadmaater at klnr edward vi school retford kft on estate of the grosfl value of 594 the acton labour party beld a meeting at the mount on saturday mr 1 s atkins presided and an at tentive audience listened for upwards of an hour tohr e c serrell of ealing- prospective labour parlia mentary candidate for acton sundays programme of music in th9 acton park bandstand was of special interest uid attracted a large and ap preciative audience the performers ware the members of the hanwell silver prise band which is always wfta acton apptmflaf 1ft r dock ftt lhe west london police urt on wednesday with hla throat banfjaga altftti wil liam briggs it jtalnter fjatfyn partfroad shepherds bush was charged with attempting to commit suicide by cutting his throatwltb a mtor i n adjtplatlpn of jone of bret harlee will b tftaphm ffttiwctuoh a fhe converts smolte and gases into heat pappy thought airblast jfep flirblaat device does this by fffuuig heated air above the fire mfih gjmoke and gases frorn the fiiej ft ca4se en w burifr instead ot escaping up the ptum- ney complete combustion of all fuel it secured thrpugh the shellbar grate which adipits the free passage pf air through the flr becnum of the iact that moist air absorb rqoro hear than dry air less fuel is required to keep the house comfort able when the air is moist the full size hygienic vapor pan is correctly pro portioned and placed to provide the exact degree of moisture for health come in and let ua demon strate to you how the all- cast will give you all the healthful warmth you need and save you money or ynue for complete details there la a happy thought furnace for every type of home hapi py thotfth flhblatt mads in pip and plpejsss leo jleathapn jyctoif ont gtuhtfohq happy thought esquesing agriculturalsociety annua fali exhibition at georgetown september 24 and 25 sfiecial prize 10 11 12 13 toikmimmtotomi mhnaces hor8e8 single high stepper iat by e mcwhlrtcr 2nd by c turner single turnout road by provincial paper mills best road horse conformation 60 per cent speed 40 per cent by w c beaaey best general purpose horse on rein by donald mclntyre beat lady orlver by georgetown coating mills best agricultural horse on rein by bank of nova scotia norval best delivery horse and outfit by norman brown beat farmers turnout single by it k anderson m p- best lady rider 1st by john irvln 2nd by wm best half mile dash saddle horse 2 in 3 heats 1st 2nd by bank qf onnnercc best herd of hqrsea not less thap thpoe 1000 off any article purchased from mafihoyrharrls co best coltq by either fclfcil ian jackson sprlp whoaf or princp hpbenholo 125 canadian racing afjhociutlop vho nre reaponrilblo fop hp placing of thoroughbred stalonp hrgughout tho provnpe haye offered the sums of 12 8 g 4 prlzep top ciltq ol 1925 qirod by mcneil dan japksqn spring wheat or prtnap hpbph- hole which are in charge of jnmepboyalrfl bra pip ton farmers trial pf speed to buggy 2 jut of 3 hprti cs that pever started inn race before by harpy wplght wo entry foe 14 heavy horse vrlul of sieed horaes over 1600 lbs under saddle mile dash by r b fouus cattle 1 beat dairy cow by h r minima 2 best registered shorthorn fomule under 2 yearn by col g o brown 3 beat registered shorthorn cow r c mccul lough 4 beat holstoin cow by t l leslie l 5 best calf not necessarily registered shown by girl or boy this pflle given by dr marcollus 6 best jeraey cow by erwln gold ham 7 best holstoin herd 1 male 3 females 920 00 -s- best shorthorn herd 1 male 5 femalos 10 00 9 beat jersey herd 1 male 3 females 10 00 10 largest herd of show cattle rule 5 will not apply to cattlo herds 0 sheep and pigs 1 best pen of bacon hogs not less than 4 by c j 2 best percof pino wool sheep not leas than 4 sheep by j beaumont t 3 best pen of long wool sheep not less than 4 sheep by e y burrnclotigh miscellaneous 1 best c lbh butter by j n oneill wheelbarrow 2 beat 5 ibn butter by d- livingstone n bf 3 ihf ttlittfr in 1 tt n ni neatness cohsideret by r i warren 4 best 3 lb butter lndjles boston club bag by w a bailey m g best pair dreaied chickens by r h thompson 6 bont pair dressed chlpkptib by arthur lorrlngton 7 best drchscfl chicken by w k watson 8 bcj1 pair dtcsscd chickens by harold haniitttin 0 best pair dreinoft chickens fern qtanu ly h wilajm 10 best pressed qqohd by a m q randy 11 best groused floose fy h barnes 12 best homemade louf bread jargo by m clarkson 1 13 best display ip hall by merchant of manu- factuicr 1st by bnpk of fontroa 2nd by jaij a mrcure 14 best cnlttictlon f pastry ijy l h wraggette 15 best colhiotton of vegetables by robert- simpson company toronto cfiao of sulvcrwnre value 3j bpat 2 pair drebbcd chickens by t eaton com pany toioptu table cloth 48708 h 70x108 value oi same amount on any other article in our pall pd winter catalogue 17 best display of canned fruit by c p ready koods vnluefl 18 best collection of cut flowers by a e wright ham alued 10 beat pair drcnsed chlckenh by w wheeler milton 20 bonniest bnhy by n h brown silver mug under 18 months judged at 3 pm 21 prettiest baby by harold hamilton nilvcr mug under 18 months judged at 3 p m 22 bent titcp dunciaj hy lad or lashle ynder is years old by j b mckcnzif 23 potato race by chahani and clementn 24 best sample of wheat by w h browne co norval 28 lb bag of national pastry flour u best collection homemndo baking by w b browne co 24 m img of national pastry 5 00 6 00 w 00 4 00 5 00 5 oft 6 00 4 00 fi po 5 od 6 00 4 00 s 00 s op 16 00 19 99 49 99 10 00 s 01 0- -r- b 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 g 00 1q 00 g 00 g 00 10 00 so 5 00 3 oo 1 jo i 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 7 00 4 00 s po 4 00 g oq s oo ft 99 5 99 7 9 99 99 9 99 69 1 19 q9 b 00 et 00 2 heat iftilr djcbncd chicken by ernest e young 27 iknt ydixnlny of 24 gladioli by amiitour prower b itlgby j m jottrc- beht iiilfdoon ilunh herald 1 juuir ojukobi 12 iloiln krcsh iron bkrb ilopild i war boat nnl scalosf 1 h llutlor hprild 1 ycjir largest 12 dpp pnlonp horufd 1 yonf acflclpi to lip poivfrprt o rnpf 7 00 7 50 2 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 00 s 00 t m

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