Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1926, p. 6

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vf blrtbi mmlilii apd deaths are now charged for mt the following- ratcli birtha dealha soc memorial i for poema marriaica s 1 ioc pr line extra 1 arxla 50c born mainlprize in acton on monday september gtii to ott and mrs harry mainprise u hon trotter in acton on tuesday september 7th 1020 to mr rind mrs alcxundcr trotter u hon married jaquitiifenchjn toronto on tuesday august 31st 1926 barbara elizabeth daughter of dr and mrs josoph milton jonchftd dr lance lot everett jaqullli aon of dr lind mrs hurbcrt jnqulth all of tor onto pickettmclaugrtetjfifln ijock- norli new york by rev paul burt b a m a pastor methodist episcopal church on tuesday juno 15 1926 gladys muriel second daughter of mr and mrs nelson molaukhlln naasagayoya to mr elmer tv pickett of flint mich died ghent suddenly at her into resi- donco in burlington on sunday september tho 5th 1926 mabel elizabeth ghont wife of fred d ghont lu acfem vtt jfeega thursday september 9 1920 brief local news have you been to toronto fair ye the troutflahinff season enda next wednesday were you of tho 268000 at toronto pair on monday first installment of acton tibcea falls due on september 15 tho twbdays rain on saturday and sunday soaked things generally the elections next tuesday poll your vote as a loyal citizen of the dominion xne succulent yellow bantam corn is on tho family menu almost dally thetto days labor day and toronto fair brought numerous visitors to town during tho week nominations for house of com mons took place on tuesday elec tions rioxt tuesday j two rinks of lawn bowlers went to orangevllle yesterday to take part in the tournament there the village of fergus has reached a population of 2000 and is now talk ing of incorporation as a town teachers have returned to theft schools in the djfferentjbectlona of tho province tho holidays have ended mushrooma are reported to be mentif ul now the heavy rains of police court news 4 the month havofayored their growth xets follow torontos fine new position and break all records for at tendance at acton fall fair on both days t tho magistrates of ontario will assemble at tho ontario reformatory guelpht tomorrdw in annual con vention i 7 g roads may not make a tbwpy but they have a whole lot to do with v tha impression the town makes on visitors there werea good many car re quiring washing badly otter tho long- contlnucd rain and the exhibition and holiday motoring tho banksnave notified dumlnllc council that they will charge 3 cents for collecting each hydro account and 6 j cents for each tax blll mr a alccanns new gasoline fill ing station and weighing scales office at the corner or mm and young streets is liearirig completion the schools here are crowded and a number oc beginners who are eligible by law for admission have been turn ed back home to the great disappoint ment of the- parents the floral decorations at the sol mora monument the past weejc have been very pretty pimllar bou auots might well follow each week until the frost comes a soarch wurrant was lssuod last thursday to discover u quantity of equipment suspected of having boon repioved from tho bankrupt corko yarn mill upon which mortgago was recently foreclosed by tho corporation of georgetown provincial constable owens and chlof jackson found about 120 foot of leather bolting throe 12 to 14 inch pu hoys and other goods in tho georgetown tannery and victor digglnni an employee of the tannery admitted having tukon tho articles from tho corko mill mo was arrest ed nd remanded to tho county jail for trial on monday morning uo came before police mdglutrato mooro at the court house milton and through bis counselmr thompson elcow to bo tried- by judge and jury his own voluntarilysigned statement was deemed sullclent evidence to war rant his commitment for trial but tho evidence of chief jackson and pro vincial constable owens was also taken ho was allowed out on ball of 1200- given by himself morris saxo and mr hlgglns crown at torney dick acted for thecrown found guilty on two charges in volving rocklesb driving and of not returning to tho scene of tho accl- dentsam sneldorman of toronto a driver of the cvhlte star bus com pany was fined 75 and posts by magistrate shields last week at oak- ville snelderman was arrested on sunday night august 15 having forc ed d motorcycle driven by william robertson 10 brock avenue toron to off tho highway into tho ditch a short distance west of oakvllle mrs robertson who was riding in the sidecar sustained such injuries that she was unablo to make an appear ance ih the court room star on wednesday burt hodgson a young man of burlington appeared before p m crawford charged with negligent driving late on tho night of august 21 his car struck the stand ing one of j bell of cleveland ohio at the corner beyond huttonvlllo hodgson had been to tho huttonviile danco and as ho had four young girls in his cor was probably rather reck less and bad a fit of show off t he broko bells fender and running board and turned himself right about face on tho road the boll party are said to havo been showered with abuao and profanity for being on tho road at all and were told to stay in the states hodgson was flned 75 und costs brampton banner the four cases against james clark of georgetown twice remanded at his truest came up for trial before police magistrate moore at the police court georgetown last wednesday afternoon clark pleaded gultty to un lawfully having liquor and was fined 5000 and costs ho pleaded guilty to being intoxicated and was fined 1000 and costs after hearing throe- wit nessesfor therprosecutlon on the- breaking up the old home charge of being intoxicated while in the care or control of a motor car and three witnesses for the defence he was convicted and sentenced to soven days impris onment in the county jail on the charge orassaultlng an officer while in tho discharge of his duty provin cial constablo owens agreed to with draw the charge if clark would apolo gize to chief jackson for his as sault- ad insulting- language j m kearns crown attorney guelpb acted for the prosecution and james haveraon k o of toronto for the prosecution a pathetic inoidant in logmi family history during tho vyk mure tlmn twontyfvo yours ago mr andmi8 john urown of colling- wood established their home in acton througli tho inter veiling years it has been tho homo centre of iio fumlly that was tho homo of my chlluliood tho surviving members vill always rocall with happy memories ot tho past how fond recollection dolghts w th with each member to dwell upon tlie events which marked the early path way when unbrokon homocircle pj- sonted scenes of pleasure valily sought but in tho wtoum of a hupy family intervening years hnvo not dimmed tho vivid coloring with which memory baa udorncd thoso joyous hours of youthful experiences hut with tho passing of tho yours tho do- clmutlon of tho family slowly but surely proceeded fred tho eldest went into business in st thomas percy got marrlod tnd made a homo for himself in brandon man oscar has a llouruhlng busi ness in ponticton warren a graduato engineer of toronto university wont with tho first contingent of canadian engineers to tho war in 1015 and now sleeps in ono of tho bedutlfullykept canadian cemeteries in franco brnebt has a good position in tor onto bertha la a membor of tho teaching staff of toronto schols and hoy is a b a sc and a member of the staff of toronto university ho was tho last to leave homo and now has a home of hla own on indian 0rove with marguorito stewart tho eldest daughter of principal stewart milton formerly of acton school as tho matron presiding there three years ago tho beloved father of tho homo passed away and last spring the devoted and adored moth er was suddenly called homo since that sad event miss fern tho only member of the family remaining in acton who is deputy postmistress in acton post office and organist in the united church has been the only ono in the old home excepting when some of the othors were hero on brief visits the breaking up of tho home was therefore inevitable as miss brown could not with any degree of satisfaction keep house and perform the duties of her office it was there fore decided to give up the home and during tho weokond tho toronto members of tho family visited with miss fern for the labt time there the house on church street has now beon given up tho furniture and fur nishings dispersed and tho home of this family of browns in aoton is no more and this place of refuge and of rest of happy homecomings and pleasant social re- unions has mot the fate which comes to all homes sooner or later there hi pathos in tho thought and genuine sympathy aod affection for tho one who will most keenly feel tho breaking up of tho homo which was so real to hor for herlifctlme untruthful hen a woman living on a lonely farm ihih takon great comfort for some yejuh in tho hocloty of tho iiumerou lions mid chlckorih hoimo of wlijcli oho thinks havo almost human intelltgoncn her heiih uro all numotl and jiho hpoaks of thorn and their various po- tullarltloh in such a 1111111101 im to al lium t deceive 1111 unlnltlntud hit tenor into bollovclng that slio ickuiiih tlioni iih human bongn thore surah ann in making a groat cackle uuntlot cried a youth ful visitor at ho farm oiio hummor morning sho must havo laid an eggi n pshaw child roplled the aunt in 1111 exasperated tone when you havo known sarah ann an long as i unvo you wont bo so bollovin sho may imvu laid an egg and she may not yho lies so that you cant pluco a mite of dependence on what oho says not 0110 mite ao- h alton county school pair8 tho school kiilth this fall will ho lim in tho county nf kultoti at tho fullowlng dnlcm hiki jiiihmh tnifulkui an duimihh hticol tni- falmur thiiifhliiy hoplfiulmi lot li lomitiohliig ut mmliiiih athlotln oruundm ivlday nejliiiiilir 17 tin 131ontc nt ihnutrt on momlfiy hep- tcmbui aotli durlliiktoi ut ituillfikton ahiiiiiii- tura tlitiuiiilm woilihmilay hrttmiihoi 2lfl hornby ut hornby nn thiirmlaj hotcni16i uilnl nolnon at nilstm on krfduy hop- tomhet slth nitbjiiifmwoyii plnuo ui hf unnoiinc- od inter on tuosdny hoplmnlioi 28th milton ut milton on woduerulny hoptomlbor 20th champlotiuhlp ut milton on krlday october 1st deaf n longer notid you bo h it out from hoolal intercourse fnun ho 4njoynunt of miinu from tuklhg your part in buslnchm ufen tho ardento acountlrtin ptjhltlvoly rniitorcm your hearing it in unltlto any oilier 1ov1hc h piatttlcitlly invlfllblu 11 rid in acljuiitiiblii to ovoiy varying clo- groe of deafiiuhbi- llmtoihid by loudlhf hrltinli luudlcut journulh wiho phono or uall for pur- tloulaih ardentp aoouattque mud o in knglunrtt ad savage itlicht nt iho pout ofllco hllvjih iiuitlllllk ouoljili 1 a a heroes of peace labor day sunday appropriate and helpful sermons in the churches in town the approaching of labor- day holiday evidently influenced the sub jects of the sermons and the selections oj hymns in the churches on- sun day and numerous thoughts and in spirations consistent with this well- ti h were the resultpfthe the kind of mother who used to saysthat her twelveyear- old dauglv ter was six so that ahetcbuld travel on half fare now says shes eighteen so that she can drive a car about sixty men ore now at work on the paving of no 7 highway from the junction of the acton crossroad at the seventh line and down as for as the overhead bridge at george town s many plots in falrview cemotery have boon decorated with beautiful flowers tho past week this remem brance of departed loved ones mani fests a thoughtful and affectionate spirit sixteen pld country hoys havo been placed with farmers in half on county through the agricultural rep resentative r r flemming these are the first boys placed in the county under the new immigration policy the federated jewish farmers of ontario will be the defendants in a suit to recover 685750 entered at oitgonrtn hall by thomasclaytonwho states that that amount is due on mortgage held by him on property j n halton tho line of colored lights from the hydro shop to a point across the treou which has ornamented mill st since the civic holiday demonstra tion tn august has been very effec tive and boa attracted the attention of many tourists the welcome sign is out for acton fall fair toull see it on motor windshields on hangers in the stores on posters or the hoardings and in the welcoming em lie on the face of president johnstone and all the mem bers of his board the now v between chelten ham and beifountaln built cooper atively by the chinguaaousy and the caledon now completed fdmis possible for motorists to w wlvtlft to belfountaln from the east without fcavirig- the good road there were fifty entries lit the oldtfme fiddlers contest for mon ovyr 65 at the toronto exhibition first prl20 a gold medal was award ed to f b bossenberry aged 67 kitchener the aecoild prise was won by c b mcmillan aged 65 erin v robinson band quelph with mr ll h xieeson as conductor were sue- cescful in winning first place in the class c bands at tho canadian na tional ezhjbitio on ltfettrgjdjyhr h fittfea iforraerly of acton cltlienn band is now a member of this band mr gftrbutt goodnll of belwood tlie efflclont clerk and road superin tendent of west aarnfraxav has re signed thesct positions the same to take effects ne soon as possible mr ooodall has purchased a butcher busi ness atf port dover and expects to loavo almost any day fergus nswa- jrftcwd r the group of acton ball enthus- lasts wno wont to toronto on sfttur- day to witness the big doubleheader professional baseball gnme between toronto aiid baltimore were much rdiaappolnted owing to the prevailing rtprni hey ojrkbd r out thjlr jftmr mili w v m te wi ryi kuli m v s hfe gt si church services of tho day in the united church bev r e zinunerman b a preached a very appropriate sermon at the morning service from st pauls exhortation to the working people of his day in col 3 23 and whatsoever yo do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men the closing hymn at this service in which henry van dylcejn his in imitable way puts the experience and sympathy and fellowfeeling of christ tho carpenter ot nazareth into help ful verse was a very timely feature they who tread the path of labor follow where my feet have trod they who work without complaining bo the holy will of god never more thou needest seek me i am with thee everywhere raise the stone and thou shalt find me cleave the wood and i am there where the many toll together there am i among my own where the tired workman sleepoth thert am i with him alone x the peace that pasbcth knowledge xwel amid the dally strife i the bread of heaven am broken in the sacrament of life every task however simple sets tlie soul that does it free every deed of lorvoand mercy dono to man is done to me born within a lowly stable where the cattle round me stood xralneda carpenterin nasarethj i have tollodt and found 1 good at knox church rev a c stewart m a was cordially greeted by tho members of hls congregation who braved tho elements after fivo weoks absence his topics were timely and encouraging in the morning he preached on tho uplifted christ and in tho evening his themo was the successful church naturally the rainy weather during the day reduced the attendance at both services rev j l hcarton of toronto oc cupied tho pulpit of the baptist church on sun day his sermons were cloar expositions of gospel truth and wore especially appropriate to llabor t3ay when the storm howls on a winter night and from tho shelter of a com fortable homo ono hears the snow or slcot driven against the windowpane it is natural at least for those who live near tho sea to think of tho perils to which sailors ore exposed with this thought may well be blended somo recognition of tho brave men who are waiting to give succor to vessels in need from nearly two hundred stations on the atlantic nn gulf coasts and from seventy more on the great lakes and the pacific tho crows of the life- saving service patrol the coast on such nights keeping a sharp look6ut for vessels in distress it rarely happens when a ship goes ashore anywhere along the extended american seaboard that the lifesavers are hot at hand to give aid few know their names and their daring deeds ore seldom mentioned in the newspapers but they are as ready to risk their itves as if their names were to be gazetted tocbravery 1 1 in 1898 the serious jwdrk of tho crews began early with the great blluard which swept the atlantic coast late in november nearly two thirds of all the recorded loss of life on the coast for the year occurred in that single storm altogether the crews saved nearly four thousand per sons who were aboard vessels which had met with some disaster and they saved more than six million dollars worth- of property there is littlo danger that the heroes of war will be denied the glory which their courage merits but these heroes of peace who risk and some times lose their lives to save others deserve recognition also a great convenience 15 years of the greatest era of progress and prosperity canada has ever known 1896- loloclosedrwith the defeat of lauriers liberal government in 1011 this was succeeded in 1911 by the borden and meighen conservative governments which came to an end in 1921 the concluding years of this regime were characterized by indecision inefficiency extravag ance and huge additions to the public debt in 1921 the liberal government of mr mackenzie king succeeded the meighen gov ernment theaffairs of canada were in a most chaotic condition the going was hard world affairs were at a low ebb since that time with the assistance of the progressivesthe affairs of government have agairlbeen put on a sound basis public expenditurehas been cut down the nationaldebt is being reduced the railwaysav being soundly administered and will soon be on a paying basis there is a revival of agriculture good prices are being obtained for all the productsof the soil andi the farmers are again becoming prosperous immigration to canada is again assuming splendid proportions and in the first quarter of this year over 20000 canadians returned home from the u s sales taxes have been reduced the 2c postage is restored and will save the people thousands of dollars in halton alone the duties on agri- cuituranimplemcnts and motor cars have been reduced in a manned resulting in larger sales and better profits to these industries and at the same time giving cheaper implements and motsfrqars to the people mr robb has promised that further reductions in such taxation will tams place if the king government is returned to power v sept 14th next its return will mzan a continuation and extension of those policies which have been so effective in restoring good times to canada andwill bring in an era of prosperity undreamed of in past times these are the real issues to obscure them and draw herring across the trial all kindltotpetty scandals are being shouted from the housetops this is done to befog ite issues obscure the facts and divert public attention from the achievements of the king administra tion and frighten the people into voting for meighen candidates takeinfuqhari issuecanada itestiriy is at stakemark your ballot on september 14th ftw j l hampshire liberal candidate for halton county in the interests of good govern ment and a new era of progress and prosperity will surely follow specials this weekend at the mclean store wool crepe dress goods wool crepo dress goods double fold in browns greys navy and sund special at periyard- 160 crepe ne chines andsafln faced crepes crepe de chines and satin faced crepes the new cloths fpr fall at special prices ladies vests ladies fallweight vests with v neck short sleeves tf at special price i dc 200 yards mill ends towelling this lot of mill ends of pure linen towelling is the best value we have ever had 16 to 18 inches wjde some with stripes and some with red and blue border all pure linen at 25 per cent less than the regular prices damask tabling dntnask tabling in ends of v 2 2j4 f few with 2jj yds at just half price call and look this lot of ends over carhartt overalls you are safe in buying a pair of carhartt overalls in the dark all the same quality and the best overall made stock them in blues and blades sizes 32 to 42 extra good value at per pair t we 250 mclean co mllj t acton ont red and white chain store j w jones proprietor meighen cannot win anyway give king a good majority jl li hampshire liberal candidate your yote arid influence are respectfully appealed for specials for thursday friday saturday new clover honey 75c choice glack tea per fb heinz sweet pickles per pint 75c 35c 2 tins for tomatoes 3 boxes matches for 25c 25c princess soap fukes jt 2 for ic special brooms at a special price 1 j 45c harvest help wanted excursions war short in supply takn wat last month tfii thero n a aliortage of harvmthblp to garner tho wheat and other grain crops in western canada even though wagon as tlgh ne 5 a day with board aro being paid harvcntlnk nmd thresh ing is now in full awing throughout the canadian went uid additional hands are very urgently wanted by the jcarmera in many dlatrlcts jnfecottingbnti hjyy-o- fesvlnn lordly vbn thft etr hot been nearly as largo a oxpectod and consequently the shortage la caua- irig much anxiety among farmers with large areas of highgrade wheat oats barley rye and flax to out and thresh before the arrival of the all froata in order to relieve the labor situa tion both the canadian national rail ways and the canadian pacific rail way have announced that commencing september l and continuing to 8w texabej is lnqiiiilvfiau point alonff the internauonal border between the prairie provlnoes and fte dnited butea will vf thrown open tpliar- veatere and that a- ohorre ofone cent per mile on the rallwoya wlij be made between those dates to iplnti ln the wheat provinces whle tlje far tdok to the boriler wlir be at the fat c about tliroe miles from his plac6 of business uvea mr jones and he goes back and forth every day in hla auto- mobile wow mr jones has a kind generous heart and when he sees a pedestrian trudging hla way he will often offer the man a ittt one morning shortly leading homo he saw a large irishwoman struggling along with a hijge bundle he stop ped his car and said politely maynt i give you a lift madam in that thing she said i never rod o in oiio in all myhfe woll jump in ho said and when sho had cumbfldln and deposited the trandlbtni the7bnat ttioy started pn after he bad covered a mile mr jones became a little uneasy but he kept on for nearly another mile and then turned and said where do- you want to go modam sho gave tiim a hroad rfmile aa a gracious npd of the head and replied anywhere you wish it makes no dif ference to- me but where were you going when i took you in asked mr jones oh sho said only to the next house and kind mr jones had to turn back and take her iwo miles to tho nex houso acton fall fairseptember 21 and 22 l rw7vv17vtavavmtvv1kt vt i1 i wiwa1vf- federal elections rj a pubuc meeting in the interests of dr r k anderson conservative candidate for halton being reduced piecemeal a noglected atreot urchin w08 com- mlttod to juvenho hall where ho was siven a bath and drobaed in clean clothes then hla lialr was cut ihort ami his nngor nails trimmed a bin adenoldn seriously interfered with his breathing they wero removed ah this he stood without complaint but when a little later the matron noticed a big unsightly wart on his hand and said tommy im groins to havo that wart off a look of disgust spread over tommys faco dee he exclaimed dont you let a feller keep anything hero will be held in the town acton friday september 1 0 at 8 p m xdtlresses will be given by farmers accessory shop complits list n of all naotstsry farmsrt qooda somo necond hand inachlnery wanted also t6r sale- no 12 do iiyal cream fieparntor ontario fomilliera for whoat lands brant ford binder twine machine oils ttttuntph1t roonnb forbarnir and houses peerless wire fencing and gates repairing and install- in pumps and water systems xuudert xlttcr carriers and stablo equipment high quality goods- a t reasonable prices repairs for all kinds of maohlnary courteous service rit- customers command j wbalberreb iklnd erv hon j d cabinet minister elv r k anderson rid qtllfs 2tbniwjrowvsr tosntsa all riii hiy4 j ll god save the king v inlukili i l- v i i ivvivi vi iviv tvlsvyllwlv vr v7 vlvv ivi iv i livivv kwiv7vi lnv kv v i f i iv tax n0ticei92e jhunieipality of actojj tio tax notices for 1926 haye been sent put a chank of placo- of iitynicnt haa been pijidc anrt taxes aro payablo in two ipstalnicnts nt the acton hydroelectric shot first instalment second instalment september 15 november 16 any rutciwyer may pay thcty ot his uxm on or ijoforo scptcnitier 13 but onehulf the amount muat bo paid on or uofore thnt date kullurv to comply with thla arranjyemtsnt cntalu extra oxponso and trouble j an nddition of ave per cent will bo matlo to every tac rate or nsaeaamont remaining unpaid fourteen dajs after the suld 15th day of september for the arsi instalment and tho 16th day of november for the uecond instalment and it will bo the duty of the collector immediately after tho said several days appointed for payment tp cqllect at pneo by distress or otherwise under tho nrovlstons of the stujuto ip thui bcfmlf all such faxes or instalment of taxes peaqe takp ypyr tax otige ylh yoy wren making payvinf kl mcphersok collector i 1f i ip if m if th j1 im specials for this week peerless shortening 5 lb pails net weight 3 lb pails net weight i b bricks larix 5 tb pails net weight 3 tb pails net weight 1 b bricks beep cuts rump roast round end per lb rump roast square end per lb steak roast per lb porterhouse roast per tb wrg poagt rjer jb choice rib rbugt per t thfok rib roast per lb jbiade roast per tb round shoulder roast per lb rib boil per tb brisket boippr lb stewing beef per tb 85c 53c 2 for 35c- 110 65c 23c 18c 17c 20c 27c and 28c wc ana ig ie nd ili 19e 170 m 10 lie imd 12 i w j jpatterson store clowd wednesday afternoons at 12j30 no h a it i i i- ii- i i noon l 41iittisib-

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