pp artatt mint foam thursday be3ptbmbbk 0 1926 evening vi tho deepalnk bhawoda steal aoroiib tho moor 1 tho sun is low and from yon distant brake a blackbird sings it nut ins note wjiile oer the stulnoee or tho nil st- enchant eel lake cotno bleatlngs from tho folds tho rookfl about the troo- tope fly and up the dorkn- inffhill the ploughman ploda for homo the stars come out one after one and evfrytnlnff la 8tm when day and nleht and heaven and earth are one and all is hushed into tranquility tho tiiouffhts that come ore tbousrhta oftblncs undone for twilight in a deenfnlnjr mystery which brings to ua when natures rest is won a sense of god and immorality 1 he wanted a home she who wanted a- home was not an orphan hut a yxune woman of education accomplishment and charming manners in htr own town she had been a valued member of a large social circle- so when she went to work in a biff city a few hundred miles away ah waa- deter mined to enjoy her new itome to the best of her ability but to hop astonlahment ahe could find no tome boordlnghouflca there were in plenty and pleasantlooking houses with the sign room for rent but people were not willing to rec- elve a htrangcr at their table or in their daily- life finally she rang the bell of tho last house upon her lust a pleasantfaced woman-met- her and showed her a charming room but when she asked about meals she shook her head we prefer not to give meals she answered the young woman healtatenl and then said i want a homo isnt there any place in this city where i can j find one rve lived in one all my life x would do my part srladly 1 can play if you care for ratulc and lean do- anything about dlnnerytable from decorations to coxfeev if you ever need help 1 can read aloudr i can do onyhlng wont you take me in the franks and unoaual pleaieaa successful and the door once open the girl soon won tier place but the incident ja significant for the diffi culty of- finding anything that de serves the name oftomtr la on that confronts many glrlsin many cities let not tho seekers condemn to harshly those who hesitate to open the door money will always buy food and shelter but a real home is never a matter of bargain you roust be born into it or receive it as a gift on the other hand let the keepers ol the door take heed jest they guard it too narrowly thtf stranger who knocks may be tho very one who win bring light and laughter and sing lng into vacant places that have ions needed them her laugh in o days the nip of autumn jimmy boy has caught roe out of doors ah ernel tho bitter hickory leaves arid yonder orchards breath some day when i put down the plough these acres willbe yours i like to know my furrows will keep running after death but think a bit about the fcrldo that you take to help you lad be sure she has the laughter that your mother had sometimes i cant remember boy the color of her eyes i rather think that they were blue i- know her hair was brown she klndxjfpeatohed- the butterflies in flitting walk and slxe her little twelveyear sister could have worn her wedding- gown but bells and brooks and bobolinks were- never quite e sweet as just her rippling laugh across the golden wheat ii down where the rows are sspple red i used to fleerher go a baby clinging to her hand her laughter full of joy sometimes it twinkled merrily some- times it bubbled low but always it could make me smile in answer jimmy boy when trouble came- it wafl tjberlajugh that helped she to forget for me in every meadow path it echoes yet sometimes the shrieking winds of march across the quaking bills have mixed a nappy lininc like- a silverhearted bell as when i thought to bring- her the springs flrat daffodils x heard her fluting joyous trill and knew tho worldwns well son all tho hurts of yesterday have faded hcallngly because j had a comrade who could laugh with me m my iv v- g- m social awkwarone8s ton love society ntj want it you mope and grow bored at home and ions to be out amomr iwople to hear their chatter and merry lauihter jt acorns to you to live la o bo where others are llvllur no to mould in cold corners with monotonous labors and solitude ton envy those who aeem to have a social fittby nature and oro athome in any company who appear never jo act awkwardly or toaay the wroxur thine- tou would siva the world to toe lileo that somehow the wrong thins always eomea naturally to you tou make elomay and inappropriate move ments and aire intenaly conscious of it you say words that are not fitting- not gracious not tactful the min ute you have said them yon would slve anything- to -recall- them per haps you try to do eo an thusfwaw the attention of ten- peablewhere otherwise not one would havvnotlced if you keep still you feel like a block if you make a determined effort to talk you wish you had kept atlll and you suspect that others wish so too- the most painfull part h the mem ory afterwards a great orator lolls us that he spent the night before his apeeohe thunldnr of what he was cotarto may and the night after thinking of what he wished he had said- after every social occasion you feel like a great orator in the6um quiet of the night y on jmush for what hsaj4 and for what you did not sayr- this itahard weakness to overcome the best reaedy lata realise the un importance of what yon y or do to anyone except yourself reflebt how little you notice or care for the awkwardness of others and remember that yours is equally indifferent to them tho fundamental trouble it that although you seek society to set rid or yourself and to live the life of others you take yourself with you altogether too muot the next time you so into company try to become wholly absorbed in what la sollwon aboot you to think of others words and actions and interests and leave yourself at home smiles ip jfijli m that excolldnt thinsr fn woman sv voice low and sweet equally applies to the oher sex in womans ears say a woman writer but unfortun- ateiy nowadlajib the male moico sjomebow seems to ladcthat engarr jng ring according to an advertisement it istpsslible to get an extra four fact dut of a new ezdandlnar bed borne people have a job to set one foot out t- of the ordinary sort f revised proverb two socks on the feet are worth one in the jaw answer to correspondent m yea jiobel the seaside air often leaves chap an girls hands 1 jlpderni the youn- lady who oiuarrelledwlui her flnancee tore off ber engagemenl ring and put it on another finger taking it easy the reason soma people dont sjet for up tha ladder of jfainelbecaus they mistake it for an escalator a motorist who ran over a girl a year ago has just married her if all were forced to do ihe same there wouldnt be so moch reckless drlrlnr hot ohb wae lost the teacher was trying- to explain to the class the lndestruotbllity of matter nothing is ever wholly an nihilated she said vu may change j threw its form so that you see st no longer but it still exists a solid may be come a liquid and a llquldchnie to vapor but it- u just as much a part oc creation as aver not a particle of it bas been lost iv is so as i believe in the vtorld of mind- no spoken word no thought wvenu fades away into ntter noth- insxness h lives on whether for good i or bad a nay preach s et and sea no effect sem itbut ujsjt sermon is not lest wo sermon is ever lost know papa nver lose aay of ijla spoke up allttle girl the daugh- 4fc of one f tba local pastara h know here hs keeps m tjjeyrtin barrel in tba back atife the black cats warning tvo a real good frjend uvinff here in town who believes right down to ther bottom of her heart that seeing a black cat is p- warning that no work ahould be stajpted on a friday that thirteen persons should not sit down at a meal together or go to a plcnlo nor any joxher function to gether and that rldqy the lath of the month j a always attended with some fatal ordisastrous circumstance there was arvoman in acton one time a long time ago in fact who had a good reason to believe in the appearance of a black cat as a warn ing and heres the story susanna brown was her name- and tbe story la told in a dialogue between two neighbors one of whom susanna had planned to visit flusanna dldnt come after all 7 and youd flown round so tor two days getting ready and had done the south chamber all over- thats what i call downright aggravating- said mrs jones sympathetically what kept her- sarahjane x havent beard there was ulclinobfl to fhetbrowns there isnt said mrs white set- tins herself deeper in thenwide rocker but you know susanna brown and her warnings a black cat crossed her path just as she was starting out for the station and that was enough not really well tbat beats any thing in susannas record so far ot all the fool notions for a grown wo man with a brain bigger than a pea nut to eivo in to a blaok cat in deed poor harmless creature i know maria i know suaannai signs and warnings are enough to rile the patience of an angel but as for the cat rwellv for once there- was something to it nonsense sarah jane why you dont mean to soy that you take stock in any such foolishness i cant be lieve 1l you neednt but bonestly that black cat meant trouble annabelle brown drove over with young walters in bis gig to explain why her aunt wasnt coming so i got ahe whole story it was thisway ft bus was at til o do or and susonnad picked up her suitcase when all of a sudden she got a nervous notion tho man whod been whitewashing out n bar half lattice shed might hive left some matches or cigar butts or ebnusthlng dangerous shod smelt him smoking and she ran round to make sure everything was all right before leav ing when she went to open theshs3 door thejrjowas a clatter of something falling tmned bott twab a lor of hoes and things leaned up behfnd it but she jumped at the idea twas pall of whitewash left standing on the stepladder she was just gather ing- up her skirts to step in care ful and investigate- when the black oat appeared but of a dim dark- dls- tant corherwtwas twilight anywayr and crossed her path sloyrandalmpst solemnvand paying no- more attention to her tlian if she want there the blggesivfbushieet cat she ever saw with a ghastly great splotch of white wash on its back she came straight backto the front porch lookihg pale and queer and told annabelle send that bus a way toi n6t gong tvo had a warning well of course annabelle tried to talk her out- of it but it wasnt a mite of use the bus drove off and- then flusanna remembered she hadnt found out about fite whitewash pail after all besides leaving the shed door open fto back she went- she waaeo excited that she forgot to set down her suit case and streaked it round the house clinging to it like it was d life pspaerver- of course it was dusk and the sbed was pitch black like a cavern shed ought to have had a lantern but she was too fluster ed to have sense and just as she got there out came that cat again soft and sudden and heading straight toward her she let out a screech that scared tho family rndst stiff her suit case straight- at the i should say so said mrs jones ir 1 hope im not spiteful but if such a thing was going to happen to anybody im willing it should bo sus anna brownl maybo shell realize now theres woruc creatures than black cats and plenty of accidonte that dont sond out warnings ahead maybe said mr white dryly but annabelle says her aunt su-in- ha is going round everywhere ex plaining to everybody quite trium ant that what happened was no mare than might have beon expected tn- slderlng the first thing she saw when she opened her oyes thao morning was threb black crows flying acrost the sun j vokmbr residents visitors who were residents in the earlier times contlnuo to visit the home of their former days last viek i had the pleasure of meeting mrs- do vplcaxa of new york l confs it was hard for me to recognise her by- her spanish name but when i saw it vas clarar watson she looked very natural lndoed her vlsl took me back fortyflvo or fifty years i- re member her father a flno old gentle man and her mother one of the stato- ly matrons of her day here jn acton i recall her brother alfred the edi tor of the meaford mirror and for many years and until bis death publisher of the creemore star- mr watson was father of miss winnlfred watson who was on the teaching staff of acton schools for several years and who still has numerous fronds here who welcome her visits the family left acton a good many years ago 1 another former resident was here last week miss ellen haalett now of detroit miss haalett was horn in llrnehouse whfee ber father wasjthea keeping store i wont telf yoiii how many years ago but she came to acton with her parents nomewhere about fortyova years ago the com ing of the haalett family to acton was a very eventful experience for them mr haalett had purchased the lot now occupied by the store of nelson co and the residence of mr anil mra john r kennedy on mill street he then contracted with messrs john and hugh cameron to build him a brick store and dwelling house there on this fine new building wae al- most completely dostrayed by tiro one night excepting tho standing brick wuiih mr haslott had neglected to have tho bulldlnk covered by jnaur- tnco uuririk construction untl tlie fire therefore cntujlcd a vury hciioub loss with itdmirablp courage and pcr- rtveroncc mr haalett iiroccetlcri at once to robullcl tni whn the build lnc was completed moved in to both lie andrealdence and for n jium- ber of years did a thrivlnk hunlnesji there the rjlmchouse people did not forget fhoir former friend and fellow- resident and were good customers to tho store tho haslett family wero energetic nrorkers in st albanu church and their removal was keenly felt mcr andjls haslett imssed away years nerb but the family remain and are prospering spcalflng of the haslott fire 1 re member that john cameron and h p moore were on the roof- of mc- mackona house adjoining beside tho chimney in a very hot place fighting the fire to save mcmackons residence with blankets and water sent up by the bucket brigade they held on tenaciously until the fire in the has lott place had subsided and tho home of the mcmackons was aayed with little damage r dont suppose fchls strenuous work had anything to do with it but it is a coincidence how ever that john cameron took lizzie mcmackop as his bride a short tlrao afterwards you see i do remember some of the things which happened many years ago another scotch golf story duncan mccaul muebell tells of a friend encountering a scotchman just back from the florida srolf courses struggling up roadway dragging an alligator whatrp you doing with the alliga tor he asked ths apn of a gun has gofipy bali replied th flpotohman- hew ypfk sun ii l 1 i 1 mi mmi i l m l1lt imi1 l1l1 11 ml mm1a1 ml jiyjyamrmivlvvlawvl acton er21 i midway and merry-go-round- scottish ancj oog dancing j pldtime jfiddlers contest races band and everything i s you we sure of a good time at acton fall fart ivintvi i iv iv vviwiviinvivv i-iv- ivy svivviwiiiiyiv- iv iv lv ivv i-n- n- iv 1 vy l ivii- v iv t ivii i i i ti m r m- rtm wsj- protect the himbmfcrfei for canada more especially for ontario and quebeo the stage is all set for a tremendous development the fabulous wealth of eur ncth countrynow established beyond question needs only the assurance of honest and stable government to attract capital and immigration on a scale that will inaugurate a period fi unprecedented prosperity a few years hence in ontario there may easily jcl a population of 1000000 nortji of tne great lakes and the ottawa river all of which rneans a big and profitable market for farm products that market should be reserved exclusively for canadian farmers elqct a conservative government andit will be so reserved for the conservative party stands pledged to see that the canadian farmer is as edeguately protected in this market as the united states farmer is in bis as mr melghen stated at midland oh august 3rd we wilt make mr as hard for the amcrfoai fanrjgrs to get their surplus shipments into canada as they are now making it diffigult fgr the canadian farmer to get his surplus into the united states promises are good but actions are better por the united states fanner the season for seasonable produce all kinds of fruits and vegetables open much earlxerthan it does for you whenyow r youf matopp6t ready to pick hia prpductlon of cherries op tomatoes is at its peak heretofore in prder to avoid breaking pricea 1q hi own market he has been accustomed to dump his surplus production on yours in less than three weeks from the time it took office die conservative administration effectually stopped this practice by rigid enforcement of the dumping regulations v i what others have done yourtoa can dot the farmers of canada have shown that they can march- abreast of the whole world inequality pro duction also they ha made giant stri fa increasing- the quantityof their production but in the businesslike efficient marketing of meir products theyhave failed to keep pace little denmark has developed a system of co operative marketing that has made her one of the most efficient and prosperous agricultural countries in the world australia and new zealand have both made the orderly marketing of their products sroatlsf o fignkl policy i dbntjst capdslaf behjfedaay longer i rnmmnmmm cooperative markeng bveiry farmer who knows hihusinesg hopes to rproduce in larger quantity and still be able to sell the increasa without breaking the rnarket produce in a better quality and obtain the premium to which he should thereby be entitled both hopes can be realized quickly and in ull measuse through cooperative marketing i v- the proper procedure as regards organization the proper technique as regards standards grading etc and the proper methods of financing are now an open book that all who will may read and profit by in the five years he was in bffipe ivlr king did absolutely nothing to bring the blessings of cooperatiye marketing within reach of canadian farmers but-i- mrmeighen stands pledged if returned to power to quote his own words from an address delivered in ottawa on july 20th to put into force such a policy as will enable the farmers of canada to build up a marketing- system which will cpniparei in efficiency with that of any agricultural country in the world and this pledge will be carried out even as mr meighens pledge to stop the dumping pn the canadian rnarket of united states fruits and been carried out oaf shv said dflornrardsshe conldnt tmnk but sho knew clear down hr spinal ctiom she must keep hint cat ott sotnehpw well aha was right about inal only wellt well r said mrs jone mrs whlto paused dramatioally only maria it happened that the wlilte on that cats a was nnturil qr not whit wash and iim cnt was not atoaw 5 v mv dual exqlalmed mrs jones with rellshlftr horror lit her tones and she threw ler suit case at it 7 with her best suit in ifc and it hlf top bha solnv to visit me next week whin bar new miltn hnlsheil an- nabelln says bu shejl have tobrlrrl bar jrupkr v f- yours is the choiceyouw th responsibility on septqinber 14th if yoi would unlock the double door to prosperity the key for which mr moighen offers yo r k anderson in hajutok iism markets i mberelco e victory coniujlts9em khc dcfet batt tocmto m s ffr