Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1926, p. 6

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sv r blrthi vftrrlaces and death are nw charged or at the following ratcair births sj marriages 50 deaths sac utmorial ra 5c toe pr line extra tor poems born ke1d 1 krln township on friday auruht 20 1926 to mr and mrs ilugli m iteid a daughter scott in erin on friday august 20 13j0 to mr nnd mrs ul scott a daughter married browningdills in toronto on saturdiy august 28 1926 by rev john ntell d d wuitor of west minister central united church my 1 tie may youngest ttauijhter or mi orortce dills of acton to mr trunk j browning pf toronto died mcintyrk at his homo on young st acton on thursday eventing august 26th 1936jotin mclntyre in his 63rdl year objmm at tho family residence falrview farn preston on mon day august sfrtli 1938 moses i grimm in his 71t year wtluasfson at st josephs hob- pltal guelph on monday august 30th 1926 david williamson form orly of acton in ms 81st yar y artmt3frtff tea thursday september i 1956 brief local news dont worry think schools in again toronto exhibition is in full swing now election in lesa than two tho weeks september tho beginning of tho autumn months te crowds of people are going from here daily to toronto exhibition safety hint for motorists look beforo you speed then slow down the threshing- machines ore busy again the fall wheat la yielding well did you ever realise that today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday an immense quantity of grain went into tho barns of this section during tore week toronto fahf is now on tmt re member that actffcn fair will be held on september 2lw xind 22nd mrs thomas usllrott has purchas ed the residence bf bfr w j bold who has decided toemve to toronto w c bessey has been elected by acclamation as councillor for george- town to succeed the late george c campbell tho salvation array band of guelpb save a sacred concert and song service on mill street last thursday evening tenders are being asked for a new veranda for the united church par sonage the building- is now being reshingled throughout miss ruth gibsons solo in the united church on sunday morning was much appreciated she is an acquisition to tho choir of a hundred thousand proverbs heres the truest one by far you will find the reckless driver is tho bird that wrecks youc car the tax rate in streetsviuo this year la to bo three mills lower than that of 1925 the village council has struck the rate at 47 nulls it was really inspiring to bbaerve the hundreds of pupils wending thair way to acton public schools yester day morning for the re opening pouce court news bo watchful of the united states quarters you accept a counterfeit 25- cent coin la- in circulation it la well 1 executed but la composed almost wholly of lead tho prayer x3ive me a house by the aidoof the road was undoubtedly written beforo the introduction of the dustheaving fliwers observes the milverton sun b s waters of the radio branch department of marino and fisheries was hero last week investigating the radio installations here and the mat ter of licenses the congregation pf the baptist church was delighted to have rerrdr cook occupy the pulpit there again last sunday his cvangehetic gospel sermons made a deep impression yesterday was the last wednes day halfholiday fn aylmer forthe summer and our business men may now settle down once vxnore to the regular dally routine aylmer she- press little miss lillian perry elgin street bad the misfortune one day last week to fall anct severely sprain her wrist she was obliged to carry the injured member in a sling for a time but it is now recovering like the turnips which were at first reported completely ruined the oat crop didnt turn out so badly after all when the time came for cut ting it was lodged in many places fcut was fairly well harvested after the hath birthday of rev c a simpson who during his wuperannua tjon term r has been actively associat ed with grace church brampton wuk marked by the official and boards of the church toy the gift on monday evcrjlngofn jiireflf f 109 j gold at a rea meeting- at wsssgo jbeach tbe other day they wr du- eussing the reporting of police eourt news and its probtemft we suggwad that fergus had uui such troubl srwl polio courts were umaatmnknern on monday morning at a police court session in georgetown herbert itughch locally known m tho colonel was cliurnctl with boink in toxicated and with klvlnfj liquor to i lad under- eighteen years he pleaded guilty toboth charges and was fined 21000 and cobta un the lust chargo and 50 00 and coats on the second and in default three months in jail at hard labor the boy to whom ho gavo cherry wine of hla own manu facturer xmulc the lad so diunk that hla parents were obliged to call in a doctor to uttend him an emetic was administered but the lad was very sick during tho night jron aipearinr before magistrate watt guelph on saturday morning john j atkinson of lferguh who re cently pleaded guilty to taking an automobile from dr groves garage in fergus without tho owners consent was sentenced to a term of three months in jail nnd in addition to pay a lino of 100 and costs in default of payment atkinson will servo a further throe months in confinement two georgetown lads 14 and 16 years of age camo before police mag istrate mooro at georgetown on wednesday and pleaded guilty to mealing from j a- jacksons storo two pairs of boots and a pair of pants thoy brought tho goods to court in view of their making restitution and undertaking to live right lives in the future nnd report montly to tho chief qf polices thoy were remanded for sentonce during good behaviour a third lad who was with them when tho theft was commlttted left home he has his charge still to answer last thursday thomas howson jr of norval camo before police magis trate mooro at georgetown charged by provincial officer owens with reckless driving of motor vehicle no 329655 on the norval boad on august 19th and also with falling to remain or roturn to the scene of an accident on the saane date hewaon through hla counsel boy v lent brampton pleaded guilty to both charges ho was lined 2500 on each charge and his license suspended for sixty days t a hutchinson acting crown at torney prosecuted wellington gardlnerand clifford hill milton and john moiossi acton each drovo past a stop sign last week it cost thorn each 100 and costs at police court in brampton on monday afternoon bert morris was convicted by police magistrate mooro of having liquor in an unlawful place and fined 5000 and costs the de fendant claimed it was home brew he bad and that ho merely took a bottle out into tho harvest fleld tho of ficers had information that quite an extensive business in liquor was bo ing done hy morris crownattorney morphy brampton prosecuted and c r mckfeown m p orangevilh acted for the defence george mcdcrmott of port credit from whoa place officers beevely and owens secured 89 bottles of beer and a dozen bottles of whiskey on sunday night august 22nd camo up for trial at brampton last monday through his counsel mr r w lent mcdwsr- mott pleaded guilty police magis trate moore imposed a penalty of 200 and costs or three month in jail and three months imprisonment addition al- this was mcdermotts second of fence at a session of police court in georgetown on monday afternoon john ballntine jr and frank toast pleaded guilty to beiner intoxicated at eldorado parte on august 7th they were each fined 910 00 and costs they swore they secured their liquor in the ward in ouelph lifes social side w j l hampshire esqueslng liberal candida for the house of commons neighborhood news churchill mra peter mick of toronto ind her daughter murlel of toronto ind dr e c mick of new york ind nephews j s and lindsay mllkr of powasaon wero visitors at the home of mr and mrs john graff erin this week mrs johnnysmsthr whohasbeen with her daughter mrs rov mc donald london tho past four months returned homo last week she is still in very poor health several of tho young folks from this community attended miss edna mc cutcheon3 very enjoyable birthday party on tuesday afternoon and even ing jv with the kind help of friendly neighbors the crop on mrs peter murrays farm has been housed in good condition mrs murray appre ciates very greatly this nolghborljr in terest and assistance crew80ns corners on wednesday evening last largo number of guests assembled at the homo of mr und mrs norman burns rockwood during tho eveningr mrs- burns presented miss irene black whoso marriage is to take place in tho near future with a largo and beautifully decorated basket contain ing all the necessary kitchen utensils tho basket in which tho numerous gifts were hold was decorated with ferns sweetpeas pansles and and bows of white ribbon and was tho gift of tho frlonds of the bridetobe of tho community after the presentation miss blacks brother william gave a very pleas ing talk thanking tho many frlonds for their kindness tho evening was fhon joyously spent in music consisting of violin duets by messrs mooro and plank and piano duets by misses nellie and mar garet cookt of ospringe there were also several other musical numbers following this a dainty lunch was served by the hostess tho party broko up by singing for they are jolly good fellows and all wished miss black every happiness in he coming marriage and everyone declared mr andlliui bums as being a delightful host and hostess rockwood tb same dy the provincial powoefw p i wu ed were iaklnk half a doyen of our youttm an awsytifc the county jsll kvm using in command nf 4ta ffoibrn nonif htcors li i sbuou6 accident to freddy habwood wh ttun ovf ky meter cr t wlndtar an thunday th following from th boroar cltu eurvlnmor rtlaff to lltu vttay htrwoott wlvf wnt wltb iii innl mr and hr hairy harwunt from acton to tblr rvtw toima s tw muntlii ago with ma chmt croawai ty twfnc run over by tar ativan by william vatic oljht yearold vtaa harwooil ill partnt avenue la nr dmth at haul dleu thmtle fellow wae knoeked down about st thuraday nlktit whnn li ran from the aldewalk near hla home into the path of farke car wfttoh the police may wae tiavellln lowly at the time the boy wae oaught by the tight front fender of the car the police believe and he fell under the wheel nearest the curb tho boy wae unconaolouv when he woe picked up by park who ruahedl him to the hospital nnd then report mrs xucla murloo of main street came before police magistrate moore on tuesday afternoon charged by chief mcpherson with having liquor in a place other than a private dwell ing houae 4n which she resides tho chief met mrs murluo land her daughter on sunday evening august 22nd as they camo horne from tho radial car from quelph carrying a mysterious looking parcel he polite- tyawsroafced and offered to carry it for them the mother handed tho parcel to the daughter and the chief etepped up and relieved her of it it proved to od two bottles labelled goodcrhnm worts whiskey in- epector- heevely had the liquor an alysed toy the provincial analyst it proved to contain over 60 per cent of proof spirits through her coun sel mr ceo gods guelpb mrs alur lllo pleaded guilty to tho charge she was fined 6000 and costs halton soldiers in the warriors parade at toronto exhibition last saturday aftsrnoon and received applause a detachment of about 60 men of all ranks from the halton rifles marched in the warriors day parade at toronto exhibition on saturday afternoon last being brigaded with the detachments from urn york rang ers and the pool and duftorlti regi ment the halton uugrle hand played the three regiments past tho saluting base where general wlr w d otter k c 1 y v d y v took ihiuiflluilju about e000 troops in ull passed tho reviewing stand the rural contin gent was applauded by the- crowds ilnlng the parade rout this being the first occasfin when the ualton unit has taken cart in the warriors luy utrstun the offlcer present wers- major j h pedloy m c captains m n col lier it ft hok and c j cum- mutf and ueuts ii e karl k a cummlnm doty um o ogg rhh v t titrset dcm form ksndnmuster w v rewar horgt t otwframrmmr this reatrs apple crop the yield l etlmted at about 75 par ctnt of last yeara the commercial upple crop for on tario is now estimated at fi per cent or 7ii10o imrrels as compared with 960140 barrels in 1d2b und 6 per cent of a fiveyear average last year ontario shipped 471 cars nf mpple and figuring upon the pros ent estimate s07s cars should bo shipped thus year although the sea son started put two weeks late the fruit is klsjng well and color inihca- tlons are good thu crop ils pot us heavy as last yanr but the fruit is well distributed through the trees nnd with favorable oomlltlons h is expoctsd wilt stxe tip well thereby flompnrlnst ninro fsvor- nbly with that of inst year injtastern ontario varieties promlx- ing a good yield aro duohoss wealthy kamiuse stark apd golden russett while mblntosh and upy are light in western ontario vnrletles promising a full ylol1 are duchess wealthy qbldcn huasst king baldwin and 7 feared that one of the childs ribs which was fractured may have punc tured a lunar constable peter doorlgran who in- vatlgata n accident learned that oh little victim was playlnr with a companion while returning from st aesrv stop whste he 4id leen sent 5st- to phkhaaena loaf of zast saturday the rook wood hor ticultural society held its 10th an nual show and considering the sea son tho whole showing ot lowers and vegetables was in itself a proof that naturo can do her part irrespective of any persons help tho oxhlblts in all classes wero of lino quality and those who aid not- get any prlxes for their efforts were amply repaid in having something to help all in and mako the show a success tho judges thos hutchinson on vegetables and miss m stockford of guelph on flowers are to be congratulated on their work in tho evening dr mc- cullough gave a brief address to those present which was much appreclateil the president and officers of tho so- ciety deserve credit for their efforts for this seasons work sunday evening after tho service at the stone church rov mr brace showed his lantern slides hero in the united church and was greeted with ajargagathexlngwlilocatnfi tqjiennd learn homo things about china tho salvation army band of quelph citadel paid another visit last thurs day evening to rockwood at the conclusion of tho service they wonvon to acton beforo returntog home rev w w craw p toronto con ducted the services for tho presby terian ccngrcgutlon on sunday on wcdn6sday evening thp probby- terlan thout a garden party in exhibition park early in tho evening soft ball gam oh were tho chlof attraction and the brunswick trio were engaged co provide the on tcrtnlnment mr and mr robt boland of greensville wero up saturday for the show and remained over for sun day s mr and mrs william bridge r and johnston hewat of slmcoe were up tttthirtrvccgotrd mihh klleen drldgor of quolplt is holidaying fnourmldnt mr and mm tiny brooks and their daughter of barrio hill attended r- vipo on- sunday morning with the p congre hiirryesslii ofitetroit firttore on u visit to mr und mrs herbert dyer their son lloyd who underwent ireatmont at ouelph oenarnl hon- 1ltn for blood poisoning is improv ing mr and mm h r poart and family nro away to the thpusand islands for a holiday miss m mllroy who looked utter miss d douglas sunday school class in the presbyterian church during the holidays had tho members of the class down tbe valley road for a plcnlo last friday days of toronto exhibition the spsefsl days for special pastures until saturday 11th intl mrs geoige agnew- in vinting ut her fathers homo in hamilton mina mabel kcnyon of kitchcnci visited acton friends during the week mr muford smith of toronto was a weokend vlaitor with acton friends mr nnd mrs k t- hunter and son of kitchener spent saturday in town mnster robbie hall spent sunday with mr and mrs c lonesueotkrln mlsselva colo of toronto has betn acton frlonds during th week mr george anderson of oshawa visited at his homo here during the wtek misses grace skllllng nnd- nellie hall have been visiting in toronto tills lweek mr and mrs wyant of port elgin called on mr and mrs k j kerr last mlsn alice gardiner of toronto is visiting at the home of her aunt mrs john mann mr carlos williams of sault sto marie visited the parental home dur ing the week mr robert reld young street was confined to his bed for a few days but is improving mr stanley mackle is leaving town this week for toronto where he has secured a position miss doris ransom of toronto is visiting her friend miss dorothy mc pherson this woejtr mr and mrs prank havlll and chil dren of oakvllle visited the parental home here last week mrs d mcntaughton of brace- hriage3is visiting her suitor mrs g w masales this week miss helen ostrander spent a fow days this week with her aunt mrs j w mclood toronto miss marguerite fulton of hamil ton visited with mr and mrs v b rumley during the week mrs jack bell and baby of tor onto spent the weekend with her sister mrs g w masales mrs rev j c wilson of toronto was the guest of mr and mrs m mclean over the weekend rev dr and mrs cook returned to acton on saturday after unending tho- week with friends in guelph mr and mrs roy wanshrough and harold wansbrouga of toronto spent the weekend here with friend sv mr and mrs s young and mr and jkfrs kegan of guelph visited mr and mrs d h young on monday mr and mrs fred crewson and children spent the weekend at hllls- burg visiting mrs crewsoiis sister mrs 3eorgo harnaby of london was in town on saturday attehding the funeral of the lato john mclntyre mrs james moore and mrs h p moore went to preston yesterday to attond the funeral of mr m grimm miss mamie masales returned last week from a pleasant fortnights visit with relatives at woodstock vermont mr and mrs georgo edwards misses lucy edwards and vida ram shaw motored to brontford on sun day rev j w and mrs mclcod and daughter of toronto spent a few days at the home of mr and mrs r j kerr rev m m bennett ma- of wing- ham was a guest on tuesday at the home of mrs robert bennett lake avenue mrs h c shrleter of kitchener was a welcome visitor at the homo of mrs c c speight and miss speight this week miss margaret bennett who- spent tho holidays in new brunswick re turned last week after a very pleas ant summer mrs f a mclrean and master billy returned to chesley on wednesday after spending several weeks at the parental home here y mr and mra gordon mackay and children of v toronto sperit sunday here at the home o mr r h wans- b rough lake avenuej mr william mcphau of brandon man has been visiting acton friends the past week he is makings a pro longed visit in ontario miss frances b hurst returned on monday evening- to her school nt richards landing after spending her vacation at her homo here mr and mrs h e myers and baby who have been visiting mr and mrs dr hyoung left for their home at mendota wednesday morning mrstj e aawtolenndmlss rrtisunst mrs job wilds and mrs t malcolm are attending the true blue conven tion 1n owen sound this week mrs sidney norwood of detroit has been spending a couple of weeks with her cousfcv mtss lauretta moore on her return from blgwln inn mus- koka mra robert bennett and miss ben nett returned from their visit to ot tawa and other points lost week tholr trip had much of interest and pleasure mr and mrs bearhope who camo to acton a month or two nsro from west virginia are soon to be settled in a home of their own on beardmore crescent master gordon cook has returned homo after spending a couplo of weeks holida at t h o grana- parents mr and mrs gordon hny ward toronto col claudo gray of winnipeg re turned home this week after spending a coupde of months with his mother wh has been 111 but who is now con- valesclng nicely rev b- e zlmmcrmnnr b a was at toronto yesterday attending mr und mrs w e hamlin and mr howard of toronto pont uio week end with mr and mis r l johnston miss evelyn l mutnlln who has bison spending a couple or weeks with ml and airs johnston i eturned homo with them wanted 10 men to qualify for work paying 100 to 5200 monthly as motor and ignition experts clmufreura welders battery and tiro work ulyi barber- lnr we pay money part time while learning these trades call or write for information 1 1 em ill ills ltd 163 king st w tot onto guelph business college ouelph ont now in session students may start any day individual instruction business experienced instruct ors courses that meet tho exacting requirements of modern bu3tnc3- the school your friend who is now making goodf at tended investigate and you will enroll for a thorough training a l bouck principal and proprietor everybodys going to eden mills old boys reunioii epgewood pabk labor day sco ftilla for particulars hamilton milton and actbn bus lhp parlor car service leaving acton 7 a m daily 12 noon dally nnd 640 p m satur days and holidays leaving hamilton lo am dally 5 p m dully 1110 saturdays and holidays 930 sundays tho speedy route to hamilton an hour and forty minutes fore for round trip 200 bus may bo chartered atiny tlmo for special trips anywhere ex press and baggage carried ruiwl fhnt anil of the childa ribs ins i rv mr raldia al knsx church rev jamas juidle or hlllsburg oc cupied th pulpit of knox church laal bunddy yhis earnest sermons were impronrtve and wr enjoyed toy th congregation hev mr 8tttrt i n tfss t hhlaburg preaching- annrara ary aermona tho completo list of days for tho renuilndor of tho canadian national exhibition this your shows two changes us compared with tho allot ment d inys last year tho second saturday september 4 will this year be manufacturers sports and ifloral festival day a year ago sports day did not ocour until tho third satur day of tho exhibition anothor change in ihc days this year is that the clos ing saturday which is september 11 will in addition to being community day wlll nluo bo boys and girls day thor list of rnialnlngdnys for thin ysnr as issued oftlolally is as follows thursday sopt 2 music ana wo mens day f friday sept 8 press day meeting of tho maintenance and ex- tonslon fund board of the united church of canada miss edna hcgufchcon held a de lightful llttla birthday party at her jiarcnta homi on mm sfr- p tuesday evening a scope pf pertrtrt frlonds were guests mr a c campbell of tho maple leaf milling company toronto and miss mcdonald of richmond hill spent last weekend at the home o dr and mrs p g dollop mr william mason who was so ill last week nnd taken to the general hospital quelph has mndo splendid progress since he was operated on and hopes shortly toreturn home mr and mrs wm buck and two daughters of campbellvill and mr unfl mrs vanfleet and son of hamil ton spent sunday with their uncle mr james mills and mra taylor miss mary ellen haalett daughter of tho late benjamin haalett who was a merchant here forty years ago in the promises now occupied by nelson co was here yesterday visiting the old homo mr and mra joseph dods alton ont announce tho ongugement of their eldest daughter olive cecelia to mr robert clay allen only son of mr robert alton nnd tho lato mrs allen of orangevllle the marriage to take place the latter part of this month monday sept ovlabor day tuesday flept 1 international day wednesday sept farmers and hydro day t sopt 9 transportation day friday 8ut- 10 uve stock rovlew red and white chain store j w jone proprietor specials for twajr friday saturday 6 tbs of onions for t canned peas 2 for soda biscuits in bulk per lb 25c 28c 18c special pearl white soap 3 for 4 lb tins new jam rasp and straw fruit cake 1 lb piece 18c 75c 25c 1 bottle pure vanilla and a silver spoon 35c and now your heating problems cold weather 1h around the corner but ia your heating apparatua in condition for the long winter months if you aro about to instal a new atovc or furnace or wish your jireuent systems repaired now is tho right time to have them attended to wo instal furnaces hot water systems nnd do all kinds of furnace and stovo repairing- nnd shoot metal work- we also have cook stoves and heaters nt xeasonablc prices on our floor get our estimates for your fall work now w r blair phone 144 p o box 1107 acton ont 1200 worth of stock must besold by october 1st miss mary h bollert i dean of wo men in the university of british columbia and a native of guelph was elected president of the canadian federation of women at the eonelud- ing meeting of the triennial confer- once at montreal last week miss bollert is the dnughte ot mr e r a former wellknown mor- herehe had been sent the congregation hev mr stewart iriny r bollert la the daughter of m mpthaa loaf o was atlllburprah a former wellknow when reesors make a bargain sale it is genuine for the men an work shirfegreauy reduced kliakl worlt shirts regular 166 going at each 113 blue chnmbray work shlrtii kood quality rcg tli going at cuch 120 mens heavy striped shlrth rcgtmrfj175 each for 10 t our regular 98c shirts for 70c overalls reg 200 and 2 26 going at 126 overalls our rejyulnr s8c seu- pr going at per pair 76c carnnrlts smocks q yqrk gouts eg 27s filf 1tp other smooks 15 mens lined smocks fog 360 for 20 mens socks front 25o to 75a i suit log 1800 size 35 for ao0 x suit rcg 18 00 also 40 1300 ladies silk and art silk hosiery art silk a very serviceable stocking not only wears well pug looks well mndo in sevcrnl colors pur roguliu 5jc per pair seller klng at 30c ladles silk hgsc wearwpll hpeukn for itself regular 135 for 1115 indies silk hose butterfly hrnnd our regular seller for 79c s i hoys 2 and 1 pllibp cotton hose rcguhir s5c for 4oc childrens school hose gss childrens oolf hose all sixes regular 25c 30c and 35c ull ko at tho one price 26a all the qinshams and prints regular 3bc going ut por yard 26c ideal patterns for sale here as tliese patterns aro changed every few months our customers can be assured of ge tho l stylc without waltlngr as we have them in hock only 2t cents why think of buying away from home when such values are procurable at reesors dry goods variety store acton phone 69 fiihjt vjjjijilj t sr i specials this wek black duchess satin every yard guaranteed 36 inches wide all pure silk good value at 280 0 yiff special for t pa4 i holeproof silk hose in all tho new shades d aa special at per pair apluu d a corsets with elastic top our 125 corset ac special 3c brassiers all sizes regular 60c for 45c bleached sheeting 2 yards wide regular co 65c special for dac bleached sheets ready to put on bed regular- mj price 175 special 914 i plain pillow covers regular 40c each special 29c hemstitch pillow cases 40 and 42 inches q j wide jbod value af5c special smtc all pure linen glass towelling at 25c flannelette blankets white and gray with pink border large doublebed tfjo of size seconds special this week pawawd mclean co mill street acton ont m school booksschool supplies text bookn for public school text booka for high school readers drawing books scribblers pencils rubbers pen etc all best quality and ut cut hate prlcea school opening 3ept 7th 1926 agant fob gage toronto 8chool 8upplies h w hinton jeweller friday and saturday are positively tbe last two days of our 20 re duction sale tako advantage and buy all you need for now and fall great savings on every item dont corns too late becauaa youll have to blame yourself just smalt quantities and broken sizes are loft over to be cleared come early the early bird gets the worm mena balbrlggan shirts only mens balbrlggfun combinations at 75c v monp fin socks special 2 pairs for 25c mens fine cashmerc sox 39c mens htoavy woollon sox 5 pair for 95c mfr silk sox bpcciaj 25c mena washable ties to clear ut 19o mens rubber belts 2 for 25c mens fine fall underwear a fiul u9 mens vo7lftg at ri 69o mens heavy flannele shirts regular 9149 sale i o be cleared at 98e mens overnlla and smocks 98c mens whlto hanflkerchiofa 3 to a customer 5o mcnh silk and crone bow tie nt 2dc mens bathing suits to clear ut 69o co mo in and see our great re duction ot- mens sweatois guaranteed to save boys allwool jerseys special at 98c boys allwobd tweed suits at only 395 boys odd coats teg worth 3 to 5 sale price to gi at 125 up boys odd bloomors to so at 98c boys shirtwaists 49c boys balbrlggan combinations at x 49c boys braces flc 3 prs for 25c boya allwool tweed caps 49c und 59c boys- overalls to clear 49c boya c overalls 75c boya balbrlffgan drawers 15c boya wash sultzr to go fro jfmmtp boys hatralaff sult3tl 49c boya allwool tweed oliver twist stylo 149 girls wool crepe pleated isklrts at glrla serge dresses to foe cleared 125 atria middles 98a ladles silk nnd wool hose only 1 pair to customer 69c mothers we invite your inspection tq see our great values in childrens clothes before they start to school again now is the time great savings guaranteed nicols economy store specials for this week v peerless shortening 5tb paits net weight t nrn- 85c 3 lb pails net weight 53c 1 tb bricks 2 for 35c 5 it pails net weight 3 lb pails net weight i tb bricks lard 110 65c 23c beef cuts rump roast round end per itj s 18c rump roast square end per tt 17c steak roast per lb 26c porterhouse roast per tb 870 and 38c wing roast per b 7 22c choice rib roast per jo j7c i4 jcc thick rib rost per t 16ft gn4 je blnde roast per lb 6 round shoulder roast per lb 17ft rib boil per tb i 1 12c brisket boil per lb j 10c stewing beef per tb llevmd wjc we will give withevery 200order om bottle of peerless catsup at 15c w j patterson store closed wednesday afternoons at 1230 noon j- ssikii mi

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