Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1926, p. 4

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the home of h artmt xtt ffaraui member canadian weeklr newspaper association j member selected town wckliea 61 odtario the acton free prjs iifcubushed eery thursday morning at the free press bnildlnat mill street acto ontario the subscription prices i oo per year in urance postage la cbarged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising ratestranaient aertise- meats to cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 ccnta per line for each subse quent insertion contract display adtcrum- ments for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per toch each insertion advertisements with out apeeinc directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h f moore president and editor cu a dills ma lanager and asaistant editor telephomes- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager nw j canada is evidently p the grand total of canadian trade for the first four months of the present fiscal year which ended on july 31 shows an increase of 71175413 over the total for the same period last year for the four months ended july 31 last canadas trade amounted ta 718966711 domestic r merchandise exported from canada during the four months just ended reached a total value of 380020931 imports dur ing the same period were to the value of 333976727 neighbdrfrood news burlington the toronto fair presidents message a broader bigger institution the cumulative result of nearly fifty years of progressive growth and development is the way the canadian national exhibition which last saturday opened for its 48th consecutive show is described- by president john j dixon a transformation he declares is now being witnessed a marked trend toward imperial stature a spreading of its roots and branches beyond all local or continental limitation in short a new ex hibition in the making one that has already achieve ed internationjtt status thursday morning september 2 1926 j editqialal j industry without tariff- there is no duty on binder twine there has been no duly since 1906 is there any twine made in canada asks r j deachman the noted writer on tariff matters and in answer to bis own question says yes despite the increase in grain produc tion m canada we are actually importing less twine today than we 4ld before the war in two years 19131914 our total net imports gross imports less exports totalled 51571179 lbs in the years 1925 and 1926 the net import was 51308273 lbs meantime the brentford cordage company one of the largest plants in canada reports as follows we have been running steadily ten hours a day fiftynine hours a week through the year despite the addition of the no 3 mill from which we are now obtaining full production it has again been found necessary to work overtime there you are an industry under free trade in a protectionist country busy and working overtime farmers sun did you ever stop to think edson r waite of the shawnee oklahoma chamber of commerce asks pertinently did you ever stop to think that thrift which calls for regular depositing in a savings account each month a portion of your income means success for success is only obtained step by step that where one man gets rich quick a million dont get rich the stow steady way start a savings account today that you should start building your fortune and have the courage to save that successful people are the ones who have a vision which looks to the future and who build for the future that you can start your account with a small amount and it will sur prise you to see how it win grow that if you would go in and get acquainted with our local bank ers they will be only to glad to explain to you the advantages of a savings account that every man and woman earning money should have a savings account that if they did they would soon realize the value of thrift money in a savings account works for you instead of you working for it copy right 1926 moral training in the schools on the approaching reopening of the schools the bowman ville statesman has a series of timly articles respecting the influence of the public schools among these is quoted the following very pointed and rational viewpoint of j m denyes b a our own observant and experienced inspector of public schools for halton the schools must supply the moral train- ingwjhich hie homesandchurcheshave failed to give it is impossible to separate moral cul ture from any other form of culture to be ob- tained in the schools of the province for good citizenship and culture and every other form of intellectual skill must be interpreted in the terms of the pupils ability to apply them to everyday life it is only when culture is applied to life in a moral sense that there is the highest form of citizenship and we believe all experienced teachers will agree in the main with his carefully thought out opinion every school teacher thercforevshoul b a p cat christian man or woman the schoolroom next to the home is the best place to inculcate high moral principles the greatest problems of the day are social commercial and religious and each of these must be approached from the moral viewpoint for the three problems are inseparable from morality neither learning skiujioj wealth can solve the social and the economicproblems of the age but what is need ed is a moral consciousness if the schools can implant in the minds of the scholars the proper conception of obedience honesty trustfulness and all the allied traits which accompany those characteristics much will have been accomplish ed in the direction of building a moral citizen- ship which will make its influence felt in the years to tcome instruction alone is not suf ficient so far as morals are concerned in other words it is not enough to give the pupils weekly or daily lectures on morality the re quirements being actual and n constant daily- practice he mr woodnlde leff on monday for winnipeg and will return to bur- inarton about october iht mr a a green prlnclpul of tho east 12nd school conducted service in ttie palermo uriu bronte churchon on sunday last mr gordon alton arrived home from calarsry on saturduy where he spent the rsnst wo years the masonic hull hua beep ropnlnt- ied which greatly improve ith appear ance the public schools reopened tor tho fall term on wednesdu september lit mev a telford has returned homo to three rivers mich after snendlnir a couple of weeks here with his par ents and relatives at bronte mrs chris ktalnkn jr had the misfortune to fall and sprain her wrist while allahttnir from a radial car near station z8 on last wednes day niternooir mr and mrs t h alton who re turned from calaary several weeks ago have taken up residence in the house on branv street recently oc- cuped by father ford bev b vol tilton and family with miss helen mcann pf mom too n b aro spending a few days in buffalo on tibdny they were the meats at the shrlners plcnlc at brie beach dr and mrs a h fiprers and daughter marjorle leave saturday on a two months trip to the coint stop ping- at the principal polnin on the c v they will return home by way of california and the states friday moraine last burglars broke into the post office on the highway but secured nothing of value the only thine missing- is an old pistol which was kept as a relic by the post master entrance wnh fftlnfl 1y ro- movlna a pane of glass from the tran som over the rear door of the office gazette canada and population tho population of tho woitd is in- crenbluir ut the rate of g0o00 u day according to nn article by pi of kd- ward mutiny icnat of llaivaul uni versity published in a iccent numboi of current himtoi y prof nnst huy that taklntf thi world over theio uro on tllo avolllko 100000 ulitlih and 100- 000 ritiitlih in u du inuklnk il net dully buln t 61000 pi of kimt pluccu tho prcffcnthuilutlon of tho w orhl nt 1850 mllltonh timl kuya it hiui moru than doubltd slut c the nineteenth century statistics uio uhhcmblctl to hhow that as population in un country roaches a certain density the tato of inorcaso full off until it uocomch practically utntlonui y thin htm ul- icady happonod in china tinet has al most como about in india pi of cast quotes authorities to the effect that the population of the united states will becomo htutlonury at about j00 000000 11 fid thatthlb figure will be reached in tho present century an important factor in the popula tion development of tho north ameri can continent is canada which occu pied an area sroutci thnn the united states and has at present nbout-9- 000000 inhabitants prof east anils that population in canada it jncrcan- hut rapidly the birth rate being more than double the death rate the death rate tn canada 1h 11 3 per thousand compared with 11 it in tho united states andi tho birth rate in cnnadl la 2g 7 per thousand compared with 22 6 in tho united states frof easts calculations do not in olude tho effect of immigration on population this hua been a tlir fuc- tor in the united statcs in the puat and promises to be equally important in canada in tho near future thd constantly lncreaainc population of the world means a constantly increasing demand for food and canada wfth only onefift o i am yet under cultivation is destined to play a large part in nupplylne that de mand a pickedup living a convicts eomplacement accept anco of llfoa potmlbilltlcs in shown in n dialogue betweem tho criminal and captain spenco holilor mhsslopar of the engllflh church mltislonary to a question of the captains ns to whut he tlitl when out of prison ho re plied well in hpiliiic i mien out and ilpei il bit of pmplcklng and in tho tilini- mer time i doc it bit of frultplcklnfr and in the uutumn i docm a bit of hoipicklntf oh huid tho captain wlltlt happens after that well now mister roplled the con vict i may as well bo honest and tell you that in tho wintertime i does 11 bit of pockctplcklna tho mlhtilloner furrowed hi 1 brow in amazement nsklnn finally and what happens then a tlio convict unswercd laconically why here i am doing a bit of oak- umplcklnff not so bad american 1 what out golf courhp muophorhon ith lost four h ills but tltbils do you think of nnc so bad 1 1 found seven duiikeu06g5j sthft remedy ixm witation quickly nutvto mmo atur iwii wrr immtmimmnr tmatmathtu business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolan and surgeon office and nesldenco corner bower avonue and ejbjrin street milton mrs kate jackson of alhambra california is visiting- with her sister mrs w h stewart mr and mrs jos peacock are on a motor trip to chlcsuro where they will visit bis brother mr george peacock l whne painting a farm house in iss- quealng- township o h hooper fell from the roof and broke his collar bone ana right arm mic an mm wnllw nw r tju ed1tobial notes it goes a long way with the electors when they remember the government that gave them penny postage cheaper automobiles and a reduced income tax that beats flag waving and the whispering campaign v necessaries and luxuries in these days of election talk with the diversity of opinion as the effect of a high and a tow tariff upon the cost of family livelihood the subject of luxuries in every day life and expenditure is a moot theme everyone talks of giving up luxuries the question is what are luxuries it is certain that the progress of civilization makes us daily more r dependent upon what may be calledthe accessories of life a hundred years ago people went without 1 rnany things that today we regard as inditpens- able simply because they did not know anything aboat them and in other cases our grandfathers luxuries have become our necessaries take clothes a ma wi even a comparatively limited income feels unit lie must dress as those wnom he daily p- meets- in busiqess they judge his prosperity by r appearance it is a poor standard but it is often the best be- has to offer in the same way his wife m dress l frifl p wj nr lis credit will be seriously affected or be thinks it if will when it comes to the children the necessity is even greater we may sacrifice ourselves if we please we cannot sacrifice thee or their future take gf please w cannot sacrifice them or their future take education- we may not need books but we must what wecan go without especially our children again must have what other children have must have i ffiiilic must have entertainments must have sports those things are not luxuries they- are necessaries not in themselves but in what they carry with thefly eater than any others are the necessaries that fmve to so with health our ancestors knew noth- fug of hygiene and died for the lack of it we know all about it and must have it but it costs trntre ar absolute requirements in food there are absolute requirements in recreation most of all fittiite is an absolute requirement in mere clcanli nu unlimited plumbing with all its endless trail j of expanse is a recently invented luxury but it is almost as necessary to many of us as the air we bwathe- v l hard to go without these things kif hard to reduce even their cost or their number yet perhaps it pays to reflect occasionally whether they are all really so indispensable as they seem mean- whlle we should try to cut off a little here and a hille there for ourselves and even for ottrohildren 17tppirnt necessaries may fade into luxuries and so jjihu nothing the one real necessary of life is a sane tjfnd cheerful spirit irrespective of the harranging of ffilhfi party politicians and as that is the only funda mfftil necessary it happens also to be the greatest eruee it is the best opinion in government circles ex pressed in paris last week that germany will b ad mitted to the league of nations during the first few days of the assembly which opens in geneva on september 6th a pennsylvania court has decided that when one man calls another przefarmatzyli he libels him rev edwnrtl and mrs le hnvo re turned home after spending a montha vacation miss bessie klrkwood baa return ed to montreal after a pleasant holi day with frjenda at rocksjde the friends of mrs harry harmn- worth koclode will be sorry to hear she is in lord duffer in hospital orantfovhie where ahe underwent a serious operation on sunday anniversary services was held in st andrews church when rev mr stewart of acton preached stirring sermons special music was rendered by the choir on thursday last mrs dave mc millan received the sad news of the death of her slater mrajohn mc- intyre of calgary alberta mrs bryce morgan and two daugh ters motored from cleveland and are spending tlielr holidays with her irjameshunt rev k h rogers preached his fare well sermon at all saints aqglican church on sunday evening mr wm justice of winnipeg who attended the rifle match at ottawa canadas national railway ar mr mr it seems that the word means stealer or squanderer most folks will candidly admit that the word has the look of a scandalous insult settlers effects to the value of 6704300 were brought into canada from the united states during the 12 months ended june 30 1920 compared with 6080884 for the previous 12 months there is evi dently considerable population coming this way some do go across to the states the advice which sir henry thornton head of the canadian national xaiiways recently sent out to the employees of- the system might well be heed- jolitil fa l fnrrhrnming rlrrlinn- sir- hen advised the men to cast their votes as good can adians and mind their own business to their own and it looks as if they would soon be on a profit basis an increase pf 1186971 25 or 20944 per cent in net earnings for the first seven months of 1920 as compared with the same period last year is shown in the financial statement of the canadian national railways for the period january 1 to july 31 1926 issued last week the improvement in general conditions in the west since 1920 said president beattie of the c p r at calgary last week wherr thhe slump in prices of farm products caused temporary dis couragement is most noticeable it is due to good crops at a price ensuring a profit to the producer to the eduction in cost or production and to the adoption of a policy of reasonable economy in personal expenditure on the part of individuals some of the partisan claims and political proper ganatja made and circulated at this time it sufflcleiit to disgust the average voter some of these claims we km to befaue and wewould tfdvifte that you shake them well before taking dont be milled fyiif allow your vote to bd influenced by statements not based on facts you have a mind of your own mr voter l use it god gave it to you for that punt pose heed not to the promises that never arcj intended ta be fulfilled and evade the carrier of he bribe who is one of the meanest types of can adian citizenship vote youfmind and do your parr on september i4tft toward making canada a country of clean and progressive governmenta country to love windsor ns journal t westmlnlbter b c are vlaulna- his mother mrs wm bewes and his brother mr s r bewes and other friends here to park your coupe under a tree at night and wake ui in the morning- and and it in flames with the top and feody practically all sone was the experience of o w watson of kelson township the coupe had been struck by llghtnlns- jnmes goodfellow of trafalgar township secured a setting- of ems ush pheasant egg from the govern merit and now has ten chicks one month old which will soon bo allow ed their freedom there is a very heavy penalty for destroying these birds o e stewart of nelson town ship met with a serious accident last week a oar had overturned in the ditch pinning the driver underneath me vaa assisting- the other occupants of the car to lift it to release the driver when he cut hla hand so badly that jt took fourteen stitches to flat it up william clayton acton sustained a serious loss when his imported clydes dale premium stallion everard sud denly contracted inflammation of the bowels and died within a few hours the animal was foaled in 1913 and had been in that section for about 3 years the borse was valued at 11000 the brick works near the town known as brandons that has been closed for some time hegan operations again on xuesday that will bo good news for townspeople generally as every industry of the kind means more work for men and conseauently more money circulating- in the tbwn among merchants and others mrs j xl wallace kelson town ship met wltha serious accident the other day while gathering esgs in the bam she fell through the over shot and her chth caught on the sill in such a manner that her tongue was nearly severed by her teeth several stitches were required to close the wounds the shock of the fall was nlso verj serious reformer his opinion samul what am yo opinion ob tic reflexive merits ob mod rate tem- rance an tlghtdown tee- to ta lance inquired mr augustus jupiter john son of his brother gustus replied samuel shrewd ly jo question minds me ob wat a man dat kep a sylum for de insane folks once top me he says dat when dey want ta know if do pore critters done glt cure doy hhow vm a trough wid de fater pourln into h from de tup in a big burr an dey say yo try empty dat trough now an ho says dat do folks wat am still craxy or plumb idylts dey keep aladlhv an don make no headway cause ob de water dat runs in faster- dan dey can ball it out but de folks wat done git cure dey up and stops de taps ob dat barr fustoff an den dey rocs at de ladlln an it don take cm hut mighty short time fore dey empties dat trough complete dot gustus said samuel im pressively am an allegory an yo can jes study ober ft an if yo wants to jlne de modrale temprnnco folks all jjo g tg do am to turn yo back to debarrl an ace how much good o lndlln will compllsh piiont3 88 uk e j nelson r kldkuick fctki ut acton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box iis harold nash farmer m a barrlstar solicitor notsry pub mo conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money lnt on mortgages hours 030 am to 6 pm saturilnyn- tjnff ofrk come to the annual worlds fair he refused to an8wer aunt jinny a carolina negrcsa was a great advocate of the rod as a help in chlldtr earing as u result of nn unmerjful beatbig which sho gave her youngest and ornerlest sho was brought into court one day by out raged neighbors the judge after giving her a severe lecture asked if she had anything to say jest one thing jedge she replied i want to ax you a question was you ever the parent of n perfectly wuthless cullud child y happy throngs of holidayers fifteen thousand exhibits threequarters of a million dollars worth of wholesome entertainment and education gorgeous oriental spectacle fashion show motor show food show radio show music show sports show dog and cat shows poultry shows livestock shows motor racing trotting field track and aquatic sports beautiful parklands a mile of water front on lake ontario gorgeous gardens magnificent perma nent exhibition buildings a hundred exhibitions in one the worlds biggtst show acres of displays from fild fore stream factory mine atudio and the horn prize live atock and crop ex hibitsagricultural machinery displays and demonstrations- all roads lead to canadian national exhibition toronto august 28th to september 11th inclusive dr j m bell d d s i d s dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if desired offlcs at residence corner of mil and frederick street dr f g gdllop dds l ds dental 8urgon offloe over bank of nova sootla hotms a so to 6 to bvenioena by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account booke of ull kinds made ta order periodicals or every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndnana stret ouelpb on over williams store rj kerr auctioneer and heal- estate 20 tears experience list tour pkopertt wtth me acton ontario fortyeighth consecdto7e year erin afr john gawtnroup nn esteemed resident of our village celebrated hla 87th birthday on tuesday mr gaw- throup is quite active considering hla advanced nae and i about dally al ways ready to crack a joke with fellow cklaene mrat c richardson and daughter mabel of lauudnr mich are visiting with mrs boomer en rout on ihelr return borne from a trip to enron a sudden thundering blast with a shower of small stone over the bad ness portion or the village startled the peaceful villagers last week it proved to be the result of the work of men who were tearing dat the sluiceway at leltchea hill in which dynamite was used a stone pierced a large window la idocmts hardware and a large alon put quit a hole in the roof ef the- ad vocat bulmtht the latter not being discovered until utter the heavy downpour of rain w hay received word that mr w j atpnter waa injured in an automo bile aeetdmt in toronto- 4nd wlll not be able to attend to business for n time afr sumpjct thonlk j bahwur loth in erlh entertained at a so cial evening on thursday evening august lith about sixty relative and frlnda the occasion was the birth days of mrs j h lacey mrs peter alcaill and miss viols barbour each was the recipient of a small gift as a token of remembrance mr and mrs b a heath begins sask ere- present advocate gsxtltavaoiang ambitious laddlean when im lg ril tnakei a minion dollars and ly half or it to tho ehurehi scotch lady hoot laddie dlnni be a rule the bible ses as how ten per cent enow indeed black and blue jay tuesday and wednesday september 2122 1926 youre sure of a good time at acton fall fair best list of special prizes in the fairs history in addition to the usual big prize list midway and merygoround a e nicklin insurance agent life the mutual life assurance co of canada fir waterloo mutual insurance company eaelo star and british dominion insurance co limited aufo accent health burglary insurance etc- employees u- ablhty assurance corporations the dominion of canada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to loan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections see mo for all kinds of insurance box aaa uoweit ave xcton scottish and clog dancjng by little lvf fas pmlls gros and master lou oakley of toronto t oldtime fiddlers contest racesbandand everything send to 8bcretarv for prize sllsts w johnstone president w j ak1ns secretarytreasurer notice to patrons of this estab lishment during july and auadst examinations for glosses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week leni grinding and quick iiopair partment operating as usu write in or phono 191w for appointment a d savage opometrist and mfg optician savage optical botumnq rlbht at tho post office guelph radio c pioneer m publication devoted to radio subscription price t 00 per year in advance radio is edited by allen b ox ley h c l an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and learn how to set the best out of your radio set radio also tells you where to buy penton publications 6062 adelaide eait toronto the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinda of monumontal and headstone worjc wo soil direct to our customers at wholesale price thus saving our customers 40 por cent wo have tho boat appliances and thit only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundreds of ouf customers in toronto and other places where others have to have lavr sufts in order to collect wo have thd largest and best stock of granlto in tho dominion or more than any three tjenlc in tm west wetare legiti- mats dealers and employ no ajrents and do nor annoy or post customers by sondlnffout ignorant agents solicit- injt orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition 4 hamilton sons quelw ont jridy i mi ik r

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