Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1926, p. 7

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btrftsi marriages and deatha an now cbarscd or it the oltawlab rate births hoc marrlasei so dfalbi 59 memorial cards 50c ice per hob extra lor poems born ri2id in krln township on livlday ausuht uo 1920 tl mi and mrs hugh mmtold a tluufflitcr marshall to mr and mrs n s marshall nee gludys mahonoy ot edort mills on ausust 10th 1926 n eon died cameron at georgetown on sat- unliiv august 21 1925 margaret keteheii widow of the lato rov it l cameron of georgetown and limehouflo little at southampton on friday august 20 1926 jane ann carter widow of the late john little and mother of the rov g c little of hanover formerly ot st pauls church guelph i on excursion to tho wost acton soiit a small contingent of yodps mert on tlto flrt harvebt ex- curslon to western canada which left toronto union station last wednes day morning among- thoso who started on tho journey wore james newman who has had several trips to tlio went provloualy victor algor and arlio white thursday ausust 26 1986 brief local news school roipens in another weelt get ready for school next wed nesday homo gardens have many flowers in bloom now the harvest will soon be over and the fields bare again j tho keen angler doesnt mind how much tho lines busy j acton schoolh reopen next wed nesday september 1st tourist traffic over tho highway appears to bo increasing toronto exhibition opens on sat urday kails surely coming 40 are you going to toronto pair is a current query these days isomo honey dealers are belling tho now crop at 12c to 15c per lb the band plcnlc will bo held at blue springs park on saturday the raspberry crop is about over and thlmtole berries will soon bo ripe tho repeated rains have br6ught down the corn and oats in rather a discouraging way august has kept up her weather with rather uncanny persistency all through the month t you dont think time files ask tho boy who has to go foack to school again next wednesday zjriio trout- ashing- season is about over most of tho largo ones aro now preparing for spawning rov a c stewart m a will preach at the anniversary services at hllisburg on sunday a fow loads of gravel hero and there on bower avenue andghurch street would be beneficial more canadian homos have auto mobiles than bnthtubes well whero can you go in a tbathtub border culos star another heavy rain fell on friday night and continued saturday oats and corn in many places were flatten ed by this storm mondays heavy rainstorm added another to the months long list we like water like it very much tout to much of even such a good thing bomothnes gets monotonous during the storm on monday afternoon ono of the fino maples at st josephs parsonage was bprllt and more than half of tho large tree was felown down nover boforc in teb memory of the old residents was tho water jn the streams hereabouts so high continu ously in august as they have been the past ten days it is rather interesting to nolo that in- the big beauty contest 1n toronto the winner was not a obbedhalr airl and that three of tho four other prlie winners woro ions hair the tag tho dog edict is ob served in this section in about the flame manner that tho ota seems to bo observed at windsor ont winchester press same here summer is burning the grasses brown streets are sultry as streets can be so let us go from the dusty town dtwn to the shoro of the surg ing lea to the wimiiblown beach of the dear old lea honey men report a light crop of honey owing to winter loss of bees and light gathering owing to a cool summer prices havo been flxed- tho ontario beekeepers association at from 13c to 16c s tho work of harvesting the oats crop has been made much heavier for tho farmers through the continued heavy ralaa tho crop was rlpo and ready to cut when tho rain camo and the repeated showers havo laid tho grata sat special hourly service morning midnight for warriors day thoopen- uig of the toronto exhibition on -sat- uedfty ever- the canadian national electric railway and throughout the fixhjbltlon la the announcement tins eetc spccitttlffwrntesare an other attraction following a prolonged illness btmor patterson widow of the lat rev h h macpberson forthet clerk ef tho guolph presbytery pasamd crwajr ttrhcr later ealdenee 1 08 itln g 9tret oa mondays heceased was feornln toronto and was a daughter ef mr justice patterson of the su frouie- court of ottawa acton- and district ra indoor seers s ear acton j what was takon for a reindeer was been near acton last thursday even ing iby hugh and joseph roid on then farm in erin township as they wro proceeding towards tho rear of uo farm tho animal was sighted company in a good country ojiletly grazing in a field of alfalfa american editor buys canadian ranch is evidently anxious to ba in qood fraslor hunt of now york chy associate editor of the cosmopolitan magaslne has purchased a ranch in the nelkhtoorhood of h rx h tho vprlncgr ot wnleji 4mmjaore ranch ncar high river mr hunt tjaff- been spending a vacation in southern av toerta and evidently attracted by the country decided to become the own er of a canadian ririlvclir among other notable ranch owners in the same ells trjet are lord mlnto the duke of sutherland and other british and american notables their example the inspector was paying his an nual visit to tho village school and was putting the children of class iii through their paces he tried them with arithmetic and geography- and then camo dn to testing their know ledge of engllflh words they did quite well until ho asked them the meaning of the word epi demic nobody know and bo he had to help them outt r an epidemic he explained is anything that apreada now canarly- body give m an example of an epi demic can no one tell mo asked the in- spectorat last romembor anything tat bpveada thvly had it this time llko oie voice camo thb reply hia services much appreciated tho popularity of rov george v barker minister of grace church toronto is evidently as great in acton as when he was pastor hero twenty years ago iio has on re sponse to request attended threo fun- cmla in town this year ho conduct ed the funeral of the lato oliver luh- by last thursday soloists at the united church four solos wero nung at tho services of the united church on gunduy with ftne effect miss jean kennedy sang jesus with me and mr t r em erson of toronto sang jesus lover of my soul ut tho morning service in tho evening rov mf flndlay of medina n y sang the ninety and nine and ho lifted mo these numbers wero all much enjoyed last sunday at knox- church rev w l atkinson of port perry occupied the pulpit of knox church on sunday with much acceptance his sermons were earnest expositions of gospel truth and wero listened to with keen interest by the largo congrega tions the interest in tho morning service was much enhanced by the presence of rev w l flndlay m a a former pastor beloved who sang in his oldtlnao melody and harmony tho pilot song tho fino art of carving tho sheet motal products co of canada havo issued a unlquo and very useful little volume tho fino art of carving its contents deal on how to select meat and poultry tho equipment and methods of cooking and instructions on how to corvo poultry meat and flah hints aro also given on how to properly roast meat and poultry and how to eerve the instructions on how to carve a fowl are roasonohlo and helpful copies may bo obtained from tho cpmpany ut toronto rcovo cross oakville seriously ill the reovo of oakvillo was serious ly- ill for some months early this year but had partially recovered andhaa been abla to transact business dur ing thelastewzaonthuenalpb the meetings of the county council regularly ho was not at tho lost meeting however and his follow members were grieved to hear that he was suffering froin a rolapaovand that it was feared that ho would not recover later mr cross died sud denly on monday he was g6 years of age ho had been mayor otook- vlllo for threo terms farm homo gardens contest in tho homo garden contest for boys and girls conducted the wel lington county branchotnfb depart ment of agriculture miss ruth ron- d all of arthur township stood high obtaining a scoro of ql out of a pos sible 100 points miss mary kensey of peel township was a close second with 90 h points lawrence gourley of damascus took third prlzo with 92 points thoro wore 25 entries la tho contest tha prizes wero 50p 1300 and 200 donated by tho de partment of agriculture now thought hope for turnips a week ago it was feared that the crop of turnlpsjhad been almost com pletely destroyed toy tho iplague of turnip lice it is now reported- that tho situation has improved and that the loss to the farmers will not be as great as was at first expected ac cording to mr r ii clemens agri cultural representative for wellington county it haa improved wonderfully farmers claim that tho frequent rains of f lato havo materially assisted in the destruction of tho aphlds which were causing tho trouble otiolph mercury liquor concealed at port credit last sunday morning inspector reovoly and provincial officer owens mode an early morning visit to george mcdcrmots place at port credit- they found two men sitting at a table on which stood glasses of strong- beer investigation lead to the discovery of a hide under tho floor where there was secreted 86 bottles of export beer and 20 bottles of moonshine whiskey another man was implicated in the violation pleaded guilty bofo squire crawford of brampton and was fined 5000 and cobts mcdermot was lodged in jail and will como up for trial boforepolico magistrate moore at brampton next monday afternoon reduced rater to chdrch tho hydro ejeatric commission ap pears to be igottlnft tho habit of re ducing xates a month or so ago sub stantial reductions wore made in the commercial and power rates in acton now che announcement comes front missb h spoight secretary of tho acton commission that the rate to churches is roduced onehalf when ever the iratet f6rttiemtslhxcefeasr tho mmtnaum rate this concession to churches is probably based on the fact that very little current is used by the chrurchesat the timo when the poakioadv of tho consumption of cur- rcntla japing regjsteretl this educ tion tc churches isi general through out tho province 172717 paid oh roads and bridges nassagaweya council is pushing forward necessary road work at the auttust session of nusaaiar woya council tho following accor its wero passed wm howard crush storio w wallace teaming stone n anderson grading c w harris crush stone j handbrldgo culvert j milne shovelling snow v cobounvirarthiff j m wakofioul ropalrs w howard crush stoner c w harris grading if milton foundry repairs s j o ford ropalrs ingot iron co culvert climax machine co repairs c bryant teaming repairs robt inglls gravelling joe mitchell dragging wm fraser culvert c a elsloy oil j m mcgregor- dragging w howard crush stono c lasby shovelling snow h aumtfo spreading atono w service gravelling h mclebd work at hall g w harris superinten dence acton foee press printing voters lists contract record adycr tissual bridge j4 municipal world supplies john marshall clerk 1107 d2 r sr a oo io r ar i oo 27 on 30 25 c 2b car ig tl 98 4 g3 13 30 25 30 123 38 c 00 61 50 8 25 2 50 1 bo 30 oo 76 00 14 80 12 50 4 00 27 80 i7 93 13 oo 15 co 9 35 presented with a gold watch president john p 8crrow honorod by hia comrades of the veterans atlianco august 20th 1926 will bo remem bered as tho day when complete amal gamation of all veteran bodies topic place for on that date the veterans alliance of centra ontario entered tho canadian legion of the british emplro service league to celebrate tho event a formal dinner was held in tho military institute university avenue toronto at which general john a gunn c m3 chairman dobba col j k slckay pso viccchairraan capt w w parry alex shields provlncjal secretary pra torn wero present representing tho provincial council canadian legion a most appetising menu had been prepared which all enjoyed after the covers were removed comrade j p scarrow who in his position as president was seated at the head of tho table called upon col a t hunter to take charge o tho toast list as fallows 1st the king the- national an them was played f 2nd canada and the emplro comrade j fr johns representlng his majestys army and navy- veterans association in proposing this toaiu related aomo of his experience in the royal navy in various parts of the empire and in closing a most eloquent address expressed his belief that a united body of veterans was canadas greatest security against enemies from without and within col j k mckay a masterly ad dress declared that the ideals of the empire could be best irinlntalncd by having one united veterans organisa tion comrade c h stock j p also spctke along the same line 3rd the veterans alliance this toast was proposed by j valentine the efficient secretary of that body in a closely reasoned address mr val entine told a wonderful story of the rifle and progress of the alliance and stated that tho success which had marked this work was due tp the close cboperatlon which- had existed between tho board of directors 4 hrmself ho also stated that if the legion desired to win the support of all exaervico men it must take up tho task of seeing that the disabled and warwrecked veterans were taken euro of and their rights guarded ho also stated that over 300000 had been obtnlnod in pensions during the past three years through the efforts of tho alliance comrade held ottho disabled vet dranb association also emphasised the value of the work stating how jils association had been helped comrade j t scarrow in- response to the toasl btrcsaed tho point that the great need of every man in the veteran- movement was a vision of service not only to the returned sol dier but to this canada of ours that her ideals might bo realized and that the future might too glorious tho ex- service men were still doing their duty in peace as in war mr scarrow ended his address with a strong plea for tho sinking of all differences and thbso things which had hitherto kept returned men apurt and urged all to work for tho upbuilding of a great and glorious canada- tho speaker was- given an ovation on resuming his seat musical honors being accorded him v comrade rejd at this point pre sented comrade scanrow with a very valuable gold watch and chain on be half of tho veterans alliance ho paid ahlarn tribute to tho work of the presid stating tha through hib on thoir approach it jumped over a fonco joined a mate and sped into the bush it is considered very probable that tho deer was ol wood caribou which iioars a close mjawmntance to the reindeer thoughiltere la no record of any suoli animal having ventured too far south of its usual haunts be- for on the next day the doer was ngaln soon on tho road along the farm and with it were two young fawn old fiddlers contain at georgetown last thursday evening tho qld fiddlers contest in connection with tho geoigcewn business mens ovon- ing function created quite a wide spread interest thero were five con testants wiilinm overland brin david tarewell arlccll formerly of actop john niclcell ljraehouse harry shortll rnllfnmfud and robert hill olenwlillnms the contest was remarkably keen and even in merit after tho contestants bad each played threo tunes it was announced that the players were so oven ly matched that tho judges found it difficult to come to n decision they reijncbtod that each violinist pav again and play the nnmo tune tho irish washer woman wan decided f upon messrs overland and torxwoll were first call ed to play and thoa messrs tjiclcoll and short 111 the decision was anal ly given in favorr of mr overland with mr tamwoh s auid the other threo players trery few points eblimd tharn t infferthff itfli wise guidance andboiincl couhi alliancebad prospered comrade scarrow thanlced the mem bers for their token ot esteem and assured them that his services wero at tholr disposal attcrtho- presentation- anumberef nrmy chotuscs were sung gomrado stock also rendered- a song in fine style comrade scarrow ihcn read a state ment of tho assets of tlje veterans alliance which has now been merged into tho legion tho assets con sisted of a marked cheque tor 2000 with offico equipment and redeemable accounts to the amount of 134000 these wero handed oyer to general gunn who in the name of the legion stated his pleasure in having such an efficient organisation enter the legion 4 ui the canadian legion general qunn in proposing this toast told of some of the work already accomplish cd and stated that his great desire- was to see every returned man- wearing tho legion badge also stated his belief that tna action of tho alliance would havo a beneficial ef fect on veterans- ovorywbero ho also spoke of bis associations with tho president overseas and expressed tho opinion that mr scarrow would be of real assistance to the legjpn comrade dobba expresea his pleafl- ure at the step the alliance had taken cbmrado parry and comrade conroy also gnvddrief addresses comrade l mj montgomery the financial agent stated that he hoped for -a- great future for the legion stating ma he- llcf that if the veterans joined up is he hoped they would that in n short time he would not ned to col lect funds for it wonld be selfsup porting col a t ilunor mhdo an ideal toahtmnster keeping tho gatliering n good spirits by his humorous sallies and witty stories tho singing of tho national anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a clobo com it often happens that ignorance makes a man hold itnd arrogant arid that knowledge malcetf htm self- dis trustful and modest neighborhood news nassagaweya annual harvest thanksgiving ser vices will bo held in st johns church kussngawoya on sunday itov w l archer m a of thorotd will take both tho services at r milton john burns who recently cainoout from scotland was severely injured when kicked by a spirited colt on the farm ofjy- duncan trafalgar town ship on monday tho halton womens liberal asao- klntlonhtsla plcnlc in victoria park milton on monday afternoon which was largely attended an address was delivered by w j l hampshire tho liberal candidate on monday morning john grocn aficd 15 years son of w m green kelson township was riding on a hay wagon and while entering the barn tho wagon upset as a result ot tho accident tho boy who fell underneath tho wagon had his right shouldor broken and is believed to havesus- taincd internal injuries dublin last tuesday evening tho leslie baseball team from spoyside motored up to dublin to play our local team both teams played a good game wo would not forget a- word of praise for the umpire who camo from guelph ho did his part well dublin was tho winning team tho scoro was 1814 the dublin branch of tho womens institute met at the home of mrs j gibbons second line on wednesday august 18th quito a number of the members were present and also sonn visitors a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by all the next monthly meeting will bo hold at tho homo of miss m fiomcrvllle miss edith bracken returned homo on sunday after spending a month with rionds at palgravo and calodon east mr mcconvillc of hamilton has been visiting his daughter mrs j f robertson this week rockwood mr brace a returned missionary from china occupied the pulpit of the united church last sunday and was greeted with wellattended con- bregatlons he is in the same section of china as orlando and charles jol- hffe whoso father resides here at the evening service mr frank guild favored too congregation with couple of solos an illustrated lecture was announced for monday evening the apparatus however went out of commission and the slides wero not shown but mr draco gave the lecture jnext sunday mr braco will conduct services in tho morning and at night will be at tho stono church fourth line llev dr simpson of toronto con- ducted services for jtho presbyterian congregations his discourses were full of deep thought and wero listen ed to with close attention j a little returned the early part of last week from his trip to the west since his return he has bought out will j coulthards business the place wll be open only for patrons of tho bus service on sundays at the time they are due to arrive and de part we aro pleased that mr and mrs little are remaining in the vil lage as thoy still have an interest the store with mr and mrs john vance recently of owen sound miss edna m- pearen returned- last thursday from her trip to scotland and the continent while in scotland she spent a day with rev and mrsr a donaldsons people the livingstons mr and mrs wm edwards have returned from their trip to tho pa cine coast they made ono stop on tho way out and on the return jour ney rnade several btops here and there as woll as visiting at the soo on the way home mr and jmrs r b richardson of vlnoland were up for sunday return ing home monday mr- johnston howut of slmcoe was homo for over sunday ho is at pres ent on night work hence has the privilege of spending his sundays at home being free from saturday morn ing till monday evening two more of our citizens were caught and tied up for life last week fred mcwilllams on wednes day to a hamilton lady and on sat urday miss ireno elizabeth black daughter of mrs james black town line eramosa and erin to george albert mowuhams of puslinch tho rev amos tovell of guelph officlat ed to both couples we extend best wishes for a long and happy married life as a result of tho heavy rains of saturday morning and night and monday the river hero has reached proportions equal to the spring fresh ets and tho dam at the woollen mills presorts a miniature niagara chahlks young ulelmnlh luudlng mr charles young passed away hln homo in richards landing on sun day morning after an illness of some mctnths at tho rlpo old ue of qi yearn ills long and honorablo career began onjaho 27th afjuiy 183e in tho pariah offtjl slmhchcr aberdeen scotland- whvh ho was fifteen years old ho be gan a throoycar apprenticeship in the trado of stone masonry his jlrst job as a qualified mason was on tho con struction of linlmoral castle in 1856 mr young emigrated to can ada with his mother and stepfather sottllng first in guolph and then in the town of fergus which was tho family home for many years l in 1863 he married euphemla mclntyre who was his faithful helpmeet for g2 years and predeceased him in february 1925 in 1889 ho camo to richards land ing st joe island with his family and has resided ever since on his farm which is located on tho out skirts of the village thlb flno farm has been the government experimental farm for this northern district for many years he hns been resident of the algoma mutual firo insurance company since its organisation- secretary ot the ag ricultural society r secretary and trustee of tho public school board and secretary of tho ohlgh school board ho has also been a staunch presbyterian and hns been elder for nearly half a century tho lato mr young was a freo mason being a charter member of tho lodge at fer gus 6nt and at ono time hold the high office in tho order as district deputy grand master his record is ono of which his descendants can bo justly proud it has been such sturdy yeomen who have made canada a great dominion his sound judgment and sterling character wero real as sets to the community mr young is survived by two sons arid two daughters william of de troit bert at homo mrs duc rus sell of acton ont and mrs john cheer of richards landing a daughter mrs richard cheer prede ceased him a number of years ago tho funeral which was inchargo of tho masonic order was hold on tues day afternoon at threo oclock a short service was held at the family residence and the remains were taken to tho united church where rev mr gourlay of hilton beach deliver ed an excellent sermon interment was made at richards landing cem etery whero the departed brother re ceived tho last rites of the masonic order between 40und 50 members of the sault ste marie lodges were in attendance thcpnll bearers were bros col t hi elliott t j foster and a h huckson of sault ste marie and bros w j smith c a rlckaby and rov h h heard st joe island the floral offerings were many and beautiful wo join with tho entire community in extending sympathy to the bereaved st joe heruld an experts candid opinion hamilton canada august 23 192c tho editor fobs piuess acton ontario deft sir the writer- wns very much interest ed in your editorial entitled co- operation tho communitys success the local newspaper has a wonder ful influence in tho community and 1 tts certalnlya fine thing w t editor ta imbued with the idea of cooperation for realy it la funda mental as far am the success of aro town is concerned these aro days of keen competition in business and unfortunately for this countryj jnany of the men in the smaller towns seem toh flstlnedtor slt by and allow the business which should be theirs to go to mall order houses when by united effort they could make their town so attractive nnd interesting that the business would naturally como tholr way there is an old saying with a lot of truth in it united wo stick di vided we are stuck working on thin basts amongst the business men of the town of acton you are allbure of suceeu youra very trtriy hamilton advertisers- agency ltd russell t kpilby president the tip habit travellers in europe find a great deal of trouble with the ornnlprosont need of tipping thoso from whom they oxpect any servico however slight wnjytiro very apt to carry it much too far or else attempt to resist it altogether there is a story told of a wealthy but ostentatious american in a parisian restaurant as tho waiter placed his order bo forc htm he said in a loud voico i say waiter what is the largest tip that you ever received one thousand frarfes monsieur eh belnt but i will give you two thousand answered the upholder of american honor and then in a moment added may i ask who gave you the thous and francs it was yourself monsieur said tho obsequious waiter of quite ah opposite mode of thought was another american visiting lon don for tho first tlmo goaded to des peration by tho incessant necessity for ttpav ho anally entered tho- wash room of his hotel only to be faced with a inrge sign which read please up the basin after using no said the yankee burning on his heal f will so dirty first 1 obituary and no time lost if old gargo jones was tho most in qulsltlve man in the village sandy morton according to answers wns certainly the surliest one afternoon as gorge perambu lated slowly along tho ono narrow street he paused at sandys garden fence and gazed imiulrlngly over at sandy who was busily nailing a large box together afternoon sandy said the old- man genially whatever be eo put- tin that greatboxtogethcrforri to hold all your questions- if so be as its big enough gorge eyed him in pained silence for a few moments then ho took an empty match box from his pocket and throw it over to sandy then thatml do for yer civil an swers if so bo as its small enough he retorted quietly lost delight there are some pleasureswhlch are inexpensive but satisfying particu larly to tho- childish mind oh exclaimed marjorlo manaon as tho dessert camo on how i wish you had told me this morning mam ma that you wero going to havo loo cream for dinner why what difference would it have made inquired mrs manson oh lots said marjorle with a sigh i could have expected it all da then a close observer i after wltncsslnrc tho performance of n blind pianist ono irishman said to nnothcr by tho powers thats tho best i music i ever ihiiemrt to with me two cars iio docsi priliy well for a blind man doesnt lie iit doeh iiidcvri but i was- juut thinking of win tliink whats that it wouldnt mako any difference to him if he wunnt blind why not well i was watchin hlnv all the evening and lie never looked at the piano anyhow madam edeanegsm pianist and teacher pupil of francesco borger will be in acton september 4th all letter regarding enquiries to bo left ot tho fives pjiesu olllce j m savage iish dealer acton phone 152 eyoah caught whllo flah and sett flsh every week delivered in tlmo for dinner friday order early thoy dont last long wo olean bone op fillet fih to order quality- guaranteed rh1wwijwww lnvictus liberty model theyneedno brealkinin most men detest buying new shoes because they dread the breakingin period the lnvictus shoe eliminates this stage entirely it fits the normal foot perfectly aa soon as it is drawn on and holds that fit throughout its service and the lnvictus is durable tmadeof the best leathers only strongly stitched with allk that does not rot or fray every invktua can be depended upon to attain its smart appearance months longer than trie ordinary shxpe bktooodshoe omj kqodii fatgc exclusive invjctu8 agent h l harrison school booksschool supplies toxt rookn for public school text uookh for jllkh sohool roadors drawlnff books scribblers pencils kubbcri yuns etc all best quality nml atcut knto prices school opening sept 7th 1926 agent for gage toronto school supplies m w hinton jeweller headquarters for mens work garments this store is equipped to supply your requirements in work garments cakhartt overalls in black and blue all il0 c a sizes in stock good value at vaciju j blue anb black overalls guaranteed by the makers to give good wear made u good and full o djo oc double stitched special at p mens work pants in stripe tweeds made good and strong double stitched with five at strong pockets o 0 oc mens worftsh1rts at 100 125 and 150 mens work socks at 25c 40c and 50c mens work gloves regular 75c for 50c mens work suspenders extra good value at ja 50c special per pair 5 tuc mclean go mill street acton ont red and white chain store j w jones proprietor specials for thursday friday saturday lard 3s 60c 30c granulated sugar f c servus pork and beans 2 tins io lbs r shredded wheat q 2 for goc mild cheese per lb 25c servus baking pow- oa der i lb tin f c f special in oranges oranges good size and oc sweet per dozen ooc nicols maximum values at mini mum prices during this 209 reduction sale mens suits nil reduced 20 mcnn work boots rekular ui to 500 sal price 269 nnd up mcnh sweater coats and pul- overg rekular tip to 450 salo price 139 anil 175 mens work socks 19c mens caps 29c boys cups 29c boys lonff trousers 98c wo must clear our stock to maka and ao for yourself what surely iadch houise drnep flsq bow ties regular 507 for work hundkerohlefb lnre aixo rcftular 15o salo price 3 for 25o chlldrcnu cashmcro homo 19c 25 doz tins shoo polish rchular 15a last call for nhoo polish salo price 3 for 10c leather xftces per pair 5c room for burwinter stock come your eyes see your heart will believe nicols economy store ps new connections oi ipsuillatlttns hucii us tho putting in of the new valves ua required ly tho vaterworks do- parlmcnt can bo proijijrlv at tiiiidod ti if left with us for ful- fllliitfit anil promptly too vc can look ufttt nil your renulro- menth foi- plumbing in fuct tinsmithing roofing etc also satisfactorily executed w r e blair phone 144 r p0 box 607 acton ont for flaky crispy pie crust try our national hour it workn up well with any kind of shortening and youll 1a de lighted with tho jcirid 6r crust it nmk cs thlh flour is al so flno or biscuits doughnuts griddle cakes layer cukes etc norval flour mills w 11 browne co prop norval ont kins9 choice national norval i brd flour pastry blond bell 90 r i phohe munlcjial 327 r s specials fewr this week beef cuts choice lytj roat per lb 18c thick rib roast per jb 16c and 17c rounij shoulder per b r 16c and 17c jilade roast per lb c 7 14c and 15c ribdil per b c 10c to 12c stewing beef per ttj 10c to 12c rump roast round end per lb 18c and 19c rump roast square end per lb j7c an3 8 steak roast pqrlb 20c bacon side bacon by the piece per lb i cottage roll whole or half per b li large smoked rolls whole or half pep lb back bacon by the piece per lb veal cuts shoulder roast of veal per lb rib roast of veal per lb rump roast of veal per tb stewing veal per lb 1 loin roast of vel per lb 1zz sausage and hamburg steak homemade sausage 2 lbs for hamburg steak 2 lbs for z watch our windows fkroay and saturday for specials ic s 47 22o iit 23b 12c 27c 35c 30c w j patterson store closed wednesday afternoons at lz3p noon shj jss

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