Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1926, p. 5

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smwsmts wi the home of ljp arkm 3to fire as mcxnucr canadian weekly newspaper association i member selected town weeklies of oatano the acton free prxss is published trcrr thursday morning at the free presi building mill street ac ion ootuio the subscription price is jloo per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise meats 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line lor each ubae qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions wilt be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor c a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office iiw residence of president 1 ij residence of manager 131 the cofet of yankee politics a good idea of the cost of political elections in the united states is given in a recent report of the senate committee of the campaign in illinois in the primary elections it appears that colonel smith the successful candidate spent at last 253000 while the personal expenditures ot senator mcklnlay itnr defcated candidate according to the testimony of his attorney amounted to 350000 there was also 129000 spent in chicago by the local- republican committees politics manifestly come high over across the line neighborhood news crew8qn8 corners thursday morning august 26 1926 the daily good turn probably the best part about the obligation as sumed by the boy scouts and girl guides to do a good turn every day and ffrorti which we all may leuum a lesson is the discovery it leads to that op portunities to do kindness are as plentiful as daisies hi midsummer performing a good turn does not call for much planning and does not exact sacrifice necessarily the boys andr girls who have chosen this motto discover that they can make their corner of the world a very much happier place without giving up much they want themselves there are times of course when sacrifice is called for but one of the truths we need to take to heart is that kind ness is not a hard task and that we can add to the happiness of others by the simplest and easiest means tho leslie family reunlon 6n thursday was qui to a happy function about un hundred members and con nections of the family agsemblcd bomo of them coming from long dis tances a field oi two of turnips in thlh locality hccoti to have escaped tho ravages of tho lice and maffgotn which have ruined tho crops clso- here some of our farmers wives are be coming export motbrlata and why not thoy are quick to lcuirh and can tako necessary tripe when tholr husbands aro busy the workmen on tho highway tliroughhere are very faithful in their work and as a result this section df the road is in fine condition milton alexander duff miltons veteran hitrbci has retired having sold out hta business to hir assistant ivan gould hc h hare formerly agricultural representative here wcji in town last fyidtiy he is on the staff of tho nciiv agricultural cnlligp at vnnpoiivpr burlington mrs s w ryckman of cranbrook b c was in town for a few days this week renewing old acquaintances two vagrants appeared boforo mag istrate barr on tuesday morning and were sentenced to milton for fifteen day a rt rev elshop nowharn was a gueit at the rectory on sunday mrs thomas cnrduell la attending the centenary dempnstratlo at ot tawa this week ho lu in the live stock department a r linton lato ot the milton spinning mills has accepted i posi tion with tho guelph carpet and spin- nine cp of ouelpli and entered on his duties there on monday hi fum- iij will move to that city tomorrow mr and mrs w- d grikory and daughters motored from oukville lust sunday to vlajt richard white editor of the reformer we aro sorry to report that mr whites illness has been pronounced more serious than waa at first supposed miss catharine elliott graduate nurse toronto was at the home of her parents mr and mrs w l el liott kelso on saturday alio was taken iuwith appendicitis unflrtaken to toronto general hospital whore an operation wan performed almost im mediately on monday walter tho elglit-year- old son of w h matthews trafalgar township was struck by a horse when it kicked the dashboard ho received internal injuries besides haying his right arm broken champion weeds a national problem travelling through canada in mid summer one is uti utk by tho prcva lenco and dlvernit of weeds whole dlntrhhs certainlj fields tan bo des cribed as white blue j elloy or gold tho green too often unfot tunately of couch grass rathci tliun of clean vig nromly grwti mpi xho occur editorial look into the real issues saturday night is not often quoted in these columns for reasons that are obvious but the fol lowing paragraph voices the opinion of thoughtful canadians at this juncture so fully that no apology is made for reproducing it in the present elec tion campaign there are enough great questions in volved to leave no place for petty issues some of the canadian dailies are publishing trash that is not of the slightest consequence to the electorate in comparison with the duties which lie before it of obtaining stable government and honest administra tion of public affairs electors and especially wo men electors comparitively new to political respon sibilities will do well to pay small attention to the countless yarns of no real political importance in the present issue mr hampshire liberal candidate those who attended the lberal canventon at milton last week aver that mr hampshire the candi date chosen addressed the audience like a born statesman he said his grandparents came to can ada in 1817 and all were staunch liberals in the old stirring days he pronounced w l m king one of canadas most distinguished prime ministers he denounced the whispering campaign which he said conservatives were carrying on they had blocked legislation by the king administration in the last session of parliament some of the best ever offered to canadians he discussed the con stitutional question mr hampshire said lie could not thoroughly canvas the constituency and that he would conduct the campaign from the public plat form he was loudly cheered at the conclusion of his speech garnet wheat fulfilling- expectations garnet wheat heralded a year ago as possessing qualitiesthat would push the wheatproducing areas of western canada iq0 miles farther north is mak ing good results of tests made last year by in dividual farmers and on the dominion experimental farms have in the opinion of the federal depart ment of the department of agriculture proved high ly satisfactory and tests are being made this year on a larger scale during the present season nearly 7500 bushels of garnet seed wheat has been sown by western farmers where sown on summer fal lows the yield has been generally up to forty bush els per acre garnet wheat may be as successful in helping the farmers in the western hinterland of canada as fyfe wheat was in bringing prosperity to the early farmers of the western prairies a quarter century ago proper supervision of the waterworks system ekch succeeding meeting of the municipal council reveals 3ome further delinquency in tne operation and supervision of our most costly civic utility the waterworks system first there was discovered lack of care in registration of services ud thl consequent lossof reveijuedue to the town then the discovery that a large proportion of the metres had been improperly installed or hid been damaged by back pressure of hot water in services where the necessary check valves were omitted and a further loss of revenue entailed owing to neglect in making necessary repairs later developments show that repairs at the pumping station have been long delayed and that insecure covering and protection at the tank reservoir have fouled the water and im paired the service there unworkmanlike installation of the new auxiliary fire pump has also been dis covered showing laxity on the part of the engineers inspection and passing the work this has been declared unsatisfactory by the inspector of the fire underwriters association all this goes to prove very conclusively two things 1st thar no jflunici pal council has either the time nor the experience to properly supervise and administer the mutifarlous matters of so important a utility as a town water works system one so vital the health comfort and protection of the community7sffa2n that if the waterworks system is to be made and maintained properly effective and its revenues bo made to reach an aggregate more nearly conformable with the cost of operation and maintenance it must be administered by a commission of business men who have the time to give to the plant as will ensure adequate supervision who are elected with some de gree of permanence more extended than is given to members of a municipal council and who will employ competent and experienced workmen to oper- the system and make such repairs and extensions will ensure satisfactory operation and account- j to h jt ranvbcations flag waving at elections politicians must think the electors are very easily duped when they trot out the flag and wave it so laboriously during an election campaign the gen eral public regard this is extremely silly as it really is no one party has any mortgage on canadas loyalty canadas history since confederation has shown that one party is as truly loyal to this country as the other and canada has invariably prospered and that it has been as fully in sympathetic touch with the motherland during the regime when either liberals or conservaties have been in power no one need deny the value of vocal patriotism cheers and singing the waving of flags and the rolling of drums and proud rhetoric from elevated platforms they rouse a certain enthusiasm in those who hear and read and even a little in those who write and speak not one should be omitted still cheering and speaking and writing come dangerously easy to those who have a gift for them a little deed is often harder to produce than a great many big words and after all it is the great mass of silent patriotism that counts and very often those who are the least boisterous in proclaiming their loyalty are those who do most for the country and for the electors in the country weigh the deeds of the most persistent flagwavcrs with the deeds of those who are less vociferous in their acclaim and it will generally be found that the deeds are to the credit of the quieter workers in canadas inter ests and that it is the silent patriotism that counts mrs h berry and daus er mihj lena arrived nome saturday from a two weeka acatlon at chataqulu n y the annual flower show ot the nel son horticultural soalery wus held at flahero corner school on tuesday venlner motor cycle raoca will do held on the burlington ralr grounds on satur day auguit 8th a feature event will bo a twenty mile race for tho amateur- shin of ontario mr harry simmons hacl the mls- tortune to have hln linger crushed in the spray factory on jyiday last ho waa given medical attention and is progressing nicely tho school board of ilaplehurst school alderahot have installed playground the exact duplicate of tho uonh playground hfcre joseph smith installed the apparatus the play- eround idea la spreading mr allen sykcs of bromley bngr who has been visiting his brother town clerk sykcs for the past ten days left for quebec on tuesday even ing where he embarks on tho em press of britain james wynn harry slaughter shawcross and ed davis the four hamilton jouns men who where ar rested in connection with molesting two young girls on brant street on sunday evenlnkr august 8th appeared before magistrate barr for a prelim inary hearing on tuesday evening after hearing evidence the magistrate committed them for trlnl they were allowed out on baii gazette oakville editorial motes the palmerston spectator is trying hard to get lower insurance rates for that town like fergus has keep at it mr anderson and by way of en couragement we might suggest that the lower rates may have been decided on already newsrecord england evidently recognizes the extreme danger of an intoxicated driver in charge of a motorcar and a recent law put into operation makes the maxi mum punishment to a drunken driver four months in prison together with a fine of 250 the license of the driver is also automatically revoked for a period of one year who will say that the sentence is too severe canberra australias new capital is to be dry the area of the district set aside for prohibition for the new federal capital covers 900 square miles and the government supervises all leases and the sale of fjround it was decided when the reservation was given its boundary lines that no alcohol drinks should either be manufactured sold or consumed within the confines of the district the street fairs and similar amusement enter- prizes are evidently not am unmixed good in their influence upon a town the staging of any more carnivals street fairs or similar demonstrations on the market square or on city thoroughfares in sarnia will be opposed by the city council according to the terms of a resolution approved at last weeks meeting of that body hon e c drury formerly member of the leg- islavturofomiahon gountyvhas acospted the nom ination offered him by the progressives of north simcoe at their convention and approved by the liberals in their convention on monday august i6th he enters this fight standing fairly and squarely on a platform for the people he approves of the robb budget the lowered tarifl and the reduced in come taxation he believes that the customs de partment must be cleaned up and not permitted to stop at a point beyond which party friends of the government might be involved it is somewhat awkward for mr meighen just now he can scarcely deny that trie country is splendidly prosperous but he doesnt see how she got that way without higher tariffs toronto star many of mr meighens friends are similarly em barrassed its puzzling a good many of them to honestly understand and explain away the report which has just come from ottawa that canadas present prosperity is so undisputably a fact as shown by the increase of 71175431 in canadian trade which has taken place in the first four months of the present fiscal year ending july 31 the wets must be given large credit for male ing the country dry they furnished the excesses and stupidities which aroused public opinion to ac tion and they will yet complete what they have fcegunajl that is needed to enforce prohibition is for the wets to pursue their campaign a little farther goad public opinion to the level of imperial demand and invincible action and the thing will be done the wet has neve received the cfedik due his part in making booze an outlaw however un fortunate prohibition may have been in its friends it has always been most fortunate in its enemies opposition puts good causes across henry ford in dearborn independent erin rev j a and mrs evans of south cayuga visited with friends here for a few days last week the annual horticultural show will to held in the arena hillsburg on wednesday evening september 1st the best garden party of tho sea son was given in the local park on monday evening under the auspices of the young peoples improvement association of hillsburg mrs richard bryan was taken ser iously 111 last friday when she was removed to guelph hospital where he underwent an operation fyr ap pendicitis she is slowly improving rev carl mack mrs mack and alias margaret of boar iake x s aro spending a months vacation with air and mrs c w mack at luck- enuf belfountaln mrs john eagles left on wednesday morning for saskatoon sask where her parents and sisters were tho vic tims ot a motor accident when their cor was hit by a train rev e b and mrs hall are taking their vacation during rev halls absence rev s w hann m a- b d will take charge of the services in tho united churches on the local circuit a window exhibit of flowers win bo held by erin horticultural society on august 27 and 28 also the annual judging of lawns flower and vegetable gardens will also take place on august 27 one day last week while mr john glngrlck was working at mr fred lce2nerya house a board save away letting him fall through the floor to uio cellar in the fall his rleht arm was badly torn on a nail necessitating several stitches mr john wheeler accompanied by messrs earl jackson j mcclure stanley strowbcr and elgin sinclair left on monday morning for saskatoon sask in his touring car and the party intend to take jobs in the harvest in tho west returning by motor in the tall georgetown mr john ryan of new xork is spending ms vacation at tho homo ot his mother mrs w ryan mr and mrs w v grant and daughter betty are vlsltliuj friends in ottawa and other eastern points mrs e d sbeeley of detroit mich is visiting her parents mr and mrs j nt oneill mr and mrs joss of melbourne australia who are on a tour around tho world spent a fow days last week with mr und mrs l e fleck mrs john ballantlne is spending a few weeks at the home of her son col bnllnntlnej s o at hamilton n t mr and mrs e y barraclough and mr and mrs s kirk left on monday for a motor trip to chicago and other american cities georgetown main street never look ed better slnco being cleaned up and the decorations added for tho huslnesi mens holiday youwould jhlnk you wore living in a new town mr and mrs r w rced george town announce the engagement of their daughter mabel beatrice to mr george wingfleld the wedding to take place september 1 mr and mrs j i thompson aro away on a motbr trip to new york and other american cities they will return homo by way of qucbec and montreal mr john langan celebrated his ninetythird birthday last tuesday august 10 he received many eon- kratulatlons and was the recipient ot many benutlful flowers while painting mr mcmurchys bungalow at huttonvllle on tuesday afternoon mr george ford of george town slipped and fell from the roof to tho ground below he was badly bruised anil severely shaken up but fortunately no bones were broken mr ford will bo confined to his home for sumo days mrs j w kennedy returned horn on saturday after spending some weeks with her daughter mrs j h steven of toronto mrs stevens many friends will be pleased to know that she is making splendid progress toward recovery from the injuries she received in the motor bus accident sume time ago while working on a in the at tho hurleykay knitting machine factorj etr tuesday afternoon ncrnard knight met with a painful ncoldent it imp ugned when the dog on tho reamer slipped and the unfortunate mans left hand enme in contact with the ma chine and was severely cut several stitches being necessary herald prompt laymcntpf dog llccnsjo fees is being asked for by the local authori ties reeve w h and mrs morden re turned last night from a trip to van couver bc mr thomas fisher and family of petersburg virginia are visiting at the home of mr and mrs mckinley church street tho davenport brothers refresh ment stand trafalgar on the dun- daa highway was broken into and re ueved of goods valued at an excess of s75 0o last friday night a fine of s10 00 and costs wols im posed by magistrate j h shields in the oakville court on monday after- nojni on wm hoffman of llstowol perth county charged with reckless and negligent driving some of tho real estate men in tho town were interviewed this week by tbo record to confirm rumorsthat business was getting much better in oakville empty houses said one are reiner gradually filled up the cementing of the strip between the curb and tho sidewalk on colboene street is now underway and some por tions of the sidewalk which is now lower thnn the highway are being broken up and will be made higher so as to be on a level with the road way that oakvllles flro brigade can stage a pleasing social function with an much effect as thoy can combat destructive flames was demonstrated last friday evening to tho man people who attended tho firemens garden party held at victoria park the members of the oakville ma sonic lodge no 400 afa m will attend divine aervlco in the bronte united church on sunday august 29 and will be addressed by the rev g w moore of brantrord formerly of the bronte circuit shortly after two oclock monday morning two cars driven by george f gray 60 mountain avenue tor onto and e r gardner vlneland met in a headon collision on the tor ontohamilton highway west of oakville and were badly wrecked satisfactory and mutual agreement between the town council and kerr street factions to matters pertaining to the proposed pavement was finally arranged at a meeting of the council on monday night opposition on the part of the north- enders to the cost of nn eighteen foot concrete roadway was anally overcome by a proposal for- a ten foot strip which will extend from a point approximately 170 feet north of stewart street to tho c n r tracks t record rence here mil oleic of exceptions to the rule slinl liniorutratcs th possibility of better things losses to farmers und to canada totalling mtn inllllonh of dollars an nually aro represented bj this riot of color any mums however pnrtlil ofreducing such vvjtite inul there fore commapd respect metr of eastern cinndu is flt only for a forest crop fire and axe have exposed to the incursion of utudu mil lions of acres that can only be a men- aoo to adjoining lands until restored b government or municipal action largoly to its own proper use n iarce additional areas the furm- lng can only be diaciibesi us very low- pressure cropping indcoil tho land lies in hay arid pahturc chiefly unel in a year or two from the plow iiro- duccs herbage unmarketable as hay until brought untjer a more intensive agriculture or correct permanent paa- turo management returns from such farms will be meagre in more advanced farming districts there s a noticeable decrease of such conspicuous but readily under cul tivation suppressed weeds as butter cup oxeye daisy and the hawkwoeds- in their places according to locality appear various mustards thistles and othors certain weeds are more or less indicative of overrellanco on the grain crops others prevail in clover seed growing districts fruit or truck ing lands etc perennial sow thistle invades the richer soils especially if poorly drained russian thistle the lighter regions sheep sorrel hnae in need of liming evcr where some weed is ready to seize an qpportunlty mans only hope now of comparative freedom from weeds is to occupy evory inch with adapted crops well planted and carefully husbanded ac cording to sound principles of tillage and plant growth only so can he possibly forestall natures constant effort to replace lost vegetation of forest east and west and prairie in tho vast interior of canada herbert qroh division ot botany central ex perimental farm ottawa did you ever srjp7 to think f iy edson ii- walto secretary shawnec okla board of co mm urea ford harvoyi head of the fred hnrvoy railway restaurant sr- v that if ono happens to have in herit d i kood nume a rcsiion- sibillij fallows involvitfe thp tattn of ni lintiiiiiii tho suhndardb idtals mil traditions of that name that tin rt js utuuntuge in oiny pocrt ih stimulatiiiff inttuauy ingenuity and creative abllltj that the liuipirttlun of advmtui c and experiment is a prlvilcf open to nil but mtr freely en joyed by thoie with their own carter to make that mot of our oik nrfn jie cn- tireij self made and thnt much clvo and fet moit out of llf that theic reflections seem to have little rel ition to the sei ice of refreshments to raiva paaaengera copyright 1926 business directory dr j a mcmven physician and qurgoon offlc and r o 3utfl avenue and elgin street phone 88 dk u j nelson frudcitlck strtut acton ontario legal start aug 30 guelph business college guelph ont and receive individual in struction from business experi enced instructors thorough modern courses special facili ties for assisting graduates to locate no wat tins list of graduates looking for positions from seven families the fifth member wai attended skillful adertislne ma bring one en rolment but only quality ser vice jjrlngs repeat orders send in your registration now a t bouck principal and proprietor phone no 22 p- o box sib harold nash farmer m a barrlsrter solicitor notary publlo conveyancer etc ferryman block acton ont money llnt qic mortgages houra 930 ajn to e pm saturdays 12 00 oclock dental cruel kindness john ruskln at aoventyflve had as keen a sense of taste as most men havo at twenty and greatly enjoyed new flavors my palate ho onco said sorves me now ao well because when x was a child i was given only the plainest food when i waa a boy too i bad but one or two toys and no amuse ments hence tho keen delight which 1 take now in every little pleasure n monsieur return explained to an od friend his habitual cheerfulness in the same way i was youngr ho said my life was simple and bajc i had few amusements i kept all my illusions hence uttlo things which an indulged child in a luxurious homo would scarcely notice now give mc an old man real happiness here is the hint of a truth worth the attention of parents if they have wealpi or even a moderate income their fond effort is usually to crivo to their boys and eirln all tho pleas ures in mlniaturo which belong to tho middle aged children are early made familiar with the idea of fashionable clothes and jewellry they have their formal luncheons and dinner parties and etyen balls in which there aro the atato and the ceremony and some times the dishes which ore to bo found in the entertainments of adults they are overloaded with costly toya for which they cale little the dlsnppolnted father and mother wonder why the child is bored by new 1leeaure t nre robbing him in youth of the relish and the keen sense of enjoyment which was meant to give xest and happiness to ids whole life i still more cruel kindness is that of parents of moderate means who ac custom their children to a life ot lux ury living tfithe full limit of their jaoomes and when they die leave them unprepared to struggle wjth the vrorld by the short cut ono of tho great newspapers is printed in an office that has three fall stories below the ground level tho enormous presses resting on founda tions even below this depth an old subscriber came to took at the establishment ono day and tho business manner showed him round they had inspected the editorial and composing rooms and the business t- nces and lastof jill they went to look at the englneaand presses tho stairway lending down to the basement had several landings and to the visitor it aeemed that the journey would never end well he gasped as thoy stood at last on the very bottom floor i sec you have arranged to got your news frorn cjhlna by tho shortest route bath niqht when i wus working at the big house said the brlrklayer jerking his thumb bldewhe i saw a round shallow basin on top of a short post nnd i have been wonflerlng over since what it was where was it the carpenter ask ed right out in the middle of the lawn and dont you know what that wflht mo well ill toll you it wus bird bath ilont believe it why because i dont believe there is a bird on earth that enn tell saturday night from any other night rro is joodtea- tea ist jbun intending fofty rate fctiwluiiwl4jiwciwu j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will in at a t browns nillo store acton 9 tuesday sept 7th an oii suffering from eje- stra in dcfoctlvo vision or huitt i n should not miss the opjortuiltv of consulting thla ecslght specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t lrown druggist consuxration free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m dr j w bell d d s l d s dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic- used 1 desired omcb at residence corner cz mid and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgoort office over bank of nora scotia hours 980 to s no evnlngb by appointment miscellaneous francis nun an bookbinder account books of all unci matleo order periodicals of every uescrlptlon carefully bo nnd itullny neatly and promptly done v idhmcn feueel i over williams fauelpn oat btoro r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience list your property acton with me ontario mining pine lakelorrain silver mines limited construction of power line and plant nov decided on shaft to be sunk to depth encouraging operations to date engineers confident of success the northern aliner issue of july 10th comments no mnn can aurvey tlie north toda and rcmuln cool the spectacle of new discoveries that promise a harvest ctt new mlneit of magnificent development in our pro ducing nilnes of expanding liroiluctlon escclto tho blood and thrill the heart it is a great thing to look forward to a- wonderful eitudy for tho forealghted investor and and speculator that tho mining and inventing ntfbllc is due to amnss enormous gain is as plain ntt the nose on ones face participate in the development of ontario mining a umited offerinff only at 25c per share par value 100 fully paid and won assessable a w ryder company 7 mccaul street toronto 2 ont actork to toronto return special exhibition fares 120 aug 28th to sept 1 1th additional electric train service leave acton 658 am 937 am 1037 n m 1137 am and then every two hours ret toronto regular service to 6 30 pm then 730 pm 830 p m 930 p m last train 1 100 p m street cars direct to grounds without transfer i 3 canadian national electric railways a e nicklin insurance agent life tho mutual llfo assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance company eaglo star ond british dominion insurance co umited auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees li ability assuranco corporations the dominion of cnnada guar antee and accidents insurance company money to looton farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections see me for all kinds of insurance box 444 bower ajel acton notice to patrons of this estab- liahment dijreng july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only ot each wcolc lena grinding- and quick eejiair jdo partment operating as usual wrlto in or phona i91w for appoiotment a d savage opometrlst and mfnr optician sataoe optical bulijmnd rlbht at the post oihco guelph radio canadad pioneer monthly publication devoted to radio subscription price 2 00 per year in advance radio 13 edited by allon b oxley r c i an outajtandlns authority on radio operation subscribe now and loarn how to sot tho best outof your radio set- radio also tells you where to oby penton publications 60162 adelaide east toronto the old and reliable granite and marble works wo are nnuiufacturora and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo soil direct to our customers at wholosalo prices thus savins our customers 40 per cent wo havo the best appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pnoumatfo tools properly wecan give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places whoro others havo to havo law sulut in order to collect wo havo the largest and boat stock of granite in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in tho west wo aro legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or post customers by send 1 tiff out ignorant nfrenta solicit- inrc orders wo employ only mechanics ano doty competition hamilton sons quelph out k- i jt shilk 1 it

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