Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1926, p. 2

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lnfat its wtf to 1a xv 4 r t y tt ggn acftm fflrrr jprggja thuitsday august j6 1 a plea for strength i am not certain of tho light but clc lily nun ked is wrong and no i make this piajcr at night lord help mc to be strong i eoio foi tmth ami seek u llnd some fact amid the doubt but if with sin i amy behind all hope mubt flicker oat f to dure to be the thing i dream hfftl uisy us to say tet i might fight for it and seem still milts and miles away qi and none can tell mo ahull it end in lct0r5 or despair shall i this nay my spirit send if so what waits me there tet if when tempted i am weak and into shame descend if onlj pleasure hero i seek i know iow that will end that way will lead me to despair to follys tragic goal and so of that i mustjjaware- if i would saverny soul tis hard to know the path of right but clearly marked is wrong and so i make this prayer at night lord help me to be strong edgar a guest 11 some famous pens personh who are especially interest ed in a bill passed by parliament re ceive from the premier as a souvenir the pen with which he signed the document tho pen with which presi dent wilson of tho united states tardily signed the declaration of war on april 6th 1917 will undoubtedly be treasured as an object of great value and will probably toe gazed upon with awo by future generations one of the best known pens in that country is owned by mr isaac b reed of now york who at ono time refused to sell it for seven hundred and fifty dollars its alue arises from the fact that aside from having been used by both lincoln and grant it was made of a carved box in which the young george washington kept parts of bus surveying instruments the box itself was mad from the lid of a desk that belonged to the captain of the mayflower tho treaty of paris was signed by the plenipotentiaries with a pen now owned by the empress eugenie it was made from a golden eagles quill and studded with gold and diamonds two pens used by charles dickens were sold at auction for one hundred and two hundred dollars respectively one used by sir walter scott at ab- botsford brought about forty dollars in the berlin museum is the pen with which queen louise of prussia signed her will and beside it is the ono with which tho grandfather of the present kiaser wrote his famous letter to queen augusta telling about tho victory at sedan i ton years ago tho marriage regis ter of mr ward son of lord bangor was signed with the pen that the diplomats used in blgning the treaty of vienna tills pen which has been used sovereai times in the ward fam ily for the sbgnlng of marriage regis ters was obtained by a former lord bangor when aa lord castlcrcughs secretary he won present at tho ifh- portant conference as tho value of a pen increases in proportion with the importance of the document on which ifwos used the- one with which tho treaty of peace that concluded tho lost great war which was signed in the hall of mirrors t in the french palace at ver sailles on november 11th 1918 would bring a price that would help some what at least in alleviating the suf fering that the war has caused the fountain pen presented to the united church by airs carman wldow ofthe late rev dt carman for years general superintendent of the metho- dlst church for use of the 3s0 com missioners of the 1 three unl ting- church in signing the consummation roll is one of the most highlyprized articles now on deposit in the archlnc vaults at wesley buildings the church house of the areat new church ir 3ta jrwsi hort tnnj sos your old man samuel a dbrieux i a how to introduce queens before introducing a new queen to a colony of bees it is of the utmost importance that the colony contain no queen of queencells of its own other wise the new- queen will be killed if the colony to be reqaeened has a queen of its own and has made no preparations for swarming remove the a old queen and leave the colony queen- less for about twelve hours and then introduce the new queen- if however the colony has made preparations for swarming remove the queen destroy all queencells and leave queenless for ten days on the tenth day again destroy alt queen- cells and introduce the new queen should the colony be without a queen several days before the new- queen is introduced examine the colony carefully for queencells or virgin queens and destroy them before giving the new one bees will except a new queen more readily when nectar is coming in than when there is a dearth therefore it is better to introduce them during the flow feeding the colony with a thin syrup when there is no nectar will make in- iroductlon safer durin such periods pi3 stnplei nhtstlcd nnd throw tho letter he had just re cel ed to his roommat trow bridge- theres n bit fof new s he said my old man coming to iuiy mo a visit such visits are often omburmtm- ing said trowbridge there uro a lot of fcllowfl here whod be just as pleased if their fathers never came oh m old mans all right said tuples quickly hos not very at tentive to the stles the boy flushed but lies no rube either only we ought to make some changes he poinded to a ilcturo on the wall riossle must come down and we can shake up the way our reading is arranged put the sunday school quarterly on top pf tho pile or what about a latin dictionary staples and trowbridge were fresh men nits as the upper classmen called them is jour old man pretty straight- laced asked trowbridge some people would soy so ho a been living in the sticks all his life sos my old jman erlnned his roommate looking across the room at sam clark clark was tho idol of tho college tho allamerican tackle although a senior ho ihad honored theso rats with a visit for trow bridge had shown good form in a class football game clark was a very powerful fellow with a bronzed face and crisp yellow halr you seem to be asking my opln ion he said well i think a cheap phrase like aos your old man is a pretty dangerous thing to say i used to call my own father old man but i quit short off i was like you i used to fake little accounts of money epent on sunday school entertain ments and send them to him i took a girls picture off the wall before ho visited me i quit that too i dont feel the name way about hlni any more he swung his feet down to the floor and sat up straight in the chair his big square jaw seemed to stand out more than it had if you two chaps would like to know why i suffered a change of heart here goes it happened- on a visit home at christmas time said clark and my iiome is little better than a cabin in the pines on the edgo of the santce swamp there was a time when i tried to fly high and keep tho fact hid but because a mans a fool pneo is no reason why he should be ovfool all tho time father was at the station to meet me in a ratty buggy pulled by a znue ho wasnt dressed any too wcll his whiskers werent trimmed after tho latest and hed forgotten to put on ii cravat and scarfpln rut his eyes were beaming welcome yam couldnt see the rest of his face for his whiskers there aro many different methods of introducing queens bat most of them cannot b relied upon the cage method by which the queen and bees ewe kept apart in the blve for sever al hours is the safest queens arriv ing by mail may be introduced from the mailing eagre following the di rections which accompany such cages or better still transfer the queen but not her attendants to a miller candy cage select a few young bees from the colony- to wfllch she is to be introduced and put in the cage with her place the cage either be tween the top bars of the frames or in the entrance of the hives the canadian cage which is si combina tion of the candy and push in cage has been found best at ottawa the queen is placed on the comb and the c is put over- he- tfas l lease the queen as front the other rl caffcn- when- using either the miller or canadian cages the hole through which the bees release the queen in filled with candy and a narrow strip of stiff poperts placed over the mouth of the hole to prevent the bees from releasing the queen too quickly c k good or ham dominion apiarist j hand grenade causes havoc fortyone officers and tnen were -milcn- otk e volhy on 1 wednesday of last week when a wartimegrenade found in a field ex ploded about fifty others were in jured some of thetn very severely a company of the ssth regiment of infantry was returning to kowel from field manoeuvres about eighteen miles from that place while crossing ah uncultivated field the soldiers earns upon what appeared to be a dud hand gfenade ono of the men picked up the grenade and the whole com pany gathered around to examine the rollo of the war bya the officers however recognized the grenade as dangerous though it had bean found in a field which had been 1 rjowed five time since the 0reat z jwmt while discussing methods for si m liwnl soldier acoidently drop wwitpia the grenade probably through kfib yj3wk it w his hobnailed jttfcm avd tptodea- with toriflo tore insn a flight like wiitie said witfit but mother she was standing on the porch and youd have thought that an anger was coming you know bow it is my kid brother looked at mc as if i was the greatest man in tho world and even the hound seemed to tuck in his tall in the presence of so much majesty i never had anything that tasted so good as supper chat night but i guess i hadnt realized before how plain thldgs were at home you see i had travelled north to play yale and stayed in the waldorfastoria the night after the game and i had been in other handsome dinning rooms back home our room isn t finished ip mahogany and old leaf that night they gave me the company room with grandmas crazy quilt on the bed and they didnt call me til breakfast was ready mothers our cook and fathers her assistant he brings in the wood stirs the hominy cats the side meat and gets in the way after breakfast i walked about the lot with him it was cloudy with lowflying mist father kept casting an eye at the sky and he asked me if it had been raining where i came from i noticed that the chicken yard was deserted when j had left home they had wo hundred cblckemc now they had only a few aged he and a dilapidated rooster where are the chickens v i asked soid he said had to and ho looked at me emborrascd i knew what that meant those chickens hod sons for money i had spent on billiards and flowers fel lows my conscience tackled mo right there and threw me harder than i ever was thrown before it was the some everywhere a heifer was gone there were only two hogs left in the pen and only one bale of cotton in tho shed tho rest had been sold as soon as it had been picked father explained all these things as if he had to give an account to me i didnt have such a keen appetite for dinner that afternoon it set in raining it and som time when t wasftt looklngfather slipped away i found out from mother that ho had taken the job of taking care of major bar kers cattle in the swamp father was paid twelve dollars a month mother said nnd i remember trow proudly she said it twelve dollars a month and thats a great help samuel it was nearly dark when he camo in soaking wet he said lie wan planning to get a raincoat i had one that hod cost me twenty dollars father said that he reared a freshet and had driven the cattle near the gate after supper he did not have much to say and went to bed dead tired when i ivent to my room i lay awake for an hour listening to the wind and rain and boiling oyer with-good-resolutlona- then 1 dreamed i was in a sub marine and the water wns bubbling all around mc i woke up and heard the worst storm i ever remember roaring outside and sure enough the prjy was dashing through the chinks in the old window frame i heard father nnd mother stumn- fng around i got up it wasnt cold and lighted my lamp 1 slipped on my clothes and went to their room fattier had a lantern in his room and mother was pulling his collar snug around ills neck- whisker jielp on led to tho swamp tho leiulcoloi 1 imtcr with tree trunkw tonnlng bo t in it the river was two ml ten o it of its banks i it was a mile still to tho pu c where the cattle were huddled but father nodded bis head as if it weio all right so far he gave mc n gi lm look as i stood thei e panting he was soaked jh old black eoat looked ilkesnlc his whiskers were drlppirir and tho water was running in strennid off his broadrimmed hat he seem ed to be sizing mo up nnd asking him self i wonder if this sop of mine is a man ve didnt wait long there was a cabin not far off und a negro wo man came running toward us waving and yelling she told us that liei father old andy he helped my full er had gono into the swamp it afternoon before and hadnt come jt et he was trying to save some v she said she w as aure he was drowned and then in the next brcuth screamed save him oh save him mr clark i is there a boat hhouted father she told us there was a dugout 1 little way off it was tied to a tree in tho creek fattier turned to mc sam said he i must save that old andy he is likely to bo on the high ground at english point the water will cover that before night im going in after him you lot the cattle out not much i cried ill go with you sam he said sternly dont bo a fool three cant come back in tho dugroul j then ill go you stay here im thought to be a big strong chap good enough to play football and put the shot i tried to brush past my father ho caught my shoulder and his fingers felt like a steel trap it isnt a boys work today ho said with a frown but it wasnt the strength in bis hand that stopped mc it was the authority i saw in his eye it bored into mc it made me feel like a kid then ho turned and left mo star ing at him i was paralyzed some how i just stood there and watched him wade out to that crazy little boat and get into it and start poling away across the current into the trees be yond i remember dashing after him when it was too late the current sucked and tore at me and i 4iad all i could do to get back to the bank i remembered the cattle and ran and turned them loose they went streaming up toward higher country with their tails straight up in the air i sent a boy to tell mother that we woixldntbe home till night then 1 1 4t down to wait some negroes made a are after a while on the bank and all djiy long i sat there watching the tossing waters rlso higher it was the longest day i over spent logs went drirtlng by and dead cattlo and noraea and once tho body of a man he was floating face down and turning over now and then a young man what chance had my father against such flood 1 1 had a vision of him dead in that raging torrent of water how could i ever forgive myself how could i ever hold my head up again i saw myself crawling through life sam clark once a football player once u social favorite the cowardly sam clark who stood aside and let his father drown hadnt i let my father go bravey out to save old andy while i stood like a coward on tho bank it wasnt true i had tried to go but who would ever belle vq it would i believe it myself i got up and walked up and down digging my nails into my palms until they bled tho sun suddenly shot through the clouds and stained tho water blood- red then there was a hoarse cheer behind me and a piercing scream of joy from old andys daughter hy father was in sight poling the dugout to shore old andy was lying in the bottom tired out and almost dead with tho chiil my father drove the boat high up on shore and got out and shook hands with me on second thought he said im sorry i couldnt let you go sam hard on you if i hadnt come back then he staggered and we laid him down by the flro and rubbed him and he was soon well enough to drive township pays 78 for dogs ravages j s 131713 more passed for jload work in esquefllnff at the august meeting of enqueuing loumll the following bunliichs wan tnuitfuctcu a deputation asking f 01 gi unt t acton kalr ulso deputation fi cm nomui unking some uction roguidliik diulnuko on htrcoln addressed tho council moved by councillor cleave sicond- id by councillor carton that tho licusuier imy sum hon rich 50 of on aull contract carried moved by councillor carton second ed by councillor gowdy that tho 1 n usurer iwy the following sheett clalnih killed by dogs and certified to by mi kelson stark sheep valua tor huli liluck three sheep killed 3 00 alvln mclhinald two shcop killed 30 nelson stark valuator i trips 4 david cook two lambs kllk ed 20 w b shortlll valuator 2 carried moved b councillor leslie second ed by councillor carton that the treasurer pay the pn sheets as cer tified by the iloud superintendent no 1 s3g413 no 2 398 80 no 3 3209 ho 4 162 76 no s is735 carried moved by councillor carton second ed bj councillor cleuvo that the treasurer pay toronto hospital for consumptives weston care of h olllmore for july 48 so k y bar- raclough re moody for august 20 00 q o brown stamps 1 30 sundries 50c total 180 e c thompson division court clerk court judg ment ifi 0t carried moved by councillor cleave second ed by councillor gowdy that hie treasurer pay austin corner 3 cords stone at 12 per cord supplied for vault 45 mrs annie tracy vault und doors 950 william boscoby re moving stone and debris from site of om vault 12 william pun ton milton advertising re tenders 76c bell tele phone account for auguat 3 73 carried bylaws were passed respecting the assessment and the apportionment of the annual railway bonus council adjourned to meet at tho call of the reeve for the lonely wouldnt start until wo had taken old andy to his cabin and mado him comfortable father has never been strong since then his heart and all his muscles were too badly strained you notice i dont buy many new clothes and billiards and flowers never get a cent out of me you no tice too that i dont speak of my old man hes my fattier nnd if turn out to be as good as he la- well ril be a man alono and in a world of friends have ou ever tried to imagine what it would be like woo to him that is alone when ho falleth everybody dreads being aione anything lost is full of dis tress a doe that has lost his master is frantic with anxiety a dog is social animal like ourselves and ho loves friendship as truly as he isa real friend j most of those who read this will be unable to realize how lonely some people are for most of us have been able to find a way out of our diffi culties when we have been with our backs to the wall we have usually been able to ask a friend for help and that help has been forthcoming but try to imagine your life without the unburdening of your and with a singlo friend nono to stay to hear the unburdening of your heart and w 1th no patience with your misfor tune to to think what it would bo like if every star in your social sky went out and you were encircled with an impenetrable gloom you want to give your friendship and no one desires it you ask for comradeship und no one responds there are many lives like that have you ever stood in a crowded city street and tried to real lie what it would mean to be absolutely alone without friends money or experience there are some people like that en tirely friendless and alone charles klngsley was a very good- tempered sympathetic individual a woman once asked him how it was ho possessed so loving a disposition and with a look of profound thankfulness he replied i once had a friend yes and so say all of us when we think of tho best in our lives had it not been for a friend who helped us when we needed help and heard us when wo called we should have been in the world today hopeless and for lorn it is up to n to bo aa friendly as we can be to the lonely and unfortun ate if we could hear tho sighs of the j lonely and know the emptiness of i many a life around us we should re spond without hesitation we should be more tolerant more kindly and moreover we should reap where we had sown local r bylaws and theut penalties ignored by numerous of persons every week acton has a ht i lm of veiy dcnliablo und lousomiblt- by ih and of public lntci est geneially theso bylaws aro being ignoicil by itumboih of people uotne thiough cat iteshikhh and jthcth because they ie litnortint of the pro- vlrtiojlh of tllcho bjlllwh i a bylaw foiblddtng driving on tho sidewalk and houlevaidn pen ally 2 00 to 1010 for each offence ami costs of repairs of dumukch i a bylaw to protect cuiztns from villous dogs penalty up to 2g 00 and destruction of the dog 3 sale of cigarettes to boys under ugo penulty at discretion of tlnrl rnagjiilrato up to bo 00 1 ta bylaw to inolilblt throwing or leaving waste paper on the streets penalty 5 00 to 920 00 a g closing of restnuruntn at 1i o clock midnight penalty up to 10031 s liulldlngr in tbo fire limit area inuu 60 0dto tlooa 7 tho btop street penalty for falling to stop uii to 10 00 8 motor or homo vehicle obstruct ixik truffle penalty- up to 10 00 9 drlveis fallintr to observo silent policemen at htrcct intersection penalty up to 10 00 10 meat offered for sale which n unfit for food penalty up to 20 00 11 tho uso of profane obticcne or other improper lanrtuage in prospect park or elsewhere in the municipality penalty up to 50 00 12 writing indecent words or making indecent iicturc n any build ing wall fence or clhewhero penalty up to 20 00 13 tor mutilating 01 dn muffing an headstone monument or damaging any trees walks roadways jriots pr graves in tairvlew cemetery pen alty 100 up to 5000 14 any offence against public mor als penalty up to 20 00 15 bathing without bathing suits between the hours of 6 oclock a m and ono hour after sunset penalty up to 10 00 16 slaughtering animals within tho municipality penalty up to 20 00 17 animals at large penalty lm pounding and up to 10 00 and costs 18 dogs running at large and not wearing a tag penalty 5 00 and cobts 19 a bylaw prohibits riding bi cycles on sidewalks penalty 2 00 to 5 00 various othor bylaws of which tho general public are more or less un- fu mi liar are also being violated for which violation the gillty persons aro liable to be summoned to court for in fraction at any time he hadms order8 an english home secretary who once had occasion to defend tho london police says a british weekly declared it to be the least corruptible body of its kind in existence in proof he narrated the following incident a young constable fresh from scot- land was on duty in the west end of london and had instructions to stop trafllc as- royalty was expected a lady who was unceremoniously held up on the way to tho theatre put her head out of the window t her electric brougham and called to the constable to let her imss 4 1 ennna do it maam tho police man said but im the wife of a cabinet minister i canna help that said tho scot i could not let you pass even if you were the wife of a presbyterian min ister waterpower development the installed horbepower of hy draulic turbines in canada has in creased from 1446000 in 1912 to 2- 970 000 in 1922 or by 105 per cent in 10 years the effect on coal con sumption is strikingly illustrated by the official coal statistics which show that in spite of increase of popula tion and far more proportionate in crease in manufacturing industry the total coal consumption in 1922 was less than in 1013 the actual figures are for 1913 31 s million tons for 1922 313 million ton a shortterm ambition ono of tho nanons why ho many gills and women in bunimsh ulil it miixossf ul buslik tin woman tht otln 1 da im slioittum ambltluri i have klili in my bunlihhs who have woilcul splendidly for tin to fout 01 five ytarrt making thcuimclven steadily moi val uable then upon reaching norm pin tluilui position thoyve stopped hiiui t i imvi novel a 1 who are not wotlh iu 7j it iiloio than thoy wit o fiw ytmtf ago on tlio con trmy tlioy uio wuith ilhh foi in buslnchh pjito as maik- cdly us unywheie oiho in lift kcuy sots in when growth stops 3uuuu ot later tlieiio glrln although they ait doing thcli wotk without blumlcih 01 noticeable fulluic will bo tom- pellid to kivc wuj to girls who have life nmbltlons girls who aro cugor und inturcsted alert ot make both tlumselves and tho business in which thoy uro engaged continually more vuluable if girlh would only understand that we see it mo clearly in all departments of life the minlnter who in not cunutuntl gaining new visions of truth and muklng now applications of trutti to life soon wcuiioh his con gregation the pliyslcia n who does not keep up with now rtlmcovoiits and methods finds his jxitlcnts turning to other and more progressive iloctois the buslnemj man who is not con stantly on the alert to study eviry new suggestion soon finds himself out distanced by oompetltork there is a sadder fulluro still tho mother who does not make it t great purpose of liei life to keep in touch with her children as their in terests broaden comes sooner or late to the heartbreaking hour when she discovers that she has lost their con fidence fhut she jh left behind tallures all pitiful tragic failures because they had vihorttcrm ambi tions because the goals to which the look forward were so far short of eternity safely across samuel mcleod and 4 his donkey the pittsburg chronicle says were well- known in the country that gave them birth and the two were on very friendly terms 8andy would riot havo exchanged his cuddy for the best thoroughbred in tho land one day when he went out for a ride he resolved to make his donkey jump a stream he applied the whip and the animal galloped to the edge of the bank and then stopped so sud denly that sandy sailed through tho air to tho other side of tho water whon the scotsman had sufficiently recovered from the bhock he rose and looked the donkey in the face 4 verra weel pitched ho said but hoo are ye guan tae got ower yersel you cannot buy salada in bulk sold only in seeded packages kcc1vs flusttird aids diftemtton jl meats of course you enjoy keens mustard with cold meats try its appetizing flavour with hot meats too roast beef lamb pork baton sausages etc keens mustard adds dell- ciousness and aids diges tion mix it fresh for every meal 433 too deep the story is told of cl lank dis consolatelooking farmer who one day during the progress of a political meeting stood on tho steps with tho air of one who has been surfeited with a feast of somo sort do you know whod talking in there now demanded a stranger briskly pausing for a moment beside the dis consolate farmer or are you just going in no sir ive just come out said the farmer decidedly mr evarts is talking in there what about asked trio stranger well he didnt say the farmer answered iasslng a knotted hand over his forehead 1 fvrat assaal exporiuon too sew to ffs tmndias attmdince iojj i 401000 lot ituio qontumcar fimldtac to b nflemiil ess yu i canadian nat i onal exhibition toronto 1926 datosauk288hrt1l internal and external pains are promptly relieved by thomas eclectricoil that it has been sotd for seably fifty years amd is today a oaeater seller than ever before 18 a testimonial that speaks for i to huueroua curative qualities canadas trade johnny miles preaches sermon in boston arthur duffy writing- in the boston post of monday states that johnny miles klner f marathon runners ad- home in major barkers car but heprresed the inmates of charleatown wink st me me was afraid he said that the water would rlss over the point where he find driven the cattle nnd that they couldnt get out on ac count of the barbed wire fence of course i went with hfm it was an inky black night a roaring blnahlng beating night that blaw you fbn you feet wind dosed me seemed to blow my wits away and all i could do was to keep my eyes on fathers lantern a little circle of swinging brightness in the vast black night now and then we heard a pine go down twice we had to climb over fallen trees in the road but father just chugged rlirht along at fcatt that mttae mo onw like a bellows morning- had come when we readied the ed of the swamp the wildest usheat morning i ever saw w could see ahead down the ilttts slope that staqf icecream the makebelieve of the stage are not so easily detected now as in the days when mr joseph jefferson was be grinning to earn his reputation as an actor one of mr jeffersons stories of dramatic business in tho earlier days of the walnut street theatre in philadelphia there was a scene hi the course of which a servant was to enter wlth lights in those days says mr jefferson seaisland cotton was stage ice cream just as molasses and water was stasro wine sherry or port according to the proportion of molasses tbo actors were seated at the table where they had been enjoying such viands aa these and jthelr dialogue was maktngj the very beat sort of an impression on a crowded house then in came that maid servant with tho wabbllest sort of candelabra the scene was so engrossing that she was scarcely noticed but when she set down her burden on the table and one candle toppjod out and put the icecream iri a blase well tho entire audience burst into a laugh and tho curtain had to bo rung down state prison in their regular sunday service sunday morning gathered among the congregation were unfor tunates wbo had determined to re deem their lives little johnny prov ed himself to be juat as adept in the pulpit as a speaker as he did on the athletic road to fame miles took as his topic the clean life and among other things said i have found that tho clean life the fair dealings with all our nelsllborn a mean insinuation the commencement exorcises of the high school had passed off with on tire success and at tho request of the principal the diplomas had been delivered by colonel wye president of the school board a worthy but somewhat pompous cltlxen to whom nothing had ever happened to shake his high opinion of himself at the close of the proceedings the principal wth the praiseworthy pur pose of saying something compli mentary to his eminent colaborer in the cause of education took occasion to observe von acquitted yourself finely eolonel tour remarks were well chosen well chosen echoed tho colonol turning red i want you to under stand sir that those remarks were not chosen at all kvery word i uttered ws original sirl and the shooting for ono object in life is the only salvation of us all why do i like athletics i will tell you athletics teaches us many valuable lessons it gives us great victories it also gives us humblo defeats we are lauded to the skies when we hap pen to win some big contest then again when we are defeated we like wise receive the rebuke of the howl lng mob fame is only a fleeting bubble we are here today wq aro gone tomorrow my xctory in the boston marathon was tho greatest honor that i ever won yet at the same time 1 havo been down and have been beaten in different races since i know that the almighty had a reason for these same defeats i want to impress upon you jnen to lead the clean upright and moral lferarls0 above yourself needless to say the little marathon champion received a great reception all the inmates left the nflson audi torium apparently in a better frame of mind all were strong for johnny miles and the lesson ho advocated in 1913 the total exports of canada were valued at 455 000000 in 1925 1271000000 we stood in 10th place in 1913 la volume of ex portswo stood ftih lsrm25 only the united kingdom united states france germany and british india havo a greater total export trade than canada on a per capita basis we surpass nil these countries bj a wide margin only new zealand among the twenty leading countries of the world sur passes canada in exports per head of population and in total volume of trade new zealand is low in the scalo compared to canada what docsthis mean a nation wlh vast exports la a nation of tro mentloua purchasing power an in dividual is riph in rrp as ho is im a position to command tho goods of the- world a nation is an aggrega tion of individuals canada is prosperous hpr trade proves it study the facts qppqblpg contentions will be analysed from day to day let the facts sink deeply into your mind we flpfl fur wurtd leadership as a great trading nation nothing can stop us save lack of faith oup own destiny wo can not lack tho faith ff ono tft truth by r j dchrnn 50000 harvesters wanted 150 0 to winnipeg plus half a cent per mile beyond to ail points in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tasnja calgary macleod and bast returning haifa cent per mile to l inaipej plus 3009 to destination through special trains for winnipeg- via canadian national rys will leave as follows standard time from toronto ausrutt 31st 1230 pm 900 pm union station 8pt 3rd 1230 pm 900 pm special through cam from other principal points connecting with the above special trains for detaib consult local canadian national agents through trams comfortable colonist carsspecial cars for women and children purchase your ticket to wnuupeg via canadian national railways whether or not your final destination m tae west is a point on the canadian national tickets and all information from nearest agent travel canadian national go into caucus with yourself western faif london 8ucceccfuu after all exhibition time will soon be here already hundreds of entries aro pour- lng into the executive offices of the western fair and space for exhibitors and concessions are being taken up rapldl workmen arc busy on the fair grounds which resound with the ring of hammers and sound of indus tryund construction never before has such interest been shown in the western fair and never before have so many entries boon re ceived so far ahead the 1926 exhibi tion promises to far surpass any pre vious year many improvements have been made both in buildings and grounds und everything possible is being done to increase the attractiveness and in- tercst of western ontarios largest exhibition exhibitors are busily engaged in rpv erecting booths nnd dinplays and are fanx s ii2 mr boa1 vieln with each other for beauty nnd family who did not try to devise a results and ask yourself frankly if you pre ufiing advertising space in line with the volume of business that you would like to do what about it aro you system of mnemonics for him from his wife down fa hln ynn-l- rtntt terlninw but none of the systems proved satisfactory it was his wifos idea to tie strings on mr deals ftn- jrers and one afternoon hr appeared before his youngest daughter inlaw with the thumb of his left hand wound with yellow coro will you give me a oup of tea alarlan so i shall havo strength enough to go home and confess i cant remember what this thumb was tied up for he asked ruefully im aretting worse and worse nnd i pre sume my wife is about discouraged with me why father bcal said the pretty daughter in taw comiwsslonatoly 3 our thumb is all redl you just let me untie that cord and bathe it wlth alcohol and water the western pairs generous prl list isattraotlng exhibitor from farj afield and many interesting entries have been received from united slates und all pnrts of canada the grand stand performances and rover jiopular fire works display will bo enlarged on and improved and the midway with numorotjn superior at tractions will be the largest ever seen here an exceptional attendance in ex pected and tho fair hoard are busy maktrir arrangements to care far a crowd larger even tban tho record year of 1625 the secretary mr iv d jaokfeon requests that all entries be sent in as soon an posslb1o to avoid the rush of the last few days anyone wishing a prlso list or any information should wrlto hlrrt at once the 1926 western knlr september oh its all right cried mr heal jttully- rrat was what 1 was to ihhvysthpromises to be a week 5jrijss5 now for the 0 outstanding evontn ond pleasure for ohafnng dish i n 1 u u we ontario w do you know that the big depart ment stores set aside from tljree to five per cent of their gross sales for newspaper xbyebtising arc you utilizing from three jo five per cent of your gross annual busafcss to put the great force of adver- tisingto work for yoti and your busi ness if not you are overlooking an im portant factor that makes fdr success advertising in the acton free press is the cheapest and most efficient way to reach the residents i this com munity it is at yojxr service every week use it l j v tejt

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