Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1926, p. 4

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iyylkt c 7vitnlk i vi the home of 51jf artnn 3te itoflfi member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free prcia building milt street acton ontario the subscription prjee is txco per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising katestrsnsient advertise ment 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and s cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch cads insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor 0 a dhis ilanaacr and auiitmnt editor telephones- editorial and business office ttw kesidence of president tij residence of manager 131 the laws fite he crime convicted of selling worthless stock a e hoff manhas been sentenced at cayuga to serve two months in jail and pay a line of 2000 such sent ences should do something to curb the activities of the distributors- of spurious securities this case goes to prove that the law in respect to the selling of worthless stock provides punishment to fit the crime the great difficulty is that most of these sales men are clever enough to keep just outside the law or to make it very difficult to prove that they have been cqntravening the law neighborhood news lown and country georgetown oakville campaign funds from liquor interests there appears to be much indignation by mem bers of the legislature over the suspicion caused by the motion of hon mr raney to make it illegal for brewers distillers and contractors to contribute to party campaign funds and many are hastening to protest against the imputation of any such contri butions- virtuous indignation is all very well but the distillers and french wine makers know full well the thousands of dollars they put up not only to de feat the temperance vote in the referendum bijt to elect candidates whose sympathies wero wet there was no secret made of the matter the french men even boasting of the amount of their contribu tions hence the indignatiqrv now being put forward and assumption of ignorance is doubly ridiculous beaverton express thursday morning- april i 1926 editorial canadas market with japan tjle volume of trade between canada and japan increased more than 3500000 during 1925 setting a new record for foreign trade between the orient and canada according to the annual report pub lished by the japanese consulate at vancouver the total volume of trade was 33125000 of which 25- 162278 was in exports from canada and 7962029 in importstftrom japan the increase in exports alone was nearly 2000000 and in imports the in crease was more than 1000000 recent trade vol umes have been 1924 30274100 1923 27735- 524 the volume of exports has grown from 21161- 000 in 1923 to the present mark of 25163000 semicentennial of the chcsley enterprise the year 1876 saw the launching of the chesley enterprise on the sea of journalism in ontario just a year after the acton free press made its bow to the public the enterprisehas enjoyed a successful career and especially during the thirtyfive years it has been under the editorial andbusiness control of williatn mcdonald the versatile workerand brilliant orator of bruce county there is ample evidence that the praiseworthy efforts of the enterprise in advancing the interests of the constituency are ap preciated in the liberal advertising patronage and the large list f subscribers which it enjoys mr mc donald has given his best talents to the community i through his interesting paper in the church in so cial circles in municipal government and in parlia mentary deliberations he has shown an intelligent interest in all of these was for years a member of the town and county councils and was for several terms a member of the provincial legislature rep resenting his home constituency like some of his confreres mr mcdonald has nadan able helpmeet ihil hisactivitiesin tiistalehtedpartnerihiife7 mrs mcdonald a daughter of the parsonage consumption of liquor under government control the extent of the consumption of liquor by am erican tourists in canadian cities where liquor is procurable is seen in the drink bill in the city of vancouver bc at the recent session of the legis lature of british columbia the attorneygeneral an swering some questions gave the figures from march to september which covered the period when auto mobile traffic was at its height according to these figures the drink bill for this one city alone in six months was 350863248 if the same volume of consumption were kept up all year round the annual drink bill would be over 7000000 but the half year figures will do to show what an enormous con sumption there is in vancouver which has a popula tion of about 100000 in six months the liquor re ceipts of the government dispensary were more than 3500000 while in the whole of ontario with a pop ulation of 2933000 the receipts at the government dispensary were 5014j000 for a whole year it is thtr same in winnipeg where the americans drive up from minneapolis and st paul and other american cities and spend large sums of money at the liquor dispensary alliston herald and the herald might have added in its comparative statement against government control that the reason the united states tourists come into canada at vancouver and winnipeg for liquor is because they have prohibi tion in the united states as we have in ontario and cannot get lifjuqr freely there as they can do in the canadian cities named mr and mra jamou aberdeen of orlando florida are visiting ut mr 12 mcciinnuliu ulu clam snolslrt otnim york la siiurulinu tho week with her puronts mr una mrs t j speight ii w iilnton has disposed of his jowellory business to t s wilson lato of toronto und sudbury a sacred concert will bo fftvon in knox proabytcriail church george town on jviduy evening april 9th iunl it about tinie for tho annual nicotine of tho chumbor of commerce a biff programme of athletic sports aro bjig arranged for july 1st in tho goorsgtown park n h brown bnkqr and confection er opened his now btoro on main st thle morning it is very attractive and a crodlt to tho business district of our town at a very interesting meeting of the mission band of tho united church held on monday utterhoon inst mrs caldwell mudo nor little granddaugh ter klizuboth vivien mario asnew of chentu china a llffc mombor of tho georgetown band sho was present ed with a llfo membership certificate anil llfo members pin a white and go tituitiuu daisy uwii to 111 health mr j wajdlo principal of the georgetown publlo school has resigned his resignation tahlner effect lust bmday i is annie kyun who has been on tile public school staff hort fora rumber of years has been appointed prin cipal until tho summer holidays mrs e c thompson a former mem ber of tho staff will have charge of miss kyans roomherald dr loljilo coleman lecturer at tho university of toronto addressed tho lions club at their kcuilmonthly luncheon ut tho gibson llouuo on fri day evening a larjio number wero lrcsont at tho homo of s g powley lukcshorq iwcat last thursday ovenlng at a hardtime party the crowd ot mprrynnnkerh wero most honpltably en tertained und there were niuny orig inal and unique costumes the evening clusscs at tho high school will bo hold for tho inst tltno for this season thursday in compli ance with tho resolution adopted by tho industrial and advihory commit tee curly in tliacnson tho school will bo closed boforo the spilnff seasons opens with its countor attractions which provo disastrous to lie attend- anco role tho venture has proven to bo moat successful nnd the clusses huve flourished in a manner quite satisfactory to tho promoters and to tho teachers and thcro is evory indi cation that the oakvlllo night classes will remain a pormdnant- feature of tho eduatlonal system record ballinafad tho young people of mulvlllo unit cd church furnished tho programme for the young peoples society hero or friday ovonlnr an opjoyablo evening was spent mr itlchnrd shortlll jr linn boon lalcl up with a solo knee which ho in jureil with an axo while cutting wood mr henry hltts who was 111 for a few days is ublo to he out again hi8 reason a very stout und portly gentleman was onco asked whylio did not- play golf nnd this was his anuivcr z did try it once hut i found that when i put tho ball whore 1 could soo it i could nptronch it and wlion i put it wliorb i could reach it i could not 8eo it childle88 women glenwilliams milton editorial notes the amusejnent taxes reference has beerr made several times in these columns to the very general desire on the part of the public for the repeal of the amusement taxes on local games entertainments and amusements this week the federal government of the united states is remitting 9000000 largely to the working class es of that country this is being done by abolishing amusement taxes on all admissions up to 75 cents last year the same government remitted 40000000 by abolishing amusement taxes up to and including 50 cents the total remissions to date are almost 50000000 the canadian people expect that they shall be treated with the same generosity as those in the united states our people are patriotic of course but they do not cordially approve of a form which has been condemned as class taxation by the governments of great britain new zealand united states and other countries phelps the great english actor in his farewell speech to the people of london years ago said the amusement of the people is a very important item in the composition of our social system the amusement- taxes of the canadian provincesshould be repealed at the earliest possible moment especially where they are imposed jlamusemerrtsanilenteftainmei sees much good resulting from the ota the hamilton spectator is one of the strongest conservative newspapers in ontario and it voices the experience and observation of tens of thousands of conservative electors in the province respecting the value of the ontario temperance act in controll ing the liquor traffic it says there are plenty of people who voted for prohibition who still regard it as a beneficent piece of legislation which has wrought obvious good to the province obvious that s to eyery one who sees with unbiased eyes there arc abuses n doubt arising from the fact that the ufiditly endorsed by the community is being vio- uted because of halfhearted support on the part of those who are themselves persuaded of its merits even with this halfhearted support however a great leal has been accomplished as all fairminded critics have to admit let the bankers insurance people social workers magistrates and everybody with insight and a memory which goes back a decade or so give unprejudiced testimony on this point and the degree of failure of which so much is heard will appear comparatively insignificant as for the boot leggers and blindpiggers there have always been individnalswho would sacrifice their selfrespfct and honor for the sake of gam and they would be at the same or anyother equally nefarious business under government control provinces which have adopted that particular system have found thtt it is no cure tfortheovil as every one knows alasseyharris stock keeps moving up in value wasnt this one of the agricultural implement con cerns that was being ruined by lack of adequate protection kingston whig a debtfree ontario in forty years would be some thing to cheer about as it n would be even in twice that time somehow or other nowadays its difficult to imagine a province or a municipality free of debt still it ought not to be classed as impossible at least its worth trying for guelph mercury his excellency the governorgeneral has appoint ed by royal- proclamation the days april 18 to 24 inclusive as savetheforestaveek last year a week at about the same period was designated for this purpose there was a loyal enthusiastic response to the proclamation and much good resulted from the work done the hat of tho irize winners in tile mall and empire b word contest waa published labt wednesday w j kcclenuhan won tho fifth prize 14oor archie mcqlbbon jr of tho royal bank wlnnipotr arrived hero last week on a visit to bus parents mr and mrs archie mcqlbbon sr more than tho uaual success was beared by tho ladles aid o kii proabytorlan church on wednesday afternoon of last week when they hold their annual st patricks bazaar o slucdock rm gold his residence to 0 downs i saunders has sold his resilience to s pay and g roberts has purchased the cottroll property on bronte street air and mrs samuel a trimble an nounce the onagehxtiht of their daugh ter viola margaret isaboll to mr s thomas dolvln of hilton tho mar- raiq to take place quietly in april- mr and mrs james lloyd announce the engagement of their oldest daugh ter dorothy annie to william john broille of milton the marriage will talce place soon e jj graham shoe merchant has sold his business to a xi mcnabb and tho store to t j brown drug gist wo- are about to loso a good citi zen in the- person of mr a e wrig- elesworth plumber ho recently dis posed of hfs residence in shelburne where his family lists been residing filnco hqrnmp to tmilton and- as ho cunnot find a dirt table houso hero here in which to move iris family ho has decided to nnove to islington where ho says there is an opening for him ro the proposal to erect the pro posed eoldiers momorlal on- tho post owco lawn word has been rocoivod from dr anderson m p from ot tawa that thut site lu not available as the postal authorities say they may require tho ground for an addition to the present building possibly for a customs building in that case it is very probable that victoria park will be selected as tho placo in which to erect tho monument tho machinery ot tho milton worst ed tarn spinning siths co is being removed from tho largb brick building main street formerly a shoo fac tory in which it bas been operated of somo time to tho brick buildings opposite the cp k station bought from p l robortson co somo time ago and partially occupied tho hud- sonbnywoolico hum closed its sajes offlco at toronto ond is moving its largo stock of woollen goods including blankets knitted wear etc into the main street building champion people overseas express surprise at the extent which canadians rely upon the telephone they usually are thinking in terms of purely local service they would be astonished to hear that in ontario and quebec alone the average daily use of the long distance telephone in 1925 was 46727 messages one of the returns asked for in the house of commons this term is not fitcelyrto be complied with it would require three and a half years to complete it and would cost over 21000 an investigating but inconsiderate member asked for all the corresponr dence documents etc in relation to claims arising out of the war analysis of the legislature vote on the brackin government control proposal shows that of the ten members who voted for it nine represent constitu encies which gave majorities for government control at the last plebiscite r l brackin k c liberal west kent the mover of the resolution comes from a riding which voted against covernmcnt co under the provisions of a bill that was passed by the municipal committee of the ontario legis lature last week any municipality is empowered pass a bylaw permitting ratepayers who so desire to pay their taxes in advance and receive interest at five per oentrper annum for doing so this looks like an equitable arrangement for both the municipal ity and for thrifty citizens who may be in a financial position to take advantage of it it is really refreshing to learn from a reliable official source after hearifig so much about can adas high taxation that canadas taxation per capi ta is the lowest in the world in a recent statement in the canadian house of commons hon james a robb minister of finance cited some compari- sons which gave total per capita taxation paid in canada at 661 1 australia 6068 great britain 9712 and united states 0739 the latesrofbcial figuresshow that canada as 40261 miles of railway in operation in 190q the total was 17557 in the provinces of western can ada during the jjaatjfiye years the operating mile- ajg has beenince in order to preryide heeded facilities for new dis tricts opened up for settleiiiciar in western canada about 500 mile otliew railway lines are under con- itirtcijfom has rsokp railway mileage per erin tho hlllsburg curlers entertained the erin curlers last friday morning and utternoon on the days play tho scoro stood 4033 in favor of erin hillsburer rink no 2 won both the morning and afternoon games while rink no 1 loatboth on saturday last a purse ofj26075 was presented to mr elwood peavoy the sum was donated by frlonds and neighbors throughout tho neighbor hood and in the village to assist him in tho erection of a house to replace the ono recently burned on his farm the sum of 8000 has been approp riated f ron monies raised by tho township rate for expenditure upon construction on the roads- in brin township during tho year 1926 j9- 000 will bo spent upon maintenance and repair on tho roads in the town ship of ezrln during tho year 1926 tho fence viewers have bceri ap pointed as follows geo rodgers j w buft john undsasrljnorman davis geo c burt e t barbour c m boawick joal lcslio wcsloy jessop the pound keepers arc 21 a mc- encry g d scott s id smith alex mcklnnon jr henry moore archie mcglll john c awrey w r bing- ham leslie webb norman davis a thompson duncan s sinclair james mckltrick 0 sheep valuators were appointed as follows west division ij awrey east division kobt klrkwood north division fyank mcallister south division john allen tho wire fence inspectors for 192g are north division archie rold south dlvlblon hugh iteld eabt di vision norman ferguson west di vision henry moore on monday march 22nd tho death occurred of duncan alexander mc- arthur in his 41st year at tho homo of his brotherinlaw mr wm tarz- well deceased had boon ailing since september but not until a tow weeks ngo did it appear very serious ho wnn the son of the lato mr and mrs gilbert mcarthur and was born on tho homefitead lot 16 con 2 erin township he is survived by two sisters alorgarot mcarthur and mrs wm tarawell advocate burlington burlington citizens contributed 984 in the canvass for funds for tho mus- kplca sanitarium r tho daughters of england arovun- nn an excursion to kngland in july and some burlington people expect to go tho social evonlner hold at tho home of mr nnd mrs w stevons on thurs day- night under trie aubplces of the daughters of england was a splendid success the rogulor luhchicon of the lions club was hold at the villago inn last wednesday night and took tho form of a indies night which in every way provoci a most enjoyable and success ful anfalr mr james wliethiiri has dlsposod of ills butcher business to the quality meat shopiltd wno took possession on starch 1st mr wlietham has been retained as manager of tho new firm a meeting of tho halton county baseball league will bo hold in tile fire hall burllmrton- on tuesday evening april 18th at s oclock to elect officers and make arrangements for tho coming soasen rev g w tebbs delivered his lec ture on ceylon the pearl drop onthe brow of india to the boys at appel- by school oakvlllo on saturday even ing last about twentyfive members of tho womens institute paid q surprlber visit to mrs j d church on thurs day evening last to bid her farewell and spend a social hour during the rverilng mrs church was presented with a beautiful silk umbrolla as a slight token of the osteom in whlchu she is held the town council hold a private session on- monday evening to con sider tho hydro radial situation tho question was discussed at some lonblh burio resolution wots passed outlining tho towns attitude as rcaucstod by tho meeting held at toronto mayor allen and rcovo nicholson were ap- pofrileatto reprevont trie town and in structed to oppono the building of tho hydro radial on the old plan mr 13 b freeman one of tho towns oldetit rind most esteerned residents died svadenly at his home on brant street last wednesday tho doceased rotired feeling as well as usual and whn mrs traoy freemnn his daugh terinlaw went into tho loom in tho morning to- enhulre after him she found life extinct tho latoe s tyeefnon was born in burlington on the farm how occupied by his brother smith freeman andlwasolffthy years of -age- he wrfs cmo of the pioneer- residents of tne towrr arid freeman at tho west ennofthe town was named after the family for many years together with another brother he conductod the general store and the post offlco at freeman later rotlrlnk from business life lie was a liberal in politics and a devotod member of trinity united church gazette but its true it is impossible to explain to u wlto why a man who cant possibly sat honne to dinner on time u never lato for a sou cngagemenu a very protty wbddlng took place at tho homo jot mr and mrs john wheeler of alonwilllams last week when their oldest dnugner marffarot- ta was united in holy wnllock to mr charles c ohara ot toronto the younir couple took their position in front of tho minister to tho strains of loghcnsrlns beautifully rendered by miss madeline mulllri miss ivy mcmaster was bridesmaid and mr androw wheolor groomsman tho ceremony was performed in tho pres- onco of members of the family and relatives by rev mr douglas of nor- val after which tho entire company sat down to tables laden wltbl delica cies mr and mrs ohara left by tho 921 radial for guelph and other points west a largo company of rohoccas saw them off at tho station with tho usual wishes for a long liappy and prosperous future herald in childless womens oyes a misery of lacking lies staon stovi 1 ones 1 fcfcfo oli8h brtiti- jtrxultr business directory medical brlllrlant lasting jsquftl parte meal wtvletlittf i 7ic6v polisfifrlijf amillorr otr wl is good tea cflaft3aajeim in keeping thinfos nfcvir langley cleaning and dyeing service is now available to every home in ontario langleys the most successful cleaners 1 and dyers in canada are just complet ing huge addition to their plant homes in all parts of ontario can now have this superior craftsmans and to malic langley service still more practical bymail we have-invented-a- special shipping container which enables us to return a dress suit or overcoat by express or mail without crushing without disturbing with out spoiling the beautiful finish given by langley craftamen we pay return shipping charges and charge imly our toronto prices repairs alterations etc by real tailors we clean and dye everything f rom lampshades to rugs and carpets from velours and curtains to eider- downs simply send your parcel to mr geo s langley and write a letter saying what you have sent and what you want done hell give your order his personal supervision lanqleyfe i- i m ij tfce d cleaners h dyers o fine fabria waria apparel and houtehold furnishing carpet i renovator head office 249 spadina road toronto chukuni red lake mining association vaeoeskraof xts claim wxld not set forgxsh ihtv prsfared an interest jrt ttt msoci3tioir chukuni red lake is believed to be oh the same break as the now famous howie red lake which was recently sold to dome mines for 50000000 and stock cirakunl redxake should prove a rich prospect public offerino limited to 5600 uniu units 1060 eack positively no personal liability chukunl association controls seven claims juit two mileb east of the hovle claims that wero personally staked by h e owens of south porcupine one of ontarios outstanding prospectors this is your opportunity the present offering of cbukunt units 1b to secure work ing capital which will be used to carry on vigorous develop ment as soon as weather conditions allow by joining the association today you can get in on the ground floor and participate in the big development big money is only made by getting in early before the value of the units starts to increase dont driay units will tie allotted in the order in which they are received offering is limited aend your order today campbell yorston ai guild adlaide604 407 royal ank bloc toronto cmab dr j a mcniven phviiojan nd burgun offlce and koaldonco corner bon avenua and klsln street phone i8 drej nelson fhedehick 3trbet aoton ontario leoal phono mo 22 p o fjofjf harold nash farmer m a barrlur tollthr tlnimry wualu pcnvymncr els perryman block actom out jjoserlkt 01 uoinimb hour im mjn to c pjn flaturdajr mm ir1si dental dr j m bell d d s- l d a dntlrt honor qradoate of toronto unlvar- slty tho latest antithetic used u dealred offlce at residence and frederick streets comer fit mid dr f g goxlop dd ld5 dantal 8urgon omce oyer bank of nova sootla hours j0 to bjo btenicgs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds nude to order periodicals of every description carefully hound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street over williams 4nelpo out store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list yotjrproperrt with me acton oitario a eiicklin insurance agent cifo tho mutual lifo assuranca co of canada fire waterloo mutual ixiauranco company eafile starand-britlah- dominlorr insurance co xlmlted auto accident health burglary insurance etc employees ll- ablhty aasuranco corporatloha tho dominion of canada 3uar- untco and accidents insurance company money to loan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections sco mo for all if in da of insurance box 444 bower ave acton 03 richmond st vtar trironto canada b d itcaibtb mm kn1nr la cli tlopmnt- worlc klnr la chjur of de pn fe- j 7- a will llmrsfbisbi sssmmbpti m i 1 1 b si f 1 1 i i iwl i i j 1 i n fvewa jmmi p lufisw i mmtl hlsuh sajsvmssgbssjlslmansmljmssfssmsf jiitaas v ha- i rlicf- ltw ill w l radio canadas pioneer naonthly publication devoted to radio subscription prlco 200 per year in advance radio 13 edited by alton b oxjey it c i an outatandln authority op radio operation subscribe now and learn how to et the beat out of your radio set itndlo also tells you where to buy v penton pubucations 6062 adoloido east toronto the symptoms of eye strain aro often so indefinite that they are charged up to many different causes before tho eyes aro suspected eyo strain is far moro common than tho public believe anil tho results more serious for that reason it should be suspected more fre quently than it is our exanaln ation will evo you tho facts re garding your eyes a d savage optometrist and mfo optician right at tho post omco savaae bulletins queuph the old and reliable granite and marble worts wo are hianufacturorb and direct importers of all kinds of monumontal and headstone worlc we soil direct to our custonriors at wholosaue price thus saving our customer 40 per oenl wo have tho beat appliances and the only mechanical in tho dominion vho can operate pneumatlo tools properly we can give references frbmnundrad of our customers in toronto and other places where otfaera have to liave law suits in order to colleol we have the largest and bit stook ot qrantte in the dominion or more than any three dealers in th weat- we aire lgltl- mate dealera and employ no aienu and do not auinoy or peat customera by sending out ljrnorant agents aollclt- iog orders we employ only moohanloa and defy competition hampton sons qublph ont s-

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