Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1926, p. 3

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1 tfffrrartoit jtojhttm thursday apitu 1 198 the eastertide up from tho south camo tho birds ot a ong flitting uhd winging tho wholo day- lone filling tho land with their carols eay from the first faint dawn till tho close of day for uto la a kingdom to work and sing la tho kingdoms fee said the birds of spring up from tho earth camo tho flowora of light nodding and trcmhling a wondrous sight filling the land with their fragrance rare scattering sunshine everywhere tolling tho story without surcease that life is beauty and life is pence up from tho tomb ah the glad re frain bursts from tho heart that he rose again for winter and death and the serpent sting aro conquered at length by eternal spring liko tho bird and the flower let my soul confide in tho lord of lite at this easter tide j t strachan the easter hope hope does much for man it cheers mm under trial strengthens him in suffering consoles him in grief and encourages him tor noblo deeds no soul is more to be pitted than a hope less soul hope helps a man while ho uvea and comforts him when he dies if the christians hope of immortality should fail it would be a discord among the harmonies of hopo fulfill ments but thia hope will not fall rather it will be a climax to fulfill ments christ has already fulfilled the ex pectation of prophets and tho belief of apostles this is why peter broke out in such a strain of ecstatic joy blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which accord ing to his abundant mercy bath be gotten us again unto a lively hope by tub resurrection of jesus christ from the dead well does he call it a lively hope it la tho liveliest hope which man cher ishes it gives more real gladness to millions of heart than would millions of fortunes without it this hope is the joy of parents who have buried their little children it is the consolation of children who have laid their parents away it is the aolaco of age as physical strength declines and tho natural body totters over tho vorge of the tomb i shall live again thankful aro wo for such a hope it makes lifes burdens light for they are not to bo borno always it makes lifes mysteries plain for we shall know hereafter without the resur rection life is a puxile and death an enigma with tho resurrection both problems are solved and we realize that existence is the highest boon easter calls our attention to future experience not only to what shall be hereafter but to what must be ere we reach tho hereafter thu earth is not our resting place everyone must toko leave of it what shall be our ex perience in tho fhrht beyond these shores in almost every social mooting aged saints who have trusted christ and found him precious all their lives testify to tho inward consciousness that religion is their richest comfort and brightest hope it is as comfort able to llvo hy as to dlo by it is an experience for all time and for eter nity dlston to tho old christian pilgrim with so much music in his soul that ho must sing hear him as ho voices his favorlto hymn my latest sun 1b sinking fast my raco is nearly run my earthly trials now aro past my triumph is begun havent you made a mistake aged one you are in the body yet you are on earth yet triumph begun here yen triumph is begun o yes that i scriptural i hear paul tho aged in a prison coll bhoutlng so that all the centuries might know 1 have fougrht a good fight i have finished my course i havo kept the faith hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of eternal life and so the old saint sees on with hfs song of triumph as ho sings the next stanza reminiscences in a cosy old corner in an oldfashion cd chair in fancy and picture i sec an old gabled houao where i first saw the light midst are quaintest of scenery the porch oer the door with tho col umbine clinging to the portals ill nover forget the long winding path tho small wicket crate in memory remains to mo yet sitting there is dear mother in the quaintest of dress when i climbed on her knee sho would smle sho would rock mo to sleep with a sweet lullaby her kiss i can feel aftei while the wild climbing roso the fragrance of flowers again i enjoy with doligfat midst their beauty i played and gam- holed at will in tho garden u wonderful sight thero were lilies carnations flroran lums galore all shades and colors so rare in the soft breezo they nodded a welcome to me theyre around mo again every where hallowed memories return of my old- fashioned home conjiired up from tho years that aro past in my heart theyro a treasuro where- oor i may roam sweet memories destined to last in tho heart where lovo lingers sweet visions appear loved forms and pictuics wo sec till tho soul with bright hope of future where lovo will excel in homo of our destiny thus to livo in tho past if its but for a while from tho boyond to hear voices call to the soul it brings peace fills the innermost man willi a hopo which is dearer than all james a brain a pair or moose horns i suppose hundreds of you have i know i am nearlng the heavenly ranks of friends and kindred dear tor ive brushed the dews on jor dans banks the crossing must he near blessed and glorious baste r hope l k march si 1926 king and little girl when i was a little girl says the daughter of a former minister my father was sent abroad to represont our country at the danish court na turally i accompanied my family and as court etiquette was not especially strict i was permitted soon after our arrival at copenhagen to attend a rather informal afternoon function at tho palace i had brought wlthrne from america very exaggerated ideas of tho magnifi cence of a court and i confess that the absenco of ponap and splendor on this occasion was disappointing to me i was left too a good deal to my own devices the queen and tho evcr- churmlng princess had graciously en gaged my mother in conversation and my father was occupied with some gentlemen of the court i soon tired ot walking quietly about tho salon and becoming some what disgusted with my first glimpse of royal society i curled down in a big chair to wait until it should be time for us to go heme the hum of jell usieop the next thing that i was conscious of was a- hand on my shoul der i opened my eyes and saw my father standing beside mc and with him a tall- fine looking gentleman whom i didnt recognize 0h papa i crted without cere mony is this really a court why 1 cant keep awake elizabeth eala my father in a rather severe tone this la the kins hut i was already half- asleep a era in and instead of rising and mak ing my reverence a i bad been told to do on meeting strangers i tucucd my hand under my check for greater comfort and murmured drowsily please mister king go away and dont turb elizabeth and the king went away taking my shocked father with him nor would ills majesty permit my father to reprimand mo for my lack of court esy that i no ono would think of co wn mw n ittttfrnrn mini liko ttlo llflh apuiruw grazed upon the splendid pair of moose horns which havo adorned mcleans barber shop and havo been used as a hat and coat rack hy tho proprietor and his intimate frlonds while they have ofton been admired i fancy few peoplo who have seen them havo over given a sinfflo thought to their history it has beon my good fortune to know how they came to acton and perhaps tho readers of this column will be in terested in the story i am about to relate in tho year 1880 fortysix yeat a ago you will note the late robert little our old schoolmaster then in spector of tublic schools for halton county at the request of hon gcorgo w the minister of education for tho province of ontario acted in the sumo capacity in the district of algoma during the summer holidays during his visitation of tho schools of that noithera district that summer ho saw a pair of immense antlers at a settlers home which ho greatly ad mired the settler and his family en joyed tho inspectors visit very much they were intelligent people and had gone back to this part of northern ontario when they had emigrated from edinburgh scotland a few years before mr- little had himself lived in edinburgh and knew all tho famil iar places in the old home which they tulked about as a memento of his muchappreciated visit tho setilcr pre sented this paid of muoso horns to mr little the inspector brought home this coveted trophy and had tho antlers hung in the hall of his splendid resid ence which occupied tho property on church street which now forms part of uto site of acton athletic associa tions bowling eroons and thoro they hung and wete admired by hundreds of visitors to the home of inspector little these moose horns now grown famous remained in the little- rcsld ence until mrs little disposed of the piopcrty when sho presented them to mr w a storey largely because of tho warm friendship which existed between mr- llttlo and mr w h storey his father when mr- storey removed from sunderland villa ho had tho moose horns stored in the barbor hop until he wanted them 1 think j i warden was then at the barber shop rrit the history of how tho moose horns weie secured a also n story worth relating thiu is tho story us rehearsed to mc by mr little my boy hoods teacher between forty and fifty years ago some years ago before tho open season was ahoitcned mr winston my host was out in tho wilds of al goma with neighbor who wuh un older settler stillhunting on the snow it was a few days before chrlatmiih the two were crossing a hillside 1 got hlnij i jot him ciowod winston iho neighbor listened a moment ho aln t huit bud i guess and hes goln down tho hill to beat the world come on lho two lan foiwuid as they ap proached tho bushes winston pant ed x toll you clint boa lying light there i can co u horn horn nothin cried clint excited ly iiou mulling tracks foi tho foot of the hill big ones too they broke through tho screen of bushes what did i toll you both men cried at once then winston added o shucki and clint dedal ed well i swan to man as ho hold up ono enormous antler with a bullot hole squarely through its brond blade at that tlmo of tho yeai the moose is nearly ready to shed his horns the impact of winston s bullet which he had not aimed low had glvon just the sudden jar ncccssaiy to shake off the heavy antler thoro it lay while its former owner was separating its mate from it us rapidly as possible clints hunting instinct was the flrbt to overcome his amusement come on ho wont travel fast with that one hoin ho 8 all lopsided and tho trail soon gave evidence that tho sturtlcd animal was finding difficulty with his suddenly unbalanced head tho left aide was now some twentyflve pounds heavlor than the right and a veiy illbalanced two lty- flve pounds too tho mopso com nt- ly swung toward the left stum illng every few stops ran into treog und stumps and was evidently having a most unpleasant time of it in a few minutes the men were near onough to heai it crushing along in laborious awkwardness then thero came tp theh ears a sud den tunk itan into another tree i guess panted cliff com oni the next moment however thero wero indications of suddenly acceler ated speed on the part of the game glints jaw dropped i know what that means he muttered what gasped his neighbor uoforo clinttaund breath to answer they came in sight of a tall beech tree with a fresh- scar on its bark and at its foot was the other horn i a dttant sound of breaking under brush indicated tho point whero the moose probably very grateful for tho little assistance given by nature was making a speedy and final exit from tho scene well said clint even if you did make a thunderln poor shot you got a fine pair of horns and mr moose he aint regrettineoirny i guess the airangement ought to bo gonally sat- lsfactoiy mr winton had tho horns naturally fastened togothcr and this is tho pair he presented to mr little and which now are to bo seen at mcleans barber shop in acton it was no joke tho filipinos it seems havo more than one way of seivlng a watermelon the melons grown in the far eastern archipelago aro small in slzo and in ferlor in flavor lieutenant a sta tioned in onooi the towns of northern luxon hankered fot tho juicy lus- clouaness of a melon from his own sunny southland so his family in tennessee carefully crated a choice watermelon and shipped it to him by oxpreas it cost him a good many pe sos but no matter it was a beauty and arrived in perfect condition he instructed ho cook to prepare good dlnnci that very day tho splendid melon was to he servod as a crowning glory tho provincial treas urer tho school teacher and tho few other americana in town weio in vlted to partake of a treat that was to be a surprise to them tho dinner went forward success fully but thero was much curiosity concerning the surprise that tho host had promised his guests and all eyes turned frequently to the door which it was expected to appear at last it came the cook entered bearing aloft an immense platter and there came from the company a chorus of ahst the platter was placed on tho table under a halo no a cloud of steam tho melon was boiled thoroughly boiled tho quick rising of tho host to his feet with tho carving knife in his hund convinced the cook that ho had hotter make tho quickest exit possible which was through a window and in volved a leap of ten feet to the ground reports from tho second barrio on the road leading north were that ho was still running when ho passed through lieutenant a has not been able to smile about that watermelon yet weekly fashion hint an attractive model the tape note is one that is highly accented in the latest frocks of the season in addition to the cape the model pictured features a deep open ing at the front which may be of contrasting material if desired a round collar finishes the inck while the skeves are trimmed with turn back cuffs of selfmaterial crcpc satin crepe de chine or the lights weight woolens may be used for this design medium size requires 2vjt yard5 36inch material significance of easter the odd fipafirow just the little thing8 it is tho little words you speak these llttlo thoughts you think the little things you do or leave undone the little momenta you waste or use wlswly tho little temptation which you yied to or overcome the llttlo things ti of every day uwt are making or marring your future life selected same old btory its almost time for somebody to an- nounco that this is an exceptionally poor year for maple syrup and prices conaeauently will bo llgh lead suddenly stopped and threw out a warning hand winston halted instantly and fol lowed tho otherr example in squatting in his tracks what to it cillnt he whispered clint half- turned his head see them bushes about a hundred yards ahead theio no you aint lookln in thorlght jilaco just this sido tho big spruce yer ive bvtrvmavr well there s ahull niooso right in behind urne hes put hl head down now feed in but i saw his horns when i stopped an lies an op settler walt a minute hcrc now you can sec im- winston jookcd thet o was no eight of the animals body but above tho leafless but still dcnii undergrowth appeared the tops of a splendid pnfi of horns moving slightly us the mooio chewed he was facing up the hill with his sldo toward tho hunters shoot from here wnlgpered nry neighbor tho guido you cant get any nearerj and ho crouchod at ono sldo out of winstons path low now he cautionod you can agger where ills shoulder it be he- member youreshoottn a little down hill hurry up before he moves i hold er low now winston did not have bucr ftfvef he had been in the woods too long for that he was by nature a somewhat nervous man and the un expectedness of the meeting excited him yen yes i know 1 know ho nn- ewered he threw his rifle to hu shoulder and lputled tho trigger tho direct appeal of tho gospel in young fiesh heart is the subject of a story in temple bar a little spanish boy hi vigo who became a devout christian was asked by an english man who had been the influence under which ho had acted it was ah becauuo of tho odd spar- iow the boy icplled i do not underntand said tho lngllshman what odd sparrow well honor it is this way tho hoy said a gentlomanbavo mo a tosta- mht ho book of tho english mis sion and i read in one gospel that two span owa wero sold for a fai thing and again in saint luko i saw are not ave spanows hold for two fur thlnst and i said to myself that nuostro senor jeauct isto our lord josus christ know woll our custom of solllnitblrdh as you know sir wo tiap birds and get one chlco for two but for four chlcos we throw in no tdxtra hpaprow tho ex ti a spin i ow is only a uwkp welgih and of no account at all now i think to myseir that i am so intilfirnhlcunt so iooi and ho mal tho stoi y of tho lesuirectlon of the chi 1st and its annual com memo ation throughout christendom can lea with it onuny a lesson applicable to vailoua phrases of everyday life it breathea a spirit of optimism without which in moic oi less degice life would be intolerable to tho person blessed with oei so little of tho spirit of optimism life ut its darkest and drear iest is never utterly hopeless thero is over a hopeful looking forward to better and brighter days to aroblrth of the happier 4imes of thopast an immortal vitality pervades humanity that sown in the garden of jerusalem burst through the tomb and appeared again as much more glorious than the body which had beon sown as tho held of corn is livelier waving in the autumn sun shine than tho barctarth whole tho farmer sowed in the spring sown a naturul body it is raised u sphltual body that is the message of spring it comes to encourage us just when we are committing so much wealth to tho soil and tho care of its maaterj the resurrection that comes in springtime says to tho farmer havo no fear for results alnce tho flowers have come through tho ground your grain will also come the laster lily is a sign to you of the gracious beauty that will ciown your hard labor that will follow what is so disagreeable at the moment thcie was nothing lovely about tire lily bulb remember the ilcsui rcctlon message is a signal set up in the raco through life re minding us that there is nothing moro certain than 1 that men may liso on stepping stones of their dead solves to higher things ho is not lieie said tho heaven ly intelligence to thoso who sought a deud body in tho tomb to tho world of men the mesa ago runs do not gropo in the giavo of disappointed hope oi of unfulfilled desire new ness of life is yours lot tho past bury its dead us it will new days arise foi ou with now hopos better openings you can never lose your vitality while theic is llfo there is hopp and hope pcrsevctcd in to the end flnd certain fruition at the har vest timo extempppizing a oirheg and jet oh mura villa nuestro senoi nays not no 1m forgotten bcfoie god i mvejiever heard anything like it sir n o one but ito would over have tlmught of nut forgetting me v fathers kiss for father and flon tolciosjjach other is not so common in this couirtcv as to mean nothing but it in always pleuaatit sight to witness and only thoso who havo a falao notion of what roimtltuthmapllnetisi can sdd anything btibylih in it this incident is re- lioi ted by the hurtford post a father was scelnff his son off on the eaih for somo distantpoint there was a moment ot quiet conversation botween tho two pel hap fl few words of huch advise as a father should give a hon and then tho tialn came thun- deilnklnto tho station as tlio latter a tall follow woll along in his teens stepped to tho platform ho extended his hand and his lip to his fatliei thero was a gentle klrs of farewell mid the two separated ain thero was no gush no nonsense no eftectatlon just tho expression of fatherly tenderness that had followed that soil since lie lay in tho era dlo is there any danger of that boy go ing ntttnty fiom tho path affectionately pointed out by his fathci 7 or 1 here any danger of that father oyer- having o excuso that son because ho is sowing wild puts wo think not thegentle power vf a mothers klhh has been sung by poeu but 0 thero not also a wealth of tenderness when wall street nrat caught the fever for industrial comblnatlpna and hegan the organization of everything th sight says the brooklyn eagle one of tho votaries of high fi nance found himself in chicago in extreme need of communicating with his new york office he had almost completed an ar rangement for the consolidation of several western enterprises but in ordor to get the final authority lie needed from new york he must ex plain all he had done liy wire to his partners x tjierc was no tlmo to write he had no ajpjjff pjode- f h lonr time he tried to think nu some way to send the information so thut ijta iulncr would understand yet it would bo meaningless to any ono else hie secret wna a valuable one and once aent over tho wire might be sold out to his rivals in wall streot for a very large sum at itiht lio decided to take tho chance in plain enirilm accordingly ho wrote the mehsngcr and govt it u his assist ant to send half an hour later when tho as sistant came in he asked him if he had jsent it net just that way said the clerk rcwiolo u the first woid on a postal blank tho second un n western union and o on i wont half fey each comiony and neither halt meant any thing then i sent a second message by one line saying read both mes sages togothcr alternating words wip rjenie was too simple for the high flnalef have evolved but it woi itcu poifectjy selfaccused geotgia his a stringent law for bidding its citizens to carry concealed wcapolis oil pain of forfeiting tho weapoiif and paying a flno of fifty dollar a oi being imprisoned for thirty days soon aftct tho passage of tills statute judgo lester was holding eourt in a small tdwn in tho northern part of tho state when ho uuddonly suspended the trial of a caso and ordored tho alio riff to lock tho doors of tho com thouae tho now york press tells what followed gejitlemen said the judge when tho floors wero closed i havo just htcir a pistol on a man in this room and i cannot reconcile it to my sense of duty to let such a violation of law pass unnoticed i ought perhaps to go before hlio giuud jury and indict him but if the man will walk mp to this stand and luy his pistol and line of ono dolhu down hero i will let him off this time tho jude paused and a lawyer sit ting just before him got up slipped his hand into a hip pocket drew out neat jvoryhondled sixshooter andl laid it with a dollar upon the stand this is all right sata tho judge hut ou aro not tho man i saw with tho pistol upon this another lawyer arose and laid down a revolver and a dollar bill before the judge but the judge mere ly repeated his former statement the process went on urttil nineteen rovolvers varied in kind slxo and shape lay upon tho desk and beside them nineteen dollura the- judge laughed us ho compli mented tho nineteen dcliquents upon boing honest men but added that the man whom ho had seen with tho pistol had not come up and glancing at the farther bide of the room he continued i will give him one minuto to ac cept my proposition if ho falls i shall hand him over to tho sheriff immediately two men at tho rear of tho courtroom roso and moved to ward the bench once they stopped to look at each other and then com- lrtg slowly forward laid down their pistols pwnd their dollars as they turned away the judgo said tho man with the black whiskers is the one that i meant in the first place roberts j syrup for coughs colds i and bronchitis collections wo handlo collections only 35 years eicperionce speaks for itsolf assuring efflolenoy and re liability kelly aiken collectors oranaeville and owen sound ref standard hank of canada the lust for pleasure tho death of a high school student at midland n young man of many qualities uhd the evident disregard of oidinury humanities lead tho midland argus to tho following caustic com ment tho ullahsorblng interest in pleasure wuh demonstrated ouito forc ibly in town on tuesday ovenlng last when tho young people of tho high school decided to go ahead with a danco arranged for that date in spite of tho fact that ono of tho student lay dead from the result of an opera tion in st andrews hospital only a few hours before tho circumstances surrounding the case wcic such as to call for special interest and considera tion and thero has been a feellne moused that thin dance could vcr well havo been deferred for a few days out of respect for a lad whose career could scoxcoly prove anything but admirable the allaborbing rush for pleasuro these days however ap pears to be- squecxlng out tho more generous and better qualities of our young peoples natures which fact is regrettable the calloused stato of mind brought about by tho swift pace at which wo are moving theso days can be neither good for tho individual nor the stute facts when a man becomes so mod cat that ho no longer thinku ho can run a newspaper better than the owners he should see a specialist closedcar comfort has its httle drawbacks however when three of tho occupants persist in smoking when a girl breaks oft her engage ment she should always give back his love letters he might want to use them again he evened it up tho penitent fatienb i lied when i told you i wanted that whiskey you sold me because i was sick tho wise druggist that s all right i lied to you when i told you it was whiskey gems of thought whalevei ndvantugo or enjoyment wo snatch bejond the certain pprtlon allotted us by nature is liko money spent before it la due which at tho time of regular payment will be missed and regretted johnson ah it is tho chief concern of wise men to it trench the rvlls of llfo by tho reasonings of philosophy it is the em ployment of fools to multiply them by the sentiments of sjtfpcrstltlon addi son bugged sticiirtli and radlont beauty thenn were one in naturos plan humblo toll and heeavenward duty theae will foim the perfect man mrs halo it is a in oof of our natural bias to ovll that in all things good gain is harder and slower than loss but in all things had or evil getting is quick er and easier jthan gettlngrld of tlrem hare to push or to bo pulled that is the question which every traveller on tho highway of llfo ought to aak himself virtue itseir often offends when it is coupled with bad manners holmes tho uvea of tho best of us arc spent in choosing botween evils junius a iurge part of cjiristkui vlrtuo consists of right habits paloy it is a great evil not to bo able to bear an ovll blon difficulties enthusiasm melt under whiteheat costly skids vexed parti i see you are charg ing mo for three miles driver thats so sir vexed pare but hang it all man the distance is only two and a half miles driver as a general rule sir but on this journey we skidded a lot- a new dairy pail at a popular price 8m the bw sup dmby pall next time job tx htm thr bude of special aaal- ity hu bbuhettfatk lane dairy pall can rirotad with lam rtvetat aoucnd nab 100 baaltait cat eat thia adr skew it to jroar rtfnlar jailer he kaa ear aatkarttr togtrerea a abecial low palea am a aahr of tkeaa flue paik smp dairy pails n a complete lin of s m p goods stocked by jas symon acton can you command a good salary thin depends entirely upon yom mining it must bo prac tical gvelph business college gitfiijph omt plve you thut training which will help you to becorno inde pendent you cap urt on monday btuilcnts irg now enrolling for new term after easter a l bouck principal and proprietor the last straw mr hnrrimnn would have liked to employ the halfhour spoilt in the last train to paradise corner in reading tho evening news but behind him sat a pair of giggling girls father thinks the russians havent tho ghost of a chance ho heard really said the second volet mm thats what ho thlnki and fjopier knows u lot hon a hplcndld wcathjur prophpt you know really l oh yiit and he aluayji tun toll the way the elections me coming out for uayoi oi prime minister and tho ucliool board and everything reilryll xa uld lies piotty genera m to mo too he gave me tho money for ono of thoso new long coats today yes and nl dhl you know every thing is 1i bo hiofvn hifi season thats what rny cousin say a kenilyl 4 yyh oh did you know hat helen s cousin is awfully ill that handmine one and hardly expected to live really my dear nald mi ilarrinian at he wearily submitted l to ida wifes evening salutation and fell into the neai est chair i nm woi n outi thero wnh a girl behind me in tho car who sa id tho word really aomowhere neoir a thousand times wis hitrrlman laid a cool and sooth- ang hand on his brow fh nbt really she nnld as she rheumatic pains go swollen joints vanish thousands of uufferers have freed thcmselveh from tho bondngo of rheu matfsm rid thcmiclvcs of tho tortur ulg tp reduced the swollen jolntu flu own ztway uuucj ant crutches and from hclnlesh bclngu bocurrio able to work and he of uao to themselves ond tholr fnnillirn they took rhouma the modern en emy of rheumatism lumbago sciatica arthritis and chronic neuralgia dont ho skeptical ibolt rhouma yfju will know in a few hours after boglnnlng the rntmcn that the poln- onnun wante mitttor is idttvmg systoni tin otigh the natural ohan nels you will ftel better in a day you will know you aro going to bo helped in less than a week thoro is no guess woik abo rhtruirm bringing you bak to health tkiiy jyhy k j haasord and drug gists yvtivwheru ucji t with guarantee of money back if it uoei ntft hwo quick relief and a lasting memory for good in tho smoothed he pinkie between his ww of ft father i eyebrows elgr3rv purebred seeds at the store just a round th corner freeh every year means that our packets are put up especially for the season in which ihey are sold we do not send out packet a second time whon you buy a packet of ferrys soeds you can be sure that the seeds will he of satisfactory vitality and will produco good results buy ferrys seeds d at ferry co white mans opportunity by woodyard sapling fake up the acton free press read all the local news its hoard of information you cant afford to lose two dollars buys it yearly it beats sixteen to one and as for advertisements- its never been undone it just sets out to tell you the things you want to know theres snap and ginger in it and lots of push and go you cant afford to stop it when once youve started in and if youve never had it youd better how begin it jfs the white mans burden and keats the phihppines and what it dont provide you s not worth a hill of beans as viewed from local standpoints perhaps wed best explain lest newcaught old subscribers thrust out their tongues amain then search your tother trousers- go find two hundred cents the regular weekly issue waits on your movemients wpd pepfl tjienj irougli hp umjngr youll get thein in the fall theyll moderate the winter when blizzards have the call i 1 takeprthr3wisetnanvpaper dont borroav from a friend tis but a livecent wepkly- a bagatelle to spend amfwhen youve read our copy eds ads and items through youll know a heap sight more then than men less wise than you so hasten in your orders- fill out your checks and stubs though printing near two thousand were not afraid of clubs once enrolled upon our list youre handed down to fame but lest you forget send on two dollars al the same with apologries to the bowmanville statesman

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