Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 6

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ilnhn icarriaaea charced for at the jcj marriases partis 50c 10c per and hcstha are now following rateai blrtlu jo deaths 50c memorial lino extra for poems s born mcenery in erin on monday lgth of march 1926 to mr and mrs w p jtfcenery a daughter blanch christina married cookscott at the homo oz the brides parents gcddea street elora on wednesday march 17 1926 by rov 13 a thomson thomas her bert cook of acton to edna mae oldor daughter of mr and mrs s b scott elora pottipeitleaue on wednes day march 17th 1926 by the jrov canon ferguson of hamilton at st albuns anglican church acton lily iesll6 youngest daughter of mrs chas brndbeer acton to frank pettifer youngest son of mr and mrs h c fcttirer guelph v 0 died williamson at the general hos pital guelph on wednesday march 17th 1926 william a williamson aged 54 years crossman at venice cal on wednesday march 17 1926 ella moote bolovod wife of james cross- man rose town sask baker on tuesday march 16 1926 at his late residence 300 kings wood road toronto rev george baker in his seventy- second year glasspoiu on march 19th 1926 very suddenly at the toronto gen eral hospital rev r j m glass- ford of renfrew eldest son of the lato rev poter glnrtforav of vaug- 1 ban unci beloved husband of agnes cranston in memoriah west in loving memory of my dear sister- adeline ryder west woo passed away march 26 1926 one beautiful evening at close of day a voice was calling which seemed to say i ye who are weary come come and rest i lay down thy head upon my breast 6adly missed by sister eva frank in loving memory of our darling baby eileen who passed dwaymafcn 26th 1926 one year has passed away some may think the wound haa healed but they cannot know tbe sorrow thats within our hearts concealed for oft our thoughts flo wander to a grave not far away where wo laid our dnrllriar baby just one year ago today sadly missed by parents and grandparents police court news t tjjlf rtnujprrr prpbb thursday march 16- luff- brief local items ttho mercury rose to 42 in the shade pn sunday little- rivulets everywhere follow too melting snows the first day of springssunday came in warm and bright sprlny came in ofbcially on sun day 21 st inst its surely stir now the robins here now in earnest and looking about for nesting quart ers the snow is disappearing- very rapidly spring la putting in pretty full time tls in the spring a young mans fancy turns to the purchase f a rhym ing dictionary 1 the springtlmo music ofuhe water falling- over the sluiceways at fairy lake outlet is with ub again some of the finest turnips shipped this season were delivered to messrs barry co shippers during- tha week- acton cltlicens band are arrang ing one of their winter band concerts to be held in the town hall on wed nesday april 7 yes spring is a trifle late in ar riving tho farmers of thia county below the mountain were plowing a year ago brow gladioli s and be glad is the happy slogan of mr william har ris of rockwood who is offering a flno list of bulbs the village council of shelburno reaucsts petitions for oiling- the streets vof tho village to be presented at the next meeting halton spring assises vwulopon on monday march 39th at the court house jmllton before his lordship- chlef justice meredith the painters are already filling up with orders improvements of home surroundings will characterise acton again the coming season alvlnaton council has made a grant of 50 to the business mens as sociation of that village to be expended in advertising for new industries resolved that men are more fus sy than women was the subject of a debate belween eastern college teams the other night decision reserved a t brown treasurer of acton branch of the bible society has re ceived acknowledgment of the receipt of 22565 aa the contributions from acton for the bible society funds sunday mornings springlike warmth and brightness had an im pelling go- to- church force to all who had any natural inclination for wor sshlp of the giver of all good gifts charged with driving an automobllo while intoxicated anthony travano of niagara falls n y- was on mon day sent to welland jail for uoven days xho charge agalnat norman mc grogor formerly of georgetown of sell ing a machine upon which there was a lien without informing the purchaser of thtu waa settled out of court restitution was mudo by mc gregor james sharp llverymun of owen sound appeared before magistrate creasor charged wltli wilfully abus ing a horse by driving it at a fast rate of speed and using thio whip in tx man ner contrary to the law and was flnod 20 and costs inspector reovoly charged w greg ory of georgetown- at georgetown on saturday before police magistrate moore with illegal purchase of liquor- at oakville on december 24th last- gregory pleaded guilty and was lined 50 and costs a young business man in town was charged on tuesday by inspector llleevcly with being intoxicated in a public place on tho 3rd of march the defendant pleaded guilty and was fln- ed 41000 and coats when put on oath as to tho man from whom he got his liquor he said he did not know the man but trould try and find out his name he said ao paid him 25c for each drink and he had four or nv c t evans of lot 27 con 5 esqucs ing was charged by chief mcfherson yesterday with being intoxicated on saturday night at tno farm of mr john i moore on tno speyslde crossroad evans denied that he was drunk but mr moores evidence was sraightfoiward and convincing he showed that evans was wandering about the place and it was seen that lie was very drunk and his sisters were afraid to stay alone with him on tne place he was fined 11000 and costs a total of 2080 pete murlllo the unfortunate italian who lost his left arm in a machine at the tannery several years ago camo before police magistrate moore yes- terday morning charged with illegal possession of liquor at his home on main street murlllo la receiving the very substantial sum of 340 per year from the workmens compensation board he has evidently taken to boojjegjetng to increase his revenues chief mcpherson and inspector reev- ely and provincial constable fewtrell made a surprise visit at murines on saturday evening they found sdvoral men in the house with murlllo who had evidently been drinking and mur lllo had an uncorked jtaottljv of liquor jn hla pocket he was fined 10000 and costs this is the second convic tion registered against tho italian in about a year obituary revgeouge baker toronto tho death occurred last wednesday of rev gcorgo bakor at 300 kings- wood road toronto after u somewhat tedious illness rev mr baker wu father of miss pearl buker for some years principal of acton high school now mrs e o richards of idnff alberta mra richards was witli her father since january and is still in toronto her acton friends unite in very cordial expression of aympatliy rov mr baker was for nearly tifty years and esteemed and successful minister of tho methodist ctiurch moat of his pastoral work wits wit bin thtf sounds of london conference several years age lie retired and hat- since resided in toronto mrs balccr survives him the trenit of business l improvement manifest in many lines of tho countrys trade mrs james grossman rose town sask a telegram was received lust week bringing to tho home of mr and mrs bert crossmun es queuing tho sad intelligence of tho death of ella moote wife of james crossman of rose town saskatchewan mrs grossman had been in poor health for about two years her- death occurred following an operation mra grossman wan at venice cal when she passed away mrs crossmun was the younger daughter of mr and mrs john moote who resided fur many years at thompsons corners lot 27 seventh lino esquoelngf she married hor tor- rowing husband in de comber 1398 her husbandr eight children and her mother who resided in tho homo sur vive many friends in this community as well as in her homo in soskatche wail mourn her dtaralso and joip in very sincere aymphrthyfrniir tho bereft family new wheat adds new empire marquis and garnet wheat add 32- ooovooo acres to prairie provinces tbedlscovcry of varieties of wheat whlchavtute avmarquts and the new variety known as gar net has pushed the agricultural lino in the prairie provinces 60 miles further north according to a bulle tin issued by the canadian depart ment of trade and commerce thus it may be estimated that a vast new empire comprising some 50000 square miles or 32000000 acres will in tho course of time add its quota to the golden harvest of the canadian west says the quebec chronicle the agricultural wealth of the three prairie provinces is at present estim ated at 3500000000 manitoba larg er than germany belgium and hol land combined had less than 7000- p00 acres under cultivation in 1925 and only 14000000 acres occupied saskatchewan with 161000000 acres is cultivated less than 17 per cent alberta with practically the some area has only 40000000 acres dis posed of out of 60000000 acres of agricultural lands already surveyed w wv williamson guelph the death occurred at the general hospital guelph last wednesday night after on illness extending overj period of three months ofywa williamson- 20 havolock st guelph he was 54 years of age and a native of acton he had been d resident of guelph however practically all his life ho was i a carpenter and recog nised as one of the most ablo mem bers of his trade in this section of on tario surviving him is his wife two daughters jessie and eva one son john hiafuthor mr david william son late of acton and ono sister miss jessie williamson the body was laid to rest in wooddawn cemetery on friday afternoon rev dr macgilh- vray pastor of knox church officiat ed at simple services at the homo and at ithe grave the late mr william- i son saw three years service overseas during the war he was in the front line fortheflrfltyearl and- waslatr transferred to railway construction work back of the lines there were friends and relatives present at the funeral from acton the pall bearers itobertson charles robinson bert cutten harry hall and b hyndman presbyterian church nominations for moderator and various church and college offices tho monthly review- of the bank pf montreal sums up tho present business hltuatlon as follows tho trend of business conditions during tho past month has shown fur ther improvement in tlio countrys trade while tho returns for some agricultural products have not been quite uh favorable im those ruling in the previous month tho reductions have not been severe and there is an enlarged vdlumeof business in several lines of induutry and more stability in the markets wheat prices notwith standing some recession can be re garded as generally satisfactory und should average over tho entire sea son from 140 to 9145 per bushel based upon no 1 northern at fort william the first proceeds from the crop of 416849000 bushels contributed in marked degree to tho strength which has lately been evident in prac tically all directions und enabled the farmers to substantially reduce in debtedness created in past years- this liquidation is continuing at a gratifying pace and as the balance of the crop la markotcd additional buy ing power should make itself felt in tho markets both east and west- re cent quotations for cattle and hogs have been on a slightly lower level but aro still above the prices prevail ing at this tlmo inst year and in view of this feature tlio strong demand for hogs and tho very favorable condi tion under which cattle have wintered lntho wcau the liva stock situation presents a pleasant contrast to that of tho previous throe years tho disposal of pacific coast fish frozen nnd canned has proceeded sat isfactorily but stocks on tho atlantic side are not moving so well as tho foreign markets appear to have ample supplies reports as to tlio market for lumber manufactured in eastern canada are not encouraging due to complcto stock remaining in the hands of the british dealers arid to the inability of the domestic market tp absorb last seasons cut the british columbia in terior mills which depend largely upon the prairies for an outlet have not found a keen demand for their pro ducts but retailers stocks are reported to bo low andlt la expected thai the commencement of building operations in the spring will bring larger orders tho- situation on the coast of that province was improved in tho early part of tho month by tho receipt of a large tio order from great britain and increased shipments to japan and the atlantic seaboard and quotations were adanced but recently the ex port market has weakened a develop- 1 ment which may be of a temporary nature only jhaproduction of pulp i and paper continues to increase and i number of comiianlesin thlblnh dustry are planning extensive enlarge ments of existing plants and tho con struct on of now mills many eastern factories are operat- tleljing on a sausfootory seale cotton mills being well employed boot and shoe concerns working on an enlarged programme of production and tho met al industries have received increased orders implement manufacturers have reported an improvement in the do mcstlc meld and that they mado ex tensive shipments abroad with the resuithatheiiaosnozswererther neighborhood news tpwn and country glenw1lliams mr william mcgregor who has been ah esteemed resident hero for many years has sold his farm and chattels and intends to remove to st gcorjje where a daughter arid other friends rcaldt mr and mrs mcr grcgor have earned this rcspito from tho strenuous duties of tho farm and will no doubt enjoy tho change buy miller 1st mortgage real estate bonds paying 6i- 7 int t j hannigan jphone 574 guelph private wires to main exchanges dublin western farmers receiv ed 37000000 the wheat pools are promotinc in- dusbrlal and agricultural proa- the wheat pools in the three pralrio provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alberta made a furthor pay ment recently to farmers who are membera of the pool of twenty cents u bushel on all grades of wheat for coarse brains six scents per bashow was paid on oatsami barley ten cents on rye twenty- five cents on flax approximately 190000 cheeks were mailed from the three provincial of fices amounting to a total of about 37000000 the wheat pools are cooperative organisations controlled hy tho farm ers of the western provinces for tho marketing of their grain initial pay ments aroto be made when the grain is delivered and further payments as the pools operations for the season became apparent the payment just made representing a distribution of 37000000 among western farmers will be as important factor in promot ing industrial and agricultural pros perity in western canada during the next few months considerable interest la being shown throughout canada in the nomina tions already being made for the of fice of moderator of tho presbyterian church in canada the general asr sombly meets this year in montreal the homo of tho ruling moderator dr ephraim scott and already plans are well under way for the sessions according to tho church offices tlio following havo boon nominated up to march 14th for the moderatorship rov a j mcglluvray d d guelph rov4 s banks nelson d d hamil ton rev a s grant dd toronto rov d j frasor dd montreal rev- w 1 claydr victoria rev w 3 brown saskatoon and rev h g mcbeth dd vancouver much speculative interest attaches also to the nominations for academic pests in tho gift of the church thus far theso include the following for ftincipalshlp of knox college tor- onto rev thos bakin d d tor onto rev d r drummond po rdunluon and rev itobert johnston calgary for various chairs tho fol lowing names have been proposed dr e jl morrow dr j d cunningham revw w bryden dr hugh black dr jl w dickie and rev stuart c parker mr arthur stewart who has been jn poor health for sonic time is not improving and lie may bo obliged to retire from farming mr william mcconnville of tlamll ton visited for a few days at tho homo of his sonnndlaw and daughter mr and mrs john i jtobertson 2nd line lost week mrs wm bracken and her two daughters misses bernico and edith visited friends at toronto mr t f aichuffk visited at tho home of his uncle and aunt mr and mrs john bdyd 5th line erin a few days ago our public school here was closed a few days last week owing to the hi ness of our teacher miss m orr of acton attending public auction sales is the order of business with- sortie- of our farmers a happy crowd go the rod under the auspices of tho dublin branch of the womens institute at tho home of mr and mrs joljn i ruddick ilrst line on march 17 and epent a social even ing tho occasion was tho 11th anni versary of- mr and mrs ruddlcks wedding a good programme was riven by mr john black sr mr w frank jr a vocal duet by misses bernico and edith bracken and a paper on tho life of st patrick by mrs george somerville then mrq duncan mcdougall the secretary- read ah appropriate address and at the right moment miss irene mbrley pre sented mrs ruddick with an alumi num potato pot mr and mrs rud dick thanked he institute and fop the pleasure of the company of tho oven- ing games and contests were thon entered into with zest by old and young a bountiful lunch was served about eleven oclock k farmers implement shop completo list of all necessary farmers goods keep sharp lc6kout for this space kindly examine these goods bo- foro buying olsowhere highest quality and value government scaled fertilizers poultry and hog feeds burn and stablo equipment water systoms roofing for all kinds of buildings new steel barn 3 farm and poultry fences bring jn your repair hst earlyj prompt and courteous service satisfied custo mers shop and residence mill st wcst acton phone 100 r 3 j w barberree collections wo handle collections only 35 years experience speaks for itself assuring efficiency arid re liability keely aiken collectors orangevillo and owen 8ound ref standard bank of canada rockwood y ujuoux sntptr romds jo poou tit si pair tnraou aood ux st oq osiroob 3iiws xnto nvwsihx dr page a martyr to dutif practiced for a number of years at oakville died from tho flu r j kerrs list of sales y pussy wlllaw has awakened from her winter nap for the frolic spring breeze on heroor would ia happy little children cried with laugh and shout spring u coming copilngr uie pussy willows out thefjucbj pncss is always glad to publish now of your travels if you intend to be away or have friends to vlsl you peniintho information- to us or any othor news of an interest ing character telephone llw or 11 j tho fact that tho public library is so widely patronized usually enjoy ing the reputation of being tho most popular institution of any town may be accounted for by the fact that here all the tastes of the whole reading public can be met and satisfied 1 rev w t cranston of st pauls presbyterian church tarisley ani knox church sixteen has accepted a call to tho presbyterian churches at tottenham and boo ton tho salary is 2200 with a free manse and four weeks holidays rev b j m glassford died sud- denly in torontd ofi friday in- his 68 th year rev mr glsssford ws for seventeen years pastor of chalmers church guelph and prior to that was for a number of years pastor at streetsvlllc for some months he has been minister atjticnfrew aaa7 oilrnclo of spring la upon us 14 these fine days tho brown sffsfsrot march will become the green woods of may tho soft breeze from he south havo veen with us occa sionally during the week in thursday march 2 mrs chariot te mcdonald clearing sale of stock and implements tuesday march 30 d sorbin wil son lot 24 con 4 nasaagawoyo auc- tlo sole of morses fi flhrpp pigs and implements clearing sale or farm stock imple ments groin and hay at the beard- more farm acton on saturday april 10 life insurance in qanada the thrift of i shown in 42s4327o of insurance an indication or tho thrift of can adians is given in a recent report by the canadian government department of insurance which states that in 12c canadians took out new life inauranco to tha value of fs07109709l this was an increase of nearly 9110040000 over something to cackle about let uu be 1924 basiaess and brings the total of i patient spring always cornea and it dr charles page of oakville is an other doctor who haa jtiven his life for the sake of others recently he was ill with an attack of the flu such was tho pressure of work and so in sistent was tho cases of patients who were sick that ho went outofdoors before he was cured tho result was that friday night dr page passed away after a very brief illness from pneumonia dr page was about fifty years of age he was born in toronto and at tended upper canada college and later trinity university medical col lege after a year aa house surgeon at the toronto general hospital he took postgraduate courses in london and edinburgh whoro ho received further degrees ho hid practufcuttri ontario for slxtoen years the funeral took place on monday afternoon from st jades anglican church dr pago leaves his widow who was formerly laura may tud- hopo of toronto and two children a daughter and a son largesttn several years a noteworthy event during the last month was the placing of substantial orders for equipment by one of two large railway systems construction contracts awarded in january are estimated at 12000000 j these figures are approximately the same as the december estimates but nrcubout 1000000 in excess of those of january 192c of all tho contracts recently let 72 per cent are for busi ness and industrial structures car loading representing tho dis tribution of products were at a higher lovel than during tho first part pf the year 1925 und while tho heavy move ment of grain in january accounts for a largo part of the increase a greater volume of merchandise and miscellan eous freight was handled by tho rail roads unemployment during the winter js a serious problem in most communi ties but the analysis of the situation as at the first of january furnished by the dominion government is com paratively pleasing tho seasonal contraction in -working- forces was not so severe this year as that witnessed formerly even in manufacturing clr clcs where employees in large num bers ore laid on during tho holiday and inventory season tho improve ment in this respect was noticeable in all sections of tho country last sunday bov mr hill of king ston conducted services for tho pres byterians und his discourses- both morning and evening were very in structive and helpful mr hill will berprcsent again nextsunday tho mission band of the methodist group in tho united church held a thank offering mooting in jolllffos mission monday oven ing the youn peoples socioty of tho united church are having a social in joliffes mission on friday evening when a good programme will bet given eddlo jolllffo of china whose is a missionary arrjyod last week to attend school in quclph wo welcomo him to our midst and wish him every success in his studies tursrlo r hltjrcundieaves weokl anotfler rtoe sermon in the series on tha doctrinal basis of the united church the weather xho weather as a subject of rc- mtupki or co la perennial this has been a very cold march the coldest i ever knew a long severe winter i wish spring would hurry up or we will havo an awful late season the weather has baen atrocious the rain pity less the strocts so wet and slippery that the deluge may he repeated aa a matter of fact march apart from ono or two days has often bocn surpassed for severity and snow and spring will be iere in due time even the crows aro giving caws to hope for this and there are welcome signs of klhdjlar feelings in the bosom of the clerk of the weather other signs of spring the days aro longer the sun warmer and eggs more plentiful and that the aeries of sermons being preach ed by rev r b iilna merman 1 a on tho doctrinal beliefs of tho united church of canada aro proving highly interesting and instructive the dis course last sunday htifhingwas on article nine of the liasla regenera tion and was based on pauls letter to timothy x jesus came to bo the final revela tion he said the purpose lying be hind and tho belief in tho revelation of christ aro to bring us to him jesus camo that tho way back to god might be mudo possiclo to man paul tho great exponent of christs gospej shows us in his epistles how jeour camo as tho saviour of ua all article ix of the basis of union shows tho belief of those who arc members of the united church as to regeneration wo hclleve in tho ne cessity of regeneration whereby we are made new creatures in christ jesus by the spirit of god who im parts spiritual life by the gracious and mysterious operation of his power using as the n m mmtmxj on an extended visit to her parents mr and mrs dunfield in soskatche- wan h h edmondeon and children went to toronto on tuesday and expect to be away for an indefinite length of tlmo w j coulthord is selling out his news and confectionery business where he has been for about two years in tho office of the guaranteed battery co last week on tuesday evening about- 225 people celebrated st pat ricks day tripping tho light fantas tic in the town hall on the splendid new floor tho hall was decorated for the occasion in honor of tho patron saint on the 6th of april a mas querade will bo hold tho weather last saturday and sun day was all that could be desired and tho snow got a good settling john r richardson arrived homo last wock after spending a couple of weeks with his son ralph in vine- land mr und mrs llurnsldo of grand vjilloy visitod mr and mrs angus carter for a few days the highway staff is busily engaged in opening up tho highway bo twee n here and acton the big snow delfts aro being rapidly annihilated and it ib expected motor truffle will be ablo to j getthrough freely today this weeksqspeciaas at mclean co all wool poiret twill dress goods in black ahd navy 50 in wide good value at the regular qa price 250 yard special this week at vlvu black crepeje chine 40 inches wide reg oa price 225 special for vloy mens merino shirts and drawers springweight penmans make special at 100 and 125 mens merino shirts andjokaflnersmediurh oa weight regular price uq0 special for ouc mefts combinationslong sleeves ankle io length regular price 185 special this week ato mens silk and wool socks in checks special ncl per pair i oc mens work socks gray special o pr for tf- aa at 35c per pair or o javv newljinghamstatrt zzzzi1 ivz otd25c7ydt new curtains materials at 30c 40c 50c and 60c new 4 yard wide linoleums floor oil cloths in 1 yard and 2 yards wide 15 dozen girls school hoseri sand shade reg oc 35c all sizes in stock special at per pair wc mclean co mux street acton ont store closed wednesday afternoon this man smiles because he lias had his health restored by taking spinal ad justments fitom nieisen the chiropractor 1 5thyear ofprct ice straight chirbpractice xray service nourocalo meter mow tho most com plot o and up-to- date office chlrop radically in ontario xitxdy attendant office hours at georgetown wednesday and saturday 2 to c and 7 to 0 p m and by appoint ment phone isow boturn faro paid via radial to georgetown in acton monday and thursday are you looking for your easter hat call and see our display of all the latest shapes and colors castle court dresses also inspect our model numbers of castle court dresses every one different and at very reasonable prices miss j galbratth millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 the way of the trans gressor etc caroline chuboj a fug stive from juatlco over two yaars is inter cepted life lnsuranoe in effect in canada at the end of 1925 to 4245938178 of this total insurance 2761763 112820099 by british companies- and 1380864620 by foreign companies of lout years business canadian com panies got 523710785 british com panies 18388123 and foreign com panies 2 6 fr 048183 canadian and foreign companies secured durlnn tho year an incroaso of fourteen nnd nine teen per cfont respectively british companies- did- dhout tho same busi ness aa in 1924 d tan eompanie sh uj time w uupci the free press premium knives two or three weeks beeons a lonartlhio to wait for it just put your note in the hank for fifteen days nuid see how that was slightly blistered by the use of the snow shovel may look forward to tlio callouses of the lanvn mower and this 4iffkcars one of our great needs o lawn grass that will crow an inch and then 4jult in twenty day more wo venture to ay the sky will he aright and the sun will get gay the graaa will peep out a much as it dare and burnt carpet rags wnf nliyen of hla word and the- ordinances of divine appointment in ways agree- ublo to the nature 6t man this insists upon the neqossity for regeneration it is tno way of salvu- tlon tho 13 i bio emphasizes tho word regeneration to ni tod cm us ono of th most religious mou of his day jcsu ald yo must bo born front above our church in its ntatemont of doctrine emphasize the necessity for regeneratioii jeaus said i am conio that yo might hao life und that ye might have it more abundantly there is something man fipftftf na vejl as penitence jpntlui is necessaiy then follows forgiveness- pnd accept- ance christs children it wo coh- foss our ebjj ho la faltliful nnd just to forgive us oujr ins nn to cloanso ub from all unrighteousness on 20th of december 1923 nn information was hild by a e jiurvls excise owlcer toronto before jacob jo hen police magistrate toronto charging caroline chubej wlfoof poto chiubej a polish citizen living in acton with unlawfully haying a still worm or other material suitable for tho manufacture of spirits without having notified tho inland bevenuo department aa required by tho act jrfrs- chubej camo beforo pollco magistrate mooro for trial on janu ary jlth 1924 the evidence was stronj in support of the charge and u penally of 20000 nnd costs or six months jn jai was ijnposcd when two oinccrs wont t cphpot jije fine r executetho warrant coniputtfng urs chubej to jail they foupfl hep cjji- dren flhowlng signs of scarlet feycr tho h ays o was quarantined but the tid3cx night mr and mrs chubej bfoka quarantluo and moved to toronto a few days later it was found that iliejwere living on niagara slrect farmers gardeners and others increase your crop yields this coming season by using national brand fertilizers as agent for national fertil izers ltd west toronto i shall be pleased to all your order for any of tho following complete fertilizers of all kinds bono meal nh rat o of soda blood meal sheep manure etc home gardeners try our spec ial garden fertiliser put up in 5 lb cartons 25 50 and 100 ib 41 bags also gromor tablets for houso plants spraying materials of all kinds also poultry re quisites if you aro wliltowaaliing this hpring uso cnrbola instead of lime wash a disinfectant white imtlnt in powder form applies llko whitewash dries pure white does not flako or pee i onf- onco you use carbolu you will ncvor go back to whitewash nurserv stock i shall also be pleased to tako your order for any kind of high- grade nursery stock full particulars and quota tions on anything you need on request and any information cheerfully given you aro assured of prompt and courteous attention- to all orders large or small place your order now frank scriven elgin strtfet box 160 acton the snappiest line of shoes in acton at from to 2 less than city prices for men women and children h l harrison boots and shoes mill street acton the aud r anothar supply of tha burns cmtm brated brssad and oak kniwas given by th fre press to naw subscribers up to april 1st has been racetvad any a fowlnaw subacribar who havo not yet rm- dys the gretfn verdure of the uwnlcaived their rirsmiuin knife may will be rrfvwswfl to vlvw itfura am ky calling t this effiea the air 7o- mrs sybllla spahrs tonr sllltlo ia not a common cough syrupy hut a- throat specialist in mcdlclno form treats quinsy catarrh stubborn p co ugh itronvfiltls toasilltls or any nose iha jtn toatall ansbents good results arulfrlnmdjk usbsasurdjb drug store- prloe imot i passed by tha council and prdared to be published a special meeting of the council nn friday evening last luut for its pur- wse the examining nnd pnhsing of tha auditors itoport for 13- c upon mo tion tho report was iwssed and thi tisual number of copied onlered to bo printed tho clerk was instructed to publish nn advertisement for ale of tho jbt belonging to the estate of the late helen clordoh ho was also author ised to publish a notico to tax du- aulters that the 10 per cent penalty vlii 4w added to tnxe in urrears on 3dny 1st tho reurrejtirffjg cf uie agreement under which wntir i fy ho suiipllod te tho canadian national tliultyny was left to be reported ujwn to thvll- cjl by the waterworks cqanmittm nnd thul tho house was quarantined toronto policemon wero given super vision over tho house but notwith standing this they broke quarantine thej were next heard of in welland after which the effort to ovecuto the warrant was held in abeyance it was ascertained that this mother in order to escape tho pohattlcn of tho law hnd njiplled acid to tlio childrens facets to givo tho offect of eoarlet fover blotches this was done both in acton and toronto last week a foreigner who had been at detroit and vicinity informed chief afepherhon that mra chuboj was now ajfal 18fi cadillac street ford city tho cjdfif conimunlcated with the jprovinciai jtl- investigated tley- feund thisejnaal fugitive from justice at the nunfbtiv sfysp at llb she evidently dpoldlqd her gpiheojr clandes sklpplne wi ended b and her huaband handed the iuccr9 he amount ot ihtfi aprl cost 20mo- llritah law la fnrreaehug ad af- fonpes are never forgo tts auction sale liypfiy putplf fea- esjafe t9 unlersicrn hjia jeen instxuct- pil by i- frozen water pipes the acton hydro system is now equipped to thaw frozen pllies orders will be attended to ono or two days each week leave your- order at tho hydro slaop or pliono 82w acton hydro commission q a hen by to sell by public auction uthls jtrvm- isca cjeorgetowii on 8aturday march 27 1926 at one oclock the following horsb8 brown maro 1100 lbs s years black horse 1 20uibs- 12 yenrs black horse 1200 li ngetl black mare 1100 lbs 12 years bay mare 11o0 lbs id years bay mare 1- 000 lbs 8 years bay mare 1000 lbs 11 years brown horse lobolbs aged brown pony 900 lbs 8 yenrh broken to jiurness nnd saddle vehiclks and implements 2 nearly new bain wagons onehorso wbon set of heavy sloop sloighs mnssey- harris mower in good yun- nins order no 21 verity plow in good shape masscyhnrris 10 ft horso rake 2 rubbortlred top buggies in good shape 2 cabs in kood repair 3 hteeltlro buggies in good shae phaeton good as now 2sented rub ber- tired buggy 2scated pleasure iiictkij good as new 2 set light bob hleushs itower clipping niachmo 7 cutters 2busos ford touring car luffri oat hln j set gravel boxes 2 w9 piukifj r ritck ns good im new set oboty jiurrows 5 eet of jdoulo harncaal bull jcjoff fanning mill 6 htfis ifujflo harbpsr- vu- ropes blori rlnp chains thing that goes with a btabjp fay pap 60 feet of traek ropes forks and pulleys also at the same tlmo and plaos there whl v offered for sklo subject to v reaeiaed bid livery barn and stable which would make u good busi ness block aihd the ono ahd onehalf story residence owned by mr henry on ihurkol stroet good garden nnd stable 18330 ticitms contenta of livery to bo cash- terms of sale of property made known day of sale ben petch w a wilson clark auotlontir u distance lias re duced cost of buying- nowcosts ns only 2 cents to buy 3 bogs hwiu a ileal packer cl the teleplwne is on your payroll make it work for you i uurncaa hull oir rannjnjp mill linlnn forknr nhivm ifnuoytfr special offering this week smoked meats smoked horn whole oq or half lb tuoc 27c smoked rolls whole or half ib cottage rolls per oa side bacon by the qo pfece lb oc pickled ham by tho q piece tb uoc k16e 1 rowncj shoulder roajt f o per ib i0c griiocnzc brisket boil per 9c beef cuts choice rib roast ofl per lb ctfuc thick rib roast j per ib 1 g pbrkcuts fresh ham by piece t per lb hc shoulder roast tf per ib v sido pork by piece p per lb c loin roast trim it per lb 30c ui 4- special i 1 threepound pall of shortening with every 200 order 35c iw w j patterson corner mull and main streets acton out fe

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